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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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the military commander from tbilisi informed us about what he expects and what georgia can expect. now we are taking a short break, and then we will definitely come back and talk about china in the first place. how many percent of oil refining capacity did the russian federation lose due to drone attacks on refineries, an attack on a representative of the tsk in dnipropetrovsk region , and how our border guards exposed a subversive group of muscovites in vovchansk. the news editors talk about the important things of the day today. annaeva melnyk is with you. congratulations. five people were injured due to the russian attack on kharkiv. among them are two children. 16 years old, they have
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minor injuries, the enemy hit the residential sector of the city, there is destruction, said the mayor of the city igor terikhov. the situation at the front is tense, the highest combat activity is observed in the pokrovsky direction. here, the defense forces repelled 18 enemy assaults, according to the updated summary of the general staff. in the kharkiv region, the enemy attacked liptsi and zelena with the support of aviation. the battle continues in vovchansk in the senkivka area on the kupinsky direction, our soldiers repelled seven assaults and launched a counterattack. the number of combatants number of collisions in the lyman direction increased to five. the enemy is pressing on torske. the kramatorsk direction is the hottest. the enemy stormed ivanovske and kurdyumivka. in kurakhov, the enemy tried nine times to break through the defense of the armed forces in the georgiivka area. he attacked staromaske twice, suffered a loss and retreated. there are no significant changes in arrest directions. the russians
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killed one more resident of the kherson region, an enemy tank hit the village of tyaginka in the bereslav district, killing a 67-year-old man. at the time of the attack, he was on the street, the regional military administration reported. and as a result of armed clashes in the vovchan community of kharkiv oblast, there were deaths and injuries. according to the kharkiv regional prosecutor's office , a 60-year-old local resident died. two men and two women were injured. the village of ukrainske of the vovchan community also came under enemy attacks. a 59-year-old man is injured there. border guards in vovchansky gave battle to a russian sabotage group. the enemy gave out ukrainian. fighters from a neighboring unit,
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the enemy was exposed, the military began a battle, the russians surrounded the border guards, several attacks were repelled, two of our soldiers were injured, the state border service reported, and later the wounded were evacuated to a medical facility. the third offensive of their assault began, and i understood that they had already brought more such fire equipment. because we were almost directly hit in the ssp dugout, when we were all concussed, and we accepted the command to retreat in a reserve position to volchansk, because we had no other way out, or we would have all laid down there. an employee of the territorial center was attacked in the dnipropetrovsk region assembly in the city of senelnikove on...
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a man with a knife attacked a sergeant, a military man was wounded in the arm, he was given medical assistance, the ground forces were informed, the national police arrested the attacker. law enforcement officers opened criminal proceedings for obstructing the activities of the armed forces, as well as for attempted murder. in ukraine, the electronic queue for registration at the tsc has started, while it is still in test mode. previous entry. possible in 19 territorial picking centers, in kyiv, kharkiv, odesa, dnipro, sumy, vinnytsia and kropyvnytskyi, the ministry of defense informed, you need to select the tsc in which you are registered, or by the place of registration, enter personal data and confirm the phone number, then you will receive a message with the date and time of the visit. long-distance fighters blocked the ode track. kyiv, due to the new law on mobilization
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of the national police , told public journalists that drivers had gathered in kirovohrad and odesa regions, the highway was partially blocked, and one lane was free. protesters are unhappy with the fact that truck drivers can be mobilized directly to border, and this will allegedly lead to the paralysis of the transport industry. earlier, the association of international motor carriers stated that only 5% of employees were able to make a reservation, the rest of the drivers refuse to board the flight. already on monday, may 20, the united states will convene another meeting in the ramstein format regarding the military. of ukraine. it will be held online. almost 50 participating countries will discuss providing ukraine with the necessary means to protect its territory, the pentagon said. tentatively, the meeting starts at 15:00. through blows
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drones on factories, russia lost at least 14% of oil refineries. this is the data from the pentagon's intelligence service, bloomberg writes. as a result, domestic prices increased by 230% and provoked the stoppage of exports. at the same time, attacks on energy facilities did not lead to significant interruptions in the power supply of the russian army and the civilian population. for example, russia has the third largest generating capacity in the world, the report says. the truck, so that... will lead our history, the embassy of poland in ukraine presented the museum a vehicle for transporting exhibits during the war, as yuriy savchuk, the general director of the museum admits, there was a great lack of such a vehicle, and with it they will be able to independently evacuate exhibits from front-line territories
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and take them to exhibitions in other countries. this truck is new, in good condition. to run in the european union, and we have mobile exhibitions that we have already presented in many european countries during the full-scale invasion, but having our own truck will help us expand our capabilities. today in ukraine marks the 80th anniversary of the start of stalin's deportation of the crimean tatars. which people at that time, more than 200,000 people were transported in freight cars to remote areas of the soviet union, according to the national movement of the crimean tatars, almost half
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of the evicted died on the way or in the first years after deportation. so now the perpetrators of this crime against humanity are honoring the memory of the victims. and at the same time. this is a day of struggle for the rights of this people. deportees were officially allowed to return to crimea in 1989. i would like to note that the persecution of the crimean tatars on the territories of the occupied crimea suffer even today. almost one and a half hundred activists are in the colonies and detention centers of russia. today is the 80th anniversary of the deportation of the crimean tatars. celebrated in eskişehir, turkey. one of the largest and most active diasporas of the crimean tatar people lives in this city. during the commemoration of the victims of the genocide, a moment of silence was observed. a joint march and rally took place. the crimean park was also opened there.
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i would like to note that today's commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the genocide of the crimean tatar people is this the result of the decision of the verkhovna rada. in 2015 , deputies recognized this crime as genocide. the author and we remember that when the russian invaders entered the crimea, the first to rise en masse in defense of crimea and in defense of ukraine were the crimean tatars, who came out to a rally of thousands, and among them was my colleague and good friend akhtem cheygos, who is located here, who was then forced to spend years in putin's camps and prisons. tasks to the dead, to those who died during the genocide, to those who are dying now, in the times of the continuation of this genocide, in front of the soldiers, ukrainians and crimean tatars who laid down their lives to protect the peace and
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independence of their homeland. now we are fighting for our future, and we will definitely win. glory to ukraine, yashasyn kirim. and the urgent collection of the espresso tv channel continues. intelligence units need a reliable off-road vehicle to perform tasks on the front. our soldiers work in difficult conditions without vehicles at the front. suvs transport personnel and ammunition, they launch drones as needed the car has already been found and transported to ukraine. it is currently being repaired and equipped. it remains to buy it and transfer it to the front. our goal is uah 300,000. collected almost 9200 small donations do not happen. support our collection to buy a car as soon as possible for those who protect you and me at the cost of their lives. these are the cases. for this moment, i tell you, see you at 9 p.m., in the news, in the results of the week, read more about important things
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ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club. every saturday at espresso. there is no friend better than mother, there is no land better than motherland. may 18 is the day of remembrance of the victims of the genocide of the crimean tatar people. "to take
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the wounded from the battlefield in time means to save his life, the bc gave a lift, the guys gave a lift, the quad bike is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, the quad bike is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from zero. we call everyone to join nato to collect from zero to life on atvs for the 93rd brigade kholodny yar in the direction. good health once again, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, we will work with you until 7 p.m. today, and now is just such a time, and i am hesitating whether to start my conversation with the head of the board of the ukrainian association of chinese studies, mrs. vita the hunger that you will see now, for the words of tapinambur, or from
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the song of stalin and mao, they listen to you, russian chinese brothers forever, here i am... just sitting and thinking, and where to start, well, let's begin gradually, let's wrap up this whole story, first of all, the story about putin's visit, vita holud is smiling, it's nice, i like people who smile, in general , optimists live eight years longer than pessimists, and i wish this to everyone, good health i am mrs. vita, thank you for being with us, thank you for volunteering, we know that you were in china, and then the question arises: you understand, when stalin was mao, there were fruitful relations, the main word, the word connected with this fruitful, that is, until the transfer of at least elements of nuclear weapons to china people's republic, and now, in addition to canceling customs duties on tapinambur, i will read it to you now, i
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was preparing, don't think that tapinambur is a word. pinamba is a brazilian tribe, whose representatives were transported to europe and together with them they transported the so-called earthen pear, which is tapinambur, and here tapinambur is from the word tapinamba a brazilian tribe, and in addition to this, the abolition of these customs or any prohibitions there materially, what is possible... as a result of this visit , there was nothing except very passionate hugs, tepinambur the earthling the pear was allowed, the chinese will now finally eat a lot of earthen pears, you can see it now on your screens, someone’s hand is doing it passionately, it’s not my hand, i want to tell you right away, it’s putin’s hand, probably, but somewhere and sijinpin's eyes, he
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shows, do you want tapunambura, so i will do it for you now. you already have a tapinambur gift in your pocket. so, let's, in general, what are the results of this visit, where almost the entire government of the russian federation participated? a huge number of different governmental and non-governmental ones managers, well, there is the head of the national bank of the central bank of the russian federation, in short, a large number. and what do we have besides tapinambur? mykola, thank you for the invitation, it's always nice to see you. regarding your question: russian and chinese are brothers in age, they call themselves friends more than brothers, and this is a relationship of friendship, good neighborliness and partnership. what was signed? official taka official summary: the deepening of comprehensive cooperation and strategic partnership in the new era, what
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does the new era mean? it's so diplomatic such a diplomatic... turn, and this in chinese diplomacy means that this partnership corresponds to the modern international context, that is, it coincides with the chinese vision, where the role of the undisputed leader is no longer fulfilled by the united states, and such a treaty was signed in the new era with only three countries , this is russia, this is serbia and hungary, that is, these three countries correspond to the chinese vision, that is, they agreed with this vision that the role of the undisputed leader no longer belongs to the united states. then you need to understand what really happened officially a lot of people were transported, the entire establishment is russian, but only one day was set aside for these meetings, and as i understand it, the restrictions were made by the chinese side, contracts and media were signed there with the russian railways, with military cooperation, this is
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a very interesting focus for us precisely for this cooperation with... and as i understood, as i understand and as i can interpret it, that china needs this mutual mutual cooperation from several positions. the first is military exercises, he has the issue of taiwan, he has his ambitions in the indo-pacific region, this is also an issue terrorism and so on, i.e. to actively join the russian side with their weapons in russia. china is not going to the ukrainian war, and another issue is also in focus - that is what you said that there was a nebibulina, she came and also representatives of others. e financial institutions were in beijing, and this suggests that china and russia were talking about alternative
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payment mechanisms for e-e goods coming from china or from russia, that is, they are building, perhaps discussing, an alternative financial system to the dollar. it is threatening to us, why? because china has be responsible to international sanctions, and we have repeatedly emphasized this: dual-purpose goods should not enter russia, because they fuel the russian military machine, that is, these are two focuses that we will focus on in the future, which we will follow. at the political level, we said that two such points were approved, regarding the strengthening of strategic cooperation and it is important to strengthen the role of the sco and brics in... this year, russia chairs the brics and it is important for china to develop these formats, because it also sees its role in strengthening in in these two formats.
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what else was noticed: 75 years of diplomatic relations, it was really ear-splitting, because we know that in china russia is considered the rightful successor of the soviet union, whether we like it or not, but the soviets... the union did a lot of useful things for china, and china historically, in the historical context it remembers. at the academic level, i can say that a significant number of elites do not understand why china, which is heavily dependent or interdependent with europe and the usa, is so demonstratively strengthening its relations with russia, and they are already making noise. voices that it is not about chinese interest, that it is necessary to pursue a balanced policy, that russia is toxic, that it is tarnishing
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the image of china in the international arena, and that it is necessary to act a little differently, and voices are already being heard that ukraine must really win, and it will certain profit for china. on an equal footing with people, society, it is necessary to understand that there is a separation of this. of chinese society depending on geography, on education, on age, on the field of employment, but roughly speaking, chinese society is divided into pro-russian and pro-ukrainian, and you can work with this and it is necessary to work, but this is, let's say, a short summary. look, i would like to ask you about this next peace plan of china, it has been criticized. when it was 12 steps to peace, it was called that in the people's republic of china, now there are three steps, and three steps
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means stopping hostilities on the territory of ukraine, as i understand it, not aggravating the conflict and not spreading it to new territories, this i would translate it as a freezing of the conflict, and there is not what was in the 12th years, namely... compliance with the un charter, territorial integrity of the states, this is in general a contradiction of the policy of two chinas, more precisely, one china and two, if the styles of both leadership and respect for sovereignty, then there is no respect for sovereignty, because the sovereignty of ukraine extends between, according to international law, and extends to crimea and donbas. territorial integrity is like that. the integrity of ukraine in 1991 is in the borders, and the un charter also says that there must be integrity, and aggressive wars, wars are unacceptable, and then
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the question arises, there were 12 steps, we criticized the 12 steps, but they were much better than the three steps, what do you say, uh, nothing has changed, this and that 12-point position paper, it's there and no one has canceled it, most likely... you you mean the document that was published on the website of the ministry of foreign affairs of the people's republic of china as a result of lihui's visit to the countries of the southern global south, and there are six steps in the conclusion, but these are practical steps that already concern, let's say, those points where china is ready to intervene somewhere , this is the stabilization of supply chains in europe, that is, he... in ukraine affects china's economy and he wants to end this conflict as soon as possible, i don't know how yet, but he is talking about it very actively,
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this is also for... ensuring the safety of the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant and making the threat, the nuclear threat in ukraine impossible, that is, these steps are on the horizon . the fact that china has constantly on all platforms confirmed respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of ukraine, this is unchangeable, it is not even discussed, but at the moment china's so-called peace-making approach is reduced to... let's say, such a discussion, and i these issues as well discussed with analysts in beijing, china has a classic, standard, traditional approach to conflict resolution, through negotiations, period, and they, regardless of whether it is ukraine or the middle east, they call for negotiations, they have the same mechanisms, in they have the same tactics, only different personnel, negotiators, people, and if in the middle
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east china has... understanding, a political solution to the conflict, it promotes the creation, yes, of a single state of palestine, and even in china , negotiations between the two political forces have already been held, hamas and fatah, that is, they met and they are preparing this political solution, in ukraine, unfortunately, two, two trips, two tours of lihui did not give results, that is, in pakistan they understand that the parties are not ready to sit down at the negotiating table, they are not ready ... to talk, as they say, as long as they, the parties are able to conduct hostilities, that is , until that moment the parties will not talk, and beijing understands this very well, it upsets them a little, because there is no diplomatic victory for beijing here, and in general they will be in the future promote some of their diplomatic, classical narratives until they see where exactly they can play
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a constructive role. madam vita, excuse me for a second, it is very important, well, yes, i am also the kind of person who hesitates, i see both pluses in the politics of the chinese people, and minuses regarding ukraine in the first place, but now it became known literally during this visit that both south africa and brazil will not come to switzerland for these big negotiations that they want. che to offer and was offered by ukraine regarding peace between ukraine and russia, and there will be a peaceful, peaceful summit, or not a summit, or rather a peaceful conference, obviously, we already knew that china is unlikely to go there, it is not known whether india will go there, and now it is known for sure that china will not go, brazil will not go , and south africa will not go either, that is , it is already some side of the conflict. or not, about
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china, if i say so, china, china has not yet, decided as far as i know, china has not given a positive or negative answer, so there is still time, but what we know very well and we see that russia is putting a lot of pressure on china, is making titanic efforts to prevent china from going there, and at the moment it must be understood that if china is going to participate in the peace summit in switzerland, then for china it must be seen. as his diplomatic victory, and currently consultations are held exactly in what capacity, if china will participate, what personality, if it will participate, that is, china is hesitating, and he said that this format should be acceptable to both sides of the conflict, yes, he wants , so that russia sits at the negotiating table, and indeed in china they do not understand how to conduct at all peace talks where there are no both sides of this
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conflict, yes? they see that this conflict, even now, if we are in a heated phase, it will not be resolved even after the ceasefire, that is why they call it a crisis, that is why they call it a conflict, because it has dragged on and dragged on and will drag on for years, and where is our strong position, we must understand that china should be the guarantor of ukraine's nuclear security, because china is a nuclear country, we have a contractual basis, and china opposes it on all platforms. says that it is necessary to prevent the development of a nuclear war, that is, it is interests of china, and here our position is strong, at least from this point of view, china should play its constructive role. another question, which probably does not concern ukraine, or so very indirectly, is taiwan, the inauguration will be held there, the president, william lai, is taking the third term in a row there
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, to what extent... i understand uh and.


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