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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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if we are in a hot phase, it will not be resolved even after the ceasefire, that is why they call it a crisis, that is why they call it a conflict, because it has dragged on and dragged on and will drag on for years, and where is our strong position, we must understand that china must be the guarantor of ukraine's nuclear security, because china is a nuclear country, we have a treaty base, and china says on all platforms that it must be prevented. the development of a nuclear war, that is , it is in the interests of china, and here our position is strong, at least from this point of view, china has to play a constructive role. one more question, which probably does not concern ukraine, or so very indirectly, is taiwan, there will be an inauguration, there will be the third consecutive term of the president, william lai, as far as i understand, and...
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there will be an american delegation, but not like this official, and china wants to be there, as usual, in such cases, they conduct maneuvers there in the water area next to this island of farmosa or taiwan, how interesting, there was an exacerbation last year very serious, everyone was afraid, what is the situation now, how big are you with of china on taiwan? china will not back down from its plan, its dream. yes, reunification and many scenarios are being considered, but my point of view is that everyone is afraid of a military seizure of the island, china is not that it is not ready, it will be bad for china for its economy, and it really needs to be balanced, yes, president lai, he is a representative of the democrats, but the parliament is headed by a representative of the kuomintang, who takes such a loyal position towards china, so there are a lot of all kinds of processes there. all kinds of events take place in
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taiwan, but the main thing is to keep this one the status quo, to have some period of time for negotiations and really not to be exposed to any provocations, yes, as was the case with the visit to insipeloz, we hope that indeed, if the american delegation will be at the inauguration of president lai, then it will not be of a very high level . last question, just a minute, sorry, kuomintang, i am saying this for the audience, not for you, this is... just such a party that fled from the great mainland china to the island of taiwan, organized democracy there in a very difficult way, it was not democratic not in the 50s, not in the 60s and there was no 70s, but now they have somehow become more democratic, and it was the kuomintang that was always anti-chinese, anti-communist, and now some extend a hand of friendship to the communists...
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great china, mainland china, why? because the threat of war, and this is a very big risk not only for taiwan, but for the entire indo-pacific region, that is, for now , two such large exacerbations of hot phases in the world are enough, and if there is a third one, well, in general, it will have great economic consequences for of the whole world, and political ones too, that's it can lead to the third world. this is a very serious question, that is, you still need to be balanced. yes, today's program is interesting, i mentioned georgia, there is approximately such a situation that the threat of war with russia forces, well, the official authorities of georgia today, if they were to obey the russians, the threat of a major war with taiwan also forces some of the taiwanese politicians to somehow look into the eyes beijing interesting, thank you very much, vita
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holod, head of the board of the ukrainian association of china studies, was with us, thank you once again for the fact that she here explains to us what we, in particular, do not know. now there will be a small advertisement, and then we will talk about our brothers, the crimean tatar people, who today marks the sad date of the beginning, in fact, of the destruction or attempts to destroy it. to erase this nation, this nationality from the map, to erase it from the world map in general, it is called deportation, and it is called colonization, and it is called, among other things, genocide, so, but this is necessarily after advertising, what is bahmud, bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery. no matter what anyone says, but
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courage is not the absence of fear. bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end. our day. children born in the era of independence, who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave, they are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors, they are boys who never cry. lemberg, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka. a mother's book about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine. iznyk of the missing in the vast expanses of donbas.
6:36 pm
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care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. watch at 9 p.m., news, summaries of the week: all roads lead to the tcc, the law on the mobilization of buyers. a new page of the russian-ukrainian war. volodymyr zelensky warns that the offensive of the occupiers in the kharkiv region may be only the first wave. emergency and hourly light shutdowns. destruction of the ukrainian energy infrastructure by the russians led to restrictions in the supply of electricity for industry and the population. about all this and much more already at 21 on espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. pick up bc, pick up boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we invite
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everyone to join nato in collecting from zero to life on atvs for the 93rd cold river brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. there is no friend better than mother, there is no land better than homeland may 18, the day of remembrance of the victims of the genocide of the crimean tatar people. good health once again, my name is mykola veresen, we have just 15:20 minutes to discuss a sad date: 80 years
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of unrepentant crime, today ukraine honors the victims of the genocide of the crimean tatar people, on this occasion we have boris babin, international lawyer, ex-representative of the president in the autonomous republic. crimea, if he appears now, we will all see him, good health, mr. boris, thank you for finding time for us, thank you, have a good day, so in my first question to you is so promising, today we celebrate 80 years of the crime, the genocide of the crimean tatar people, in your opinion, the time will come when humanity, ukrainians, i think, among this humanity will undoubtedly be, will celebrate, treasure, will it be the turn for yakutia, tatarstan, bashkortostan, these autonomous russian republics, which someday, at least i hope so, will also celebrate genocide against themselves by the russian people, by the russian state
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, and so on, because russia is supposedly federal, but you and i understand that there is no federation, there is an absolutely unitary state, and with an obvious attraction to everything. russian, it will be the turn of the north caucasian republics, there will be the turn of the yakut-sakh, there will be the turn of the tatars, only volga, not crimean, and so on. what is your point? point of view on this matter, please, well, my point of view is that it is really important to investigate the processes on the territory controlled by the aggressor state, and even if we do everything in our way, we still have the task of defeating the enemy and hoping for a national-insurgent here the struggle of the ethnic groups oppressed by russia, actually, let's say, their territories, i would definitely not make a key bet on it, as they say, although of course... these processes are inevitable, but they will take place on their own, not as a guarantee, but as the consequence of another victory, as
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always happens with inteya. regarding the dark fate of various ethnic groups, it should be stated that indeed the aggressor committed genocide against many ethnic groups under the control of the russian empire, not so many of them were already accused of genocidal oppression in such historical times, in the 20th... groups, what to which criminal deportations and corresponding systemic actions were carried out, we see that in the future, accordingly, in the development, in the development of the activity of the aggressor, it will be possible to observe, of course , attempts to punish him for, value-human acts, which at least you... approximately, that for today there is
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at least a kind of, you know, not very consistent and systematic, but the reaction of the international society in recognizing the crimean genocide and the deportation of the tatar people as genocide, this is also important, yes, but look, i will put such a speculative question before you, you you can answer it speculatively, obviously, the ideal world for... the russian authorities and for the russians, it is somehow that there would be no estonians, no ukrainians, no crimean tatar people, that is, such a uya, such an ideal world, according to your opinion, they just don't like the so-called foreign nationals, as they call it, just to make sure they don't exist, but somehow they don't have enough strength to exterminate the entire nation of estonians. the entire nation of latvians, the entire nation of ukrainians, crimean tatars, well, well, we don't
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have enough strength, we can't, well, let them live, but in an ideal world they would like to none of these peoples were simply there at all, am i wrong, are they not so bloodthirsty? look, there are two dimensions here, well, the first dimension is that for the aggressor, in fact, no ideal world exists, why? because , in general, russian imperialism, as of today, it has not... not given, even to its, as they say, useful friends, so-called, or an example by some third countries that demonstrate the neutrality of some vision, their own vision, the russian vision of the international legal order or just order some kind of relationship system simply does not exist, so when there are some dictators or henchmen there, they talk about reviewing something, then they actually get nothing in return. no one can propose, this is such a position from the point of view of objective reality, that is why we always
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say that the victory of the russian federation is impossible in the context that even if we model again and hypothetically this appearance that russia will destroy the civilized world, it simply to destroy itself, because humanity will be destroyed, in fact, no matter what system of order it does not bring only chaos. regarding, regarding of actual attempts, here again, as in any system of chaos, they... seek total destruction and today they do not count it, hitler also wanted to destroy the jews, we see today absolutely consistent statements about the destruction of ethnic ukrainians, denial of the existence of the ukrainian ethnic group, i.e. what they say, what international law says about predation to genocide, and similarly we can observe with respect to certain other ethnic groups, in fact we can say that this system, this system of pressure and influence is... . i still have one for you,
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i have such a conversation for you today, i’m sorry, it’s a philosophically theoretical conversation, i’m sorry that maybe i was hoping for something, maybe you were hoping for something else, i was just reading various things when i was getting ready, when i was getting ready to meet you, not the whole thing program, precisely about the crimean tatar people, and about the fate of crimea as such, i thought about why russia, you understand, when i think, for example, about a small country, denmark, i apologize, from the danes. it is clear to everyone there that in order for the danes to live well, the government and the parliament say, but how would it be better for us, municipalities are better, as if here, as if america is huge, he says, it would be up to us to advance science, push it forward and so on, prove something, something, that humanity has the right to
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exist, russia is nowhere, it does not want to feed. its people, as in denmark, well conditionally, yes, does not want to develop science and technology, as in america or as in japan, then it, their purpose, their existence, well somehow very much, well no, no, no, i, i i don't see the purpose of russia's existence, i'm sorry, maybe it's some kind of racism, but i just thought, it didn't get better to live in crimea, when russia came there, and i am convinced that it did not become... better in donbas, when russia came there, and wherever russia comes, it does not get better there, and it cannot be said that russians live better than, for example , people in crimea, they are everywhere, it is getting worse everywhere, it is getting bad, it is getting uncomfortable, and so on, and even the materians, i am not talking about any
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morality there, but simply materially, there is worse sausage in this russia than it was in ukraine and in crimea. the people from crimea themselves say that the food was tastier, and so on, from small to great, what is russia's place, do you see russia's place in the world, sorry for my racism? well, i'm not a philosopher, it's easier for me to live with it, we have a war, and we have to think about the law and order that will be after the war, about the issue of responsibility, non-repetition of aggression, it's really time for that, thinking with all due respect about taste sausages, they... unfortunately, the other parties led to all kinds of decisions of the ukrainian authorities, which were based on similar structures, which we are still digging, the aggressor is not really brings happiness to the occupied territories, even before the big invasion, for example , the situation in crimea, despite the theft of trillions literally on the so-called support of the peninsula
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by the aggressor, it has degraded, and just for me personally it is a nightmare. eras of the fact that the war, the armed situation, the open armed situation were inevitable after the level of well-being of mainland ukraine as of the 21st year exceeded that of crimea, that is, i will repeat all the tricks that the aggressor did, and the fact that the level of well-being in occupied crimea, it never reached half of russia itself, it is also a fact that crimeans live worse than the territory. they also see it, that is, they see a direct attitude towards themselves, as a colony and a military base, it is also not, as they say, hidden, that is , in general, if we discuss the issue of sustainable development, and what will happen next with all this, we have our own task, it is better not to think and taste, but
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simply to make our economy, to make our competitive, punishment, as one of ours, as the goals of ukraine. the council of europe supported creation of a special tribunal for russia, what it would mean, in principle, is the world and international organizations ready to organize something like, well, newberg processes, so as to take and punish and organize punishment for a crime. who attacked the sovereign state of ukraine, you know, here again, as in the situation with the sausage, the problem is that our authorities also often think in terms of the categories of nuremberg or, excuse me, movies about skunks, and are guided by them, and not by modern international law and other mechanisms by which it is necessary to bring the aggressor to justice even today, it is first of all the international criminal court, as a modern
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institution that works here today, it is good that ukraine interacts with it, it is bad that i was ratified. why this is so, why unfortunately it happens, and why it limits ukraine's ability to punish crimes, this is a rhetorical question to say the least. perhaps one day this will be a question for ukrainian law enforcement officers, for those advisers and clerks who sabotage the desire, i believe, this is my evaluation opinion, of the supreme power of ukraine, to establish a real fair mechanisms for punishing the aggressor, which undoubtedly includes the international criminal court. as for the special tribunal, it is very good that in two. after two years of talks about its formation again separately from the international criminal court, let historians and theorists once again assess how justified it all was from the very beginning, it is good that there is an agreement, in such a format as the agreement between the council of europe and ukraine, which is announced, if this path starts and it is implemented, it will already be a real
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conversation, and then it will be a shift in this dimension, despite this, despite this, no one stops or cancels the national dimension of punishments. i have a simple rhetorical question for the audience. we have a kremlin dictator who, without a doubt, and this is said internally by the international criminal court, commits international crimes, gre. for calls for genocide, because it throws out the existence of ukrainians as a matter of course, direct participation in war crimes, where suspicion, accusation, conviction in absentia by ukrainian law enforcement officers, there are many different compositions, one can not prevent the international criminal court from doing its case, and here, you know, such a targicamical situation, we have been constantly hearing from certain officials for more than two years that the head of state seems to have some immunities, which seems to be impossible, although this... of course, from the point of view of international law, this is nonsense , and again, this will be a question for those clerks who wrote these pieces of paper and slipped them to the supreme leader of ukraine, about putin's alleged immunity. but here, you know,
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such a tragic situation has arisen, our verkhovna rada recently absolutely correctly approved an official document, which rejects and the recognition of the kremlin dictator as the president, i.e. the head of the russian federation, is denied. ukraine does not officially recognize this person as the head of state, what can it do here? immunities, even hypothetical ones, that's why i have such a rhetorical question: where are our suspicions about mr. putin, mr. shaigu, mr. lavov, where are the indictments and absentee proceedings, when we see it, i think the situation will be a little more dynamic , as they say , than today, well, and for some reason i think that, after all, some international organizations should take up this matter so that, as the russians say, there was a problem in africa, in europe, in latin america, and in asia. and so on, to act like putin, do you think national legislation is still important? in order to do something
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internationally, should we do our homework? i can give an example: in january of this year, ukraine shamefully lost a case before the un international court of justice, because the un international court of justice rejected the absolutely obvious fact of racial discrimination in the crimea of ​​the crimean tatars, why so? because there was not enough evidence, they did not provide uh. the question is to legal position, that is, this is the homework that ukraine itself did not complete, but we heard a lot about justice and the supremacy of international law, yes, about the impartiality of the un international court, it exists, and international law exists, it works normally, the oron international court, but homework should be done if last year the people of mezhlivska taran officially surrendered in july, according to the law approved by president zelensky in the 21st year, signed. yes, according to the resolution, we won't be speaking according to the resolution, we don't have time counting that it is important, and he turned to the government of ukraine with a simple legal request
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to provide legalization, that is, to confirm his status, and here it was last year, just in time, i apologize, boris babin, ex-representative of the president in the autonomous republic of crimea, our topic continues, a small plot and... the anniversary of the deportation of the crimean tatar people on may 18 every year ukraine celebrates it without a doubt and the crimean tatar people celebrate it as a day of remembrance of the victims of the genocide. it happened in the 44th year, by order of stalin, this began a deportation that killed tens of thousands of people. and i will say goodbye to you until tomorrow, mykola verysyn was with you. good bye. on may 18, at around 4-5 in the morning, they were woken up, taken outside, given 15 minutes to assemble, put in trucks and taken to
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the suren station of bakhchosaray district. shevkiev knows about all the horrors of rizza's deportation from his parents. at the age of 15, they, along with other crimean tatars , were forcibly torn from their homes by order from moscow. were driven to railway cars and sent to uzbekistan. the sureni station, near bagchesaray, was one of the largest collection points for the deportation of crimean tatars. it was from there that the soviet authorities forcibly removed, according to historians , more than 70,000 representatives of native inhabitants of the bakhchosarai district, sevastopol and the villages closest to it, as well as the alushta and yalta regions. they traveled for two weeks, even more. to the places of deportation, many families broke up during these transports, because the wagons filled
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people. the main phase of forced resettlement has taken place for less than three days, starting at dawn on may 18 and ending at 4 p.m. on may 20. during these days alone, 180, 14 people were deported. for this, the nkvd involved more than 3,200 security forces. the wagons in which the crimean tatars were herded were not designed for such a long and difficult move. genkadysts did not count those who died
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during the deportation itself. according to the calculations of activists of the crimean tatar national movement, about 46 deportees died in the first years, that is, almost half. the russian occupation authorities and the russian state in general in general, she has a completely different assessment of all those mass crimes that took place both during the times of the soviet union and during the times of the russian empire, and therefore she tries... to reduce it as much as possible to the fact that these were isolated cases, mistakes , but all this is corrected, that is, they avoid any comparison with what the russian federation itself is doing today. the official version of the deportation seems to accuse the entire crimean tatar people of collaboration with nazi germany during world war ii. in fact, the reason for the removal simple: it lies in nature, ideology and
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habit. the practice of the bolsheviks. the stalinist regime did not care which of the crimean tatars resisted germany, the entire people was subject to forced eviction. when i was a child at school, they told me that the crimean tatars are traitors, that there are traitors, that the crimean tatars, well, let's say, there is no such people, that the crimean tatars have nothing to do with crimea at all, and so on, and this is all mine , well, let's say, such a child's psychological trauma. which remains with me, i do not want this to happen to my children. after a long journey home, thousands of crimean tatars were forced to leave their homes again in 2014. during nearly 10 years of russian occupation , about 70,000 crimeans left the peninsula, 50,000 of them crimean tatars. they now call the russian occupation a hybrid deportation. today what
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is happening. against ukraine by russia is a continuation of this genocidal policy of the previous regimes on the territory of russia, that is , it is russian policy, and they cannot in any way give permission to people to honor the memory of the victims of the genocide in a way that inherent in their culture, their values ​​are the main thing. to honor the memory of the victims of the genocide of the crimean tatar people, you can light a candle. or write a letter to a prisoner of the kremlin. any citizen can do it. whether to write something on twitter, facebook, in social networks, write to your friend in crimea, and express words of sympathy. you can send a letter to the prisoner, a crimean tatar. the genocide
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of the crimean tatar people is recognized. only four countries in the world. ukraine, lithuania, latvia. in 2022, she joined the list canada. activists and human rights organizations emphasize that the committed genocide must be talked about constantly so that such events do not repeat themselves, as it happened again. tetyana golonova, oleksandr nikolenko, dmytro nikiferov, espresso tv channel. the saturday political club is on the air on the stresa tv channel, we welcome you, dear friends, dmytro didora and vitaly portnikov, today we will talk about important events, what did us secretary of state antony blinkin come to us with, what is happening in georgia, as of now?


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