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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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letter to the imprisoned crimean tatar. the genocide of the crimean tatar people is recognized by only four countries in the world. ukraine, lithuania, latvia. in 2022 , canada joined the list. activists and human rights organizations emphasize that the committed genocide must be talked about constantly, so that such events do not repeat themselves, as it happened again. tetyana golonova, oleksandr nikolenko, dmytro nikiferov - espresso channel. the saturday political club is on the air on stresa tv channel. congratulations, dear friends, dmytro dzidora. and vitaly portnikov. we will today to talk about important events, about what the us secretary of state came to us with. anthony
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blinkin, what is happening in georgia at the moment, we will start from the front, and we already have oleksii melnyk, military expert, co-director of foreign policy and international security programs at the rozumkov center, good evening, mr. oleksii, congratulations, congratulations you, so let's start with kharkiv oblast, how does the situation look now, whether it can be considered that the front is stabilized, whether its stabilization continues, whether there are any chances at all. some long-term stabilization of it the front? it is difficult for me to add something to what is already available from official reports, you also probably use the reports of military personnel who are there, who keep their blogs, well, it seems that at least the pace of this offensive has decreased, but as for me, if in a broader sense.
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if you look at the text, then this russian offensive showed certain weak points of our defense, that is, the russians again managed to catch, figuratively speaking, the ukrainian troops on those weaknesses that they had already used before in the avdiyivka region, so we will to hope that lessons have been learned, personnel reshuffles have been made, reserves. overturned, i.e. well, it seems that there should be no further such breakthroughs, mr. oleksiy, tell me what the behavior of the russian army is similar to, but estonian intelligence says that it is about the desire to create a buffer zone in this area of ​​the kharkiv region, putin also says , that there are no plans for today yet to capture. kharkiv, what purpose
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can the russians have on this part of the front? starting with putin, the key word, it seems to me, was there so far, that is, he can, maybe i wanted to mislead, but somewhere there, i am sure that they definitely have this plan, if, if the front was broken, then... well , at least they would try to get close to the outskirts of kharkiv and ideally try to surround kharkiv, because to storm, of course , according to all estimates, they really do not have such forces there, and what concerns this buffer zone, this has also been announced more than once, and another goal that russia obviously pursued is the stretching of ukrainian reserves, the increase the length of the front line.
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but at the same time, they probably understand that by stretching the front line for ukraine, for ukrainian defense, they are also stretching the front line for themselves, and despite the fact that they still have an advantage in human resources, in weapons , still they do not have enough strength to carry out such operations simultaneously in several areas. well, now. ukrainian government officials say that there is still a shortage of weapons for the ukrainian armed forces. this means that the weapons that we expect from the united states have not yet arrived states that russia is still using this period of time, but it can still be stated that even with the weapons that we will receive, we will not have enough of them to deter the russian offensive. undoubtedly, the russians were in a hurry to take advantage of that window of opportunity or window of vulnerability, so far.
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this weaponry has only gone ammo, not fully arrived, they are extremely concerned about the prospect of even a small number of f-16s, er... they are also very concerned that at least one country, the uk, has publicly lifted its thrust restrictions long-range missiles on the territory of the russian federation, and actually you announced that what blinkin came to talk about is still a mystery, but i do not rule out that this could also be a topic of conversation, because... just playing the guitar like that, he would could, well, hardly would go that far. mr. oleksiy, the institute for the study of war has analyzed that the pace of the offensive of russia, russians in the kharkiv region is slowing down. what this can indicate is that the armed forces have withdrawn to more advantageous
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positions, the line of defense is working, which was built? this may indicate that the russians have achieved this. the line they set in front of us, here, but i also would not rule out the fact that indeed, at some point , they encountered resistance that they did not expect, well , there are widely available footage of the destruction of russian equipment, personnel , who is trying to enter vovchansk or even at the border in a slightly different place. therefore, there may be both those and the other option, but it is clear that the resistance of ukraine is probably the main factor that restrains the pace of the offensive. tell me, but in principle, if we talk about
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what this situation should look like with an offensive, you have the impression that russia is simply trying to distract ukrainian reserves in order to achieve goals in some absolutely specific, isolated area. territorial gap, say, there, in donetsk region or somewhere else. well, this, this is what i was talking about, but we also understand that russia, being distracted, trying to distract the forces of ukraine, is also forced to withdraw its reserves, or reserves that were in the rear, or transfer, as well were reports of the transfer of several battalions, airborne troops. troops, the most combat-ready from other directions, so, of course, this is one of the goals, but here the biggest risk for us is that currently russia still receives the strategic initiative,
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that is, it decides where and where russia will launch another offensive , and the ukrainian armed forces are already forced to react to it, so it remains... this remains the advantage of the russian side, that the initiative remains with it. i also want to ask you about what is happening in crimea. in a week we saw the news that there was an attack on the airfield in crimea, ukraine could damage three fighter jets of the russian federation. what significant losses will russia suffer, losing more than one fighter that has already been shot down. or defeated the defense forces of ukraine? russia is able to produce new aircraft, this applies to the 135, 134, but if the mik-31 was reportedly destroyed there, then this is exactly the type of aircraft
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that russia is not able to produce now, even if it is not all carriers of calibers, then in any in any case, for russia it is... one can say, a loss without a pitfall, that is, they they will not be able to restore it, well, at least in the near future, having removed from the reserves there, or having disassembled the parts back there, other planes, well, besides, it can be seen on the footage that the so-called reserve, or expendable group, was destroyed there where planes are refueled, it's... not so possible and a big loss, but in any case it makes it less difficult, reduces the pace of aircraft preparation, complicates logistics in general, i.e. the intensity of flights from this airfield should, in theory , decrease. and what do you think we will achieve someday?
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opportunities to strike with western weapons on the sovereign territory of russia? we hear again and again that the west is not interested in this, that the americans do not want to give permission for this, but what is the reason? why is it possible to hit sevastopol, which in principle is also fixed in the constitution of russia, but not other areas, that 's it. pox, because really, if you pay attention to putin’s statements there, well, they are, well, if there are still new territories, somehow yes, and crimea, well, i don’t know putin there anymore, he repeated a thousand times that it is russia, that is, for some reason on this one russia is allowed, and russia is not allowed, well, i ask, but, uh, well, why this, this is also, this is the policy of us, the biden administration. that is , the priorities that were set at the very beginning of the large-scale stagnation, they
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remain unchanged, well, a bunch of advisers, who are the most important people in the administration, are precisely what they are doing to help in order to avoid direct military action in order to avoid strikes on from the territory of one of the nato countries, well... to avoid the use of nuclear weapons by russia, but to what extent, let's say, do these warnings contribute the achievement of these goals, or on the contrary , putin is being encouraged so that he, after all, in the near future or in some perspective is estimated to be 2-5 years, will enter into a false confrontation of an invasion or make an invasion of one of the countries of one of the nato countries , that's great. the question, in my opinion, is that this policy is rather counterproductive and
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encourages the aggressor to be even more aggressive. mr. oleksiy, the law on mobilization came into force today, men have 60 days to update their data, what can we say, mobilization will now take place sooner, we will know the real number of those who can go to the army, who will be reserved, who are not suitable for military service. services, why do we need to know these data and how, at what pace can mobilization take place in ukraine now? well, the first thing is that it seems to me that this law is still one of the whole he has already achieved even before it even entered into force, it will finally be settled accounting, well, more or less normal accounting, because, well, this is a paradox, what. .. in the third year of the war and as a large-scale invasion and
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in the 11th year of the war with russia in general, that there was no such record in electronic form, and especially when there was such an internal migration of them during the hostilities, and then there, let's say , the mobilization process, one of the elements - this record was practically destroyed. it was imperfect, and so it turned out to be completely destroyed, that is, at least here there will be positive, somewhere positive, some kind of positive dynamics, what concerns the acceleration of the pace of mobilization, at the moment it is too early to say or make assessments, because simultaneously with the fact that how we see that more intensively began to register somewhere in this electronic register. yes, according to the reviews on social networks, they seem to understand that this is not reversible, these are
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punishment measures, restrictions, they also play their role, well, let's talk, again, about the fact that the pace of mobilization will increase, well, this is it, i will repeat it again, it is still too often, because this this law, well, it solved, maybe a small part and a big... problem that was created for years, well, and individuals in recent years, but as far as i i remember when this law was discussed, its main principle was the issue of rotation, demobilization, it was initiated for this purpose, and not in order to update the data in the registers, which in principle should already be at the disposal of the ukrainian authorities, and what about this , a lot happened, but we know very well that at the last moment this is the position that is the most sensitive, the most... important, at the same time, both for those who are already mobilized and fighting, as well as for those who are considering it somewhere
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for his own decision, whether he should voluntarily join the armed forces, or the same ones evade, i.e. the lack of this perspective, that at least in 36 months, but still, you will get a choice whether you want to stay in the defense forces, or you can even go away, rest, take care of family, there work, that's just one thing the main provision, it did not get there, that's why, although the law. so the vote is called about mobilization, well, its full name is completely different, but that's what we already called the mobilization law, in fact, let's say, it only partially, i repeat, partially solves a very complex problem. thank you mr. oleksiyu, oleksiy melnyk, military expert, co-director of foreign policy and international security programs of the rozumkov center. thank you for participating in our broadcast, and
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that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on stupday. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to quarrel about, let's invent, they help to understand the everyday and forecast the future, for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. what to do when there is a break? hello hulk. and for... that alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. watch at 9 p.m. news, summaries of the week. all roads lead to tcc. the law on mobilization entered into force. a new page of the russian-ukrainian war. volodymyr zelenskyy warns that the offensive
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of the occupiers in kharkiv oblast may only be the first wave emergency and hourly shutdowns world. "the destruction of the ukrainian energy infrastructure by the russians led to restrictions on the supply of electricity for industry and the population. all this and much more will be discussed on espresso at 9 p.m. we continue the saturday political club on the espresso tv channel. dmytro didora. vitaly portnikov, we can already add them to our broadcast our interlocutor igor eisenberg, professor of new york university, good evening, mr. igor, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, greetings to you, friends, greetings to all viewers of the channel spress. congratulations, mr. igor, so let's start with the main, i would say, external. the political theme of this week's visit to the united states by secretary of state anthony blinken, why do you think the secretary of state, in the midst of an election campaign in the united states, is going on
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this tour despite the difficult situation in the middle east, and here he is in kyiv with ukrainian leaders, symbolically plays blues in one of the kyiv bars, what is the meaning, well, i think there were at least two reasons, the first one after all... which needs to meet not by phone, not by video link, from time to time the heads of state, in particular the heads of the united states and ukraine, to discuss some sensitive things, ah, and these can be different things, there can be a joint strategy, there can be an exchange some data that can be exchanged only at such a meeting. real, not virtual, but also, i think there was a discussion about how to counter the russian-chinese strategy of so-called
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peace, how to make the summit that is planned in switzerland a success, so that more countries supported the ukrainian position, the ukrainian peace formula, and i also think that it was symbolic that the visit took place literally the day before the visit. to china, that is, the united states wanted to emphasize by this that they support ukraine, and that what putin and xi jinping agree on there does not matter in this case, support for ukraine was, is and will be, and things like that blinken sang, played the guitar, the fact that he had lunch with dmytro koleba in a pizzeria to a veteran, well, this, i know that many ukrainians did not... understand this, but simply in the american such sign language, so to speak, simply means such support, empathy, human support, purely in a human dimension, that is
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, he wanted to show everyone that americans support ukraine, and do so sincerely. mr. igor, why was this visit not announced, these are such security measures, the united states is still afraid of russian strikes, this. of course, the security measures are simply the protocols of the american security service, which protects the secret service, which protects high-ranking officials, including the president, never announced visits of american high-ranking officials, these are the countries where hostilities are taking place, that is, it has always been and still is, in principle, if we talk about these calls by antony blinken that it is necessary to fight corruption, that ukraine should not... turn into an analogue of russia , with which she is fighting, this is the first time you can say, it sounded so harsh, do you see any real reasons for this? i think you know that it
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was sounded, probably for the second time, but probably more harshly than before, the first time it was sounded, when blinken first came to ukraine as secretary of state, it was before the great war, it was, i think, in april 21, but now it sounded tougher, and so i think that... it was done tough, absolutely deliberately, because some things are unacceptable, corruption in in any form, if there is corruption in ukraine, it is bad for the united states, because it is bad that it is happening with the help of the united states in ukraine, and there is an understanding in the united states that if... if in ukraine democracy will not be built with an independent judicial system, with an independent anti-corruption system, and where, where
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the law will operate, where the rule of law will truly prevail, then ukraine will be more similar to russia in a political sense, even, even if it wins, and of course the united states would not want that, and what would you like... blinken formulated everything very well, that as he understands the victory of ukraine, that ukraine will be a flourishing, democratic, developed country that will freely choose its own path and will be a worthy member of the euro-atlantic community, that is, this is the goal of the united states, and in the sense of how power is exercised in ukraine now, blinken also said that the united states understands that it is impossible to hold elections at the moment, but he actually, in my opinion, if you read everything he said, ... carefully, he actually called on the ukrainian government to form - to form the government so that it has the full trust of the entire society, that is,
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let's say, to include ... the parties, well, i don't want to say the opposition, but the minorities in the verkhovna rada, which are national-democratic parties to the coalition government, so that there is full public trust in this government, so that no one can say that the government does what it wants, and does not involve, does not involve , simply does not allow anyone but itself to make decisions , also separately talked about freedom of speech and and and we all all know that there's a marathon, i'll say, espresso channels, direct and channel five, which have an internet-only broadcast, and i think that was such a very direct allusion to the fact that without full freedom of speech, freedom of the press, democracy in the western sense it cannot be, and blinken
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really paid a lot of attention. and i think that he, maybe a third of his speech at the polytechnic institute, he devoted to this very thing, can the united states put a condition: freedom of speech means freedom of speech, no, then let's change something with help, or can such statements appear from high officials of america? i think that they, they cannot appear publicly during the war. but they can in principle appear, see how the united states reacts to what's going on in georgia, and the white house spokeswoman, karin janr, and the spokesman, the deputy spokesman for the state department, vendat patel, when the georgia parliament passed this foreign agent law, they said that if this law goes into effect, the united states will are forced to fundamentally revise
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their relations with georgia. and if ukraine, let's say, when, when there is no military action, as there is none in georgia, does not fully restore freedom of speech, then it is quite possible that we may hear from american officials, approximately the same statements, because without without really without freedom of speech, without all all institutions. characteristic of a democratic state, the country cannot be a real part of the western civilized world. now ukraine has practically officially turned to the united states with a request to allow american weapons to strike the so-called sovereign territory of russia. do you even think that this permission will ever happen? i believe that it will happen, but i am very sorry that it has not happened yet, i hoped that in time
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the visit of the secretary, he announced this because i regret that the united states, for the most part , has been reactive to all of russia's escalating moves, the united states has been saying a lot, various official representatives of the united states, that they don't want escalation , that is, they do not want to involve the united states in the war, and it should be understood that way, but at the same time , russia... is escalating the situation, the united states is responding to this, we can recall how many months there were talks about providing, say , planes, it was clear that their provision it requires a very long time, actually the estimate was from a year to 18 months, so it is, because the preparation continues for a long time, but the decision was not made for a long time,
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the decision on the transfer was not made for a very long time. they are already supplied to ukraine, i think that a decision will also be made to allow ukraine to strike american weapons on russian territory, but it is a pity that this is done only reactively, not proactively, that is, russia has answers to russian escalation, but the united states fears that it will be drawn into a war, that there is no desire in the american public to go to war with russia, that's for sure, there is none among the democrats, nor among the republicans, i mean the average person, nor among the independent voters, well, but will the united states necessarily be drawn into the war , if ukraine will use the same missiles, atikas, let's say, to strike at russian troops concentrated on the border with kharkiv region, for example, i am not sure that this is so, although of course no, neither i, nor you, we do not have intelligence that
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might say something, something about... to the contrary because we think


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