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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EEST

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did not happen, and serbia does not recognize either the independence of the republic of kosovo, or the fact that the serbian inhabitants of that republic are citizens of the republic of kosovo at all, it continues to perceive it all as serbia, and so we have an absolutely unsustainable settlement plan here, an absolutely unsustainable plan in the balkans settlement, bosnia is a territorially integrated country with the republic of serbia recognized as part of this state, all this does not work at all, but the west says: we cannot somehow redraw the map of bosnia and herzegovina, well, no, no one can say: well, how are we going to live with all this, either you agree that the population of each country should respect the principles of international law, or you are looking for some other flexible solutions for each separate conflict, you see, the ukrainian conflict is still not the worst, because one way or
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another, when we talk about our occupied territories, there, at least before the occupation , the vast majority of the ethnic population were ukrainians, now we are not talking about political even views, and about national, of course, people have different political views, but they are ukrainians, but look, we talked about georgia, abkhazia, south ossetia, how to regulate it, when the residents of abkhazia of ethnic abkhazian origin expelled the residents of ethnic georgian origin from there. origin and they could never believe there, this is the majority of the population, so we agree with the fact that it was finally possible to resolve the conflict between azerbaijan and armenia over nagorno- karabakh and to restore the territorial integrity of azerbaijan, it has been restored, restored, fact, this is a settled principle of international law , settled, the population in nagorno-karabash remained, did not remain, it is simply not there, and the azerbaijani population that was there, its fate was also not of interest to the authorities.
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the self-proclaimed nagorno-karabakh, when it controlled this territory, every conflict absolutely does not answer the question of what to do next, it turns out that the issue can only be resolved by force, here is karabakh, as the territory of the armenian presence, by force defended its right to exist without azerbaijanis, now the azerbaijanis decided by force that this territory will exist without the armenian population, well, this is not the 21st century, so we have or when we look at all these... stories, we have to honestly say, we live in the 19th hmmm, let's look for other approaches, but the west doesn't want to, well, you 're all in this trap, and china, of course , is using the west's skills , somehow, you should start being more realistic about all this, it's for the sake of china's leadership, of course, because china understands that if the western united states, if the countries of the west will not be able to clearly answer all these questions, then one way or another they... create
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opportunities for china to exert its special influence, they are on the road to a bipolar world, because the center of the bipolar world will be those states that adapt to the new rules. i don't know, i don't think that vladimir putin intended something like that. and he, i think, just wanted to return the soviet union within the specific borders of 1991, without any questions, but he, as often happens with fanatics, chauvinist ideas, opened pandora's box, it's all gone, stuff it all in there, there won't be a chance in our lives with you, it all already works like this and will work, because again, we keep saying that sooner or later we have to go to negotiations with russia, the west tells us, the war always ends at the negotiating table, and i always wonder if we are at this table with the russians
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to talk about... something, and about what? well, if the russians will continue to insist that they control our territory, then it will be, like the conditioned istanbul, they will say: recognize russian status and we'll say we'll never do that and eventually everyone's going to disagree on that, okay you don't recognize it and we're not going from there, that's the status quo, that's what the proposal is essentially china, and if we, say, went to the borders of 91. year, this political miracle suddenly happened, and we meet with the russians and say, well, what’s the peace, they say, well, what’s the peace, you started leaving the territories that you occupied, as written in our constitution, crimea, there’s donetsk, luhansk, kherson region, zaporizhzhia, we him we say, you fell off the oak tree, this is our territory, they are written in our constitution, but ours was alive, there was also a referendum there, what are you doing, what a referendum, it's all your falsification, oh well. we understood,
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so we won't, you don't want to recognize and withdraw the troops, no, and we don't want to recognize that this is ukrainian territory, let's just agree on a truce. and imagine, agreed, the troops are standing here on we speak, we are standing on the russian border, the russians speak, ukrainian troops are on the line of contact between russia and ukraine, an international partner, we believe that this is a state border, russia says, well, you think this is the right, well, we simply do not recognize it, and what is happening with our accession to nato and the european union, we are constantly being told: and you have to sign a political agreement with the russians, and we say what an agreement, we are... we are on our border, we still need, well, how necessary, so that there is no danger that they will attack us and you, and in this way they simply keep us in the refrigerator, how they kept us going for years on end, y'all they sympathize with us, they say, as soon as
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at once, listen, putin dies, we will agree on everything immediately, and then the next time putin dies, and we are sitting here somewhere in a gray zone, and why is it a gray zone, well, they... they will ask russia, because everyone will already have relations with russia, it has already left the territory of ukraine, all when you finally sign a political agreement with them, they say, as soon as they admit that they control our territory and will leave from there, the very next day, there will be peace, five regions, or however many there are at that moment, maybe eight, what is the problem, we really want peace, let them withdraw from crimea and donbas, and we will immediately sign a peace treaty, as the japanese tell the russians. as soon as you leave the kuril islands, we will immediately sign a peace treaty with you, and what do the russians say, these are our islands, why would we go there, and both countries absolutely equally believe that this is their territory, but putin has created just such a mess for us on to how long it continues between japan and russia and before
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this soviet union 80 years, and between us and it will be the 80th anniversary of russia, well, putin is in beijing, when he is, i even want to quote , we are open to dialogue regarding ukraine, but these should be negotiations that take into account the interests of all the countries involved in this conflict, and you are just talking about that they said that they would converge on some interests, whether such a plan is possible, whether the ukrainian authorities will still not go and sit down at the transition table, and what signals the head of the kyiv kremlin is sending then, i think that putin is simply profitable to play a role a peacemaker because... he knows very well that the ukrainian side and the west will not accept such conditions, he will thus appear as always a person who wants negotiations, and they will prove it to the countries of the global south, we want, they do not want, this is an absolutely understandable tactic of the russians, but again, what are the interests
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of russia, we know these interests, russia is playing a rather strange game, russia says that it agrees with the fact that ukraine should receive security guarantees. but russia must also receive security guarantees, he also talks about this china, and this is always interesting to me: here i see ukraine on the political map of the world, a not very large country with a population of 28-30 million, which continues to decrease without nuclear weapons, with weapons which, which are supplied by other countries, without its own production of weapons, and with destroyed infrastructure, communications, all this is getting worse every day, should such a... get security guarantees from other countries, if it is attacked, well, it seems to me logically, it is true that the alternative of not having these security guarantees , disappearance this map of the country from the political map of the world, now let's look at the russian federation, a huge country, 130-140 million people, the first or second nuclear war in
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the world can destroy the whole world in a few hours and not even be noticed, well, it can also be destroyed, but we we are talking about who has a tool, a huge... army, its own military-industrial complex, the largest territory in the world, why does this country ask for security guarantees from others, who can give such a country security guarantees, which country has greater chances of on on safety than the russian federation itself, this russian federation should be a sponsor of security for others, because it is a nuclear umbrella, because it has a huge territory, because it cannot have a territory. capture, nothing can be done with it. when russia says, we are as poor, unhappy as ukraine, give us security guarantees too, it looks ridiculous, and it looks ridiculous from china when it says that we need to hear russia's concerns, because russia has a nuclear triad, and china does not. china cannot make promises to russia
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security, great britain and france cannot either, because russia has more nuclear potential. the united states can only, but arises. why does russia have a security guarantee from the united states, when its nuclear military potential is equal to the american one and continues to increase in the absence of agreements on the reduction of nuclear weapons, so... if we analyze this, we will understand that this is cynicism, it is just a game of permissiveness, so that when we start talking about negotiations, where the parties have to think about security guarantees from both sides, we immediately we fall into the same trap that our georgian colleague spoke about, now azerbaijan and armenia are negotiating a peace treaty and... each of the countries is trying to secure security guarantees from the others, well
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, you can say, why does azerbaijan need security guarantees when it is a strong state , won in two wars, but azerbaijan remembers very well that recently the troops of nagorno- karabakh controlled a huge part of its territory, he did not make this up, it is not only the territory of nagorno-karabakh, but all areas around nagorno-karabakh, of course in... in baku they say: listen, armenia is looking for security sponsors, and we will look, we need turkey's support, we need all this, because we are already, we are already taught by life, that we we may not have territorial integrity for 30 years, but in russia, that someone is on its territory, maybe the ukrainian army in the belgorod region, the kazakh army, in the orenburg region, what is its problem, what is happening to it, that they feel in danger, this like the soviet union when the soviet people were sincerely sure that everyone would attack them and destroy their incredible achievements, all these, uh, economic and
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social gains, which could only make people laugh in a normal world, and the whole rest of the world was afraid of this soviet union as a country of barbarians, but you are in this in the inner world, then you really start to think that everyone is threatening you, i don't know how many russians are already in this state, how seriously putin takes it, but... in i sometimes have the impression that they are sincere believe that they are not attacking anyone, everyone wants to attack them. putin went to china after his next re-election, i have a very logical question, we understand that china is russia's closest ally, what did the head of the kremlin go to negotiate, did he go to negotiate on the adjustment of arms supplies? i don't think so, i think that defense ministers can talk about weapons. and once again you can't talk openly about weapons, and if we look at
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the list of all these agreements putin made in beijing, well, there's nothing special about us let's see, it's just most likely an exchange of intentions, because they're always thinking about these energy contacts, china buys russian oil like that, but doesn't really think about gas, even in conditions when gazprom already has real serious problems, but about what putin and sidzempin can say, they can have a common idea about how to confront the united states. in different directions. putin did not just go to china. he left a few days before the inauguration of the new president of taiwan. it was important to him that in beijing it was announced that he supports the territorial integrity of china and condemns any attempts there to separate taiwan from china. this signal is important. because china shows that there is such a loyal ally, unlike
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the americans, who send their delegation to this inauguration, it is already traditional, once, twice, to discuss the situation with a peace summit in switzerland, putin needs the chinese not to go there, it is so necessary, that his assistant for international affairs, yuriy ushakov, on the eve of this summit, said that... uh, china will not go there, and this is very it is a strange statement in itself when an aide to one president talks about the actions of another country. china cannot treat it like that, it is analyzing the situation now from the point of view of whether its absence will be considered as an act of self-isolation, and not as some kind of, i would say, public protest against the settlement formats that are not typical from china's point of view. so, the chinese study the situation from the point of view. who will go, who will not go, at what level to come, and putin, of course, needs to convince them that there is no need to go. it's one, two. it
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the point is that they want to create an alternative agenda. this is serious stuff. and it was all prepared for putin's visit. tour, lihui, the special representative of the ministry of foreign affairs of the people's republic of china to various countries of the global south. in fact, the chinese ministry of foreign affairs of the plan and its vision in regulating the conflict, as they say, and putin's support for all this, is also quite an important topic for negotiations. in principle, sydzenpin has already clearly spoken about it during their meeting, that is, there were many such serious intentions to torpedo the agenda that ukraine and the west built at the summit near lucerne, and this is not only about zelenska’s story, it is primarily
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about biden’s story, but if they understand that biden would like to come there, they would like to... they would like to deprive this event of the content that biden needs, and they can talk about it, absolutely calmly, this is the topic of their negotiations, because it is a political alternative to the western course, that's all, i would like to ask another question, the peace plan is still china’s, we saw a hint of trust in europe, hungary imposed a veto in the council of europe, hungary still joined... to support china’s plan and is already enslaved by zelenskyi’s formula, well, what a mess behaves like this all the time , they clearly say, you will not win this war, you will fight, just get rid of these remnants of the population that you have, and the territory will not be liberated, but to liberate the territory will still get rid of the remnants of the population, you need this war, necessary to finish as soon as possible, because you
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are going to a complete abyss, that's what orbán says all the time, and he is wonderful. china, freeze the conflict, you will figure it out later, the most important thing for you now is to preserve what you still control and your population, which is still left, well, the chinese plan corresponds to these hungarian ideas about reality, well, this is what orbán is saying, this is what is being shot these days under banská bystrica, robert fico, prime minister of slovakia, they say this, so i don't see any reason for them to give up their position, you see, they... could abandon this position, relatively speaking, if the ukrainian troops went there, knocked out the russian occupiers from the territory they control and went to the borders of 1991, then they could start talking differently, it is necessary to conclude a peace agreement, it is necessary for russia to recognize the territorial integrity of ukraine, we are all interested in the fact that international law prevails, they could change this
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record, but now why would they, it is much more useful for them to focus on china, whose countries... well we see that global south, we already talked about it today, but who should work with the global south, after all, ukraine should promote its peace formula, or the united states should join our initiative and also work together with us on the global, i honestly do not really understand why, sometimes it seems to me that we are engaged in some kind of ritual dance, again, it's like the borders of the 21st century. centuries, we believe that these borders will be as they were in the 20th, and they will be as they were in the 19th, and the sooner we all understand this, the easier it will be will come from those, and from this conflict, and from the balkan conflicts, and from everything that we will have, the same is the same here, well, what about the global south, well, do you work with him, well, did he support some of your plans, all the presidents of ukraine praised in switzerland, they
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have stopped economic cooperation with russia, so we are... i just came on a rendramody, and what on a rendramody, who will stop buying russian oil if it is more expensive than western oil or saudi oil, will stop if will be cheaper, will buy, on rental fashion not to all these motivations, he needs to win the parliamentary elections and feed the billion state, he himself has many territorial conflicts, with pakistan, with china, with bhutan, with whomever you want, with nepal, forever... india has these territorial conflicts throughout its history, if india time fought for its territorial integrity, it would not live a peaceful day, i tell you, how can he think? well, he came there, sat down, you and i were puffed up with pride that we have nrm dramodi , other leaders of the countries of the global south came, they all supported us, what is going on the next day, nothing, let's just be
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realistic. when the idea for this summit came up, it came up. there were hopes for the ukrainian offensive and its success, and even then i adhered to the idea that russia would not hold any negotiations with us, even if this success ends, the next will end in success, and we will be able to liberate part of our territory, i generally believe , that ukrainians need to carry out two ideas from their heads and that russia will go to some negotiations in case it loses some territories and... what in general you can agree on something with her and the fact that the war can end quickly, you don't have to live in a world that may never exist, again, without rejecting the idea of ​​an armistice on terms that will be for ukrainians. society is shocking, as well as for the russian one, the idea of ​​an armistice is always shockingly shocking for both countries of the war, so that everyone will still experience this shock, and this i immediately warn, but it is
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not today and not tomorrow, and maybe not the day after tomorrow, and at that time, what the people who started this process thought that we would go to some territories, interrupt, let's say, this corridor along land between rostov and crimea, let's put russia in a difficult situation when there will be no down, or maybe we will blow up the crimean bridge, create its logistical problems, hold a meeting at which we will all adopt a platform together, this is the excellent platform of president zelenskyi, which i wholeheartedly support in all its points, it is absolutely verified from the point of view of justice, and russia will talk to us, and the whole world will be behind us, and it will also offer some of its own. and then we will somehow agree, as it always happens, but in we will have the same strong position that the west talked about, well, since the time that happened, nothing, we were not able to realize anything of
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what we wanted, to our great regret, here is russia, as they were not going to talk to us about anything , apart from capitulation, is not going to, and the process is already underway, if you started a diplomatic process, you can't say it: oh, you know, we didn't succeed. friends, we disagree, no, we have to bring it to its logical end, this first inaugural summit will be here, these state leaders, foreign ministers will come, the advisers of some presidents there will approve a document that, in principle, will be about nothing, if it is adopted at all, because if we want the document to be supported by the countries of the global cock, it should be about nothing, and some countries, for example, western, support the form. peace of the president of ukraine, maybe not only the western one, let's see who will be ready, it will be very good if they do what will happen the next day, nothing, we can offer it to russia, and russia says,
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listen, they accepted some incomprehensible theses, enemies of our country, go away, continue working, we are not interested in what china will say, well, let's maybe now hold some real conference, where russian and ukrainian representatives will talk about how to stop the war, so we will have a choice then, or to say, you know, we held a summit, we are all this, this is a document, we stand by it, when russia wants, we are ready to hold a new summit with its participation, well, she does not want to, well, we can hold a second summit, the third as the crimean platform, and we can do nothing else until it wants, finalization process, we can say, well, we... have this resolution, china wants to hold its conference there with the participation of russia and ukraine, we will bring this resolution of this geneva summit, lucerne summit, let russia
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look at it, we can, and russia will say , no, you know, if you want to come with this resolution, stay in kyiv, what can we expect from this swiss, well, that’s all, well , that’s what we can do, do you think there will be some documents to sign , well, here they are. well , again, well, the document can be signed, but this is a war between russia and ukraine, if russia is not at the negotiating table, the war does not end, even if you unite 180 countries, if you are at war with a nuclear power, the number of countries that you support is automatically zero, even if their 180 because you cannot force them, the only thing you can, you can demand them from them. that they have reduced their economic relations, that can be done, that they have reduced their cooperation, that can be done, but it is not a matter of the resolution, it is a matter of what the united states is doing,
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they say that chinese banks that will help companies that help russia's military-industrial complex will find themselves under sanctions, and we see that china is reacting to this, and they are reducing the level of their, let's say, interest in the russian military-industrial complex. and this, by the way, that, this is also what sydney ping told putin, he said, listen, well, we have already been waiting for 2.5 years, while you are in favor of this, either you will add them, or you will somehow freeze all this, so that we can't give you weapons, only to be sanctioned later , we ourselves will be in a worse situation, than you as a result, our economy is not in such a state that we can afford this game, so let's find an option where you, if... you think that you can't get them there in the next six months just to the point that that they capitulated to you, let's just stop, and then we'll figure it out, maybe you can get stronger, maybe they can be
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contained. destabilize, you find something that will not bother us, we are not your enemies, but you cannot create a situation for us, in which we will lose from what we have to lose from your adventures, tell me what putin can say to sidinpin, well, he should take this into account, i think, by the way, that when putin appoints the same andriy belousoy as the minister of defense of russia, then this is what he wants to hear from him , andriy, how long can we fight with ukraine without... serious problems for our economy, how many more years, a year, two, five, how long can we fight without chinese support, what is changing, and that china is less for us helps how long we can fight that what happens if sovereign assets, oh, by the way, also a good story, this is also the topic of the joint statement of putin and xizenping, it is also dangerous for china, if the west comes to the point where it confiscates russian sovereign
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assets, then this means... that he will be able to confiscate the chinese tomorrow, that is, both putin and xi jinping do not want to reach this precedent, and they see that as the war continues, this precedent also arises, and therefore they also say: listen, it must be stopped before they decide such a decision, and the rejection of the idea of ​​confiscation of sovereign assets should be part of the plan to freeze the war. they have us or. to say that we will never do that, and that is also part of this whole story. you have already mentioned the russian personnel reshuffle, he replaced the minister of defense, what can we say in this aspect, why putin changed the vertical of this government, he can transfer the country to military rails, what will be the difference between
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shuigu and bilousov. by the fact that shaigu knows how not to give cheeks, and belousa knows how to count money, to put it simply. shaigu is a corrupt official from huge experience, and it is absolutely obvious, so to speak, his position, which we should always remember. it is impossible to say that he is some kind of outstanding person, its manager, some kind of person who... is capable in one way or another of really building up the army in critical conditions, well, he never claimed such a role, he is engaged in crucifixion. andriy belousov is a serious figure from a point of view in the economic bloc, who was putin's economic employee, that was also the case, and i think that putin demands an audit from him, that's what i told you said, the country has already been transferred to the military.
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which raises the question of how much it can travel on these rails, because you know, one of the predecessors of balausov in the building of the ministry of defense of the russian federation, but then it was the ministry of defense of the soviet union, marshal dmytro ustinov, who was about the same manager as the belarusian, he was no longer a military man, he was the manager of the military industry, he transferred the soviet union to military rails completely, and the arms race, well, whatever the soviet union is called, that’s it too question. putin was present in all this, he was not a child then, he saw it, it all practically collapsed before his eyes, he absolutely did not need it, so i think that the task is an audit and an accurate understanding of how many years in russia yes, because , of course, putin would not want to end it until the russian troops control, relatively speaking , the ukrainian-polish border or the ukrainian -hungarian border, his task is to reach uzhgorod,
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at least politically, if not militarily, so that ukraine. .. recognized itself as part of russia or itself as a vassal country of russia within the borders dictated by putin. but how many years and efforts are needed for this. this is absolutely realistic, i would say, such a policy, which is expressed in personnel changes. and why, why not? and by the way, he took the same whitebeard with him to beijing, recently met defense minister sheigu. with his chinese colleague, and now, in fact, all this conversation is conducted by belousava, it is a conversation about future military-technical cooperation, and belousava, unlike him , understands this much better. and i want to one topic, a hot topic this week, is the prime minister of slovakia, robert fico. he was attacked on may 15. i am interested in this aspect: will russia resort to manipulations with respect to ukrainian?


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