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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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portnikov, good night and peaceful evening, see you soon, good luck. all to tsk, the law on mobilization has entered into force, what you should know and do, the attack of kharkiv oblast, this... expansion of the front or preparation before a second attack on the capital, emergency and hourly blackouts , when to expect an improvement in the situation. the espresso team has prepared all the most important things for the past week. anna yavomelnyk is with you. good evening. a new approach in this war. this is how the spokesman of the ministry of defense recently described the law on mobilization, which entered into force today, according to which conscripts fall under it. between the ages of 25 and
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60, what is important to do first and what to prepare for next, kateryna galko will tell. starting on may 18 and during the next 60 days, all military-obliged citizens must update their military registration data. such a norm is mandatory for everyone, in particular for reserved men with a deferment, military-obligated women, as well as men abroad. in order not to lose the right to consular services. protect the homeland it is necessary, and accordingly it is necessary for people to be motivated, healthy, and this is checked by the military medical commission, and the state must know where they live, how they can be contacted, and this is what we push back against. there are now three options for updating data: tsk and sp itself, tsnapy and the reserve plus mobile application. to the territorial centers of selection que.
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lined up even before the law came into force, men with briefcases and documents came immediately after curfew, stood in the rain, waited on children's carousels, however, it was not volunteers who came to outrun the law, but those who were not afraid. we understand that the majority of people who have come to tsk to update their data, who either have armor, or have some health issues there, are sure that they will not be drafted. another reason for the queues could be... the tsc schedule, in theory they work around the clock, but there were reception hours for updating data, only in the first half of the day, sometimes even only on certain days. a new option to clarify data in tsnapa, they are accepted there according to the standard work schedule.
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center, the administrator enters your data into the electronic system, the information is automatically pulled into the amulet, the applicant receives an extract with the beginning and signature of the tsnap administrator about updating the data. as a result , the generated extract will be sent to her e -mail. after submitting the application and checking all the data that the person has declared, he is responsible for the declared data, the application is formed, signed, and so on. the system forms an extract, and the formation of such an extract can take some time, as of the morning of may 18, there are no queues for the checkpoints were searched for, however, the first users of the service assure that everything is organized and fast, the queues, the queues at the tcc are huge, you come in the morning and sign up, it is not known when you will get in today or not, it is much better when you come, take a ticket, you have your number, estimated waiting time. i took
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a ticket, sat there for an hour, sat there for an hour, 20 minutes, went in, updated the data, that’s it, you have your own time, another innovative solution is to launch the reserve plus mobile application, it works in test mode until june, there you can update the data and access the amulet registry. the procedure takes less than 15 minutes, so it is the fastest and most optimal of all those listed. in the morning of may 18, the ministry of defense summarized. that 150,000 citizens have been successfully authorized in the application, it takes 15-20 minutes in the application reserve plus, even if there will be cyber attacks, even if there will be some technical failure, although we do not foresee this, and in fact, the application is already ready, so it will be possible to do electronically, without leaving home, without letting go of the smartphone, risks, let's say yes, taken into account. possibilities, including
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the amount of servers, were also taken into account, accordingly, we expect that everything will work, but in practice, other citizens on social networks shared and ... that the application does not work, while those lucky people who managed to update the data claim that the process continued for a few minutes, well, it didn’t work at first, and then it started, now it’s updated, and there it is for 5 seconds, that is, it pulls all the data from the bank id and they appear there at once, however, to get the desired win-code, which is the only one proof of update data, you will still have to go to the shopping center. or wait for june 18, that's when, according to the ministry of defense, it will be possible to generate such a reserve plus in the application, it will be possible to update this minimum of data, but you will receive a qr code, the corresponding no, but again, the data will be considered updated, the main thing is that a person
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will fulfill his duty according to the law. in addition, as of may 4, 2024, the rules for the disabled have changed. this status has been cancelled. but that is why military conscripts must undergo a repeat medical examination within nine months, which will determine unsuitability or the degree of suitability, the relevant referral is also issued by the tcc. depending on the diagnosis, on the results of velk, she may be recognized as one who can serve, depending, again, on the conclusion, in units, for example, of the same tcc. sp, in universities, in headquarters, in security units, rear units. in addition to the law on mobilization, another law on fines was adopted. so, if you don't like any of the methods and you haven't updated the data, you will have to
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respond to the new prices. violation military registration in a special period will cost from 17 to 25,000 uah, and evasion from mobilization from 17 to... 2,500 uah for citizens and from 34 to 59,000 uah for officials and legal entities. if a person wants to evade, well, for sure, the ministry of defense should not contribute to the fact that a person has some additional technical capabilities for this. it is important to take an updated military registration document with you always and everywhere. now it can be checked, in addition to tcc and sp employees, border guards and the police. in the latter too the right appeared to detain and deliver evaders to shopping centers, but not to issue summonses themselves. if a person evades both the tcc and the national police with the help of themis, his right to drive a vehicle will be restricted, which will be canceled immediately after the data is updated. so
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, in the end, the law, which was tried for so long to be adopted in the verkhovna rada, and was so passionately discussed in society, came into force. the data must be updated by july 16, but only time will tell whether the fear of losing will prevail over the fear of mobilization. attack of the occupiers in kharkiv oblast may be the first wave of a broader offensive, volodymyr zelenskyy believes, however, according to the president, russia does not have the strength for a new offensive on the capital, as it was at the beginning of a full-scale invasion. against the background of the intensification of hostilities, diplomacy also revived. in particular, blinken visited kyiv. beijing. so what might happen next on the battlefield , and will international agreements bring real results to this war? further in our detailed review. plus 70 km to the active front line, which was already more than 1,200 km. repeated offensive
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invaders in the north of kharkiv region, opened a new page in the russian-ukrainian war. after a week of heavy fighting, the situation was stabilized, president volodymyr zelenskyi said. the enemy did not gain a foothold in vovchansk, a city located 4 km from the ukrainian-russian border. in general, the invaders advanced no more than 10 km. the enemy expanded the zone of active hostilities by almost 70 km. thus, trying to force us to use an additional number of brigades from the reserve. the enemy launched an offensive much earlier than planned, when he noticed the overturning of our troops, but he did not... manage to break through our defenses, however, we understand that there will be heavy battles ahead and the enemy is preparing for it. oleksandr syrskyi, commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. stretching ukrainian reserves may be the main goal of the russians , the ukrainian military
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leadership suggests. the russian army has an advantage in personnel and seeks to take advantage of this. in particular, withdraw part of the defense forces from donbas, where heavy fighting has been going on for many months. and kharkiv region may not be the only one direction in an interview with the new york times, the head of gur kyrylo budanov said that in the coming days the russians may launch an attack on sumy oblast. these words. worried many, especially since evacuation has already begun in the border communities of the sumy region. in order to calm the civilians, budanov had to appear on the air of a national telethon just from the kharkiv region, where fierce battles are ongoing. as for the sumy region, the russians actually planned from the very beginning, sorry, i have certain inconveniences here, they planned from the very beginning her operation is the same... and in the sumy region, as of now, they
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are holding a small grouping of forces in the border direction, let's say, they have the city of suja, from our side, it is the sumy direction, but the situation has not allowed them to start active actions. the ukrainian military command knew about the enemy's plans, the intelligence informed about them in advance, however, to understand... the plan is not enough, you need to have resources to counteract, namely reserves and weapons, and if there were big problems with the first, then the situation began with weapons to improve, american and so-called czech munitions seem to be partially on the front, at least volodymyr zelensky claims, for the first time in two years of war, the armed forces have enough artillery shells and none of the brigades complains about the shortage of bc, this is also confirmed by nato officials. the russians do not have the necessary number of troops to
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make a strategic breakthrough in the kharkiv region. moreover, they do not have the skills and capabilities for this. allies have accelerated large shipments of aid to ukraine after the us approved an aid package armed forces they are now sending a huge amount of ammunition, a huge amount of short-range air defense systems and a significant amount of armored vehicles to ukraine. the enemy also senses the arrival of long-range weapons. on the night of may 14-15, the military-important belbek airfield, near occupied sevastopol, was attacked by atakams missiles twice a day. later, satellite images also appeared on the network, from which it is possible to draw conclusions about the losses of the russians, which are at least three military aircraft and add fuel and bridge materials it is essential to thin the ranks of the russian armed forces. they could before the russian offensive on the kharkiv region, but the usa still forbids ukraine to strike at the enemy on its
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territory. because of this, the occupiers have a strategic advantage, although not one hundred percent. on the night of may 17, ukrainian drones hit a number of objects, both in the occupied crimea and in the new russian military offensive. the attack was the largest in recent months. against the background of activation. hostilities and mutual strikes , diplomacy also revived. chinese president xi jinping flew to france for talks with emmanuel macron, and then received vladimir putin in beijing. there, the russian dictator praised china's peace plan and made it clear that there was no intention to end the war. macron himself is expected to be able to visit kyiv soon, and this week united states secretary of state antony blinken arrived in the ukrainian capital, who, by the way,
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was also in china three weeks ago. kyiv is not ready for negotiations with moscow, at least not publicly. in particular, blinkin again confirmed that when to sit down at the transition table depends on ukraine and only on it, and president zelenskyi emphasized that ukraine ties its diplomatic hopes to the global peace summit in switzerland. concerning. then again, these decisions should be made by ukraine, not the united states or any other country. therefore, if you imagine that if putin showed at least some interest in serious participation in the negotiations, i am sure that the ukrainians would respond to this, but putin demonstrates the exact opposite every day. despite everything, we are preparing the summit peace, we are preparing the ground so that the world majority can force russia to make peace. i am grateful to everyone for their aspirations. to restore the full effectiveness of international law,
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we will act no less actively in the future, all continents, all views of countries must be presented at the peace summit. however, will the peace summit in switzerland really bring results. the main idea of ​​the meeting was to involve not only the west in the negotiations, but also representatives of the so-called global south, but, as the media reports, the presidents of south africa and brazil have no intention of going to... the royal lucerne, in particular the brazilian leader lula da silva, seems to see no point in negotiations to which russia was not invited, there is a high probability that the summit will be ignored by china, which is drastic. reduces the chances of diplomatic success. in the end, the outcome of this war will likely be decided not in negotiations, on the battlefield, and peace conferences will only fix it. hard months ahead. american weapons can help stabilize the front line. most likely somewhere in july - claims the new york times with reference to anonymous sources administration of joseph biden. however
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, he emphasizes that this is not enough for a strategic change in the situation on the front line in favor of ukraine. therefore, in a few months, the war may eventually end in the so-called korean scenario, i.e., the fixation of the contact line as a new, unrecognized frontier, but these are only predictions, of which there were many, many during the two years of the war, and most of which did not come true, and the war is likely to continue and in 2025. reshuffles in the russian government in the evening of may 12, it became known that the russian dictator putin... dismissed defense minister sergei shoigu, he headed the department for 11.5 years, instead he was appointed secretary of the security council of the russian federation instead of mykola patrushev. the latter was in the security council of the russian federation from may 2008. spokesman piskov said that shuigu will also be putin's deputy in
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the military-industrial commission of the russian federation, and andriy bilousov has become the new minister of war of the russian federation. previously, he held the position of the first deputy head of the government of russia, the changes affected five more heads of departments, the ministry of industry, tourism, the ministry of transport, the ministry of sports, the ministry of agriculture and ministry of energy western leaders and analysts believe that such personnel changes in the russian federation testify to the kremlin's preparations for a protracted war with ukraine. without the light of this you... in all regions of ukraine they started turning off electricity again and not only to industrial consumers. on may 14, emergency shutdowns began for the population as well. the reason is a shortage of electricity due to russian shelling from march 22. the ukrainian energy system suffered five massive missile and drone attacks. even after the last one, which happened on may 8,
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there were only local emergency shutdowns. director of ukrenergo volodymyr kudrytskyi said that the situation will be better next week. however, it will not be possible to completely avoid blackouts either in the summer when it is hot and the air conditioners are turned on, or in the fall, when ukrainians will use heaters. at the same time, the government has been actively discussing the issue of raising electricity tariffs since june 1. the power system is intact and works stably, power engineers control the situation, but the generation of electricity is not enough to cover all consumption. therefore... ukrenergo is forced to return to the blackout schedules, both to industry and to the population. on may 18, the whole world celebrates the international day of museums. about 150 countries have supported this tradition for over 40 years. from the first days of the war, russian invaders cynically destroy ukrainian cultural heritage. muscovites attack museums and steal valuable
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exhibits. let's see how the museum workers save the national heritage from the destructive invasion of the invaders. after the full-scale russian invasion, ukrainian front-line museums became empty. workers rescued valuable exhibits on their own. that they did not have time to take out, the russians destroyed it with shelling, after the occupation they looted it. in general, more than 100 museums and galleries were damaged in our country due to enemy attacks. cultural infrastructure suffered the greatest losses and damages in donetsk, kharkiv, kherson, kyiv, mykolaiv, luhansk. and zaporizhzhia regions. after the shelling of the ivankiv museum of history and local history in the kyiv region, workers took out the paintings of the great artist maria pryimachenko, just from the premises engulfed in fire. artillery arrived there at the end of february 2022 projectile. 410 exhibits were stored there. among
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them are dishes, ancient tools and money, cossack weapons, icons. it was the pride of the museum. a collection of works by ukrainian artist maria pryimachenko. the main works from the kuindzhi mariupol art museum began to be hidden with the first shelling of the city. 2,200 works of painting, graphics and sculpture were stored there. among them are the paintings of arkhipakuindzhi, tetyana yablonska, ivan marchuk, and ivan aivazovsky. all these works fell into the hands of the occupiers. the museum building itself is damaged. as a direct result hit by a russian missile in may 2023 , the national literary and memorial museum of grigory skovoroda in kharkiv oblast in the village of skovorodinivka caught fire. the museum contained works and personal belongings of the philosopher, as well as books of ancient, medieval and modern poets. the most valuable exhibits of the collection survived because they
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were moved to a safe place in advance. on new year's eve, the russians attacked the shukhevych museum in the suburbs of lviv with shahed-type drones. even before the great war , museum workers managed to bring out more than 600 originals exhibits and almost all that remained... in the building were destroyed, it was here that the headquarters of roman shukhevych, the general of khorundzhy upa, worked. his last heroic battle took place here. deputies of the lviv regional council supported the decision to rebuild, whether they will be able to restore it, or whether it will have to be built anew, will be decided based on the results of the examination and the architectural competition. currently, the destroyed museum has been fenced off with banners with photos of shukhevych. museums in unoccupied... territories have become centers of russian propaganda, in donetsk and luhansk the invaders hold exhibitions to show ukrainians as fascists and bandarians. all valuable
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exhibits are looted by the enemy and taken to the territory of russia. so they robbed the kherson art museum named after oleksiy shovkunenko and the melitopol museum of local lore. among the exhibits of the latter is skivske gold. three approaches can be applied to cultural objects. restoration, restoration and conservation. rebuilding an ancient cultural building is a violation, so it is preserved. restoration can be carried out in an object with a collapsed roof. however, in these lixponats can be transferred to a new room. thus, the museum can continue its activities. currently, the ministry of culture does not send funds for the restoration and conservation of objects. ukraine involves international partners in their restoration. committee. of cultural heritage, unesco has developed a plan for the preservation of cultural monuments and works of art. the organization actively monitors damage and loss
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of cultural objects as a result of russian shelling. these documents are of great importance for the legal process and for recovery attractions in the future. despite the destruction, damage and lack of finances, part of the cultural infrastructure continues to work. however, there is still a lot of work ahead to rebuild museums and return exhibits to their places, and this will become possible only after the end of the war. today , ukraine celebrates the 80th anniversary of the beginning of stalin's deportation of the crimean tatar people from the crimean peninsula. at that time, more than 200,000 people were transported in freight cars to remote areas of the soviet union. according to the national movement of the crimean tatars, almost half of the evicted died. by road or in the first years after deportation. so now, on the anniversary of this crime against humanity , the memory of the victims is also honored, and at the same time, it is a day of struggle
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for the rights of this people. deportees were officially allowed to return to crimea in 1989. i would like to point out that the crimean tatars in the territory of the occupied crimea are persecuted, and today almost one and a half hundred activists are in the colonies and detention centers of russia. the espresso team talked about the main points of the past week. to always know about the most important things, watch espresso, read our website and be sure to subscribe to our social media channels. be close, it's all good. fm. galicia listen to yours.
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the war. now it's about the war. let's talk more serhiy zgurets with us and how the world is living now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy good evening, please, you have the word, two hours to be aware of economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day. as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. big broadcast of vasyl zima, project for intelligent and caring. espresso in the evening.
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congratulations, the real front program is on the air and i am taras berezovyts with you. today in our program. fighting in kharkiv region continues. visit of united states secretary of state anthony blinken to kyiv. ukraine is building up its military industry. changes in the russian ministry of attack. offensive on rafah. the us put forward the demands of israel. the new russian
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offensive on kharkiv oblast forced over people to evacuate from small border towns and villages. people are trying to escape from the occupation for the second time - reports the washington post. the publication also notes that, according to the evacuees, the new offensive of the russian army is even worse than the one that took place in 2022 . after all, the russians deliberately destroy the civilian population, using multi-ton high-explosive aerial bombs on residential buildings. according to the head of the main intelligence department, general kyryl budanov, on the evening of may 13, a rapid trend towards stabilization of the situation in the kharkiv region began to be observed. currently, the enemy is already blocked at the borders, which he was able to enter. so there are battles in the region, says kyryla budanov will continue however, the situation as of now is not catastrophic. more details about
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the situation in kharkiv region in our. in the next plot. ukrainian defenders managed to partially stabilize the situation in kharkiv oblast. the enemy's plans to gain a foothold in vovchansk were thwarted. this was reported by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine on may 16. since the beginning of the enemy's offensive on may 10 , the ukrainian defense forces have taken decisive action to significantly reduce the activity of the russian occupiers. the enemy's plans are to penetrate the urban area as deeply as possible vovchansk and gain a foothold there from the unspurred. at the beginning of this day, ukrainian units continue to carry out combat tasks in the city district of vovchansk, keeping the enemy under fire control. the situation is under control. the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, also visited kharkiv oblast to learn about the operational situation, tasks and needs of each.


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