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tv   [untitled]    May 19, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EEST

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in ukraine, unesco's committee for the protection of cultural heritage adopted a special declaration and developed a plan for the preservation of cultural objects and works of art. also, in 2023 , the foundation of the organization allocated 1.5 million dollars to the ministry of culture for the digitization of our heritage. unesco is actively monitoring the loss and damage to our cultural objects as a result of russian shelling. these documents are of great importance for legal processes and from. in general, the unesco cultural heritage includes the shrines of kyiv, the ensemble of the old the city of lviv, the historical center of odesa, there are 17 more objects that are candidates for inclusion in this list, among them the historical center of chernihiv, the kharkiv derzhprom and khmarochos, the historical and archaeological reserve of the stone tomb in the zaporizhzhia region, and all of them suffered from the russian invasion . statistics of ukrainian cultural losses.
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it will change more than once, because shelling of ukrainian cities does not stop, and some monuments are located in temporarily occupied territories, and it is impossible to determine their current state. natalya stareprava, volodymyr studenny, espresso tv channel. greetings, i'm olga len, these are chronicles of combat operations, and on the entire... length of the front from the south to the east , attempts by the russians to advance continue, our forces are holding back, but it's not easy, in addition, the kharkiv direction has now been added, the russians are trying to expand by field, well, we should convert our people to the enemy into donations for our defenders. join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the slovdar and zaporizhzhia areas, i will repair them. the regiment works mainly on
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line of contact or in the gray zone, i.e. directly where hostilities are taking place, in any weather, day or night, for the emergency recovery and return to the field of battle-damaged military equipment, in particular bmp tanks, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to deliver to the combat zone action mobile repair groups and equipment, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign machinery, our goal,... uah 63,000, with your help we have already raised almost uah 200, so don't delay, your help is very important, all details see on the screen please join in any donation is very important well now let's see what has been happening on the front line for the past few days anyways let's discuss it further. map of military operations
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for the period may 8-15. what is happening in other parts of the front, while the russians are diverting attention in the kharkiv region. while everyone's attention is focused on the events in kharkiv oblast, the russians have concentrated their offensives on the entire front from zaporozhye to luhansk oblast. during the week , the armed forces of ukraine won a number of important victories, set a new war record, but there are also tactical losses in donetsk region, which pose significant threats. robotyne and staromaisk. both villages. which were the crowning success of our summer counter-offensive campaign, were threatened with re-occupation. in the central part of the village, daily battles have been going on for more than a month, but the armed forces continue to control part of the village. therefore, the occupiers resumed the offensive from the left flank, where they managed to push back the defense forces on two sections of the front to the west of verbovoy. in this way, the robot's performance narrowed even more, which is significant complicates logistics, and therefore its...
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maintenance in the direction of berdyansk, the rashists managed to break through our defenses near staromaiskyi and push back the armed forces a kilometer to the north. currently, fighting is taking place in the central part of the village, as well as on the southern outskirts of nearby urozhany. the russians are trying to carry out their favorite maneuver and bypass staromajorska from the west and east. in the case of the final occupation of this village, the defense forces will have to withdraw from the fertile area and move the front line closer. to makarivka. krasnogorivka is on fire. the situation in the city significantly worsened. the defense forces were forced to leave several areas, the enemy entered and took a position on the territory of the grass plant in the southern part, and also advanced significantly from the donetsk side. in fact, the rashists control about half of the city. the front line runs along the central street, and the zsu conducts defense in the north-western direction. there are no industrial facilities here, but mostly private low-rise buildings with a warehouse. it is difficult
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to defend against airstrikes and artillery. the offensive on turetsk and pokrovsk front froze. on the postavdyiv front, the russians ran out of offensive potential, and the zsu succeeded in the end. to stabilize the front line both north of ocheretyny and along the route to kostyantynivka and toretsk. the enemy tried to throw our soldiers away from the southern flank of ocheretiny, but failed. at the same time , the occupiers are preparing new reserves and deciding in which direction to advance on pokrovsk-chotoretsk. after the crossing of the durna river and the occupation of semenivka, the armed forces of the russian federation expectedly continued their movement to the west. however, their pace is significant slowed down and in a week they managed to go only close. in the umansk region, the enemy made several attempts to enter the village, but the armed forces of ukraine repelled all attacks and even expanded the gray zone. on the road to pokrovsk, the russians occupied several streets in the village of netaylové and came close to the road to umansk, but they did not manage to cut it yet. the fact that the situation in this area has changed is clearly demonstrated
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by the downing of three su-25 fighters and a k-52 helicopter in a short period of time. the armed forces of the russian federation once again acted with impunity reign in the sky nadu. chasiv yar, the day of victory failed, but this is not the end. as expected, after the failure of the plan to seize chasovoy yar by may 9, the armed forces of the russian federation concentrated their maximum efforts to break into the city. their main attack was directed along the bakhmut shasiv road through the village of ivanivske in order to advance to the canal, force it and reach the southern outskirts of the city. the rashists managed to implement part of their plan, completely captured the road and approached the canal. individual assault units were able to to move to the right bank, but the armed forces destroyed them. currently, the front line stretches along the canal, and the russians are looking for a way to cross it. it is expected that in the near future the enemy will try to hit the city head on and enter the kanal area. meanwhile, ivanovske is practically
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occupied, although the defense forces still maintained fire control over several streets in the southern part of the village. at the same time, the presence of the armed forces in klishchiivka does not give the occupiers the opportunity to develop their offensive and bypass the times. from the south, so the tick will be their next target. the seversky ledge is under threat. about we rarely mention the situation around the city of siversk because there are practically no changes on the front line. although, as in other areas, fierce battles continue here every day. especially in the area of ​​bilogorivka, which the russians have been successfully pushing their resources for almost two years. however, this week, the defense forces failed to hold the section of the front south of siversk in the area of ​​the village of vesele. it's a touch here. 8.5 km, the enemy advanced deep into ukraine at a distance of 500 m to a kilometer. stabilization battles are currently underway so that no to allow this offensive to develop, during which the rashists want to cut off the northern salient. meanwhile, on the opposite northern flank, in the area of ​​leman, the armed forces of ukraine managed to hold the front and
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destroy a considerable force of the enemy near the forces of torske and yampolivka. the offensive of the armed forces of the russian federation in the kharkiv region. the north group, which spread across three neighboring russian regions. and has a little more than 50,000 troops, launched an offensive on kharkiv region, attracting about 20,000 people and additional reserves for this. i will attack them in 5 days managed to cross the border and penetrate into the territory of ukraine for 2.4 km. the offensive is aimed at two directions: the village of lybtsi, 16 km from kharkiv, as well as the city of vovchansk, which covers the exit to the left bank of the siverskyi donets river. in the liptsia region, the enemy managed to capture seven villages and expand the bridgehead to 13 km in the east. along the border. near vovchansk , they occupied three villages and approached the northern outskirts of the city, where street battles are currently taking place. it is obvious that the available resources do not allow the russians to advance on kharkiv, but this is not their goal. they want to get as close as possible to the city to increase its own capabilities of terrorist
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destruction of kharkiv with the help of artillery and mlrs. in addition, the enemies want to move the reserves of the armed forces of ukraine from donetsk region, which has been partially successful so far, because work has begun here. the third assault brigade, which is not used to sitting on the defensive. at the same time, the occupation of vovchansk has no strategic significance other than informational. in five days , it became obvious that the armed forces of ukraine managed to hold the defense, and the pace of the offensive of the occupiers dropped significantly. instead, everyone noticed how much the losses of the russians increased greatly. in one day, our soldiers set an absolute record for the destruction of rashists. 1,700 soldiers, twice as many as usual. in may, the daily rate of decrease of occupants exceeded. the pace of their mobilization, and this is a very good trend: we are defeating death to our enemies every day. so, we have such, you know, very active offensive actions practically along the entire front line, well , not even practically, just along the entire front line, and
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the destruction of the occupiers is proceeding, well, you can say, on an industrial scale, but what is this that's all, let's talk with our guest, ivan kiricheevskyi, defense express expert. we are joining, congratulations, ivan, good day, well, actually, the russian troops, you see, after the capture of avdiyivka, are trying to expand the breakthrough zone there. they often advance on kurakhovo, pokrovsk, during the yar period, active assault actions resumed in the kupyansk-lymand direction, this is literally yesterday, in 16 attempts to attack there, in the direction of the first sinkivka liman, our soldiers repelled again, but still there, well, such revival again, well, revival in the district robotino, revitalization in the district. vremyiv's advance, well, that is, we see revival all around, and here we also added
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the kharkiv one, actually this one, when on the night of may 9-10 the russian army also began an offensive there, which we have now, how can we reduce this whole picture to some kind of understandable the scheme of what is happening, in fact, the picture is such that you cannot break down its immediately understandable scheme, it will have to be broken down into some separate segments, well... let's start with what actually looks the simplest now, because the simplest in in terms of analysis, in the sense that this is precisely the kharkiv direction, because we can really record that, let's say, on the fifth day of the offensive operation, when there are even, even if there are individual examples, when the russians gain individual positions in the north vovchansk, but to walk 5 km for 5 days and not get, let's say, their main strategic success there, which they wanted, that is, to open a path for themselves. on kharkiv, well, it's obvious that it wasn't their weakness, it's more about the fact that, well, let's
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put it this way, the degree of readiness of the forces defense of ukraine to the repulse in this direction, it is much higher than it is currently estimated, because if we were not ready, that is, our troops would not be ready, then , unfortunately, we would have to talk about a much faster pace of russian advance in these directions, why was it worth starting from the kharkiv direction, well, because now there is such a viable concept that the russians say that this is... they are inflicting, let's call it, a distracting blow in the kharkiv region in order to try to intensify their efforts on others directions of the front, which had been active before that, but here we have a certain paradox that precisely at this rate of destruction of the russians on an industrial scale, they increased primarily at the expense of those areas that were hot even before that, that is, well if we go even literally from the figures for today, the general staff recorded about 1,500 russians destroyed, of which there are less than 200 in kharkiv region, this does not mean that in kharkiv region there is less... the scale of actions, it rather means that in the east it may have finally started to work and help from
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the usa, which everyone expected, well, how else to explain that simply the numbers of russian casualties increased from a nominal 900 to 1,200, and at the same time we can record that even if the russians have, well, they are demonstrating pressure across the width of the front fortunately, there is no promotion, because they are trying to be in kurakhovo, in pokrovsk trying to move to work. but so far there is no confirmed significant progress there, so far it looks like this, here is the assessment that russia, sorry to interrupt, but in kurakhov there actually, you see, this situation is very bad, because after they seized the factory, well, actually, it is very difficult to hold the city , and well, this is an objective reality, maybe we are talking about krasnohorivka, because as far as i can remember, sorry, yes, this is the direction near. yes, well, you and i are just talking about, trying to describe what happened at the front, let's say, from
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the moment the russians began to advance. here i just wanted to say about, let's say, a sadder prospect for us. well, if now it looks like a consensus assessment, which also sounds in us and, let's say, british analysts, let's say, well, which are really authoritative, and not, let's say, came out with approximately such an assessment, that the russians can just try and increase the pressure in the direction of zaporizhzhia and will be able to move in theory even to... various kinds of active actions in the direction of sumy precisely in order to first get the effect that our line of defense of the armed forces will be stretched as much as possible, and only then try, well, as the russians think, to become more active that's more on a large scale in the east, well, that is, precisely in order to then simplify the way for new territorial advances in the east, so it turns out that until now we thought that the situation in our country is like this, now it is complicated, there is some kind of failure or something like that, so there is a reason to make a scandal, but in reality it is difficult only ahead, but then it will be possible'... realistically, as to how ready or unprepared we were, even find out whether
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reinforced concrete will advance in those directions where it was believed that the russians were there , well, about the prospects of the offensive on zaporozhye, the last ones i haven’t spoken for a few months, unless i’m just lazy, well, yes, well, but with regard to sumy oblast, in principle, the drg are already working there, you can’t say that everything is very cloudless there, and they are bombing, well, of course, it doesn’t compare with what is happening in the kharkiv region, but on the other hand, we also have an opportunity there for such, you know, aggravation of this whole story, because not only training is important. where already, well, practically, well, we can say that some actions are taking place within the city limits, well, but also in the direction of liptsi near kharkiv, if the enemy advances in the direction of liptsi, then he will have the opportunity to shell kharkiv already, as far as i understand, from such a very close range of barrel artillery there, well
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, there 20, how much 23, 24 km, let the city come close at all 17. 17, well that is can get from mstas, from acacia, and this, well, will complicate the whole situation for us in general, including the humanitarian one. that is, perhaps this is the purpose of this whole story? well, on the one hand, there definitely is, on the other hand, let's sum up what, at this distance, you can take on in the area of ​​the elbes, well, the russians will not be able to place a cannon directly on the front line, but they will then be able to return to shelling. kharkov , let's say, even with a more dangerous pion, well, caliber 203 mm, we can recall that the occupiers actively shelled the city with these guns in the spring of 2022, and there was even this creepy episode, when the russians simply opened fire from these guns and there, forgive me , it seems even the child was simply thrown on the roof of the house, it was just such powerful guns, there the projectile weighs 200 kg, in fact
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more than the combat part of the s300, that 's why, yes, why, ... just there, let's say, it's important not to miss the russians in the mold, why are there heavy battles there, and as for sumyshchyna, you know, you just need to detail there, for example kharkiv oblast, we already have it, the russians will say something like this, for a rarity , they tried to act as tactically competently as possible for themselves there, directly according to the best examples of their science there, not to simply rush into these infantry assaults, but precisely to act according to such a scheme, which initially follows eyes of the drg, the so-called saboteurs, or the fact of the force of special operations, then they are already followed by the first wave of the offensive and the second. well , accordingly, let’s put it this way, perhaps the opposite should be said about sumshchina, that there are statements by some official structures that say everything is fine, well, how shall we say it, everything is calm and there is nothing to brag about, but they may not correspond to reality and are unlikely ukr-zaliznytsia would simply announce that it, well, you know, we are just opening an additional sum train to kyiv so that it goes, let's say, more regularly and
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everyone who wants to leave can on time, that is why it is necessary to say that the emergence of the activation of russian saboteurs in the sumy region may have been a prerequisite for the russian pov, well, let's say, the transition to a full-fledged offensive, well, not in the sense that the russians there will be able to throw amount to get out, as it unfortunately happened to them in february 2022, but russian tanks can also follow the saboteurs, unfortunately, this is yes, ivan, look, well, now many people are noting, saying, they seem to have quieted down as the scale of this russian there. offensive in kharkiv oblast, but isn't that just what you're saying, when the first echelon has advanced, and now they're just pulling up the second echelon, and in fact , well, there's a really bigger attack ahead of us, well, you can put it this way that we in a state of strategic uncertainty, because even this complete media
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scandal, when there, let's say, someone thought that budanov's words were misinterpreted by the new york time, because... the version that the russians, that's exactly within the scope of their task by stretching the line of our defense, they can first go for activation in kharkiv oblast, then shift their efforts to sumy oblast, well, that is, try to transfer troops quickly to other areas, this same option is also not excluded, because we have a history when, in order to open this offensive in the kharkiv direction, the russians still transferred some units from kupinsky and lymansky, because it would seem illogical at first glance, but they went for it, accordingly, there may be such an option that... er, they will just go according to this principle of the light chorus, i.e. demonstrating offensive activity, let's say, also in kharkiv, then switching to sumy and back, in order to try to stretch, in principle, stretch the line of our defense, we are in principle in such a very unfavorable situation and how to get out of it, is it possible to to get out of it, this is an open question, because here too, as british analysts
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notice a certain paradox, on the one hand, the russians, in terms of their capabilities, have managed to reach their peak after... their lifetime, well, reach the level where the maximum that they can send organized in the attack is a company, but it turns out that the russians have found a linear way out of this, that they say, ok, we can send a maximum of a company into battle, and not as we want a brigade or a division there at once, then you can just collect a few, well, a very large one the number of such poisons and simply pull them to the widest width of the front and attack there and create problems for us in this way, what can be asymmetrical to create for the russians in response from our side. problems in their current format of action, it is an open question, because simply by the number of manpower or with the number of those, well, equipment, weapons, which may not reach the west now, you won't get them here, you need something here, well... i don't even know what it could be. well, you know, ivan, the russians, obviously, with these actions , tried to achieve that, we used our
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reserves, and judging by everything, they succeeded, and as for what actions can be, well, we all understand, more people on the front line , more capabilities on the front line, more weapons from our side on the front line, and then this stretching will not make any sense, unfortunately, the situation is not like that, let's put it bluntly, but here the question is... for us, for example, not so much with the reserves, but what about the reserves of the russians, that is, to what extent can they increase these actions from your point of view, because, well, as you correctly noted, they throw companies, these companies are being collected, but these companies are also running out, and what they have in reserves, from what is known and even at the moment the most pessimistic estimates that sound that the russians have in reserves, is somewhere around 6,000 shticks , that is, the subdivisions that are being reconciled there, and there may be in the theories taken there were removed from the training centers and battlegrounds, the complexity
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of the situation is that the russians, even for that offensive in the kharkiv region, went to the extent that this 44th army corps of theirs was not fully formed, but simply to take it from the training grounds and throw into battle, well, because that 's what the party ordered them to do, well, that is, well, the kremlin said, but here's another problem, that once... the russians are beginning to demonstrate such a course that they bet not only on the number, but also on quality of use, come on let's agree that this is an attempt to attack in three lines, i.e. first the saboteurs go, then the first echelon of the offensive, then the second, well, this is fundamentally higher in quality than what they demonstrated even under audio, accordingly, we also have a problem, you know, more weapons, more people, more equipment, well, this story just won't go linearly, one of the moments that, let's say, literally hangs in the air. but who did not say that officially, well, forgive me, but we are the russian army in terms of mechanization, we we are lagging behind the russian army, you can argue as much as you want that the russians
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are running out of montiligis, they are running out of relatively newer t-72s, so there are also 62 sheds, chinese golfcars and the like, but well, even if they are brothers, but they have them, but and if you simply open those western directories that are publicly available, the national legislation does not prohibit, let's call it reading. then it becomes sad there, how much we lag behind them in terms of defense technology, so simply due to, you know, such a linear expansion, we are not let's drag out the situation, we will have to look for something non -linear, well, that is, you know, here is an option, well , if the russians already start in the rear, this is non-linear, to what extent can we afford it, to what extent do we have the capabilities for this, well, the question that hangs, hangs , i don’t know what you can say, i’m nothing, for example, well... the same specific statement from blinkin based on the results of this visit, which says that ukraine itself decides to use western weapons, including for attacks on the russian federation, respectively, maybe a cassette one
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atakams is asking a lot, it’s not really pampering for the temporarily occupied crimea, on the territory of the belogrutsk people’s republic, well , it’s clustered, by the way, to hit masses of troops, so if the americans already sounded such a specific wording that targets, and we don’t prohibit it, it said the right of ukraine, and also... by the way, there is also the question of striking with western weapons, it is not just a matter of planting a long-range missile somewhere in the moscow region, it is also there, taking into account the pettiness of some of our western allies, the question arises whether it is possible even to use machine guns of certain types during raids there, for example, the same rdk or tanks, well, when the poles, i'm sorry, they ate that it seemed to them that the rdk used their pt-91 bastards, well, which are just a modification of the t-72, that's exactly it about the fact that it is possible to use any western equipment to attack the russians.
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straining a lot, the beautiful video, which is now calm over there on the border of kharkiv region, does not spread like that, when literally on the highway there among russian civilian cars there is a game, pounding somewhere in the direction of kharkiv, well, what is this, that is, he simply shouldn't be standing there, so to speak, so what is it, thank you very much ivan, it was ivan kyrychevskyi, an expert. thank you for joining us, now we have to go on a break, then we will still continue to discuss the situation in kharkiv oblast, but directly with a person from the battlefield, let's say
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so, so... wait, now there is a break. unpunished evil always returns. may 19. day of remembrance of victims of political repression. your place is waiting for you, the lights stay on, for dinner, what you love. it's warm
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the bed is made, there will be walks, swings and bathing, they are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you. we were surprised, because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby. half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win. and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home... when
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we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you. so, let 's go back to the chronicles of the war, i'm olga len, and i remind you about our collection for the repair of heavy military equipment in the soldarsky and zaporizhzhia directions, it is a repair and restoration fee. the regiment works on the contact line and in the gray zone, please join, this is the recovery, the return of any damaged military equipment, tanks, bmp, apc, a very important thing, it definitely saves lives, you see all the data, please, a third of the amount we have collected, so we are waiting for your active participation to finally collect the entire amount, and
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our guest, yuriy fedor, should have already arrived. commander of the shock-bepak battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after koshovoy taman ivan sirk. i congratulate you, yuri. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. well, actually, let's start literally with what is happening in your direction, but today there was such information that something like this literally started in the vovchansk district, a little, well, not on the territory of the city itself. the attempt of a tank attack by the russian occupiers, what do you know about it, do you know anything about it, have there already been any such attempts, well, indeed, to enter there with armored vehicles, what can you tell us about that is happening, well, now there, as far as the enemy’s actions are concerned, the enemy is actively trying to increase the efforts of the assault precisely in order
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to consolidate the results that are... and to regroup and continue their influence, let’s call it that, in the kharkiv region, in general, that is further occupation of the territories, but we have to tell you that from the day the state border was crossed, the enemy initially used a significant amount of lightly armored armored vehicles, most of which were destroyed at will due to the combined fire influence, these are artillery means, anti-tank means and, of course, means of unmanned aircraft, in particular and half-breeds, respectively... on a number of vitymkas, the enemy almost removed the use of lightly armored armored vehicles, but on some sections, taking advantage of the opportunity, the enemy tries to use it, in particular, and will continue to do so, the task of the defense forces is to timely detect and, accordingly, destroy what is happening at all levels, and this does not concern...


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