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tv   [untitled]    May 19, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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the enemy is actively trying to increase the efforts of the assault precisely in order to consolidate the results that are there and to regroup and continue its influence, let's call it that, in the kharkiv region, in general, that is, the further occupation of the territories, but we have to tell you that from the day of the transition of the state border, the enemy initially used a significant amount of long-range armored vehicles, most of which were completely destroyed at the expense of the combined artillery, anti-tank and, of course , unmanned aerial vehicles, including semi-drones. accordingly, in a number of areas, the enemy has almost removed the use of lightly armored armored vehicles, but in some areas, taking advantage of the opportunity, the enemy is trying to use it, in particular, and will continue to do so. the task of the defense forces is to timely detect and, accordingly, destroy what is happening at all levels, and this does not apply. there is exceptional vovchensk, or for
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the example of other parts where the enemy crossed the state border, this applies to the entire line of combat, we see the enemy, we hit and hit sufficiently hard and powerfully, well, in in principle, well, everyone is talking about it, that a major breakthrough of the front was still avoided, but the russians occupied several border settlements, but today, as if in the morning, they did not carry out any such active actions, but then, after all, they resumed and... but it's just interesting your opinion on whether it can really be said that it has been contained, stabilized, or are we now waiting for them to regroup and there will be some new offensive attempts in the area and on vovchanskyi and on liptsi, that is, how you see this in general, this is their actions, i would like to note the weaponry. are not waiting, the armed
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forces are active, 24/7, sufficiently active and powerful, is it expected that the enemy will intensify shock assault actions, draw up reserves, regroup, it is expected, once again let's consider the situation more comprehensively, then it will be clear, immediately according to the enemy, which it blew into him, the enemy intends to completely destroy ukrainian statehood, and this ambition remains with them to this day, also for the enemy there is a phased occupation of ukrainian the donetsk-luhansk region remains the priority area in order for the enemy to move actively in the donetsk luhansk region as much as possible, in his opinion, it was necessary to withdraw a certain amount of forces and means that took part in the hostilities in the donetsk, luhansk direction to another place. accordingly, in connection with the proximity to the state border and in general, informational propaganda in the russian federation supports that kharkiv is very much there.
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an important place for the russian federation, they began to cross the state border again storm the positions in the kharkiv region. it is also an extremely important strategic city for us, so one way or another the defense forces will deploy reserves there. and also that it is important to understand that the enemy has a small gap in time, one and a half to two months, when the defense forces receive the maximum amount of means within the framework of joint military aid, then in most vitings we will be able to prevent the enemy from committing. shock-assault actions, that is why the enemy will be quite active in the kharkiv region in the next month and a half shock-assault operations, deploying reserves and deploying all available weapons, this must be understood, in particular by kharkiv residents living in the city, i believe that it is necessary to listen to the sirens in more detail, but sometimes it happens that first the arrival, then the siren, be as attentive, careful, avoid crowded places and still try to take care of yourself from the point of view of safety. plan, everyone is already used to the war,
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used to what is coming, but you always have to go to the shelter. as for the possible successes of the enemy on the battlefield, for in my opinion, the enemy will not have significant tactical successes in the battle, why? because firstly, we were preparing to meet the enemy, this concerns engineering and fortification structures and, accordingly, the amount of forces and means used for the defense of the kharkiv region and... accordingly, in connection with international military aid, i emphasize this for the second time, we we will be able to hit the enemy's main means more thoroughly, which is the aviation that uses the control of its bombs, and it is of course different that fire as the city of kharkiv, as well as the front-line territory, so it will be difficult, but we will definitely stand up, well, you already mentioned a little about fortifications, i can't help but ask you your opinion on this discussion. there is
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a very large one that continues regarding the fact that maybe there is not enough fortification, maybe not there, well, it’s a bit like they realized that right on the border they should create... some kind of concrete line there, it’s a little bit like these expectations are not very realistic, but there are things , which nevertheless raise questions, well, for example, whether it was possible to replace something more or not it was possible to place these teeth, the so-called dragon's teeth, in the area of ​​liptsi, somehow , or not to bring them there at all, well, what do you think, could it really have been strengthened more? here are at least some aspects of all this, i will tell you that the enemy is preparing very successful lines of defense, this is the pure truth, they made conclusions after the kharkiv counteroffensive operation, and the level of engineering and fortification structures of the name that the enemy can afford is very very powerful, it's three
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lines of defense with everything you need to it was possible to bring personnel there and carry out defensive actions, as far as the kharkiv region is concerned, engineering and fortification structures about... the first line of defense and the second line of defense, was all the work done perfectly, the truth is always somewhere in the middle, the lines were being prepared, or was it would be carried out as much as possible from the current resources, finances, construction capabilities and so on, time will tell, i am sure that there will definitely be a close examination of the flights regarding the fact that something was incomplete and who reported to whom incorrectly, so it cannot be said that there is no defensive line, no, there is a defensive line and it is in two echelons. whether it was ideal for defensive actions, well, the military would always like, and i personally would like it to be better prepared. as for ukraine as a whole, it is very important here, we cannot change the past, but we can directly influence the present and the future, therefore it is very important to draw conclusions from the mistakes that
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were made and make sure that the second or third line of defense is prepared as efficiently, qualitatively and in the best possible way perspective, and this does not... apply only to the kharkiv region, it applies, in general, to the whole of ukraine, to dangerous areas where there is currently no combat action, but the enemy may open, and, accordingly, to those parts of our territory where active combat operations are ongoing. well , here we are not even talking about the first, second, even third line of defense, but rather about what is called a support strip, that is, what is before the first line of defense, actually that is what our troops broke through in... worked for several months, that is unfortunately, this problem is rather urgent for us, we were not able to prepare it, and probably, here we would like some kind of conclusions like yes, look, not quite so, but when we say that it was not possible to prepare, one might think, that
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they were not prepared, no, they were prepared, and in some aspects they were prepared with sufficient quality, whether it was fully realized, this is an open question that needs to be very detailed. to analyze and draw appropriate conclusions, well, literally because of that, something is happening now, please tell me, well, here have confirmed that the russians are entering vovchansk in such small infantry groups, trying to gain a foothold using such and such groups, is this continuing, is this tactic changing somehow, are they reinforcing it with something now, well, that is , somehow... what do you you can say about this, about the way in which the russians are still trying to conduct combat operations in the kharkiv region. here you can explain everything as rationally as possible. in the first days, the enemy used lightly armored armored vehicles,
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which the defense forces burned almost completely. the enemy resorted to the tactics used in other branches, in particular in the donetsk and luhansk regions, which is accumulation in small groups. since the kharkiv region. it is very beautiful, it is full of greenery that has not been blown up, accordingly, the enemy is using green cover, in particular the tactics used, in particular in the donetsk direction, as i said, accumulates in the main areas of concentration, then in advanced positions and under the cover of a transitional such period, you know, from when it gets dark, or vice versa, when it dawns, the enemy is most active during these periods of time, but at the same time, individual units of the enemy ... carry out shock and attack actions and it is fully lit, so this tactic gives the enemy an opportunity to delay, and why it is important for them to enter the city of vevchansk itself, exactly the same as in the city, for example, chasvia, because with the overwhelming number of manpower , it is much
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more profitable from a tactical point of view to fight in the urban development, losing one to one in the urban development, conditionally this military art says about it, the enemy is more in times, so they understand that it is difficult to hold settlements, and the enemy is trying to delay, whether he will succeed in delaying the settlement of vebchansk, i am sure that in the near future, we will see how much the enemy will use powerful reserves. and how will it be possible to stabilize this situation to buy in full ? well, in principle, the enemy uses aviation very actively, and this is what gave him the opportunity to advance in other directions, but what about vovchanskyi, because there is also reports that they are actively bombing there, but how active and how much compared to the same time period. rom there or some other direction. the enemy actively uses aviation. i will explain why this
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happens. the defense forces currently have an insufficient number of anti-aircraft weapons and ammunition for them. the enemy understands this, and the enemy also understands that the situation will change in a month and a half. accordingly, the presence of its aircraft in the air will be many times less, because the defense forces get the opportunity to shoot it down with firepower. accordingly, using this opportunity , the presence of enemy aviation. is now as high as possible on all the enemy's priority targets, in particular the kharkiv region is not an exception to the control bomb, the enemy is dropping both on the line of combat and, accordingly, on the city of kharkiv, on residential quarters and houses, and all this makes the blood boil very strongly in the veins , because the defense forces do not allow it to make an impression on the places where the russians may be concentrated on their territory, we destroy only military... objects, the enemy operates in a completely different way, so the only way we can secure our people and give
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the future of our country is to stop the enemy on the battlefield, this requires the military to do its best, and we are doing that, and it is also very important , so that the civilian sector would not succumb to panic now, would not look for an opportunity to leave the country, but would work effectively at their workplaces and , to the extent possible, support the defense force, friends. we were able to restrain the enemy powerfully once, to seize the initiative tactically on their side, then our international partners with military assistance let something down, in this regard , the enemy seized the tactical initiative, now there will be enough ammunition for the motivated military, moreover, in 2.5 years of full-scale war, also administrative, soldier, sergeant slav received very powerful training, so i am sure that together with you we will be able to hold back the enemy and also completely ... to intercept the tactical initiative on a number of tricks, well, literally briefly, literally half a minute,
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regarding how realistic it can be for us to destroy these attempts to accumulate the enemy on the territory of russia, on the territory of the belgorod region, that is, how transparent this situation can be for us, how far we can see where they can concentrate there, how you evaluate, very briefly, i will tell you that there are limitations. the use of certain means, i will not name them, of fire influence on the territory of the russian federation. we clearly know, understand, and realize where the same s300 and s-400 complexes are located. now, at the moment, there is simply no way to get them due to the ban on the use of certain means, but believe me, all the means that we can use, on which there is no ban, there is also a sufficient number of such means, are activated across the entire category of military targets on the territory of the russian federation. in particular, our unit destroyed an armored car a few days ago, which
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was on a mission to prepare for combat missions in ukraine right in the city of belgorod. thank you, thank you, it was yuriy fedorenko, thank you for joining us, for taking the time to join us, for taking the time to join us, the commander of the achilles attack pack battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade. well, our time has come to an end, but stay with the spresso tv channels, because we still have a lot of useful and interesting things for you, there are discounts, we present coco discounts of may on nozhpaforte 15% in the pharmacies psyllanyk, pam and oskad. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big
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broadcast, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics today we will discuss with you for two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, and now yuriy fizar, yuriy, will talk in more detail about what happened in the world good evening, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyv. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care. espresso in the evening.
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an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp delivery. facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world mr. norman dreams of, we can imagine it. all this in informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey , turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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"siliamolyok, we welcome you, our dear ones viewers, on the joint broadcast of the first crimean tatar tv channel atr and the espresso tv channel. i, gulsom khalilov, work for you in the studio, i am alone today, but my colleague andrii yanitskyi, he is in direct contact with me from lviv, from the lviv studio, and i hope that he already hears me, andrii, hello, i hear , congratulations". i am in lviv because of a big media event, the lviv mediaform, i have to be here, i have to represent espresso, since there are many contacts here, but i also see many crimean journalists who are currently working at the free ukrainian territory, and i see in lviv many signs of crimea, the presence of crimea and the crimean
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agenda here, well, for example, until may 18 it is clear that there will be... and mourning events will take place over the lviv city hall , the crimean flag will be raised, the crimean flag will be raised by the stamga, and there are events connected with the culture of crimea, which resonate, they are not so non-tragic, because not everyone really wants to remember crimea, only in a tragic way, there are events that simply remind ukrainians and lviv residents. that the same people as them live in crimea, no matter what occupation, these people seek freedom, and this is done in various ways, well, in particular, for example, through the spread of the crimean-tatar coffee culture, here is lirane khaibulaeva, who is the owner of the krymsky dvorik restaurant in
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lviv, conducts such a competing event. cultural project, and teaches lviv residents how to make crimean coffee correctly. well, it is really very important, it is especially important, on the eve of the anniversary of the deportation, and it is correct to say, the genocide of the crimean tatar people on may 18, i am talking about the genocide, because many countries, the ukrainian state, the baltic countries and canada have already recognized the deportation of the crimean people. genocide, and now the majlis of the crimean tatar people is working to ensure that other countries of the european union also recognize the deportation as genocide, and we will talk about it today with the historian, but traditionally, andriy, we always start the broadcast with the military component and summarize the , which took place on
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the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, this week there was a double strike on the enemy... in the occupied crimea, there are ballistic missiles the attacks caused an uproar in belbeko and sarabuza. the russian military and the occupation authorities claim that several missiles were destroyed in mid-flight in the area of ​​the belbek military airfield on the black sea. but the local residents reported that they saw and heard the sounds of the flight to and from the air base and even recorded it on video, and then the russian occupation. by the authorities, she detained several young guys there and simply forced them to apologize for the video they published, and... and today we plan to talk to mr. volodymyr about these events zablotskyi, naval expert , defense express expert,
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retired captain of the first rank. he is now in direct contact with us. mr. volodymyr, we congratulate you. salam aleikum. alaykum your salam. thank you for the invitation. glory to ukraine, lady player. glory to heroes. thank you for joining our broadcast. well, how did you remember this one? week in the territory of crimea, what do these attacks by the armed forces of ukraine mean for you and what consequences of the russian invaders can we already talk about? well, to me that means if to understand, the continuation of the purposeful work of the armed forces of ukraine in preparation for the occupation of the crimean peninsula. this is a logical continuation, quite logical. even scaling up what we saw last year, when the air defense system on tarkhankut was attacked, when several
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radio technical posts, radars, etc., which ensured the operation of air defense, were destroyed, and all this happened after the so-called boyka towers were deoccupied, and even earlier, snake island, this is such a retrospective. and now there is a logical continuation of all this, the following steps are already scaled strikes, that is, we have the potential to destroy targets no longer with point strikes, as before, not with small series, but on a large scale, so that if something is knocked down, the rest will reach the target, and we see how it was in dzhankoya , where it was attacked first for... these are air defense facilities and airplanes at the airfield, but now on belbek, belbek is also this and eh, well, let's say this, such a node on the southern
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coast, this is another, another unit of the russians, but it doesn't matter to us, because eh, the fewer of them, the better, eh, and here we are talking about the attack on the aircraft itself, and the data about the destruction, about the damage, here we see now on the screen, about the destruction of the air defense systems, at least the radar stations for the s300 and s-400, are already coming in, these are the main complexes used by the russians to cover their objects in the occupied crimea, well, in general, these are the most massive systems, especially for them , it's boring. there will be the destruction of elements of the s-400 triumf complex, which they present as invulnerable, which can knock down everything, but
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we see that not everything can, what is it for is being done, these are, let's say, logical steps to ensure the supremacy of the armed forces, the air force of ukraine, in the air and... usually, according to the classics of the genre, this happens when a military operation is being prepared, when aviation will be used, when cruise missiles will be used, drones to hit other targets, and to ensure that, it is necessary to multiply by zero, as they say, the air defense system and fighter aircraft of the enemy, neutralize it so that it, well, at least changes its location, or even better... so that it does nothing at all changed and was destroyed, and you know what is interesting to me, mr. volodymyr, where is this vaunted russian air defense system? well
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, we are now saying that on the crimean peninsula, at least here, anti-aircraft defense has already been neutralized by approximately 3/4. of course, they will replace something there, from where they will take it, but it is not so simple, and where they will take it, well, we will. see and we will be able to launch strikes, of course, where this air defense will be weakened, and where can i take it from the crimean bridge or from novorossiysk, yes, and this night we see that novorossiysk had so much fun, that is, you can’t take it from there, the crimean bridge, well such a case, let them remove it, let's see, objectively, they now only have such a belt left near, well, there is... in the east of the crimea, there is kerch, here in that area, because here dzhankoy, tarkhankut, belbek, it is no longer works, is not able to work, at least, or does not see, or
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has nothing. to shoot or the ammunition is destroyed, and so on, that is, to say that there is a full-fledged russian anti-aircraft defense in crimea would be an exaggeration, although you cannot downplay what is left there, they can do something else, they will try to shoot, shoot down, well, but that that's the case, that's it more propaganda will lead to real war. mr. volodymyr, what we see is how quickly video footage of explosions appears on the internet, despite all the efforts of the fsb, it simply speaks of some such natural curiosity of the crimeans for such unexpected explosions, or is it the crimeans after all, who are pro-ukrainian, record the losses of russians and send this information to all kinds of anonymous telegram channels or to the ukrainian special services, this is about... curiosity
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, is it still possible to measure the pro-ukrainian attitude of crimeans? here you can say that both are present, it is natural when a person sees something that he has never seen, he films it and wants to share it, because it is authority in the environment, friends, acquaintances , etc., and on the other hand, well, we see , that it is this process, well, it scales, always when... something is banned, and it is done on the contrary, the opposite happens, and we can hope that there is an element and a patriotic element also included, i do not think that what they they transfer there separate, let's say, sources of our intelligence here to the center, it appears on the screens, firstly, it is different channels, but nevertheless, intelligence
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usually uses it in... it is called osint, that is, open sources of information, open, intelligence of open sources of information, that is, including video channels, there photos, videos that are posted in open access, well, nevertheless, patriotism is also present here, and to a lesser extent there is already such a desire, let's say, to show oneself to someone there, especially among young people. well , nevertheless, it is useful, so let this continue and both, because one turns into another, and let's hope ms. gulsum, i wanted to point out, we just saw a qr code on the screen, our dear viewers, if you see a qr code on the screen, quickly raise your smartphones, take a picture of that qr code and drop money on rap for 48 of the noman chelbychhan military academy, these are the direct fighters who
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put with the goal of liberating crimea, and we are all rooting for that. yes, khrym, bizymu lajah. mr. volodymyr, here, you know, i have a question, you talked about the fact that the russian occupiers now have very serious problems with air defense in the territory temporarily of the occupied peninsula, does this mean that, well, for us, for the armed forces of ukraine, it will, well, increase the probability of strikes on the kerch bridge, now, which we can expect in... sooner times, including, we cannot rule out such a variant of the development of events, but the destruction of the kerch bridge will be done, let's say, in time, when it is needed by the armed forces of ukraine, that is , when other factors are present, when we are ready to strike at, say, to storm the enemy's fortifications and break through to the peninsula , it's first because... if now
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to attack and even destroy it, well, they will start to restore it, repair it, as it happened twice already, and then they will have neither time nor opportunity, and they will remain in crimea, well , not on the peninsula, but on the island, so to speak, blockaded on all sides, without weapons, without ammunition, without fuel, without everything else, eh, they will then have only the sea channel, deliveries, here we have means of blockade, unmanned boats, besides, the new developments that are offered to us, our defenders, defense speakers, including submarines, including armored boats, well , a lot of such interesting things, about which we will hear more, and a blockade from the sea, then this will already force the enemy to either leave or surrender,
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as if... when the next guest comes, you will introduce her before advertising.


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