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tv   [untitled]    May 20, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EEST

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espresso in the evening. dmytro tuzhanskyi, director of the institute of central european strategy and an expert on ukrainian-hungarian relations, also from slovak issues expert. mr. dmitry, we congratulate you. good day. mr. dmytro, we will just start through slovakia, we will see what is there in budapest, therefore, after the order. on the pro-russian fizo, we already have more and more secrets all the time, they are declassified by some official spokesmen, the minister of internal affairs of slovakia says something: oh, it’s not him, the retired writer shot, and there was a whole group of some, maybe accomplices to these shots , in a word, the whole campaign unfolding before our eyes is amazing. what effects do you seem to see
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that such a fizo will recover, but surely he will no longer rule slovakia? you know, good questions, but i don't have the answers to them, it's a black swan, and now is the moment when we have to see where it goes, where it will turn. it is a good sign that slovak elites have come forward, at least with the message that let's not use this tragedy for political purposes. because in the last two years the situation in slovakia has really become electrified, the society is very polarized, very twisted, well, some politicians have already started exploiting the topic, they say the blood is on the hands of the independent media there, by the way, they almost screwed this mr. tsintula, or the opposition forces, in particular the progressive slovakia, russian disinformation works very actively, it unfortunately has a very strong influence. well, the network in
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slovakia, unfortunately, the russian embassy is very strong there, and they got involved in this story, literally, for 5-7 minutes, according to our observations, when information appeared in the leading publications about the attempt, russian disinformation immediately spread, so you know, now it is in such a very swinging pendulum state, and well, let's see what the consequences will be, here the question is the fit. will he return or not, that is a good question, you know, i will speculate a little, but of course it will be his decision, but, let's say, before his return to power, the question was for him to personally leave politics, leave, conditionally in other words, to go on political retirement, and the question was how to go, yes, because i was under threat of influence and in general to preserve such a slavic, traditional identity...
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slovaks, her, i don't know, connections with slavic brothers , well, something like that, here russian disinformation is trying to tie mr. tsintula to liberal groups. such circles, mr. tsintula on a video of someone who walks on the internet, as if after the assassination attempt, says that he has political motives for the assassination attempt on robert fitz, because he does not agree with his politics, you see, the special services should work here, i do not rule it out at all , that is , the question is who inspired this attempt, this is for the special services, but in general i do not rule out that mr. tsintula is such a passionate person with his vision of the swi and the slovak language, he is a writer, a poet who wavers, you know, it's not that he's a pure right-wing pure left-winger, you know, he's a slovak nationalist, maybe it's not necessary, you have to be right-wing or left-wing, it's always combined, or something like that eclectic, if we speak in political
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terms, things, and you know, well, his motives can be completely paradoxical, but again, they are not justified by anything, because you know, well, attempted murder. five shots, a person got into a car, drove less than 100 km, waited for the fit and fired five shots, that is, you know, this is such a, er, well, a very self-conscious act, you see, you say that in slovakia the elites are trying to approach the situation wisely, not to use it for some further political intrigues, in hungary, because they reacted very specifically, now orbán says that because of this attempt, after this attempt on...fizo, hungary will fight for peace alone, that is, they now imagine themselves as some kind of missionary, is there really such a position for the whole of hungary, or is it only orban just uses the situation for strengthening own positions? orbán is once again
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just cynically using the situation, incredibly irresponsibly, just like he used the russian invasion of ukraine, you know, when the invasion started. i was in hungary during the international election observation month, well, an explanation for the viewers, in 10 days i went on an international contract, i already returned to ukraine actually a long time ago, but i saw with my own eyes how cynically it was all used, this, on alas, in his style, there are no moral imperatives for him act, it is important for viktor orbán to use it, the elections of the european parliament, he made a high, big bet on them, and local elections are taking place in parallel in hungary, for viktor orbán there is a lot at stake, for him, well... actually, what is happening there in slovakia, unfortunately, orban is not interested in the russians' attempts to provoke a civil conflict there, you know that, and it's not only about slovakia, orban acts like that, well , that's how he is, that's what he decided, if it's on his conscience, he'll use much bigger
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tragedies, well, for these ratings, that is this moral boundary, well, not that moral, it is even to be honest, some kind of political culture, well, it does not exist there, that’s right, yes, but in this case exactly... together with your siyart , you blocked again, they all the time something is being blocked, whether it is aid or military aid, whether it is dialogues with nato, or even a resolution of the council of europe, it was important for us, probably for this peaceful swiss conference, because it is indicated there, there is one valuable line, that only ukrainian the peace formula can be the basis for some further vision of a peaceful exit. the agreement and this is exactly what hungary is vetoing, it is about fighting for peace alone, this is how they probably imagine it, in this case, well, nothing changes, they meet, talk, call back with orbán, sierto, and as hungary officially both blocked and blocks,
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well see, that's what it looks like really, but that's what i'm repeating and trying. would convey to the ukrainian audience so that you understand that orban is blocking something or not doing something for ukraine, doing it against ukraine, it is not that it is not entirely on our shoulders responsibility and it does n't matter if zelenskyi's team is there or, by the way, poroshenko's team, because it's been a long time, it's been happening since 17th, even rather it's happening, and it's like viktor orban, you know, it doesn't mean that he's hopeless, it doesn't mean that it cannot be. to convince him or not to force him, by the way, and this, by the way, in no way devalues ​​the ukrainian efforts in this regard, in this context, indeed recently volodymyr zelenskyi spoke by phone with viktor orban, and the question of the peace formula, zelenskyi or ukraine, the peace summit was discussed there
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were discussed, and now orbán or ciarto or his team is doing such and such, you know, in a week and a half, such and such a step, again, this, you will understand, is a problem that we have to solve together, not a problem from the ukrainian side, it is not the problem is from the european side, orban acts like, well, how he acts with slovakia, so for him it’s like a fizofriend and all that, and slovakia is important, but he will use this tragedy for... political rhetoric and further polarization for his ratings , well, if i i'm not sure there, well, i won't speculate like orban, but it's the same story, you see, that is, orban, why they 're making it up, three reasons: first, it's because they 're not allowed to bequeath something important, and they were not allowed to sign the opening of negotiations with ukraine, 50 billion, other important issues, and now they will not be allowed to sign the negotiation framework that should be approved with ukraine, it seems june 23, well, at the end of june, they will not motivate it, you you'll see, although there will be attempts to do it again, and that's why
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this is the council of europe, you know, it's such a thing, it will be in hungary, if it's important that they have shown their power and weight, but in fact, you know, to bequeath it is when you can't bequeath something important, you veto here is this thing, the second reason, they focus on china, and the third reason, they focus on russia and this. spike, yes, that is, china is far from undecided about the peace summit and in general support, not support, who will go, or will go, everyone will clearly not go, but will one of these two, you know, communicators in international politics, important, less important, yes, that is, china is not defined, and hungary suits them, yes, what they say is not so clear-cut in the west, as they say, there is no clear-cut position regarding volodymyr zelenskyi’s peace formula, and eh, in sierto's statement, we provided an explanation... because there are other peace formulas or peace plans out there that are also worth considering, clearly alluding to
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the chinese ones, yes, and the third one is russia, you know, if, again to say when there is a need to ask for money, gas or something else to say, you know, mr. lavrov, we promised at the council of europe about such an attempt by the ukrainians to impose on us, on you, on everyone, on us, yes, this formula, but you heard that the other day... they want to present some formula to us, to impose it, to force it, that's why he went there, again, cynically , irresponsibly, but that's the whole point, but here it just looks so ridiculous that in fact only good hungarians are left in russian military propaganda, because they saw mines being dropped from drones, and they are serbian, oops, the serbs are no longer brothers, there is already hysteria, it is absolutely not clear how slovakia will now work out its own. of the russian agenda, only hungary remains, and in hungary there is a big gap in support by not
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supporting zelenskyi's peace formula, by supporting the peace formula of the chinese communists, this does not mean supporting putin's tantrums about the istanbul drafts, in a word, such a complex knot is emerging for hungary, they are getting out of the loop, look, orban sure, yes, that's his essence, to do these splits and think that he knows how he is. dam, that is, he can do it shagati stand forever and take advantage of it, and what is very important, it should not blind us in our attempts and in politics, regarding the hungarian national minority, that is, not to carry out this identity between orbán and the national minority, yes, which, well, let me remind you, they wrote letter to orban and said: " please, viktor, don't block." not that orbán and siertu are hostages. yes, and secondly, it is actually hungary itself, we need it. again, we must not get tired, well, not to call, you know, because there is an immediate analogy with how
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macron called putin, but we have to apply this diplomacy, we need to put pressure, we need to create such conditions, and i am not afraid of this word as a trap for orbán, so that he, you know, could not be friends with him, but did not block our movement, the eu and nato and western aid, mr. dmytro, thank you, as always, for the expert analysis and comments, dmytro tuzhanskyi, director of the institute of central european strategy. an expert on ukrainian-hungarian and ukrainian-slovak relations was with us. and at the end of the first half of this day, about energy, about light and everything from this is related. oleksiy kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine, will talk with us. mr. oleksiy, glory to ukraine. i congratulate you as a hero. your glory is that ukraine has lost 90% of its thermal power plant capacity. well, ukrenergo, in confirmation of all this, says that today from the 18th there will be disconnections for both industrial and household consumers,
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i have a question, why, in fact, this happened rather unexpectedly for the average ukrainian, because we constantly heard: everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine, we are coping, we will limit the industry somewhere, and here hop, one fine day the graphs appeared, why so suddenly, why did it take so long, i apologize, who said that it was good, something i... thermal and hydrogeneration capacity, lost 600 mw of capacity . well, these are six nuclear units, you see, in terms of capacity , what the ukrainian energy system has lost, well , how can it be good, who from, who said, what they said, that there are no problems with providing the population with electricity, i am such that someone says that there are no problems, it may be some fantasists, some politicians, you know, who
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instead of telling people the truth, they tell fables, well, any adequate energy engineer cannot say such a thing. well, in life, you understand that there are no problems, there are problems, there will be problems, unfortunately, will they be catastrophic, no, they will not be catastrophic, but there will be restrictions in the near future, first of all, understand, we cannot live without imports, right now, we have imports going full blast right now and we don't have enough of those imports to close this one hole, in this deficit, so the first thing the government should do now is the capacity of the networks. to increase the exchange of electricity with europe, we can now take 1,700 megawatts, we need another 1,000, that is, up to 200, but the europeans say that everything is not so simple there, they say, we are ready to supply you with electricity stably, but we want to have full
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long-term, transparent, clear contracts and payment for them, and payment for european... contracts for european electricity, these are definitely european prices, and that's why now we are resisting, and this is an unpopular decision that is being prepared, this is a tariff decision so that additional money will enter the system, but here in this case i advise everyone to listen exclusively to the company and the representative of the ukrenergo company, this, this is the most important thing , our energy engineers who really know and understand what the situation will be in the power system, before the heating season before the cold weather, what we can do in the western direction, as you said, expand the networks to increase imports, and what we can at least
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repair or restore locally. we will to repair now is a good question, roman , rightly look at the western side here and we have to do it, but they, for their part, primarily from poland, have to strengthen their power lines in order to increase their throughput, and they also need to invest money in their networks for the poles , that is why they say that if it will be on a long-term basis and it will be economically profitable there, they will also... invest in their networks, because if they do not invest in their networks, no matter what we do, we don't, we alone won't do it, no let's increase it, and that's why it won't happen quickly, well , six months, a year, it's really, this is such a horizon as far as recovery is concerned, you know that on friday the government allocated 1.5 billion hryvnias from the budget, from the reserve fund, still there from the donor fund of this, for the repair
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of two stations of the state company centrenergo, this is triple. station near kyiv and this is the zmiiv station near kharkiv, but the main question arises for me: well, if there are no guarantees of reliable protection by anti-aircraft defense systems, then it is clear that repair it, don't repair it, and so on, so i hope that if the government already decides to allocate money for these repairs, then there is some positive information about the strengthening of air defense. look, mr. oleksiy, what positive information can there be if cannonade is heard on the northern outskirts of kharkiv, i.e. snakes, i understand about the tripoli one, then the rockets ran out, but how to guarantee protection in the zmiiv one? look, look, come on, you can hear cannonading there, then various missiles, our stations were hit with the corresponding daggers, you understand, that is,
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only missiles can be used against them protect only the patriot, well conditionally yes, the patriot, that's why the president. today, well , every day, excuse me, dobbey, yes, americans, well, in a good sense, i also see the ambassador of ukraine markarov, she has the same rhetoric, give it to the patriots, and to us, as if the danes promised the danes, as if the americans were there too, blinkin yes they expect, because without this , agree, well, to repair something, well, it is money that is fulfilled, because there are no nets and bags with squeaks, for which a lot of money was written off, by the way, i am appealing once again. i have been paying attention to my initiative to create tsk for a month now to find out where tens of billions of hryvnias went for these fortifications, well, they are, the government does not answer, the faction alone does not answer, guess what. which does not want to control, and as a result we spent tens of billions of hryvnias, building something there, 80% were not completed, i guarantee you, they were not completed, because the money
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was scattered like that, as a result , there were simply not enough missiles to defend against this, in as a result, tariffs will now be raised, under the guise of needing money for restoration, you see, this is a chain of some incomprehensible decisions, they are not for me understandable, but simply incomprehensible, i would like the government. without concealing a military secret, explained all these things, and the government and the relevant structures, i think, will be very unpleasant information when you and i really find out where the money went for these shelters, and then also for fortification, you understand , what is the problem there, by the way, fortification and fortification, we understand that these are two processes that are both necessary for our state, and whatever they are, they are built as they should be, and then then, that is exactly what we are talking about, mr. oleksiy, i wanted to ask whether it is still really necessary, because air defense is important, is it still possible to protect some smaller objects with these concrete
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structures, is it advisable to do it now, or do you have some other vision, we literally have a minute left, but look, theoretically, transformers are not to protect, but these are serious constructions, you see, these sarcophagi are small, roughly 5 by 8 m, i guess they can and should be built, but they... must be built quickly and closed immediately, you know, and what i saw when we drove, a lot of unfinished ones, and that's it the organization of work, first of all the question arises, it is definitely necessary to build concrete structures for the personnel so that they can quickly hide, the personnel of the energy substations, when there is a missile attack, when there is an alert, because they are very excited, those people die, unfortunately, you understand, that's why there is such a problem here, but first of all, definitely... the country's air defense system and objectively, how it is built there, well, it should be, and it's money, it's resources, you understand that this is not
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a cheap pleasure, and unfortunately, we have it the problem is big, we all feel it, thank you for the answer, thank you for the conversation and analysis, oleksiy kucharenko, people's deputy of ukraine, was with us on the air of the espresso tv channel, and in fact, roman and i are also approaching the time to say goodbye, see you tomorrow, we will only remind you about ... what we are collecting for the atvs, please donate whenever you can, in the end any collection is supported, because this is what we can do here in the rear for those who are on the front, who are doing a very important matter, the most important now in our country, in a few minutes literally do not miss the news on the espresso tv channel, khrystyna parubiy will summarize this morning, we wish you a peaceful, safe day, take care and do not be on air alarms, good luck, see you tomorrow, gasoline
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11:59 am
we summarize the informative morning in ukraine on the air of spresso news. khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. the russians tried to go on the offensive in luhansk region. they tried to break through the defenses in the area of ​​bilogorivka, but suffered heavy losses, - said the head of the region, artem lysohor. 17 times the russian army attacked our positions in this direction. also the occupiers concentrated their troops near stelmakhivka in the kupian direction. a forest was burning due to
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the fall of drone debris in the lviv region. the downed drone fell in the zolochiv district, an eyewitness reported.


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