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tv   [untitled]    May 20, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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from 1999 to 2001, the co-leader of the ukrainian -chinese business council was in eteriso, we are now moving on, we pass the floor to our colleague iryna koval, who has already prepared relevant and fresh information for us with the news editor, so iro, we pass the floor, and please tell us briefly , about which we managed to find out. thank you marta, well, in just a moment i will talk about the situation in vovchansk and robotyn, and i will tell you in more detail about the explosion in luhansk. wait. it's 4 p.m. in ukraine. for your attention , a news release on the espressu tv channel. in iryna's studio blacksmith. greetings to all viewers. and we start with the situation in vovchansk 60. the territory is
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under the control of the armed forces of ukraine. this was announced by the deputy head of the kharkiv military administration, roman semenukha. according to him, continuous shelling continues in the city. the russians continue their offensive. the hottest battles are taking place near the settlement of liptsi, as well as on the left and right flanks of the city of vovchansk. the occupiers are trying to gain a foothold in the housing development to start street fighting. russians in a week they took the robot three times, but there are no occupiers there - said the head of the united coordination press center of the defense forces of the south, dmytro pletenchuk. according to him, the ukrainian troops have not lost their positions in the robotyny region, but the russians continue to attack them. our soldiers hit the base of the occupiers in the village of yuvileyne in the luhansk region. a fire broke out at the point of impact. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration.
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artem lysohor. according to russian propagandists, nine people were injured as a result of the attack, and the armed forces of ukraine allegedly hit the object with french scalp missiles. on may 20, ukrainians commemorate the second anniversary of the completion of the heroic defense of mariupol and azovstal. how long did the city and the factory last and why were our defenders forced to surrender? see further in our mother. the battle for mariupol began with a full-scale russian invasion and lasted until may 20, 22, the defense of the hero's city lasted 86 days, 82 of which were completely surrounded. during february 24 and 28 , the enemy approached mariupol from the east, north, and west. russian on march 1 the invaders completely surrounded the city and attacked it. shelling. on march 5, the enemy
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approached the center. attempts to evacuate civilians were thwarted by continuous artillery attacks. on march 9, the russians attacked a hospital and a maternity hospital in the center of mariupol. on march 16, a crime was committed that outraged the whole world. an aerial bomb was dropped on the drama theater, under the debris of which at least 600 civilians died. in mid-april , the only center of resistance remained. above azovstal, where all the ukrainian units that were in the city broke through, kept the defense azov regiment, marines, border guards, national guardsmen, policemen, all of them got to azovstal whenever possible. also , many civilians who were hiding from shelling and bombardment gathered at the plant. in blocked azovstal, there were problems with drinking water, food and medicine were running out. as of mid-may , there were about 600 wounded
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fighters on the territory of the combine, 40 of whom were in serious condition. in the first days of may, all civilians were evacuated from azovstal, and on may 16, by order of the president zelensky, ukrainian soldiers surrendered . the last defender left azovstal on may 20. the russians received prisoners from azovstal in prisons both on the territory of occupied donetsk region and on the territory of russia. june 28 took place. during which the first 95 defenders of mariupol and azovstal returned to ukraine. the most massive exchange took place on the night of september 21-22. then 182 defenders returned to ukraine. on may 6, 2023 , 45 defenders of mariupol were returned from russian captivity. and since that time in the lists of exchanges of soldiers with there was no azov steel. until now, more than 700
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heroes of azovstal are still in captivity, and there was only one news about... my son, it was somewhere from olenivka, that they saw him there, those guys who had already been exchanged, after that no news, unfortunately. according to the association of families of defenders of azovstal, more than 1,900 defenders of mariupol are currently in russian captivity. more than 700 of them are azov. tetyana golunova, yulia belska, espresso tv channel. the government of iran called an emergency meeting due to the death of the president and other officials, local media reported. the death of ibrahim raisi and the country's foreign minister was confirmed on state television by the vice president of iran. the duties of the country's leader will be performed by the first vice-president mohamed
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mogber. as you know, the helicopter in which the official delegation was flying was found at dawn today with the help of a drone. the helicopter completely burned down during. hard landing in the mountains near the country's border. iranian media reported that the cause of the disaster was bad weather. on the eve of rayesi with the government was in azerbaijan as a delegation. along with putin, the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court, karim khan , requested arrest warrants for three leaders of the palestinian movement hamas, as well as top israeli officials. we are talking about prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and israeli defense minister yoav gallant. the corresponding document was published on the iss website. the leaders of israel and hamas are accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity. a panel of judges must now consider khan's application and render its decision. to allow
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ukraine to attack the territory of russia with its weapons. this possibility is being discussed in the french parliament. as reported by the french media, the head of the committee. doctrine he stated that the time has come for such parliamentarians to change the existing military support. unspecified loss. to mark the second anniversary of the end of the defense of azovstal , a project of psychological assistance to female military prisoners was presented in the capital. as part of the project, psychological assistance will be provided absolutely free of charge. conducts consultations. qualified specialists, in order to communicate with psychologists, families of captured defenders need to go to the website, leave an application and a psychologist will contact the applicant within two hours, in fact this is
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the psychological moment that they are talking about today, and many relatives are contacting and it is very difficult to wait for the words of the relatives for the second year in fact. some have already spent the third year waiting for their return from captivity, and for people this is a very, very important problem, and it is precisely here that psychological help should become so important for solving such important life- life problems. such projects are very important, so that women, so that relatives, not only women, in principle, relatives find in themselves the strength and desire, but... to stand on their own, keep themselves in good shape, in shape, so that they do not give up . and we urge you to join the urgent collection. scouts need a reliable off-road vehicle for missions in the war zone. soldiers use cars to move around positions and transport
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ammunition, as well as launch drones from cars. the necessary transport is already in ukraine, it remains only to buy it and transfer it to the front. so our goal is 300 thousand. uah with your help, we have already collected over uah 13,800. every donation you make is important. you can now see all the details on the screen, so join the gathering. the next news release, wait at 5 p.m. read more on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to us on social networks and watch our content on youtube, my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antina will continue in a moment. borkovsky. information day of the tv channel in rozpala. well, an extremely informative day. an important
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message from the head of kharkivska oleg synigubov regional military administration. in vovchansk, fighting continues on almost every street. direct speech. the situation is dire in the vovchansk region, the front line in the north of the region is stabilized, fighting continues in vovchansk itself, and the confrontation goes on almost every street. thanks to effective actions. of defense, - noted sinigubov, the plan to quickly capture the enemy in the north of the kharkiv region failed, well, earlier the deputy head of the kharkiv regional military administration , semenukha, said that the armed forces are 60% they control vovchansk, fighting continues, the situation is extremely difficult. well, we will add valery ryabykh, military expert, director of development of the information and consulting company defense express to our ether. mr. valery, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good day, studio, good day, dear viewers, well, let's start with
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information about the possible loss by the russians of the last carrier of caliber missiles in crimea, the ship of the black sea fleet, the zyklon, this was reported by the head of the press center of the force defense of the south, dmytro pletenchuk. about probable defeat of a missile carrier in sevastopol, and the russian so-called warships are already saying that they have flown there. stormsadow missiles, but we know that in the military circles they know more about it, so we want to ask you what they are talking about in the actual military expert circles? well, it should be noted here that the destruction of this ship could have occurred during one of the attacks recently carried out by the armed forces of ukraine, and here it is... along with the fact that the destruction of the kovrovytsi naval minesweeper, the black sea
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fleet, now there is already information that this missile ship cyclone, which brewed with the withdrawal from sevastopol and its relocation to the eastern part of the black sea, and in fact this is also very ... good news, which may indicate the loss of the russian terrorist agency, which terrorizes peaceful settlements of ukraine with the use of caliber missiles, lost the opportunity to use this ship. currently, now that there is already an official message, this indicates a high... probability that it is after all this the ship suffered irreparable losses, and well, this is
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a great achievement, because after all, the carrier of car calibers, it is very important precisely for the defense of ukraine and for reducing the enemy's ability to strike with caliber missiles, yes, sir. valery, an extremely important message from your side, but a huge intrigue is the death of the iranian president, the death, more precisely, of raisia, so he was found, his companions, in particular, the minister of foreign affairs, amir abdollahian, they were found dead at the scene of the accident of a helicopter in the northwest of iran, and this is reported by the iranian state television, and the iranian official version, well, the traditional one. yes, that is, as they say, i doubted, the helicopter crashed due to bad weather conditions,
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and now the extraordinary meetings of the iranian government are ongoing, accordingly , consultations are taking place, but, but, but, i would like to ask you, in general, what could this strange government plane crash, you know, well, i think the president of iran was going to live a couple more years, you know, i think his security service had would control... the security service and the technical support service should control this helicopter on which he and the minister of foreign affairs are traveling, but you have my word, mr. valery, and of course, now there may be several versions of what happened, well, accordingly from planned acts of some kind, which were aimed at the destruction of a representative of the iranian leadership, this is one of... the second version is precisely a disaster
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according to those weather conditions or a technical malfunction of the aircraft, and here is the last the version can also be broken down into several things there, and here it could happen spontaneously, let 's say so, without, well somehow... , well... we all saw that the weather there was bad enough, limited visibility and sudden deterioration of weather conditions, and it is possible that there could have been warnings about the fact that it is dangerous to fly in this direction, and it is possible that for example, as was the case in some cases that
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the head of the country himself gave the command, without calling... in the eyes of a warning, because in principle, somewhere at some stage, such characters may think that they are, let's say, all-powerful and that no one can influence them, but anyway, it is the crash of the aircraft, there is nothing strange here, it is strange, the only thing is that the same services that have to respond did not activate. to pay for the life and safety of the head of state, but here it was either a failure of the security services themselves and the services responsible for the safety of the head of state, or in in principle, what i said above, that maybe this is a subjective factor of the leader himself, who
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did not take into account all the dangers of this flight and... a lysa with dynamite, mr. valery, you are not seriously considering such a version, well, there is something it was put in such a way, you know, a set, someone there pressed this or that button, or someone, on the contrary, bitten these or other darts with pliers, you know, to make the braking distance much shorter and so on and so on, well, there are different stories like that, but we bring it to that point, well, we do not sympathize the late flight, so taking into account the shaheds and so on and so on, well, but maybe... perhaps he was not yet the greatest evil that could appear on the iranian horizon, taking into account, so to speak, the realities of their theocratic republic, well a republic, yes, of a theocratic dictatorship, yes, technically it is possible, well, they told him, well, the weather is not flying, we don’t fly, well, we would have transferred to the car and
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gone home, but he didn’t have a meeting, you know, with the pope of rome or with the president of the united states , well, basically private a formal meeting might be important, well, but we would wait two or three hours and get to tabriz with the help of, i don’t know, convoys of motor vehicles, but no, they flew, and one of the three helicopters fell despite the bad weather, that’s just one from the first, the first version that i voiced is precisely the factor that someone was interested in ... such a course of events, and here it should also be considered as external versions, in connection with the policy that iran is pursuing, here well, there are certain forces that can do it, well, not in particular we should forget the recent events in the middle east and, accordingly, iran's attack on er
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israel with the use of er... well, the largest attack with the help of missiles and drones of such a combined attack and where the responses have not yet all taken place, well, of course, there are many forces , who are interested, well, let's say so, and ukraine is included in the same, there are also certain cautions regarding the supply of iranian weapons to the aggressor state of the russian federation, but, well , here... more likely , internal factors should not be excluded, because in a major power struggle between the ruling clans is already planned for iran itself, and in this, too, experts who are familiar with the situation in this country
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give these versions almost the most preference, that it could have been done... including the disagreements of various forces in iran regarding the concentration of power in certain hands, so this version should not be ruled out either. mr. valery, let's get back to our dry questions, as they say, today, it is actually known that at one of the airfields of the russian federation, olenia collected almost a third of capable strategic bombers. here 95ms and here 22m3 what does this indicate firstly, well , most likely it indicates that a new mass attack is being prepared, but on the other hand it is also important... when this mass attack can happen, are there certain facts that testify to the fact that they are already equipping these strategic bombers, and their actual transfer to olenya, does this also mean something? there are two
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main factors here that can induce aggressors to move strategic bombers, and in particular there are the main ones airfields, this is engels, to which the ukrainian... rockets flew, there is the mozdok airfield, where the tu-22m3 can roam, but the three main such airfields are another airfield in the far east, it seems to be an airfield of freedom, and of course, apart from engels is olennaya, and olennaya is one of those airfields where the enemy can... while securing their planes, such a movement can be caused either by the russian side's apprehensions in the fact that these
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are super-scarce strategic aviation planes that they have already lost opportunities to implement assembly on the conveyor, they can provide them by moving to a remote airfield. and to which olenia belongs, because rebasing to the same far east will make their operational use against ukraine impossible, on the other hand, we can see this rebasing against the background of increased efforts by the armed forces of ukraine to strike at airfields in the krasnodar territory, in particular at airfields where tactical aviation is based, which has been relocated, including temporarily. occupied crimea after the task a number of strikes on airfields on the peninsula, and now we see another movement, it is not
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excluded that the rashists could have received some information about the plans of the defense forces of ukraine to strike, well, on shengels, for example, on the other hand, we have seen it before, on the deer can concentrate bomber planes and... already on the eve of the preparation of rockets-massive missile attacks on the territory of ukraine, and now , if we evaluate the information that appeared earlier, that somewhere there are such planes of strategic bomber aviation of the type tu-95 ms and there are about 40 tu-160 units in the russian federation, which are in more or less working condition. now, up to a third of these planes are focused directly on this plane, in favor of the version that the russians may be preparing a missile attack,
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and in the near future, the fact that two an-12 transport aircraft are recorded at this airfield, which can theoretically be used to shoot down those missiles and in particular for the preparation of these missile attacks, so in the coming days one should not... rule out the possibility that the russian terrorists can use some plan of their own with the aim of using it, mr. valery, we literally have one minute, so thank you for warning about the enemy's intentions, well, so to speak, we do not ignore the welcome alarm, but maybe this general, general budanov and general malyuk we could also tickle the enemy and voleni, so to speak, if this information is already public, well, we understand that in tatarstan up to... well, maybe even in the murmansk region, something, some kind of shachet, the second, third , tenth, can fly? well, here we are sure that it can still fly there, and in view of
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the fact that the distance at which ukrainian-made shock unmanned systems are used is increasing, and now the main limit is already 15 km, but the fact is that now it is a long way to go if you fly from overcoming... zones of reliable air defense, well, it is necessary to lay a route somewhere from two to 2,500 km in length, and well, this is now causing, at least until now , caused certain complications, but the fact that in the same ukrainian defense industry they declared that soon drones may appear that will . at a distance of up to 300 km, then i think that the russian terrorists should not relax here either, and we hope that soon they will fly to elena, and that
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these... terrorist weapons in the russian federation will decrease by several units. thank you, valery rybykh, military expert, director of development of the information and consulting company defense express was in touch with us. we're going on a short break now, but by the way, before that, i want our editors to bring this corner back, our qr code for our collection just came out, so i'm asking you to actually show it again. i want to remind you that the collection for atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade is ongoing, so please. please join as much as you can, scan the qr code and make your donation, remember that there are no small contributions , we are going on a break, after it we will continue our broadcast. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, but if you want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot, there is a solution, garden trim course from rozpakuy tv, order in time at
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