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tv   [untitled]    May 20, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

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foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. take the wounded from the battlefield in time? this means saving his life, a ride bc, a ride boys, a quad bike - this is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, the atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we urge everyone to join nato in collecting from scratch to life on atvs for the 93rd brigade cold yard in the direction of chasiv. 4:30 p.m.
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i will inform you about the most important things on the live air of the tv channel marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskyi, and we will now have an important city on the list, with us now will be kharkiv, yevgen haustov, volunteer, founder of the khaustov charity fund, from kharkiv is already with us on the yazuk, mr. yevgeny, we congratulate you, congratulations, well, we know that you are having very difficult days right now, yes, because you and your team, you directly participated in... in the evacuation of people from the northern regions of kharkiv region, and we would like to ask you what the situation is now, yes, our armed forces say that the situation is under control, yes, but the fighting, in particular for the city of vovchansk , continues, we would like to ask you how a person who goes there directly sees all this, how does the situation look now? yes, the fighting continues and the evacuation also continues, now it's... it's
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looking a little different, we're asking people to go out via the white well route or the old saltiv route, somewhere relatively safer because no volunteers, nor the police come to the city anymore, that is, they do not go to the center to pick people up, and people go out there 5 km, 7 km from the city, and there we... already pick them up, mr. yeven, we would like you ask about the situation in vovchansk, so now i will quote oleg sinigubov, the head of the regional military administration of the kharkiv region: the situation in the vovchan area, the front line in the north of the region is stabilized, the fighting continues, in vovchansk itself , the confrontation is going on almost in every street, this is what i quoted the head of kharkiv of the military administration, perhaps you have some more details about the situation in vovchania? nothing to add, we know that
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it is dangerous there, and everything, everything is said correctly. how actively used, for example, i don't know, heavy artillery by the enemy or aviation? constantly, constantly used, cabs fall every day, vovchansk and nearby villages also fall, and the same white well. and there is bugaivka, a pine forest, everything that is nearby, everything is under fire from the kabs. yes, mr. yevgeny, we understand that the situation is difficult, and volunteers, in particular, it is very difficult to provide assistance to people, but on the other hand, you know, no one is left indifferent by the cadres of people who were taken away from, in particular, from vovchansk, from other settlements, and it is very disturbing for us to hear the news that the russians even shoot certain... local people,
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take them hostage in fact, because they take them as prisoners, but this, if we speak in human language, is simply terrorism in its purest form, yes and simply they, as terrorists, take people and and take away, yes, do you know about the actual facts, how often they do this is how they succeed, and actually, perhaps you remember some specific stories of these days, yes, which we are living now, which testify to the absolute... absolute, absolute degradation of the enemy with whom, unfortunately, we have to deal. unfortunately, i don't have statistics, but i also witnessed these cases, and we were killed by volunteers when they went to pick up grandmother, so it's terrible, and by the way, about the missing... there was also information
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last week, do you know anything about these people? no, it was not possible to find anything additional, that is, previously one. shot drg, the second one was apparently still alive, but with serious injuries and that's all, there was no more information, because the police can't go to that street, that district, so without additional information, thank you, well, yevhen yevhen haustov from we were in touch with a volunteer, the founder of the khaustov charitable foundation, we talked about the situation... in kharkiv oblast we understand that fighting is going on, well , we also reported on reports from sinnigubov in vovchansk that fighting is going on in almost every street, although, in general, the line of the front in the north of the region, as sinigubov noted, there is stabilized well, there is a statement from the head
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of the pentagon, he warned that the coming weeks and months in ukraine will be decisive, lloyd austin said this when he opened the... meeting in the format, the survival and success of ukraine are crucial - says austin for ukrainian security , european security, global security and american security. the head of the pontoon clarified that if the russian dictator putin wins, then the tyrants will conclude that they can also try to invade and conquer their sovereign neighbors. austin added that this will leave europe under putin's shadow and make the world more violent and chaotic, so ukraine's struggle for freedom and security is important for everyone. western countries the head of the pentagon added that he is determined to provide ukraine with everything it needs for success. and here, by the way, i'd like to, yes, you know, in line with austin's words, just say that the fulfillment of the resolve is a little bit lacking on joseph biden, because we expect that
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the united states will still allow their weapons to be used on the territory of the russian federation, despite the fact that russia considers even the occupied territories of ukraine to be its territory, but for some reason our... partners have nothing against it when ukraine uses this or that western weaponry on the territory of the same crimea or other regions that russia considers its own, but on the other hand has such a certain political schizophrenia, because it forbids ukraine to use western weapons on the territory of russia, when we see that they are accumulating troops on the same northern border of kharkiv region, but we cannot do anything about it, and this is actually requires determination on the part of the administration of the american president. and we hope that such a determination will appear in the near future, and if not, well, it will, it will be bad, you see, well, speaking so to speak of the position of the united states, we must understand that the united states generally comes out of risk and
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threat the appearance of additional lines, lines of war, so this applies not only to ukraine, i think it also applies to those other countries, but an important signal, if we are talking about lloyd austin, is that he noted the specificity of russian military actions on the territory of kharkiv region, so austin is speaking directly, and this is important, we are meeting at a difficult moment, putin's invaders have launched another offensive on the territory of sovereign ukraine, in the coming weeks kremlin troops will try to advance further and try to create a buffer zone along the ukrainian border, this is a difficult and dangerous struggle. but the defenders of ukraine show extraordinary courage, they use the opportunities provided by this contact group and putin's new offensive on kharkiv confirms the importance of this contact group, well he voiced the plan is certain, mr. austin, although he
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did not detail it, thank god, i say, when we talk about the contact group, well , the story is very important, it is about the creation of the so-called buffer zone along the ukrainian. don, for this purpose the enemy destroys all living things on those borders, but our fighters do not allow the enemy to advance and localize their attempts, but the situation is difficult and most likely, unfortunately, the enemy will not stop his aggressive attempts. now let's take a short break, i want to remind you once again about what you and i have in our place do everything possible to maintain our forces. of defense, so please join the fundraiser that we are holding now, this is actually a fundraiser to buy atvs for the evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition for the 93rd cold ravine brigade, so please join, it's important, so remember , that small contributions are not
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one or 2 hryvnias or 5 hryvnias, this is also a big help, and in fact such small fees, but when there are many of them, it is possible to close more than one fee, and you and i are no longer... we have repeatedly proven, so we understand, in fact, what a difficult financial situation many ukrainians are in now, but we also understand that no one but you and me, the people who live in this country, who... will live here, so they need this country , we need this country, and when we talk about some corruption schemes and the like, i will not report it, because there is something, well, we are not doing it for high-ranking officials, we are doing it for ourselves first of all and for those who are now defends our state at the cost of his own life, so i am asking you to help me, please we are going for a break, after it we will continue our information day, stay with espresso. thinking about a new mattress, but here's what's stopping
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. stand up to ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, protect your own. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn , proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they value the ability to stand side by side with... mothers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots uavs understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. the information
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day of the tv channel continues, what is the mysterious death of the iranian president, and the plane crash caused his helicopter to crash due to unfavorable weather conditions, but not only that, we will talk about it now. taras zagorodniy, political technologist, managing partner of the national anti-crisis group, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. taras. good day, glory to the heroes. well, first of all, we would like to start our conversation with a story that, perhaps not as global as the death of racey, but quite a symptomatic story, especially when we talk about our defense. ability and communication on the part, so to speak, of certain parliamentarians and the military, well, we understand that the army is an institution that lives by its own rules, and they do everything they can, and very often do twice as much as anyone can, and here such a story appeared, well, the story has already become resonant, in particular, when we are talking about, so to speak, quite biased
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assessments on the part of members of this or that member temporarily. the investigative commission of the verkhovna rada, which was supposed to sort out the relations between the military and so on, well, here they touched the academy of ground forces named after sahaidachny, a legendary ukrainian military institution, which at one time viktor yanukovych tried to destroy, so by disbanding it and transferring its facilities, in particular to odessa, we we understand what kind of plans the people around us were leaning on. yanukovych, who in various ways tried to exsanguinate and weaken ukrainian institutional defense, and here now i do not draw parallels, but when you understand similar things are starting around this academy, yes, well, everyone is starting to react, even the lviv city council reacted, yes, asking, well, somehow to calm down
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passions, yes, because passions, well, not so much there, i understand... cool, but my word, mr. taras, well, in reality there were many stories around these educational institutions, after yanukovych, if i am not mistaken, they wanted to take the land from odesa , first of all, from this institute in order to direct it for development, thank god did not have time, well, in reality there are many scandals, the question is what are the differences here... there are tscs, which, well, of such and such a format, well, well, more for the purpose of talking or forgetting about problems, because what we see there, in principle, is the subject of a response law enforcement agencies. mr. taras, we would also like to talk with you about the situation with our fortifications, mariana bezugla inspected, in fact, how they
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look, well, hate has already flowed in the direction not only of besyrskyi personally, but... of generals from his entourage, well and bazugla says in his post on facebook that no not a single general has been punished for zuluzhnyi or syrskyi, we generally remember how she waged her war with zulizhnyi, and it was probably not without her participation that this actual personnel moment with zulizhnyi happened, yes, but here you already know, little by little, criticism is starting to pour in syrskyi's side , doesn't mr. taras indicate that even the head... of the syrsky armed forces can be sat down in the near future, well, i would n't think that there is a question of sitting down, after all, there are many qualified people in the army, and you who went through the war and so further, i don't think that there are such intrigues, just sit there like this, there is a war, i think that the military understands very well what it is to lead the troops,
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to be responsible and so on, and what it is, you know... in civilian time you can fighting for places there, yes, there are some benefits there or some position, after all, the main thing is a huge responsibility, responsibility for people's lives, responsibility for many things, so i don't think that there is such a big queue there, including to sit someone there, regarding maryana, regarding maryana, well, no i know, i've always been skeptical of... in general, i'm generally skeptical of any civilian who starts thinking about military matters, unless and especially when he hasn't even served in the military, and so in this case, the, well what is the assessment based on what, what do you know against fortification, you know how they should be built, well, you know, in any
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case, this is such a question in that, everything is straight to the ears of the people, it is still. is in their faction, look, when we talk about civilians, well, people's deputies of ukraine, they are civilians, they represent legislative power, yes, and the draft resolution causes some concern, but when we already talked about tsk and the academy of ground forces named after sahaidachny, well , the draft resolution was registered on the website of the verkhovna rada, yes from 21.0324 and demand from our military. to provide information, well, which is literal information, that is, it should not, well, be freely accessible during the war, in general, according to the idea . well, if only people had access to state secrets, that's what we're talking about here the requirement to provide information on the number of servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine and persons involved in the performance of combat tasks in
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the area of ​​hostilities. staff list of military units and job duties of each staff unit of the military unit, a complete list of military training grounds, and so on. well , we understand that tska was created, it should be engaged there, i don't know, in regulating certain relations, and not in receiving. access to such, well, really extra-secret information, maybe i 'm wrong, but mr. taras, correct me, well of course, it is a strange request, what does it mean to provide, it is, it is information with limited access, exactly a state secret, and to whom to provide it, why, for what purpose and so on, i something, i do not understand the very formulation of the question, for what purpose do you need to provide this information and at all? who. mr. taras, please tell me , what do you think, this story about dispelling a scandal at the academy of ground forces, to whom it can be beneficial now and
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who can now stand behind all this, because we understand that the defense capability of our state, this situation clearly does not work. no, well , look, we are interested parties, well, it is unlikely that we will now understand who, you know, until we see such people, we see some movements in relation to them. on this, but who is interested so far, well, i haven’t seen them, at least i haven’t heard of them, but i think that soon they will get out, because sooner or later they will show who they are, is this one here a scandal in order to just as a pretext, well , it is possible that this is just an excuse to stir up the military environment somewhere, including using it under the pretext of... to demand in fact, all strategic information about the army, i do not rule out that it can also be, but such people's deputies as skorokhod and yatsyk, who are quite so active, well,
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we looked at some or other information resources there and saw such a thing, well great activity, well, ms. skorokhod, well, everyone there knows her, that she was so active enough, and even when she was elected, she already objected. that only the st. george's ribbon should be and a lot of things, well, this was the position of the man, and it is surprising that in general it has anything to do with any military issues in in this case, and in any case, i believe that this is a matter for law enforcement agencies, and not the tsc, which is filled with inexplicably what kind of people, but the composition of the tsc, according to what logic it is formed, well, i think, it does not apply specifically only. .. this, that is, are there any quotas, are there all those who want to join, mr. taras, well, from practice, since we have
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more mono, usually, of course, that all tsks have the influence first and foremost of the servants of the people, depending on how they want to form them and interest in it, and there, if there is no interest, or such, you know, what it's called a narrow topic and it's not known how it is... they can usually form satellites from fractions, who don't care if something goes wrong, well, we have nothing to do with it, if it goes like this, well, we're always dartan that's it, that's all, that's why this is usually the logic of the formation of these tscs, ugh, sit down, as they say, on two chairs at the same time, let's talk about the iranian president, that's how ukrainians are thinking about it now, and what do we have to do with that, yes, because the situation with the iranian president is actually a situation about tight fists
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relations with russia, yes, and actually, raisi, he was a kind of friend of putin, who actually built a very good military-political relationship with him, and what do you think, is this crisis a political one, which could arise hypothetically in iran, it could somehow to influence the relations between, in fact, russia, because russia , unfortunately, has already learned to manufacture the same shaheds itself, but on the other hand, we understand that the military cooperation between iran and russia is not limited only to the shaheds themselves, well, i don't think so, that something is changing in iran because iran is an unusual state, there it is more in terms of construction, it is a theocracy, after all, the main ones there are not even the prime minister, not secular power, but there are tali, that is... spiritual people who actually control many processes directly in iran, so i don't
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think the strategy will change much. the strategic point of their cooperation remains, iran, i am sure, really wants to get nuclear technologies from russia after all, because they need nuclear weapons, they are close to it, but a lot is still needed do, do and do, and therefore there will definitely be cooperation, there will definitely be, because both in matters of armaments and in matters, including the coordination of one's... actions regarding the creation of a point of tension in the middle east or the caucasus, yes, there is still china is an interested party, we should not forget about it here, it is such an axis of evil in general, and therefore a lot of things, i think that everything will go smoothly despite the death of these people, the death of this president, because in principle there is a war, a big war in the middle east just beneficial to these
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two countries, it is... beneficial to iran because they need an increase in the price of oil. china, for example, is not very interested in this, because it is an oil importer, and these countries have such a good military, well, they need it, and plus, again , interest, iran needs new military, for example, airplanes, they need technology, nuclear, that’s what they need, yes, mr. taras, well, but we understand that... the working version, that someone gave a salute to the deceased flight in the form of one or another, i don't know there, a ball with tnt, yes, which was wrapped with a certain color of tape do do chassis, three three helicopters flew, two sat down, one with the president and the minister of foreign affairs, so to speak, crashed under mysterious circumstances, and we understand, unwillingly we recall, so to speak, the iranian strikes on the territory of the state of israel, we understand that there are also many willing... to iran itself, yes,
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people, who have big teeth and normal appetites, so to speak, to make certain changes, because raisi, he tried to, well, he wasn't such a super-hawk, but he tried to, while entering into negotiations with the united states, haphazardly build up his uranium program, that is, he such difficult, he was a very, very uncle, and this is, so to speak, the version that he was helped, what are your visions? well, look, we may not know the truth in reality, but the fact that a high-ranking official got into such a story, well, it’s actually thought-provoking, because after all , equipment and a lot of things are checked, and well, on such ditches - at such levels, there is enough coincidence.
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it is rare, usually such coincidences are helped by someone, but it is not excluded that a lot can happen there, after all, there are a big circle of contradictions in many spheres of reality in iran, including, and possibly an internal political struggle, i do not rule it out, yes, because again, in fact , iran is a theocratic state, there may be different visions of who should be the president, no should be the president, well, i am sure that iran has made so many enemies that there are many forces that would like something to happen in iran, including in the form of some kind of political instability. thank you, taras zagorodny, political technologist, managing partner national anti-crisis group, was eteri espresso, we thank him, and now we go to the news. it's time for news on
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the espresso tv channel, so we're giving the floor to our colleague. iryna koval in order to hear and learn the most important things at the moment. iro, we pass the floor and ask you to briefly tell what this issue will be about. thank you, marta, i will talk about the most important events at this time literally in a moment, so wait. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine and to your attention is a news release on the espresso tv channel. in iryna's studio blacksmith. greetings to all viewers. karma in action. the occupiers dropped four high-explosive aerial bombs on the russian city of shibykino, which is 20 km from


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