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tv   [untitled]    May 20, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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we thank him, and now we go to the news, it's time for news on the espresso tv channel, so we pass the floor to our colleague irina koval in order to hear and find out the most important thing, as of this moment, iro, we pass the floor and ask you to briefly tell about what will be covered in this issue. thank you marta, i will talk about the most important events at this time literally in a moment, so wait. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine and to your attention is a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. karma in action. the occupiers dropped four high-explosive aerial bombs on the russian city of shebyakino, which is 20 km from ukrainian vovchansk in
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the kharkiv region. this is reported by the russian media. it is previously known about the destroyed residential buildings. information about the victims is currently being clarified. 60% of the territory of vovchansk is under the control of the armed forces of ukraine. this was announced by the deputy head of the kharkiv military administration, roman semenukha. according to him, continuous shelling continues in the city. the russians continue their assault and the hottest battles are taking place near the settlement of liptsi, as well as on the left and right flanks of the city of vovchansk. the occupiers are trying to gain a foothold in the housing development to start street fighting. in a week, the russians took the robot three times. however , there are no occupiers there - said the head of the united coordination press center of the southern defense forces, dmytro plytenchuk. according to him , the ukrainian troops did not lose their positions in the area of ​​robotino, but the russians did. continue
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to attack them. explosions rang out in temporarily occupied luhansk. probably a rocket hit the base of the occupiers, local media reported. telegram channels also write about a big fire in the village of yuvileyne. he spied on the objects of the critical infrastructure of the seaport. in odesa, the security service exposed a russian agent. the attacker tracked the placement of ukrainian anti-aircraft systems. of defense, as well as positions of defense forces, objects of strategic infrastructure and telecommunications. he passed all the received data to the occupiers for future missile strikes, the spy acted undercover. during the search, he was found to have fake ids a representative of the press and an employee of the local water utility. the perpetrator faces life imprisonment. deceived the father of a dead soldier. in the dnipropetrovsk region, a local businessman was detained, who... fraudulently took possession of over 2
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million hryvnias. the attacker convinced the man that he was allegedly wanted by the police for committing a serious crime. he promised to solve this issue for a monetary reward. the intimidated victim brought 2.5 million, which he received in connection with the death of his son in the war. currently, a claim for compensation has been sent to the court. in the same row as putin, the chief prosecutor international criminal court karim. khan requested arrest warrants for three leaders of the palestinian movement hamas, as well as top israeli officials. we are talking about prime minister benjamin netanyahu and israel's defense minister yoav gallant. the corresponding document was published on the iss website. the leaders of israel and hamas are accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity. a panel of judges must now consider khan's application and render its decision. israel does not agree with the position of the procuratorate. drawing
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a parallel between the country's leaders who protect its citizens and bloodthirsty terrorists, this is a moral blindness that also causes harm. if the international court agrees with the prosecutor's position, it will damage the ability of any country to protect its citizens and will be a crime of historic proportions. allow ukraine. to attack the territory of russia with its weapons, such a possibility is being discussed in the french parliament. according to french media, the head of the country's foreign affairs committee, jean-louis bourlange, even called on parliamentarians to change the existing military doctrine. he declared that the time had come for such support. the united states plans to impose sanctions on georgia politicians over the foreign agents act. politico writes about it. according to. the us media may
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freeze the assets of members of the ruling party georgian dream, who promoted the scandalous law. they will also be banned from traveling to the country. the new draft law will provide for such restrictions. which will soon be presented in the us congress. six ambulances for military units and three refrigerators for the evacuation of fallen heroes arrived in lviv from belgium. all thanks to charity charity and health and the belgian ngo beforeua. which units will receive the much-needed assistance, - our colleague ema stadnyk found out. these nine special cars from belgian benefactors will work for the needs of our army in the coming days. six ambulances for military units will help save the lives of soldiers, three refrigerators will be used to evacuate fallen
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defenders of ukraine. after technical inspections and before equipping, these machines will be delivered to different regions according to the needs of the medical forces of the armed forces of ukraine. today we again met a convoy that will be on... in the near future , it will go to the east, to the north and to the south to rescue our defenders, help them, help deliver our defenders from the front line to stabilization points and to hospitals. charitable organization "mercy and health" deals with medical support of military hospitals and directly units of the defense forces of ukraine. during the full-scale invasion, volunteers delivered the organization more than 90 ambulances for the needs of the front and near-front areas, today's event is extremely important for us, due to the fact that it is one of the stages of stable cooperation with foreign benefactors, together with which we bring to ukraine resuscitation vehicles, refrigerators, as well as transport vehicles people with disabilities. today we
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received another convoy, which is extremely important in the world of current events, because most of these cars will go to medical and military units in the kharkiv region, where the exacerbation is currently taking place, as well as in the direction of donetsk region, we received a refrigerator from a charitable organization that will help us deliver our fallen brothers home to their relatives who did not wait for them, and their last journey will be with honor. the transfer of cars took place thanks to the belgian benefactors of the bfoa organization. they searched for the right cars, bought them and accompanied them on the way to lviv. this is already the 15th collaboration of the belgian. non-governmental organization and ukrainian volunteers. i want to explain my motivation. this is our moral the obligation to support ukraine, because it is located on the border of europe. therefore , helping ukraine is the minimum we can provide. i understand that i can't help as a soldier, but i can do
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a lot as a volunteer. we managed to find these two ambulances and bring them here. my other colleagues managed to collect other equipment. thus, with our combined efforts, we... were able to transport 98 units of transport equipment to ukraine. six ambulances will be distributed among four units located in donetsk, bakhmut, kherson and kharkiv directions of the front. these vehicles are needed by the military medical units of the armed forces brigades to evacuate and stabilize the wounded, both military and civilian. and these are fast, they are rainmobiles, why are they called rainmobiles, because they are fully equipped with medical. that is, this car can help to immediately resuscitate the patient and transport the patient in a stable state in the stage of anesthetic sleep to the place of demand, that is, from the stabilization
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point in the stage of anesthetic sleep in the hospital to the place of demand. ema stednyk, andriy polikovsky, espresso tv channel. and we urge you to join... read to the urgent collection. scouts need a reliable off-road vehicle for missions in the war zone. soldiers use cars to move around positions and transport ammunition, as well as launch drones from cars. all that remains is to buy the necessary transport already in ukraine and transfer it to the front. our goal is uah 3,000. with your help, we have already collected 140 thousand. every donation you make is important. you can now see all the details on the screen, so. don't delay. such there was news at that time, and our team is working so that you can see an updated news release at 6 p.m. you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch our unique content on
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what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, and also distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who care, in the evening at espresso, the football format changes. broadcast time, from now on you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00, professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, highlights, emotions, a project for both experienced fans and just people who appreciate a non-committed view of football , football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko
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from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20. 22nd on espresso. well, from july 18, summonses will also be sent by mail. this is stated in the cabinet of ministers resolution no. 560. in the event that the reservist does not specify his address of the place of residence within 60 days, the summons is sent to his registered address or declared place of residence. well, accordingly, in case of ignoring such a summons, there will be. include administrative mechanisms of behavior, regulation of the behavior of conscripts, by the way,
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we would like to remind the topic that in the three days since the reserve plus application was launched, more than 400 thousand conscripts have already used it, they plan to expand this application in the summer and the actual electronic military id should appear there, that's the information, but we won't talk about that now. sofia cherepanova, representative public organization. council, please, the deputy head of the all-ukrainian trade union defenders of ukraine, the sister of the captured defender of azovstal, is in touch with us, ms. sofya, we welcome you, glory to ukraine. glory to ukraine, good evening studio. well, today it has been two years since the city of mariupol was occupied by the russian army, and our defenders were forced to withdraw from azovstal. we know that some of them have already returned home, but some of them are still in enemy captivity for two years. let's remember
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how the events unfolded then and let's return to the discussion. the battle for mariupol began with a full-scale russian invasion and lasted until may 20, 22, the defense of the hero's city lasted 86 days, 82 of which were completely surrounded. during february 24 and 28, the enemy approached mariupol from the east , north and west. on march 1, the russian invaders completely surrounded the city and subjected it to massive shelling. on march 5 , the enemy approached the center. attempts to evacuate civilians were thwarted by continuous artillery attacks. on march 9, the russians hit the hospital and maternity hospital in center of mariupol. on march 16, a crime was committed that outraged the whole world. an aerial bomb was dropped on the drama theater, under the debris of which
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at least 600 civilians died. in mid-april , he left the resistance as the only center. the azovstal plant, where all the ukrainian units in the city broke through, the defense was held by the azov regiment, marines, border guards, national guardsmen, policemen, all of them, if possible, got to azovstal, also a lot of civilians gathered at the plant, who were hiding from shelling and bombing. on the blocked azovstal had problems with drinking water, running out of food and medicine. as of mid-may on the territory. there were about 600 wounded soldiers, 40 of whom were in serious condition. in the first days of may , they evacuated all civilians, and on may 16, by order of president zelenskyi, ukrainian soldiers surrendered. the last defender left azovstal on may 20. the russians received prisoners from azovstal in prisons both on
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the territory of occupied donetsk region and on the territory of russia. june 28 took place. exchange during which the first 95 defenders of mariupol and azovstal returned to ukraine as prisoners. the most massive exchange took place on the night of september 21-22. then 182 defenders returned to ukraine. on may 6, 2023 , 45 defenders of mariupol were returned from russian captivity. and since that time , there were no soldiers from azov-steel in the lists of exchanges. until now , more than 700 heroes of azovstal are still in captivity, and there was only news about my son, it was somewhere from a deer park, that he was seen there, those guys who had already been exchanged, after that no news, unfortunately,
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according to the association of families of defenders of azovstal. currently , more than 1,900 defenders of mariupol are in russian captivity, more than 700 of them are azov. tetyana golunova, yulia belska, espresso tv channel. thank you colleagues for this extremely important story on our broadcast sofia cherepanova. so, sofie, we would like to ask you right away about the situation with our soldiers who are in russian captivity, maybe you have some additional information. so we understand that there was information that there was torture, yes, there were all kinds of violations of their rights prisoners of war, what is known now? it is very difficult for me to speak now, i watched the video and got emotional, because i am the sister of the defender
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of azovstalia, who, unfortunately, is still in russian torture camps. the situation, in principle, unfortunately, no matter how much it hurts me to say it, the situation has not fundamentally changed, there are many of our prisoners, the azovstals are a separate category that they do not want to exchange, and uh, our relatives have absolutely no access to information from the russian side, there is... no news, there is no communication, we don't even know for sure in what condition our defenders are now there in polonia, because we all know. that 86 days of defending the terrible mariupol were very difficult for our defenders, it
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was reflected in their health, plus two more years of torture, two years of interrogations, hunger, cold and the like, it is very difficult for me to imagine what kind of boys and girls before us will return, among whom is the brother, mrs. sophia, or at all, during these two years at least... somehow managed to get in touch with your brother, perhaps through some charitable organizations, i mean, some kind of red cross or the un, was it somehow possible to get at least some minimal information through them? unfortunately, no, until january 2023, i knew absolutely nothing about my brother, then in april 20... of the third year, the red cross confirmed the place of detention of my brother, but since the red cross is not allowed to the places of detention of our prisoners, this
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information was provided by the russians, the russians, that is, they submitted information about my brother's whereabouts to the red cross, and by january on the 24th, there was silence again, i knew absolutely nothing about my brother's health, mood, or fate, but there was an exchange, in december of the 23rd, i'm sorry, with sizo, where is my brother sitting now, the guy came out and gave information about artemma's health and that he is waiting, waiting for ukraine, waiting to return home, we have one minute, i would like to clarify with you. .. do you think that the actions that are now being held by families and those who care about them somehow draw attention to this problem? yes, definitely attention
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attracts, a lot of actions take place not only in ukraine, but also beyond the borders, the diaspora and the ukrainian community keep, try to keep in focus the issue of prisoners of war, including the fighters defending azovstal, because the situation is simply catastrophic, unfortunately, and i think that it really makes sense, i truly believe in the power of unity, yes in the power of voice, because what we civilians can do here in the rear, our weapon is our voice and publicizing the situation, what happened, thank you, sofia cherepanova, deputy head of the all-ukrainian trade union of the defenders of ukraine, the sister of the prisoner of the defenders of azovstal was on our airwaves, and we hope that all... ukrainian prisoners of war will definitely return home, we will hope for that, but for today antinoma and i are already finishing our work for you, and now we will watch together an extremely interesting conversation
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of our colleague vasyl zima, let's watch together, and then you will wait for the continuation of our informational and analytical marathon, and we will see you tomorrow. greetings, my name is vasyl zima. ukraine commemorates the victims of political repression, it is a day of remembrance and days of remembrance. and today we invited yarina tsymbal to the conversation, she is a literary critic. i congratulate you. hello, vasyl. and she is a consultant for a cool movie, first a documentary, now a feature film, house of the word. now it's called house of the word, the never-ending novel. which is currently playing on big screens all over the country, and crowded halls, people buy tickets long before the screening of this movie, and
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today we will talk about how ukrainians for the first time in an artistic style, in the artistic cinema was shown the time when what was later called the shooting revival was destroyed, well , let's talk a little about cinema and in general about political repressions in ukraine, do we adequately understand today how terrible they were... and how much pain and in the future and what they did to ukraine, let's start, let's start from the house of the word endless novel, this is the first story that, as far as i understand, comes to the big screen as a feature film, it is about a shooting revival about the 30s, so earlier documentaries about this period, we still call it our 20th documentaries, but the game feature film, this is the first... the first film, the first work of taras tomenko, who also, as you said, made a documentary with the slovo house had the same name a little earlier. there were
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red renaissance films, but they were all documentaries in the artistic sense, in the artistic interpretation of this material for the first time hitting the cinema screens, and when you were offered to be a consultant to work on a documentary cinema, and then, as i understand it, these consultations, this information, the advice that you provided, they were also used in the feature film the house of the word, an endless novel, when you approached this work, how big is this huge amount of information? the fate of people and prominent people, how difficult was it to fit all this into one movie and what was the most important thing you wanted to tell people about that time and about that terrible time ? this is more a question for the screenwriters, i will remind you that there are two of them in the documentary and in the feature film, this is taras tomenko, director and screenwriter and only screenwriter, writer lyuba yakymchuk, i consulted them on the subject. is it all theirs, all
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that they want to show in the film, does it correspond to reality, for a documentary it was especially important, and that is why such a detailed scientific consultation was no longer needed in a feature film, so lyuba taras, i hope they took advantage just my advice while working on a documentary film, i am dealing with this period in our 20s, already 20 good years, it's... an honest game and i'm very glad that now the interest is just not reviving, i don't know, maybe a real interest in our 20s is starting, because it became possible to talk about it fully in povengol only after independence 91 th year, until now, many writers did not get a job even during the thaw, they were not given a single
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book, theirs did not come out. then they were not given a voice during the thaw, like valerian pidmogilny, for example, his works, after his arrest in december 1934, were first published only in 1989, he was silenced for half a century, despite rehabilitation, in spite of everything, and after 1991 , literary critics, researchers, art critics also worked gradually, er, but this work was always small, due to economic difficulties, for example, the publishing house... and somehow gradually until today already there are more books, and here comes a film, a documentary, a game, well, a game is always
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more important. because people go to the cinema first of all for a feature film, the truth is that a feature film, the house of words is an endless novel, it finally seems to summarize a little and at the same time, he continues all this research work, popularization work with our 20s, because we study there in school about the wave and the subterranean, and now we finally see them on the screen, we learn, let's say about semenko, yes semenko. futurist, they don’t study it in detail at school, it’s not easy, and it will give an impetus to further work, because it seems to me that just the stage of the scientific accumulation of information about this huge period and about dozens, hundreds of these people, it has somehow gained momentum, on the contrary, artistic i will only mention the meaning a composition by artem pivovavarov and klavdiya
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petrivna. before the house was released, the word for rent appeared, and it is at the same time such an interest, young people who listen to pivovarov, and here is an art film, and yes, tell everyone about skorupia, immediately, tell everyone about the sme beating drum of sadness in this songs, my heart was screaming, of course, geo shkorupia, well, he conveyed it brilliantly, of course, the song is... not a poem by geozh korupia, but it is important that this very idea, the very idea is taken, here you know, well, regarding, regarding this , and it's popularization, yes just before that there was a project that was done about poets, writers of the rostliberal renaissance, unfortunately, i am not very familiar with it, probably foxtrots, greedy and worse, so here and there, but, but it is important that it remains such a secret, until which you want to join, if we talk about...


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