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tv   [untitled]    May 20, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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18 in ukraine and bring to your attention a news release on in the studio of iryna koval and just now about the most important events at the moment: air defense systems and shells. ukraine will soon receive the promised military aid. we are talking, in particular, about armored vehicles for the restoration of our own arsenal. this was stated by us defense minister lloyd ostyan. according to him, the united states will additionally help develop new aid packages for ukraine. karma in action. occupiers dropped
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four high-explosive aerial bombs on a russian city shibyekino, which is located 20 km from ukrainian vovchansk in the kharkiv region, is reported by the russian media. it is known in advance that residential buildings were destroyed, information about the victims is currently being clarified. in a week, the russians took robots three times, but there are no occupiers there, said the head of the united coordination press center of the southern defense forces, dmytro plytenchuk. according to him, the ukrainian troops have not lost their positions in the robotyny region, but the russians continue to attack them. and the russian army tried to go to offensive in luhansk region, they tried to break through the defenses in the region of bilogorivka, but suffered heavy losses, the head of the region, artem lysogor, said. 17 times the russian army attacked our positions in this direction. the occupiers also concentrated their troops near stelmakhivka in kupyansk. direction 60%
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of the territory of vovchansk is under the control of the armed forces of ukraine. this was announced by the deputy head of the kharkiv military administration, roman semenukha. according to him , continuous shelling continues in the city. the russians continue their offensive. the hottest battles are taking place near the settlement of liptsi, as well as on the left and right flanks of the city of vovchansk. occupiers trying to gain a foothold in a residential development to start street fights. more than 10,500 people have already been evacuated from vovchansk in kharkiv region, the state emergency service reported . currently, about two hundred people remain in the city. according to yevhen ivanov, deputy head of the regional military administration, the rate of evacuation of the population from the northern districts of kharkiv region is decreasing. however, it lasts 24/7. occupiers
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hit the village of novozhelanne in donetsk region with artillery. a 43-year-old local resident was seriously injured. he was near his home at the time of the attack, the national police said. paramedics arrived to help the victim. they gave the man first aid and evacuated him to a safe place. and in raisin, the russians destroyed the monument at night. of architecture, the railwayman's palace of culture, the building is more than 100 years old, there was a unique scene, the building was planned to be reconstructed, to a full-scale before the russian invasion, dozens of clubs and a library worked there, - said the deputy head of the local military administration, volodymyr matsokin. the russians damaged the premises for the first time during the occupation. another drowned man in the tisza. the body of the man was discovered by the romanian border guards under the iron. the bridge
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between ukrainian hrushov and romanian kimpulunhla tisa - the state border service of ukraine reported. they note that this is the eighth drowned person found since the beginning of may, and in total 31 bodies have been recovered in the tisza since the beginning of the russian intrusion. a historical event. for the first time , representatives of the orthodox church of ukraine co-served with the bishops of the bulgarian church. the liturgy was led. ecumenical patriarch bartholomew, and the ukrainian delegation was introduced by metropolitans of chernihiv and nizhyn. with this service, the bulgarian church actually recognized the orthodox church of ukraine, which is a significant event on the way to building an auto-cathedral local church in ukraine. along with putin. the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court , karim khan, requested arrest warrants for the three leaders of the palestinian hama movement. as well as
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top israeli officials. we are talking about prime minister benjamin netanyahu and israel's defense minister yoav gallant. the corresponding document was published on the iss website. the leaders of israel and hamas are accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity. a panel of judges must now consider khan's application and render its decision. in israel, however, he does not agree with the prosecutor's position. drawing a parallel between the country's leaders who protect their citizens and bloodthirsty terrorists - this is moral blindness, which also causes harm. if the court agrees with the prosecutor's position, it will damage the ability of any country to protect its citizens and will be a crime of historic proportions. mourning was announced in iran due to the death of the president and other officials. ibrahim raisin and the head of the ministry of foreign affairs
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of the country died in the plane crash. the duties of the country's leader will be performed by the first vice-president mohamad mukhber. the helicopter in which the official delegation flew. found dawn today with the help of a drone, a helicopter completely burned during a hard landing in the mountains, not far from the country's border. iranian media reported that the cause of the disaster was bad weather. the day before, raisi was in azerbaijan with a government delegation. the united states plans to impose sanctions on georgia politicians over the alien agents act. politico writes about it. according to us media. to freeze the assets of members of the ruling party georgian dream, who promoted the scandalous law. they will also be banned from traveling to the country. such restrictions will be provided for by the new draft law, which will soon be presented in the us congress.
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unspecified loss. to mark the second anniversary of the end of the defense of azov-stal , a project of psychological assistance to female military prisoners was presented in the capital. as part of the project , psychological assistance will be provided. year, in fact some have already passed their third year, to wait for their return from captivity, and for people this is a very, very important problem, and it is precisely here that psychological help should become so important for solving such important
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life problems, such projects are very important so that women, so that relatives, not only women, in in principle, relatives found strength and... the desire to stand on their own, to keep themselves in good shape, in shape, so that they do not give up, and we urge you to join the urgent gathering. scouts need a reliable suv to carry out combat missions in a war zone. soldiers use cars to move around positions and transport ammunition, as well as launch drones from cars. the necessary transport is already in ukraine, it remains to buy it and transfer it to the front. our goal is uah 3,000. with your help, we have already collected over uah 140,000. every donation you make is important. you can now see all the details on the screen, so join the gathering. such were the news at that time. i am iryna
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koval, i say goodbye to you. i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, you can read more news on our website espresso tv. also follow us on social media and watch our unique content on youtube. well , in just a few minutes, meet my colleague vasyl zymo. this year, for the first time in history, american university kyiv students presented ukraine in the united states. namely at the ceremony awarding arizona state university alumni. as our students emphasized during the speech, ukraine is the homeland of the dream, the largest plane in the history of mankind. it was destroyed because of the war, but no one will be able to destroy the true ukrainian dream of freedom, independence and prosperity. happy
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to share with you that a week ago we had the first graduation of our students at arizona state university. many of our students... were able to attend the graduation ceremony in the usa. i was very happy that our students became important part and carried the ukrainian flag during a large-scale graduation ceremony at arizona state union. american university kyiv is a private university offering american-style higher education. it began operations three weeks before the full-scale invasion, but continued to operate and grow despite the challenges. currently , about 350 students are studying at the university, they are future managers, entrepreneurs and it specialists. one of the most important advantages of our university is the opportunity to get double degree from us as a ukrainian university and from our partner in america, arizona state university, one of
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the largest in the usa, which is also a leader in digital and distance learning. our educational programs are fully synchronized with the programs of arizona state university, so our students have the opportunity to receive a double diploma in ukrainian from american university kyiv and american from arizona state university, which is very important from the point of view of building in the university says that are proud of their graduates and are sure that they will build and glorify ukraine. bir in the joints is so piercing, it is impossible to get used to it, it does not allow to move. at the pharmacy, i bought a yellow dolgit cream, it ... relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. dolgit - the only
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feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, switch on and switch on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day from 20 to 22 on espresso. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00. professional match analysis, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions, project, both for experienced fans and just for people who appreciate a detached view. on football football format every monday at 22:00 on the espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, this is
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a big ether on the espressu tv channel. my name is vasyl znamai, for the next hour and 44 minutes, i and my colleagues will be speaking with you. about the most important thing that happened today, we will sum up this difficult day, there are many topics, to things, both in ukrainian politics, and at the front, and in international politics, there is a lot of interesting and important information about the strikes of the ukrainian army on the occupied territory of crimea and not only crimea, but also on other temporarily occupied territories, where enemy objects were hit . plus, of course, serhiy zgorets will talk about whether or not the last russian missile carrier was hit in the black sea. goes into shelter, i am already in shelter, so i can talk to you, air alert throughout the territory of our state, there is information already familiar to us, but no less threatening and alarming about the takeoff of the mig 31k from the savasliyka airfield in the nizhny novgorod region. let me remind you that this plane is a carrier of the kenjal
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kha-47 missile, so there is always a danger, despite the fact that quite often this rocket flies from... thai, but then it lands, but we understand that it is not worth relying on it. let's then right away i will call you to join the collection we are holding, since we have time now, let's first see how much we have already been able to collect, i will see, but now about what we are collecting, so we are asking you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the soledar and zaporizhzhia directions, the repair and restoration regiment works mainly. on the contact line or in the gray zone, called neither ours nor yours, where the fighting takes place, it is open air in any weather day or night, there is no guarantee when the fighting will end, when it will begin, so in order to urgently restore and return damaged military equipment to the battlefield, damaged military equipment restored on the battlefield, it is plus protection and
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firepower for our army and plus a serious threat to the enemy, fighting with equipment is much easier and much easier. more efficient and it saves lives first of all. so, in particular, we are talking about tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers. we also need a minibus that will deliver mobile repair teams and equipment for this repair to the war zone. and also, pneumo-hydraulic jacks for quick repair of foreign equipment. so, our goal is 630 00 hryvnias, a little later i will see how much we were already able to collect this at this time last week in our place. more than a third of it has already been collected, and today there is another important topic that we will discuss, today the constitutional one comes up, at least that’s how it is, let’s say, well, i won’t even use that word here, today is 5 years since volodymyr zelenskyi has been in office as the president of ukraine, we will discuss this, why, because the russians are already starting to disperse this hysteria and
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are starting their prepared, obviously prepared informational and psychological attack about the fact that... the president's time is over zelenskyi, in ukraine someone will be there now, now we will bring down the government, and we will push, as they say, push from two sides, the russians say, from which two sides they will push, i don’t understand, of course, no one in ukraine is going to do that will not happen, the president remains the supreme commander and president of our state, who exercises constitutional powers, until the next president is elected, this next president can also be volodymyr zelenskyi, this is the choice of... the ukrainian people, if someone did not relate to him in their political sympathies, and that is why there is still no new president, and it is impossible to hold elections in wartime, not even that it is legal, illegal, it is simply impossible to hold them honestly, transparently, democratically, well, now you see, anxiety, here are the elections, and that is why we will talk about it with a political scientist, because it is very important to clearly understand how to react to the russian ipso, how to respond to various
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criticisms, which will definitely be, the political preferences of ukrainians are different for... for more than two two years of full-scale war and sympathies may have changed during all this time, but now we cannot express them as an electorate, we will talk about it, now the plot will be brought to your attention, if my colleague is not yet ready for the air, then i will propose, i will propose to your attention, and now i i will look, now i will look, which entered into force on may 18, yes. we will now bring to your attention a story about the fact that on may 18 , the day before yesterday, the adoption of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, the new mobilization law came into effect. rules, new opportunities, new challenges, about this, please, let's see, and then serhii zurats, with the military results of the day. starting on may 18 and during the next 60 days, all
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military-obliged citizens must update their military registration data. such a norm is mandatory for everyone, in particular for reserved men with a deferral, military-obliged women, as well as men abroad, so as not to lose the right to consular services. protect. the motherland needs, and accordingly, people need to be motivated, healthy, and this is checked by the military medical commission, and the state needs to know where they live, how they are treated you can get in touch, and that's what we 're starting from. to update data, there are now three options: tsk and sp itself, tsnapy and the reserve plus mobile application. queues lined up before the law entered into force at the territorial collection centers. men with... briefcases with documents came immediately after the end of the curfew, stood in the rain, waited on children's carousels, but it was not
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volunteers who came to outrun the law, but those who were not afraid. we understand that now we have come to the tcc, the majority of people have to update their data armor, or have some health issues there, which are sure that they will practically not be drafted. another reason for the queues could be the tsc schedule. in theory, they work around the clock, but for... updating data, there were reception hours, only in the first half of the day, sometimes even only on certain days. a new option for specifying data in tsnapa. they are accepted there according to the center's standard work schedule. the administrator enters your data into the electronic system. the information is automatically pulled into the charm, the applicant receives an extract with the initials and signature of the administrator of tsnap about updating data. as a result , the generated extract will be sent to her e
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-mail. after submitting the application and checking all the data that the person has declared, he is responsible for the declared data, the application is formed, signed, then the system generates an extract, the formation of such an extract. take a certain amount of time, as of the morning of may 18, there were no queues for checkpoints, however, the first users of the service assure that everything happens in an organized and fast manner, the queues, the queues at the tsk are huge, you come in the morning and sign up, it is not known when you will get there today or not, it’s much better when you came, took the coupon, you have your number, the estimated waiting time, took the coupon, sat there for an hour, well, what an hour... sat for 20, came in, updated the data, that’s it, you have free time. another innovative solution is the launch of the reserve plus mobile application. until june, it works in test mode, where
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you can update data and access the amulet registry. the procedure takes less than 15 minutes, so it is the fastest and most optimal of all those listed. in the ministry of defense on the morning of may 18, they concluded that 150 thousand people had successfully logged into the application. citizens, it takes 15-20 minutes in the reserve plus application, even if there are cyber attacks, even if there is some technical failure, although we do not foresee this, and in fact, the application is already ready, so it will be possible to do it electronically without leaving from home, without letting go of the smartphone, the risks, let's say, took into account the possibilities, including the access to the taco servers... we calculated, accordingly, we expect that everything will work, on in practice, other citizens on social networks shared that the application does not work, while
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those lucky ones who managed to update the data claim that the process lasted several minutes, well, it did not work at first, and then it started, now it gave up, updated, and there 5 seconds, that is, he pulls all the data from the bank id and they appear at once. however, to get the desired win code, which is the only proof of data update, you will still have to go to the shopping center, or wait for june 18, when, according to the ministry of defense, it will be possible to generate such a reserve plus in the application. update this minimum data will be possible, but get a qr code, the corresponding no, but, again, the data will be considered updated, the main thing is that the person fulfills his duty according to the law. in addition, from may 4 , 2024, the rules for the disabled changed, this status was canceled, so conscripts must
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pass within nine months. re-medical commission, which will determine the unfitness or the degree of suitability, the corresponding referral is also issued in the shopping center. depending on the diagnosis, on the results of the vlc, it may be, it may be recognized, one that can serve in, depending, again, on the conclusion, in units, for example, the same tcksp, in universities, in headquarters units, in... security units, rear units. in addition to the law on mobilization, another law on fines was adopted. so, if you don't like any of the methods and you haven't updated the data, you will have to respond to the new prices. violation of military registration in a special period will cost from 17 to 25 thousand uah, and evasion of mobilization from 17 to 25 thousand uah for citizens and from 34 to... 59 uah for
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officials and legal entities, if a person wants to evade, well, for sure, the ministry of defense should not contribute to the fact that a person has any additional technical capabilities for this, it is important to take an updated military registration document with you always and everywhere, now it in addition to tsc and sp employees, border guards and police officers can check. the latter also have the right to detain and deliver. dodgers to shopping centers, but do not issue summonses themselves. if a person evades both the tsc and the national police, with the help of themis, her right to drive a vehicle will be restricted , which will be canceled immediately after the data is updated. so, in the end , the law, which was tried for so long to be adopted in the verkhovna rada and was so passionately discussed in society, came into force. you need to update the data by july 16, but will the fear of
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losing prevail over fear? mobilization , only time will tell, well, actually, now they are looking for more than 100 thousand, well, somewhere around evaders who are wanted, and then in this mobile application such a wanted mark appears, in the ministry of defense, by the way, they emphasized, that very often it can be a technical failure, you need to contact the technical support service, if you know that you are registered, you are not evading, but i am writing to you that you are wanted. then it can be technically done, but if it is different, then there is another. they are already writing that there are six migs in the sky, so stay in shelters, be safe now, and i will not say goodbye to you, we will take a break in our communication for a while, serhiy zgurets, the military results of the day, now for your attention .
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greetings to our viewers, today we will be talk about the first results of ramstein and the situation on the front line. when we talk about ramstein, this is the 22nd meeting in the format of a contact group, and we understand that extremely urgent issues related to the support of the armed forces will be raised. us defense secretary lloyd austin said that the kremlin forces will try to achieve further success . next week they will try to create a buffer zone along the ukrainian border, he was referring to the situation related to the enemy's offensive in the kharkiv region. we we know that there are currently processes related to providing ukraine with a sufficient amount of military aid. austin said that this process will continue, and it is extremely important in order to provide ukrainian artillery with both ammunition and
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anti-aircraft missiles. not defense, because austin also emphasized that ukraine desperately needs an increase in the number of air defense systems, and the day before, ukraine's ambassador to the united states, oksana, was just talking about the fact that she had talks with american representatives, and behind the scenes the question of whether the united states could transfer another patriot battery to ukraine. there is no clear confirmation of this yet. in any case, such discussions are going on, and how can we remind you that zelensky said that we need at least two batteries of patriots, which should be deployed to protect kharkiv. we understand that this process of placing such batteries is extremely difficult, not easy, because this is an area close to the russian border, and we understand that one way or another the question will arise, if the batteries do arrive, it will be the downing of the russian planes in russian space, and this again
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just raises the question of what... that western weapons need such


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