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tv   [untitled]    May 20, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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i will say this, there are blackout schedules , these schedules are more or less adhered to, but as far as we understand, this story will continue, because such loads on the network, especially at peak times, are quite large, so the blackout according to the schedules works for now, thank you very much , mr. igor, take care and thank you for your work and for joining and commenting igor protsai, deputy of the poltava regional council, i will remind you again. today, i hit poltava region twice during the day, and poltava region again is one of the leaders among the regions in terms of the number of admitted internally displaced persons. literally in a moment about the most important news, as of this hour, i will tell you in detail. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, news, we have a lot of interesting things ahead of us, the world is pro-ukraine. about
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ukraine with yuri fizer, what happened to the helicopter of the ex-president of iran, at least the deceased president of iran raisi, and we will also talk with the political scientist about many important political topics. a devastating article in the washington post and zelensky's term surfaced, what's next, how to proceed, are there any legitimate understandings or explanations for this. well, actually, it is during the next hour, and now about what happened. russians directed drones and artillery at the nikopol region all day under the sights of the dnipropetrovsk aggressor. a 42-year-old man was wounded, the victim was hospitalized, said serhiy lysak, head of the regional military administration. 18 private houses were damaged. also, an apartment building, five outbuildings, a garage, dozens of damaged cars, a medical facility, infrastructure facility and grocery store. the building, which is not in use, was occupied, and the fire was brought under control.
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17 solar panels were affected by the gas pipelines of the power transmission line. 60% of the territory of vovchansk in kharkiv oblast is under the control of the armed forces of ukraine. this was announced by the deputy head of the kharkiv military administration, roman semenukha. according to him, continuous shelling continues in the city. the russians continue their assault , the hottest battles are taking place near the settlement of liptsi, as well as on the left and right flanks of the town of vovcha. the occupiers are trying get a foothold in a housing development to start street fights. karma in action. the occupiers dropped four high-explosive aerial bombs on the russian town of shibyekino, which is located 20 km from ukrainian vovchanskyi in the kharkiv region. this is reported by the russian mass media. it is known in advance that about the destroyed residential buildings, information about the victims is currently being clarified in... they are in such
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a hurry to capture vovchansk or to harm our armed forces and our citizens that they are not even clarifying the points on the map, because of that, of course, we it is easier that these high-explosive aerial bombs fell in shevekina, but this once again shows the stress and desire to do everything quickly and bloody, which prevails now in the minds of the russian russian aggressors. in a week, the russians took the robot three times, took it, of course, in quotation marks. however, there are no occupiers there - said the head of the united coordination press center of the southern defense forces, dmytro plytenchuk. according to him, the ukrainian troops have not lost their positions in the area of ​​robotino, but the russians continue to attack them, that is, the positions of the armed forces of ukraine. in the temporarily occupied luhansk , loud explosions were heard, the rocket probably hit the base of the occupiers, local residents reported. and mass media, also in
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telegram channels, they write about a big fire in the village of yuvileyne. spying on the objects of the critical infrastructure of the seaport in odesa, the security service of ukraine kidnapped a russian agent. the attacker monitored the placement of ukrainian air defense systems, as well as the positions of defense forces, strategic infrastructure and telecommunications facilities. all of them. data he handed over to the occupiers for future missile strikes on these targets, an undercover spy acted . during the search, he was found to have fake credentials of a press representative and an employee of the local water supply company. the perpetrator faces life imprisonment. air defense systems and shells ukraine will soon receive the promised military aid. in particular, it is about armored vehicles for the restoration of one's own arsenal. it was announced. united
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states secretary of defense lloyd osin, according to him, the united states will additionally help develop new aid packages for our state. to allow ukraine to attack the territory of russia with its weapons, i.e. foreign weapons. this possibility will be discussed in the french parliament. as reported by the french media, the head of the country's foreign affairs committee. jean-louis bourlange even called on parliamentarians to change the existing military doctrine. he stated that the time has come for such support. and it is important that there are politicians who understand this and are ready to change laws, rules, anything to make ukraine win and prevent putin from taking what he wants to take our territories, and the worst thing is that he also wants our souls, which he will definitely not
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get, and even more so with the support of our partners, who clearly understand the situation and know how to act against putin. in line with putin, the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court, karim khan, requested arrest warrants for three leaders of the palestinian movement hamas, as well as top officials of the state of israel, referring to prime minister benjamin netanyahu and minister defense of israel yoav galant. the corresponding document was published on the website of the international criminal court of the united nations, which is located in the hague. the leaders of israel and hamas are accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity. now the panel of judges has to consider karim khan's application and make its decision. in israel, however, they do not agree with the prosecutor's position. drawing parallels between a country's leaders who protect their citizens and bloodthirsty terrorists is a moral blindness that is also damaging. if
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the international court agrees with the position of the prosecutor, it will harm the ability of either countries to protect their citizens will become a historical crime. headquarters the united states of america plans to introduce sanctions against georgian politicians for the foreign agents act. politico writes about it. according to the media, the usa may freeze the assets of members of the ruling georgian dream party, who promoted the scandalous law. they will also be banned from traveling to the country. such restrictions will be provided by a new draft law, which will soon be presented in the congress of the united states of america. but it is interesting that he tries to fight with foreign agents, tries to copy there are separate politicians to russia in georgia, but for some reason the bills are in the usa, true, for some reason there are bills, well, i think that it is possible that there may be in russia, but for some reason all these fighters
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stand against freedom, democracy, against what they stand against the united states of america, for some reason, all these fighters with these democratic principles want to have accounts in a democratic state, and not where and... otherwise, well, let's say, not in north korea, for some reason they have accounts. historical event, for the first time representatives of the orthodox church of ukraine co-served with the bishops of the bulgarian church. the liturgy was led by ecumenical patriarch bartholomew, and the ukrainian delegation was introduced by metropolitans of chernihiv and nizhyn. with this co-service, the bulgarian church actually recognized the orthodox church of ukraine, which is a significant event on the way to building an auto-cathedral local church in ukraine. and on may 20, that is, now ukrainians commemorate the second anniversary of the completion of the heroic defense of mariupol and the azovstal plant. how long did the city and the plant last and why our defenders were forced to actually
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surrender, in the next material. the battle for mariupol began with a full-scale russian invasion. wall until may 20 , 22nd year, the defense of the city of the hero lasted 86 days, 82 of which were completely surrounded. during february 24 and 28, the enemy approached mariupol from the east, north, and west. on march 1 , the russian invaders completely surrounded the city and subjected it to massive shelling. on march 5, the enemy approached the center, attempts to evacuate civilians were thwarted by non -stop artillery attacks. on march 9 , the russians attacked a hospital and a maternity hospital in the center of mariupol. march 16 committed a crime that outraged the whole world. an aerial bomb was dropped on the drama theater, under the debris of which at least 600 civilians died. in
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mid-april, the only center of resistance remained the azovstal plant, where all ukrainian units that were in the city broke through. the defense was held. azov regiment, marines, border guards, national guardsmen, policemen. all of them got to azovstal whenever possible. also , many civilians who were hiding from shelling and bombing. there were problems with drinking water at the blocked azovstal water, running out of food and medicine. as of mid-may , there were about 600 wounded soldiers on the territory of the plant, 40 of whom were in serious condition. in the first days of may, all civilians were evacuated from azovstal, and on may 16, by order of president zelenskyi, ukrainian soldiers surrendered . the last defender left azovstal on the 20th. in may, the russians received prisoners from azovstal in prisons both on the territory of occupied donetsk region and on the territory of
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russia. on june 28, an exchange of prisoners took place , during which the first 95 returned to ukraine defenders of mariupol and azovstal. the most massive exchange took place on the night of september 21-22. then 182 defenders returned to ukraine. on may 6, 2023 , 45 defenders of mariupol were returned from russian captivity, and since then there have been no exchange lists of soldiers from azovstal, until now more than 700 heroes of azovstal are still in captivity, and there was only one news from my son, this somewhere green, that he was seen there. those guys who have already been exchanged, after that no news, unfortunately. according to
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the association of families of defenders of azovstal, on this one at present, more than 1,900 defenders of mariupol are in russian captivity, more than 700 of them are azov. tetyana golunova, yulia belska, espresso tv channel. yes, indeed, we are waiting, we are not only waiting for the return, but we are waiting for the fact that... i think that such work is going on to really make the return of the heroes home, now about the events outside ukraine, and the events are very hot, will be told by yuriy fizar, the world about ukraine, yuriy, good evening, please, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today, we break into a new information week with the world column about ukraine, today, in particular, about such things, in estonia they advise the west not to be afraid of russia, india is okay. will participate in the global peace summit, and karma in action novosibirsk under water, about this and
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other things in a moment in the world about ukraine column, well, i will start with the information that is on everyone's lips all over the world today, president of iran ibrahim raisi died as a result of a plane crash that... happened in the north-east of the country, the minister of foreign affairs was also on board with him cases of husein amir abdulakhyan and two other people, plus crew members. this was announced by the prime minister of the islamic republic, mohsen mansuri. this morning, rescuers did manage to reach the crash site of the helicopter in which the head of state was flying. they were hindered all night by a thick fog and the fact that the place where all this happened is a difficult-to-access mountainous area. we know that. now the acting head of iran will be vice president muhammad moghber. experts
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believe that the state policy will not change at all, but in 50 days new presidential elections must be held. well, ukrainians may get a somewhat false, false impression that the president will change, maybe something in iran will change, but nothing will change. and here are those salutes that you could see on facebook yesterday, or today, like butts. iranians are rejoicing, and in the end there are those who are rejoicing because of the death of ex-president ibrahim raisi, well, there are very few of them and nothing will change there, because the political system in the islamic republic will remain as it was. here's an expert whom i trust a lot in any matter, and in particular in matters of the near east, this is the expert of the ukrainian institute of the future, ilya kusa , who wrote a post about this on his facebook page today. but this, i quote him: it is unlikely that anything will change in the relations between the russian federation and iran, at least
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if the president remains a conservative. the situational partnership of the russian federation and iran is connected not only with one individual, but also with the international situation, bad relations with the west and close ties on various levels, therefore - sums up mr. kusa, the death of the president of iran is unlikely to affect us in any way, and here... it is also worth adding that here is the vice president who has a great chance of becoming the president, muhammad mogber, he is a follower of what he did ebrahim raisi, well , he too. was one of those who concluded contracts with russia for the supply of shaheds, well , for the supply of technologies with the help of which these shaheds can be made, therefore , unfortunately, nothing will change. yes, we are going further, we are moving even further east, dialogue instead of confrontation, taiwan calls
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the heavenly leadership to the peaceful settlement of the disputes that have arisen between mainland china and... and taiwan. the newly elected president laitsinde said this today during the inauguration ceremony. at the same time, he called on the leadership of the celestial empire to stop political and military threats towards the island. he called china's military actions the biggest strategic challenge for the global world and promised to strengthen taiwan's military capabilities. well, it is also worth noting that official beijing considers laya tsinde a person who is only being created, ba more. they do not consider him, he is considered dangerous, this is a quote: a dangerous separatist, so it is quite logical to assume that it is with him that representatives of xi jinping's government will not sit down at the negotiating table, they need someone like the taiwanese bear cub, i have already added this myself , although it is good for ukraine that the cooperation with taiwan will continue
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to develop. let's hear what he says directly about this cooperation and its development. executive director of commonwealth magazine kwangwin liu. taiwan can really help ukraine is recovering, and many believe that this aid should focus on human potential and social reconstruction, not just technology. one of the vivid examples is the partnership: leave no one behind, ukrainian politician, people's deputy mykola knyazhytskyi. all-ukrainian. qualifications in the field of digital technologies implemented by mr. kniazhytskyi and the ministry of digital technologies of taiwan in lviv and poltava. it would be good if there were much more such resources in ukraine aimed at creation
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opportunities for education, employment and training of women, youth and veterans. well, it remains only to wish the newly elected president of taiwan success in his work. we move on. nato allies should not fear that sending their troops to ukraine to train ukrainian soldiers could involve the military alliance in a military confrontation with russia. estonian prime minister kaja kaala said this in an interview with the financial times. at the same time , she emphasized that already now. some western military instructors work in ukraine, but added that in her opinion, if the training personnel were attacked by russian forces, this would not lead to the automatic triggering of the fifth article on mutual defense, followed by a quote from the head of the estonian government kai kalas: i cannot imagine that if someone gets hurt there, those who sent their people will say: this is the fifth
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article, let's destroy russia, it doesn't work like that, it doesn't happen automatically. that is , she made it clear to those people who do not want to send their servicemen to of ukraine, even those who will work as instructors, made it clear that there will be no escalation of the conflict, well, at least, if putin does not want it, because if putin wants it, then in any case , even if they do not send instructors , if he wants, then in any case, that is, it all depends on him and depends on him more than once. tells the west to stop this war, to withdraw all its troops from the territory of ukraine and that's it, well, but he doesn't go for it. india will participate in the peace summit, which is scheduled for june 15-16 this year in the swiss city of bürgenstock. this was announced by the country's prime minister naren dramodi, while he did not specify who exactly would represent his country,
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and he emphasized that, following mr. modi's quote: india will participate in all of them. important summits that advance the agenda in the field of global peace, security and development and will support the voice of the so-called global south. well, india is the only country of the global south that has confirmed participation in this conference, the leaders of brazil and thapar announced earlier that they would not go to the summit. china has also made it clear that it does not support holding the summit in switzerland because russia has not been invited, but the question is whether beijing will send a representative. it is not yet known, and if he sends, who, because, for example, experts say, if he sends a special envoy for eurasian affairs, lihuey, it will be nothing. that lihui will come, just as he has already gone twice on his tours and will go back, if he will at least send the minister of foreign affairs wang yi, then it can already be
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a signal that after all, well, if the official beijing has not changed its position, then it makes it clear to russia that it is necessary to deal with it even more, more seriously, i mean with beijing, well, i will remind you once again that this peaceful the conference in bürgenstock will take place on june 15-16. and 160 countries received invitations. so far, representatives of more than 50 countries and organizations have officially confirmed their participation. more about china. china offers to organize a peace conference to find ways to end the war in ukraine. this was reported by the ministry of foreign affairs of russia results of the meeting of sergey lavrov with his chinese counterpart wang yi today on the sidelines of the meeting of the council of ministers. the leadership of the celestial empire emphasized that such a conference should be held under the condition
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of equal participation of russia and ukraine, as well as taking into account moscow's legitimate interests in the field of security and current realities. these are legitimate interests, legitimate fears, you remember, before the invasion in december, for example, 2021 by sergey lavrov. or at various international meetings spoke about the fact that the event should pay attention to security concerns russia, now it is being said in china that it is nonsense, but i wonder if they will get something out of this conference, so now we are moving closer to ukraine, and this man is trying to convince everyone around him about that the west, and in particular poland and other countries. are trying to impose a war of subversive groups on belarus, the self-proclaimed president of the country oleksandr lukashenko said about this
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during a meeting with representatives of the kgb . subversive groups to belarus and continue information wars. in addition, he emphasized that the mentioned states are preparing various types of armed forces. about 60% of the population, so it will help to ensure long-term peace in ukraine, prime minister of georgia irak likobakhidze said this, according to him, this is exactly
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what the country needs now, while he emphasized that the country's leadership was ready listen to proposals and comments on this law from the representatives of the event, but mr. prime minister, veto this law president soloma zorobishvili everything. spoiled - says mr. prime minister, well, let me remind you that this law was adopted in the parliament of the country on may 14 due to the forced resistance of people who went to mass protests for several days in a row. well, now vasyl told you in the news that according to politico, the usa is preparing to introduce sanctions against some representatives of the georgian government, but the georgian government has already said that we are not afraid of them. these are not scary at all. well, it continues in russia the season of pobedobesiya or darkness. call it what you will. the day before, the local
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communist party, which is not banned there, celebrated the so-called day of the so-called pioneers on a grand scale. in many russian cities, there were even receptions in this so- called organization. the funniest thing is that this office in russia is still called the pioneer organization named after lenin. i don't know whether the children were driven to this celebration in their feet or not, but the fact remains: russians continue to live in a parallel world of red neckbands. it's sad that the day before, these red scraps of matter were also tied in the temporarily occupied ukrainian melitopol. well, but this is the last time in melitopol, i hope so, they connected, there won't be any more, in them, and maybe in them, who knows what will happen to russia, it looks very hot.
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the season of gerontology, they have it, they also had such a thing that people who were still pioneers like you and me, once in soviet times, they are now creating these units again, such people over 40 also want to be pioneers, this in general, as they say, come back to me, my to me, my childhood, well, it’s just a horror, well , but this is russia, and finally armageddon in siberian, or better to say in novosibirsk, novosibirsk was flooded due to a powerful downpour with hail, cars literally floated. through the streets of the city, some were even more unlucky, they turned into submarines. the may thunderstorm caught novosibirsk by surprise, the storm drains could not cope with such a large amount of water, while the gusty wind tore roofs off houses and uprooted trees. in one of the districts, even a retaining wall collapsed, in some areas of the city had problems with electricity supply. well, this is a heavenly punishment, otherwise
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i am not. title, well, for today i have everything in the world about ukraine section, everything is only for today, tomorrow there will be more and more will be in our further broadcast, so do not switch, more in the joints is so piercing, it does not allow to move, in the pharmacy i bought a yellow dolgit cream, it saves me from pain in rheumatism, there is dolgit... galicia. listen to yours. pain can become an obstacle. walk up the stairs, not with my knees. for pain in the knees, try the cream
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the broadcast time, from now on you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00, professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, saves, emotions, a project, both for experienced fans and just for people who appreciate the non-committal view of football, football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. verdi with serhiy rudenko, from now on in the new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.


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