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tv   [untitled]    May 20, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EEST

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the football format changes the air time. from now on, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00. professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions. the project is for experienced fans as well as for people who appreciate a non-committed view of football. football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espress. good
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evening, we are from ukraine. we continue, this is a big ether, there is a lot of interesting and important ahead, of course, there will be sports news, usyk's historic victory, campaign news, and there will also be an inclusion of the 22nd meeting of the ramshtein group, which takes care of weapons, support for... ukraine, but now about a few so precisely important political topics, domestic political, even to a greater extent, that we cannot but discuss today. viktor bobarenko, expert of the bureau of policy analysis. mr. viktor, i congratulate you. good health to you. glad to see and hear. let me tell you this number right away: may 20: 5 years of zelenskyi's presidency, president zelenskyi have passed and are passing today, and the russians are already starting to speed up this informational psycho operation, come on, i
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'll quote it again, with a push from both sides, i don't i will say, as they say about ours the president, they have no right to say anything about him, we elect him, and we will elect the president when it is possible, how, why did the russians become so active, first of all, and how to act, how to understand what should happen tomorrow, because tomorrow will be may 21, and according to the constitution it is no longer 5 years, but we understand that it cannot be otherwise now, that is, he is still the president and commander-in-chief. please, well, we don't care what people think of russia and putin, so it's up to us to elect the president and to consider him legitimate there or not, and this should not bypass the russians in any way, we will decide it, these will be our allies, no one blames us, because everyone understands that holding elections at this time, well , the law does not allow it, and it is extremely difficult. because
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it is not known how, it is not clear, how to vote, so everything is fine, we have zelenskyi’s legitimacy, the only thing that should be advised to the same zelenskyi is to relate, he said that all presidents, yes , so that it is possible for him to be the most logical, the most logical for him would be to create a government of national unity tomorrow, if he really... doesn't like poroshenko, well, he can't change himself and sit down at the same table with poroshenko, there with other political leaders, because of yulia tymoshenko's voice, well, okay, appoint a government of technocrats, take to there, serhiy fursa was your minister of finance, yes, who are not connected to political parties, so that there, for example, zhodan or oksana zabushko were ministers of ku'. well
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, he will decide on a few more positions . we mean that such a government would add legitimacy to zelenskyi, and not take away this legitimacy, but this is the problem of volodymyr oleksandrovich, how even-handed he is, how narcissistic he is, that... he cannot go to this step, but it would be very good and crazy, well, this is his choice, well, i do not believe that he will go to create a government of national unity, but it would be necessary, you know, you said this phrase that if he does not can sit at the same table as president poroshenko, well, the president is a lifelong title, that's why we say president poroshenko is there, but i remember very well, because i prepared materials and i remember very well the first day of the war, even before. the first day of the invasion
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was full-scale, and there were such words that president zelensky pressed and held poroshenko's hand for a long time when, when, in fact, it was critical. the situation and then for some reason they sat at the table and consulted and listened to advice and agreed to stop the political confrontation and forget to announce a truce, but now of course the situation is not like that, although it is also threatening. second, you say that the a government so technocratic and efficient that has the trust of the public, at least as of now, would be very important for zelensky, for his strengthening above all, but yes. one person who strengthens or not strengthens, it is difficult for me to say, but who is around him, a person who said that i want to be the shadow of the president and do everything he tells me, andriy yermak, and here is the washington post edition, after blinken's visit, an article was published where it was said that irmak, in fact, is a person
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who has enormous power, the most of all head of the president's office for all time, who decides everything herself and... does not ask for forgiveness, in my opinion, she does not apologize, something like that was said there, and please explain it, well, because such a washington post article, it it's definitely not just the journalists who decided, let's write about yermak, let's go, it's a more complicated story, please, well, i agree with the conclusions of the journalists that he is the most influential person in history, let's say there is the office of the head of the office or there... the presidential administration, this position is - was called differently at different times, but here it is not limited power, and the government, the verkhovna rada, and worst of all, the law enforcement and judicial system are managed from the president's office, but worst
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of all, what would i appreciate in 5 years for zelensky, i would say that zelensky, despite everything, until february of this year did not interfere. in the affairs of the military, he did not draw arrows on the globe, er, and this was his advantage over putin, now, well, insiders report, and it seems to me that yermak has already begun to influence the process of acceptance, preparation, acceptance, implementation management decisions in the army, and there is nothing worse than politicians begin to manage the military. give general orders, as the supreme commander must, yes, what is there like, and specifically here we are advancing, at the operational level, as far as i understand, and at the tactical level, not only at the operational, at the tactical level, well, if they are already included in replacement of brigade commanders, then this is already
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going too far, this is mr. viktor, we will continue the conversation with you, i am just now, we will pause in our dialogue, and we will listen. moloyd austin, the head of the pentagon , the 22nd ramsteim is going on at the moment, we have the opportunity to listen to the final press conference of the head of the ministry of defense of the united states of america. what ukraine needs. security, a security package of 7 billion dollars has also already been announced, this will contribute to national security. we also deliver what ukraine urgently needs now. especially the 155mm projectiles and a lot more are already on the way, so we have been thinking about the long-term challenges for ukrainian security, and we are really impressed by how united we are working, this coalition, it
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looks ahead and it expects what they can to be the needs of ukraine in the future, so we must look for ways to ensure that our aid... arrives without interruption, and to deter russian aggression in the future. today we heard another update from the naval coalition, we also talked about the sky defense initiative. what does it mean? this means that ukraine's partners will try to find ways to provide what they can and to add additional ones. spare parts and, ultimately , technical support, so we are aiming for ukraine to be able to fight back, fight back putin's attacks. within the framework of the coalition of powers, we really maintain a flexible
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structure in order to help ukraine in general and in the long term. we gathered nations of goodwill from all over the world so that ukraine could survive. and actually this is in order for us to show the whole world why ukraine is important. ukraine plays a significant role for the sake of european security and on a large scale. we cannot live in a world where autocrats act and do as they please, the days of empires are over, so i want to make it clear that we are more united than ever and we determined to help ukraine, we are not going anywhere, we are with ukraine, and i will give the floor to general brown. thank you, mr. minister, i congratulate you. yes, when
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the first world war was ending, wilson spoke loudly about the world order and in his speech he stated that political independence depends on territorial integrity, which is based on the association of nations, this is the only way to defeat the aggressors, he said that we cannot be divided common, divided by interests, we have them. to be together and so on until the end. i am quoting him today, but president wilson never thought that after so many years, today there would be exactly the coalition that was based on his remarks, but we see how much more brutal, how much more aggressive is the war that we are facing now. therefore, the points that president wilson spoke about, which are necessary for the sake of the international order, we are living them now, this order has shaken. illegal and unprovoked aggression by russia, and the contact
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group on the defense of ukraine today together, as we look in the face of this russian aggression, we we will continue to support ukraine in this way in order to protect the international order, i want to thank the minister very much, it was loyt austin and the head of the pentagon and charles brown, the head of the joint chiefs of staff. headquarters of the army of the united states of america, continue to help ukraine, this is very important, in total, 95 billion dollars have already been spent on military support for ukraine, and we, mr. volo, mr. viktor, returning to our conversation, already moving into this perspective, it is clear that ramshtein there are many technical points discussed related to the needs of the front and what can be given now, where it can be taken, and the question is very important whether the instructors. troops can enter ukraine, and it is very important, probably more important, whether ukraine will be given permission to use
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the weapons of the united states of america on the territory of russia, or, let's say, to break up or at least significantly thin out the russian groups on that side of kharkiv oblast and belgorod oblast, this might significantly stop we were attacked by the enemy on may 10, 10, and i think that this is such a permission for us... not only that, there today in sumy oblast, they shot down that side , they flew a beech out of order, they shot down, i hope there will be such permission not only from the british and the united states, but the towers there will also be given to us. sooner or later, germany will give the so -called red lines, all of them or how overton's windows are getting bigger and bigger. this will not have any consequences, the only bad thing
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is that all these permits should have been given to us two years ago, then the war would have gone differently, but unfortunately, the west is dragging its feet for a very long time, as for the possibility of their to the troops, that too, that too the opening of the same overton windows, yes, there is something like that, let's go... first these instructors will come, then something else, well, ideally for us it would be good if they closed the sky for us, for example, well, at least there somewhere to to kyiv, yes, and we could already use the patriots right here on the border, protecting sumy, kharkiv, defending in the south for zaporizhzhia, odesa, kherson and mykolaiv, well, and i think that further, further it is... right here the main thing is that our society does not freeze, because
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everyone is tired of the war, and allies, and well, both the army and society, but it is important that the russians get tired first. thank you very much, mr. viktor, viktor boberenko was with us from sumy region, the head of the policy analysis bureau, a political scientist, we talked about important, briefly, but essentially important things, now i am literally speechless. let's add serhii rudenko to the conversation, at 8:00 p.m. the verdict program traditionally starts and what is today's subpoena serhii, please tell me, good evening to you, good evening to vasyl, today. we are talking about 5 years of zelenskyi's presidency, because it was exactly 5 years ago, may 19, 20 in 2019, president zelenskyi was sworn in about his achievements, defeats, results of the first five-year term of zelenskyi, we will talk in the next two hours. in the first part of our
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program, we will have a politician, diplomat, former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine volodymyr ogrysko, we will talk with him about ramstein, which is happening today, and there is talk about the support of western partners to ukraine, and about the plane crash in iran, where he died yesterday president and with his retinue ricey, and this president has always supported aggressive the kremlin's policy, this is the same president who authorized aid, military aid to russia, what will this... have consequences for the so-called axis of evil, which includes russia, iran, north korea and china, and how it will affect the alignment forces, in particular in the middle east, because this is also very important, because in 50 days a new president of iran must be elected. among the topics that we will talk and
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discuss with mr. ogrysk is permission from our western partners. hit with their weapons, their weapons on the territory of the russian federation, the united states america, great britain are talking about the fact that it is possible, under what conditions it is possible, and most importantly, what results it can give, how it will affect the course of the russian-ukrainian war, we will also talk about the election of the president of taiwan, and in the second part of the program, which will begin at 21:15, will be the traditional hour of comments, main events. i will comment live for 45 minutes, starting at 21:15 after the bbc news broadcast, we will talk about everything and about 5 years of zelenskyi's presidency, about who is currently running ukraine and how actually, the mobilization law came into effect on may 18, 2024. wait, in 12 minutes
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we will start our broadcast. vasyl winter's big broadcast continues, stay tuned. with espresso, vasyl, you have a word. thank you very much, sergey. serhii rudenko at 8 p.m. well, the ukrainian wrote a few sentences so precisely in a book about the history of world boxing. yevhen pastakhov will tell about the event, which really became historic. yevgeny, good evening, please. good evening. vasyl, congratulations, dear viewers of the tv channel. in fact, oleksandr usyk gave an incredible holiday, and it was about boxing we'll talk in a moment. the best boxer in the world regardless of weight category, this is about oleksandr usyk, today the best fighter on the planet, our fighter was recognized by the authoritative boxing magazine the ring, at the weekend usyk won a historic match for the title of absolute world champion in boxing. the ukrainian
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outboxed the british tyson fury and won the victory by split decision of the judges. it was. spectacular, dramatic and chic match. in it, usyk once again demonstrated, probably, his two key boxing virtues. of course, very high class and character. the key in the confrontation was the ninth round, when the referee seemingly saved fury from a knockout. the world boxing community continues to enjoy the powerful series of blows of the ukrainian, which forced fury to get lost in space and simply fall on the ropes. wbc belt replenished. to usyk's title collection, which also includes the wba, ibf and wbo titles. i was only focused on this match, now i'm happy, i want to go home, go to my church, pray, i want to say: jesus, thank you, because for me
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and this is a great opportunity for my country. i'll cry over spilled milk, i've had a lot of wins and glory, i've had one loss in a close fight with a worthy man like usyk, and i've had a lot of fun in the ring, i've played with my hands behind my back, i've enjoyed it, you know alexander is a good fighter, i caught him and he caught me and it was a good fight so i hope you enjoyed it. vasyl, i think we liked it, and it seems that tyson fury came to you. at the press conference, because immediately after the fight, he said that in fact he won the fight, well, that's exactly what he said at the press conference, but in the ring he also said that usyk was given the victory, because there is a war in ukraine, well, it looked very inappropriate and very ugly, all the more so saw, well, actually, if it were not for the strange decision of the judge, which is simply not legitimized by the rules of boxing, the fight would probably have ended
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in the ninth round, but there really was a threat to health, obviously to the health of fury, because we we understand that such blows, a series of blows, when you are not defending yourself, can lead to hemorrhage in the brain, to anything, but then stop the fight altogether, well, that is, if there is a threat of death or health, then the fight is stopped altogether, so i think, understanding this, both the judges and fury himself, well. .. he, but he said very honestly, a very worthy opponent, true, so usyk, the first absolute world champion in super heavyweight in 25 years, this is the royal division, as it is called, of course, we remember that in the contract between boxers there is an option for a rematch, it is not yet known exactly when this fight can take place, and fury hinted so ambiguously that he still will think about whether he wants to end up in a wheelchair, because he will still receive many blows on the head and will accept, decide on the necessary correct ones. decision with his family, and also about boxing, also this weekend ukraine received another world champion in boxing, it is about denys berinchyk, who
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won the wbo lightweight world champion title in the united states in san diego. the ukrainian defeated the mexican emanuel navarette. the fight took place in the united states and lasted all 12 rounds. the judges gave a split decision to the ukrainian. 115-113, 112-116 and 116-112. ukrainians now own two of the four major championship titles in the lightweight division. i will remind you that earlier in may, vasyl lomochenko won the ibf title, and we congratulate denys berinchyk on this victory, he went to the championship fight for many years and celebrated the victory there. and then about football , the season in the ukrainian premier league is coming to an end, the last one remains. round, and last weekend matches of the penultimate 29th round were played, only one match took place on saturday, dynamo beat kryvbas 3:1, the remaining matches were played on sunday, lnz
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zorya - 2:1, rukh chornomorets 2:0, vorska obolon 3:1, veres oleksandria 2:2, minai kolos - 3:2, metalist 1925, polissya 3:3 and dnipro-1, shakhtar, 1:1. and now i suggest you look at the standings before the end. in the tour, the intrigue in the fight for the eurocups remains, dnipro-1 rukh and polissya claim two tickets in the league conference, it is enough for the dnipro and lviv residents to draw, and in this case even the victory of polissya in the match against shakhtar will not help the zhytomyr to climb to the fifth place and in the lower part of the tournament table, the struggle for maintaining registration in the elite continues. minaj and metalist 19-25, in addition to their matches, it is necessary to watch how the competitors play. at the moment, the kharkiv team is at the bottom, two points more than the transcarpathian team, veres is 14th, and obolon kyiv is 13th. manchester city
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is the champion again. the day before, josep guardiola's team won their fourth consecutive gold in the english premier league. to win the trophy city in the last round of the championship needed to beat london west ham with this manchester managed the task 3:1. arsenal beat everton to leave. behind the leader by two points in gunnery 89 points, in city - 91 points. the townspeople are the first in the history of the premier league to win gold medals in four consecutive seasons. manchester city will have a chance to complete a golden double, because guardiola's wards will play against manchester united in the fa cup final. guardiola's achievements are truly impressive, at the head of the club he won already the sixth title of the champion of england, and in total the spaniard won 16 trophies with the english team. we did something incredible, six titles out of seven years, in this country, the homeland of football, where
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is such a high quality of managers, teams and everything else? the team surprised me, the organization surprised me, it's an incredible club, well organized. liverpool used to push our limits and now it's arsenal, so i want to congratulate mikel arteta from the bottom of my heart and the staff and... i can feel it, they're pushing us to our best performance like never before. and a completely different mood prevailed on sunday in liverpool, more precisely, among the fans of the club of the same name, because anfield said goodbye to jurgen klopp. played their last match, the final match under the german coach, the reds beat wolverhampton 2-0. ended the season in third place, obviously the club expected more, both in the domestic arena and in the europa league, but the farewell to the bug, who led the team
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for nine years, was touching and... polite. this is how they say goodbye to an era. during this time at the head of liverpool, the german coach won both the champions league and the english championship. and the fans love klop not only for the trophies, but also for the refined charisma, mad passion for games, humanity and sincerity. josep guardiola said yes, forget trophies. klopp gave liverpool character. and it's hard not to agree with that. klopp vowed never to coach another english club again. currently, the coach wants from'. away from work it 's been absolutely crazy, the kids that were in the stadium today, the kids in the staff that were in the stadium today and i saw after the game that they don't know the other liverpool manager, that's how it is, they just think that i always was and always will be, and now i'm gone, i don't know exactly why no one believes,
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that i probably won't... be a manager anymore, but at the same time i understand that it seems like a drug, because everyone comes back and everyone works until they're 70. i always thought that i wouldn't coach that long. this is the end of the sports column, i wish you a peaceful, calm evening, stay with espresso, vasyl zama will continue our long broadcast in a moment. thanks to yevhen pastukhov, and i will briefly announce the information about the collection, please join us, we have already collected, we are collecting for a minibus for the mobile brigades of our units in soldarskyi and zaporizhzhya directions, the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone, in the open air in any weather day and night, so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield
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of damaged military equipment, in particular. banks of armored personnel carriers need a minibus that will deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumo-hydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000, and we have already collected 2,805. yes, well, please continue to support the armed forces of the forces of ukraine, natalka didenko is already with me, and mrs. natalya will tell us directly about what was agreed this week and tomorrow. good evening, please. congratulations to vasyl. our dear viewers, now we will talk about the weather, about the sun, about electricity and about many other extremely interesting things, literally in a second. hello everyone, and we begin today's conversation about saving electricity, or rather, what to look for in the weather forecast, so that
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actually. and engage in this economy, and not energy workers always depend on the available capabilities or inabilities, and i think that they also look into the weather forecast, and i would single out three main meteorological phenomena, such as cloudiness, wind and air temperature, which must be paid attention to, if in the forecast at night you hear cloudy, cloudy weather, and it is expected to cool down, then the probability of frosts, if on... for example, they would be, sharply decreases, therefore the cooling of the air decreases and, accordingly, the heaters are not turned on. if cloudiness is in the forecast for the day, also dense, cloudy weather, so the sun will be less, and the air will warm up accordingly . the wind, if the wind is from the north or northeast, it will still be cold, and there is a possibility that the people will start turning on the heaters en masse, and there are already calls for savings from the voices of energy workers in the desert, so
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there may be a possibility of a power outage. to grow rapidly and , accordingly, the wind from the south will mean mainly warm weather, well, with the air temperature, it is clear, the frosts have passed, it is already almost summer, if to look at the thermometers of 20-28°, so i urge you to wipe your air conditioners with pieces as much as possible together with energy workers, let them rest, heat is sometimes good for the body, excess toxins are removed, the body warms up, frostbites are happy and also joints, bones, various arthritis are also will rejoice warm weather, and hypertensive people should walk more slowly, look for shade, read all kinds of exciting news less, that's what i would advise, be sure to pay attention to them in the weather forecast, well, we're moving on and now let's look at magnetic storms, at behavior...


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