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tv   [untitled]    May 20, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EEST

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there are already calls for savings here, the voice of energy workers crying out in the desert, so the probability of power outages can increase rapidly, and accordingly , the wind from the south will mean mostly warm weather, well, with the air temperature, it is clear, the frosts have passed, it is already almost summer, if you look at thermometers are 20-28°, that's why i urge, together with energy workers , to wipe your air conditioners with pieces as much as possible, let them rest, heat is sometimes good for the body. excess slags are released, the body warms up, the frostbite rejoices and also joints, wrists, various types of arthritis will also benefit from warm weather, and hypertensive people should walk more slowly, look for shade, read all kinds of exciting news less, i would advise you to pay attention to such things in the weather forecast, well, we are moving on and now let's look at magnetic storms, at the behavior of... the earth's fields, and now for your
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attention, as always, a forecast chart, from which it will be seen that tomorrow there will be small fluctuations, that is, there will not be any such powerful, super-powerful magnetic storms, therefore, as usual, we just observe , you see, tomorrow there are fluctuations, especially in the first half of the day, but as i said, nothing so serious and powerful, so we move on to the weather, to the synoptic situation closest to... and tomorrow we start we are traditionally from the western regions, tomorrow warm weather is expected almost everywhere, including the west. so, tomorrow in the western part of ukraine, the maximum air temperature during the day will range from 21 to 28°c. rains are likely in the west - this is the carpathian region, around the carpathians, transcarpathia, but, for example, in ternopil region and khmelnytskyi region, significant precipitation is not expected.
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it will also be very warm tomorrow in the northern part of ukraine. the maximum air temperature will range from 21 to 26°c. precipitation is also unlikely, but, for example, in the sumy oblast , a light rain and even a thunderstorm are possible in places. in the eastern part of ukraine, rain is possible in kharkiv oblast, luhansk oblast and donetsk oblast without precipitation, but it will also be warm at 20-25, 21-26° above zero. e in the central part of ukraine from no precipitation is expected from vinnytsia to dnipropetrovsk region, a dry air mass will dominate and the air temperature is also quite high, 21-26°. in the southern part of ukraine tomorrow, well, i would say, it's almost summer, 22-26, 22-27° and no precipitation, in kyiv, no precipitation is expected in kyiv in the next day, the air temperature is +24. +26° and i want to say
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that by the end of the week the air temperature will be quite high, but we are closely watching together on the espresso channel. i say goodbye to you until tomorrow at 18:10, well, literally in a few moments the verdicta program with segy rudenko is coming, stay with us. good evening, we are from ukraine. today in the verdict with serhiy rudenko program, plane wreckage in iran, president ibrahim raisi and the minister of foreign affairs of the islamic republic were killed. what could be the consequences of a change of power in a country that supports the putin regime and is waging a shadow war with israel. it's time to lift the ban. allies ukraine is called
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to allow the use of western weapons on the territory of russia, can the legitimization of deep strikes change the course russian-ukrainian war. five years since the inauguration, achievements and defeats during the first term of zelenskyi's presidency. can the kremlin's heating up of the topic of the president's legitimacy affect the support of ukraine by western partners. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. let's talk today about the five years of zelenskyi's presidency, because that's exactly what we're talking about day, 5 years ago, zelenskyi was sworn in as the president of ukraine. let's talk
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about the plane crash that took place in iran, and , of course, about when the west will lift or western countries will lift the ban on the use of their weapons. on the territory of the russian federation by the armed forces of ukraine. today in the program. today we are talking about all this with the diplomat, politician, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-9, head of the center for the study of russia, volodymyr ogrysk. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you. thank you that you are healthy today, i am glad to see you in kyiv. so, before we start our conversation with volodymyr, we 'll see how an instant detonation destroyed a russian tank, and it was all thanks to the soldiers of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, and they turned enemy equipment into rubble
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thanks to a drone and cumulative grenades, let's watch this faith video.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there. please. please subscribe to our pages, and also take part in our survey, today we ask you about whether your expectations from the zelenskyi presidency or from president zelenskyi came true, yes no, if there were any expectations, of course, yes, no, on everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own separate opinion, please leave it under this video, if you watch us on tv, take your smartphone or phone to hand and vote, if your expectations from the president... zelensky came true 0800-211-381, no, 080-211-382 is free, vote, at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote, well, probably with this question, mr. volodymyr, we will start our conversation, if you had expectations from the presidency
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some zelenskyi, did they come true and what were these five years like, you know, mr. serhiy, i still pushed away with your permission from this magical... information that you showed when another russian tank is on fire, and you know that famous phrase about the fact that you can forever observe how there is water is pouring and fire is burning, russian invaders and tanks are on fire, i think we should really thank our heroic defense forces for what they do every day, it makes me very happy to see when russian airfields are burning, when they are burning... russian refineries, when russian planes are on fire, and thank god, this is becoming more and more, and if we go for such a calm, but consistent tactic of exterminating everything that is on our territory, and we will start, i
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think we are in it plans to destroy the enemy in crimea, then i think that we will achieve the results that we all hope for today and about which ... we think about every day, and we think about defeating the damned russian aggressor, and in this context i sum up, so to speak opinion on the question you asked me, mr. serhiy, speaking, i can talk about probably expectations in the field of foreign policy, because this topic is clear and close to me, let... specialists in other fields talk about their , if we talk about foreign policy, then i think that it is possible to state that really serious changes that have taken place in the thinking and consciousness of president zelenskyi, from
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the well-known formula, you just need to stop shooting, it is said in russian, by the way, and sit in the middle to negotiate, sit in the middle and agree to the fact that i am not... at the negotiating table with a russian criminal and the killer, well, it's a huge distance, that's what really. well, it can be considered on the one hand a political insight, and on the other hand a political coming of age, i.e. a person finally saw and understood what happened to those who is behind bars, it is impossible to agree on anything, and you know, in this context, i am a little surprised by some statements that have somehow started recently... to sound more and more often about this false thesis that all wars end
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negotiations, well, i immediately ask myself the question, what has japan already signed an agreement with russia, and that a peace treaty has already been concluded between the two koreas, and that there is some kind of settlement in the same... dniester, everything is finished there, that is , and what, when germany capitulated, was it peace negotiations? no, i think that someone here, i don't know who is behind this, wants to impose on us a false thesis that we should still prepare for some kind of negotiations, well, how can you sit down with a war criminal , well, not yet punished, but her arrest warrant issued by the international criminal court. i want to look into the eyes of, you know , whoever from the ukrainian government will offer
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the ukrainian people such an option, i want to ask myself, what will happen to this person in exactly a few hours, so i think that this is returning to this topic, which is still very unfortunate, maybe in the environment of the president there are people who think a little differently, who have some possibly different opinions on this matter, but if you talk... about the dynamics of changes in the president's views , then it seems to me to be positive and one that, well, as it stands today, adequately reflects what is happening in ukrainian-russian relations, or rather, in what is actually no longer there, but you know, i wanted to ask you , how international politics, international diplomacy changed with the appearance of zelenskyi on the international arena, because we watched how during the 20... 2nd year, zelenskyi actually this protocol, which has always existed and exists in diplomacy, in
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international relations, that he was pushed a little to the side, that is, he did not the only one who allowed himself to go beyond the protocol both in his clothes and in his messages to various parliaments and in the way he communicates with international leaders, has that changed, or is it just such a window of opportunity for volodymyr zelenskyy, and now everything is again ... comes, well, roughly in the same framework there are rules that are part of international etiquette in diplomacy and everything else. well, you are right, mr. sergiu, it was probably a justified departure from traditionalism in diplomacy, diplomacy is generally such a conservative thing, it changes, it certainly does not remain the same as it was in the 18th or 19th century, but everything anyway, there are certain, certain rules, certain canons, eh, but... we had an extraordinary situation and there is still a war, so we cannot
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react to an extraordinary situation with standard forms and rules, they must be changed, because the essence of what is happening in the state has changed, and i believe that in fact all factors played a positive role here, and the factor of the president without a doubt, and the factor of the activity of the verkhovna rada in this regard, and the factor... of the activity of professional diplomats in this regard, because without it, it is unlikely that our armed forces would have had the opportunity to defend themselves and obtain these weapons that they have, because this is the work of each individual diplomat, starting from the ambassador and ending with the highest position of the general staff, that is, it was all concentrated, thrown into acquisition this information and then result, and definitely of our public organizations, i have repeated and repeat that we must bow to our... women who in the first years, especially in the first year of aggression,
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raised the entire public both in europe and america, and precisely thanks to our women were heard by the societies, and therefore by the governments of those countries where these societies exist, so to speak, so i think that if we take it in general, then diplomacy, well in the broad sense of the word, is not only the work of ourselves, eh.. . diplomats in the ministry of foreign affairs and abroad, it played a positive role, and what is happening now, well, it will gradually return, of course, to its more. less traditional forms and methods of work, now during the last month, especially, putin’s henchmen are talking, or spreading the thesis about zelensky’s illegitimacy after may 20, 2024, they are saying that we don’t know who to negotiate with, and that, until things, and putin confirmed when he went to beijing that
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they have such and such a thesis that they say zelensky is illegitimate, and we should somehow understand who to deal with, but... they insist that there should be an internal conclusion in ukraine regarding the extension of zelenskyi's powers, putin says that there should be some legal conclusions here, whether this position of theirs is one that can be taken into account in the world, well, that is, here is the position of russia regarding illegitimacy zelensky, how convincing it is, whether there is enough political consensus in ukraine in the conditions of war. in order to say that zelensky will be the president until a new president is elected, but the election of the new president will be after victory, or shall we say, in some period when there will be no military actions in ukraine? well , you see, mr. serhiy, i would recommend our propagandists for, well, not ours, but their propagandists, i say, ours in quotes, for perebrik, to look in
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the mirror more often, as well as to political figures when talking about someone. if international organizations make a decision that the elections in russia were undemocratic, that they were not free, that they did not meet any standards and principles, then forgive rather than accuse someone of illegitimacy, you need to look at yourself. that is why putin, when he talks about these nonsenses, well, this is his personal opinion, and i think that few people pay attention to his... these statements, which, on the other hand, it is clear that for putin it is an extremely important task to split ukrainian society and make so that you and i start discussing whether we have legitimate power or illegitimate power, whether we can trust this power, whether we can obey it,
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whether it is possible, whether we should look for some other power and so on, why this is being done, well for that so that society it was really dispersed so that it did not have a single position, and it is easy to fight with such a society, because in the end we understand that war is an extraordinary tension of all the internal forces of society, so it is necessary to deal with this very clearly and clearly and put full stop: we have a constitution, a fundamental law, which clearly and clearly states what and when happens in... martial law, so our critics from zapereprik should just read what is written there and calm down, in our relations with the foreign world, we should say: "dear friends, we are a state governed by the rule of law, we live according to the laws that we
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democratically adopt, so if the law says so, then it will be so, remember a few months ago, this was a very relevant topic among some of our western pseudo-liberals who said: well, how should we hold elections, we need to confirm legitimacy , etc. well, dear people, you can live in a distilled world, where everything, you know, is regulated as in a pharmacy , and you can live in for real, if there is a war, then please show me one country in the world, which during the war can organize elections by all standards, it is impossible. therefore, i think that we should put an end to this and behave calmly. we have the legal situation that exists, and it will end as you say, when the martial law is ended, then we will have democratic elections both for the president and for the parliament. it is not yet known when these elections will be held, but it is known that in iran they must be held 50 days after the fact that the death
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of the president of iran, ibrahim mraisi, has already been confirmed, and together with him, the minister of foreign affairs died in the plane wreck, as well as the people who accompanied them on this helicopter that fell, so with the death of mraisi, or will iran's policy change, because we understand that iran is a part of the axis of evil that is currently in the world, that is, russia, iran, china, north korea, who else is there, well, this triangle or quadrangle. i think it also belongs to this, because it contributes in one way or another to the fact that these representatives of these countries which you have listed, did they help russia, or are there now... well, such are its prospects that iran may fall out of this axis of evil, that someone will come, like ayatollah khamenei, and he will have more
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influence on state policy and set the trends of that , what should be, well, he is also already at such an age that someone will change him, well, it's true, mr. serhiu, you are one hundred percent right, the president in iran is not the bearer, so to speak, of the entire fullness of political power, the ayatollah. er, in this case of khameniya, he is precisely the personification of that spiritual, spiritual leadership, to which everyone and everything in this country is subject, but what can be, as one of the possible options for the development of events, can be that after these elections, well, these elections will be announced and they. some kind of discussion in the country, maybe, well , at least, that some political forces will try to somehow pull iran away from that
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obvious and losing position of supporting the russian federation. russia will lose, well, not everyone understands this yet, but the question is, does the country need to be an ally of the loser? and i have a very weak one. action on what is all the discussions that will start now, they can give a little hope for the future, that after all, iran will not be there immediately, it is obviously impossible, but gradually, somewhere, somehow, well, turn in the direction of greater reason and common sense. of course, the russian federation will do everything it can and can't to prevent this, so that, on the contrary, the right-wing, right-wing fanatics will gain the upper hand in iran. such extremists will dispel the thesis that what is behind it, for example, the massad, which has already begun and already today there are many people shouting that yes, of course, it was a mossad provocation, that
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's why it's clear, well, because for iranians , israel is the abode of evil, hell and everything else, and so on, and so, of course, that if you have to defend yourself from this hell, you have to choose more more radical than they are today, so the struggle will continue, but... i think that just as russia will influence, so there is a possibility that democratic countries will try to at least stimulate some kind of more or less positive turn or over as a turn in the internal politics of iran, there is for this, there are not small, but also certain possibilities. well, yesterday, when information appeared that this helicopter with the president of iran and... the minister of foreign affairs of iran and other officials disappeared from the map, the european commissioner for crisis management , janes lenarcic, announced in the evening about
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the activation of the european union's rapid response mapping service at the request of iran after the helicopter crash, adding to the post on the network x european union solidarity. this manifestation of the european union's solidarity with iran caused many outrageous comments, in particular from the outside eurode. deputies, the european commissioner himself later explained with #manifestation of humanity, there is a whole story that is currently being spread in the russian federation that everything that happened before that in europe meant an attempt on robert fico, the prime minister of slovakia, then an attempt to organize attempt on vučić's life, then the plane crash itself in iraq. well, that this is part of one big plan to destroy these supporters of the axis of evil, people who act as putin's lawyers, like in
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europe, well, iran, and in general they are accomplices of the war against ukraine, is it possible to expect, we are far from conspiracy theory, can we expect the continuation of such things, or is it all a coincidence that russian propagandists. they are trying to instigate one, well, one story, the story of the struggle against the world against putin. well, you know, if there is one fact, it can be a coincidence, two is a coincidence, three is already a regularity. therefore, i think that if we are talking about such things, here we must once again look for an answer to a simple question, and who benefits from it, well, who benefits from all the attacks precisely on... on... on these on these political figures or let's say in this case the death in this plane crash, it is beneficial for russian
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propaganda. to show that in the world they kill or try to kill those who stand for peace, well, look, fizo is a great peacemaker, vuchich is a great peacemaker, well , iran did not directly put forward any peace plans, but it could just as well have been faked under the fact that he will also support the russian peace plan there or the chinese one or whatever, and thus, when they try to eliminate them, it is just... this struggle of world evil in the person of the west against putin's new progressive regime and so on and so on and so on, that is, i think that of course we need to have concrete facts here, you and i do not have them yet, but i think that time will pass and we will find a lot of confirmation that such things are organized, especially when they arise, well, literally in a very short period of time. eh, not there in
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years, but in weeks, and then, i think that probably it cannot be just coincidences and accidents, it must be some kind of system. well, let's wait for the evidence and see what it is the stories will take on some new development, well , in particular, regarding the physio, because there are a lot of questions, how is this writer, who is 71 years old and, well, clearly, he does not know how to shoot, went to shoot the physio, well, that's... a lot of questions , how it all happened, why it happened, and who actually pushed him to do it, yes, well , remember, there was information that a few years ago he belonged to some pro-russian, paramilitary radical organization, maybe there are canned goods sitting there, there some of the russian special service, which can very easily inspire a person, well, maybe there are some
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there are... psychological, so to speak, moments to go and shoot because he did not like something there, well, we still have one outstanding european politician who leads his country in violation of all european and nato rules, yes, well, wait, maybe something will happen in the near future, let's see, thank you, mr. volodymyr, another rather important event took place this week, the visit of the state... secretary of the united states of america, anthony blinkin, to kyiv, an unannounced visit, but blinkin emphasized the help of the american aid in ukraine and stated that washington and kyiv are preparing a major security agreement, that is, an agreement that will be there for 10 years, it seems, and this is obvious, it should be implemented, first of all, and this is a signal to the kremlin that
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the united the states... not america, will leave ukraine without help. at the same time, there is a discussion about whether american weapons can be used by the armed forces of ukraine on the territory of the russian federation. ukraine's ambassador to the united states, oksana markarova, says that ukraine is waging a defensive war, so it should have the right hit the weapons of partners in those places. what did she say in an interview with cbs news? let's listen. we have been having this discussion for two years now, we have the right to defend ourselves, and we defend ourselves regardless of whether we strike russian troops on our territory or russian troops outside our territory, so un rules, international law and all the other rules , which exist in this country and which, by the way, russia has violated, give us
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a clear right to defend. striking at the aggressor, whether on our territory or where he starts his attacks? and the head of the foreign affairs committee of the french parliament, jean-louis bourlange called on paris to lift the taboo on ukraine sending french weapons to russian territory, quoting mr. bourlange: for france, which has long expressed its desire to be at the forefront of solidarity with ukraine and inter-allied coordination. it seems that the time has come to lift the prohibition which it has hitherto imposed on this matter, as the english and americans have done. why can ukrainians be denied the right to respond with blows to attacks, the victims they become? right council, excludes the right to defend the aggressor's territory. mr. volodymyr, why is this discussion taking so long and why does ukraine have to confirm every time that we need to strike on the territory of the russian federation, because they are actually preparing the next attack from there. others on
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duty drink and cook.


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