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tv   [untitled]    May 20, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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in the constitutional court, i.e. if the constitutional court writes in its decision that until the election of a new president, zelenskyy fulfills or is the legitimate president of ukraine, then no one will have any questions at all and no one will ever question or use it in information - psychological special operations, by the way, about these information-special psychological special operations conducted by russia. as andrii yusav, a representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, says, these ipso are intended to lead to the discovery internal front in ukraine, let's listen to what mr. yusel said. all these ipso, fakes, lies and propaganda of the racists, which are poured out on ukrainians, have the ultimate goal, the breakthrough and collapse of the ukrainian front and the opening. internal
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front, therefore countering such hybrid informational aggression is extremely important. the task of russian propaganda and russian special services within our state is to break resistance, to demotivate, to split society, to force civil confrontation within the state, to discredit in the eyes of citizens military-political leadership and the image of the military as such. god grant that the ukrainians will become intelligent. do not follow the russian ipso, because this will inevitably lead to a conflict inside the country, but the russian federation has enough tools to use this internal confrontation in the fight against ukraine, let's not forget that the russian orthodox church was and remains active in ukraine, simply put, the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, and we know that... the russian federation for a very long time
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formed its network of agents who worked for russia, and obviously continue to work for russia, so we carefully monitor what is written, what is said, what the leaders of certain public opinions call for, because in this story completely unexpected things may be used names and surnames of people who will be called to leave there. to the maidan or to protest against zelensky during the war, this is unacceptable, because democracy is democracy, but there is martial law, and you must understand that, i will emphasize once again, what is at stake our independence, our freedom is at stake, the lives of ukrainians are at stake. friends, i remind you that throughout our broadcast we are conducting a survey, we are asking you today about whether your expectations from the president...
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zelenskyi's agency have come true, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, leave your comment, what do you think about the five years of zelensky's presidency, we are interested to know what you think, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote, if you, your expectations have come true from zelenskyi's presidency 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, and another fairly large staffing in putin's gang, we have already talked about this in our broadcasts during the last week, how the ministers change, how the secretaries of the security council change, how the personnel in moscow change, but...
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no matter how they rearrange the beds in their military-political brothel, it was and remains a gang, a gang that fights against of the ukrainian people, against ukraine, for example, andres umlan, an analyst at the stockholm center for east european studies, says that what is happening now in the kremlin and in general in moscow is a battle of bulldogs under the carpet. this is exactly how he characterizes staffing, quoting mr. umland. the removal of shoigu from the ministry of defense strengthens the power of chief of the general staff valery gerasimov, who is also in charge of the war against ukraine. thus, gerasim appears to be the main winner of rocking. and this is an obvious loser, - writes the analyst, emphasizing the removal of mykola patrusha. from
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the influential post of secretary of the council of state security and his appointment to the suspicious post of presidential assistant for shipbuilding. the fact is that both patrushev and shoigu are dividers. vladimir putin in the russian-ukrainian war, they are also war criminals, they should appear and be the ones who will appear at the international tribunal, they should be imprisoned and stand trial for the crimes they commit against ukrainians and the ukrainian states, in this case there are absolutely none there is no doubt, because, well, every evil and... every crime must be punished, that is , criminals must not drive aurus cars around red square, as they are doing now, you see shaiga, this is the so-called parade that he hosted on red square, a man who had never served in the army
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put on a military cassock, general epaulettes, and some state decorations, he is the second war criminal to accept him... this parade, in a word, these creatures deserve an international tribunal , in order to appear before the court and be convicted accordingly and prisoners, the only question is when it will happen, here, of course, a lot depends on our western partners, how our western partners will help us in this, because it is very important, i say once again, that evil be punished, so that is not punished. not evil then returns to ukraine or to the whole world and it is multiplied by the smaller of the evils of evil and give an effect that is quite
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deplorable for the entire planet earth. well, to our internal affairs, friends, on may 18 , the law on mobilization training came into force and mobilization. kateryna galko will tell what is important to do first and what to prepare for next. starting on may 18 and during the next 60 days, all military-obliged citizens must update their military registration data. this norm is mandatory for everyone, in particular for reserved men with a deferment, military-obligated women, as well as men abroad. in order not to lose the right to consular services. it is necessary to protect the homeland and, accordingly, it is necessary for people to be motivated and healthy, and this checks military medical commission, and the state needs to know where they live, how they can be contacted, and we
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push back from this. there are now three options for updating data: tsk and sp itself, tsnapy and the reserve plus mobile application. to the territorial centers of selection que. lined up even before the law came into force, men with briefcases and documents came immediately after curfew, stood in the rain, waited on children's carousels, but it was not volunteers who came to outrun the law, but those who were not afraid. we understand that now the bulk of people come to the tcc to update their data, those who have reservations, or have some health issues, who are sure that they will practically not be drafted. another reason for the queues could be... the tsc schedule, in theory they work around the clock, but there were reception hours for updating data, only in the first half of the day, sometimes even only on certain days.
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a new option to clarify data in tsnapa, they are accepted there according to the standard work schedule. center, the administrator enters your data into the electronic system, the information is automatic is pulled into a charm, the applicant receives an extract with the beginning and signature of the administrator of the tsnap about updating the data, as a result , the generated extract will be sent to her e -mail, after submitting the application and checking all the data that the person has declared, she is responsible for the stated data, it is generated, signed application, further. the system forms an extract, and the formation of such an extract can take some time, as of the morning of may 18 , there were no queues for checkpoints, however, the first users of the service assure that everything is happening in an organized manner and quickly, queues, queues at the tcc are huge,
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you come in the morning and sign up, it is not known when you will get in today or not, it is much better when you come, take a ticket, you have your number, the estimated waiting time. took a ticket, sat there for an hour, well, what an hour, 20 minutes, sat down, went in, updated the data, that's it, you have plenty of time, another innovative solution - launching a mobile application. until june, it works in test mode, where you can update data and access the amulet registry. the procedure takes less than 15 minutes, so it is the fastest and the most optimal of all those listed. in the morning of may 18, the ministry of defense concluded that 150,000 citizens were successfully authorized in the application. it takes 15-20 minutes in the reserve plus application. even if there are cyber attacks. even if there is some kind of technical failure, although we do not foresee it, and in fact, the application is already
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ready, so it will be possible to do it electronically without leaving the house, without letting go of the smartphone. the risks, let 's say, were taken into account, the opportunities, including the amount of servers, were also taken into account, accordingly, we expect that everything will work, but in practice, other citizens shared on social networks. that the application does not work, at the same time, those lucky people who managed to update the data claim that the process lasted several minutes, well, it did not work at first, and then it started, now it gave up, updated, and there 5 seconds, that is, it pulls up all the data with the bank id , and they immediately appear there, however, in order to get the desired win-code, which is the only proof of data update, you will still have to go to the shopping center. or wait for june 18, exactly then, for according to the data of the ministry of defense, it will be possible
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to generate such a reserve plus in the application. it will be possible to update this minimum data, but to receive a qr code, the corresponding one is not, but again, the data will be considered updated, the main thing is that the person fulfills his duty according to the law. in addition, as of may 4 , 2024, the rules for the disabled have changed. this status has been cancelled. but therefore military servicemen must undergo a repeat medical examination within nine months, which will determine unfitness or the degree of fitness, a corresponding referral is issued also in the shopping center. depending on the diagnosis, on the results of the vlc, she may be recognized as one who can serve , depending, again, on the conclusion, in units, for example, of the same tcc. sp, in universities, in headquarters, in
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security units, rear units. in addition to the law on mobilization, another law on fines was adopted. so, if you don't like any of the methods and you haven't updated the data, you will have to respond to the new prices. violation of military registration in a special period will cost from 17 to 25 thousand hryvnias, and evasion of mobilization from 17 to... 2,500 uah for citizens and from 34 to 59 uah for officials and legal entities. if a person wants to evade, well, probably, the ministry of defense should not contribute to the fact that a person has some additional technical capabilities for this. it is important to carry the updated military registration document with you always and everywhere. now , in addition to tsc and sp employees, border guards and police officers can check it. the latter also had the right to detain and deliver evaders to shopping centers, but not to extradite them
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the summons themselves. if a person evades both the tsc and the national police with the help of themis, his right to drive a vehicle will be restricted , which will be canceled immediately after the data is updated. so, in the end , the law, which was tried for so long to be adopted in the verkhovna rada, and was so passionately discussed in society, came into force. you need to update the data by 4 p.m. july, but only time will tell whether the fear of losing will prevail over the fear of mobilization. so, the process of updating data in the tsk has started, men who are conscripted between the ages of 18 and 60 must do it by july 16. by the way, the ministry of defense reported that as of may 20 , 415,000 ukrainians had updated their reserve plus data in this application. the spokesman of the ministry of defense dmytro lazutkin explained that problems with the reserve plus application on the first day of work
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arose due to overloading of servers, let's listen to what lazutkin said, many people still had problems and were already a little ironic in a different way, due to the fact that there was a moment today when the server was overloaded, there were more than 700 thousand people trying to log in at the same time, but the interval was so small. let's say technical failure, but let's not forget that the full version of this application is reserve plus, it will appear in mid-june, as we predicted, by the way, the cabinet of ministers approved it. the new order of conscription, according to which, from july 18, summonses to the tsc will be able to be sent by mail. such a summons will be considered confirmed if a refusal to receive it is recorded or in the absence of a conscript at the address of residence. well, fines and wanted notices follow accordingly. in a word, all the details are in
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the law on mobilization, you can read friends, there's a fairly comprehensive and... quite lucid lucid explanation of how it's all supposed to happen. another topic that is quite relevant in connection with the mobilization is booking, because last week we were faced with the fact that the order of the ministry of economy appeared on the booking of employees of the online streaming platform favbet. but both glovo and the first vice prime minister of ukraine, yulia sverdenko, canceled the scandalous order on the booking of employees of several companies that have a dubious relationship to critically important production, just the day before in social networks this order, which you can now see on your screens of the ministry of economy, was made public, where
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it actually refers to the reservation from the armed forces, representatives of six companies among. featuring the names of food delivery company glovo and online casino fawbet. commenting on this situation, yuliya sverdenko noted that it became an additional argument to speed up the work on updating the cabinet of ministers resolution regulating the reservation issue. well, here the issue of reservation is a question, apparently , of justice in ukrainian society, that is, every citizen of ukraine must understand who under what conditions falls under this reservation, why someone goes to... the armed forces of ukraine, someone does not go, why, someone receives a summons, someone does not receive a summons, are part of the economic front, as representatives of certain companies like to repeat, that is, questions a lot, we still don't have answers to all these questions, although i think that during the two years of the war, these questions should have been resolved long ago, and
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the dots of hope in these stories should have been placed, as well as... should be placed all the accents in the story with ukrainian of the orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate. this week we witnessed how the chapel of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate near the foundations of the tithe church was dismantled, and it all happened at the expense of caring citizens, people's deputy of ukraine, mykola knyazhytskyi. who is the author of the bill on banning russian churches in ukraine, emphasized the great public demand to get rid of russia's influence through kremlin-affiliated religious organizations, i quote mr. knyazhytskyi. this once again indicates the need for systemic solving problems, because it is necessary at the legislative level to sever the ties
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of ukrainian religious organizations with well-known moscow offices, which are waging a holy war against ukraine and sanctifying the note. rockets in odesa, kharkiv, lviv and many other cities, this issue has already matured, mykola knyazhytskyi speaks absolutely accurately and aptly about the influence of the russian church in ukraine, because it is a large enough network in ukraine, and this network can be at any moment used by the kremlin to destabilize the situation in ukraine, and the longer we delay about solving the problem. with the ukrainian orthodox church, the moscow patriarchate, the more there is a danger that this church can be used by the kremlin to destabilize the situation in ukraine, for internal scandals, for internal misunderstandings, that whatever it may be, i, for example, have absolutely no doubts , as well as what
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, uh, the telegram platform might as well be. the platform through which the russian occupiers can convey their narratives to ukrainians, and this is what the representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry says about this defense minister andriy yuson, he says that such channels of information dissemination need regulation, let's listen to what yuson said. a separate story is so anonymous telegram channels, and today telegram is very often used. in which you can find everything from selling drugs to gangs of dodgers or some other people doing whatever. up to child pornography, and of course this applies to ipso, and when through anonymous telegram channels they try to exert pressure and influence on ukraine and ukrainian citizens,
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of course the state should not and cannot allow to just watch it silently, language now i will not use loud words, prohibition or other things, but to normalize it, to deanonymize similar tools, it is definitely necessary. it is absolutely necessary to normalize the activities of the uocnp in ukraine, or to ban its activities, or to force this church to still be a ukrainian, truly orthodox church, and it is also necessary to regulate the existence or functioning of the telegram platform in ukraine, i hope that this will happen very soon. well, the very end, the very end, good news about of the ukrainian boxer oleksandr usyk, who has become absolutely in the last 25 years. this is
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the first defeat at the professional level, although he did not recognize it and demanded a rematch, to which the ukrainian responded with agreement, let's listen to what usyk said. i don't worry, i don't know why, because i believe that i will win, i can work and... don't worry, i was only focused on this fight, now i'm happy, i want to go home, go to church , to pray, i want to say: jesus, thank you, because for me and my country, this is a great opportunity. these are the words he said oleksandr usyk, are quite important for ukraine, for every ukrainian, because we see that boxing is on the highest pedestal. the ukrainian oleksandr usyk took the podium, he appeared impressively enough at this fight with tyson fury and clearly identified himself as
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a person who represents ukraine, which is fighting for its independence, and in all the interviews, in all the information support, we saw how oleksandr usyk clearly shows that ukraine is a country with great traditions, that... it is a country that deserves to be independent, that it a country that was not invented by vladimir lenin, as putin said, that it is a country that has a thousand-year history, that it is a country that deserves to be a separate state and not depend on the russian federation, this is very important, i think that this evening or this night, when usyk will win... all four belts in boxing and become the absolute champion of the world in super heavyweight, i think that
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most russians simply did not know what to say, because they are already being told about it all the time , that usyk is there, he is a ukrainian, he is the same type of ukrainian parishioner of the orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, although we see... quite a lot of progress in usyk not only as a boxer, but as a person who clearly identifies himself with the ukrainian state, who clearly defends the flag of the ukrainian state and speaks under the flag of the ukrainian state, and gives reasons for the whole world to talk about ukrainian boxers as boxers, the strongest boxers who can fight... and win the highest awards and this is actually very important, although tyson fury in his comments said that he does not accept his defeats
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and that they say that usyk won his victory solely because, as he said, his country is now at war with russia, but no, we saw how usyk dealt blows to fury, how fury almost fell there through the ropes there to.. . the audience, and it was also revealing, because in the hall when this fight was taking place, there were all the stars, not only of boxing, but also of the world stars of sports and cinema, and television, that is, they witnessed how the ukrainian won, seemingly invincible briton tyson fury, and this victory actually gives a lot for of ukraine during war, and the most important thing is that the world is again talking about ukraine, the world is again mentioning ukraine, the world is again talking about the fact that ukrainians are defending themselves from russian
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aggression, this... friends, it is important enough at the current stage, so we must thank oleksandr usyk for a beautiful battle and for his victory. well, friends, let's now look at the results of the survey that we conducted throughout our entire broadcast, we asked you about whether your expectations from the president, zelenskyi's presidency, came true. so, the results of the television poll 12%, yes , and 88% - no. here. these are the results of our poll today, it was the verdict program by serhiy rudenko, i wish everyone peace and take care of yourselves and your loved ones, see you tomorrow at 20:00 there will be a new verdict, there will be new topics, so come to espresso, we always work for you. goodbye. problems
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congratulations to all, there are many questions left for the last round, who will be relegated, who will enter the eurocups. usyk became the world champion in boxing, and the question of whether he will play in the last round against the miner, we will tell you everything. poltava hosted, let's say, shakhtar donetsk in rivne, and the scenario of the match was quite interesting, because vorskla had a chance, but for the first time, in the first half, kane came out 1:1,
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beat and maybe, if he had scored, there would be another winner now.


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