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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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in israel's allied countries. judge khan, in particular, is accused of using international law as a weapon. at the same time , supporters of the decision insist that the law should be equal for everyone. us secretary of state anthony blinken said the united states strongly rejects the prosecutor's statement and that equating israel with hamas is a disgrace. state department spokesman matthew miller clarified the us position in more detail. the united states categorically rejects. today's statement of the prosecutor of the international criminal court about requesting arrest warrants for senior israeli officials along with warrants for hamas terrorists. there should be no equivalence between israel and hamas, none. hamas is a brutal terrorist organization that carried out the most brutal massacre of jews since the holocaust. and it still holds dozens of innocent people hostage, including americans. moreover, long before this conflict, the united states made it clear
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that the icc had no jurisdiction over the matter. the international space station was created by state participants such as a court of limited jurisdiction. these limitations are based on the principles of complementarity, which, all things considered, did not apply here. my point is that prosecutors rushed to pursue these arrest warrants instead of giving the israeli legal system a full and timely opportunity to act. although israel is not a member of the court, he was willing to cooperate with the prosecutor and made it clear. actually. was to visit israel as early as next week to discuss the investigation and hear the views of the israeli government. court representatives had fly to israel today to coordinate the visit. instead, israel was told that prosecutors did not board the plane around the same time the prosecutor himself went on television to announce the charges. these circumstances call into question the legitimacy and credibility of this investigation. his indignation at the step of the international criminal.
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the us president joe biden also expressed to the court, the speaker of the house of representatives, republican mike johnson said that today's groundless and illegitimate decision should be confronted with global condemnation. the american authorities reacted dryly and discreetly to other news: the death of the president of iran, ibrahim raisi. he, as well as the country's foreign minister, were on board the helicopter that crashed in the mountains the day before. the state department offered official condolences and said it stands with the iranian people in their struggle for their own. year while a week of mourning was announced in iran itself, iranians in london and berlin held a celebration, because they consider raisi the architect and perpetrator of crimes against humanity. both topics in detail we will discuss the conversation with bohdan tsyupin, who joins the broadcast from london. hello, bohdan. so, official washington is outraged by the decision of the international criminal court. president biden emphasizes that israel cannot be equated with hamas. how does prosecutor khan explain his move? prosecutor karim khan.
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emphasizes that he does not equate israel with hamas, in his speech today, apparently anticipating these disputes, he separately focused on the need for what he called the need to apply international law equally to all parties, otherwise - said karin khan, the international justice system is in danger of collapsing, and in today's speech he ... he actually emphasized the crimes, the crimes, the suspected crimes committed during this war, by both sides, this is how he listed them . based on the evidence collected and studied by my department, i have reasonable grounds to believe that the prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu and the minister of defense yoof... talanand
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are criminally responsible for such international crimes committed on the territory of the state of palestine from at least october 8, 2023. crimes include starvation of civilians as a method of warfare. intentional infliction of great suffering, grievous bodily harm or harm to health, or cruel treatment. intentional killing or killing and intentional targeting of civilians, as well as crimes. against humanity in the form of extermination and/or murder, persecution and accusation of crimes in committed other inhuman acts. i have reasonable grounds to believe that the three senior leaders of hamas, yahya sinwar, mohamed dave and ismail haniya are criminally responsible for the following international crimes committed on the territory of israel and the state of palestine since at least october 7. 2023,
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extermination as a crime against humanity, murder as a crime against humanity and as a war crime, hostage-taking as a war crime. rape and other acts of sexual violence during captivity as crimes against humanity and as war crimes. torture during captivity as a crime against humanity and as a war crime, other inhuman acts in captivity as a crime against humanity, ill-treatment during captivity as a war crime and assault on personal dignity during captivity as a war crime. bohdan, how did you react to this move in europe and whether? can the actions of the international space station somehow affect the course of the war in gaza? in europe, it was different, for example, here in london, where, in particular , the prosecutor karim khan comes from, the government declared that such a step of the international criminal court
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will probably not contribute to the end of the war in the middle east, but, for example, in belgium, the minister of foreign... affairs khadija al abib said that, on behalf of belgium, she welcomed the decision of the criminal court that the law should be applied against all those who commit crimes, regardless of who they are, and similar statements were made in support of the actions of the international criminal court, for example, by the ministry of foreign affairs of slovenia , so... there were different opinions as to what effect such a move by the international criminal court might have on the course of the war, the israeli war in gaza, then, for example, just now, the weekly magazine
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or, excuse me, the online publication politico came out with an article claiming that it would prolong the war because ... members of the coalition government were announcing in israel that they had threatened to pull out, and benjamin netanyahu himself was in danger of losing power, but is now believed to be under pressure, under threat of indictment and the warrant finally from the international criminal court, the political elite in israel will probably rally, and the fate of the prime minister. uh, it will probably be much more predictable or stronger than it has been so far, this assessment is interesting, bohdan, another leading news of the day: the death of the president iran as a result of the helicopter crash, can the change of power in iran affect the so turbulent situation in the middle east, and
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should we expect any changes in the relations between tehran and moscow? the short answer to this question? no, no changes are foreseen, in particular, because the position of the president in iran... is not a key one, there is the supreme ruler ayatollah ameni, who remains after 50 days there are to be new elections, the candidates to participate in these elections are selected by a special commission, which does not allow any opponents of the government or some dissidents in iran, so no one foresees changes at the moment, although the situation is certainly difficult in iran now, maybe... a struggle for power is possible, but no changes or any serious political shifts are promised or foreseen. bohdane putin said today that russia lost a friend with the death of the iranian president, but iranians abroad celebrated his death.
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how will president raisi be remembered in the world? in ukraine, iran and obviously the representative of the iranian authorities are now remembered and associated primarily with the dro. shahed, which russia uses in order to bomb ukrainian cities, so iran, the shaheds, cooperation with russia, this is probably the association of many ukrainians, of many iranians, in particular those who live outside iran, again, this is a representative of the government, this is a representative of the regime, on whose hands, the opposition claims, there is a lot of blood, and today... in london there were celebrations near the embassy of people who are opponents of the regime and in berlin, in particular, the following was told. i guess to an outsider, it's a little strange that people are celebrating raisi's death, and this
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because he is the epitome of mass murder in iran. raisi played an important role in the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in iran in 1988. you simply cannot find a single family in iran that has not suffered, has not been affected by him in some way. therefore , people who are relatives of the victims are celebrating throughout iran, as well as in iranian communities in exile. thank you, bohdan, for summarizing these important topics of the day, my colleague bohdan tsyupin was in touch from london. we continue the release. us president joe biden and his competitor in the presidential elections, donald trump has already agreed to participate in two debates. the first two must happen. june 27 , september 2-10. the organizers immediately introduced a number of rules to make the verbal battle
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of the candidates as civilized as possible. but whether the debate will influence undecided voters is very difficult to predict, especially given the early timing of the debate. iryna shinkarenko will continue the topic. whether to hold a presidential debate or not, democratic president joe biden gave a clear answer on may 15. in 2020. june and september 10, the actual presidential candidate us republican donald trump, during the election campaign on friday in minnesota, defiantly spoke about his opponent. i just want to debate this guy, i'm also going to demand a drug test by the way. in fact, i don't want him to come to a state of the nation speech while high. there is no evidence
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to support these words of trump. democratic senator chris van gollen questioned the former president's debate tactics during an interview on sunday on abc's this week program. he wants to create the atmosphere is like a circus, but the choice will be very clear. i mean, there's joe biden, a man who grew up in scranton, pennsylvania. he is fighting for the average. believes in the dignity of work and decency. donald trump is an agent of chaos. former trump campaign adviser mark lawter, who also gave an interview to abc, welcomes the participation of both candidates in the debate. this is influenced by the live experience. donald trump appears there two or three times a week and speaks for up to an hour and a half. joe biden rarely gives serious interviews and this will be a challenge for the president biden the debate will take place in the studio without an audience. anchors from cnn and abc will be able to turn off their microphones if the candidates try to interrupt each other.
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june speakman, professor of political science at roger williams university, suggests that opponents will use different tactics. trump is particularly good at focusing on the negative aspects of his opponent. he is less interested in discussing problems. my guess is that biden will try to focus on the issues, on his performance in the economy and... will they affect the debate on voters' votes also depends on when exactly it will take place, says the expert of the american institute of entrepreneurship, john fortiem. as the election approaches and many voters are paying attention, these debates attract large audiences, with people watching to truly understand if they are undecided or want to make a last- minute decision. the two candidates will continue to compete for voters this week, with trump expected to attend. veronica
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balderes and glecia from voice of america washington. activists in most of the american cities of new york, chicago, seattle, washington went on protests this weekend to remind about the second anniversary of the capture of the defenders of azevstal. the fighters of the azov battalion held the defense in the russian environment at the azovstal plant in mariupol for a month. forced to surrender to the russian occupation forces in may 2022. the dawn organization held protests to remind about the captured soldiers and to call for their release. according to the organizers, now moscow refuses to exchange fighters with azov. azov the last time they were exchanged a year ago, and in general, as we can see, russia does not want to exchange them, and it is very sad, because also from... those who did get out of captivity, we know information that the boys from azov they are tortured the most, and they
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suffer the most there, so it is very important to talk about them, including emphasizing that they do not want to exchange them and demand their exchanges. in the united states , the documentary film of the famous ukrainian blogger anton ptushkin, we are our pets and the war, continues. in ukraine only for the film collected the first weekend of cinema distribution. more than uah 2 million the tape was seen in more than 40 cities of ukraine. the film tells about how ukrainians saved and continue to save animals from war. on monday , washington viewers will see the film at the premiere in new york. i did not think that i would film something about animals, everyone in this war should help what he can, i can help animals, save animals in order to remain human, anton ptushkin, a well-known ukrainian
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blogger and now a director, says exactly this is a phrase of a retired ukrainian ash guard movement... serpynska best reflects the main idea of ​​the film. we talk about people through animals. and this is such a basic approach, because animals are such a universal model of humanity. this is a film about the humanity of ukrainians and about some kind of light, something that does not give, because during the war it is very easy to lose humanity, and this, unfortunately, happens to us when some news that impresses, impresses, impresses, and then you simply stop reacting to them, because that's how the human mind works. psyche, unfortunately, i can feel it on myself, that's why it's simple such an attempt to reach out and show some human trades, human traits, it says a lot about ukrainians and their resistance and the fact that no one will be left alone. the very idea of ​​making a film about animals belongs to the canadian producer eliot halpern. he owns
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a production company that produces television documentaries. for one of his films , eliot received an emmy. his mother was born in ukraine and immigrated to canada with her parents as a child. my grandmother told me about her life there, i was interested in all that, so when the war started, i said, that we should make a film that would be understandable to americans interested in what is happening and also in supporting ukraine, those people who usually do not watch the news and do not even support ukraine, and a film about animals, in our opinion, had to cover this... through acquaintances, eliot found ukrainian producer zoya soshenko, and she offered cooperation with the famous ukrainian blogger anton tushkin. in the first days, our ukrainians showed incredible deeds, to the extent that they risked their lives and began to help animals, and it was very surprising to all of us, and we understood that it should be filmed, and
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in fact, personally, as a producer in this story, i was very motivated by the fact that it seemed to me at the time that ukrainians as a nation are very... strong , because she has a big heart, that is , this is the nation that showed the whole world how human we are, everyone ran, and we, like crazy people, went to save the cat. ptushkin started shooting the film in the summer of 2022. filming lasted a year and a half. he says that at first he thought that he would tell the story of several animals that became famous, but became fascinated by the lives of animals and their saviors. and as a result, he shot as much as 85 hours of material. you start after the heroes. and their lives start to change and it becomes so interesting that you keep following the stories very, very, very much, we chose them based on what characters, what personalities have changed the most from when we started filming them , among the heroes of the film and known not only to ukraine, but also to the world, pespatron and the cat in the hat, who performed 65 actions without water and food, were practically destroyed by an aerial bomb
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high-rise buildings in borodyanka and completely unknown heroes of the russian-ukrainian war, such as artem... who talks about how pets support soldiers on the front lines. such a feeling as if you are at home, in warmth, it is just a ray of hope, when there is someone to take care of, in general you feel like a person. artem will never return home, he died a few months after filming, and his wife and children took home the dog he sheltered on the front line. it's morning walks at 60 am, it's constant some there his attempts with something... the film has two versions, one television and international, its premiere has already taken place on the american tv channel pbs nature, the second is longer, it is shown by ptushkin and his team in cinemas. it's super pop, absolutely, i would say netflix style. our goal was very simple, in fact, it was about making ukraine's voice
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continue to be heard in the western hemisphere. everything, ah. and when we made the ukrainian version of the film, we decided that we just wanted to show a little bit what we filmed, but at the same time cheer up some ukrainians. sushenko admits that, despite the fact that she has probably seen the film several hundred times, still, when she watches it, she cannot hold back tears, she is in a very bad condition, but she is alive. it is impossible to accept it without emotion, but if you are human, if you have feelings, you cannot just look at it heartlessly. there are so many moments in the film that touch me. anton has an incredible ability to communicate with people, it's incredible, because it looks easy, they say, you just put the camera in front of the face and... a person reveals something very intimate and deep about himself, but it takes a really great director to do that, and it's really incredible what anton has achieved. in
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new york, the picture gathered a full hall and the audience thanked the director with smiles for a long time after the screening. the film, to be honest, really impressed me, everything is very well-made, the well-made plot that shows. unfortunately, all these, difficult realities of our war, of our time, and how all this is reflected not only on people, but also on ordinary animals, it is rightly said there, that not only we save animals, animals save us as people, and well, i can say for myself that we were able to get our dog out only six months after the war began and... finally, when the family was separated, we felt that yes, finally all relatives are at home. tushkin himself admits
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that he does not have his own pet, but while he was filming the film, he agreed with one of the shelters that he would take a kitten from them. many people, after the liberation of kyiv region in the 22nd year, began to adapt animals. a story about where people take their pets animals are bought or taken from shelters, that's all. such a measure of the maturity of society, it is important, and now on the streets, at least in kyiv, i see a lot of animals, well, they were street animals, you can see it and they have become pets, and this makes me very happy, all the money from screenings of the film abroad , in addition to the usa, sessions are also planned in canada and great britain, going to the aid of the ukrainian military and the patrona fund, which helps sappers, and a contract with a large distributor has already been almost signed. which will be to present the film to the world. from new york, iryna solomko, pavlo terekhov, voice of america. and that's it, thank you for watching. voice of america, pa-pa. there are discounts, representing
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may's coco discounts on the paforte knife, 15% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts, such as may's 20% price discount. in the podorozhnyk bam and oskad pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, crisis on the border between. of ukraine,
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drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present. a project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is ours with you security. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. the strong in spirit appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots uavs understands it, prepares, treats, repairs,
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rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together.
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today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko, the plane wreckage in iran, died president ibrahim raisi and minister of islamic foreign affairs. republic, what could be the consequences of a change of power in a country that supports the putin regime and is waging a shadow war with israel. it's time to lift the ban. allies of ukraine are urged to allow the use of western weapons on the territory of russia. can the legitimization of deep strikes change the course of the russian-ukrainian war? 5 years since
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the inauguration. achievements and defeats during the first term of zelenskyi's presidency, can the kremlin's warming of the topic of legitimacy the president to influence western partners' support for ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. in the following we talk for hours about ukraine, about the world, about the war and about our victory. let's talk today about the five years of zelenskyi's presidency, because it was on this day, 5 years ago, that zelenskyi was sworn in as the president of ukraine. let's talk about the plane crash that took place in iran, and of course about when the event will be lifted or western countries will lift the ban on the use of their weapons on the territory of the russian federation by the armed forces
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of ukraine. today in the program, today we are talking about all this with the diplomat, politician, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-9, head of the russian studies center volodymyr mogrysk, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being here today, good health, glad to see you in kyiv. so, before we start our conversation with volodymyr mogrysk, we'll see, i... an instant detonation destroyed a russian tank, and that's it happened thanks to the fighters of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, and they turned the enemy equipment into scrap thanks to the fpv drone and the cumulative grenade, watch this enchanting video.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there. please subscribe to our pages and
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take part in our survey. let's ask about the following: have your expectations from zelenskyi's presidency come true or from president zelenskyi? yes no, if there were any expectations, of course, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have any special opinion of your own, please leave it under this video, if you watch us on tv, have your smartphone or phone in hand and vote, if your expectations from zelenskyi's presidency came true 0.800 211 380. one no, 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program , we will sum up the results of this vote, well , probably from this question, mr. volodymyr, we let's start our conversation, if you had any expectations from zelenskyi's presidency, did they come true and what were those 5 years like? you know, mr. serhiy, i still pushed back with your permission from this fabulous information that you showed.


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