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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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that the western partners give us just enough weapons so that we don't lose, but just enough so that we don't go on the offensive, well , you know, this is a sad conclusion, but i think it's fair, because if it were. otherwise, we would have received not only there five or seven patriot systems, about which we have already been talking and negotiating for an unknown number of months, and i think much more, yes , they are expensive, they cost a billion dollars each plus or minus, but sorry , even with the help that the usa is talking about, there are 60 billion, well, you can gradually collect.
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to give specifically for this, i don't think the united states of america, having, having hundreds of these systems, would lose much if they gave us these, there are a dozen that we really, well, need in order to survive, so i think , that all this is included in the same thesis that you and i talked about when in the west... they do not want the collapse of russia, because they understand that in the event that, say, crimea falls, it, it will still fall , so that there, whether they think or not think in washington or wherever anything, but it will still be gradually and relentlessly demilitarized, deoccupied, and the beginning of the loss of crimea will mean the beginning of the decline of putin's regime, that is also understandable. for them, this topic is
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sacred, and when the crimea is cut off from supplies and the question arises whether the garrison should surrender, drown, or flee, then many will again have the question, even in the kremlin and around, what is actually happening here and why was this all started 10 years ago, so i think we need to treat all these... statements unconditionally with, well, some understanding, but you know, to do your own thing, well, ultimately, blinken, when he was here last time, was not too categorical, he said that we do not encourage, but we do not deter, well, that's what it means, well, you know, well i pressed this button, i thought it was going there, but it flew here, well... it happened, well, you can't do anything,
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you know, once i was negotiating with these zaperebrikiv creatures, when all their arguments were running out, then the main thing remained, the phrase remained: "well, that's how it happened historically, well, that's how it can be here it will just happen historically that instead of going to the military airfield..." somewhere in conditional sacks, it will end up somewhere in rostov, well, that's how it turned out, well, everything happens, well, well, well, and what are you going to do here? more one person appeared who doubts that ukraine will win over russia and says that the attempt on the prime minister of slovakia fitso is also connected with his support and peace, this is the president of bulgaria rumen rada, he made the appropriate statement, now let's listen to what he said. it is extremely dangerous
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for passions between russia and ukraine flared up in europe as well, and for voices for peace to be met with gunfire is unacceptable. intolerance to other points of view is inculcated in european society, it is unacceptable to present the continuation of the war and the impossible victory over russia as the only possible solution. mr. volodymyr, to the former... countries that were part of the camp, the socialist camp, how was it done, or were some other motives done here, well, they just remember what the soviet army is, the soviet russian army did not go far from soviet, well, that's right, but i think not worked, and recruited, well, it can also be called worked, maybe they did so in their time that they recruited, the more you see, people are no longer pioneers.
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a little old, that's why i think that it is about such a variant, that is, these are old cans that were put into those. the times when you say correctly, remember, they talked about bulgaria, that it is not even abroad there for for for for, well, i will not repeat it, because one of your colleagues was very scared of something when i wanted to repeat this phrase, so that it does not look too arrogant, well, the same countries were completely occupied by the soviet special services, i.e. embassies there, all kinds of houses of friendship and all that kind of thing there, some trade missions and so on, these were all special service units, who worked to simply create a network of their contacts and dependencies, well, where is the guarantee that they did not do the same in the same bulgaria, where is the guarantee that what if we, if we suddenly see that
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some members of the european parliament for many, many years in the present tense are now sitting on training in the fsb and have a contact. with the russian special services, what can be said about the 70s and 80s of the last century or even the 90s, that is, all this should be perceived as the position of those people who, perhaps, i do not affirm, of course, but perhaps had some secret contacts with the russian special services are still being used by them, if not as direct agents, then as agents of influence, and how the position of these people will influence the movement. ours to the european union and to nato, because one way or another it will also depend on them whether we will be there or let's not, well, not everyone has the powers you are talking about, in this case, in the bulgarian case, it is such a thing,
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the same is true there are some balkan countries, where the prime minister and governments are pro-european and pro-ukrainian , and presidents for some reason you... fall off that line, when it comes to governments, it's worse, and here we mean today's orbán, today's fico, and so on and so forth. well, but you know, mr. sergey, even on the example of sweden and finland joining nato, when you are left alone, even when you really don't want to, or you've been asked to slow down as much as possible, well, there are still certain limits that you can't go beyond. to drag on, so in the case of ukraine, i think that hungary, if orbán is still there, will drag on for two years to ratify this protocol, but it doesn’t matter when it will be left alone and when there will be no arguments and nowhere to go , so one way or another it
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will happen anyway, just with a delay, well , of course, under those circumstances, mr. serhiy, we will not drink champagne with you, in connection with the collapse of the last nedo empire into the northern one. in the northeast of ukraine, i hope that it will happen sooner or later, and we will witness it, friends, i remind you that we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, during the entire broadcast we conduct survey and we ask you about whether your expectations from zelenskyi's presidency came true, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, write your opinion about it, what did you expect, what did you get, and if you watch ... us in tv broadcasts, grab your smartphone or phone and vote, if your expectations of zelenskyi's presidency have come true 0.800-211-381, no 0800 211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results
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of this vote, very in short, mr. volodymyr, regarding the situation that is developing in georgia, they passed a law on alienation of agents, as both russia and western partners, both theirs and ours, tell tbilisi to official tbilisi that in general they are not with such approaches will enter the european union, and and americans in general question whether they will continue to receive the assistance they receive. how did it happen that during the rather difficult 15 years that have passed, or not even 15, probably more than 20 years, why georgia has come such a long way from the troyant revolution through the war with... russia, russia's aggression against georgia, and why such now the result? well, because, mr. serhiy, er, except for mykhailo saakashvili, er, whom i respect as a statesman, despite his individual, so to speak, difficulties,
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political biography there and character, but he demonstrated that georgia can and will certainly be a member of the european. union and nato, i do not doubt that for a minute, but it is the same, besides such political figures as saakashvili, there is also ivanishvili. it's just that, again, we understand that it is through such people that this subversive policy towards the whole country is being carried out in order to prevent the departure from russia and so that this country can choose its own path of development, that is what, as they say, lies on surface, and we see it the results we see, i'm honestly surprised when the relatively young politicians who rule georgia today... say absolutely anti-georgian things and swear allegiance to moscow. another topic of this
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weekend and these days is the inauguration of the newly elected president of taiwan. laiching t came to power and in his swearing-in speech called on china to end its threats and work together to resolve the conflict peacefully. let's hear what he said. i hope that china will come to terms with the reality of the existence of our republic, will respect the choice of the people of taiwan and in good faith prefer dialogue over confrontation, exchange over containment, and cooperate with the legitimate government of taiwan in accordance with the principles of parity and dignity. we have the ideal of achieving peace, but we must have no illusions. before china abandons the use of force to invade taiwan. citizens should understand this. even if we accept all of china's claims and renounce
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our sovereignty, china's desire to annex taiwan will not go away. and there is a reaction commenting on the position of the new president of taiwan, wang wenbin, the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs of china, called the country's independence a dead end. let's hear what he said. my. i want to emphasize the following: taiwan independence is a dead end, no matter under what guise or under what flag, taiwan's quest for independence and secession is doomed to failure. well, we see, mr. volodymyr, that the development of these relations and the difficult relations between taiwan and china, there is a new president of taiwan obviously. china doesn't like it, they say it's a stalemate, or does it mean that these claims that
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china is making are bound to lead to armed conflict. you know, mr. serhiy, i think not, i think that, again, there is more political rhetoric here than a real threat for one simple reason: china, it happened, and he wanted it, very much incorporated into the world. economy, and this incorporation suggests that he is focused on north america and europe, and if he intends to solve the taiwan issue in this way, then he will immediately hit the iceberg of sanctions, i think, which will be worse than what the russian federation is experiencing today. is it beneficial for the chinese economy, where it certainly seems like it will be a disaster for it, or is it something that... what the chinese themselves actually need, who
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, even if a little, are starting to rise with their economic well-being, wealth, and so on. i think that it is also not what the average chinese citizen needs. therefore, it seems to me, just banal arithmetic says that to risk, well some kind of already too beautiful political... idea for the sake of economic stability, well , you know, it's like playing russian roulette, you can win, or you can shoot yourself, so i don't think that china's leaders are so risky that they will go for such a story , for some reason it seems to me that this is just a confirmation, i mean a statement of a thing... which i think there will be statements and more, a confirmation of a political position, and since
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china is not in a hurry, for it 100 years there is a moment , wait a minute, so i think they're going to confirm that it is, china is one, it is what is being done there in taiwan, let it be done, but we still consider it to be our part, and it will just wait until the corpse of the enemy floats by, or it will be in 5 years or it will be in 50 years or 150 years, well, for china, these are not the terms that will require too serious actions. and why, mr. volodymyr, in recent years... this question is so topical and so acute for china, well , considering that china is not a small country in terms of territory, as well as russia, which is fighting for those islands with japan, for the kuriz islands, that is, for recognizing them as japanese, and the japanese for recognizing them as theirs, that is, why is this now such
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a cornerstone of china's policy, and you know, it seems to me, mr. serhiy, that this is actually... just like russia's war against ukraine, russia's aggression against ukraine, this is a certain kind of test for a collective measure, whether it will swallow or not, but if the measure swallows that ukraine will lose, then, of course, russia will do that , what she wants, where she wants, if the west swallows and will not react to what they are speak against taiwan, so... china will do the same as it wants in the region of the pacific ocean and southeast asia. and if so, then they will cooperate even more strongly in order to oppose the event and try to overcome it. so here, it seems to me, these are, so to speak, regional things, they have a very serious
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geopolitical geopolitical color, and this is to some extent a kind of, you know, test drive, we drove it, it worked out, let's move on, and if you here immediately a red light and brick in front of the nose, that's when it means it's necessary to stop and talk like this, we would drive by, well, now the rain has stopped, so we will wait, mr. volodymyr, one event that awaits us in literally 25 days, on june 15 , the global peace summit begins in switzerland, today it became known that india will take participation in this summit, so far china has not clearly said about its participation, but it did not confirm the words of ushakov, who said that china will not go to switzerland, because russia will not be there, as you think, and that we need to wait from this peace summit, that's what what will he give to ukraine? well, regarding the participation of china, something everyone believes that this is some kind
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of panacea for success, this. forum, well, it also seems to me that china will not come, well, because it, russia has already clearly and clearly said that it will not go, because it was not invited, and china said that it will not go, because on russia and ukraine should also be at the conference, well , since russia will not be there, then china probably will not take full participation in this forum, maybe there will be some adviser as an observer there and not what more to wait, wait for me... it seems that we need a certain chance in advancing along the three key directions identified now, that is , now the main thing is to agree, well, at least some frameworks in these directions, and then, on the basis of these agreed frameworks, to form some definite plan actions, this is the maximum we can
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count on, to reiterate that territorial integrity is important. states, well, sorry, it is written in the un charter, there are many other correct things written there, which can simply be written in one point, as it is always done, there referring to articles such and such, such and such of the statute, there the conference takes it into account, is guided, is guided and so on, and then move on to some specific things, that's all, so i don't think that here we must reassess the importance of this forum, it... will be an opportunity for us from a political point of view, but from a practical point of view, i am afraid that it will only be the beginning, and even then in several directions, not in all, of a great and long work, but it seems to me that the best way to solve all the questions which fixed in president zelenskyi's program, this is the victory of the russian aggressor
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on the battlefield, which is what we have been talking about for this whole hour, mr. serhiy, eh... and literally a month after that , the washington nato summit will take place, the anniversary, will ukraine receive a positive signal from this summit, someone will receive which, which is difficult to say, i think that if there is no invitation, but there will be at least something like, well, some kind of condition to receive this invitation, as it was in the context. an invitation to negotiations with the european union, that too there will already be some element of advancement, although, of course, the axis of fear that has formed now also includes. ton and berlin, unfortunately, it is still not insurmountable, and i am sorry that the leaders of these two largest
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countries are afraid of the shadow of the russian federation. well, that is, even if we do not receive an invitation to nato, it will not be a tragedy for foreign policy, and for ukraine in general. well, you know, some people in the west say that unlike the eu, those countries that are fully ready are accepted into nato. well if, if this thesis is fair, though it is not true, because nato accepted countries that were not ready at all, i don't want to name names so as not to offend anyone, but it was a fact, it was a political decision, so in this case they are simply covering themselves with it, well, let's be smarter and do everything to make the ukrainian army not only formally, but actually the best in europe, which, by the way, i think it actually is. thank you, mr. volodymyr, for the conversation, it was. volodymyr ogrysko, politician, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-9 years. friends, we are conducting a survey throughout our long broadcast, we are asking you today whether
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your expectations from zelenskyi's presidency have come true. let's look at the interim results of the survey, because we will continue this survey in the second hour, that is, 12% yes and 78% no, these are the results of the television survey. we continue to vote. there are discounts represented by may's coco discounts on valeriana bolgarska tablets 10% in podorozhnyk bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima and we begin two hours of air time. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? now , yuriy fizar will talk about what happened in the world in more detail. yuriy, good evening, please
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. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchyvka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. but the news sport a review of sports events from yevhen postahov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much linia chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. kadydenko is already ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care. espresso in the evening. greetings, this is svoboda live on the radio freedom. we have already come to the point. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully.
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there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot. svobodalai, frankly and unbiased . you draw your own conclusions. dictation with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. greetings, friends, live on the spresso tv channel, the second part of the verdict program, my
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name is serhii rudenko, today we will talk about what was, or what is happening around us in the last few days, well, the very first five years of zelensky's presidency , today is exactly 5 years since he was sworn in. as head of the ukrainian state, let's talk about his achievements, defeats, prospects, and, of course, about who currently leads ukraine, among the topics we will consider today is the beginning of a great mobilization, or, let's say, the beginning of the law on mobilization on may 18, 24th of the year of acquisition of the law, which provides for new procedures and updating of data in tsc, and new procedures. in ukraine, among today's topics is also the situation that is developing in ukraine with
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the war with... society, in a word, let's talk about everything, about everything, about everything. first of all, i want you encourage you to subscribe to our youtube and facebook pages, if you watch us live there, please go and add our pages to your friend pages, and take part in our survey, today we ask you this, did your expectations from zelenskyi's presidency, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, choose either yes or no feature, or... if you have your own opinion about the five years of zelenskyi's presidency, please write about it in the comments, it is important for us to know your opinion, if you are sitting in front of the tv and watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think or your expectations, as they say, have come true from the zelenskyi presidency 0.800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls
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to these numbers are free, voices. at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote, so i want to start our big conversation, which will last 45 minutes, from the presidential term, 5 years of zelenskyi's presidency, let's talk about the defeat and prospects, we we know that in 2019, president zelenskyi marched under the slogans of renewal, everyone was waiting for new faces and in... in 2019, immediately after the inauguration of the president, which took place on may 20, president zelenskyi announced early parliamentary elections, i.e., starting on may 20, 2019 year, and then already after the parliamentary elections, in fact all power in ukraine began to belong to the team of volodymyr zelenskyi, these were quite difficult 5 years, the first few... years
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political neophyte volodymyr zelenskyi tried to understand where he got and exactly under what circumstances and what he was supposed to do in this power, next to them were the people who ushered him into the presidency, including andrii bohdan, the former head of the presidential office ruslan ryaboshapka, who later became the prosecutor general of ukraine, and oleksiy danylyuk, who, oleksandr danyliuk, forgive me, what a secret it has become. the cream of the national defense security council and serhiy shevir, who became the first assistant to the president of ukraine, all of them tried to create a new political reality, and this political reality was quite strange, taking into account the fact that in the parliamentary elections of 2019 , nonames came to the verkhovna rada of ukraine, people whom no one knew at all and it is not clear under what circumstances they even got into the lists of servants of the people, but... but
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it happened as it happened, ukrainians made a choice, it was a democratic choice, ukrainians wanted something new, they got it new. for the first two years, president zelenskyy tried to get used to the role of the president of ukraine, then a rather difficult time began with the beginning of a large-scale war, and the president zelensky had to grow up quickly enough in politics. because much more was required of him, perhaps than he imagined in 2019, that is , he did not succeed in reaching an agreement with putin, although he declared it, he had to reform his team, because as of today, from the team that led him in the presidential elections , there are not many people left in his entourage, the main figure in this entourage is, of course, andriy yarmak, the head of the office of the president of ukraine, and
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literally... in the current situation, there are many and at the event, experts say that andriy yermak is one of the central figures in ukrainian politics, previously the head of the office of the president of ukraine was among the hundred most influential people according to magazine versions, the washington post wrote an article about the influence of the head. office of the president of ukraine, and what this influential american publication writes. critics say that recently, when the circle of zelenskyi's advisers narrowed, yarmak removed the ministry of foreign affairs, interfered in military decisions, acted as a mediator in key agreements with partners, including by the united states of america, this undermines zelenskyi's authority and raises doubts about who is responsible for the decision.


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