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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EEST

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drawing parallels between a country's leaders who protect their citizens and bloodthirsty terrorists is a moral blindness that is also damaging. if the international court agrees with the prosecutor's position, it will damage the ability of any country to protect its citizens and will be a crime of historic proportions. the united states of america is planning to introduce... sanctions against georgian politicians for the law on foreign agents, writes poliiko. according to the media, the united states may freeze the assets of members of the ruling party gruzynska a dream that promoted the scandalous law. they will also be banned from traveling to the country. such restrictions will be provided by a new draft law, which will soon be presented in the congress of the united states of america. but it is interesting that he is trying to fight against foreign agents, he is trying. some
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politicians copy russia in georgia, but for some reason the bills are in the usa, the truth is, for some reason there are bills, well, i think that it is possible that there may be in russia, but for some reason all these fighters are against freedom, democracy, against what they are standing guard against the united states of america, for some reason, all these fighters with these democratic principles, they want to have accounts in a democratic state, and not anywhere else, well, let's say, not in north korea, for some reason they have accounts, a historical event, for the first time representatives of the orthodox church of ukraine co-served with the bishops of the bulgarian church. the liturgy was led by ecumenical patriarch bartholomew, and the ukrainian delegation was introduced by metropolitans of chernihiv and nizhyn. with this co-service, the bulgarian church actually recognized the orthodox church of ukraine, which is a significant event on the way to building an auto-cathedral local church in ukraine. and may 20, that is. currently, ukrainians
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are commemorating the second anniversary of the completion of the heroic defense of mariupol and the azovstal plant. how long did the city and the factory last and why were our defenders forced to actually surrender? in the following material. the battle for mariupol began with a full-scale russian invasion and lasted until may 20 , 22. the defense of the hero's city lasted 80 days, 82 of which were completely surrounded. during february 24 and 28, the enemy approached mariupol from the east, north, and west. on march 1, the russian invaders completely surrounded the city and massive shelling was carried out on it. on march 5, the enemy approached the center. attempts to evacuate civilians were thwarted by continuous artillery attacks. on march 9 , the russians hit the hospital and the maternity ward.
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house in the center of mariupol. on march 16 , a crime was committed that outraged the whole world. an aerial bomb was dropped on the drama theater, under the debris of which at least 600 civilians died. in mid-april, the only center of resistance remained the azovstal plant, where all ukrainian units that were in the city broke through. the defense was held by the azov regiment, marines, border guards, national guardsmen, policemen. all of them are possible. reached azovstal. also , many civilians who were hiding from shelling and bombardment gathered at the plant. there were problems with drinking water at the blocked azovstal, food and medicine were running out. as of mid-may , there were about 600 wounded soldiers on the territory of the plant, 40 of whom were in serious condition. in the first days of may, all civilians were evacuated by zvstal, and on may 16, by order of president zelenny. ukrainian soldiers surrendered.
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the last defender left azovstal on may 20. the russians received prisoners from azovstal in prisons both on the territory of occupied donetsk region and on the territory of russia. on june 28, an exchange of prisoners took place during which the first 95 defenders of mariupol and azovstal returned to ukraine. the most massive exchange took place on the night of september 21-22. that... 182 defenders returned to ukraine. on may 6, 2023 , 45 defenders of mariupol were returned from russian captivity, and since then there have been no soldiers from azov-stal in the exchange lists. so far, more than 700 heroes of azovstal are still in captivity. at the same time, there was only one piece of news from my si... it was some greenies who saw him there,
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those guys who had already been exchanged, after that no news, unfortunately. according to the association of families of defenders of azovstal, more than 1,900 defenders of mariupol are currently in russian captivity, more than 700 of them are azov. tetyana golunova, yuliya belska, espresso tv channel. yes, really waiting, not just waiting for it to come back, but waiting for what i think is such work going on to in order to actually make a return. home, now about events outside ukraine, and very hot events, will be told by yuriy fizar, the world about ukraine, yuriy, good evening, please, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today, we are entering a new information week with the rubric world about ukraine, today, in particular
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, about such things in estonia advise the west not to be afraid of russia, india will take part in the global peace summit, well, karma is in action, novosibirsk is under water. about this and other things already moment in the rubric world about ukraine. well, i'll start with the information that is on everyone's lips all over the world today. the president of iran , ibrahim raisi, died as a result of a plane crash that occurred in the northeast of the country. the minister of foreign affairs was also on board with him. cases of hossein amir abdulakhian and two other people, plus crew members. this was announced by the prime minister of the islamic republic, mohsen mansuri. this morning, rescuers did manage to reach the crash site of the helicopter in which the head of state was flying. he disturbed them all night
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thick fog and the fact that the place in which all this happened is a difficult-to-access mountainous area. it is known that now the acting head of iran will be vice president muhammad mogber, experts say. i believe that state policy will not change at all, but in 50 days new presidential elections should be held, and here ukrainians may get a somewhat false, false impression that the president will change, maybe something will change in iran, nothing will change, and those salutes that you could see on facebook yesterday or today, how will the iranians rejoice, and they are, in the end, those who rejoice, because of death already ex. president ibrahim raiisi, well, there are very few of them and nothing will change there, because the political system will remain in the islamic republic, as it was. here, an expert whom i trust very much in any matter, and in particular in matters of the middle east, is an expert of the ukrainian
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institute for the future, ilya kusa wrote on his facebook page about this today, this is literally the following, i quote him: hardly anything will change in the relations between the russian federation and iran. at least, if a conservative remains president. the situational partnership of the russian federation and iran is connected not only with one individual, but with the international situation, bad relations with the west and close ties at various levels, therefore - summarizes mr. kusa, the death of the iranian president is unlikely to affect us in any way. well, here it is also worth adding that here is a vice president who has a great chance of becoming president. tom muhammed mogber, he is a follower of what ebrahim raisi was doing, and he was one of the contract makers with russia for the supply of shaheds, well, for the supply of technologies with the help of which these shaheds can be made, therefore
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, unfortunately, nothing will change. yes, we are going further, we are moving even further east, dialogue instead of confrontation, taiwan is calling for leadership. of heaven to the peaceful settlement of the disputes between mainland china and taiwan. the newly elected president laitsinde said today during the leadership of the celestial empire to stop political and military threats towards the island, called china's military actions the biggest strategic challenge for the global world and promised to strengthen taiwan's combat capability. well, it is also worth noting that official beijing believes. he is a man who is only being created, but he is no longer considered, he is considered dangerous, this is a quote: a dangerous separatist, so it is quite logical to assume that it is with him that the representatives of the xijinping government will not sit down at the negotiating table, they need
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someone like a taiwanese teddy bear, i have already added it myself, although it is good for ukraine that i will add to tsinde, cooperation with taiwan will continue to develop. we hear what the executive director of commonwealth magazine, kwangwin liu, speaks directly about this cooperation and its development. taiwan can ukraine rebuild, and many believe that this aid should focus on human potential and social reconstruction, not just technology. one of the vivid examples is the partnership: leave no one behind, ukrainian politician, people's deputy mykola knyazhytskyi, the all-ukrainian forum for democracy and the ministry of foreign affairs taiwan. this partnership is a continuation of successful training projects. in the field of digital technologies implemented by mr. kniazhytskyi and the ministry of digital
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technologies of taiwan in lviv and poltava. it would be good if ukraine had significantly more resources aimed at creating opportunities for education, employment and training of women, youth and veterans. well, it remains only to wish the newly elected president of taiwan success in his work. we are moving on, nato allies should not fear that sending their troops to ukraine to train ukrainian soldiers could draw the military alliance into a military confrontation with russia. estonian prime minister kaya kala said this in an interview with the financial times. at the same time , she emphasized that some western military instructors are already working in ukraine, but added that, in her opinion, if the training personnel were attacked. on the part of the russian troops, this would not lead to the automatic triggering of the fifth article on mutual defense, further a quote from the leader
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kai kalas of the estonian government: i can't imagine that if someone gets hurt there, those who sent their people will say, this is the fifth article, let's bomb russia, that's not how it works, it doesn't happen automatically, so these fears the people in estonia are not justified here, that is, she made it clear to those people who do not want to send their military personnel to ukraine, even those who will work as instructors, that there will be no escalation of the conflict, well at least if putin will not want this, because if putin wants, then in any case, even if he does not send instructions, if he wants, then in any case, that is, it all depends on him, and it depends on him, as is repeatedly said in the west , stop this war, withdraw all his troops from the territory of ukraine and everything, well, but he is not going to do that. india will participate in the peace summit scheduled for
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june 15-16 this year in burgenstock, switzerland. the prime minister of the country, narendra modi, announced this, but he did not clarified who exactly will represent his country. well, he emphasized that, then mr. modi's quote. india will participate in all important summits that advance the global peace, security and development agenda and support the voice of the so-called global. south, and india is the only country of the global south that has confirmed participation in this conference, the leaders of brazil and par have previously announced that they will not go to the summit. china also made it clear that it does not support the holding of the summit in switzerland, since russia was not invited to it, but the question is whether or not beijing will send a representative. it is not yet known, and if he does send, who, because, for example, experts say, if he sends a special envoy. in the eurasian affairs of lihui, then it will be nothing, well, if lihui will come just as he has already gone
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twice on his tours and will go back, if he will at least send the minister of foreign affairs wang yi, then this may already be a signal that after all, well, if the official beijing has not changed its position, then it makes it clear to russia that it needs even more, more seriously to do business, i mean with beijing, well, i will remind you once again that this peace conference... will be held in bürgenstock on june 15-16 and 160 countries have received invitations. so far , representatives of more than 50 countries and organizations have officially confirmed their participation. more about china. china offers to organize a peace conference to find ways to end the war in ukraine. this was reported by the ministry of foreign affairs of russia. according to the results of sergey lavrov's meeting with his chinese colleague. today on the sidelines of the meeting of the council of ministers of foreign affairs of the countries of the shanghai
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cooperation organization in astana, kazakhstan. at the same time, the leadership of the celestial empire emphasized that such a conference should be held under the condition of equal participation of russia and ukraine, as well as taking into account moscow's legitimate interests in the field of security and current realities. these are legitimate interests, legitimate fears, remember, before invading the game. for example, in 2021, sergey lavrov, going to various international meetings, said that the event should pay attention to russia's security concerns. now it says in china, what a bummer, but i wonder if they will get something out of this conference. yes, well, now we are moving closer to ukraine, and this man is trying to convince everyone around him that the west, and in particular poland and the baltic countries , are trying to impose a war
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of subversive groups on belarus. this is the self-proclaimed president of the country oleksand. lukashenko said during a meeting with representatives of the kgb, according to him, official minsk constantly offers its neighbors to be friends, and in response, says hryhorovych, they send subversive groups to belarus and continue information wars. in addition, he emphasized that the mentioned states are preparing all kinds of armed units and almost regiments to invade the territory of belarus. only this time he didn't... he said that i will show you from which side they should enter, maybe they haven't given him the data yet, from which side, do you think, their maps are sitting, they are lining up the bars there, they are drawing, they are drawing a special map the event of saboteurs, who is to blame, the daughter-in-law, yes, they support the so-called law on foreign agents about 60% of the population, so it will help
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ensure long-term peace in ukraine, the prime minister of georgia said. according to him, this is exactly what the country needs, while he emphasized that the country's leadership was ready to listen to proposals and comments on this law from representatives of the west, but mr. prime minister, the veto of this law by president soloma zorobishvili ruined everything, says mr. prime minister, well, let me remind you that this law was passed in the country's parliament on may 14, due to the people's stubborn resistance. what... for days in a row they went to mass protests, and now vasyl told you in the news that, according to politico, the usa is preparing to introduce sanctions against some representatives of the georgian government, but the georgian government has already said that we are not afraid these sanctions are not scary at all, so what,
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the pobedabesiya season continues in russia, or darkabesiya, it is called pobedabesiya. it is, as you like, the day before the local communist party, which is not banned there, celebrated the so-called day so of the so-called pioneering organization, in many russian cities there were even receptions for this so-called organization, the funniest thing is that this office in russia is still called the pioneering organization named after lenin, i don’t know whether children were driven to this celebration in quotation marks or not, but the fact remains fact: russians continue to live in a parallel world of red bands around their necks, sadly. that the day before these red scraps of matter were also tied in the temporarily occupied ukrainian melitopol, well, but in melitopol this is the last time, i hope so there won’t be any more, they may have them too, who knows what will happen to russia, it looks very sad, it was also, as they say, unfortunate for the soviet union, but it was
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such a reality then, now it’s a drag, but now pull something out of it. the past, which no longer exists, moreover, some season gerontologists, it happens, they also had such a thing that people who were pioneers, like you and me, once in soviet times, they are now creating these units again, such but people over 40 also want to be pioneers, that's just how it is they say, come back to me, my childhood, well, this, then it’s just terrible, well, but this is russia, and finally, armageddon in the siberian style, or better to say in the novosibirsk style, novosibirsk was flooded due to... a powerful downpour with hail, cars literally floated through the streets of the city, some were even more unlucky, they turned into submarines. a may thunderstorm caught novosibirsk from nenatsk, the storm drains could not cope with such a large amount of water, while the gusty wind tore roofs off houses and uprooted trees. in one of even a retaining wall collapsed in some areas,
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and there were problems with electricity supply in some areas of the city. well, this is a heavenly punishment, otherwise i won't call it that. well, for today i have everything in the section world about ukraine, everything only for today, tomorrow there will be more and more will be in our further broadcast, so do not switch. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. kamikaze drone attacks live, political analytics, objectively and meaningful, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest. you draw your own conclusions. verdict with serhiy
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rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on... weekdays using a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 8 p.m. to 22 for espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. we continue, this is a big eterp, a lot of interesting and important things are ahead, of course, the news of sports will be the historic victory at syk. the news of the campaign, and we will also have an inclusion from... the 22nd meeting of the ramshtein group, which takes care of weapons, support for ukraine, but now about several very important political topics,
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domestic political, even to a greater extent, which we cannot but discuss today, viktor bobarenko, expert of the bureau of policy analysis, mr. viktor, i congratulate you, good man hello to you, glad to see and hear, let me tell you this number right away: may 20, 5 years of zelensky's presidency, president of zelensky's mine. and today passes, and the russians are already starting to speed up this informational and psychological operation, come on, i will quote it again, from both sides, i will not say what they say about our president, they have no right to say anything about him , we elect him, and we will elect the president when it is possible, how did the russians become so active in the first place, and how to act, how to understand what should happen tomorrow, because tomorrow will be may 21, and according to the constitution it is no longer 5 years, but we... understand that it cannot be otherwise now, that is, he is still the president and the supreme commander, please, well, we are purple for that, what do they think of russia and putin, so it's up to us to choose the president and
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whether we consider him legitimate or not, and this should not bypass the russians in any way, we will decide it, these will be our allies, no one blames us, because everyone understands , that... at this time holding elections, well, the law does not allow it, and it is extremely difficult, because there is no no, it is not known, as it is not clear how to vote, so everything is fine, we have the legitimacy of zelenskyi, the only thing that should be advised to the same zelenskyi is to relate, he also said that we are all presidents, yes, to he may be the most logical, the most logical for him would be tomorrow. the government of national unity, if he doesn't like poroshenko so much, well, he can't change himself and sit at the same table with poroshenko,
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there with other political leaders, there because of yulia tymoshenko's voice, well, okay, appoint a government technocrats, let serhiy fursa be your minister of finance there, yes, who are not connected to political parties, so that... there, for example, zhodan or oksana zabushko were ministers of culture, well, he will decide on a few more positions there, he usyk to take away the minister of youth and sports, usyk still has a revenge fight, i think that it is definitely too early for him to be the minister of sports, but we mean that such a government would add legitimacy to zelensky, and not take away this legitimacy, but this is the problem of volodymyr oleksandrovich, he... he is so level-headed, how narcissistic he is, that he cannot take this step, but it would be very good and desirable, well, it is
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his choice, well, i do not believe that he will go to create a national government unity, but it would be necessary, you know, you said this phrase that if he cannot sit at the same table with president poroshenko, well, the president is a lifelong title, that's why we say president poroshenko, he is there, but i remember.. . very well, because i prepared the materials and remember very well the first day of the war, even before the big one, the first day invasion on a large scale, and there were such words that president zelensky pressed and held poroshenko's hand for a long time, when, when the situation was actually critical, and then for some reason they sat at the table, consulted and listened to advice and agreed to end the political confrontation and forget the truce. i will announce, but now of course. the situation seems to be different, although it is also threatening. secondly, you say that the government is so technocratic, and effective, which has public trust,
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at least for now, would be very... important for zelenskyi, for his strengthening first of all, but there is one person who strengthens or does not strengthen, it is difficult for me to say, but who is the person next to him who said that i want to be the shadow of the president and do everything he tells me andriy yermak, and here is the edition of the washington post, after blinken's visit, published an article where it was said that yermak, in fact, is a man who has enormous power, the most of all heads. president of all time, who decides everything herself, and does not ask for forgiveness, in my opinion, she does not apologize, something like that was said there, but please explain thank you, well, because such an article by the washington post, it's definitely not just that the journalists decided, let's write about yermak, let's go, it's a more complicated story, please, uh, well, i agree with the conclusions of the journalists that he is the most influential person in history. let's say
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there is the office of the head of the office or there is the presidential administration, this position was called differently at different times, but here he has unlimited power, and the government and the verkhovna rada are managed from the office of the president, and worst of all the law enforcement and judicial system, but the worst everything, that's what i would do celebrated zelensky for 5 years, i would say that... despite everything, until february of this year, zelensky did not interfere in the affairs of the military, he did not draw arrows on the globe, uh, and this was his advantage over putin, so now the insiders they are reporting, and it seems to me that yermak has already begun to influence the process of making, preparing, and implementing management decisions in the army, and this...
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there is nothing worse if politicians start to manage the military, not to issue general orders, just like the supreme commander music, yes, what there like, and specifically here we are advancing at the operational level, as far as i understand, and at the tactical level, not only at the operational at the tactical level, well, if they are already involved in the replacement of brigade commanders, then this is already going too far, mr. viktor , we 're going to continue with you, i'm just now... we're going to pause our in our dialogue, and we're going to listen to lloyd austin, the head of the pentagon. the 22nd romstein continues at the moment, we have the opportunity to listen to the final press conference of the head of the ministry of defense of the united states states of america. what ukraine needs. security, a security package of 7 billion dollars has also already been announced, this will contribute to national security. also. we
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are delivering what ukraine urgently needs right now, especially the 155 millimeter shells and a lot more on the way, so we have been thinking about the long-term challenges for ukrainian security and we are really impressed with how well we are working together, this coalition, it is looking ahead and she expects what ukraine's needs might be. russian aggression. today we heard another update from naval coalition. we also talked about the sky protection initiative. what does it mean? does this mean that ukraine's partners will try to find ways? to provide what
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they can and to add additional spare parts and eventually technical support, so we are aiming for ukraine to be able to repel, repel putin's attacks. within the framework of the coalition of powers, we really maintain a flexible structure in order to help ukraine in general and in the long term. we... gathered nations of good will from all over the world so that ukraine could to survive, and actually this is in order for us to show the whole world why ukraine is important. ukraine plays a considerable role for the sake of european security and on the scale of global security, and in particular on the scale of american security.


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