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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EEST

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they have a long history of such commercial relations even with their opponents, but in the political plan they often act, well , in an extremely straightforward manner, and when they leave this paradigm of prioritizing the economic over the political, it does not always work out for them, after all, they did not manage to do it properly in order to pressure taiwan in the elections that took place, there are also certain issues in central asia, in particular. he immediately called tokayev after the visit and, by the way , informed the kazakh leader about how he meant all the negotiations, because in fact, this is a region that russia has always feared would go into the zone of chinese interests, that is , there are many such things, even iran itself, it does not bet on russia in such a way that, you know, it will absolutely depend on china there, it is a game, which side has certain benefits, but not the fact that these benefits ... cannot change in
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the future, because after all, the american economy remains more important to china than the russian one, and this creates certain red lines that china cannot cross , they were not even fully passed by iran, because we still do not see the appearance of the full range of iranian weapons in russia, and north korea has also not moved, about what will happen next again, whether there will be... the west to restrain china with such a policy of whip and gingerbread from these actions, this the question is for the western leaders, here we have many different elections this year and we will see which rhetoric will dominate them. and in principle, if we talk about how this situation will look from the point of view of the west, in your opinion, the west is ready for some decisive actions? well, for example,... some had naive hopes for
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messing with macron, that he is about to go to odessa with almost a whole contingent, now history will be repeated there, here and for the inauguration of putin, a representative was invited, and the same is the case with normandy, with the landing in normandy with these celebrations, will there be someone from russia, the level of support for ukrainian refugees and the armed forces of ukraine in france, if you look at the percentage of the budget there, it is not that big, so it is good rhetoric, but certain actions, well, they should actually take place after this , of course, a lot is being done informally, but outside of europe they still perceive, well, military power, as it has always been, because if a hegemon exists, then he must, excuse me for such a term , hegemons. and if he behaves somehow differently,
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well, it just looks like a tourist- attractive region with some interesting history, but no more than that, even in africa we see how france surrendered positions, how the united states surrendered positions, to the same russians politically and to the chinese, that is, they are trying to move away carefully somewhere, approach there, and that raises a lot of questions about their ability to fight in general. and they need at least another 5 to 10 years, judging by the pace of investment in the military sphere, to get there, to return to the position of the cold war, and what will happen in these five years, will some forces not come with such, you know, i would say naive pacifism, let's stop giving everyone weapons, everyone will be concerned about climate change and there will be heaven on earth, will defense spending not be reduced, this is a big question and i want to...
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believe that many europeans enough nevertheless, the will to elect mature forces to the european parliament and to their national governments this year. thank you, mr. mykhailo, mykhailo yakubovych, orientalist, candidate of historical sciences, we were in touch, we will now break for a few minutes, but please stay with us, there are still many interesting conversations ahead. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed. informs about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. bakhmut, let's tell you the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. we continue the politclub program on the espresso tv channel. vitaly portykov is with you and to the events in slovakia, which we will talk about with our guest, political scientist, head of the institute of public relations in bratislava, hryhoriy mesezhnikov. good evening, mr. mesezhnikov, thank you for participating in our event.
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the government of national-populist parties came to power, they started a program to weaken and even eliminate the liberal-democratic regime, and of course this caused protests, protests of opposition parties, civil society, intelligentsia, and for several months we had long demonstrations here, all over the country in bratislava up to 45 thousand people went to the main square. then there were the presidential elections, it is clear that they increased the degree of confrontation, four days ago everyone was shocked by an event that had never happened before in slovakia, there were some murders with political motives, but they did not kill
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politicians, they did not kill, of course, the first persons, government officials, and of course, the situation is tense. fortunately, the worst condition is not serious yet, a serious health condition, but it is confirmed, robert fitso will survive, he is conscious, he is conscious, and nothing threatens his life, said the minister of internal affairs. the question remains, however, why this happened, this is the first question, and the second, how will the country develop further? and i think that... now many people in slovakia think that can be done in order to prevent confrontation, which may lead to some civil, if not skirmishes, then conflicts, at least which may put,
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endanger civil, common life, immediately after the attempt, immediately after the attempt on the prime minister -minister fitz and... the current president of slovakia ms. chaputova and the new head of state mr. pillegrini, they held a joint meeting among themselves, they made a joint statement related to the fact that it is necessary to unite in society, which is necessary so that there is no discord in connection with this tragedy, how much were they heard? you know, mr. vitaly, it is clear that this attracted attention, because in essence, it was like this... and the first case of the union of people from two parties or camps hostile to each other . petr pelligrini represented the ruling coalition of ruzana chamotova, she is considered
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a representative of the liberal of democratic forces , society certainly heard this appeal. one of the parties, which seems to be the most important party, the smr party, of robert fitso, has said that it is not ready for such a meeting. it seems to me that it is connected, first, with the fact that robert fitz is in the hospital, and there may be some considerations about the fact that he will recover quickly, then he will personally participate if he decides to participate in such an event, and the first thing i think is that it is due to the fact that he does not want to" . this party took part in such a meeting, because the politicians of this party play such a game, pointing fingers at those who can see these situations, of course, the liberal opposition, as they call it, in fact , the opposition is more diverse, there are christian
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democrats, and liberals, libertarians , civil democrats, and also a suspension from... blame the media also as liberal, but this is the media mainstream as they say, and they are trying, accordingly, the whole-hearted party of m... to tune their voters to increase the level of support, i think this is a stupid position, i understand it, i i consider myself an opponent of this party, but i think it would be better if they took part in such a meeting of all parties, it would be a signal to all citizens, because the situation, i would say, is very extraordinary, but people are worried. about how it will be further, although externally everything is fine, the state, government
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institutions are working, but it is felt, if we talk about the participant of this attempt, the person who was going to kill robert fitz, it can be considered that this person is simply a victim of such an atmosphere in society, it happens, that there is no atmosphere, but simply that people do not really control their actions, to put it mildly. you are correct that the atmosphere is indeed one of polarization, but the polarization has not appeared in recent weeks, months or years, this polarization has started since from the very beginning the slovak republic as an independent state, our party system is polarized, the confrontation is very powerful, and of course it is a known fact that in such an atmosphere people are not very balanced mentally, with personal problems, apparently they become radicalized and try their ideas
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about how the country should develop, this is how to find out. in general, i really liked the comment of one of our analysts, tomas nacer, that he said that this man is dr. jack and mr. hight. why, because he was known in narrow circles, he lived in levvitsen, a small town, he... was formally a member of the writers' union, he has been retired for 71 years, and as they say, he revealed himself by taking part in the activities of various socio-political forces 2016 year, he spoke at a rally of a right-wing extremist paramilitary pro-russian organization called slovenian prisoners, that is slovak hunters or volunteers, and praised them a lot. this organization, apart from being radical-nationalist, which was known for being very loyal to russia, they
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spread pan-slavic ideology, spread russian narratives, then, as a writer, he wrote a book of some essays devoted to the problems of the roma national peak, the minority, excuse me, and this book contains... but recently he took part in one of the rallies of large bratislava. if you look at the pictures and he joined the people who
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protested against the government, i think that it is very difficult to identify him ideologically in a certain way, it is not known who he is, his neighbors say that he always tried to be in the center of attention, to be the first, it seems to me that this man has suffered from some kind of lack of recognition and ... unfortunately, and unfortunately, a disaster for robert fitz and the whole country, in fact, this is a man with the kind of biography that could be used by a representative of any what kind of political force, someone might say, he was shot by a left-liberal, that's what the opposition do, someone might say, he's ultra-right, it's a person from the fizo electorate who shot at him, so in fact, this is such an amazing story, you know, it's interesting , that the first moment when no was domo, who is this, what kind of person, then
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people from the government coalition issued a statement when they began to accuse the opposition that this is your liberal, leftist, some, etc., then it turned out that he participated in those right-wing extremist activities, pro-russian forces, and indeed, if we take a pro-russian position, then he was. closer, if we were to look at robert fiitso from the current point of view, because robert fiitso is not a pro-western politician, he is a pro-russian politician, so it would be strange that such a... such a man with such a figure would suddenly think to commit an assassination attempt on robert fitz, that is, you are absolutely right, fortunately, i think that precisely thanks to those publications and what the journalists found in the archives, there will now be no such dispute as to who is directly guilty, this is all the essence of the matter
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is expressed from the side. ruling coalition, they are trying to convince their supporters that behind all this is the politics of the opposition parties, and also the media, the media, the so-called, the mass media, if you give me a minute and a half, i want to say that they blame the media mainstream, the so-called liberal media that it was allegedly they increased the degree of this hatred in society, confrontation, etc. but in fact in slovakia there is another or a second part of public society, these are opposition-conspiracy platforms, i won’t even call them zmi, they are all pro-russian and pro-government, that is
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, they were the ones who increased the degree of hatred, spread some... numerous, in general online platforms, mostly those who spoke on the side of the government, it was precisely the people from these small but pro-government parties who helped them do the following such verbal attacks on his own, a political scientist, the head of the institute of public relations in bratislava, we were talking about... the situation surrounding the assassination of slovak prime minister robert fitz, now we will literally break for a few minutes, but you stay with us, warning many interesting conversations. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and
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sports news, two hours in the company of your loved ones presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many. as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. we continue the politclub program on the spresso tv channel and dilute it with investor , enterprise and philanthropist kostyantyn zhivaga. we have it on air. congratulations, mr. konstantin. congratulations, vitaliy. so, the entrepreneurship support council has been working for almost six months. as far as it is possible to say that it was possible to establish a new one the quality of contacts between business and the authorities, what else needs to be done? vitaliy, you know, this is actually a very important issue for our country, because we understand that entrepreneurs are the economy of ukraine, and the economy of ukraine is our taxes, our budget, gross domestic product, and most importantly, it is
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the money that we support the struggle of ukraine and our armed forces against russian aggression, that is... this is the budget of the armed forces of ukraine, and from how businesses and entrepreneurs work, how successful they are, how much they actually develop business, how much they are able to pay more taxes to the state budget, generate more jobs depends on how much our armed forces have today and the ability to buy military equipment, buy weapons, buy all consumables in order to defend themselves, counterattack and after that hold and liberate our territories, god forbid that this happens. therefore, the fact that the council started working today is very good, but excuse me, it's like the classics, when we taught, studied at school, it's somehow like grandfather's village, that is, in the village of my grandfather, today the council has neither an address, nor a telephone, nor a secretary, we wanted to send letters
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to this council from some western companies that are investors in ukraine. the councils that were elected in accordance with the president's decree... meant, but in the end they all admitted that they don't have an address, they don't have a building, they don't have a secretary, they don't have telephones, and this series that we are somewhere there is very good on tv , we will show something on tv, but in fact, what can this council do, what did it do and what are the results in general, the answer is simple: there are no results, nothing has been done, legislative initiatives, if there were any, are not accepted by the parliament, although we understand that when the parliament needs, then he simply... tanks the laws, and today we have the last laws regarding mobilization, the rest of everything we see, that is, unfortunately, the result is not good, but tell me, in principle, how... easy it is to maintain the investment attractiveness of ukraine in conditions, when we have there is no clear understanding of the terms and conditions of the end of the war. vitaliy, it is impossible
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to do at all, because if there are no deadlines, there is no understanding of when it will end, on what conditions to preserve any confidence of investors, to preserve any understanding that jobs must be maintained, it is impossible to invest, today you can only do the only thing, those who already have today. investments, huge, millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions, billions of dollars of investments in ukraine, they are forced today by their economic actions to protect their investments, i.e. continue to invest, finish projects, try to save these investments, try to protect them in some way, and therefore these are the investors who are the only ones today who can somehow continue to work in the ukrainian economy, continue to work in economic space. and precisely those investors, precisely these subjects and objects of economic activity, economic activity in ukraine should be supported and helped with all the fibers of the soul
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, because they must in this situation to feel that the state thinks about them, the authorities understand them, and thanks to this they continue to keep jobs, pay taxes to the national budget, generate gross domestic product and do exactly what i said at the beginning, pay taxes to local budgets , so that... and teachers receive wages, so that housing, housing and communal services in the cities and towns of our country are supported, the most important thing is that the money goes to the state budget, so that after that we finance all the expenses of the armed forces of ukraine. well, the expenses of the armed forces of ukraine and mobilization, how in principle to get a balance between the need for mobilization measures, which i think are clear to every sober-minded person, and the need to save economically. the potential of ukraine, which is also clear to every sober person, however, it is not so easy to get it on these terraces, it seems to me that it is not easy at all, but we are not the first country in the world that
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faced war, and, unfortunately, we are not the last war, a country in the world that will face a war, so such questions were decided before us, we solve such issues today, and such issues will be solved by other people, on other continents, god forbid that there should be as few such conflicts as possible, but they will still be equal and conflicts will be solved. and therefore today, of course, a balance is very necessary, it is necessary to find such a, you know, stable, clear result so that the armed forces get everything they want, but fairly and correctly, so that there is no dilemma and debate between the leadership of the country and the leadership of the armed forces forces and the general staff, that's right, we don't need 500,000, but we believe that the 500,000 that the military invited is not the truth, in fact it is necessary, and maybe there can be less, that is , it is necessary that competent people deal with it. people on one side and on the other, and that the military, when they say, responsibly say that if this is exactly the number of people necessary, then exactly this number is necessary in order to
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fulfill all the tasks that actually exist today before the general staff and by the armed forces of ukraine, and as for the state leadership, it is definitely not necessary to engage in populism or any insinuations in this situation, and one must either trust the leadership of the ministry of defense and agree with... with their numbers, or, if one does not trust the ministry of defense, or even the general staff, then look for other people, whom the leadership of the country and the people of ukraine will trust, as far as balance is concerned, the balance must definitely be sought, and when we send men to the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, the only solution for us today is automation, it is so impossible to achieve it quickly, because it requires investment, money and time, and the second is today... there is the only way to solve this issue, which we do at all enterprises that are actually responsible in the economy of ukraine, is by we
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hire more and more women for those specialties that yesterday were still purely male, that is, today those women who want to help our country today, those women who want to help today's enterprises and their cities where they live and work, those women who want to... help the armed forces to their husbands or sons, they go today and they are retrained, and we have been at war for more than two years, and you can retrain a lot, and in fact, mature, intelligent and smart entrepreneurs in their enterprises began to do this for another year and a half -two years ago, and today they actually have replacement of men in those specialties, in those fields, in those professional positions, men for women, where today the profession is still male today. already for the first time women learned and received, and the most important thing is that they today, men perform these important economic tasks for the economy
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of the state no worse than men, well, i really understand that... these should also be measures for career guidance of people, certainly, certainly today, you know, there were some, let's say, large investment projects, under what people, builders, engineers, they were all there yesterday working on these projects, because there was money, there were investments, there was an understanding of the future, and all this was moving forward, today, when there is no such thing, then all these projects, they were curtailed, that is people got out, and today these people are returning to the main... positions at workplaces, main positions in production, and if they were not able to do this professionally today or yesterday, then they were professionally reoriented, and all those who were yesterday, let's say, i don't know, managers, let's say , engineering units, today they begin to do things that are purely industrial, today they manage production processes at metallurgical, machine-building
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enterprises, light industry, any enterprises that are necessary today for the economy of the state, which today necessary for the armed forces to receive everything we need and what the ukrainian economy can provide in order to defend itself and to liberate its territories. thank you, mr. kostyantyn, kostyantyn dzhevago, investor-entrepreneur mecenat, was in touch with us, thank you for participating in the broadcast, but there is also, of course, a very important topic related to how to get money for economic development in the country. from russia itself, from the country that by and large destroys ukrainian infrastructure, we are in touch arseniy yatsenyuk, politician, economist, lawyer, former prime minister of ukraine, congratulations, mr. arseniy, congratulations, mr. vitaliy, so we are starting some real conversations about the confiscation of russian assets, to the extent that it can really be considered that this is a reality, i know that there was a discussion of the kyiv security forum, of which you are the founder, precisely related to the possibility
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of transferring these assets. what, in principle , you have, so to speak, agreed with the participants of this conversation, the well-known western politicians and experts there. there is such a leading the world financial publication, financial times, and we in the financial times published a large appeal signed by more than 40 world luminaries from the economics of jurisprudence regarding the confiscation of 300 billion dollars of russian assets. well, i will explain to the audience that we are talking about 300. dollars of assets of the russian central bank, that is, these are dollars, euros, pounds, francs and other freely convertible currency that belongs to the government of the russian federation, the direct owner of which was the central bank of russia, and after russia launched a full-scale invasion of ukraine, was an unprecedented step, which, as a matter of fact, putin did not expect, because if he had expected it, he would have definitely withdrawn all the money from the european union, it was
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accepted. the decision of the g7 countries to freeze all assets, but from freezing to confiscation, as it turned out, is a very long road, and in fact, we are currently pressuring and putting pressure on our western partners to make a decision on confiscation, then transfer this money to ukraine for reconstruction. i will remind you that the world bank says that as of today, in a ten-year perspective, ukraine needs 500 billion dollars, 500. to rebuild ukraine, i think that these are still very low estimates, but now there is such a, you know, fierce struggle and war for this money, and during this discussions, mr. vitaliy, information has come to light, which can hardly be read anywhere in the world mass media, it turns out that russia , together with china, began to put pressure on the member states of the european union in order to prevent
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the confiscation of these assets and simply started . to threaten and blackmail europe , first of all, by saying that the chinese will stop investing, that the chinese will stop buying securities of france, germany, and other european union member states, and russia, for its part, is blackmailing because, according to the estimates of the russian authorities, the total volume of 288 billion dollars of foreign investment from the west. although i don't buy this number, i think they are lying, because about 100 billion is money from cyprus and from the netherlands, most likely it is the same russian money, and that if a confiscation decision is made, then russia will confiscate the funds of the european union, and the chinese, blackmailing europe, will not invest and will not invest money.


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