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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EEST

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began to put pressure on the member states of the european union in order to prevent the confiscation of these assets and simply began to threaten and blackmail europe, primarily that the chinese would stop investing, that the chinese would stop buying securities of france, germany, and other european union member states , and russia, for its part, is blackmailing the fact that according to the estimates of the russian authorities on the territory. russia now has a total of $288 billion in foreign investment from the west, although i don't buy this figure, i think they they are lying, because about 100 billion is money from cyprus and the netherlands, most likely it is the same russian money, and that if a decision is made on confiscation, then , accordingly, russia will confiscate the funds of the european union, and the chinese, blackmailing europe, will not invest and will not invest. into securities, that is, now there is
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a very serious war going on about whether a decision will be made at all and why we held the discussion of the kyiv security forum, because there will be a meeting of the big seven next month, and some kind of decision must be made there, on very unfortunate, i can say that the way things are going, it is a very long way to this confiscation, but at least what we should achieve at this stage is to at least get them to ... all the funds that are currently frozen, to send to such a mechanism that will earn, and the interest earned on seized russian money must go to ukraine, and we are talking about billions of dollars, it depends on the interest rates of the european central bank and the federal reserve, but it is from three to 5 billion dollars at least, as the minimum that will be received ukraine, that's why, strictly speaking, i told you the general picture, which, i think, mr. vitaly, it concerns not just confiscation. it generally refers to the position
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of the entire western world in relation to russia and china, because you paid a lot of attention in your deep analytical studies to the last meeting between putin and president xi, and there is one of the points, by the way, mr. vitali, which was in this joint declaration, this is a strong condemnation of attempts to confiscate a... asset, because china is also, i think, looking at this problem with from the point of view that the united states, which holds almost 1 trillion of chinese money, through the securities that china has bought in the united states, can also use various mechanisms in relation to china, so we hope that this will be heard, that it is necessary to confiscate the money, because this is part of
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russia's legal... responsibility towards ukraine, and it is generally at least some attempt to restore the international order, because now these are just names about the international order, and the second is what will be accepted the decision to transfer interest income from frozen russian assets to ukraine, because our deficit is simply incredible, well, you understand that the country actually 50% of all state budget expenditures is money that foreigners give us, if they stop giving this money, well, everything is economic collapse, well... my understanding is that anyway, any real alternative to this asset transfer is that our allies will be forced to find their own reserves, correct? eh, by the way, there is a trap here, right, but there is a trap here, a trap in why, the money, which we are talking about now, about 300 billion, this money should go to recovery and reconstruction, and i would very much not like such a story to happen now that now... the money is confiscated,
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if at all they will be confiscated, and then it will completely remove all other responsibility for further assistance to ukraine, what will they say, you know, we have already made a decision, these funds will be enough, they will not be enough, because i emphasize once again that ukraine needs about 40 billion dollars annually just for now to survive, to recover and to compensate - it is hundreds of billions of dollars, so i would separate these two tracks. the first track is aid to ukraine, which is provided by international financial organizations and our allies, the second track is confiscated funds, which should primarily be directed to the restoration of ukraine, but it is clear that until the moment when there is restoration, we generally need a war to win, and in order to win the war, we will not win it without money, well, here the question is again about european countries, to what extent they are generally ready, ready to take a decision which... according to the opinion of many experts in
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the european union, can undermine the confidence in the european financial system on the part of such countries as russia and china, of course. as of today , they are not at all, what i see, they are not ready to go. upon the adoption of this decision, and the first person who categorically opposes this decision is the head of the european central bank, the former managing director of the international monetary fund, christine lagarde. she talks about what it means, well, violates it sovereign immunity in general, she says that it can have a bad effect on the financial system, that is, it disrupts a lot. i have a very simple, not simple, but clear answer, i.e. russia's violation of international law, illegal aggression, an act of aggression against a sovereign state, this is not an undermining of international law, lack of responsibility for an act of aggression against ukraine is not undermining international law. i'm not talking about the fact that the fables that this can
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undermine the euro, it does not correspond to the action at all. as of today, the euro and the dollar can undermine only one thing: the defeat of ukraine in this war, because it will be the defeat of the west, and just as the pound sterling was once the key... reserve currency in the world, as soon as the british empire collapsed, it ceased to be the key currency, that is, the loss of power of the democratic world will mean the loss of currency strength, which is imitated by that democratic world, and not the other way around. to what extent do you think european and american politicians understand this, by the way, secretary of state blinken said that the united states can use the right to confiscate assets, but the main money is not in america. absolutely correct, a little more than 5 billion dollars is concentrated in the united states. by the way, the congress of the united states, when it made the decision to provide ukraine with 61 billion dollars, also provided for the special powers of the us president to confiscate this money. but 5 billion won't solve anything for us. because the russians clearly understood that
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assets located in the united states would definitely be blocked. and so they transferred all the money to the european jurisdiction. and that is why the main money, and this is more. 260 billion euros are placed precisely in europe, but we must also honestly say that part of this money is not just euros, it is dollars, and if it is dollars, then the federal reserve system of the united states is related to this, that is, the united states has jurisdiction over in relation to dollars, so in summary, the us has already adopted the relevant legislation, this is the first, secondly, canada has already carried out the relevant confiscation, thirdly, there must be a consensus at the level of the european union, and here will be the key issue regarding consensus and... i think that as soon as the decision is made for the european union to adopt the appropriate legal framework, which is lacking today, it will be immediately blocked, let's guess with you who, well, first of all, that is why europe needs to work seriously, but even from a political point of view, for their
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politicians, for their establishment, this decision would be correct, because then they would explain to their taxpayers, we confiscated russian assets, at the expense of these assets we are helping ukraine. and not at the expense of your money, but there is also such a thing here the question of how much in principle one can hope that these discussions will lead to the fact that the 300 billion dollars that are frozen can change the course of the war, i do not think so at all, i believe that the 300 billion dollars that are frozen can change the course of reconstruction, or rather the progress of receiving reparations from russia after the war . at a certain stage it is won, we will not discuss for a long time what a win is, but this is the only mechanism to get reparations from russia, uh, for the chinese to put pressure on russia in terms of stopping the war, that's how they like it now it is not profitable, because for china
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, the weakening of the west due to the help of the west in ukraine and by the hands of russia, is a good thing, moreover, it is... i think it is a part of their e new geopolitics, which they have drawn for themselves. their geopolitics is a multipolar world, well, i don't see multipolar there, i think it's bipolar at best, in general, somewhere in the back of their minds, it's unipolar, only china instead of the united states. and tell me, in principle, if we are talking about the situation that is now connected with vision european politicians about how to end this war without any financial pressure on russia, do you see any alternative, let's say, at least economically? vitaly, it will be impossible to stop this war without financial pressure, because this
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is actually a very complex approach, how to put pressure on russia until the moment when russia continues to sell oil and gas, and i will remind you that. .. oil and gas make up 40% of the revenues, the total revenues of the russian budget, at the moment while oil will be at the price it is today, and not below the price ceiling as predicted. until the moment when russia can finance its military budget, which is 120 billion dollars a year, this is only what we see, the war costs it, due to the sale of oil and gas and due to the circumvention of sanctions, until that moment , to china will continue to help russia in the supply of dual purpose goods and in the acquisition of its energy resources, well , there is little reason to say that this war will stop. not to mention that look at the changes in the russian leadership, it would be better to remain the ones that
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were, but in fact now the group of another war criminal chemyzov, for the audience, these are the oligarchs who are the head of rostec, that is , in fact, this is the key russian corporation that makes the most money from the war, she received all the key quotas in the russian government, the first vice-prime minister of defense, these are all natives, and shemytsov's courtiers, that is, we are talking about the fact that the restructuring of the russian economy to an exclusively military one is actually continuing rails, for a war of attrition, so it would be better if scumbags like shoigu and patrushev stayed there. thank you, mr. arseniy, arseniy yatsenyuk, a politician, economist, lawyer, former prime minister, chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine was in touch with us, now let's move on to internal ukrainian topics. such a rather important one, which i think concerns everyone today, is energy problems. oleksandr
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kharchenko, director of the energy research center. i congratulate you, mr. oleksandr. good evening. well, literally on the eve of our broadcast, there was a message that there will be power outages across the country the next, the next day. how can you explain the necessity of these shutdowns in the summer. well, the situation is quite transparent with that. with the amount of generation that was lost after march 22, starting from march 22, we simply do not have anything to produce electricity in sufficient quantity, physically, that is why these restrictions of consumers are happening, and how do you explain that when the energy companies, energy on all night, and many were already lining up some conspiracy theories, can you explain that? well, look, several factors have come together at the same time: firstly,
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no imports actually take place at night, due to the fact that the restrictions that are artificially kept by the regulator, the ukrainian national commission for the regulation of electricity markets and utilities, it has established certain price limits on the market, and at night, these restrictions are so low that it is practically impossible to buy something from the european market, and on that particular day, two more important factors came together: the first one had to be downloaded hydro-accumulating power plants, it was simply impossible to do it at other times, and it was necessary for the energy to go there, and as if we had much more serious problems both in the morning and the following evening, the third parameter was that several power units of other hydro plants had to be stopped due to certain the technical problems that arose there, they have already been resolved, but nevertheless it had to be suspended. hessians, so these parameters converged and as a result it was a very difficult night, that is, we can say
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that the repetition of just such global there are unlikely to be shutdowns, well, look, restrictions are what we will live with now, and will live with, well, for the next couple of years, at least, i don't see any ways or tools that could get us out of the situation we are in faster now... we are, now the repairs of nuclear power units will begin, and this will further limit the available amount of electricity in the system, so such restrictions, they will simply be a constant norm, and how will the situation look in winter, will it differ from summer? and look, july-august, they are in number of... consumed electricity are very similar to the winter months, there is no fundamental difference here,
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but there will be restrictions there inevitably, but there is hope that by winter it will be possible to restore a certain number of power units and thermal and hydroelectric power plants, and accordingly we will have a larger a resource with which it will be possible to operate, but again it is impossible to predict it 100%, because we do not know the schedule of attacks and what it looks like and how successful it will be, but the question arises, the russians have already destroyed everything they could from an energy point of view vision, do they still have the resource of destruction? i would say yes. there is more to destroy, but it will be much more difficult for them than what has already happened. to what extent, in principle, are some new schemes for energy survival of ukraine possible under these conditions: alternative energy, green energy, the creation of some local power grids, what can we do
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to make the situation easier for ourselves in the coming years, because we are talking about two years at least, but if will continue. war and we will repair, they will destroy, we will repair, they will to destroy, it may not be two years then, but 22 in such a system as we are in, and it is difficult not to agree what to do is quite clearly understood, here with green energy what is the nuance, no matter how much we love solar and wind electricity, but at the moment when we are talking to you, they are not giving us anything, that is, solar electricity is now ... unavailable, there is little wind today, and accordingly , wind generation is minimal, so unfortunately these sources of energy are not stable and are not so , which will especially help us, let's say on december 20, at the same time at 9:30 p.m., they will not help us with anything, and now the most effective way for ukraine, and there is actually no discussion among
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energy experts, is the so-called gas-fired and gas-turbine generation, these are institutions. of relatively small power, which will be very difficult to destroy all of them and which are very difficult to even attack all of them, among other things, gas piston installations, they are quite portable, they can be installed in such a way that it is difficult to even physically reach them, there, say, for kharkiv , they discussed installing in reserve tunnels metro, there in certain underground parking lots and so on and so on, because in kharkiv, for example, there is direct shelling. there, in general, protection is very difficult, so this is our way, we need to bring the amount of such generation we need into the country as quickly as possible, it is in principle available to the world market and the european market and the american market, that is, there are capacities that can be brought very quickly, very quickly in this context, it is 8-9
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months, then it is necessary to contract a really large volume, and plan and bring and install, and it should be dozens installations with a capacity of 50-100 mw and hundreds of installations with a capacity of 1.5-2 to 5-7 mw, which will be distributed both in cities and throughout the country, and which will also cover critical infrastructure, self-heating, sewage, everything from this is related, and in principle they will help us restore generation, but he will say... if we talk about what is happening with the purchase of energy energy in european countries, this will continue as a trend, do we have such opportunities at all? and we have such opportunities, but they are limited, we have restrictions from europe on electricity import of 1.7 g and even under
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the best schedules the physical limit is about 2 g. then we cannot physically attract more than two, a maximum of 2 gvvs of 100 mw from europe, and this is an insufficient volume, even to compensate for the deficit that we already have almost every day. and as for tariffs, what will happen to them? well, you know, my name is not denys anatoliyovych, and my last name is not a joke, and maybe there are some others. must be remembered, because what will happen to them, i will not tell you, i do not know, but the fact that we will not survive in the old soviet regime, in which we are now, is for sure, because no private investor in the situation, well , sorry, but again, soviet prices for the population on the main the energy carrier will not
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go into the sector, without private investment we will... well , sorry, we will not rebuild it, and even now, if we talk about the fastest recipes, it is private investment, the first thing that happens, which i can already see that many businesses are taking equipment to help their businesses working in blackout conditions is the first thing they do, because it is cheaper for them to bring gas piston engines there and install them and provide themselves with electricity than to fly off the grid and have a technological cycle in them. which lasts there for three weeks died, there are enough such businesses, but all these businesses are now working to ensure their own generation, but so far this generation will not bring them profit. will simply allow you to survive, but it must be profitable, then you will be lucky much more, and where do you need to start with industry, if talk about tariffication, or from the population?
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our industry actually lives in completely market conditions, that is, we have two parts, one part is the industry market, where prices vary from one hryvnia per kilowatt/hour to there, now it will be. up to 10, well now up to 8 hryvnias, where there are very different prices during the day, where there is constant trading, where you can work as in the real market, but due to the fact that we have a lot of such soviet relics, well, for example, yes, in the tariff of water utilities, the price of electricity is set at the level of 40% of the market price, which do water utilities in this situation? these , accordingly, do not pay, but it is impossible to turn them off, because what it means to turn off the water supply for a large city is to kill the city,
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it will not be possible to live without a water supply, without sewage and water in the city, accordingly, this kills the idea of ​​the electricity market, because debts are constantly accumulating, someone does not pays, someone is not paid, and this someone then has no interest in working in this market, and then what to do in such... and there we need to make changes, we need to remove all these artificial restrictions, introduce real ones market prices, i will remind you of the situation, you know it for sure, vitaly, in 2013, we had gas consumption of 72 million cubic meters, and in 2015 - 31, simply because the market and market prices were introduced then, and consumption was reduced and... they significantly changed the situation and introduced targeted subsidies, yes, there was a crazy political uproar, but no one died, and
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people received subsidies, and everything worked normally, but the same should be done with electricity, return it to gas and make jokes, targeted subsidies to those who really need it, everyone else has it, we don't otherwise we will survive physically, this war accelerated the process, well, i don't want to say a word. forms, yes, because it is already at the throat of everyone, but without these changes, we will not rebuild the energy sector, or a shutdown, or a change. well, you understand that what we are discussing with you is very unpopular in society, people will say that you see, we are losing money anyway, the standard of living is falling, the dollar is rising, tariffs will continue to rise here. it is necessary, listen, the situation is simple once again, vitaly, electricity will become less. and at some point people have to choose do they not have electricity for 12 hours a day, or do they have a market price, that is, this can also be the case,
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do you think that there will be no electricity for 12 hours, and what are the reasons for it to return, as long as there is no financial incentive to rebuild the electricity industry, which is expensive and long, well , really expensive and long. there is no such thing, it will not happen instantly, and the amount we need right now is somewhere under 3 billion dollars, right now, and then in 3 years we will have normal electricity again, well, that is, if we repair everything and nothing they will bomb again, well, let's build a distributed decentralized system of a completely different format, not soviet, and so on and so forth, but 3 billion, well, now the cabinet of ministers has allocated 1.5 billion for the restoration of heat. power plant, i realize that's not what it's about, right? well, these are different billions, then hryvnias, and then dollars, first of all, this money is simply plugging holes and repairing what can be restored after
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the attacks, there is a part of the capacities that can be restored, they must be restored before the season, it is critically important, and here i am the cabinet minister i fully support it, it must be done, but it must be understood that, again, this is the restoration of 50-year-old coal-fired power plants, into which rockets flew, and... in two or three years , no repair will save us, but who will give us these 3 billion , can i ask? well, it’s very simple, either we made changes and our private investors went into this business, or no one, well , we had private investors in energy , so-called investors, our cloud energy belonged to various leading business groups, why didn’t they reform at all all this, but simple you can say that'. the question, of course, and simply of course, it's rhetorical, they privatized it, they didn't build it, they didn't buy it, they stole it, well, let's be honest, and
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you and i remember the period well. what was happening, the theft of assets, who got what, everything that got cheap is not valued, it’s logical, in principle, i understand that we have several critical periods there, that’s right, now it will be june, it will be less serious, then july, august more serious, then autumn, and then with winter months that will be more difficult. in connection with the heating season, yes, that is, it is necessary, absolutely fair, absolutely fair, difficult difficult july, difficult august, easier in the fall, and from november begins and lasts until february a very difficult period, well, in fact, we now have to realize , which can be fixed, at least before the winter season, right, and we have the potential to repair and fix something,
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if that... objectively, everything that can be done now at the tactical level is sometimes crooked, sometimes obliquely, but it is done as intensively as possible, and technically the work is carried out as tightly as possible, there are many different problems, but believe me that at the level of performers, at the level of real people who do it with their hands, the work really goes on 24/7, well, i understand correctly, that... the possibilities of such companies as detek, they are now significantly limited in connection with these accidents, that we no longer have those monopolists on the market that were and those large holdings that were? and it is, well, in fact , the energy industry of ukraine now has a unique opportunity to get rid of monopolies, to get rid of a significant part of that, well, frankly, corruption that has eaten away at the energy industry for many years and is still partially continuing, because the changes that
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we... say, they will deprive many people of large cash flows, even now, today, but these cash flows are already much smaller because of the war, so in fact new players should come, smaller but more efficient, and they are, and there are many medium-sized businesses in ukraine that have already announced that they are very interested in entering this industry, various , there... mail and epicenter and i can now to list those who have already started their work in energy, and here they can form, because energy is an expensive and long business, you can't go there without capital, you can't go there without a team, you can't go there without management, all this is necessary, but the average ukrainian business can form a competitive and normal energy industry for ukraine now, in which at the end. war and
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immediately after the war, foreign investors will want to go and start giving real money. thank you, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr kharchenko, director of the energy research center. is discounts represent coco may discounts on estizifin 15% in plantain pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now and about the war let's talk more, serhii zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, and
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now about what is happening in the world. yuriy fizar will talk more about what happened, yuriy, good evening.


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