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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, we are starting the information day. khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. four injured as a result of night shelling in kharkiv. russian terrorists attacked the city with mortars. several private houses caught fire. a hit was also recorded in one of the recreation areas - informed the mayor of kharkiv igor terekhov. and in the morning there was another explosion in the city, he added. there are currently no details. the enemy attacked nikopol in the dnipropetrovsk region with drones and artillery. got a shrapnel wound. two-year-old
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male, damaged multi-apartment and 18 private houses, five farm buildings, a medical facility and cars. also in nivochchyna are gas pumps, power lines and 17 solar panels, - said the head of the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, serhiy lysak. and in the kryvorizka district, due to the fall of the rocket debris , the grass caught fire. palaev of the occupiers. o is temporarily occupied. a warehouse with fuel and lubricants exploded in dovzhansk, luhansk region. the infrastructure there is destroyed - said the head of the regional military administration, artem lysohor. according to him, this is already the third time a month destroyed a facility where the occupiers stored processing products for their army. more military equipment for ukraine from western partners. the allies announced another aid. according to the results of the meeting in
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the ramstein format. already at the end of june, ukraine will receive the second batch of leopard tanks from spain, as well as ammunition and missiles for patriot systems. this was stated by the minister of defense of the country, margarita robles. the netherlands will transfer the latest armored vehicles equipped with remote control. protection of the sky has also become a key issue. to finance strengthening air defense, belgium, denmark, norway and canada agreed. more than fifty leaders of countries will take part in the global peace summit, which will take place in june in switzerland. the participants will be from all continents, - said the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi in an evening video message. according to him, more than a dozen international negotiations are planned for the summit in order to convince even more countries to join. also, in the coming days, ukraine is preparing to sign several new security... agreements, as well as
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negotiations on new air defense systems and aviation are not going as fast as we would like, - said the president. unfortunately, the responsiveness of the free world is still lacking in these two tasks, but we still have a perspective and promising work with several partners, and we are doing everything so that the day when we can add strength will come as soon as possible. patriots, our eastern regions, our cities, such as kharkiv, such as sumy and others. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. in the kharkiv region , the intensity has halved over the past day fought the russians tried five times to storm near vovchansk, lyptsi and staritsa, 13 more in the kupinsky direction. fighting continues near senkivka and stelmakhivka. naigarya... still in
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the pokrovsky direction of donetsk region. there , ukrainian defenders repelled 25 enemy attacks, another 13 in the kramatorsk direction, near andriivka. in zaporizhzhia and kherson oblast, the armed forces of ukraine stopped four russian assaults. within a day , our rocket launchers and gunners struck the muscovites' control post. an air defense vehicle, an artillery system, a warehouse with ammunition and three important objects occupiers six. ambulances and three refrigerators for the evacuation of fallen heroes were handed over to our military by charitable organizations from belgium. emma statnyk found out who will receive them. these nine special cars from belgian benefactors will work for the needs of our army in the coming days. six ambulances for military units will help save the lives of soldiers, three refrigerators will be used for... the situation of fallen
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defenders of ukraine. after technical inspections and before equipping, these machines will be delivered to different regions according to the needs of the medical forces of the armed forces of ukraine. today we again met the convoy that will. in the near future, they will go to the east, to the north and to the south to rescue our defenders, help them, help deliver our defenders from the front line to stabilization points and to hospitals. the charity and health organization deals with the medical support of military hospitals and directly units of the defense forces of ukraine. during the full-scale invasion, volunteers delivered the organization for the needs of the front and near-front territories over. 90 ambulances. today's event is extremely important for us, due to the fact that it is one of the stages of stable cooperation with foreign benefactors, together with whom we bring to ukraine real cars, refrigerators, as well as vehicles for transporting people with disabilities. today we
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received another convoy, which is extremely important in the world of current events, because most of these vehicles will be sent to medical and military units in kharkiv region, where the exacerbation is currently taking place, as well as. on the hottest destinations of donetsk region. we received a refrigerator from a charitable organization, which will help us deliver our fallen brothers home to their relatives who did not wait for them, and with honor, and their last corner will be. the transfer of cars took place thanks to the belgian benefactors of the bfoa organization. they searched for the right cars, bought them and accompanied them on the way to lviv. this is already the 15th collaboration. belgian non-governmental organization and ukrainian volunteers. i want to explain my motivation. this is our moral the obligation to support ukraine, because it is located on the border of europe. therefore , helping ukraine is the minimum we can provide. i understand that i cannot
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help as a soldier, but i can do a lot as a volunteer. we managed to find these two ambulances and bring them here. my other colleagues managed to collect other equipment. thus, the general forces, we were able to transport 98 units of transport equipment to ukraine. six ambulances will be distributed among four units located in donetsk, bakhmut, kherson and kharkiv directions of the front. these vehicles are needed by the military medical units of the armed forces brigades to evacuate and stabilize the wounded, both military and civilian. and these fast ones are renimobiles, why are they called renimobiles, because they are fully equipped with... inheritance, these are patient monitors, this is a defibrillator, this is an oxygen station and a suction machine, which is so necessary, that is, this car can help immediately resuscitate a patient in a stable condition , in the stage of narcotic sleep to be transported by location requirements, i.e. from the stabilization point in
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the stage of anesthetic sleep to the hospital at the place of requirement. ema stadnyk, andriy polikovsky, espresso tv channel. on ivan. the sixth run along the route of the historic galician railway took place in the frankiv region. the participants covered a distance of 16 kilometers. in this way , the organizers want to draw attention to the restoration of the railway connection between prykarpattia and podillia, and also work on increasing the tourist potential of the dniester canyon. my colleagues will tell you more. runners' routes run mostly on a dirt road. already traditional. professional track and field athletes take part in the race, even children try their hand at shorter distances. oleg ozarko does not miss the opportunity to once again overcome the 16-kilometer distance. this time , the athlete managed to run it in 59 minutes and 57 seconds. this traditional run
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along the galician transversal railway is to support my colleague dima romanyshyn. i repeatedly support him in judging and as a participant, well, every year i... active participation every year, well, it's a tradition. route stretches along the tlumachik river near the dniester. it was here that the galician transversal railway used to run. the first freight train on the section from what was then stanislavov to buchach passed here on november 1, 1884, and passenger service opened on november 15. therefore, the purpose of the race is to motivate young people to do sports and to draw attention to the recovery of iron. connection between ternopil and ivano-frankivsk regions. the place is historical, on the site of the railway bridge of the galicia transversal railway, which once united ternopil oblast with frankiv oblast, and was a route to europe. i would like to note that
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this is the sixth time that our event has been held before europe day in ukraine. at the finish line, the participants took a commemorative photo, and the winners received medals and gifts. this concludes the episode, read more news on our website, also on our social networks below. stay tuned, put your favorites, welcome my colleagues oksana vosochanska and roman chaika later on the air, don't switch, stay with the espresso team.
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this year, for the first time in history, american students university kyiv presented ukraine in
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the united states, namely at the arizona state university graduate award ceremony. as our students emphasized during the speech, ukraine is the motherland of dreams, the largest aircraft in the history of mankind. it was destroyed because of the war, but no one will be able to destroy the true ukrainian dream of freedom, independence and prosperity. excited to share with you every week. therefore, we had the first graduation of our arizona state university students. many of our students were able to attend the graduation ceremony in the usa. i was very happy that our students became an important part and carried the ukrainian flag during the large-scale graduation ceremony at arizona state university. american university kyiv is a private university offering american-style higher education. it began operations three weeks before a full-scale invasion. but despite the difficulties he continued to work and develop. currently
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, about 350 students are studying at the university, they are future managers, entrepreneurs and it specialists. one of one of the most important advantages of our university is the opportunity to receive a double degree from us as a ukrainian university and from our partner in america, arizona state university, one of the largest in the usa, which is also a leader in digital and distance learning. studies, our educational programs are fully synchronized with the programs of arizona state university, so our students have the opportunity to receive a double degree: ukrainian from american university kyiv and american from arizona state university, which is very important from the point of view of building a successful career in ukraine and on global markets. the university says that they are proud of their graduates and are confident that they will build and glorify ukraine.
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good morning, thank you for being from espresso at this early hour, we are gathering information for you, you are gathering all your efforts for our defenders, which we will remind a little later, because we are already in touch with the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, serhiy brachuk, mr. serhiy, good morning. glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to the armed forces congratulations colleagues, good morning. at night there were explosions in odesa, that's how the tape briefly says that actually the monitoring channels all night reported that odesa, odesa, various settlements were constantly under threat. what was that? well, now, we are just now summing up the results of this night, the night was terrible again, the black sea was attacked again, the preliminary information was that no hits were allowed, but god willing, it will be so. and the consequences of this enemy attack will be reported by the air force in literally a few minutes, i think, but shot down,
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shot down enough, and i hope for a very good result, the same as the south actually shows, in particular ukraine, all these days, then odesa takes first place, then mykolaiv region, then mobile fire groups work well, our anti-aircraft defenders work, so i i hope the results will be as good as possible, we see that the enemy has now again... taken such a terrible job, a terrible direction to the south and is actually attacking odessa, well, literally every day, and we actually have air reconnaissance, the enemy is working, trying to... work with drones every day, works actively on the city, especially, tries to penetrate deep into our territory, but we shoot down, we also shoot down successfully, but the activity is high, they may be preparing for another missile strike, although again missile strikes, shelling of us also continue practically every day, these are pinpoint strikes,
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the use of ballistics, in particular from crimea, of course, and the tactical... enemy aviation is showing active activity, and these are kh-59, kh-69 missiles, that is, there may be variations, it can be shot down so far at least 100% mr. serhiy, is it possible to draw any conclusions about what was the goal of the russians in odesa this night, were they trying to attack any specific objects, were they looking for routes, what were they doing, do you already have such information, well, judging from those routes that the enemy is trying to... lay, first of all, as always, the complexity of these routes is something that we note every time, after every attack, on the eve, by the way, the enemy tried to launch shakeds quite high, which is actually, well let's say so, certain, not that know-how, but well the highlight is that they are doing it now, for which, i think, first of all, the military also
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agrees, they say that it is possible and first of all, including, well, hitting is clear, they are trying to... hit primarily civilian infrastructure , but also the collection of reconnaissance data, that is, they already use the maximum shaheds for this, that is, accordingly, the height, and i think that this time too, taking into account the geography, it was, let’s say, the south of our region, it was the bilhorod-dniester district, this is actually odessa itself, that is, we take the coastal, let's say, conditional zone, that is, it's civilian infrastructure, and of course they also try to... wear out the air defense system, because they do several waves, it's not a massive one-time attack, you don't even count those waves on the one hand, because they launched two there and are waiting, then again, that is, there is such a period of time, i think that, as always, it is critical, civil, possibly port infrastructure. yesterday i paid attention to
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an interview with people who send grain in the southern route through... they say that we no longer build them in such large agricultural complexes, directly, as they say, we unload the collection of scraps, is this connected with the fact that the russians managed to destroy this hangar and all this infrastructure, or is such a strange tactic for security reasons , this is about our black sea agrarian route, i understand, you are apparently referring to the interview of the head of the regional military administration, paneki. who spoke about it, olek oleksandrovich really spoke about the fact that a significant part of our near-port, agrarian, let’s say so, infrastructure, it really destroyed, because during all this time, since the beginning of this work of this export corridor, the enemy fought and continues to try to fight with our ukrainian wheat, with our farmers, so there are
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several factors here, first of all, of course, everything is done with a view to safety and... ensuring the fulfillment of those agreements that exist, including with carriers and those who work along this export corridor, as they say, not the only grain, but in any case the port infrastructure has suffered a lot, so the enemy is fine understands that this is what ensures the operation of this particular export corridor, and in fact always tries to destroy it, that is why i say that the enemy's target is always civilians. critical port infrastructure, all that ensures the work and activity of the region, the economy of the region itself. mr. sergey, not only odesa, in fact the entire south, kherson region, even kirovohrad region and even cherkasy region flew today, how did the night pass in these regions, that is, in other southern regions? well, if we take the kherson region, it is clear here, it is purely such a front-line region,
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here it is clear, the right bank, there are not only shaheds, there is also ... counter-battery artillery fighting is constantly going on, and the enemy also uses its drones to hit civilians, we know that they do not shy away from hitting purely by peaceful people, if there is any gathering of people there, even there near the village shops, there have even been cases when single people are moving somewhere on a bicycle, there are such cases, they could chase and drop the appropriate explosives there, and so on... there are muscovites here too well, what can i add here, a terrorist is a terrorist, well , what logic can be explained, as far as the mykolaiv oblast is concerned, combat work was also going on, and actually in those regions that you... said, well, the results now, of course, we are still waiting for the responding forces , they will already have a general picture of who, how many were shot down, something happened, i really hope that
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the previous information that there were no hits in odesa will also be confirmed, well, actually in other regions as well, but let's not forget that beating is, let's say, 2/3 of the case, and then there are also consequences from wreckage, unfortunately, that's why it's up to the rescuers and they are also for... always honor and praise, because they work 24/7, desperately, bravely and bravely, you knew, mr. serhiy, yesterday the security service of ukraine in the odesa region reported with the prosecutor's office that yesterday they detained an uncle who allegedly employed sailors there on merchant ships, he has a whole bunch of documents and the controller of the infoxvodokanal company, and a journalist and that's all. to others, a bunch of priests, that is, the task was to merge all the locations of bases, including the geolocation of the television of the transmission center, that is
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, the odesa tv tower, well, this is an extreme story, but there are many of them from odessa who are hired by the fsb, because it was the fsb who fitted him with all the documents, did the fsb fit him, or did local craftsmen do it here, that will answer that . yes, yes, yes, as always, uh, although, you know, i think that things have changed a little bit now, in any case, let's put it this way, not everything gets into the information plane for obvious reasons, because somewhere accordingly , operative and investigative work is being carried out, then the knot will be unraveled, because you know that there were not just one or two agents exposed in odesa, although it is also necessary to find him, it's just a job... sometimes it is unique, and also entire networks of the fsb, and is there a russian agent there in the city, in the region, of course, there are, our officers,
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the security service of ukraine work in this direction , there is also countersubversive work constantly, i say again, not everything gets into the information plane, i think that what is there is enough, because the work is intense, there is a lot, a lot of work, of course, but i hope that there will be as many as possible after all you'. you are those zhduns, or whatever you call them, those who try to direct enemy missiles, including at civilian objects, it's obvious, when this happens, you don't catch everyone at once, but then karma will surely catch up, there is human judgment , there is a heavenly punishment, here with this too, you know, i remember the story, i will tell you very quickly about one of the objects that russia tried to destroy, i don't know eight or nine times. there was a corresponding video that immediately appeared in the corresponding russian telegram channel, which has a name including using the name of our city, and you
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know, no one believed that they would catch, they caught, they did catch, he is behind bars, i hope he is not very sweet there, but everything is in accordance with the current legislation, mr. serhiy, thank you for such kindness and thorough conversation in the morning, serhii bratchuk was with us, the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, short. we will talk further about kharkiv-kharkiv region, there is also a very, very difficult situation there, in fact, wait a few minutes, there are discounts, they represent the may discounts on a knife paforte 15% in pharmacies for travel memories and savings.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, live broadcast, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays. at 9:00 vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become languages ​​for many relatives, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. events, events that are happening
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right now and affect... our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand, antin borkovskyi and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future . every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. pick up the wounded on time from the battlefield - means to save his life, gave a lift to the bc, gave a lift to the boys, a quad bike - this is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating wounded soldiers. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar.
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your place is waiting for you, the light remains on, for dinner - what you like, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming. they are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because it is yours at home they dream about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we were surprised, because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby.
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half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win, and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible, so when you are home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation. which united around you, good morning, thank you for espresso, the night was disturbing both in the south and in the north, the tape dryly says, the russians are trying to take new positions in vovchansk, but their armed forces while they are holding back, we will find out from oleksiy how it looks directly in vovchansk. for
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the kharkiv chief of the response sector of the vovchan department of the national police, mr. oleksiy, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, only i am from kharkiv, not from kharkiv, well, excuse my accent, and mr. oleksiy, tell me what it looks like in vovchansk, and- and constant shelling continues in vovchansk, you are right, the enemy keeps trying to occupy some streets, enter the territory, enters. on the territory of the city of vovchanska, but our armed forces fight back the enemy, but they don’t stop shelling the city, the city, yesterday a large number of rockets flew over the city of vovchansk and the community, 20 rockets were launched nearby, they are destroying the city completely, smashing everything they can, artillery, mortars are constantly working ,
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it is very difficult to find in the city itself. there are almost no civilians left, but yesterday we closed 25 applications, 25 people, for evacuation in the city, yes, yes, for evacuation, or how many people are still left, if you have such calculations, and if it is possible to voice also, regarding the outskirts of vovchansk, are there still civilians there, well, there are no such calculations, and it is impossible to count, every day we think that... there are almost no people left there, yes, but every day people still leave and leave and leave a little bit people are still coming out in vovchansk itself, there are also villages on the outskirts of the village, which are near the city of vovchansk, we also take people from the floodplain, well, in vovchansk itself , there are still a few applications already in the morning,
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well, now we will show the real thing. shots of people who succeeded


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