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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EEST

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yes, but yesterday we closed 25 applications, 25 people in the city, you mean for evacuation, right? yes, for evacuation. how many people are still left, if you have such calculations, and if it is possible to voice, and also, regarding the outskirts of vovchansk, are there still civilians there? well, there are no such calculations, and it is impossible to count, every day we think that there are no more people left there. yes, but every day people still go out and go out and go out, little by little people still go out in vovchansk itself, the same is true on the outskirts of the village, villages that are next to the city of vovchansk, we we are also taking people from the evacuation center, well, in vovchansk itself, there are still several applications from this morning, well, now we will show the actual footage of the people who managed to... evacuate,
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let's look together, and then we will continue our conversation, mr. oleksiy. thank you all, thank you very much for everything, sons, daughters, i risked my life, you pulled us out of such a mess, we can't bear it, for days, for days, we will definitely win, glory to ukraine, heroes, glory, look what a positive attitude people have. they understand that home is unknown when will return, but the mood is great and the main thing is that people are grateful to our defenders, this is the general picture, are there more people who are perhaps more upset, panicking, in a different emotional state? and there are enough different cases, some people there don't even have homes anymore, what you have to understand is that we take them from shelters already there from some or from neighboring homes there. they stayed somewhere with their
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friends and so on, because well, a lot of things were broken in the city, many were injured, alexia, and when they beat like you say, you shelling is going on, including the cabs, which means that they have abandoned the idea of ​​entering the city, as was the case the day before, or that they are hitting themselves with friendly fire or not or are not entering the city. there are no fights, they are beating themselves, they are beating around the city, our defense forces, some such provocative questions, i want to know whether they are trying to enter the city and are beating on their own or how, how to consider two pieces of information, on their own the city 70 km from the city of vovchanskyi is beaten in all positions, beaten on the positions of the defense forces, hit civilian objects, civilian infrastructure.
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homes are being destroyed, schools are being destroyed, everything that is on the territory is simply being destroyed by kafis, there are none in the north, since there was a report a few days ago that they entered the northern regions from the north, everyone should ask such questions to the military, where are they there in the north, in the south, and so on, okay, mr. oleksiy, this is for the military, then we want to tell you about your work, more, we understand that you are also helping to evacuate, what else now... the most important thing is to evacuate people, now we are evacuating, we hope, the remnants of people who remained in the city of vovchansk, who were not contacted, they could not report this and so on, there are various cases there, we hope that they will be there literally for a couple of days and the evacuation plus or minus will end in the vovchansk style, because... well, i'm saying, the people are already
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unknown, it's unknown where these people were, but we find, you show footage from other areas, er, we show because evacuation is actually not only in vovchansk, there is evacuation in in various front-line and actually border towns, that is why we are demonstrating what is happening in different parts of our country, mr. oleksiy, and we understand that vovchansk is a little further away from tsg. liman, vilcha, can we say about these settlements now that evacuation will also need to be carried out there, maybe there are already some such plans, are we currently stopping at vovchanchansk, no, no, we are evacuating, and the village is almost evacuated, vilcha remained there about 30-40 people at most, the same as liman, there are already units there all that remained was a scree, a small village, that's why almost all these villages have already been evacuated, they... we
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help them and take out all these people. we saw on the footage that people also try to take their animals with them, do you actually have such an opportunity to evacuate together with your pets, so that it does not happen like in sumy oblast, when people simply ran away, and sometimes dogs were even left tied up , then the volunteers drove them separately on occasion and freed them, there are many different cases, many different cases, if it is a small a dog and people there hold him in their arms, then he usually gets in and leaves, even a german shepherd was evacuated yesterday, because one of our cars was a pickup truck, so she and her owner got into the back of the car and left
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too, well, calm dog, he was holding her, have left, but in most cases the owners do not take their animals, if there is an opportunity for evacuation groups that have... animals, volunteers, then they come and take such animals, but where we take people from their homes, we usually tell people , what if they don't if a dog is taken away, it must be released so that it does not starve to death there in the cage or in the enclosure. mr. oleksii, thank you for the answers, for participating in our broadcast, oleksii kharkivskyi was with us, the head of the response sector of the vovchan department of the national police, in a few minutes we will talk more about kharkiv and kha, now we have the first data for the previous day from our general staff, so regarding work of the defense forces, we have 1,380 expelled russians, and it has been two weeks when we see such figures up to 1,500 per
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a day, from minuses, also a large amount of equipment, experts and military analysts are actually talking about kharkiv oblast. that a very characteristic feature of their offensive in the kharkiv region is that they go as if in small groups, but lose a huge number and personnel, and leave a lot of their equipment there, well, but then they try some, i see numbers that exactly in this direction of vovchan , about which we have just started a conversation, there in a week already almost 200 of you have been sent to the kopzone, that is, it is about how these battles are fought, maybe in small groups, but one with... the other is something similar to what they used recently in the pokrovsky and chasoyariv areas, that is, non-stop, one repulsed attack continuing to the next, but you see, there is this phillips o'bryan, this is an american historian, he investigates the war, and he says that what is happening now in kharkiv oblast is not
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a breakthrough, it is not some kind of powerful offensive, they are just trying to go in small groups in order to destabilize the situation, so it is necessary to pay attention to it. kharkiv was like that the strategic goal, of course, it collided with obba, the same vovchansk, and here, that is, the idea was like this, well, now we will ask artem revchuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council, in connection with us, mr. artem, good morning, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, congratulations. studio ukraine. we know that just a few minutes ago, maybe a little more, a few minutes ago, up to an hour ago, there were explosions in kharkiv, do you still have an alarm and what was it, do you already have information, can you share it? actually so restless
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it was another restless night for the people of kharkiv, er, shahyeds were flying there all night, there were five explosions, there were fires, one, one of the shahyeds fell there. in sarjan moriera, i don't know why lately they have been hitting cemeteries, places of recreation of citizens, well , apparently this is a new strategy, plus also from hits, well, somewhere, a few minutes ago, not a few minutes, but maybe half an hour somewhere ago, there was a hit to the object of the transport infrastructure, as a result of which the voltage in the network dropped, and now, unfortunately, they do not run on... trains on the oleksiivska metro line, the metro on the oleksiivska line works only in shelter mode, ugh, eh, this is this morning explosion, these are its consequences, yes, i understand correctly, yes, what is the logic, you mentioned one of the beautiful parks, and i’m
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even looking at the photo here the path between the trees, just walking there, as there is no logic, especially since it is morning, well, who is there at 6 o'clock. there will be in the park, what is the logic of such shelling? well, well, the fact that they hit it there at night, maybe they just didn't hit it there, but their logic is very simple. their task strategic, it is for the population of kharkiv to leave the city for the time being, to empty the city, to create a humanitarian disaster, you see that somewhere yesterday there was a day of mourning, before that there was a hit in a recreation city near the city, which killed six vehicles and there, more than 10 people, 16, as far as i remember, were injured, and after that, the central park was also hit, this is all done
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in order to cause maximum damage to the civilian population, because in an open area, when a rocket hits, it is very there can be large casualties, it’s one thing when a person is indoors, they are more or less protected from shrapnel there, they understand this perfectly and cynically find places where you can... hit precisely at people who are not protected, in kharkiv everything it is complicated by the fact that first there is an explosion, and then only an air alarm sounds, that is , people are basically unable to react to the threat posed by this deadly weapon. mr. artem, what does it look like now in general in the city in terms of power outage schedules, in terms of supply, how does the city live? well, to be honest well, well, if compared with mass shelling. there for somewhere in the middle of march and take it now, the situation has more or less
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stabilized, blackouts, if there are, are quite isolated, but there are no such massive fan blackouts, but today i say that it is the first time that they hit the ob object of the transport structure, most likely they damaged a station under the station, maybe the voltage dropped in the whole city, well... in that part of the city, who was where, and trains stopped running on the oleksiivska line, and that's it , mr. artem, but i wanted you to ask a deputy who knows the situation on the ground, when prime minister shmyhal is sitting in the center, and they vote 1.5 billion for the reconstruction of thermal power plants, it is logical, but one of them is zmiivska, it is yours, what is the meaning of burning billions uah, right? a patriot is already standing near zmiivska, what is the logic of rebuilding under shelling? well, for them
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the logic is possible and clear, it doesn’t matter to them how to master the budgets, well , that’s my personal opinion, but if it concerns there, well, a way out of the situation that has developed even without, that is, that they allocate 1.5 billion for the reconstruction of the zmiiv ots, this is not taken into account at all. the security situation in which the kharkiv region is in general, because, well, now it will not be rebuilt, but tomorrow it will be demolished, and here, in my personal opinion, this is a corruption component, because, well, you know, money was allocated, and the rocket flew again and it will not be possible to calculate whether it was really allocated or not allocated, whether it worked, how well it worked, the only way out for kharkiv region and for such front-line places is to build... smaller power plants, disperse
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them as much as possible in order to diversify all the risks associated with hitting, well, the corruption scheme is called the war will destroy everything, we talked about it more than once, we were just surprised that everything worked like that in zmiivsk, we have literally a minute left, that this was for a story, a man of 8 years now shines on him for simply giving out places where movie summonses are issued. photographed, published all this, and this is a person who sees many hours of alarms, arrivals and so on every day, is this some kind of exception or more often there are such situations, i don't think, well, it's him, well, i don't think that it's an exception, there is, unfortunately, i met an acquaintance at, well, one of the places there, a mass place there, well, let's say in the market, yes, an old acquaintance , he boasted so much that he says: where are you, what are you - well, i tell him, i am there, my brothers are there
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, i am an evasive person, i do not know what this is connected with, but i am told by the information policy, which is now some kind of doesn't really encourage, let's say , boys and men to go defend the homeland, that some kind of service in the army has now turned into for some kind of punishment, not a... for the man, unfortunately, well, unfortunately, we see that this company, which was promoted from the inside and outside, i evade such consequences, yes, we understand, sir. artem, thank you for the information, hold on, we already have from the regional military administration, detailed information on the enemy shaheds who were shot down, the fall led to the fact that two private houses, a garage caught fire, part of the debris fell on the road surface of the private sector, and
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another wreck damaged a minibus that burned down, this is the information from kharkiv. about this, about these night shellings, well, you already heard from our guest artem revchuk that the morning strike was aimed, probably at the metro depot, somewhere somewhere there, because one of the metro lines was disabled for the time being, by the way, until now there is an air alert in cherkasy region, kirovohrad region and dnipropetrovsk region , monitoring channels report that there are probably several shaheds flying there, so remember about safety, and we are going for a short break and will be back. a few minutes with news from sumy oblast, wait. fm: galicia. listen to yours. camera,
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fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the formation together. let's return to our air, as promised by the representative of sumy oblast, the head of the bilopy otg, yuriy. mr. yury, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good morning to everyone, the last time we talked to you, you were just standing near destroyed, battered houses, it was in bilopyl, yes, it was in bilopyl, and we want to ask how life is now and bilopol' and neighboring settlements, are there still residents there, is there life there now, well , of course there is life, as long as there is the last resident, in any case, there are still people remaining, well , of course, not many, because the main a lot of people, they already are. drove, evacuated to safer cities, er, live, relatively speaking, an ordinary life, an ordinary life, but the problem
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is that a lot of services are no longer available, as it was before, even the same ones of receiving a pension or withdrawing money from an atm or somewhere to buy something, it already becomes so a certain problem, i.e. in bilopol and along the border, certain, certain services have already been disconnected, and that is, either them. it is impossible to carry out or what i mean shops, a pharmacy, something like that is still present? well, conventionally, for us, this indicator has always been atb for everyone, yes, atb is not closed, a lot of entrepreneurs have also stopped, well, suspended their activities, when they left for safer places, eh, services, the bulk of services are not, well , not provided, but we have them works for the city council, because the city council also works, we work in the shelter, there is a problem with pensions, that's why that the post office has suspended its activities, we are trying to issue, well, organize delivery in other cities, er, also the payment
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of all social services, now there will be a particularly big problem for issuing for low-mobility groups, those who received at their place of residence, but also with the management of the post office , these issues are now being resolved, pharmacies, in principle, some are working, well, the main ones, you know, the main thing is, you need, there are products in any case, there are some medicines, the hospital, the first one is working, something is true in such a different way, such cut off, as they say, but we work what do the military tell you from the side where the tyotkino and other orcs are, something is happening there, they scare you or give you information that is sufficient for you, as for the local authorities, to understand the situation, well... we understand that, because we we are very close, we understand roughly what is happening there, and military analysts say the same thing, that there is no large crowd, maybe some movements, but we
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also have to understand what the main goal, yes, the main goal of the barrage is to pull away as much as possible voices, voices, pull away from our troops from kharkiv, that is, to extend the front, uh, we understand that there are people who remain, or there are those who... previously left and are now returning, because we heard such stories in kharkiv oblast, chernihiv oblast, even in the front-line zone in donetsk region, do you already have this phenomenon? yes, i think this is a phenomenon, you know, maybe some people had some inflated expectations from the place where they were, well, now conditionally, where they evacuated, for some it was already time to spray the bugs there or weed the vegetable garden, well in fact... that this is happening, but every day, in any case, there are many more people leaving than coming in, we understand that the drgs have also become more active in kharkiv oblast and
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sumy oblast, whether local residents have noticed something like this somewhere, i don't know , maybe they were walking in the woods somewhere, or somewhere else, or there are some that are not their own, not local, well, look, the drg will not go to the settlement now, that is understandable, because in the settlement even every dog, every dog ​​knows. well, in the face of their residents, that is, the drg will go somewhere in the forest, go somewhere on some field paths where few people walk, but i think that they will be met there and are met often, so i hope that the population has nothing to worry about, especially since people just can't go out into the forest or even just somewhere to walk in the field, at most, somewhere that is closest to one's house, in order to tentatively put a cow there or something, that is, now not before... not before traveling through the forest or other cities, so i think there is a minimal opportunity to meet an ordinary resident derg, mr. yuriy, here you are you are sitting in a shelter, we understand that...
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they can break away from their people at any moment, and here you are sitting and each other, you must have answered the question one way or another, and what next, what will we do next, here do you have a vision and look, we are already talking about the worst, i understand, well, we analyze it, roughly, we understand that we must organize our work in any case, especially since we have a negative experience of the 22nd year, when we at all... did not know what to do, and now we already have a positive experience of others communities that are, for example, under occupation, temporarily, er, who organized the work, some, we know, did not move conditionally for organized work at all, and some are still working at a distance, so i have already prepared mock-ups of the relevant orders, that is, how to make it so that, god forbid, the community worked, provided work, at least there were some
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services for those people. who remained and give people the opportunity to receive a salary, well, people who even working at, as they say, somewhere in remote workplaces could to fulfill one's duties, and well in this way, that is, there is a vision, and of course one must prepare for this, even if it is better not to be needed, but we will be ready, sick children, people with limited mobility, people with special needs, or these categories? population remain in the border zone, is there actually a plan for them, how to act in case of what? well, first of all, we understand, children, see when it will be, god forbid, well, there is such a real danger, we understand that the children must be evacuated one hundred percent, that’s for sure, that’s without asking for consent there parents together with one of the parents, take the children, take them to a safer city, the situation is similar with people with limited mobility, now
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there are a lot of people... people with limited mobility who have already been displaced, we also prepare such temporary points in our community, but in safer places stay, where these people could stay, that is, a lot of people have already left it, and if there is a need, we will also organize it, we have a very powerful territorial center for the care of the elderly, everyone, every person is on control, and therefore we will, well, if only... there is a need, we immediately evacuate them to a safe place, but with this evacuation, i understand that the majority, one way or another, either in the depths of the region or on sumy, and there is some kind of centralized somewhere i don't know from the sumy regional military administration, help to these people, we understand that we have literally one minute, is there any monetary support package for the first time, look, well, the procedure is very short,
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then yes, we are people they turn to us, we... through charity funds, also precisely for the assistance of the district and regional administrations, this is not for the sake of advertising, but for the sake of the truth, a contract has been concluded with a charity fund for a certain number of routes, these buses transport up to the amount to the evacuation headquarters, then it is distributed to places of compact temporary stay, people are provided with hot food at least once a day, and food kits are provided, plus accommodation, we understand, free of charge.
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to tell about them, i know that there is already information about what was flying over ukraine today to kill khrystyna, i promise you, tell me. greetings, colleagues, thank you about the situation in the regions of our country, after the russian shelling, i will tell you in the issue, as well as about the losses of the enemy in a moment, do not miss it. news on the espresso studio , khrystyna perubiy works. one person was injured as a result of a rocket attack on kharkiv. in the morning, the russians hit the object of the transport infrastructure. four more people.


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