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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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on espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does mr. norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this is in the information. in september, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast, 2 hours of airtime, 2nd hour of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become a native language to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events day in two'.
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big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. and i am reading the law, more precisely, not the law, the draft law, and i want to ask you, like my mother, the draft law on amendments to the tax code from the servant of the people serhii hryvka, he says to introduce childlessness tax, a draft law already registered in the verkhovna rada, i.e. if you do not have children, you pay another 1.5% tax. with one child, you have 1%, with two half percent, that 's at least three children, in order to avoid even more taxes, what's your idea, a kind of way, you know, to improve the demographic situation, that reminded me, i read this bill and remember the initiative of the communists china, that the sparrows prevent us from collecting enough, and they killed all the sparrows, but the logic of doing something is similar to that of the chinese communists and the horovites, only here talking about our people, taxes and... children,
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and now about our sea, we sang about my sea during the commercial break, and what is done on it knows the captain of the first rank of the reserve of the naval forces of ukraine, andriy ryzhenko, he in connection with our studio, mr. andriy, good morning, glory to ukraine, so we see you, but we don't hear something, maybe somewhere there we need to turn on the sound, turn it on, yes, yes, it should be now, that's it, we hear you, mr. andriy, good morning, good morning, tell me, we got confused in those two ships and in two pine trees, as the saying goes, one was about minesweeper, the second was about the missile carrier of the last zyklon, so it’s more interesting, of course we need to find out about the zyklon, because they say that this is the last dagger carrier, so it was sunk, not sunk, broken, burned, what is it, well, look, it’s really here now, i understand , our reconnaissance... it carries out
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the study of this area, it is known for sure that two days ago, two days ago, the ukrainian armed forces launched a missile attack with two missiles in the area of ​​kurinoe bay in sevastopol, this is the northern side of sevastopol bay, it very good known to ukrainian sailors, because there were mainly ships of the navy of ukraine before the occupation of crimea, now small ships of the russian federation are based there, including this corvette of the karokurt type, which was called the cyclone, of course it is very interesting that in until recently, there was only one of these cyclones in sevastopol, and for what purpose did they do it, they kept only one ship in sevastopol, it’s... well, it’s a little strange, they say that
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it allegedly carried out some kind of anti-aircraft defense, you can see it in the stern he has this complex man, well, it will not save the sevastopol bay in the event of a mass raid, it is a self-defense complex, so it is only for a single ship, and it is indeed known from our sources and even from local sources in sevastopol that there was a missile recovery in the area of ​​koriya bay. at first , the naval forces gave information about kovorovets, who was allegedly also there, which is quite a bit strange, although it is possible, and then, after additional study of satellite images, it was concluded that this corvette of the karakur cyclone type had disappeared somewhere, they are similar in size... the length
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is a little less than 70 m, the displacement is actually identical, a little more than 800 tons, but of course , in terms of importance, in terms of cost, the corvette type. perekurt is much more expensive and valuable for the russian federation, well, its value, i think, is now 20 times higher than the value of this 50-year-old junk, but i think that now we need to wait for the investigation by our accounting authorities so that they can confirm what happened either one or both were destroyed, well, that's the information most likely. shows that there was at least this destroyed corvette is a cyclone of the karact type, but i want to remind you that there are eight more seeds of dagger missiles, they are now in novorossiya, these are three submarines and five surface ships, and they are capable
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of using caliber missiles against the entire territory of ukraine, that's it they are irregular, but they also do it, so we still have to work in russian. big t is all they still have, and besides these eight ships that you mentioned, they still have in the black sea, and what a threat it poses to us now in ukraine, that is, there is some work for us, well total, the total number of ships, battleships and boats in the black sea is now slightly less, less than 60, at the beginning of the war there were more than 80, including those that came. the northern and baltic fleets, they are now in principle, well, the main threat to us is missile strikes, now, it is obvious, there are not as many as before, but they also use their missiles, and we have seen this in the last month, at first eight, then
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four, there are calibers in the village, and by the way, i want to remind you that on the caspian sea there are still four missile launchers of calibers and... and in total, together with the black sea missile, there are eight, they can, well, the missile can add up to more than 80 missiles, and what they keep in the sea of ​​azov, and what they hope for, is a little more complicated even than black, and this is the caspian sea, and the caspian, i just thought that you are talking about the azov sea, this is the caspian sea, they have the caspian flotilla there, this sea is very important to them. it is very important, we know that a large number of military personnel are transported through the caspian sea means for them from, well, from iran, in particular , they carry out a lot of such work there, let’s say work in order to keep the caspian sea
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under control, and by the way, the first missile strikes on syria were also carried out by the russian federation, just from the caspian sea, except moreover, in addition to missile strikes and... what remains relevant is that the northwestern part of the black sea, it is now dangerous for shipping, there is no shipping there, there are no russian ships in the sea for this, as it was before, but they can act, well to shoot at these vessels if they leave the crimean peninsula, landless missile systems from aviation, that is exactly what the armed forces of ukraine regularly do. are carrying out attacks on airfields, and recently there was an attack on bilbek airfield last week , that's it, that's it, well, the second threat is the obstruction of shipping and it's urgent, i want to remind you that the ports of mykolaiv, ochakiv, kherson are now
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completely blocked, and 80% of our coastline, all of which is in the hands of the enemy. well, the third task is this landing of troops. its relevance now is very small, it is carried out by the russians, but you see, they have been holding novorossiysk with their forces for more than two years, these amphibious ships, and they are repairing the ships that we damaged as best they can, they are made in sevastopol, at the 13th plant of the ministry of defense russian federation. mr. andrii, in conclusion , we can simply see about the same novorossiysk that ateshivtsi, crimean tatars. such an underground movement, let's call them our partisans, they give us information not only from crimea, but they say that preparatory work is underway in novorossiysk to protect this fleet, which is stationed in this port, there is talk of some sort of floating barriers, of nets, which supposedly our
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naval drones, like the kids, not only have to stop, but somehow this attack is extreme looked like drones. well, roughly the same way as the soviet army fought in the second world war, you know, they beat the elderly with machine guns, the crossfire resembled anti-aircraft guns of the 41st, and... no, not highly effective anti-aircraft defense, at least the russians themselves laid it out, so there on defense, by water and by air, well now after several attacks by us ships and vessels of the ministry of defense of russia near novorossiysk, they are significantly strengthening their base and the port itself. i want to remind you that the port is very, very necessary for novorossiysk. its annual annual transshipment volume is 160 million
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tons, this is very, very much, it is 5 times more than the port of odesa, ours before the war, and well, it is the largest port of the black sea, that is, in terms of cargo transshipment, so now they are strengthening it, now they really are, considering that the main threat is our marines drones, missiles there... until foreign ones fly, they protect novorossiysk and the civilian part and the military, just with these bonosene fences, maybe some pontoons will be put up, anti-sabotage patrol boats will definitely be put up, helicopters that are patrolling will definitely be involved in this and the destruction of these naval drones is a disaster. how they will find them, these are
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the measures they take, and as for the attack, of course, in principle, small-caliber artillery and machine guns effective against such means, but it is very important that these means, or weapons , have a normal targeting system, target detection and guidance, and night vision devices. maybe there are some radar stations there, but unfortunately, they don't have that, fortunately for us, and this leads to such chaotic shooting, and we saw it, by the way, if you remember, novocherkassk, there was such a video, then there really was such chaotic shooting, there were fighters, they were running with machine guns, somewhere there, a searchlight would illuminate something, they over there... they are starting to fire, well, in general, you can watch, it was good, mr. andriy, it was
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good, we want more of them firing like that, they are so cross, the locals say, they are very pleased, you can read it in the public, mr. andriy , thank you for the analysis and comment on the current situation, andriy ryzhenko, the captain of the first rank of the reserve of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, was about the situation at sea, he explained everything to us, and while we were talking with mr. andriy , the head of the german foreign ministry, anyana berbok, arrived in kyiv , well, i would like something... but not alone with someone party of taurus, but apparently there was no place for this good in the train, further on our air we will try to analyze and find out the purpose of this visit, what to expect, what results, in a few minutes serhiy zgurets will be with us, also about weapons and we will talk about the results of yesterday's romstein, wait. argin is working, i remember, it will be morning. without a hangover, haven't seen the classics in underwear, nobody or what? i
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wrote a children's poem here, will you listen? tractor in the field, dir-dir, why did we stop? in the latest issue of the magazine ukraine. bill 5655, reform or a corruption trap, the investigation of the country, when and how crimea will return to ukraine, an interview with the chairman of the mejlis ryfat. chubarov, how the defense of kyiv actually took place, colonel oleksandr vdovichenko of the ukrainian armed forces, memories of the brilliant ukrainian translator mykola lukash and many other stories and analytics. with the country in the center of main. ask for country magazine at points of sale. to feel life, not heartburn, take hyalera. hyalera - victory over heartburn. there are moments when the body quickly loses liquid, which can... lead to dehydration when there is not enough regular water reo. rheo - water for special medical purposes. i save
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and forecast of the development of events. understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. bka gave a lift, gave the boys a lift. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, the atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we invite everyone. donate to the collection from scratch to life on atvs for the 93rd brigade cold ravine in the direction of chasiv. hello, how are you there? it's normal, slowly. so we got a total of nine new tanks. guess? now turn on the video link, i 'll give you a tour. well, come, we
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'll stay here for another two weeks, i'll give you a ride. and not only on a tank. right here near the station in grohivka, i will say that you are going to a student, you will be let through, well, student, then my call sign is such that they will let you go to a student, nine there, yes nine, grohivka, here, student, student, today. you do not observe information security, tomorrow the iskanders will visit you, the enemy is listening, be careful, we return and immediately join our conversation serhiy zgurets,
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director of the information and consulting company defensespress, glory to ukraine, mr. serhiy, glory to the heroes, good morning, i congratulate you, our viewers. and another piece of good news, it seems, appeared last night that the sbu attacked an airfield in the krasnodar region and minus the su-27. we understand that they still have a little bit of those dry things, but still, it looks like that we started to find some ways, in fact, if you look at it, somewhere around seven planes were separated like that last week. well, indeed, when we talk about the actions of the armed forces, defense forces, data with the security services, which conduct joint operations to destroy enemy forces on the territory of the russian federation, then we really already see such a trend, well, it has become a trend, it is primarily, as we can see, directed for strikes on russian airfields or airfields occupied in crimea, where the enemy can receive aircraft that carry out attacks on our lines of defense, on our peaceful places,
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and if we are talking about what exactly on the growing air base. in the krasnodar territory , a drone strike was carried out, at least three drones passed through russian pepo without obstruction, if it exists, and struck this kushchivsk airfield, actually 200 km from this airfield, and this is not the first strike on this airfield, so that the first strike was on april 27, and then the russians from there almost... all the planes, there were 40 planes there then, were transferred to another airfield, but now everything exactly a certain part of the planes remained there, and we are talking about the fact that, according to preliminary data , at least one su-27 was destroyed, why is this airfield important, because it is used by the enemy for basing and training aviation, so there were just raz-27 and
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mi- 29, but the same for these planes... su-34s, which use dominant bombs for strikes on our territory, and in any case, we can say that this time the strike was carried out precisely by unmanned systems, literally there are a couple days ago, on may 15, we remember the attack on the airfield belbek, where there were just mig-31s, and again the 127th, and mig-29s there, that is , three planes were destroyed, that is, two mig-31s. and co-27. now we are talking about another so-27, well , about the work of our armed forces, which will be destroyed there in a short period of time with the help of manpads near avdiyivka. at least three su-25 aircraft, so to speak, we can see that our and the strike component of the destruction of aircraft is working, and the air defense equipment in the hands of our infantrymen is also working quite
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effectively, huh, but it turns out that even i tried now, at least theoretically imagine how it would be for our drones to fly to the koshchiv airfield, and then they would turn out to have overcome the front-line air defense of the russians, and that is glorious. they flew over the city of yeisk, where something always flies there, and they bomb themselves, and they flew there for the second time, that is, we can really, really draw conclusions from this about the state of air defense in the krasnodar region and near rostov, that's how it looks in them, well in any case, we understand that apparently the direct range is 200 km, but we understand that in reality the planning of the operation is quite complicated, it also takes into account the placement of those... the remnants of air defense that the russians have somewhere in these areas, the bypassing of these areas and the use of our unmanned drones in the most unexpected directions for
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the enemy, but in this sense, why am i saying the third time about 200 km, conditionally speaking, 200 km is the golden distance for the work of atakams, which with the cassette part are adapted for strikes on the airfield, when we made the first strike on the fallback, it was good, and now conditionally speaking, this section is 200 km on krasnodar region, this is a golden target for the work of atakamsia. yes, i want to return to yesterday's rammstein, in particular, you have probably already analyzed it, tell us what we got as a result of this ramstein online and how you deciphered lloyd austin, because, because some people wrote like this, well, in the next it was said that western weapons hit only the enemy on the territory of ukraine, and... others wrote no, so hit it carefully, just so that no one knows, that's how some read it, others read it the way you read it, there is a technical component of rammstein and an ideological one,
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that is, the technical component is a list of weapons equipment that has been determined there for different countries, they also include air defense equipment, anti-aircraft missiles, armored vehicles, and for the first time there , artillery equipment has again become a priority, but of course now we are looking at all the comments... the answers of both lloyd austin and er, the chairman of the committee, brown's chiefs of staff to the question of whether ukraine can and has carried out strikes on russian territory with western models, when brown was asked there whether ukraine used atacamas russian territory, he says: no, it did not use, we hope that it will continue to be so, but austin's answer was actually quite categorical, because when he was asked whether ukraine could... use, he said
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. over the airspace of the russian federation it's quite possible, but he said that i don't want to get into it. in these details, but let's recall the story of last year, when on may 13 two russian planes and three helicopters were shot down over the bryansk region of the russian federation, and then already on air force day we saw on one of the patriots just the marks that on such and such a day , may 13, two planes and three helicopters were shot down, that is... in fact, this work of ambushes by the patriot complex had already been tested and those planes were destroyed, which gave nightmares to the ukrainian cities and villages, using these group
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raids using these guided bombs and so on, the question arises whether it is possible to continue this what, uh, why can't we use western weapons, because it's actually not an attack, it's a defense, on... and it's preventive measures, it actually equalizes the capabilities of the aggressor and the defending country, so now the discussion about the use of primarily american weapons, it will be more and more rise more, i think that we will still cross this rubicon, because we know the statements of the british, the discussion in the french parliament about the possibility of using french-made weapons for strikes on russian territory, the main thing is that this rubicon is american, it must be blurred in a certain way and to create conditions for... the use of western weapons, american weapons for strikes on russian territory, because the accumulation of forces there in the kharkiv region, in the sumy region, which is taking place near our borders. hit the ateks yourself on this
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areas will significantly... reduce russian potential. attacks by the ateks exactly on the ladders where the russian planes are stationed, this is exactly a distance of 200-300 km, this is the jumping distance for russian planes, this is what really, well, allows us to fight with two hands, and not in a format where we have hands bound, relatively speaking, to play only on our territory, this is some kind of situation that is completely illogical, and the military recognizes this, politicians increasingly recognize it, i hope for certain changes in the approaches of the american side, we are here... let's say certain changes that have already a little earlier began with the approaches of the europeans, because it is good that there is also talk about air defense systems, and the netherlands is sending its armored vehicles, lithuania is ready to send instructors to ukraine, we already had them before the full-scale invasion, the day before kaya kala from estonia also said, that sending the military to ukraine is quite normal, and it will absolutely not happen, if one of them dies, god forbid in ukraine, then this will not
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mean automatic application. of the fifth article, how much we need it now, how much we need their instructors in to ukraine, why is this issue being raised so actively now? well, there are two components here: in fact , there is an instructor who can ensure the operation and repair of western equipment, because this motley fleet of western equipment needs more active interaction with manufacturers and with repair crews from western countries, if they are, well, for now... the principle of sending equipment to the western bases, this complicates the repair time of these samples enough, and this, i think, was clearly violated at ramstein, but now the question of the instructors who prepare the personnel, we remember the publications about that ukraine turned to the training of 150,000 personnel on the territory of the european countries, europe can
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digest such volumes, but it is enough, let's say, after a long time, and there was a question of whether instructors should come then, and this is a question of foreign instructors later ran into the question of what they can teach us, because relatively speaking, in fact, not all european instructors of nato countries will now be able to assess the challenges facing our armed forces, we need a combination of their training centers, our training centers and create such conditions for rapid training in various conditions, and now it is precisely the question of... border instructors, it is being discussed, the optimal format is being sought, but these things that apply to instructors there at training ranges close to the battlefield, i think that european countries after all will avoid with some exception, the americans will definitely avoid, because in the answers of lloyd austin, when asked about the instructors, it was said that they will not send american instructors to ukraine, but there are other countries that are more determined to go to war
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with russian federations are the baltic countries, poland, i think that here we can find options, and just like the french, i hope that according to the words of macron, who promised many promising things there, certain practical steps will still come to interaction with the french military on our land. we have less than half a minute of leopards and armored personnel carriers from the netherlands, does this mean a serious batch, or is it homeopathically a few pieces? well, actually, all the hardware comes in with... long delays, i think the netherlands are one of the big contributors of leopards over there in different versions, so is spain, it seems yesterday they announced as many as 10 leopards, that's from the first batch that was promised, if i'm not mistaken, at the end of last year, so in any - in any case, the dynamics with armored vehicles is slow enough, we need to look for options, here i still hope more for the americans with their bradley infantry fighting vehicles, which give more results than leopards on the battlefield.
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mr. serhiy, thank you for the expertise. it is now approaching 9:00 and a minute of silence as memory and respect to all those who died because of the russian invaders on our land. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war that is... and unleashed by russia.


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