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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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defense express company about ramstein and not only. it is now approaching 9:00 and a moment of silence as a memory and honor to all those who died because of the russian invaders on our land. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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we continue to monitor how ukrainians update data in tsk and tsnapa and what happens with the queues, today we will include our correspondents from two ukrainian cities, lviv and sumy, on the call. the war, was it really possible to stop the active advance of the russian forces on midnight, and why deputy bezugla called the new commander of osa in khortosia, yuriy sodul, a criminal. this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are starting. since may 18 , the rules for crossing the state border have changed for some citizens, and now border guards must check the presence of military registration documents in men of conscription age who have the right to leave ukraine. such men must
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provide a military registration document with information on exemption from mobilization or exclusion from military registration by state health. at the same time, it is not necessary to check the military registration documents of people with disabilities and those who accompany them, of drivers who transport humanitarian goods and who carry out international transportation of goods and passengers. this is reported in the state border service. and about the fact that queues of cars and trucks are gathering at the borders. since may 18, channels in the border service confirmed that there were queues at the ustilukh and ugryny checkpoints on the border with poland, but as of yesterday evening, there were no longer any queues. then at on the day the new law on mobilization came into effect, drivers who carry out international transportation in the kirovohrad region staged a protest, partially blocking the kyiv-odesa highway. according to the spokeswoman of the national police, olena berezhnaya, the reason for the protest was that under the new law on
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mobilization, they will allegedly not be able to travel abroad. earlier , the vice-president of the association of international road carriers of ukraine stated that the market of international road transport may be on the verge of stopping due to the entry into force of the law on mobilization volodymyr balin, insisting on reservation. according to him, some drivers refuse to board flights because they are afraid that they will be stopped at checkpoints. and the founder of the prime political group dmytro lyovushkin... predicted a fuel collapse, they say, truck drivers will not, will not be able to, those who transport fuel will not be able to do this, well, this did not happen, we will ask our guest andriy about the situation on the border demchenko, the spokesman of the state border service, joins our broadcast, mr. andriy, congratulations, thank you, what's up, good morning, please tell me how, according to the new rules , the documents of drivers who carry out there and...
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international transportation and those who are currently crossing the border are now checked, how does it happen, are there any such cases, because of which queues are created , do ukrainians have any questions? well, actually you already said that we do not yet check the presence of a military registration document for drivers who carry out international transportation of goods and passengers, i will note that from the 18th, in fact, for a separate category of citizens. well we are talking about men between the ages of 18 and 60, we check the presence of a military registration document with the appropriate markings, i note that this applies to persons booked for mobilization or martial law, these are those who, according to the conclusion of the military medical commission, are not suitable to military service, and actually excluded from military registration due to health, and we also check this in persons who... have three or more dependent
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children under the age of 18, who independently raise a child under the age of 18, persons who have a child under the age of 18 and a wife who is about... military service under one of the types of military service of ukraine, as well as in other categories defined in article 23 of the law of ukraine on mobilization training and mobilization, i advise everyone to familiarize yourself with those changes, which are included in the legislation, because i will add that the amendments to the law on mobilization training and mobilization, as well as the clause included in... the law on the legal regime of martial law , determine that now men, citizens of ukraine aged 18 to 60 must have at at the same level as a passport and a military registration document and present it on demand, including to an employee
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of the state border service either in the border lane or in the controlled border area, as well as at checkpoints across the state border of ukraine, you have already started... that we do not check the military registration document of another category of persons, in fact, those who are prescribed by separate clauses in the rules of crossing the state border by citizens of ukraine, this applies to persons with disabilities, this applies persons who accompany people with disabilities or children with disabilities, this actually also applies to persons who transport humanitarian aid, drivers who carry out international transportation of goods and passengers, this also applies to persons in certain positions of the civil service, which is prescribed in the clause 2.14 of the rules for crossing the state border, this also applies to employees of railway transport, representatives of the aviation and
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maritime industries, which are also clearly prescribed in separate clauses of the rules for crossing the state border of ukraine. i want to emphasize once again that according to the changes. article 23 of the law on mobilization training and mobilization stipulates that it is the representatives of the territorial recruitment centers who determine whether a person has a deferment from the draft and must issue it properly, so the border guards and in relation to the category of persons we talked about, who we have we check the military registration document, they actually require the military registration document itself with the answer. separate notes about deferment from conscription, or exclusion from military registration. mr. andrii, once again to clarify, now, as of yesterday evening, there are no queues, traffic jams, there are no problems at the border. look, last week, of course, information was widely spread
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that there are queues and they tried to tie it to the 18th number about the introduction of changes to the legislation, but you have to understand. that the share of men, to whom it concerned, and who crossed the border at that moment, it did not increase, in fact, as before, before the 18th, and after the 18th, men, citizens of ukraine can cross the border if they fall under the category of pass, which operated before, and in accordance with those conditions, that is, in the presence of those documents that would give them the right to cross the border. queues were primarily connected with... the end of the easter holidays, two weeks before easter there were queues and priority was given to entering ukraine, after the end of the easter holidays priority was given to crossing the border to leave ukraine, and if we use an example on
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the 18th, on the contrary, from saturday, around noon, the queues on the contrary began to decrease, and sunday was even characterized by the fact that the advantage was already to enter ukraine than... to leave, but again, here it must be understood that the share of crossing the border by men, both before the 18th and now, is not the predominant one, because the majority of those those who cross the border are women, children and the elderly, both citizens of ukraine and citizens of foreign countries. and finally, i want to have time to ask you another question about the situation on the border, in the north, now there is a lot of talk about the offensive from... the russian federation on the city of sumy, for example, and do you notice that the russian army is gathering troops there in the north? which one situation? well, as before, of course, russia keeps certain of its units, certain of its forces, including both in the sumy direction and
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in the chernihiv direction. we see what is happening now in the direction of kharkiv, in certain areas, in the direction of lybtsi, in the direction of vovchansk, where the enemy cannot achieve their strategic goal even with... superiority, but their main task is to take some tactical actions, even in order to draw the forces of ukraine in this direction and... use them in more important places such more powerful hostilities are ongoing, so it can never be ruled out, i mentioned it before, that including in the direction of sumy, the enemy can at any moment, even if he does not have sufficient forces, try to do something similar to how it is currently happening in the kharkiv direction, precisely in order to stretch the front line, the line of active hostilities and actually. to bend the defense forces of our country, again, if
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we are talking about the sumy direction, if the enemy takes such actions, so that we strengthen this direction and used their reserves there. while a thief, while we have such a neighbor, of course, we must be prepared for the development of any situations, and actually we must continue to build up our defense capabilities, and each component. the defense forces of ukraine, including in the sumy direction, has its own line of defense, these are the units of the state border service, units of the armed forces of ukraine, the national guard, they act in a coordinated, joint manner, and it is also necessary to understand that the length of the border with our enemy quite large, only by in the sumy region, it is more than 560 km, and in fact, even involving those... forces that we have, that we can attract there, we have to keep our defense strong, because the enemy
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is superior both in terms of equipment and means of defeat , and in personnel, unfortunately. later in our broadcast, i will announce to our viewers that we will talk, of course, about the situation on the northern border and about the possible rumors and conversations about an attack there on sumy, on kharkiv, so our viewers can already ask their questions and express their opinions on this matter, you mr. andriy, thank you to... andriy demchenko, spokesperson of the state border service of ukraine, was a guest of svoboda ranok. next, let's talk about the pace and mobilization, updating data. more than 420,000 conscripts updated their data during the three days of the new law on mobilization, most of them in the reserve plus application. this was reported by the ministry of defense. the next stage after updating the data will be referral to the military medical commission. according to... the words of dmytro lazutkin, the peacekeeper of the ministry of defense , the dispatch centers for the vlk will begin to be sent out already in july,
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just then coincides with the two-month period in which the data must be updated. also, for the convenience of conscripts, the reserve plus application will provide an opportunity to receive an electronic referral for passing the vlk. this will avoid queues in shopping centers. deputy minister of defense kateryna chornogorenko stated this on the air of the telethon. this functionality is planned to be launched at the end of july. she also added that the development team is currently correcting errors in the application, in particular, when users are mistakenly assigned wanted status we are currently developing additional functionality so that it is possible to apply for data correction remotely without visiting the tcc and sp, i.e. currently this is an application to the support service and the ability to do it offline through a visit to the tcc and sp, a little later we will do it automatically mode so that a person does not go to the state central committee (isp) in order to clarify the data. in
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addition, officials also plan to launch the so -called electronic military ticket - a special qr code that can be used instead of paper ones analogue the ministry of defense plans to implement this by june 18. by scanning the qr code in the application, the relevant authorities will be able to instantly receive information about your military status as a conscript. this code will be similar to the bar code in the military registration document, it is the citizen's number in the oberig register, by which you can check all the information. and this week, we ask our correspondents in different regions about how conscripts update their data under the new law on mobilization. halyna tereshchuk, our correspondent from lviv, now in touch with us. galyu, congratulations, thank you for joining. tell me, what is the current situation in lviv? is there a line to the shopping center, for example? good morning, greetings
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to all viewers, i will tell you now that do not be surprised that there is not a single person behind my speedway until 9 o'clock in the morning, namely from 9 o'clock after a minute of silence, honoring the heroes of ukraine and after the glory of ukraine, the tsc starts working, here there was a queue of about 60 meters according to my calculations, that is, it was quite like this... there was a queue, but they were immediately let into the territory, unfortunately, we cannot go there, since they explained to us that this is a regime object, who was standing in this queue and who is coming now. here to the shopping center, these are mostly the men with whom i managed to communicate both on and with a microphone in my hands and without a microphone, these are the men who have the right to deferment, those who fall under the armor, in fact, these are many children, these are people for disabled reasons, let's say their work is important and critical in time of war, and the men
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were not very willing to talk to me, but nevertheless we recorded a few, and let's hear what they say first, and then i i will continue. register, update the data, then update the data, and there you will see how you can get a contract or how, if you manage to hear. do you intend to serve at all? well, i'm on disability at the place of residence, probably yes, because i can't, i need to be near my mother, my mother is sick, i'm alone. well, that's the situation, but i'll clarify, i haven't been there yet, i mean i haven't been there that year, so i was in the place, i came for the first time, i'm actually from zaporizhzhia, i just need to solve one issue, but i won't reveal it details, how old are you and i'm 19, the queue is almost a kilometer long, write down, write down, that there is an entry in the queue now, well
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, not yet, they told me to go there and there i signed up, and what time are you today, eight o'clock were already here sooner. in fact, many people come here to the shopping center not for the first time, because someone delivers some document, for example, or someone is being directed to the vlk, as i spoke with one man, he said that yesterday he passed, came to the military medical commission, it was explained to him that you should not come, you only need to update the data, him again referred to the tsc, that is, there are a lot of such inconsistencies, let's say now regarding this legislation, to all requirements and rights'. that is , it still clearly does not work like that, and maybe they are still talking about such a case, which i heard, that there are not enough employees of the tsc, but people also understand that now there is a very large influx of people, and because of that, in fact, many people gather here every morning, who want to renew their data. another situation that, let's say, struck me
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today, is that, for example, the minutes of silence, commemoration of the heroes of ukraine, began. and the national anthem of ukraine was played, the soldier made a remark so that people would be silent, but many, let's say, the workers of the tsk themselves ignored it, that is, there is no such culture, yes, i would like to see it right here and in this place, i know from the information , which is, let's say, people are stopped on the street by tsc employees together with the police, they are brought here to check the data, let's say, i received information that... there is a 23-year-old boy, he was stopped yesterday and brought here, i am trying find out this information, because there is a lot such cases when , for example, when men are stopped, the data is not verified on the spot, they are brought here, and this creates even greater difficulties for the tsk workers themselves here on the spot, but maybe it is the first days, and it
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will be managed and organized later, and one more such thing, katerina, at the end of the broadcast itself... the inclusion, or rather, that i also had to hear from many people that somewhere there is such a strong element of injustice embedded in this mobilization process, i do not know whether this new the law on mobilization, will he change this situation, yes, but actually you have to hear it, and somewhere now it seems that the citizens of ukraine and the employees of the tsk, and between them, such a gap is forming... this is a big gap, and in order for it not to form, first of all, there must be communication, the military, actually tsc employees, must communicate , communicate with people and explain to them thoroughly, let's say, to get some comment to me as a journalist or to communicate with someone, this is really very difficult, this communication is a big problem today, galya, thank you, thank you indeed, and c
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there are a lot of questions in the comments, maybe one more clarification, do they go to tsnap? what do they say about it, why do they choose tsk, if possible briefly? you know, you know, the situation here is very simple, because when you come here to tsk, let's say, you are directed to the vlk there, you get a corresponding entry in your military ticket there, and this gives you the right, let's say, i don't even know, what right does it give, the right to walk freely or go somewhere or, let's say, it is more of an affirming factor for people, because in tsnapa they don't know snap. it is less, let's say, today they go there, more register online and renew their data in this way, probably people who already have certain documents. and they have a reservation there, for example, and they are already completing these documents, this is the difference, thank you gal, thank you very much for the picture from lviv, for the situation in lviv, halyna tereshchuk, a correspondent of radio liberty
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in lviv, told about whether there are queues and what people in these queues are saying, in the comments you can write about what questions and problems you encountered, whether you have already tried to update the data, how or in reserve. whether they went to tsnap or to the shopping center, or communication with you at the tsc in your city, in the district, she really understood, for example, are there again questions about communication, which many people also note, and then we will talk about what the situation is in the city of sumy, we will ask about it our correspondent, from there, this is alyona yatsina, alyona, congratulations, thank you for joining, please tell me if there are queues, if there is excitement in... what are these queues like, are there more people coming to tsk, and what are people saying , how easy is this process and how understandable is it for people? congratulations,
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today i managed to visit the tcc, there are queues, long, but not too much, people are standing and with those with whom i managed to communicate, now those who have reservations have come to update their data. two people are those who are going to go abroad and have legal grounds for it at the moment, they came to update, they say that they have already left more than once, that is, one of them was a volunteer there, the other did not say for what purpose, but he also says that constantly travels, actually abroad, also met those who were already booked, currently have a reservation, employees enterprises and came to update the data, one of them was... a driver, everyone is waiting, the situation is calm, the queues are long, but again , it cannot be said that they are unreal, however
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, we heard complaints from men yesterday that there were supposedly queues huge, but it was about half an hour ago today, so i didn’t see the huge ones, ugh, thank you alyona, thank you for depicting what the situation is today in sumy, but... with tsk and queues, but i also want to ask about the general situation in the city in connection with those conversations about the probable offensive on sums, whether he is preparing or not, how the local authorities say about it, whether the local residents are preparing for something and, again, how the townspeople react to it all, well, the next sum is directly the topic of the month for us, i hear it constantly, constantly waves panics spread every few days, but just yesterday another round of misinformation. the wave went with the help of audio messages about another attack that was supposed to be yesterday, was supposed to be today, but for example, today even on the border, the night was as quiet
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as possible, there were only two shellings, in comparison, there are up to 20 to 30 shellings per night in general, but today it was quiet, the townspeople, you know, already react to all any messages. and about the fact that some shops there are closing, big ones are leaving and some others, that is, those people who tend to worry, then they continue to worry, actually worry, but those who work, they never think about it. thank you, thank you, alyona yatsina, a correspondent of radio liberty in sumy, told about the situation there, about two important aspects that are often discussed in in the comments, and also, who is watching us sad, write about your impressions and your mood, probably in connection with such a... news wave with these and all the discussions. and men abroad complained that the reserve plus application does not work there, although this was promised by
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the ministry of defense. the deputy minister explained that it may be temporary in some countries, because markets need several days to process any changes, and the application is already available in more than 200 countries. also, men abroad complained that they could not authorize through aain. id from abroad, or it is not known what to do if there is no account in a ukrainian bank? the spokesman of the ministry of defense dmytro lazutkin told on our air that the developers will consider the possibility of authorization to reserve plus not only through id banking, but also in another way. well, since may 18 , consular services should be resumed for men abroad by order of the ministry of foreign affairs, whether this has happened and what is the situation with updating data abroad, we will ask natalka volosadskyi, our correspondent. of poland natalka, congratulations, tell me, please, what is the situation? congratulations katerina from may 18, men of mobilization age abroad began
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to receive consular services again. as well as... for this, you need to sign up for an electronic queue, and update your data in the reserve plus application with a new one and provide the consulate with either a registration certificate or a military id. the only change was that men have to submit military registration documents. according to the law, these are either documents in paper form or in electronic form. documents can be submitted in paper form before the start of work. office, that is, until june 18, from june 18 people must submit documents exclusively in electronic form. according to the consul, several men received consular services yesterday, some of them had military documents, and two people who did not have them took advantage of the opportunity and entered temporary consular registration, after which they were able to receive the service. that is, temporary consular registration, this is the update of data that is sent to the tsc. simply put, if a man is
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of mobilization age. wants to make a foreign passport at the consular office, for example, in poland, he needs to update his data in the application when submitting documents at the consulate, present a military id or register at the consular register, the conscript's electronic office will be active after june 18. we talked to several men, they say that the law on mobilization has made life very difficult for them, some even plan to acquire citizenship of other countries, it makes life difficult for everyone. for example, what people who live a long time, men, took their families, went to earn money for all this, which they cannot now it’s easy to even live here, due to the fact that they won’t be able to properly prepare my documents, i can’t go to change my rights, because they made some restrictions, that it must be a military ticket, ukraine just lost, i’m an entrepreneur, i paid 100-200 00 per month of taxes, i left here today, i am now thinking of opening a business in europe and ukraine will lose from this law, i think
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that if i am abroad... i will save more money here, i have many cars for the front bought, and what will you do if you need any consular services, you will not be able to get them, well, we will get a new citizenship, those men with whom we managed to communicate are in no hurry to update their data through the reserve plus application and are thinking about how to arrange their lives further, katerina, natalka, thank you, and indeed we have a part of the audience who are watching we are abroad and are being asked all these questions, i understand that new clarifications will appear every day and... as people register, these questions will arise, probably even more. natalka volosatska, radio liberty correspondent in poland told about how it is possible to update the data of ukrainian citizens abroad. next, we will talk about the situation at the front. the report about the capture of biloghirivka in the luhansk region is not true, the situation in the village has not changed, analysts of the ukrainian deep state project write about this. in response
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to russia's statement. of the ministry of defense that the settlement has come under the control of the russian army. at the same time, deeppstate says that russian forces have advanced in stelmakhivka, in the kupinsky district of the direction, as well as in vovchansk and the surrounding areas villages in the north of kharkiv oblast. the american institute for the study of war, in its latest report , reports on the advance of the russian army near the chasovoy yar in the avdiiv direction, near krasnohorivka, as well as the urobotone. analysts say that the village of vze- has already been captured. i will note that russian mines. it was reported about the capture of the robot a week ago, the ukrainian general staff said at the same time that the loss of positions in the direction near the robot was not allowed, this was a quote. the ukrainian general staff is also talking about a decrease in the number battles in the north of the kharkiv region, but an increase in the kupin region, the city of vovchansk, in the kharkiv region, the armed forces of ukraine control 60%, so they say in the regional military administration, the head of the ova oleg senigubov said that the situation
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in the vovchan direction in... stabilized, however, the assaults armies of the russian federation continue. in general, on the front line, the most repulsed assaults in the pokrovsky direction are 25 per day, as reported by the ukrainian general staff. a tense situation in the kurakhiv direction. in particular , russian forces are active near netailovo. the russian army tried to advance near staromai four times. the general staff says that it is unsuccessful, as well as in the krynyk and oleshkivsky sands on the left bank of the kherson region. the armed forces of ukraine did not lose their positions here, this is what the general staff reports again. meanwhile, even understaffed, the cohesion of russian forces, concentrated on the border with the sumy region, cannot, cannot achieve the desired effect, to draw ukrainian troops away from other areas of the front, according to the analysts of the american institute study of the war on the accumulation of russian forces on the border.


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