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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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so they say in the regional military administration, the head of ova oleg senigubov said that the situation in the vovchan area has been stabilized, however, the assaults of the russian army continue. in general, on the front line , the most repulsed assaults in the pokrovsky direction are 25 per day, as reported by the ukrainian general staff. the tense situation in the kurakhiv direction, in particular, russian forces are active near netailovo. the russian army tried to advance near staromai four times. in the general staff they say it is unsuccessful, as well as in the krynok district and oleshkiv sands on the left bank of the kherson region. the armed forces of ukraine did not lose their position here, this is what the general staff reports again. meanwhile, even understaffed no, the cohesion of russian forces concentrated on the border with the sumy region, cannot, cannot achieve the desired effect, to pull ukrainian troops away from other areas of the front, yes.
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the analysts of the american institute for the study of war consider the accumulation of russian forces on the border in a mass manner , the deputy commander of the third assault brigade reported the day before maxim zhorin. he also believes that the purpose of such actions is to distract ukrainian forces. military observer kostyantyn mashovets writes that approximately 9-10 thousand troops are concentrated in this direction, but some regiments and battalions are not fully staffed. ivan stupak, a military analyst, joins our broadcast. mr. ivan, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining, congratulations, thank you for the invitation. how can you now characterize the situation in the kharkiv direction, that the defense forces stopped the active advance of russian troops on in the north of kharkiv oblast, but heavy fighting continues - oleg synigubov, the head of the kharkiv regional military administration, said on the air of the telethon. can we really say that the situation is so stabilized and it was possible to stop the active offensive of the russian army.
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so look, there are generally three positions, so that your respected viewers understand what is happening: there is an active advance of the russians, when they just stick, they cannot be stopped, this is the time, there is a completely different polar situation, when the advance of the russians is stopped and they advance more they cannot at all, but there is a third intermediate such stage, it is called stabilized the situation, that is, there is no active advance, but at the same time there is no complete stop, it is a kind of swamp, that is, the russians are bogged down there, they are trying to advance very slowly, with losses, and this is what is called stabilizing the situation, unfortunately, as of today, russia has gained control over a certain part of the northern kharkiv region, if we refer to the deepstate map, then it is approximately 150 km, that is, it in a little more than a week, it's a really big area, unfortunately, that's how it looks on the map, but here and there it doesn't seem like much. but in fact this is our territory, which
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is currently controlled by the russians, plus there is also a gray area, which the russians do not directly control, but can shell, their separate troops are located there, so unfortunately the situation is not very pleasant, but not immediately critical, not critical , that everything is gone, the russians are moving, approaching kharkiv, no, there is definitely no such thing, here in kharkiv and in sumy, and this is what our correspondents are talking about, this can be seen on social networks, they are discussing information about the probable attack of russian forces on these cities, the deputy... commander of the third assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, major maksym zhorin, in his own telegram channel, expressed the opinion that this probable attack on these two cities is not aimed at capturing these cities, because there are no forces for this, and it seems that this could be done to disperse the armed forces of ukraine, do you agree with this? yes, look, there is such a real opinion that these are all these offensives, they are tied to a great plan, let's let's stretch, let's stretch the ukrainian troops to such a thin and... layer on top of this
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, they stretched such a buttermilk over the entire bread, and now the ukrainians have neither reserves nor the ability to advance somewhere, in principle, this fits into the logic, there is a completely different version of the assumption, this is just such an extension of the russians are cutting a corridor for themselves in order to cut the road that connects kharkiv in the direction of kupyansk and to cut this connection, this also has a place, but it is a very interesting story... and it is noted by many western observers and our, well, open according to open sources, it is clear that the russians are also limited in their troops. look at what we have now: nuts, and there were almost no sighs of fear as of yesterday. it's the same story in the lyman direction, plus some observers report that the russians are moving their equipment. but in
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such a strange direction, not from the russian federation, in the direction of zaporozhye, occupied berdyansk, on the contrary, from berdyansk in the direction of the russian federation, and well, we can assume that counterclockwise... clockwise, the equipment will be moved through donetsk, luhansk, and there to the belgorod region, in order to support the russian offensive in these directions, that is, the impression is that the russians are also limited in resources, both in people and in equipment. and, on our svoboda live evening broadcast the day before, people's deputy of ukraine maryana bezugla commented on her post on social networks, and about the fact that after the trip to the front, she literally named the team on her social networks. yuriy sodul of the united forces of the armed forces of ukraine as a criminal, that's right, that's it she explained it on the air, let's listen and then comment. there are a number of conscious decisions on his part, in particular regarding the preparation of the defense of kharkiv oblast, which led to tragic
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consequences. that is, what does the leader of the front mean, that's what i called him, this is the commander of the combined forces, who is responsible for the use of armed forces. in particular, it is directly. controls everything that happens from kha from kharkiv to avdiyivka, conditionally, that is, the hottest areas of the front, and accordingly, he has not been there for the first day, and considering that and how reported the intelligence of the community, how the russians were preparing to open another front in the kharkiv region, and what decisions he made, including personnel, which candidates he recommended and how he checked... there is a readiness, and i investigated it, it is not, it is the setret of a policeman in our country in the military, they all saw it, took part, and some, unfortunately, died defending and correcting the mistakes that were made, so this is only the first statement, it must
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be said that public activists blogger serhiy sternenko called the appointment of sodul, which became known about this change of this month a personnel disaster, it must be said that sodul began his service in the airborne forces of the armed forces of ukraine in 2003, in 2007 he became the commander of the 25th separate, separate airborne brigade, and here we will ask, i hope, ivan stupak this question, why such criticism, because you and i, dear viewers, can read such reviews on the air on social networks, we want to ask these questions, and of course, if there was an opportunity to ask this question to military representatives who... uh, could comment on it, then we would do it. ivan stupak returns to us by phone. mr. ivan, i hope you hear me, no, i don't. and then i will turn to you, dear viewers, while we have such a situation with communication, you can write at all, and how
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does it support your mood or not, here is such criticism, and when you read such posts, then why do you turn to professional analytics or close social networks altogether? how do you react to that? ivan stupak joins us by phone. mr. ivan, i have already told the audience here, so it means that we have pointed out which one criticizes this appointment and mr. sodel, and sternenko also wrote negatively about it, why such criticism, and do you support it, what can you say, as a military expert, about the very fact of such criticism, and in general about mr. sodul, and about these accusations against him . yes, let's take mr. marjana out altogether. damn, she's just a people's deputy, she accidentally became a people's deputy, she's a doctor, she's not a military person, she just held the position of deputy head of the committee on national security, she has no experience understanding, she is just a media clerk, she is given
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an instruction and she shoots, she also shot mr. zaluzhny, now sodel, once again, the military can only be criticized by the military with... the front line, everything, everyone who is in the rear, everyone who are in the vicinity of the military, i apologize, party people, they should be silent, only the military knows how this kitchen works, who was right, who was wrong, who supported, who did not support, because there are many moments when decisions are made not on paper, but orally, called were told to do it, and then this act led to disastrous consequences there, and you will never prove that you had an instruction, it was yours. initiative, you can simply be framed, so once again, criticism of the military, only from the side of the military, everything, everyone else should be silent. thank you, mr. ivan, for your opinion, i think it is very important that we on the air can have the opportunity to give the floor to different experts with different opinions, and
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also in the comments i again appeal to our viewers, write your thoughts about this ivan, thank you for joining, ivan stupak, military analyst and former employee. the sbu was a guest of this broadcast, we are talking about the situation at the front. the ceremony of awarding the winner of the georgy gongadze prize will take place today, the page ukrainskyi reported. coop on facebook, this year's shortlist of awards included anna babinei, journalist, investigator and head of the independent investigative agency, olga rudenko, editor-in-chief and founder of the kiev independent, and tetyana troshchynska, producer of the socio-political talk show novy otlik on suspilny. this award is one of the main awards for professional journalists in ukraine, it was founded in 2019 by the ukrainian pen and family of heorhiy gongadze. the award ceremony takes place every year on the journalist's birthday and today he will become famous. i am a laureate of the 2024 award. last year
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, the writer and founder of the yunier project bohdan logvynenko became the laureate of the award. tetyana teren, executive director of the ukrainian pen club, joins our broadcast. tatiana, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. i have a question for you right away. this is probably the first time that there are three women among the applicants for this award. it has probably never happened at the same time. what is the special feature of this award, this year, how can you describe it, what is it. rodzynka, congratulations, you are really right that this year, for the first time, we have three nominees, three women, on the short list, this has never happened in the six years of the award, in general, every ceremony, every year is special for the award, and this year it will be hand in sixth, i really hope that this year we prepared the ceremony even more thoroughly, that... we prepared more thoroughly those important topics and issues that are important for us to highlight, and
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today we are also planning an event at which there will be gratitude, gratitude to ukrainian journalists who continue their work in the conditions of war, but it is also very important for us to create a space of memory, so today we will talk a lot and remember our fallen colleagues, whose lives were taken by russia. war is obviously key. topic and in the work of journalists covering the war for society, and if we speak generally about the level of freedom of speech in ukraine today and the opportunities for journalists to realize themselves, to speak freely professionally and responsibly, but to talk about such problematic issues in the country, how can you assess all this, during the war ukraine and freedom of speech are prospering in ukraine, or are there still challenges? you know, all the research. for many years of independence , they showed that freedom is a key value
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for ukrainians, and this did not change in the conditions of war, and freedom is a broad and it is obvious that it also includes freedom of speech, yes, freedom of expression, and i believe that the ukrainian journalistic field and the ukrainian media community are doing a lot to ensure that this feeling of freedom is preserved even in such an extremely difficult time. therefore, in my absolute conviction, independent media in ukraine and beyond, especially since the 14th year, have continued to perform their work very professionally since the 22nd year, making, perhaps even more efforts, even more of their time so that these standards and values professions in were stored in ukraine. and besides, it seems to me that our journalists have also, since the 22nd year, when the invasion began, also shown how ready they are for these standards, let's say, to change and
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adapt to the requirements of the time, first of all, we are talking about security factors , which journalists take into account in their work and coordinating with the relevant military official bodies in ukraine, they put this priority of the safety of the lives of our citizens in the first place, but at the same time you mentioned at the beginning of our wonderful nominees, whom we... we have this year, they gave many interviews on the eve of our ceremony today, there were public events with them, and i remember how anna babinets, an investigative journalist, said that even in wartime, journalists should monitor the work of the authorities, criticize it, point out mistakes, point out some completely illegal things in their work, and it is very important that our journalists. and continue to do it, even in the conditions of war, they continue to do the work that
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journalists are obliged to perform in a democratic state. at the same time, obviously, perhaps you will still ask about certain problems, about things that concern the human rights circle inside ukraine, about things that are always pointed out abroad, and the diplomatic corps and the human rights environment, of course, point out that , that... that despite the war, the authorities still want to control the media, they still want to indicate what they can cover, what they can't, and it's obvious that the marathon that on... the invasion looked like a certain justified decision, yes the desire to unite the country with important urgent news, some rules for how we should live, how we should work, what do you say, it doesn't seem reasonable now, we have 15 seconds to end the air, thank you for joining, we are waiting on the results of the award, tetyana teren, executive director of the ukrainian pen club,
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guest svoboda ranok, stay with us every day. from 9:00 to the next broadcast, thinking about a new mattress, but this is what stops you, have you thought about what you sleep on, old mattresses not only accumulate dust, but also the moisture that a person emits during sleep, a new mattress cover or bed linen can only improve the mattress aesthetically. choose a camel orthopedic mattress and your sleep will become noticeably better. take advantage of the super offer for half the price. call now and order a camel orthopedic mattress. instead of paying the full price of the mattress, pay only half. due to the fact that
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of course, moving along the front line will also help in this quad, so be please... mother, we need to collect uah 4,750, uah 659 is already in the account, with joint efforts we can provide this small, in fact , need of our defenders on the front line. now we will also talk about defenders and mobilization, but from a different angle about who, after the new law enters into force, has the right to a postponement. with us is lyudmila denisova, human rights activist and head of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights. mrs. ludmila, good day, glory to ukraine. good, glory! you know, if you enter it in the search engine system, the right to postponement, the law, then a huge list of various information immediately appears, and all this is not news, all this is various legal
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and law firms that immediately offer ways to help someone, and we would like to... hear actually how it should be from the point of view of the law, that is, for everyone to understand and navigate himself, who has the right to this, who does not, how it all looks, please tell us, thank you for such a question, i just shared for ease of perception all these grounds for postponement into two categories, the first category, it refers to grounds that are connected exclusively with military service, and to the second part of the grounds - it is related to members of his family, which to the serviceman himself, this is first of all his state of health , the reason may be a disabled person. of any group that is set msec. and the second is temporary unfitness for military service, which is established by the sec, with
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the state of his health, and with a review, after 6-12 months. it concerns his health. next is the place of work and position. it can be reservation, state government, local self-government, enterprises, institutions, organizations. but it is necessary that such a military obligation should be on a special military record, and this is new in connection with the introduction of a new law, it is also important to work as a scientist or teacher in institutions of higher, professional, undergraduate education in scientific institutions, on in the positions of teaching staff of professional education up to secondary education, and the law also defines the basis for granting postponement of classes from individual positions, this applies to ministers, deputy ministers, people's deputies, but i will not waste time here, because i think that all these high-ranking officials
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know about themselves that they have such reasons, and another reason personally, as far as conscripts are concerned, is the training of conscripts, or internships in doctoral studies, or by a full-time dual form, but only at higher education, for example, he studied bachelor's, he completed his bachelor's degree, now he is studying for a master's degree, then he has the right to a deferral. as for family circumstances, well, here you also have to understand what is meant, well the first block of questions is the maintenance and upbringing of children. if a little more children are dependent, only those who do not have arrears for more than 3 months are entitled to pay. by elements, being dependent on an adult child who has a disability of the first or second group, as well as raising a child with a disability up to the age of 18, as well as
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a seriously ill child without a disability, and here please note that not only parents and mother, father and mother, but also a guardian and guardian, and adoptive parents and foster parents, as if a woman or a man has a child under 18 years of age and one member of the family is already in the service, then he has the right to a deferment, and independent upbringing of children under 18 years of age, but only on the condition that the second parent of such a child children, deceased, deprived of parental rights, declared missing, missing, missing, declared dead, serving sentence in prison. free will, independent upbringing and maintenance of the child by court decision, or if the record about the father was simple according to testimony mother, it concerns children, care for
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family members and guardianship, providing constant care for a sick wife, child, husband, parents, own or wife, has the right to postponement, presence of a spouse. husband, one of the disabled parents. if the wife or husband has, please note, the first or second group of disabilities, it is not necessary to prove the absence of other persons who could care for them, or have a specific disease, but already up to the third group of disabilities there are restrictions related to the list of disabilities diseases that have led to disability, or from which a person is ill. "if one of his parents, or his wife's parents, has the first or second group of disabilities, then in this case
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it is necessary to prove that there are no other persons who can provide care, well, for example, the parents have two sons, and the mother or father needs to determine which of these sons will have the right to a deferment, and this issue ends, can still be in..." the line of guardianship over a person who is recognized as incapable, for example, without the fact that she has received a disability, and here it is not necessary kinship can be proved, they are not yet subject to mobilization, they or close relatives died, either during the anti-terrorist operation, or during the now full-scale invasion, the heroes of ukraine who received... posthumous punishment for participating in the revolution of dignity also have the right to a postponement military conscripts under the age of 25 and
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exempt from military service do not have the right to achieve. in connection with the return from captivity, if you briefly refer to those groups, then i would outline the reasons for providing lines in this way, and do you already have information about which the regions from which there are the most requests for postponement, and actually , have you conducted any analysis, because probably in the front-line zone it is generally a bit more difficult for people to deal with documents, how does it all look, or do you already have a ready picture? you know, there were a lot of questions after the people's deputies adopted this law, then we expected them to be so alarmed after may 18, and do you know what the questions were? the question was that people are calling that they, allegedly, their sons have a reason for postponement, but they are worried and do not appeal to the central committee of the russian federation in order to
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ask these questions. because i think that they will immediately include a mobilization order, or they will send a reminder, but yesterday the resolution of the cabinet of ministers number 560 was already proven and published, which removed all these issues, that is , to the person who is concerned with the regions, almost all regions call here without exception, reasons everyone is the same for deferment, that's why everyone is worried, but i want to say: that everyone needs to go, if you want to get the right to defer, you have such a right, there is evidence, there are documents, then go to the central committee of the russian federation, a commission is being created there, headed by the head of the central committee of the russian federation, and the commission considers all the documents for 7 days, and what should be kept in mind that the time when a person applied for such a postponement, and the commission also considers
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the time of acceptance decision. a person cannot be mobilized, so there is no need for that, well , don’t worry, you have to go and register, and you also need to say that all men from 18 to 60 go either to tsk, sp, or to tsnapa, or through the register plus, reserve plus, that is now an electronic office and they have recalculated, for that is what is needed to bring it all the same. our reasons for the fact that who has the opportunity for a postponement and who does not, we have a little more minutes left, and the question of whether a person receives the right to a postponement, took care of it, and whether this right can be lost under what circumstances, literally a minute, yes, if the grounds for postponement have changed, if, for example, the child has reached the age of 18, then the father can already go to... to the tsksp and he can
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be mobilized if the father is the only one, for example, the father is the only one the breadwinner of the child, but the mother is not there, or the mother is deprived of parental rights, these are the cases you are talking about, the line is given only until the child is 18 years old, after that there is no deferment, and another short question, i understand that for graduate students, for those who are studying on a paid basis in graduate school, then they also agreed to the right to postponement, right? in graduate school, in doctoral school, yes, it is an agreed right to deferment. thank you, mrs. lyudmila, for the answers to the questions, lyudmila denisova, was with us, human rights activist, head of the ukrainian center protection of human rights. if you have any questions, you can always call their hotline on 083307 09 and they will help you and answer all your questions. it's almost 10:00 a.m.,
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news time, iryna koval. already knows about the most important thing at the moment and is ready to share this most urgent information about what is happening in the country and the world. irina, congratulations, you have a word. thank you, oksana, well, i congratulate you and our viewers, and i will tell you about everything in the issue in a moment, wait. 10 in ukraine, news time on the tv channel espresso, in the studio of iryna koval, i greet all the viewers, and just now about the most important events at this time, and we start with the situation in kharkiv region, it is already known about two people injured as a result of a rocket attack on kharkiv. in the morning, the russians hit the object of the transport infrastructure. five more townspeople were injured.


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