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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EEST

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10:00 news time, iryna koval already knows about the most important thing at the moment and is ready to share this most important information about what is happening in the country and the world. irina, congratulations, you have a word. thank you, oksana, well, i congratulate you and our viewers, and literally in a moment, i will tell you about everything in the issue, wait. 10th in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers, and just now about the most important events at this time. and we start with the situation in kharkiv oblast. it is already known about two victims as a result of a missile attack on kharkiv in the morning, the russians hit the object of the transport infrastructure. five more townspeople were injured. as a result of a night attack
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by the shaheds, reported oleg sinigubov, the head of the region. due to falling debris, fires started in two residential buildings. the building of the utility company was also damaged. elimination of consequences continues. also , a 52-year-old man from the village of liptsi in kharkiv region died in the hospital in the morning, he was wounded during an enemy attack on may 17, oleg sinigubov added. and two shaheds were destroyed at night in the kryvorizka district of the dnipropetrovsk region, through falling debris damaged farm buildings, informed the head of the regional military administration, serhii lysak. the enemy also attacked nikopolshchyna. an economic structure was destroyed, six private houses, an administrative building and a power line were damaged. fortunately. no one
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was hurt. 28 shaheds were destroyed by our defenders that night. only one could not be eliminated. this was reported in the air force. the enemy attacked with drones from two directions. anti-aircraft defense worked in odesa, mykolaiv, dnipropetrovsk, kharkiv, cherkasy, kherson and kirovohrad regions. one person died, three more were injured as a result of the day. in the kherson region. the occupiers targeted the residential quarters of several settlements. seven high-rise buildings and as many private houses were damaged - reported the head of the region, oleksandr prokudin. the invaders also hit an educational institution, an industrial facility, a pumping station and a gas pipeline. and at night , air defense forces shot down three shaheds over the region. and another man died as a result of a russian attack on vasylkiv district of zaporizhzhia - informed the manager. region ivan fedorov. the russians
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shelled 10 cities and villages in a day. fired from the rocket systems of salvo fire at porobotyn, malya tokmask, and stepnohirsk. the area was also shelled with artillery and drones. the minister of foreign affairs of germany arrived in kyiv on an unannounced visit. anna lena berbok also planned to visit kharkiv, but for security reasons, this trip was canceled. the comment is german. burbok informed the publication that she came as a sign of support, this is already the seventh time her visit to ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion. today, there will be blackout schedules throughout ukraine, they will be applied when electricity consumption is exceeded, ukrenergo said. they reminded that the reason for the use of schedules was the consequences of the enemy's missile attacks on ukrainian power stations. and in the meantime...
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a warehouse of fuel and lubricants exploded in the invaders' palaev in the temporarily occupied dovzhansk in the luhansk region. the infrastructure there is destroyed - said the leader artem lysohor of the regional military administration. according to him, this is the third month in which the object was destroyed, where the occupiers stored processing products for their army. and restlessly in russia, the occupiers report no. an allegedly destroyed drone in the kursk region of the russian federation, the ministry of defense of the country said, the terrorists, two more drones and a vilkha rocket projectile, the russians shot down in the belgorod region. more military equipment for ukraine from western partners about another aid, the allies announced following the meeting in rammstein format. already at the end of june , ukraine receives the second batch of leopard tanks from spain, as well as ammunition and missiles for the patriot systems.
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defense minister margarita roblys stated this. the latest armored vehicles equipped with remote control will be handed over to the netherlands. protection of the sky has also become a key issue. belgium, denmark, norway and canada agreed to strengthen air defense. and currently there is no permission. ukraine is negotiating with international partners regarding the use of western weapons against targets in russia. volodymyr said about this zelensky in an interview with reuters. according to the president, there are currently no results. the day before, us defense minister loyt austin said that ukraine can use the weapons of western countries only against enemies. on its own territory, negotiations with partners regarding new air defense systems and aviation are underway, not as quickly as we would like, - zelenskyy added. unfortunately, in these two tasks, the efficiency in the free world is still not enough, but we still have
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a perspective and promising work with several partners, and we are doing everything to as soon as possible the day has come when we can add the strength of patriots to our eastern regions, our cities such as kharkiv, such as sumy and others. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. in kharkiv oblast , the intensity of fighting has halved over the past day. the russians tried five times to storm near vovchansk, lyptsi and staritsa, 13 more in the direction of kupyansk. fighting continues near the shelters. and style swings. it is currently the hottest in the pokrovsky direction of donetsk region. there , ukrainian defenders repelled 25 enemy attacks. another 13 in the kramatorsk direction near andriivka. in zaporizhzhia and kherson oblast, the armed forces of ukraine stopped four russian assaults. during the day, our rocket launchers and gunners
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hit the control post of the muscovites, an anti-aircraft defense system, an artillery system, a warehouse with ammunition and three important objects of the occupiers. and another 1,380 russians became fertilizer for the ukrainian land. and in general, since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion , 495 70 occupiers have brought some benefit for the first time, becoming manure. destroyed our defenders and enemy scrap metal. only for yesterday, 15 tanks, 34 armored combat vehicles, 42 artillery systems, 72 vehicles, a reactive anti-aircraft fire system, four anti-aircraft defenses and six units of special equipment were destroyed. navik landed 54 enemy drones and two cruise missiles. the general staff reminds that all data are approximate. and so that the losses of the enemy
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increase, we urge you to join the urgent collection. a reliable off-road vehicle is needed for the execution of tasks by reconnaissance units in active zones. hostilities cars at the front transport personnel, ammunition, etc they are launched by drones. the required car has already been found and transported to ukraine. it remains to buy it and transfer it to the front. so our goal is uah 300,000. with your help , we have already collected almost 150,000. your every donation is important. you can now see all the details on the screen. and the election of a new president of iran. will be held on june 28, and the registration of candidates will begin on may 30, iranian media reported. currently, the country is saying goodbye to president ibrahim raisi, he will be buried in mashhad. let me remind you, the iranian president together with other high-ranking officials died in a plane crash. according to
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the investigation, their helicopter crashed due to a technical malfunction and difficult weather conditions. you can find more information in... on our youtube channel, there are live ether broadcasts, all program releases and special projects that can be seen only from us, also a short video on hot topics in the shortts section, subscribe, comment, your opinions are important to us, and that was all the news for this time, wait for the next issue at 11 o'clock, you can read more as always on our website, and so on my colleague oksana vysochanska continues the broadcast.
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this year, for the first time in history, american university kyiv students presented ukraine in the united states, namely at the arizona state university alumni award ceremony. as our students emphasized during the speech, ukraine is the motherland of dreams, the largest aircraft in the history of mankind. because of the war, it was destroyed, but no one. who will not be able to destroy the real ukrainian dream of freedom, independence and prosperity. happy to share with you that a week ago we had the first graduation of our students in arizona state university. many of our students were able to attend the graduation ceremony in the usa. i was very happy that our students became an important part and carried the ukrainian flag during the large-scale graduation ceremony at arizona state university. kyiv is a private university that offers american-style higher education. it began operations
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three weeks before the full-scale invasion, but continued to operate and grow despite the challenges. currently, about 350 students study at the university students these are future managers, entrepreneurs and it specialists. one of the most important advantages of our university is the opportunity to receive a double diploma from us as a ukrainian. university and from our partner in america, arizona state university, one of the largest in the usa, which is also a leader in digital and distance learning. our educational programs are fully synchronized with the programs of arizona state university, so our students have the opportunity to receive a double ukrainian diploma from american university kyiv and american from arizona state university, which is very important from the point of view of building a successful career in ukraine and... global markets, the university says that they are proud of their graduates and are sure that they
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will build and glorify ukraine. i thank my colleagues from the news department for their work, thank you for donating, because i can literally see how, in small amounts, money is still accumulating in the account within the framework of the project. from zero to life it is on atvs, let me remind you, for our defenders 93 is separately mechanized cold ravine brigade, for medical purposes, for transporting ammunition, after all, the guys there at ground zero know best themselves how to use and simply say that they need these atvs, it is in our power to provide a batch of this transport and send it there, so i encourage you to join , meanwhile, ivan... dymochko, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, head of the council of reservists of the ground forces of ukraine, joins our broadcast. glory to ukraine, mr. ivan.
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glory to the heroes, glad to see you. mr. ivan, innovation after innovation, it is clear in the end, because we have a new document, a new law, and various clarifications are constantly appearing. it is now known that these subpoenas can also be served at work, the employer can serve, but more if the employee refuses. should be reported to the cc, and if an employee, for example, writes an application for dismissal, it also happens that people who are conscripted to the military resign in order not to be registered anywhere, this should also be reported to the cc. how effective are all these methods in your opinion? again, we are in a state war, any way that makes it possible. to know the number of the population that is in military
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service, the number of them is present in the country, it is important to know how many people can be used for the defense of ukraine, how many people can be used for, say, work in the defense sector, it is not necessary participation in the army, it is about and state bodies. authorities or those responsible for supporting the country's defense capability, whether these are enterprises, institutions that are responsible for, or have the task of contributing to... the actual defense capability of the country, we need to know those persons who, due to their health or social status, may be fit or unfit for service, this is a standard account of a warring country's population, which can be calculated in the event of various circumstances, needs in order to attract
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the population as for protection along the front line. as well as for work in the rear, of course, that a citizen who refuses to defend the country, and this is also written in the constitution, we know, and martial law obliges to provide personal data at the recruitment center, of course, that a person who refuses, a citizen who, having the citizenship of ukraine, but refuses to comply with the current legislation, of course... you need to know such people, know the circumstances, the reasons in order to regulate these situations in the future, minimize the risks, the very fact that in fact these the issue of full accounting or extremely high-quality accounting of ukraine's own population, unfortunately, is being conducted
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only now, in the third year of the war, and such large-scale measures have not been conducted since then. the large-scale invasion of the enemy, of course, this now also gives certain difficulties interaction, but in any case, these issues will be resolved to the extent of the challenges we face, it is important that there is finally valid legislation that, as of today , regulates the disputed issues as much as possible, it is good that we still came to an understanding, that every citizen, by virtue of circumstances, by virtue of his... by virtue of his status or profession, is obliged to contribute to the country's defense capability as efficiently as possible. in the future, if there are any conflicts, i think they will be corrected. the main thing is actually the process launched, and it works, and it is also important, among other things, that there are indeed citizens who,
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due to various circumstances , have not updated their data for the last three years. did not enter into the interaction between citizens and the state, conditionally speaking , now they are trying to fix it, of course , that is positive, that as we can see, there are no total riots, as russia wanted to do, as it was actually pushed, very veiled, but it was happening, we we see that indeed society as a whole is responsible for changes in the current situation legislation and tries... in a short period of time to actually provide information about himself, so in that respect there is also a positive, because anyway in the future, i will repeat myself in essence, that local self-government, institutions of state power, entrepreneurs will finally to cooperate in
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strengthening mobilization processes in the country, this is not only a question of people, it is also a question of the economy and... coordination in all directions of all branches of government and private business or private structures, this is important, because unfortunately, this cooperation has not been enough until now , there was constant nodding of one body to another, within the limits of the current legislation, everyone tried to find some loophole or shift responsibility to others, now we will all work unitedly and together, and that's good, but fields will arise. is trying to systematize it all, so as to have one such large database where all the information would be, and it would also simplify everyone's life, and you say that there may be some collisions, this is of course a completely normal thing, because everything is necessary always improving, or already for the last few years days that the current legislation is in effect, you see
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where something needs to be done, maybe you have some comments on this electronic application, because... people are waiting for military service, registering, updating data, the procedure takes a few minutes for some, others a little longer, some do not succeed, but they say what to do next with this, how to have confirmation of receiving some qr codes, barcodes, so that later it is possible to prove that they did everything correctly, the actual clarification of the data, which makes it possible through reserve plus make ee? in the center the state receives methods of direct communication with the citizen, since the citizen who registers in the reserve plus indicates his address. he and does he confirm it, if there is a discrepancy, he informs the picking center that there is a discrepancy, he gives, gives his email address, his phone, that is, there are opportunities
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to contact the picking center, there is a possibility of interaction, and this is what i say, some will respond or inaccuracies, or when a citizen sees that some items from his, from his life, which are indicated in... actually or from his of social status indicated in the register do not correspond to reality, he has the opportunity to report this or has the opportunity to prepare, i.e. if a person appears at the recruitment center and she finds out that she has some inconsistency there, she is told to bring documents, this is one thing , this is what we are saying, the process is being stretched, data clarification and it is completely different when a citizen sees that there are some inconsistencies in the register. he already goes to the assembly center clearly with a solution to a specifically defined problem, it will give a lot to greatly simplify the actual interaction, well
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, of course, those who are citizens will appear in the collection center, having gone through a certain procedure, this so-called bar code will really be pasted into the already single sample of the military ticket, by the way, i will say that it is not so know-how, because all of us who were in the reserve, who were... our military personnel included this amulet in the register, it is the only register of conscripts, and we received bar codes even before that, now just every citizen will have individual code, conditionally speaking, according to which he will have a talisman to provide information about himself, and on the basis of this document, he will have... the opportunity to provide comprehensive information during a meeting on the street with employees of picking centers or interaction with his employer about himself, which is like confirmation that he
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has updated the data, that he is registered, so it is important that there is a skeleton, there is a process for interaction by the state, with the picking centers, in the future, according to the appearance of new changes or to that... that the application will be able to let's say, perform more additional functions, more additional functions, and this will actually be positive, any options that will be provided additionally and simplify the life of citizens, well, it will only benefit everyone. mr. ivan, we know that almost 100,000 evaders are currently being sought in ukraine, and this is only about part of the oblasts, because some oblasts did not submit such information, did not make it public, and now there actually are. this concept is to introduce fines for evaders, so in this way to actually encourage people who may have changed their minds, decided, that it is still better to pay a fine, a fine and not
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have any further problems with the law, do your duty, eh, do you see this method as good, effective, or do you already see it, maybe the results, maybe you have some such information that you are ready to share with us, so even this figure. what 100,000 say is under newly discovered circumstances and i'm sure a lot of those people will just show up at the assembly center and check the data, there will be some edits and it will happen without any penalties if a person we well, we see that there are cases, even when there are citizens who have provided data, but due to the fact that they have not been updated yet, they are in such a... status, that is, these are legal amendments, this is what i am saying, interaction is finally working and all the distortions will be corrected, so that these 100 are not all 1000 who fundamentally do not
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want to update their data, it is also worth understanding that a citizen who has even paid a fine is not exempt from responsibility and must update your data, just... then in the future it can cause and in accordance there with the appeal of the court and clarification of the reasons why he refuses or under what circumstances, this may later in the future and already cause certain legal processes, proceedings, of course, that no one there will punish people individually, this will be a legislative procedure , but the very fact that the fine should be considered as a motivational moment, and not as a punitive one, is actually important. a person in order not to pay a fine should update the data, not because someone expects him to pay a fine and all, and he will be forgotten, no, a fine is just
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a responsibility. for non-compliance with the current legislation, but the second stage, it is still a requirement to update your data, simply whether there is a recurrence of such actions, or i will repeat myself, whether there are already any malicious violations that will cause, say, conflicts of a citizen or aggression of a citizen in relation to those persons who will warn or give him information that he needs to update or give him an offer to come... beat if the person there reacts physically aggressively or otherwise there to threaten the integrity of ukraine there, well, these are different points, i will not delve into them, then it is clear that she will have to answer separately under other articles of the current legislation, it is very important, it is very good that you raised this topic, and it is necessary to constantly discuss clarify, i.e.
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there are no simple solutions in this matter, payment of a fine. even the maximum, this is not a guarantee or does not exempt from responsibility, it is simply one of the stages to increase the stricter, stricter responsibility of a citizen who does not comply with the current legislation. sir we have an innovation, so now the list of criteria for booking military personnel has been slightly expanded, and in fact now the performers, those who directly have contracts with the military. parts can also apply for reservation of their employees, the military, at least from what i heard, consider this as good news and actually a step in the right direction, what do you think about it? any reservation, which takes place on strengthening the country's defense capability, directly of a citizen, first of all it is necessary to understand that the reservation is not a citizen, but a position is reserved,
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and a person... who is in this position, he falls under a certain armor, exemption for the duration of his stay, this is also important, for the duration of his stay in this position, he is exempted from mobilization to the ranks of the armed forces, but it is temporary stay in office, or if upon dismissal from office she has other statuses that give the possibility of postponement, otherwise the reservation is only urgent. times and it really is now, especially considering how much attention society is focused on booking, on positions or to institutions that are booked, well, we understand that these positions will be more and more, a more scrupulous approach, a more detailed study, and it will really be as effective as possible, to oblige everyone to work in the position who wants to be in it, in order to , to really strengthen the defense capability.
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this is also extremely important, that is, now i still hope that there will be clear orders, voiced orders, instructions, resolutions will be attributed by the ministry, the cabinet of ministers to this issue, so that no illusions or even any questions, problems in this regard, or what is important here to understand that booking is extremely necessary. necessary for individual positions, in order to work for the defense capability of the country, and so that due to various circumstances, this issue is not neutralized, or any internal contradictions are not created, so any positive things are right, which will work in strengthening the reservation or as booking positions, they will always be welcomed unequivocally, and one more short question,
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mr. ivan, do you observe that after such information campaigns, recruiting campaigns of various units began, more battles, more conscripts began to be reported there, actually, for what reasons, i'd rather go to a place where my views are similar in spirit, where i can be useful, where my skills can actually be applied, for the purpose, rather than just getting to the ccc, being mobilized and... it is not known where, it is not known who to get to, because here there is, on the one hand, a moment when it is important to use a person's professional skills, but there is also such a moment, just purely human, so emotional, here i am comfortable in this team, uncomfortable in this, is it increasing, and if so, how many percent, maybe the number of those who are now purposefully going to specific brigades , so this thesis that imposes...


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