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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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after such information campaigns, recruiting campaigns of various units began, more battles, more conscripts began to be reported there, actually, for what reasons, it is better for me to go where my views are close in spirit, where i can be useful, where my skills can actually be used for their purpose, rather than just getting to the ccc, being mobilized and it is not known where, it is not known who to get to. on the one hand, there is a moment when it is important to use a person’s professional skills, but also there is such a moment, just purely human, so emotional, here i am comfortable in this collective, i am uncomfortable in this, is it increasing, and if so, how many percent, maybe the number of those who are now going purposefully to specific brigades, so this thesis, which was imposed due to...
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different, let's say, destructive elements that there are some bad military units, there are some really bad commanders, but there are good ones, but there are queues for the good ones, or it is impossible to break through there, well, all of these, by the way, are one of the elements of counterproductive work russians, because in the imposition of such topics, of course, all, all people in the army have situations when... there is indeed a negative experience, but it is not critical in the sense that, in fact, in the ukrainian army, people all understand , that it is necessary to fight, to defend, and the responsibility of the commander before the law is many times greater than even, say, an ordinary soldier, this is a fact, this is true, eh, this will be confirmed by any of the officers who know how detailed their conducted military operations are checked, or especially if there are failures, and how many... and structures in general,
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let's say, penal or criminal law structures that actually deal with that, the second point, it is very good that this wave that the russians tried to spread in russia about good and evil commanders did not really work, because the alternative to these pro-russian theses was actually accepted question. recruiting, but it is worth understanding that recruiting is effective for everyone who really, as you say, shows a personal desire, that is, he is engaged in the search, and he wants to get in, or he understands that he will get into the army, and here he is already building a line, you know, this is purely a relationship in a democratic country, when a citizen joins the army on certain conditions of his own, that is, he determines which unit he wants, which military... specialty, where
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he will be trained and many nuances , the percentage, it is difficult for me to say what, at least in terms of the number, the real number of citizens, how many mobiles entered the army through recruiting centers, it is in a certain regime of secrecy so that its enemy cannot calculate certain results, the fact that we know that more than 20 recruiting centers have already been opened in ukraine, and this proves that... their effectiveness is that even the command of the ground forces has opened its own recruiting center, that is, we understand that scaling in such cases happens only then when it has a need, a request and it works, this is positive, thank you for your opinion, thank you for what you actually say and share, and maybe the numbers we talked about should not be voiced, because who knows, how they can be used later thank you for participating in our broadcast, ivan timo.
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a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine and the head of the council of reservists of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine were with us, by the way, you can support our defenders with the qr code you see. we have a short break, then we will come back and talk more about what is happening in our country, wait. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then saws strong unpack tv is just for you. they will easily cut trees and bushes, they are convenient to use for carpentry work. it an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 999. choose a basic model or a model with a telescopic handle and order now. free delivery is available. check with the consultants: cut branches, trim timber, chop firewood. you will do all this in one movement, with strong saws. just look at how quickly they cope. even with
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megogo. there are discounts, they represent coco discounts in may for relief, 10% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oskad. the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day. on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of broadcast time two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite
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presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl winter's big broadcast. a project for the intelligent and those who care about espresso in the evening. we return to our airwaves and there is some good news from the international sphere. for example, in germany, says angelena berbuk, today the head of the german foreign ministry came to kyiv, they unexpectedly kept this visit a secret, but we already know that she is in the capital, he said. about the fact that the german initiative to strengthen ukrainian air defense has already collected almost 1 billion euros, well, it's not bad, and in fact, this is what we need most right now, so here are the shots of alena berbuk arriving in
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the capital, leaving a lift, because this is how international guests come to us, and in the meantime the united states handed us equipment to restore the kharkiv power grid, that's where... probably the most such equipment is needed now, the ambassador of the states to ukraine bridgetzhet brink tells about it, last week they handed over 50 voltage transformers, nine current transformers and 80 insulators, all this should help ukrainian energy companies to carry out urgent repair work in the power grid of kharkiv, which was damaged by their shelling the russians and in the end continue to damage, because... last winter and now transformers are one of the targets of their attacks, and there is also good news from latvia, the head of the foreign ministry ran a 21 km half marathon there and for what ran in order to help raise
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money for drones for the ukrainian military in this way, says that about 14,000 € have already been collected in this way, and the money is still coming in, that is , the marathon is already over, everyone has already... run, but the money will be given and will be donated, and this is also a really great initiative. if you want to follow us, but for certain reasons, due to certain circumstances, it is not always possible to be with us, it is not always possible to watch our broadcasts, all this can be viewed in a replay, a recording, you can view clips of the most important, for that's all it takes - just one click to subscribe to our youtube page, the espresso youtube channel, please join, there is everything i said, there you can follow us, be with us, if you are in hiding, for example, and of course you don't have... a tv, comment, ask your questions, it's important for us to know what you think,
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it's important for us to know how you evaluate our work, and of course we can voice your questions to our guests on our airs, now to we are adding our next guest, volodymyr tsibulko, to our broadcast. political expert, mr. volodymyr, good day, glory to ukraine, congratulations to the heroes of glory, these days we are passing by such a... we would perhaps not pay attention to it in this way, but we are talking about 5 years of the presidency of volodymyr zelensky, why is it important, because for a long time, the russians have been spreading the story that this date will pass and president zelenskyi will become illegitimate, but we also have examples of other countries when these mechanisms worked somewhat differently during the war, and the president remained president until the next. elections, because we understand that now is not quite the time to conduct pre-election campaigning somewhere,
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gather people in precincts, and so on, in your opinion, have the russians managed to catch up with this in ukraine, and maybe somewhere in the world, those attitudes of mistrust and a little to spoil our political life, well, you see, when all this is now redirected to the russians, then... it must be reminded that we have respect for the constitution, from year to year, zelensky's stay in power, simply, well, i would say, despised, that is, a trampled constitution, and any an attempt to remind the state leadership that we have a constitution, that we have, well, a parliamentary, parliamentary-presidential republic, and that it would be worthwhile to return to... return the governance of the country to the norms of the constitution, this was scorned by the authorities when
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in the end, they began to be reminded that 5 years of zelenskyi's constitutional term are coming to an end, and now, under the current circumstances, it is necessary to enter into some kind of political and legal format, because we will not be able to implement a purely legal one during the war, especially since the constitutional court eh... so to speak, na na on the brink of survival, the authorities themselves ignored the opportunity to find out for themselves the status of zelenskyi's presidency after may 20, so now it is necessary to look for options for some social compromise, mr. volodymyr, unfortunately, i do not see or hear you, we are talking about, oh, mr. volodymyr, you are back yes, yes, yes, please continue about the social compromise itself, you said that it is necessary to look for it now, yes, now under the current
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circumstances it is important to look for a model of coexistence of the parliament, the president, and local self-government, and i would suggest in this situation to formulate such a constitutional act that zelensky undertakes for the period of the extension of his term of office to carry out certain obligations, for example, to return the country to the norms of the constitution, and the parliament undertakes to form a coalition and form a coalition government, the government of national rescue, and this would be a great act of compromise, so far there is no desire on the part of the bank to take this step, so they are still trying their best to talk about the fact that any objections... about zelensky's illegitimacy is russian ipso, have you tried to read the constitution? and in
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your opinion, how can it actually be changed now, tell those who don't know, don't know how, this narrative that everything is bad, everything is wrong, the government is not like that, the law, the laws are not like that, because this certainly applies not only to those who listens, but also those who speak, yes, the point is that, well, let's put it this way, the accuser. it's easy, it's hard to find compromises and find a way out of the situation that would try to settle things. social cracks, social fault lines, which even the war did not mend. the fact is that zelenskyi and his entourage never left the election campaign of 1919, they lived in the election campaign mode for 5 years, all the time beating their political opponents, and not working for the country, and now this is the situation, when, apparently,
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after two years of such terrible russian aggression, maybe... and i should think about the country, i would like to jump to neighboring poland for a moment, the other day there was information that nine people were detained and arrested y people who prepared different, in fact, they are accused of the acts sabotage ordered by the russian special services, and that this did not only apply to poland, that it also applies to the baltic countries, even to... sweden has reached, they say the matter is serious, a special commission is being created to investigate not only this moment, this incident, but in general russian influences, and on the one hand, this is not the first time that something like this has come to light in poland, and they are dealing with it, and they are concerned
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about it. minimize those impacts i assume that it is impossible to completely eliminate them in this situation, well, here is such a situation that at one time during last year's election campaign, the largest parties were always spying on each other, and especially a lot of accusations from the peace side were directed at donald tusk, that he was allegedly some kind of russian agent and the like, but if you look at the narratives that we operated, for example... for example, picketers, truck drivers, polish, and then farmers, something they fit very well into the russian model of subversive activity, that is, if finally the special services poland did come to this opinion and saw the actions of a part of its citizens in the interests of russia,
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so i will remind you that some politicians with whom, no matter how the ruling party behaved with law and justice, managed to visit the occupied donbas and the like from the russian side. therefore, somehow the polish services would have to turn around more actively and faster, well, the fact that poland has started to act in this direction is very good, because finally, i think that the polish politicians will understand that even the russian agents are asleep, they are not without... safe, it can at a certain moment create very difficult circumstances under which poland's weight in the european union and good-neighborly relations with its neighbors may crumble, and in the end , poland's security may be undermined. ugh, mr. volodymyr, one more story: the hague court, the international
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criminal court actually wants to... issue a warrant, is considering such a possibility for representatives of israel, it is also about netanyahu, it is about the minister of defense, and by this it looks like something that can be equated essentially a victim to a criminal. we have a lot we often compare these two wars, the war in ukraine, russia against ukraine and the war in the middle east, and accordingly, we also painfully react to such... news, because we know that last year they issued a warrant for putin's arrest, here suddenly we hear, that the country that was attacked, in fact, similar accusations can be made against them, why, if this happens, yes, if it comes to this warrant, what could it mean for ukraine, why is it not good for us? well, first of all, let me remind you that ukraine has not ratified the rome statute, therefore
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, on the one hand, ukraine demands condemnation putin in the international criminal court, itself does not ratify the rome statute. on the other hand, this, well, the fact that, uh, the prosecutor of the international criminal court, it seems, karim khan, his name is, he issued a warrant for both hamas and netanyahu, this is another such media pass, to the opponents of the ratification of the rome statute in ukraine. and then we generally end up stretching ourselves, because we want to punish russian war criminals, but we ourselves do not... take completely opposite steps for this, and on the other hand, well, it is a completely moral story, because equating hamas and netanyahu -
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this is some kind of wildness, i understand that inside israel there is a lot of talk about the fact that hamas strengthened, thanks to its actions, netanyahu, who had his own concept of how to break up the palestinian resistance, and er... in fact , the international criminal court, he played on another field, we have seen how a wave of anti-semitism, campus takeovers, actions in support of palestine suddenly swept through western universities, which are very successful and very prestigious, and it looks a bit, well, really inconsistent, because on the one hand i understand that the influence of arab countries on international ... the criminal court is tangible, but on the other hand, you can't equate the victim and the aggressor, this is a fundamental moment, mr. volodymyr, we still have literally a few minutes, and here is the fresh
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news that came to us, remember, we always talked about a single marathon, about the only news, about the fact that it was relevant two and a half years ago, but not quite today, here we have a message that the public comes out of... all this was amicably agreed with the national security council, they say, it does not violate the council's decision security, and everything will be fine, actually are starting their own broadcasting on the first channel today, this is a step towards democracy, i would like it to be a step towards democracy, the fact is that the public, being in principle a producer of quite good content, in fact. lost its audience, its own audience, as part of the social marathon, it also lost the opportunity to restore this audience, so it is very
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sad, and for the state budget , the public sector costs a very significant amount, that is, i would say, it is a rather valuable product and its coverage and... efficiency is not too high, in this sense the public is not very different from, for example, the council, the channel, on which huge budget funds are also spent, and the product is so-so, of dubious quality, the audience has been lost, and the most important thing is that the opinion has become established in society that let's put it this way, the marathon is just a tool. cutting budgets, i.e. theft, and not work to strengthen the defense, capacity and stability
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of ukrainian society, unfortunately, the public can be such a marker of saving the situation, but it seems to me that it was an action from above organized, and it is intended to demonstrate the readiness of the ukrainian authorities to listen to partners. because the partners have long been saying for more than a year that the marathon has exhausted itself, that it has simply become a feeding ground for a narrow circle of its corrupt officials, and that this is an attempt to create a competitive information field, which is demanded by the partners, in particular, blinken very clearly indicated this during the last visit , that a competitive media field should be returned. thank you, mr. volodymyr. thank you for agreeing to this conversation, for being with us volodymyr tsabulko, a political expert on the espresso tv channel. in a few minutes, don't miss the news,
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iryna koval will tell you about all the latest and most important things. i'll be right back after the news. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution, sadovi trime kors, unpack the tv, make time. order at a special price of only uah 999. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most difficult- to-reach places, near fences, along the lines of paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, cut bushes and even branches. simple and easy. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose trimmers classic or with lawnmower function. light and comfortable. even women can use them. but just look at how powerful the trimmers are. this means that our trimmers can handle even the thickest weeds, and at the same time they are practically silent, no more heavy, noisy lawn mowers, oil or gasoline
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11:00 am
comfort and a beautiful, well-kept plot, order light and reliable cors trimmers, from only uah 999, call. in ukraine, it's 11 o'clock news time on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval, just now i'll tell you about the most important events at this time. two injured due to russian shelling in yelyzavetivka and severny in donetsk region. the occupiers shelled the region almost 2,400 times during the day, the regional police reported. they fired aerial bombs, artillery, drones, and mlrs. under attack on...


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