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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EEST

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in the west, where he will be told who is good and who is bad, they have already been seriously burned on the israeli issue, that in the arab world everyone rushed to ukraine, because zelensky tried to come there to israel and so on, but he didn't. invited because there is a more serious player from russia, with whom netanyahu will not quarrel, and we also have relations with many other countries, it is good that saudi arabia has a good experience there. there were quite good contacts with qatar, to some extent with kuwait, with morocco, there, but in others states, well, we need to decide whether we do anything with them at all or not, we keep a bunch of diplomats in central asia, where, for example, there are openly pro-russian positions and states that will not change their, their activities, so how many foreign ministries do we have in general held conferences on cooperation with multipoint. equal to how many joint
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projects there were, how much ukraine tried to convey to the peoples of the east that it is also involved in the anti-colonial struggle against russia, and not just represents the positions of the west, and we we are waiting for the swiss to invite someone to the summit, they will come and shake their heads, well , we will say that the global south has also joined in, here are all the sympathies and the fact that a lot of things are happening behind our backs, this shows that if not on. .. we are talking about the position of the european union, european countries, and here, too, statements, not statements, but in fact we are moving to the point that some countries, in particular spain, ireland, are planning to recognize a palestinian state, that is what is at stake here, not why palestinian was expelled
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almost 140 countries of the world community, including ukraine, recognized palestine back in the ssr in 1988, and palestine recognized ukraine in 1992, and we have an embassy and the ukrainian representative office in ramallah also operates, it’s just that the countries of western europe were more pro-israel position, and now that the netanyahu government is being accused of genocide, whether it is true or not is a question for the court. but the accusations of genocide of the jewish people continue, so many of the liberal community of the west are no longer so pro-israel as they are now, and obviously they can join, spain in the first place, which is already there talking about an embargo in support of israel, join this recognition, but this will not really change anything for palestine, because there are a lot of questions regarding the subjectivity and statehood of this entity in general, since all understand that within those limits... and
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the territorial and political situation in which it is now, it is more of a formality than a reality, but these are certain signals for israel that israel is losing its traditional allies to some extent, and if even in this he is still supported in the war, then we can even see that in the wars of the future, and especially considering the position of the global south, which does not have the same sentiment towards israel that is present in the christian world. this support may fall, and therefore the israelis will obviously have to reckon with the fact that the future for them will not be the same as the past, and the very facts of recognition and the list of states that have recognized palestine will not add anything concrete to palestine itself, and neither will the liberals of these states not ready to drive in gas, support there palestinians, as they often accept them , so these are all declarations and nothing more.
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i understand, thank you for the answers, mykhailo yakubovych was with us, an orientalist, candidate of historical sciences, a researcher at the oriental studies department of freiburg university from germany. a short pause, then we will return to international affairs, wait. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with the mattrick topper, you will be... you are sleeping on imperfect surface, order topper matrix for a comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. a unique cover, in which you can hide your topper, will become not only a new item of interior, but also quite a functional thing. you can use it both during rest and during. work at home, the toper itself is quite easy
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how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. the verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on s'. i would like to add to our conversation hanna gobko, people's deputy of the eighth convocation, head of the verkhovna rada committee on foreign affairs of the same convocation, as well as the head of the management of the network for the protection of national interests,
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mrs. hanna, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to the lord, i congratulate you, a few words about the atmosphere, mood, weather and so on. in taiwan, well, the mood here is so optimistic, the inauguration of the president has already taken place, and people are very inspired, in particular, his speech about the priorities of economic development, about the vision of taiwan in the future, as a hub in asia for the production of foreign delegations came to the island, there was also an unofficial delegation of the united states of america. well, we understand that to a large extent many are also drawn there by business issues, what could this cooperation actually look like in the near future, in particular between taiwan and the united states of america? well, the united states of america, here they have
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an american institute, well, you can call it that the american embassy, ​​but this is where there is a large representation, at the inauguration itself there was a delegation of the united states. former us secretary of state mike pompeo was also present of the united states of america and had the opportunity to talk with him, many delegations were represented at the level of foreign ministers. cases, such as guatemala, there were delegations in the form of parliamentarians, sweden, canada, britain, lithuania, slovakia and ex-president of lithuania, dalia hrybauskaita, members of the european parliament, in principle, this is also a sign of solidarity, support for taiwan, in contrast to those chinese plans, when taiwan clearly understands that it is necessary to prepare for a potential invasion. different dates are called, but in the last military aid package voted by the us congress, there is
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precisely the aid that applies to submarines and many other weapons in order to play ahead, understanding how china is now trying to strengthen its nuclear potential , is increasing the number of high-tech missiles, and therefore there is maximum... support and understanding, how to prepare and analysis, in particular of the russian the invasion of ukraine with all components from propaganda, from the use of various elements, such as political parties, churches, the use of propaganda, and therefore after the inauguration there is also a seminar on security issues taking place here in taipei, where many international... experts are just speaking the european theater, the indo-pacific, which lessons
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taiwan should learn from ukraine in order to prepare for defense. and which ones? well, actually, yes, as i said, taiwan is investing a lot in strengthening its anti-aircraft, anti-missile defense. taiwan wants to adopt the experience of ukraine. drone manufacturers, because their ambition is to become one of the key suppliers of components for uavs in asia, it is important that the ukrainian experience is the basis of further partnership, because here they are impressed by ours and spoke a lot about how they saw and were happy when ukraine not actually having a powerful navy , it destroyed russian naval drones. therefore, the question of artificial intelligence and its application in the production of drones is that
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is seen as such a priority area where they want to cooperate with ukraine, or through such european countries as the czech republic, lithuania, poland, or seek direct cooperation with our producers and be ready for various options, plus what concerns the countering of propaganda. because the society itself in taiwan, 20% still do not see china as an enemy, while 52 clearly understand that china is an enemy, so the task is precisely to explain, and in particular, using the example of ukrainian mistakes, when our society also initially doubted whether will russia really attack and does russia really want to destroy ukraine, so the ability to... identify the enemy and his plans and prepare society for stability is also one of
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such important tasks. madam, just briefly, we actually have one question, because you have just described the present, the actual diplomatic significance of the presence of all these foreign delegations in taipei, and i would like to ask about what happened unofficially, in fact, some kind of backstage, which mood prevails, i am about i am talking about communication, and also... actually, besides you, there are other representatives ukraine there, and what were they talking about? well , they talked, in particular, about the peace summit, which will be held in switzerland, and a lot of questions were asked about what ukraine wants to achieve from this summit, the representative of guatemala, who was present, said that hanna, i plan to go to switzerland to participate in this summit, and tell me, what other help is needed, therefore. many caused such skepticism, and ukraine will soon hold this summit, i explained how
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important the next six months are in the international arena in the diplomatic sphere, in order to to mobilize more support and show that russia as an aggressor does not want to stop hostilities at a time when ukraine, which has a great will to win, continues to fight and expects more support. i also wanted to ask if ukraine was actually represented by a large delegation, because we understand that we also have difficult relations. with taiwan, and in fact you always have to try very carefully to slip through the cracks in order to maintain good relations with china and with taiwan, in short, please, please, we cannot maintain good relations with china contact, because china is on the side of the russian federation, and i want the ukrainian society to finally understand that despite all
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the naive tasks we have to save with china, we cannot save. we have good relations with china, when china provides the russian federation with machines, chips, and weapons, and there are already dozens of investigations about this, when china, in fact , together with the russian federation, continues to kill ukrainians, we need to win the technological war, taiwan has the technologies we need, we must understand that china does not want the victory of ukraine, it has ambitions of global domination, what the longer the war lasts, the more china will... get richer and have access to the russians of the russian federation as a raw material appendage, and it is also important for it that the usa is here and loses its authority, therefore only the victory of ukraine is a powerful message to the entire axis of evil, not only to the aggressor state, but also to china, and to iran, and to north korea, therefore, on the one hand, we have to be so
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careful, but we have to understand that we have no levers of influence on china and... contacts with taiwan will not stop china in their ambitions to play along with russia and use the so-called peacekeeping in order to get even more rich, as they say, and do everything so that we lose, giving our enemy. thank you, thank you for participating in our broadcast, hanna gobko was with us, a people's deputy and the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the verkhovna rada of the eighth convocation, and now the head of the board of the network for the protection of national interests. and in between... people's affairs, a few more words, maria mezyntseva, people's deputy of ukraine will tell us, mrs. maria, glory to ukraine, good day, i wish you health, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, ms. maria, ms. maria, regarding the arrival of the head of the german foreign ministry annelena berbuk, an unexpected visit, often lately,
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actually they are all unexpected for most ukrainians, what is the main purpose, or already do you know what? did they talk, what did they agree on? well, obviously, this will, of course, be a discussion with the head of the ministry of foreign affairs, germany, an important partner country, the upcoming peace summit, where, of course, germany supports ukraine, both at the parliamentary level, at the executive level, and at the levels, of course, of the ministry of foreign affairs, let me remind you that it was partners from germany who were co-authors and initiators of important documents related to the peace clauses of president zenensky's plan, in particular, it was the tribunal for the crime of aggression by putin and the highest, other top political and the military leadership of russia, of course, and the initiative in which germany joins to return
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illegally deported, displaced ukrainian children, which in fact can be equated with... and just a theory of international law and should be equated to the crime of genocide. i am sure that ms. burbox with her team will also have certain backstage discussions with president zelenskyi directly with his counterpart, mr. colleague, regarding how we can influence and what was discussed with ... which are not actually neutral, they still take a certain position, until recently, let's say, until a certain time, it was also switzerland, although i want to note that the swiss delegation was one one of the first to arrive in the kyiv region and the capital
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city of kyiv immediately after liberation. territories of kyiv region, such cities as ucha, armini and others, i.e. to get acquainted with mass war crimes, our colleagues from switzerland wanted as soon as possible, and therefore we are now very grateful for the position not of neutrality, but the position of correct historical justice, and including not only switzerland, but also 43 european states, all g7 countries support our initiative absolutely. physically, and not verbally, regarding the register of losses and the provision of compensation to ukrainians. we will do it for account of frozen assets, and germany is here too. i am sure she will support us in this, and we are on the road, in principle now with colleagues, someone is participating in the meetings of the parish committees, but literally on thursday we will gather for
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a conciliation council in lithuania, in the capital in vilnius, because the next six months are our lithuanian friends will chair the council of ministers of the council of europe, it is very important for us both in the framework of the peace summit and in the framework of preparations for washington. whom the summit, i am sure, head burbok will also discuss additional aid packages from germany and within the framework of the nato partnership, and not only, because these two events, the peace summit and the washington summit, open up additional opportunities for us regarding humanitarian issues, even such issues as demining territories, for example, which we discussed literally yesterday at a large conference. of the british parliament in london, and of course, our civilians, our military, who are in captivity, who are illegally
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displaced, who are in prison, yesterday the initiative of azov families and in general the initiative of the team and brothers from azov, also presented their vision regarding call for the release of more than 900 military personnel who are in captivity, but in reality there are many more, and the situation with civilians in captivity is more complicated, and in general, according to international law , russia has no right to take anyone prisoner, however, in kharkiv oblast, where fighting is still going on in vovchanchansk, which is still largely under the control of the armed forces of ukraine. civilians are now imprisoned, kept in basements, some, as we have seen, unfortunately, are killed in the army even people with certain physical disabilities, like
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a man in a wheelchair who was unable to evacuate. all these terrible crimes must be punished, and this is a matter of general justice, which is listed in point seven of the president's peace plan, so you know. actually, this should probably once again show the world and europe, all democratic forces, who we are dealing with. thank you for being able to join us, i know that you are on the road now and it was not just that. thanks for the answers. maria mezyntseva, people's deputy of ukraine, was with us. it's time for me too goodbye, have a peaceful, safe day, take care of yourself, remember that you should not ignore the air warning signals, and in a few minutes iryna koval will tell the news, so stay with espresso. good bye.
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12 o'clock in ukraine. in the studio of iryna koval. for your attention, a news release on the espresso tv channel. let's start with the fact that there will be no power outages during the day - the ukrenergo company reported. planned blackouts in all regions were canceled until 5 p.m. the company clarified and stabilized the system thanks to the activation of solar power plants and the import of electricity from
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five. countries and to the situation in


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