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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EEST

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and the losing position of supporting the russian federation, russia will lose, well, not everyone understands this yet, but the question is, does the country need to be an ally of the loser, and i have such a very weak hope that all these discussions that will begin now, they can give a little bit of hope for the future, that after all, iran will not be immediately, it is obviously impossible, but gradually, somewhere, somehow, well, it will turn in the direction of... what sense and common sense. of course, the russian federation will do everything it can and can't to prevent this, so that on the contrary, the right-wing, right-wing fanatics and extremists won the upper hand in iran and will develop the thesis that what is behind it, for example, massad, which has already started and already today there are many people shouting that yes, of course, it was a provocation by massad, that is understandable , why, well, because for... and
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so, of course, that if you have to defend yourself from this hell, you have to choose even more radical ones than there are today, so that the struggle will continue, but i think that the same as russia will influence, so there is also the possibility that democratic countries will try, at least stimulate something more or less positive. mouth or nose as a turn in the internal politics of iran, there are small, but also certain possibilities for this. well , yesterday, when information appeared that this helicopter with the president of iran and the minister of foreign affairs of iran and other officials disappeared from the map, the european commissioner for crisis management, janes lenarcic , announced in the evening about the activation of the european union's mapping service for rapid response to requests. iran after
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the helicopter accident, adding to the post on the netix #эвросоюз solidarity, such a manifestation of the eu's solidarity with iran caused many outrageous comments, in particular from the meps, the european commissioner himself later explained #the fury of humanity, another whole story that is now being spread in the russian federation that everything that happened before that in europe meaning... the assassination attempt on robert fico, the prime minister of slovakia, then the attempt to organize an attempt on the life of vučić, then the plane wreckage itself in iran, that this is part of one big plan to destroy this group of supporters of the axis of evil, people, who act as putin's lawyers, as in europe, well, iran, and in general, they are fellow students of the war against. ukraine, er,
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can we expect, we are far from conspiracy theory, can we expect a continuation of similar things, or is this all a coincidence that russian propagandists are trying to put under one, well, into one story, the story of the struggle against the world against putin . well, you know, er, if one fact, it can be a coincidence, two is a coincidence of three, that's it. regularity, so i think that if we are talking about such things, here it is necessary again to look for an answer to a simple question, and who benefits, well, who benefits from all these attacks on these political figures, or let's say, in this case, the death in this plane crash, it benefits russian propaganda to show that in the world ...
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they kill or try to kill those who stand for peace, well, look, fico is a great peacemaker, vucic is a great peacemaker, well, iran did not directly put forward any peace plans, but it could also be put under the that he will also support the russian peace plan there or chinese or whatever, and thus, when they try to eliminate them, it is precisely this struggle of world evil in person. measures against the new progressive regime of putin and so on and so on and so on, that is, i think that of course we need to have concrete facts here, you and i do not have them yet, but i think that time will pass and we will find a lot of confirmation of that , that such things are organized, especially when they arise literally in a very short period of time, not in years, but in weeks. and then i think that this is probably not the case
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it may just be coincidences and coincidences, it is probably some kind of system, well, we will wait for evidence and - the fact that these stories will take on some new development, well, in particular, regarding the fizo, because there are a lot of questions, how is this a writer who is 71 years old and well it's clear that he doesn't know how to shoot, he went to shoot a fizo, well, that's a lot of questions, how did it all happen, why did it happen and who actually pushed him to do it, well , remember, there was information that a few years ago he belonged to to some pro-russian group. of a radical organization, maybe there are canned goods sitting there of some russian special service, which can very easily inspire a person, well, maybe there are some psychological, so to speak, moments to go and
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shoot, because he did not like something there, well, we still have one outstanding european politician who leads his country in contrary to all european and nato rules, yes, well, let's wait, maybe something will happen in the near future, let's see, thank you, mr. volodymyr, another rather important event took place this week, the visit of the secretary of state of the united states of america, anthony blinkin, to kyiv unannounced visit, but blinkin emphasized the importance of american aid in ukraine and said that washington and kyiv are preparing a big one. the security agreement, that is , the agreement that will be there for 10 years, it seems, and this is obvious, obviously should act first, and this is a signal to the kremlin that the united states of america will not leave ukraine without help,
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while at the same time, in the background of this, there is a discussion about , whether american weapons can be used by the armed forces of ukraine on the territory of the russian federation. ambassador of ukraine to oksana markarova of the united states of america says that ukraine is waging a defensive war, so it should have the right to strike the weapons of its partners in those places. what did she say in an interview with cbs news? let's listen. we have been having this discussion for two years. we have the right to defend ourselves, and we defend ourselves regardless of whether we attack russian forces against our own. territory, or by russian troops outside our territory, that is, un rules, international law and all other rules that exist in this country, and which, by the way, russia violated, give us a clear right to defend ourselves by striking at the aggressor, either on our
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territory or from where he starts the attacks, and the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the french parliament, jean-louis bourlanche, called on paris to withdraw and... on the task of ukraine to strike french weapons on the territory of russia, to quote mr. bourlange: for france, which has long expressed its desire to be at the forefront of solidarity with ukraine and inter-allied coordination, it seems that the time has come to lift the ban that it has imposed so far in this matter, as did the british and the americans. why is it possible to deny ukrainians the right to respond with strikes to attacks, the victims they become, the right of soboron, excludes the right to... to defend the territory of the aggressor, mr. volodymyr, why is this discussion being held for so long and why does ukraine have to confirm every time that we it is necessary to strike on the territory of the russian federation, because from there they are actually preparing another offensive and preparing another military convoy, why so,
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why is this happening, why the western partners they perceive our arguments so hard, well, you know, we always have to look for some such, it seems to me, facts in the history of bilateral relations and world history in general, which could somehow, you know, advance at least our position and sow doubt in those who adhere to this twisted line, well, for example, well, look, have we forgotten that the americans helped the soviet union with weapons, well, there was such a lend-lease... the soviet union received thousands and thousands of tanks, airplanes, everything that was needed for what in order to, to use in the war against germany, did the united states of america forbid the soviet army to beat the germans outside the territory of the soviet union, outside
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the borders of that very poland, and in germany itself, no, yes, guys, take this a banal simple fact that is known to everyone. tree and ask mr. kirby of the white house over there, what is the difference between the fact that american weapons were then used to... so to speak defeat this beast in its lair, why now can't american weapons be used to, use them to deter an attack on a sovereign state, you see, well, i support what ms. markarova says, she says absolutely correct intelligent things, but to me it seems that sometimes very seriously affects the progress of the negotiations, it is such a simple, but very ... er such a killer argument, to which, well, i think that mr.
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kirby would not find anything to answer, or start swimming, but this immediately visible, and then that it immediately affects the position itself, which is the basis, you ask, mr. sergey, the basis is uh, uh, well, i call it a cursed word, fear, escalation, and behind the word escalation is the word fear, and that's it. .. two things that today paralyze the sober thinking of many military personnel in the west and politicians, they are afraid of the word escalation, they think like, well, we gave, we gave hymars, and what can happen from the other side, from the other side such, and we gave yes tanks, and what will happen on the other side, we gave there f16, and what will happen next, and we will give this more, and after that... perhaps something will happen that we cannot calculate, and this something is a nuclear threat,
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well, you understand, with this nuclear threat, putin continues to scare the west, and the west continues to be afraid, he does not want to understand that this threat does not really exist, because look how well french president macron put the muscovites in their place, he is very clear and calm. but somehow, you know, somehow he even said everyday, yes, i have 880, in my opinion, if i am not mistaken, carriers of nuclear weapons, well, you hit, and we hit, and you know, at some point, i don't know, i've been doing something for the last couple of weeks, maybe i missed something, correct me, i don't hear a mad bear, i don't hear an equally mad one over there zakharov and other crazy people...
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that's all, and somehow the mood for a nuclear war suddenly boils over, well, because they also understand very well there, it's only france, there's also great britain, and there 's already the united states states of america, and not even 800, but 80 warheads are enough to simply destroy everything that... don't worry, we have them too, and we can too, and after that somehow, well, the intensity of passions decreases a little, that is, we have to stop being afraid, you know, i really like the fact that now some people are walking there in america, including some of our demonstrators with t-shirts that say be brave, whatever horo well , we really need to finally become brave and not be afraid of what stands today on clay
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feet. that's all. today, mr. volodymyr, the 22nd meeting of the contact group on defense of ukraine in the ramshtein format took place. and the main issue of the agenda, in particular became anti-aircraft defense. defense minister of the united states of america lloyd said that the priority of supply for ukraine remains the anti-aircraft system and the projectiles for them. let's hear what he said. it is very important for ukraine to close its skies from iranian drones, from korean missiles and other means. today , we all clearly focused our attention on the urgent requests of ukraine, in particular, regarding the protection of the kharkiv region, and on what president biden announced earlier this month. about a new aid package worth 400 million dollars, there will be new shells for nessems for
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highmars, new, new units of armored vehicles and other systems that ukraine needs. mr. volodymyr, ukraine needs much more than what loyt dostin says about it, is the statement that the western partners give us exactly that much weapons true? so that we don't lose, but just enough so that we don't go on the offensive, well, you know, this is a sad conclusion, but it seems to me that it is fair, because if... it were different, then we would have long ago received not only there five or seven systems patriot, which we are already talking about there , we are negotiating, it is not known how many months, and i think much more, so they are expensive, they cost a billion dollars each plus or minus, well, but i’m sorry, even with the help that
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the usa is talking about, there 60 billion, well, you can gradually. collect 5-7 billion to be given specifically for this purpose. i don't think the united states of america, having, having hundreds of these systems, would lose much if they gave us the dozen or so that we really, well, need to survive. so i think it all goes into the same thesis that you and i talked about when... the west does not want the collapse of russia, because they understand that in the event that, say, crimea falls, it, it will still fall, whether they think so or not thought in washington or anywhere, but it will still be gradually, relentlessly demilitarized, deoccupied, and the beginning of the loss of crimea
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will mean the beginning of the decline of putin's regime. this is also understandable, for them this topic is sacred, and when the crimea is cut off from supplies and the question arises whether the garrison should surrender, drown, or flee, then many people will have the question again, even in the kremlin and around, so what is actually happening here and why was it all started 10 years ago, so i think that we... need to treat all these statements unconditionally with a certain understanding , but you know, to do your own thing, well, in the end, blinken, when he was here the last time, was not too categorical, he said that we do not encourage, but we do not deter, well, that's what
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it means, well, you know, well, he pressed on this button, i thought i was going there, but... i was flying here, well , that's what happened, well, you can't do anything, one day you know, when i was conducting negotiations with these perebrikam creatures, when all their arguments were exhausted, the main thing that remained was the phrase: "well, this is how it happened historically, well, it can happen so simply historically, that instead of falling into military..." the airfield is somewhere in conditional sacks, it will end up somewhere in rostov, well, that's how it turned out, well, everything happens, well, well, well, and what are you going to do here, one more person appeared who doubts that that ukraine will win over russia, and says that there is an attempt on the prime minister fitso of slovakia is also connected with his
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support for peace, he is the president of bulgaria's rumenne rada, he made a corresponding statement, now... let's listen to what he said. it is extremely dangerous that passions between russia and ukraine flare up in europe as well, and that voices for peace are met with gunshots. this is unacceptable. intolerance to other points of view is inculcated in european society. it is unacceptable to present the continuation of the war and the impossible victory over russia as the only possible solution. mr. volodymyr. for the former countries that were part of the socialist camp the camp, how was it done, is there some other motive here, done, well, simply, well, they remember what the soviet army is, the soviet russian army was not far from the soviet one, well, that’s right, but i think that it was not done, but recruited , well, it can also
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be called done, maybe they did it that way at the time that they recruited, especially, you see, people... are no longer of the pioneer age a little bit, so that is why i think that it is about this option, that is, they are old canned goods, which were laid back in those times, when you correctly say, remember, they told there about bulgaria, that it's not even abroad for, for, for, well, i won't repeat it, because one of your colleagues was very scared of something when i wanted to repeat this phrase, so that it wouldn't look too arrogant. well, the same countries were completely occupied by the soviet special services, i.e. embassies, all kinds of houses of friendship and all that. similar, there are some trade missions and so on, these were all cells of special services that worked to simply create a network of their contacts and dependencies, well, where is the guarantee that in the same
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bulgaria did not do the same, where is the guarantee that, well, if we, if we suddenly see that some members of the european parliament for many, many years are now sitting in training at the e. fsb and have contacts with the russian special services, then what can we say about the 70s and 80s of the last century or even the 90s. that is, all this should be taken as the position of those people who, perhaps, i am not confirming, of course, but perhaps had some secret contacts with the russian special services and are still being used by them, if not as direct agents, then as agents of influence. and what will be the position of these people? influence our movement towards the european union and nato, because one way or another it will also depend on them whether
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we will be there or not? well, not everyone has the powers you are talking about, in this case, in the bulgarian case, it is such a thing, the same is true there are some balkan countries where the same thing happens, the prime ministers and governments are pro-european and pro-ukrainian, and the president... for some reason fall out of this line, when it comes to governments, it's worse, and here we mean today's orban today's fizo and so on and so on, but you know, mr. sergey, even on the example of sweden and finland joining nato, when you are left alone, even when you really don't want to, or you were asked to slow down as much as possible, well, all the same, there are already certain limits... and it cannot be stretched further, so in the case of ukraine, i think that hungary, if orban is still there, will drag on for two years to ratify this protocol, but
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still, when she will be left alone and when there will be absolutely no arguments and nowhere to go to do things, so one way or another it will still happen, just with a delay, well , of course, under those circumstances, mr. sergiuvy, you and i will not drink champagne, in connection with the collapse of the last empire not to... on north, in the northeast of ukraine. i hope that sooner or later it will happen, and we will witness it. friends, i remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. throughout the broadcast, we conduct a survey and ask you about have your expectations from zelenskyi's presidency come true? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, write your opinion about it, what did you expect, what did you get. and if you watch us on tv, grab your smartphone or phone and vote if your expectations from the zelenskyi presidency have come true, 0800-211-381, no 0800 211-382, all calls to
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these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will here are the results of this vote. very briefly, mr. volodymyr, about the situation is taking place in georgia, they passed a law on inaagents, as well as russia, and western partners, both theirs and ours. they tell tbilisi to the official tbilisi that with such approaches they will not need the european union, and in general the americans doubt that the aid they receive, they will continue to receive this aid. how did it happen that during the rather difficult 15 years that have passed, or not even 15, probably more than 20 years, why georgia has come such a long way from the trojan revolution through the war with russia, russia's aggression against georgia, and what and why is this the result now? well , because mr. serhii, in addition to mikheil saakashvili,
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whom i respect as a statesman, despite the individual, so to speak, complexities of his political biography and character, but he demonstrated that georgia can and will definitely be a member of... the european union and nato, i don't doubt that for a minute, here, but in the same way, in addition to such political figures as saakashvili, there are also ivanishvili, it's just that again, we understand that because of such people and actually this subversive policy is being carried out in relation to the whole country in order to prevent the departure from russia and for this country to be able to choose independently from... its development, this is what, as they say, lies on the surface, and we see it, the results, we see, i , to be honest, i am surprised when the relatively young politicians who
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rule georgia today say absolutely anti-georgian things and swear allegiance to moscow. another topic of this weekend and these days is the inauguration of the newly elected president of taiwan. laicinte came to power and in a speech during the swearing-in ceremony called on china to stop threats and work together on a peaceful settlement of the conflict. let's hear what he said. i hope that china will come to terms with the reality of our republic's existence, respect the choice of the taiwanese people, and in good faith prefer dialogue over confrontation, exchange over containment, and cooperate with the legitimate government of taiwan in accordance with the principles of parity and dignity. we have the ideal of achieving peace, but we must have no illusions before china renounces
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the use of force to invade. desire china's annexation of taiwan will not go away. and there is the reaction of the ministry of foreign affairs of china, wang wenbin, the spokesman of the ministry, commenting on the new president of taiwan, called the country's independence a dead end. let's hear what he said. i want to emphasize the following: taiwan's independence is a dead end. no matter under what guise or under what flag, taiwan's quest for independence and secession is doomed to failure. well, we see, mr. volodymyr, that the development of these relations and the difficult relations between taiwan and china is new
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president. taiwan, obviously china doesn't like it, they say it's a dead end. does this mean that these claims china is making will inevitably lead to armed conflict. you know, mr. serhiy, i think not, i think, again, it's more political rhetoric than real threat for one simple reason. china, it happened, and he sought it, is very incorporated. into the world economy, and this incorporation suggests that he is focused on north america and europe, and if he decides in this way to decide taiwanese issue, then he will immediately hit the iceberg of sanctions, i think, which will be worse than what the russian federation is experiencing today. is it beneficial to the chinese economy, which is definitely not, because it will be a disaster for it, or is it... what, in fact,
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the chinese themselves need, who, well, even a little, but are starting to rise in their economic well-being, prosperity and so on further. i think that it is also not what the average chinese citizen needs. therefore , it seems to me, just banal arithmetic says that taking risks is, well, somehow too beautiful. a political idea for the sake of economic stability, well , you know, it's like playing russian roulette, you can win, or you can shoot yourself, so i don't think that china's leaders are so risky that they will go for such a story, for some reason it seems to me that it's just
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confirmation. i mean the statement of the spokesperson, and i think there will be statements and more, confirmation of the political position, and since china is not in a hurry, for it 100 years there is a moment, a moment, so i think they will this is to confirm that this is so, china is one, that is what is being done there in taiwan, let it be done, but we still consider it to be our part, and it will just wait, while the corpse of the enemy is about... by, whether it will be in 5 years, whether it will be in 50 years, or in 150 years, well, for china, these are not the deadlines that will require too serious actions. and why, mr. volodymyr, in recent years, this question has been so topical and so acute for china, considering that china is also not a small state in terms of territory.


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