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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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such a story, for some reason it seems to me that this is just a confirmation, i mean the statement of the spokesperson, and i think there will be statements and more, confirmation of the political position, and since china is not in a hurry, for it 100 years there is a moment, wait a minute, so i think they will confirm it, that it is so, china is one, that is what is being done there in taiwan, let it be done, but we still... but we consider it our part, and it will be simple to wait until the corpse of the enemy floats by, whether it will be in 5 years or it will be in 50 years, or in 150 years, well, for china, these are not the terms that will require too serious actions. and why, mr. volodymyr, in recent years, this question has been so topical and so urgent for china, considering that china is also not a small state in terms of territory.
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as well as russia, which is fighting for those islands with japan, for the kuril islands, that is, to recognize them as japanese, and the japanese to recognize them as theirs, that is, why is this now such a cornerstone of china's policy, and you know it seems to me, mr. serhiy, that this is actually, like russia's war against ukraine, russia's aggression against ukraine, this is a certain kind of test. for a collective event, whether it will be accepted or not, if the west accepts that ukraine will lose, it means that, of course, russia will do what it wants, where it wants, if the west accepts and does not respond to what they say against taiwan, it means that china will also do whatever it wants in the pacific ocean and southeast asia region, and if so, then... they will be even stronger
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to cooperate in order to confront the event and try to overcome it, so here i think these, so to speak, regional things, they have a very serious geopolitical geopolitical color, and this is to some extent a kind of, you know, a test drive, that we passed, it worked, let's go on, and if you immediately see red here... light and brick in front of your nose, well then, then you have to stop and tell, so we would have passed, but now it's raining, so we'll wait, mr. volodymyr , one event that awaits us in literally 25 days, on june 15 , the global peace summit begins in switzerland, today it became known that india will participate in this summit, so far china has not clearly said about its participation, but it has not confirmed its words. ushakov, who said that
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china will not go to switzerland because russia will not be there, in your opinion, and that we should expect peace from this summit, so what will he give to ukraine? well, regarding the participation of china, something, everyone believes that this is some kind of panacea for the success of this forum. well, it also seems to me that china will not come, well, because it, russia has already clearly and clearly said that it will not go, because it was not invited, and china said that it will not go, because at the conference they have there will also be russia and ukraine, well, since russia will not be there, then china probably will not take full participation in this forum, maybe there will be some adviser as an observer there and nothing more to wait, it seems to me that we need a certain a chance to advance in the three key areas currently defined: that is, the most important thing now
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to agree, well, at least some frameworks in these directions, and then on the basis of these agreed frameworks, form some definite plan of action. this is the maximum we can count on. i will repeat that the territorial integrity of states is important, well , sorry, it is written in the un charter, there are many other correct things written there, which can simply be written in one paragraph. as it is always done, there referring to articles such and such of the statute, there the conference takes it into account, is guided, is guided and so on, and then move on to some specific things, that's all, that's why i don't think that we should overestimate the importance of this forum here, it will be possible for us from a political point of view, but from a practical point of view, i'm afraid that it will be only the beginning and... in several directions, not
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everyone, great and long work, but it seems to me that the best way to solve all the issues fixed by the program. of president zelenskyi, this is the victory of the russian aggressor on the battlefield, which is what you and i have been talking about all this hour, mr. sergey, and literally a month after that , the washington nato summit will take place, anniversary, will ukraine receive a positive signal from this summit, it is difficult to say, i think that if there is no invitation, there will be at least something like it. well, some kind of condition to receive this invitation, as it was in the context of the invitation to the negotiations with the european union, then this will also be a certain element of promotion, although, of course, the axis of fear that has formed now
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and includes washington and berlin , unfortunately, it is still not insurmountable, and i am sorry that the leaders of such... the two largest countries are afraid of the shadow of the russian federation, that is, even if we do not receive an invitation to nato, it will not be a tragedy for foreign policy, and for ukraine in general. well, you know, some people in the west say that, unlike the eu, nato only accepts those countries that are fully ready. well, if, if this thesis is fair, although it is not true, because nato accepted countries that were not ready at all, i do not want to name... names, so as not to offend anyone, but it was a fact , it was a political decision, then in this case they are simply covering themselves with it, well let's be smarter and do everything so that the ukrainian army is not only formally, but actually the best in europe, which , by the way, i think it actually is. thank you,
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mr. volodymyr, for the conversation, it was volodymyr ogrysko, a politician, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-9, friends, we conduct surveys throughout our entire. broadcast and we are asking you today whether your expectations of zelenskyi's presidency have come true, let's look at the interim results of the survey, because we are this survey let's continue in the second hour, i.e. 12% yes and 78% no, these are the results of a television poll, we continue to vote, gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and uncomfortable, and you want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot, the solution: there are garden trimmers kors unpack tv , order in time at a special price, only from uah 999. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most difficult-to-reach places near fences, along the lines of paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees,
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bam and oshchad. a journalist who joined the armed forces, a political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to understand alarming news and distinguish the truth from the hostile and false. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 9:30 p.m on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic news. and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like native languages ​​to many, as well as distinguished
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guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. see this week in the collaborators program. servants of the kremlin, not of god. which of the priests promotes russian peace among children? this conversation, as i said, should preferably not be the last, but how did the clergyman from kherson steal icons and ancient books? find, remove and return these church shrines. watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on espresso tv channel on tuesday at 5:45 p.m. your
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place is waiting for you, the lights are left on, for dinner, what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you are waiting for your streets. at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, behind they cry for you, they pray for you, we did not give up, because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby. half the battle is knowing how hard it is to
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win, and we will do our best to embrace you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you. congratulations, friends, live on the espresso tv channel. the second part of the verdict program. my name is serhii rudenko, and today we will talk about what was, or is, and is happening around us during the last few days, well, the very first five years of... the presidency zelenskyi is exactly 5 years old today, since he was sworn in as the head
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of the ukrainian state, let's talk about his achievements, defeats, prospects, and of course about who is currently running ukraine, among the topics we will consider today, this the beginning of the great mobilization, or, let 's say, the beginning of the law on mobilization , on may 18, 24, the law came into force, which provides for: new procedures and updating data in the tsc and new procedures for mobilization in ukraine, among today's topics is also the situation that is taking place in ukraine, with the war with society, in a word, let's talk about everything, everything, everything, first of all i want to encourage you to subscribe to our youtube and facebook pages, if you watch us live there. please go and add our pages to your friends pages and take part
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in our survey, today we ask you about whether your expectations from zelenskyi's presidency have come true, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, choose or yes or no feature or if you have your own opinion about five years of zelenskyi's presidency, please write about it in the comments, it is important for us to know your opinion, if you are sitting in front of the tv and watching us... on the air , pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think or your expectations , as they say, came true from the presidency of zelensky 0 800 211 300. no 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program , we will sum up the results of this vote. so, i want to start our big conversation, which will last 45 minutes, with the president tenure, 5 years of zelenskyi's presidency.
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let's talk about achieving defeat and perspective. we know that in 2019, president zelenskyi. marched under the slogans of renewal, everyone was waiting for new faces and in 2019, immediately after the inauguration of the president, which took place on may 20, er, president zelensky announced early parliamentary elections, that is, starting from may 20, 2019 , and then after the parliamentary elections , in fact all power in ukraine began to belong to... the team of volodymyr zelenskyi, these were quite difficult 5 years, the first few years ago, political neophyte volodymyr zelenskyy tried to understand where he got to and actually, under what circumstances and what he was supposed to do in this government, next to them were the people who introduced him to the presidency, including andriy bohdan, the former head of the presidential office
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ruslan rryabashapka, who later became the prosecutor general of ukraine and... danylyuk, who, oleksandr danylyuk, forgive me, who became the secretary of the national defense security council and serhii shevir, who became the first assistant to the president of ukraine, they all tried to create a new political reality, and this political reality was rather strange, considering the fact that in the parliamentary elections of 2019 , unknown people came to the verkhovna rada of ukraine, people whom no one knows at all. and it is not clear under what circumstances they even got into the lists of servants of the people, but it happened as it happened, the ukrainians made a choice, it was a democratic choice, the ukrainians wanted something new, they got it, the first two years president zelenskyy tried to get used to the role of the president of ukraine, later
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a rather difficult time began with the beginning of a large-scale war and for the president. zelensky had to grow up quickly enough in politics, because much more was required of him, perhaps than he imagined in 2019, that is , he did not succeed in reaching an agreement with putin, although he declared it, he had to reform his team, because as of today, from that of the team that led him in the presidential elections, there are few people left in his entourage, the main figure... in this entourage is, of course, andrii yarmak, the head of the office of the president of ukraine, and literally in the current situation, many experts in the west are talking about the fact that andriy yarmak is one of the central figures in ukrainian politics, previously the head of the office of the president of ukraine was one of the hundred
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most influential people according to the magazine, the post wrote an article about the influence of the head of the office of the president of ukraine, and what this influential american publication writes. critics say that recently, when zelenskyi's followers narrowed, yarmak removed the ministry of foreign affairs, interfered in military decisions, acted as a mediator in key agreements with partners, including the united states of america, this undermines the authority of zelenskyi and the challenge. doubts about who is responsible for the decision, the president or the head of the president's office, emphasizes the washington post. well, of course, there is nothing to even discuss here, who is responsible, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi is responsible, ukrainians voted for him, he won 73% of the support of those who came to vote, well, accordingly, and
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legal consequences may be for the president of ukraine, which, perhaps, at some points... thus delegates powers that should not be delegated, and if even the american edition notes that the head of the president's office has a sufficiently large influence on the processes in the state, then in this situation, it is the responsibility of volodymyr zelenskyi, the president of ukraine himself says about the fact that there are five or six effective managers in his team who manage the state during the war, zelenskyi is perhaps the only one... probably the president who has the experience of managing the state during aggression, military aggression of a neighboring country. states during the great war, it is also still so invaluable, it obviously formats and makes volodymyr zelensky a completely different
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politician and a completely different person, because it is understandable to lead the armed forces of ukraine, because he is the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine and ukraine in general during the war is quite difficult, of course zelensky himself.. . is now talking about the peace formula and this is the main issue that will be considered in 25 days in switzerland, the global peace summit will take place, but how did we actually approach this five-year anniversary of the president's inauguration. zelenskyi, with the fact that there is no conclusion of the constitutional court regarding the extension of president zelenskyi's powers, there is a political understanding of all political players. in ukraine, that these powers of the president should be extended, elections cannot be held now, elections of the president of ukraine cannot be held, and this is also
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a big question, why the constitutional court of ukraine did not adopt a legal document, which clearly stated that until the arrival of the next president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy is the president of ukraine, why? i am talking about this because... the russian federation is quite aggressive in its policy regarding the legitimacy or illegitimacy of zelenskyi, the western media are raising questions about the fact that zelenskyi has already exhausted his powers and we need to talk to someone, show us who we should talk to about peace, as putin says, the answer is absolutely obvious, we point to volodymyr zelenskyi, volodymyr zelenskyi is the president of ukraine, whose legitimacy is not in doubt. no ukrainian, i hope so, in the current situation we understand that from the stability of our government and from a lot depends on the legitimacy of the president of ukraine, so it is obvious that all attempts
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by the russian federation to shake things up, including the situation in ukraine, will be unsuccessful, because we understand that the independence of the ukrainian state is at stake, our freedom is at stake, our lives are at stake millions of... ukrainians, as i already mentioned, a global peace summit will be held in switzerland on june 15-16, the main question is how to achieve this peace, russia will not be at this summit, let's listen to what president zelensky says about peace and that , actually, what should be the end of the war, this is part of the interview of the ukrainian president to the afp agency. we are in such nonsense when the west is afraid that russia
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will lose the war and does not want ukraine to lose it, because the final victory of ukraine will lead to the final defeat of russia. russia's victory will lead to ukraine's defeat. simply put, volodymyr zelenskyy said that the west does not want ukraine to lose, but the west does not want russia to lose either. well, this position is enough, let's say so, this uncertainty obviously affects the course of the russian-ukrainian war and putin's position. putin, as i said, insists that zelensky after may 20. 24 will be illegitimate, he visited china, talked about it with xi jinping, and putin himself says that
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the legitimacy of zelensky is important for russia, but the legal and political system of ukraine must answer this question. let's listen to what the kremlin dictator said. for us, for us, of course, it matters, because if it comes to signing any documents,... of course, we we have to sign documents in such a fateful sphere with legitimate authority, this is an obvious fact, but the political and legal system of ukraine itself has to answer this question. uh, gained its legitimacy in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, it is tempting to talk about the legitimacy of our ukrainian president, because a person, or rather a creature, a kremlin creature, who has an arrest warrant from the international criminal court in his pocket and is a war criminal, raises doubts about the legitimacy
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of zelenskyi. likewise the west, i believe that in the current situation should raise the question of putin's illegitimacy, why they support putin, why they determine, recognize the legitimacy of putin's powers as president. we say that putin is a so -called president, a self-proclaimed president, a dictator, there is no unity to see, friends, in our western partners in order to put the dots that putin is a nobody. that in the current situation he has usurped power in the russian federation, that he is waging a war, an aggressive war against the independent ukrainian state, that he is killing ukrainians and destroying ukrainians, and this is the genocide of the ukrainian people, that he destroys, wipes off the face of the earth entire cities and villages in ukraine, and here the question is not whether he recognizes or not the legitimacy of zelensky, because he will find another
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million. different reasons to say that we will not conduct any peace negotiations at all, although in the current situation we should not talk about peace with russia, ukraine with russia, but about how russia should be defeated by the ukrainian state and our western partners, because only defeat can bring this kremlin to consciousness dictator, another. a way to show him and tell him that he is wrong, to put it mildly, no one will be able to in any way, only a defeat, only a military defeat can bring putin to his senses, and of course, as i said, not for him to talk about the legitimacy of the president zelenskyi, although, well, let me emphasize once again, it would also be important for the ukrainian authorities
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to have... a legal opinion of the constitutional court, because only the constitutional court in ukraine can interpret and draw conclusions regarding the norms of the basic law, and these norms must be confirmed in the constitutional court, i.e. if the constitutional court writes in its decision that until the election of a new president, zelenskyi performs or is the president of ukraine legitimately, then no one will have any questions at all and no one will ever question it. or use it in information-psychological special operations, by the way, about these information-special psychological special operations conducted by russia, as the representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense andriy yusav says, these ipso are intended to lead to the discovery internal front in ukraine, let's listen to what mr. yusav said. all these ipso, fakes, lies and
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propaganda of the racists, which are poured out on ukrainians, have the ultimate goal, the breakthrough and collapse of the ukrainian front and the opening of the internal front, therefore countering such hybrid informational aggression is extremely important. the task of russian propaganda and russian special services within our state is to break resistance, to demotivate, to split society, to force internal civil confrontation. to discredit the state in the eyes of citizens military-political leadership and the image of the military as such? god forbid that the ukrainians will have the sense not to behave on the russian ipso, because this will inevitably lead to a conflict within the country, but the russian federation has enough tools to use this internal confrontation in the fight against ukraine.
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let us not forget that... the russian orthodox church was and remains active in ukraine, simply put, the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, and we know that the russian federation has been forming for a very long time our network of agents who worked in russia, and obviously continue to work in russia, so we carefully monitor what they write, what they say, what they call for . individual public opinions, because this story may use completely unexpected names and surnames of people who will call there to go to the maidan or protest against zelensky during the war, this is unacceptable, because democracy is democracy, but there is a state of war, and one must understand , which i will emphasize once again, on whom our independence rests, on whom...


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