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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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we invite everyone to join nato in gathering from zero to life on quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of the yav times. the information day of the tv channel continues, well , there is a lot of important information. so, an important signal from the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of lithuania lansbergis: ukraine needs to be given more freedom to launch strikes against targets in russia. i quote for the lithuanian minister of foreign affairs, they, that is, the ukrainian military, should be able to strike on russian territory, supply lines and troops preparing to attack ukraine, only one side obeys the rules, we must abandon these rules that we ourselves have created. minister lansbergis noted that ukraine's allies are influenced by fear of russia. well, lansbergis emphasized that we should be able to use over. weapons
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abroad to achieve our strategic goals, this is extremely important, but now let's talk about the operational situation, in particular in the south, yes, marta, who will be our guest now? dmytro pletenchuk, head of the center of strategic communications of the defense forces of the south should be in touch with us already, mr. dmytro, we welcome you, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, congratulations to the studio, congratulations to the audience, did they sink the russian trough or not, that's it , in a simple way, yesterday we referred to you, so to speak, but we were still waiting for some official information, well, in a simple way , well , let's wait a little longer for her, she can only confirm that they drowned, but what exactly, i think that the information will be made public today during the day, because we will act, we are not russians, we will act, to, to, to exactly, well, the buns have already gone from the bottom, as far as we understand, that's how the buns have gone, we're just determining what color. yes, yes
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, now, the verification is literally ending, and today, as in that movie, you remember, sister is a name, well, today, today you will hear this name, i am sure, mr. dmytro, but isn't it about multiple units because we've seen different information in recent days and there have been several, at least attacks, are we talking about one unit or are we talking about even several, well i don't know which ones you're talking about... attacks, i know that there were explosions, peeping, guys, as a result of which i can't confirm at the moment, maybe they violated the safety requirements again, as usual, but the information about other consequences, it is also being verified now, i i will tell you more, the information regarding one of the headquarters is also being verified there, and likewise, when it becomes clear what actually happened there, we...
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will also submit this information, but for now i can only state for sure that minus one ship and today we will know for sure which. mr. dmytro, it has already become a little clearer in belbek, so to speak, what was left on the pyre, what was burned and to what extent belbek is now equipped with additional anti-aircraft defense systems of the intervenors. currently, unfortunately, i do not have such verified information, therefore... i cannot provide it to you now, mr. dmitry, and if we are talking about the remnants of the black sea fleet of the russian federation, how many more of these vessels do they have and what are these vessels represent? well, it's a lot of work, actually, it's not even that watercraft, these are whole ships, and yes, this is mostly, among the important units of cruise missile systems, which are still in sufficient...
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quantities to, say, that, er, the safety factor has not been fully established, that is, the available number of an average of 10 units says that there is still a lot to work on, in fact, in addition, one should not forget that there are other units, and the same vdk, which of course no one sees now, so that they do not leave the base, these are submarines, these are patrol ships, and other ships, so... in fact, the group still quite large, how many percentages have we already minus their ships and in general all the units there that were part of this black sea fleet? well, on average, we are still at a mark of about 30%, well, that is if we take quantitative indicators, but qualitative indicators are important here, and it is also important that many of the ships of the black sea fleet have actually already undergone repairs after damage received under time. which were already out
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of order and were returned, for example, two ace frigates are not makara, they are damaged so themselves received, by the way, one of them, it seems, if i am not mistaken, esen was the first to get acquainted with our rockets called neptune. look, mr. dmytro, i wanted to ask about the strategic plans or intentions of the enemy in general, so they repeatedly repeated the name of the glorious regional center, it is about the heroic kharkiv, and the second, the second most cited city, relatively speaking, it was odesa. we understand that, in order for them to realize their so-called odessa plan, they need up to the last grouping, preparation for forcing the dnipro, and accordingly, fire the support they can provide, as from the temporarily occupied crimea, at a certain level, but they would also bet on the involvement of the black sea fleet. so, is there an understanding of
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how they were going to, so to speak, try to attack odessa in a big, grown-up way. as an adult, they could not do it at the beginning of the 22nd. is no longer possible now, if the details are needed, in short, it is, firstly, a very reduced, namely, amphibious capabilities, due to the loss of large amphibious ships, in fact, a third of which now physically do not exist, and another third is on dock repairs, therefore, having only five units in service there, such operations are not carried out, this is the first, second, such operations are not carried out without a corresponding joint military operation. by land, by land they stopped in the mykolaiv region in the 22nd year, so now it just looks like a fantastic scenario, and we should not forget that there are coastal artillerymen, rocket artillery troops who simply will not let them reach the coast, that is why now these these
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options are simply impossible, the enemy is great understands, and in addition to the dnieper, our father, there is also the southern bukh, which is also quite wide at its mouth. therefore, to reach odesa, in fact, they simply do not have such resources now physically. forcing the dnieper, when we talk about the mouth of the dnieper, right? well, we understand that there they built, molded some kind of paper or non-paper, the so-called dnieper flotilla. the previous minister of defense or attack of the russian federation, shuigu, signed the relevant papers. well, on the other hand , we understand that we also understand their intentions. actually, i wanted you to clarify. regarding the situation along the dnieper, its forcing , and i don’t know about attempts to land somewhere there, well, because you know, people ask about similar, no, everything is fine, a normal question, in fact, you know, there is such a small island, it’s not called a shearer, yes and
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they cannot cope with it, and in recent days, or even more, they have already abandoned these attempts, and it was an attempt to improve the tactical position, that is, with this task... they did not cope, the dnipro flotilla, so -called, it is in principle is designed to streamline those activities that have been taking place for a long time the dnipro river, but again, crossing the river is one task at a time with a rather large asterisk, and another task is to gain a foothold on that coast, and therefore, accordingly , this operation should be quite difficult here, and as you can see, as of now, they they can't cope with kryncs in the same way. there were not even any assaults there this morning, by the way , yesterday we had four of them there, taking into account that there were more than a dozen of them in the previous days, then again we see that the enemy is a little tired already in this direction, mr. dmytro, we would like what would you like to ask about the situation in general in
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the southern direction, so we see that now the enemy is trying to press in the area of ​​robotyny and staromaiskyi, and in general about the situation in the south, how vegna looks now and what... the greatest dangers are now, the situation remains stable, despite the actions of our enemy, and by the way, again, they reduced the pressure of the previous day, just as they did the day before, there were no attempts at all in the robot, there were five assaults in staromajorsky yesterday, four today, the enemy suffered losses and retreated, he did not achieve any success, has a relatively small loss compared to the past days, 88%. servicemen, of which 33, three are irreversible losses, so i cannot say that they have any success in our direction , just as there are no sharp changes in the condition and position of the enemy, or signs of the formation of offensive groups. and by
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the way, you mentioned it, yes, well, maybe you could tell a little more about the heroic work of our soldiers. marines hold. bridgehead, they are trying to attack usually from several directions at once, it can be flanking attacks or frontal, and sometimes they are simultaneous, but nevertheless, you see that ... despite the fact that the enemy at some point even carried such a vector of force application precisely to the krinki, when they did not succeed in staromajorskyi or in robotyn, and accordingly it also did not have any success, therefore, in principle, it is quite difficult there, logistics are complicated by the water barrier, but nevertheless, its enemy hides in the ukrainian marines, despite the fact that the actually populated place... krynyky no longer exists, nevertheless we hold our position. thank you, dmytro
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pletenchuk, head of the strategic communications center of the southern defense forces, was on our airwaves. by the way, i would like to remind you that you can see the most important statements on our air on our youtube channel in the video section, so please be sure to subscribe in order not to miss the most important information, and you can also watch our special projects and programs, look for videos in the shorts section short on hot topics, well... share the content you like, so what, we 're going on a short break now, after that we 'll continue our information day, lots of events and lots of analytics to come, so stay tuned, petrol trimmers so heavy, loud and inconvenient, but you want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot, there is a solution, kors garden trimmers, unpack the tv, have time to order all of them at a special price. from uah 999 kors trimmers are compact, light and very
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there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svoborlai openly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions, vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your... time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters, what's up. became like relatives, as well as honored guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. at 3:30 p.m. the information day of the tv channel continues, so now we will analyze the situation in kharkiv oblast, in particular the situation in it was possible to stabilize vovchansk, but it
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remains difficult, the operational-strategic grouping of khortyts troops reported this, but marta oliarnyk has... interesting news regarding our beautiful verkhovna rada, we understand that the verkhovna rada is currently in session, and actually that it is happening there right now, so as can be seen from the messages of our people's deputies on social networks, in particular, here i am now reading the facebook of oleg synyutka, a people's deputy of ukraine, he says that european solidarity asked the conciliation council to include in the agenda of the verkhovna rada the banning of the moscow sect of cyril, but it was supported by representatives of all factions, except... servants of the people and former members of the opz. then the following happens, if we have the opportunity, we will now show footage from the verkhovna rada. so, the speaker of the verkhovna rada , ruslan stefanchuk, refused to issue a ban on the moscow church of the russian orthodox church, yes, the russian orthodox church, ukrainian orthodox church, as we used to call it, and also the issue of the creation of the tsk, a temporary investigative commission on
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fortifications in front-line territories. as we can see, from the videos that are actually published. people's deputies, the rostrum of the verkhovna rada remains blocked at the moment, and we will monitor the unfolding of events in the parliament, we will also inform you about this during our broadcast, but in the meantime, we are engaging bohdan tkachuk, a deputy of the kharkiv district council, we will find out what is happening now in the kharkiv region, mr. bohdan, we welcome you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good, let's start right away with the official announcement of the khortytsia operational-strategic grouping of troops, the number of clashes with the russian occupiers has almost halved compared to the previous day, but the situation remains difficult, i quote lt. col. nazar voloshyn. yes, our defense forces and all involved units managed to stabilize the situation, in particular in the city of vovchansk, but the occupiers are trying to break through the defenses near lybtsi vovchansk staritsa. and
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the rashists combine ground assaults with airstrikes. mr. bohdan, please share the information. with kharkiv oblast, well, let's say, this day turned out to be very difficult, there were many attacks, if we are talking about the city of the city itself, without touching the region, then two groups of shaheds entered at night, attacked the city, and you probably already reported the consequences, so there were no hits there i have already counted up to 10 injured, frivolous, but still anxious lunai during this day. sirens and battle sirens went off, that is, the situation is a little tense, not a little, but seriously tense, as for the north, that's how they try to translate it, let's say this, combat operations in shelling, in attacks, aviation, missiles in the szzo, all this is used in populated areas that
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are closer to the northern front, also the new front in ukraine, and also... attacks, what you said about vovchansk, they didn’t succeed there, let’s say, to take this place, but there are rumors that battles are taking place in the center of the city, how believable are they, what kind of battles are they, maybe some units broke through, or it’s more serious information and what the center of the city is, i can't say yet, but there was such information that you can add, from hostilities, well, the residents of kharkiv... of course, are very seriously concerned about these issues, many have left, but in general, let's say, we believe in our armed forces, we support it as much as we can, it can be seen, let's say this, and by the number of military personnel in the city, and in terms of traffic and throughout the city of kharkiv, it is really a front-line place now, mr. bohdan, we understand
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that the enemy aims, yes, to go far, but everything will rest, firstly, on their resources, and secondly... in our ability to defend, and i want to actually quote from the publication the economist, which writes that the russians were going to partially surround kharkiv and put pressure on the ukrainian troops east of the pechenyi reservoir, they intended to carry out such an operation in the period of may 15-16, but postponed this their own desire for almost a week, the economist writes, and actually they are talking about that... the enemy's plans were destroyed by the 92nd brigade, which was actually directed in this direction, how do kharkiv residents perceive information of a similar nature in general now, i mean about... any intentions to surround kharkiv, or are people now growing still panicky mood, because you said that a certain part of people have already started to leave, but if
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we are talking in general about some nature of how the city lives now, is this panic situation really starting to increase a little bit in people, that's how i watched these publications, this information for the iconoclasts, what can be added, is that they followed the same path they followed in the 22nd year between. reservoir and the river siverskyi donets, they also stepped on the same rakes, the same sticks, and snarling, bypassing the city, cutting it off from the east, this is the route to chuguya, and from the west, this route to kyiv, all this happened more than once, and as one historian told me, this happened even in the second world war, they did the same thing on the same roads, advanced in the same directions, which... . as for the defense, the 92nd brigade you mentioned is the kharkiv brigade, as they say, our native, mechanized one, which has been fighting for a long time, and
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it was in this direction that it held the defense in the 22nd year, in 92 and 93 more , further west to the sumy region, these two main brigades, well, there are other units there, the national one guards, who restrained the enemy in the 22nd year and right now... the brigade is fighting both in two directions, on vovchanskyi, and on kupmyanskyi, which is why sufficiently qualified professional fighters are now occupying the defense, what concerns the attacking units , well, mashavets and others provide such information that it is a bit of a hodgepodge, there are professional, more or less trained russian troops, but in the majority... well, the majority or half, it is difficult for me to say, these are freshly demobilized soldiers and units , who did not participate before
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this in this war, let's say, that's why the successes, let's say in them, happen in different areas in different ways, they bear losses somewhere, somewhere more prepared troops go forward and achieve some successes there, we can see on the map now, that's why... . they won't be able to break through somewhere far away, as their führer said, we weren't going to, now he says, we were just going to create a buffer zone, well , that's the vision that concerns the people of kharkiv, well, we're already used to it, with us. there is, of course, a great, let's say, dissatisfaction with what they have was able to advance beyond the problems with the fortification, the problem with the assembly of those or the management of those parts that were in the beginning. offensive, they closed the border from the north of the kharkiv region, this is all present, and you can see the consequences now, let's say, almost 11,000 evacuees from these
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areas were officially reported there, this is reported by the regional military administration, but in fact it is much more, because some people left by their own transport and certainly not included in any statistics, i think that it is up to 15,000 people, who have now mostly moved to kharkiv and... they left there their homes, their villages, property, and so on, so from this side, there is such a feeling of dissatisfaction, well, for obvious reasons, nothing surprising, mr. bohdan, the only thing we would like to clarify how valid the reasons are for this dissatisfaction of kharkiv residents, so a couple of days ago, a publication by martyna bohuslavets appeared dedicated to a rather critical analysis. those characters who won part of the tenders, the person who drank half a liter of whiskey from some
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deli in kharkiv, and so on, are not here it's about everyone, well, but there were such characters, and accordingly, the situation with the fortifications, what about them, well, when we talk about what is not secret information without coordinates and so on, just so that there is an understanding, whether it was done or not , i won't make it. is it somewhere, but is it done somewhere? well, this is your last phrase, it will be true: incomplete, unfinished, started, not finished, that is, in this regard, yes, there was still a problem with the allocation of funds, which the verkhovna rada approved and allocated for fortification belatedly, after all, last autumn year, and you must understand that i will give you such an example, the purchase, for example, of roundwood from our forest farms, that is, at the beginning, when this money was allocated for fortification, all this cost the market price there about uah 300 per cubic meter, but there a month or two passed, and
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when they left, they were already more serious. money for fortification, the price has changed, other contracts have been concluded, and 800 gr has already come out . sent, because this is not possible , they took these people somewhere from the side, everyone knows, the people of kharkiv clearly understand how the corruption mechanism works, well, there is nothing complicated here, we live in ukraine, right? here they collected 30-50% and went to work, and the rest accumulated, they went to kyiv back there or to the office of the president or someone else, well, there is nothing complicated here, it is a small italian mafia, which is multi-layered there and something else, they simply dragged their person, signed a contract, this person has never been involved in, let's say, building something, he i just registered my folk and millions, tens of millions have already gone to it, i
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found out another situation like this, for some reason i thought that before this, let's say, before the attack of this last one , our two main construction companies were engaged in fortification, that is zhivostroy 1, zhivostroy 2, and there's also the cargo, they did most of the work, as i found out now it's not like that, most of the work was done by these kind of day laborers, some were brought in from other cities, they took them somewhere and put them there, and the result is like this, well, what can you take from them , if for today... here tomorrow these, let's say, construction materials, what you showed in the stories, are lying on the roadsides, they are no longer there, they have already taken the money, they are not interested in building anything there, and the material for the work of tsk, for example, or some, i don't know, of the coordination center in order to analyze, well, how did it happen that such a serious matter was done in ukrainian, who will analyze which tsk, well, excuse me, at what level, who
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will compose it regionally? the verkhovna rada, the verkhovna rada, is very fascinated by such a plot, i was, to be honest, hooked on our broadcast and watched with pleasure, which the verkhovna rada has finally worked there, at least in some format, there are debates, there are disputes over stekhanchuk and everything else, but you see tsko is not there, and there rahamiya talks about the fact that the format is not correct, in there are no deputies to send us there, there are more than 200 factions, there is no one to send. in this tsc, and it should be an investigator, but it should not be an investigator, different conversations start there , you understand, that is, those people who, let's say, stand on top of this pyramid, let's say a corruption one, now they have to create a tsc, well, we demand, people understand all this and this structure, there is nothing complicated here, well, they cannot investigate themselves, well
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, these are obvious things, thank you. to you, mr. bohdan, for this honest conversation. bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council, about the situation in the north of kharkiv region, well, about the situation with fortifications and possible abuses regarding the implementation of all these state and procurement and works. extremely interesting conversation. let's go further. yes, and actually about this temporary commission, which could to form in order to understand about the fortifications. unfortunately, the council refused to bring this issue up for consideration, as well as the issue regarding the banning of the moscow patriarchate, this bill has been waiting for a very long time to be voted on in the second reading, well, but we will learn more news very soon from our colleague iryna koval, who will actually tell us about all that, the most important thing that we need to know at this moment, iro, we congratulate you, we give you the floor, and we ask you to tell us briefly about
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what did you find out? thank you marta, in a moment i will tell you about the situation in different regions of our country, there will be information about the tragedy in the sky, as well as about the snow-covered streets in poland, so wait for more details in a moment. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. three elderly women were injured due to enemy shelling of antonivka in the kherson region. a russian drone dropped explosives on the village, the leader said region oleksandr prokudin. all three victims were hospitalized alternately.


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