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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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tell briefly what you managed to find out about. thank you, marta, i will tell you about the situation in different regions of our country in just a moment. there will be information about the tragedy in the sky, as well as about the snow-covered streets in poland. so wait, literally in a moment about everything in more detail. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. three elderly women were injured due to enemy shelling of antonivka in the kherson region. russian drone shot down to the village with explosives, said the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. all three victims were hospitalized alternately. explosive
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injuries and shrapnel wounds. the defense forces managed to stabilize the situation in vovchansk, kharkiv region, said nazar voloshyn, spokesman for the khortytsia operational-strategic grouping of troops. at the same time, the situation on the northern front line remains difficult and constantly changing, he added. the russians do not stop trying to break through the defense of our units near lybtsi, vovchansk and staritsa. nor assaults the invaders combine with air strikes. already in the morning , five combat clashes took place there. according to the sumy regional military administration, the russian army launched a missile attack on the industrial infrastructure in konotop. rescuers are working on the spot. we will clarify all the details and inform you in the next issues. and the offensive of the russian army on the sumy region should not be followed. chats,
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the occupiers may attack in order to distract ukrainian forces from other areas and stretch the front line, said the spokesman of the state border service of ukraine, andriy demchenko on radio svoboda. this can happen at any moment, even though the enemy currently does not have sufficient forces for this, demchenko added. he also reminded that the length of the border with the invaders is quite long. more than 560 km in the sumy region alone. tragedy in the sky, a person died in the plane due to strong turbulence, dozens more were injured. it happened during a boeing flight from london to singapore, reuters reports with reference to the singapore airlines to which the plane belongs. an airliner, on board which was more as more than two hundred passengers took off from the british heathrow airport. in the sky over thailand, the plane got into a zone of turbulence. was forced to change course and
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land in the capital of the country, bangkok, where the injured are being treated by medics. indian salute. a warehouse with pyrotechnics caught fire in india. the column of smoke was illuminated by flashes of fireworks. local residents gathered to watch the spectacular spectacle from the roofs of neighboring houses. footage with a powerful salute was posted on social networks. snow covered streets in may, a powerful storm with hail in the northern and central regions of poland, such as in the city of gniezno, rivers of ice literally formed on the roads. according to media reports , there is currently one person injured as a result of bad weather. it is also noted that the downpours flooded buildings, including a hospital, schools and police headquarters. in several places, strong winds blew off roofs. in our favor, the european union
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approved the use of profits from russian frozen assets to help ukraine, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of the czech republic, jan lipavsky, announced. according to him, this year alone, the amount of income from the assets of the russian federation may amount to about 3 billion dollars. it is noted that ukraine will receive aid twice a year. at the same time, 90% of the funds will be directed to the army. costs. military personnel who are already serving in the armed forces of ukraine do not need to install the reserve plus application. this was emphasized by the spokesman of the ministry of defense dmytro lazutkin. he explained that due to the fact that military personnel also started downloading the application, the system began to fail. it will be launched soon for defenders army plus application. there will be all the necessary options for them - added the spokesman.
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the other day, we talked about where the mayor of white tserkva hennadiy dykiy works. now it's time to find out about the help that local deputies have collected for pi'. section of the mayor. the fact is that previously funds from the city budget were allocated only for local brigades. so all the details are in the material of my colleagues. previously, except for the local 72nd, 114th brigades and 1129th regiment, funds for assistance to other military units were practically not allocated from the budget of the bilotserki community, although residents of the city and villages serve in different divisions. and so it was more than two. years of full-scale war, until it became known in march that the mayor of the city , gennady dyky, went to the front, namely to the dnipropetrovsk anti-aircraft missile regiment, where he holds the position of deputy commander of the weapons repair company, in just a few
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weeks local deputies brought him a truck and another help at least at the last city meeting at the session of the city council, i also asked this question, to which i was... the answer was given that everything we buy, we voted for it at the session of the city council, although i i don't remember something that sounded like, dnipropetrovsk anti-aircraft missile regiment, we allocated funds to bilotserkivskii and bought a lot of things, but in dnipropetrovsk, where the mayor gennady antoliyovych is currently doing his military service, i don't remember that. according to the secretary of the city council, and now acting mayor volodymyr vovkotra'. in the base of the treasury , funds are allocated to the military only at the request of unit commanders, as the official claims, at the 50th session of the city council, which took place on february 8, deputies made changes to the program, which allowed financing the needs of formations without
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being tied to the belotserk community, but for some reason this detail was carefully hidden until dyky left to serve. help is a priority for us. to the military brigades of the military, which are located in the white church, if, and i will say that all the needs of our military, which they addressed, they are satisfied 100%. in the event that we have the opportunity to help others, other brigades, we have, if we have such an opportunity, and the deputies agree to it, then such a decision is made, it's a pure coincidence that it so happened that these guys helped, look, i'll tell you what... gennadiy antonovych wild is mobilized to the armed forces, i learned on march 29 of this year. such help caused different reactions from the people of bylotserkiv under his post. mr. former mayor, tell me why the money of our belotserk community goes to your dnipro division, and not to some
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belotserk. most importantly, do not hand over our land to the occupier. god's protection to you. rhetoric of the distribution of aid to the military in the white church before. how the mayor suddenly appeared in the zsu was really different. this is evidenced, for example, by the comments of the city mayor's freelance adviser lesia polishchuk, who as early as 2023 advised andrii sergen from the 59th brigade of bilotserkivts to contact the community where their unit is stationed, not them. you have three options: the community where your headquarters is located, the state, other only volunteer or. public bases to make, let's say, something for your brigade out of white, it's almost impossible, only a very shaky unreliable scheme that has a lot of gaps and spills into the ward boys in non-military uniforms, ask people's deputies why so, or
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be outraged by the injustice of the universe, already in april of this year ms. polishchuk's position changed dramatically, all that was needed was for her to join the army immediately. leader as long as people divide the military into our units and not ours. it is noteworthy that after this innovation, the 12th azov special forces brigade also received 25 quadcopters from the community. undoubtedly, the ukrainian defenders need to be helped, and not only from the local budget, but also each of us has to report regularly in order to bring victory closer together. yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga. espresso. white church. plus another olympic license for ukraine. it was won by the crew of the women's doubles four from the academic nomination. the competition, known as the regatta of the last chance, takes place in
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lucerne, switzerland. the last 30 licenses in this sport are played there. our girls: natalia dovhodko, kateryna dutchenko, darina verkhoglyad and anastasia kozhenkov. overcame the distance of 2 km in second place, leaving ahead only rivals from the usa. this was enough to both crews were able to get to the dream paris. and we urge you to join the urgent collection. scouts need a reliable off-road vehicle for missions in the war zone. soldiers use cars to move around positions and transport ammunition, as well as launch drones from cars. the necessary transport is already in ukraine, it remains only to buy it and transfer it to the front. so our goal is uah 300,000. with your help, we have already collected more than 150 thousand. every donation you make is important. you can now see all the details on the screen. thank you
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for your donations. watch the next news release already at 16. you can read more on our espresso tv website, as well as on our social networks. and be sure to subscribe to our youtube, where you will find unique content. and just in a moment, meet my colleagues who continue ether on the espresso tv channel. these are marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskyi. the tv channel's information day continues, well, a new cabinet resolution has appeared, which concerns women conscripts, in particular, it concerns women, doctors and pharmacists. according to the amendment in the cabinet resolution, now all women. doctors must register for the military, without this they will not be able to get a job.
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unemployed female doctors must independently come to the relevant regional or city tcc and register for the military register of conscripts, at the same time the norms remain in force, according to which the heads of state bodies and so on of local self-government report to the relevant tcc about women who are already working work in the specified bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations. well, and other women who have related specialties, they can join the military register now at their own will, well, we will now add tetyana sapyan, adviser on communications of the dbr, ms. tetyana, to our broadcast, welcome to our broadcast, slava glory to ukraine, heroes, congratulations marto, congratulations anti. greetings to all our viewers, the case of the hrenkevychs, yes, well
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, the investigation has been completed, so it is an extremely epoch-making moment, and we would immediately ask you to tell us certain details, yes, while the investigation was underway, we were quite discreet, but now the case is being transferred to the court, ms. tatiana, you have the floor, antin, i understand that there are some legal subtleties, let's clarify them with you now, first of all, what the sbi reports about... the completion of the pre-trial investigation , i want to emphasize and note that the pre-trial investigation has been completed regarding a lviv businessman who offered a $500,000 bribe to one of the heads of the main investigative department of the sbi, well, he offered such an amount of money in order for him, allegedly, using his powers, to facilitate in return of confiscated property in another criminal proceeding and... in order to close the criminal proceedings against a company controlled by their family, which
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turned out to be one of the largest suppliers to the ministry of defense, that is, we are saying with you that the pre-trial investigation has been completed in the criminal proceedings regarding the dacha a bribe, for which the court can pronounce a sentence and a person can go to prison in case of guilt, proof of guilt for 8 years, but also we with... we understand that the criminal proceedings itself resonated in society, which related to equipment and the supply of low-quality clothing for the armed forces of ukraine, accordingly, the ministry of defense purchased all this from the firm of this lviv businessman, this is another criminal proceeding, where the pre-trial investigation is still ongoing, that is, we have to place the emphasis here, and currently with the materials where the case is about giving a bribe, the parties get to know each other. defense with materials and only then the indictment will be submitted to the court and preparatory
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and later court sessions will begin. in another criminal proceeding, the process is still ongoing, although at the moment i can note that he himself is currently a suspect, he will be accused in the future, he does not admit his guilt, and you, too, we could observe together with you , this is such a legal see-saw, when a person, and we understand, that he is... a person who is not poor enough, has the opportunity to hire lawyers, accordingly, those, using our democracy and competitiveness, have the opportunity. for the parties to compete, the prosecution and the defense, respectively, also exercise their legal right to petition the court to quash, for example, there arrest or changed the preventive measure, this is all happening in the legal sphere, but we understand that this is delaying the process a little, that is , now they are getting acquainted with the materials, after that the indictment will go to court, and here
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we must point out to ms. tatyana that exactly after how the fbi reported this... a record bribe in fact, because it is a huge amount of half a million dollars, it was from this, in essence, from this case that we began to learn more and more details that actually related to the hrynkevich family, and here we thank our law enforcement officers, who this whole affair was made public and the ukrainians had the opportunity to observe it all and understand the scale of this actual case, and there are several of them in this, i would say to such a chain of cases, but we... we would like to discuss other topics with you, no less important, because the other day ukrainians were also worried about the fact of the death of a man on the border, let's say, not that, well , on the border, let's say the lane, how this man ended up there is another question, but it so happened that he actually died , because
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he was shot by a border guard, and we know that now the sbi is also dealing with this case, what... could you inform our viewers about what actually happened there and how the case looks now? marta, now the pre-trial investigation has indeed opened a criminal proceeding, the pre-trial investigation is now at the examination stage, but i can definitely say that an article of the criminal code has already been determined, according to which a suspicion has been announced, directly to a law enforcement officer, a border guard, this is a violation of the rules for handling weapons. that caused the death of the victim, this is a rather strict article, for which up to 10 years can be deprived of freedom, and in particular a person who is suspected of being a law enforcement officer, he was detained, and a preventive measure was chosen in the form of detention without bail, that is, he is currently under arrest, if we say so, we confirm all of the above you,
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who really already understand what happened. the man, who turned out to be a 39-year-old ukrainian, illegally tried to cross the border, did not respond to warnings, and was later found with a bullet. how exactly did it happen, could it have been avoided, all the facts and the circumstances will be clarified during the pre-trial investigation, at the moment this is all the information i have, but let's be frank, the sbi has repeatedly reported since the beginning of the particularly full-scale invasion of the russian federation into ukraine that suspicions are being announced, first of all, those men , you and i understand that women can easily cross the border, because there is no taboo for them to cross the border, and men in the conditions of martial
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law are restricted in their movement within the territory of ukraine, they cannot leave the border. if they don't have the legal ones to do so grounds, therefore, accordingly, they started men who are conscripted for military service or who do not have a certificate that they have the right to leave, which is provided for in the conditions of martial law, but they have to look for illegal ways, so you and i have repeatedly observed how and they transported cars in the trunks, illegally registered the route in the system, left the territory of ukraine allegedly as truck drivers. and did not return, like people looking for guides, in quotation marks, through the forests bordering the romanian borders, hungarian, respectively, and even polish, this is not news for us, unfortunately, that is why we warn everyone that let's do everything legally, then
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our lives, which are already in danger, when russia attacked us, we you need to protect and... take care of them. we agree. tetyana sapyan, the communications advisor of the sbi was on our airwaves and we thank her for the opportunity to talk. we are now going to take a short break, and after that we will talk about the news that shook the entire media community today. so. we have watched enough in recent weeks unpleasant situation regarding the public broadcaster, and today it became known that the public broadcaster decided to withdraw from the marathon. the only news, and actually what they will do next, and whether the state will somehow contribute to their activities, because we understand that the public is a state broadcaster, we will... actually find out in just a few minutes in our ethers, so don't switch.
3:21 pm
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the information day of the tv channel, well, nadb and the security service of ukraine came with searches to the state judicial administration, well , they are conducting appropriate investigative actions there, this is how i quote the press service of the state judicial administration in connection with investigative actions on the subject of the possible involvement of employees department of information technologies before the commission of criminal law. violations during tenders, detectives were acquired together with the security service of ukraine, they are conducting searches in the premises of the state judicial administration, here is some interesting news, and we will also remind you that today is a very active day in the parliament, some people's deputies blocked the rostrum of the verkhovna rada , because they demanded to consider a draft law on the prohibition of religious organizations that have ties to moscow, and they also
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insisted on popular elections. in order to to create a special commission that would investigate possible abuses that took place in e-procurements for the construction of fortifications in the kharkiv region, in particular, and there is already a certain statement by the speaker of the parliament ruslan stefanchuk, he says that the draft law banning the uoc mp will be a compromise decision, that's what he actually said at a briefing in the parliament hall on the sidelines. rather, the verkhovna rada, he noted that only the conciliation council can bring the draft law to the second reading in the session hall, so i will quote him now: the ukrainian speaker, who, like his deputies, must not make decisions about including certain issues on the agenda, because that is how the regulations of the verkhovna rada of ukraine are written, the decision is made exclusively by the conciliation council, when representatives of all factions are included, well, he promised , who will do everything to find a compromise on this issue at the conciliation council, the speaker
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promised. vote and sign this law. well, today the enemy hit the city of konotop, sumy region. this is reported by the sumy regional military administration. i quote: now the enemy launched a missile attack on the production infrastructure of the city of konotop. all the necessary services are working on the spot, the consequences of the russian attack are being clarified. and if we have already spoken for sumy oblast, i would also like to quote andriy demchenko, the spokesman for the border guards. who stated that the offensive of the russian occupation troops on sumy oblast should not be ruled out, but here is his direct quote, it can never be ruled out, i emphasized that, including in the direction of sumy, the enemy can at any moment, even despite that he does not have enough strength, to try to do something similar, as it is currently happening in the kharkiv direction, precisely in order to stretch the front line, the line of active combat operations and actually stretch the defense forces of our country - says
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the border guard officer, as well as semi... or kharkiv region, russian military they may try to advance there to pull ukrainian forces away from other areas of the front. ugh. thank you marta. well, there was a resolution of the cabinet of ministers, in particular, which clarifies the specifics of the summons to the subordinate shopping center. here it concerns employers. so, the employer has to mail notify subordinates who work remotely about the summons to the tsc. if, i quote now. resolutions of the cabinet of ministers, if there is an order of the central committee on notifying conscripts of conscripts and reservists about their summons to the military headquarters, then the leaders are obliged to issue the corresponding order and bring it to the attention of the persons who are summoned to the central committee. if these persons are on remote home work, then the employer informs them by registered mail and a description of
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the attachment is required in the relevant part. arrival employees to the shopping center in the specified time. in addition, managers must send a copy of the relevant orders within three days to the relevant tsc, not only to their employees, but also send the relevant history to the tsc within three days. find more on the website of the cabinet of ministers for resolution number 560. and we are now adding nataliya ligachova, the chairperson, to our broadcast. media detector, glory to ukraine, ms. editor, congratulations, heroin glory, congratulations, well, public, yes, public, now let's announce this news solemnly, so public announced the exit from the telethon is the only news, but at the same time the company will broadcast around the clock within its own marathon on the first channel, so we would like to ask you...


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