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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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both in israel and in palestine. thank you, mr. igor. ihor samevolos, director of the middle eastern studies center, was in touch with us. well, it's time for news on the espresso tv channel, so we'll pass the floor to our colleague irona koval. iro, we give you the floor and ask you to tell us briefly what you managed to find out. well, i will tell you about the scandal that just happened in the verkhovna rada, about the mobilization of convicts, as well as about the assets of the russians. wait for literally everything. in a moment, it's 4 p.m. in ukraine and the release is for your attention news on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers, now i will tell you about the most important events at this time.
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another scandal in the verkhovna rada. the session of the parliament was closed early due to blocking of the tribune by deputies from the eurosolidarity and voice faction. the representatives of the opposition were indignant that speaker ruslan stefanchuk did not put their proposed initiatives to the vote. in particular, they demanded the creation of a commission to investigate the construction of fortifications and the improper supply of drones to the front, as well as to bring scandalous law under consideration. project on banning the ukrainian orthodox church. people's elected officials had only two hours to work. mobilization of convicts. already more than 3,000 men who are serving their sentences have applied for military service. such data were announced by the ministry of justice. olena vysotska, the deputy minister of the field , noted that not all those willing will be able to sign a contract with the armed forces. everything depends on. conclusions of military medical commissions.
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at the same time, she added that there are caveats in the law for those considering the option to mobilize as a way to get free and not fight. for evasion of service in such a case, a penalty of five to 10 years behind bars was provided. to our benefit, the european union has approved the use of profits from russian frozen assets to aid ukraine. this was announced by the head of the ministry. foreign affairs of the czech republic, jan lipavskyi. according to him, only this year the amount of income from the assets of the russian federation may amount to about 3 billion dollars. it is noted that ukraine will receive aid twice a year. at the same time, 90% of the funds will be used for military expenses. three elderly women were injured due to enemy shelling of antonivka in the kherson region. a russian drone crashed into a village. the book
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was told by the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. all three victims were hospitalized with mine-explosive injuries and shrapnel wounds. and according to the sumy regional military administration, the russian army launched a missile attack on the industrial infrastructure in konotop. rescuers are working on site, all details are being clarified. the offensive of the russian army on the sumy region is not should be excluded. occupants can attack. to distract ukrainian forces from other areas and stretch the front line. the spokesman of the state border service of ukraine, andriy demchenko, told radio svoboda about it. this can happen at any moment, even though the enemy currently does not have sufficient forces for this, - added demchenko. he also reminded that the length of the border with the invaders is quite long, only in the sumy region, more than 560 km. tragedy in
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the sky. a person died in the plane due to strong turbulence. dozens more were injured. it happened during a boeing flight from london to singapore - reuters reports with a reference to the singapore airlines to which the plane belongs. avialalai, which had more than two hundred passengers on board, took off from the british heathrow airport. in the sky over thailand, the plane got into a zone of turbulence. was forced to change course and land in the tables'. the country of bangkok, where the injured are being helped by medics. indian salute, a warehouse of pyrotechnics caught fire in india, a column of smoke lit up with fireworks scares. local residents gathered look at spectacular sights from the roofs of neighboring houses. footage with a powerful salute was posted on social networks. snow covered streets in may. powerful. a storm with hail covered
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the northern and central regions of poland. thus , rivers of ice literally formed on the roads in the city of gniezno. according to media reports, we currently know of one victim in our country. due to bad weather, it is also noted that the downpours flooded buildings, including a hospital, school and police headquarters, and in several places, strong winds blew off roofs. ukraine joined 19 years ago before the bologna process, it was a significant step in the reform of higher education. ukrainian diplomas have become on a par with european ones, students have received many advantages in education. what exactly, see in more detail. ukraine joined the bologna system in 2005 and undertook to make appropriate changes to the national education system. the bologna process was launched on june 19, 1999, by representatives of 29 countries. he envisioned
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the creation of a pan-european area of ​​higher education. one of the key aspects of the reform under the bologna system was introduction of three degrees of higher education. education, bachelor's, master's and doctorate. this made it possible to unify the system of higher education with the standards of the european space. but such a section of higher education as a specialist, which was inherent in soviet institutions, was liquidated. the knowledge assessment system has also changed. the maximum score that a student can get is 100. from the point of view of evaluation, in fact, nothing has changed. the rating system, it just took on a different look. let's call it that, but the essence of the question remains the same: there are people in whom the highest score, there are scores in the middle and there are the lowest scores, or scores passed or failed a certain threshold score. however, some teachers still use the five-point system, saying that it is easier to evaluate a student that way. another
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innovation was the credit system as a measure of a student's knowledge. credits are awarded for successful completion of subjects, i.e., by completing a certain amount of work and passing a course. a student can get a certain number of credits, this number is different for each subject. each, let's say, specialty in ukraine does not have a passport, what i mentioned earlier is now this is called the standard of higher education for each specialty, and this standard stipulates that such a group of disciplines requires such a number of credits, and this is necessary so that a person can master this specialty, it is also for this, and it is unified by throughout the country, all institutions. have to follow it. mobility of students is also foreseen, which increases the quality of the educational process. ukrainian diplomas are recognized in europe. with a ukrainian bachelor's degree , a master's degree can be obtained in another country participating in the bologna process. there are those who went, for example, to france, to
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germany, now a lot of them left and there they already obtained another master's degree, for example, a degree, or went on to study for a doctor of philosophy. in principle, everyone said it. that our diploma is recognized, so there are no problems there. the only thing is that it must be translated, according to some requirements of that state, nostrified, recognized there. although higher education reforms in ukraine have already led to significant changes, there are still challenges to be overcome. among them - financing, improving the quality, ensuring the availability of education and increasing the international competitiveness of our higher education. but despite all the nuances, the introduction of the bologna process in ukraine is an important step in the direction of modernization and integration of the ukrainian higher education system with european standards. plus another olympic license for ukraine. it was won by
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the crew of the women's doubles four from the academic nomination. the competition, known as the last chance regatta, takes place in lucerne, switzerland. the last 30 lyceums are played there. in this sport. our girls, nataliya dovgodko, kateryna dudchenko, daryna verkhoglyad and anastasia kozhenkova finished the 2 km distance in second place, ahead of only rivals from the usa. this was enough for both crews to get to their dream paris. and we urge you to join the urgent collection. scouts need a reliable suv for missions. in the combat zone, soldiers use cars to move to positions and transport ammunition, as well as launch drones from cars. needed transport already in to ukraine, it remained to be redeemed and transferred to the front. our goal is uah 300,000. with your help, we have already collected more than
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half of this amount. so each of your donations is important, you can now see all the details on the screen. thank you for your donations, wait for the next news release at 5 p.m., read more on our website, subscribe to our social networks and watch us on youtube, then broadcast about... this year, for the first time in history, students of american university kyiv presented ukraine in of the united states, viz. at the ceremony awarding graduates of arizona state university, as emphasized by our students,
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during the speech ukraine is the motherland of dreams, the largest aircraft in the history of mankind. it was destroyed because of the war, but no one will be able to destroy the true ukrainian dream of freedom, independence and prosperity. happy to share with you that a week ago we had the first graduation of our students at arizona state university. many of our students were able to attend graduation. i will have a ceremony in the usa. i was very happy that our students became important part and carried the ukrainian flag during a large-scale graduation ceremony at arizona state university. american university kyiv is a private university offering american-style higher education. it began operations three weeks before a full-scale invasion. but despite the difficulties, he continued to work and develop. about 350 students are currently studying at the university. these are future managers, entrepreneurs and it specialists. one of
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the most important advantages of our university is the opportunity to receive a double diploma from us as a ukrainian university and from our partner in america, arizona state university, one of the largest in the usa, which is also a leader in digital and distance learning. our educational programs are fully synchronized with the programs of arizona state university, therefore our... students have the opportunity to receive a double diploma in ukrainian from american university kyiv and american from arizona state university, which is very important from the point of view of building a successful career in ukraine and on global markets. the university says that are proud of their graduates and are sure that they will build and glorify ukraine. well, the meeting of the verkhovna rada of ukraine is closed, the tribune is blocked. now
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i am quoting the press service of european solidarity and people's deputy zheleznyak, from the voice. therefore, the people's deputies from eurosolidarity demanded that the bill on the banning of the moscow church in ukraine, the creation of the tska on matters of fortification and the provision of the armed forces of ukraine with drones be put to a vote immediately. so. people came out with appropriate posters, people's deputies, yes, well, on the posters it is written, the moscow church kills, fortifications are protection, fortifications are protection of kharkiv, sumy, zaporizhzhia and every soldier. well, as zheleznyak reported, first a break was announced in the session of the parliament, and then the session was closed altogether, well, that's how things are today, well, although it would seem, well, that they are quite reasonable. requirements that could be considered, debated, and so on. ivan krychevskyi, a military expert, defense-express
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should appear on our air every minute, we will talk about the situation with our military resources, with our anti-aircraft defense and not only, mr. ivan, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, have a good day. well, look, germany says that it has already collected almost a billion euros to strengthen ukrainian air defense. their minister for... zone affairs is in kyiv today on a visit, and we actually remember that it was anna lena berbok who initiated the formation of such a coalition, and we understand that declarations are good, but we are interested the practical outcomes of this statement that we will have in the end result, and in the end result we see that the situation with our air defense is not looking too rosy at the moment, because there are certain front-line cities. in particular, kharkiv, which is currently suffering greatly from the aggression of the russian federation,
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and zelenskyi spoke about the fact that we need two patriots to cover the kharkiv region, in general, if we talk about the state of our air defense, how would you characterize it? it could be characterized as something worse than i would like to, but it is much better than it could be, because here it is possible to get out of such a situation completely.' from a technical point of view, we need two batteries of patriots under market conditions, that is, if we order or buy someone, it is approximately one battery of 1 billion dollars under market conditions, for example, there is neighboring romania. which has three extra, it turns out not to be patriots, well, as extra, they bought them with their own money, but somehow they could not master it, well, it happens like that with people, we have nowhere to rush from russia there everything several hundred kilometers, accordingly , the question could have been asked in such a way that there, well , let us buy you in installments, well, because the romanians are clearly already there, let's say, in such media negotiations with american partners it was hinted at, that's okay, we are ready to give, only what
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will it do for us, and by the way, you know, somehow the story came out quite logically for a reason that if not... the question of fortification is raised, and then now we ask the question of where we should get resources for air defense, well, if for that matter, the fact that there germany declares that we could collect 1 billion euros there for the expansion of our air defense here and now, this does not mean that the world there in general is blind, does not want to help us with anything and the like, it’s just that somehow you have to go around and shake money, let’s call it that, here unfortunately, the story looks like this 1 billion euros are just these resources that are conditionally wasted. missiles, radars, launchers, which can be taken here and now, that is, they are there somewhere, but they can be brought, bought, unfortunately, there is nothing else, respectively, if we need plus air defense, so if poland, which is ready to invest as much as 30 billion dollars in its air defense in the next few years, is again going to negotiations and localization of the production of individual theoretical components, then obviously we
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need it too, because just give us a call, and without doing anything at the same time to the meeting there ... if let's buy out or something else, well, unfortunately, it won't work out like that, and if we continue to waste time like this, then, accordingly, ideal victims among our people ivan, look, now i would like you to comment on the extremely symptomatic statement of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, well, as a statement, that is, i will now quote the president in an interview with reuters journalists. we have never used western weapons on the territory of russia, because we are not there. on this acceptance, we cannot risk the entire volume of weapons, we cannot risk the sanctions policy against russia, we cannot risk money, we do not want to bring it to this point, and the president of ukraine is talking about negotiations with partners regarding the use of western weapons against the accumulation of russian equipment, for example, on the border, but this means that we have something to beat, there are corresponding
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systems that are in the west and which ones we... could pass on to us, well and accordingly, about what here it can be, as far as i understand contextually, and according to some other statements that were made before this, including from our high-ranking officials on the subject of strikes by western weapons on the russian federation, the question is not really about what to get there direct permission of the state department, click on the red button that starts for those of hymers, for example, in the direction of belgarad, there is actually a question about whether it should also be on the territory of the russian federation. it was possible to provide this flow of intelligence 24x7, well, this is literally how it happens during strikes on an enemy object in the temporarily occupied territories, for example, we could see how, well, a drone captures the results of an attack on the training ground where they stood the russian occupiers, where two rockets mowed down more than 100 russians, but in theory, in fact, from our
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side, we are talking about exactly this, so that we ensured, accordingly, the west is not taking action on this yet, and here... also, by the way, it is a rather paradoxical story that why even from our side there is no highlighting of the story, which is written only by the western media, about what we are asking there , ah, there are some kind of intelligence drones, intelligence drones, from western partners in the usa, and there it is said that the americans don’t need these drones, but they don’t give them to us, accordingly , somehow it turns out so strange that the that we have a question in the first place, what to create exactly the first intelligence capabilities that would allow us to strike at the occupiers, including on their territory 24/7, but this has not yet been announced, again here we still have to ask the question that, well , it is actually possible that we imagine what such and such a weapon, which is massive enough and powerful enough there to, for example, knock out some large enemy groups there , including, for example, in the territory
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of the belgorod region, in order to prevent further infiltration into our territory there, but it is possible that the americans themselves, if in course, that... kams is not as powerful as we imagine, and accordingly, it is better to say no right away, than later, let's say, to have a situation when we will have unjustified expectations, regarding the fact that this is such a wunderwaffe, which could have stopped an entire army corps of russians, but this would not have happened. yes, mr. ivan, we would also like to ask you about the statement that was issued by the ministry of defense, actually the ukrainian military in the netherlands has completed training in the maintenance of fighter jets. f-16, which ukraine should receive in the near future. we know that earlier the air force showed the first simulator for f-16s, which is actually on the territory of our country. are these all? signals mean that these long-awaited modern fighters will soon be here, and when do you think it will happen soon? well, what
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about the specific terms, i would not get into, because this, well, that is, the appearance in the 16th on our territory, it is definitely not the kind of event that should take place there publicly, so with fanfare, cutting the red ribbon, well, but things like you really made a fair point there, bro two, like even, even just these two factors, that is, that there is an official statement. about the completion of the training of aviation technicians, which obviously took place with a significant lag after it happened in fact, and the appearance of the simulator, it’s not just there, you know, the simulator is just an element of even such routine training, that is, when an already trained pilot needs to put him there from time to time so that he retains certain skills, that is, it is not a thing on which you can teach a pilot from scratch, it is a thing on which you can maintain already acquired skills, respectively, well, i think that... it just allows us to be a little optimistic about when these aircraft will finally be operational, if only for the protection of critical infrastructure in the rear, because right away there from scratch mastering a modern combat aircraft, into
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combat you can't go against the enemy fully on it, you have to run it on something, but i hope it will be possible to run these planes as a means of protecting our critical infrastructure, well, the time is relatively close. mr. ivan, well, god forbid that as soon as possible be involved in... this aviation for ours protection if we talk about the situation in the north of kharkiv region, you see, the enemy has actually created two bridgeheads, which he is trying to hold and expand. the purpose is to commit war crimes, in particular against civilian cities. so we understand that now kharkiv may be under attack, well, we hope that the armed forces will dislodge the enemy. well , we understand that there is a certain threat to the city of sumy. as you can see for... now the prospects of the enemy holding out there and perhaps even expanding his group there, what do you think is the logic of our
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enemy in the creation of two additional bridgeheads, and in fact the opening of additional areas of the front line, in fact , it should be expected that the russians will try to build something up, that is, that they will go there, well, such a full-fledged offensive purely because they have there's really nothing to it. they don't have such a large capacity that you know, 500 were written off, in principle, their strategic reserves are now calculated pessimistically, as for us, by estimates of riton for 60,000 bayonets, 60,000 bayonets, they need to smear this let's call it an active front with a length of almost 1,400 km, with the correction for the fact that there is 70 km in kharkiv oblast. here is precisely the paradox of why, why there is a story that the russians can try to leave, well, take demonstrative actions against sumyshchyna, precisely because the russians faced, perhaps for the first time during
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a full-scale war, the fact that they do not have enough resources to scale tasks, well , we sort of understand the scope of the tasks of the russians, they have written there some phantom goals to go to zaporizhzhia, buy the entire east of ukraine and more to grab something, but in fact they do not have the strength to do it. accordingly, which rarely happens with them, but unfortunately it happens, they decided that when the quantity was not enough, they decided to try to compensate with the quality of use, but according to their logic, well , this is not the moment for us to try to strike with a small group, even a few thousand bayonets, but i clarify in direction of the amount, for them it may be just an attempt to use these reserves qualitatively, that is, even if these reserves go a maximum of a few kilometers deep into the territory of ukraine, but they in this way... will fulfill the task of tying up our resources there and possibly diverting the prepared reserves from other directions, accordingly, unfortunately, we do not have to wait for a linear course of action from the enemy, when he
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will drive a few thousand bayonets there without much perspective, there is a problem in that , that these are just a few thousand bayonets, when they realize that they have a positional impasse in kharkiv oblast, they will just transfer them to sumy oblast, and that they will simply carry out the task of binding dovchansky our troops are there because it is for the sake of justice. that the russians are advancing there, well, it's not because they are somehow weak there, they have some cunning insidious plan, it's just that the defense forces of ukraine made efforts to stabilize the situation in order not to let the enemy pass beyond those lines that managed to occupy thank you, ivan kyrychevskyi , military expert of defense express, worked for you on espresso. now i want to remind you that our collection is ongoing, and in fact, we are currently collecting funds in order to purchase atvs for the 93rd brigade. a cold ravine, so that the guys have a way to evacuate the wounded and transport ammunition, so we ask you to join this important collection of 4 million, this is our
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goal, and we believe that with your help we... will be able to close this collection as well, we are already you have repeatedly gathered previous meetings, and reported to you about it, thanked you and once again thank all those people who care, who tirelessly continue to help the defense forces of ukraine. now you see an opportunity to join this collection with help qr codes that you see on the screen, or bank card numbers. now , according to the plan, we will have a short break, after which we will continue with ours. information day, so please stay with the espresso. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution. recors garden trim from unpack tv, order now at a special price, starting at just 999 hryvnias. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful.
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in a two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. see this week in the collaborators program. servants of god, of the kremlin. which of the priests promotes russian peace among children? this conversation, as i said, should not be the last. but how a clergyman from kherson stole icons and ancient books. these church shrines.


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