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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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every saturday at 21:30 at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day by. see this week in the collaborators program. servants of the kremlin, not of god. which of the priests promotes russian peace among children? this conversation, as i said, should not be the last. but how a clergyman from kherson stole icons and ancient books. these church shrines. withdraw and return.
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watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on espresso tv channel on tuesday at 5:45 p.m. the information day of the tv channel continues, that today, may 21, the family of heorhiy gongadze, a ukrainian journalist who was killed in the early 2000s, would visit his family, and we understand that those who organized his murder were found, but they are still at large. .. i wonder who organized and ordered those who killed him, in particular, where the trail led to which highest echelons of the ukrainian, perhaps not only ukrainian, government, yes, where and who specifically gave the order and so on, but now we will talk about the award named after george gongadze, mykhailo taran, the operational director of the georgy gongadze award is in touch with us, well, i want to remind our tv viewers that the espress tv channel. is a partner
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of the georgy gongadze award. glory to ukraine, mr. mykhailo. glory. well, today at 7 p.m evening, literally in a couple of hours it will be known who will be the worthy man or woman who will be nominated for this award. well, accordingly, we would like to ask you first of all about the criteria, so we understand that georgy gongadze is a symbol, he is a symbol of ukraine. of free journalism, at the same time he is a living person who was known by many of our journalistic guild, respected him, and accordingly, how to make sure that everyone was, well, so that everyone felt included in the right context, yes, i will not ask you about the whole internal kitchen related to the award, but but the question of criteria, because you know, such as george of light memory, well... these
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were units, that is, it is not some kind of, i don't know, general human rule, you know , as the standards of the conditional bbc, indeed, gangadzin showed the environment a new direction of development in ukraine, and that is precisely why the award named after gory gongadz, it is designed to support those journalists who are not afraid of challenges, who are able to find, convey information, truth, confirmation. here i want to correct you a little about the applicants applicant this year, we have a unique situation when we have three female applicants and three nominees for the 224th prize , and if we talk about the criteria a-a, they won the prize not for separate materials that create a journalist, but the prize is received for
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devotion to the principle of independent journalism, for innovation, for finding new ways to information about the development of a particular genre or media in general, and for the creation of materials that lead to the solution or understanding of certain problems in the context of social changes in ukraine, and perhaps also separately, i can add about the a-a celebration of the unloved, who are capable of promoting liberal reforms in ukraine, opening up new opportunities. media, media environments and create quality in their activities and remain true to the professional principle. mr. mykhailo, who is actually in the top this year, who is claiming this award and for what merits? ah, this year we have three nominees : anna bibnets, the founding head of slidstva info, ah, investigative journalism, which has come a long way and developed. own and sphere and shchikhidonesi
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information, including emphasizing the left-wing works of george, which he supports in ukraine. and the second is ongadenko, the editor-in-chief of yazki, who created a new magic in rather middle ages, who informed the audience about the situation in ukraine, about voyendia, and tetyana korshchynska, who became the voice, perhaps, if told correctly, of ethical journalism. that topic, raises a readable topic, tells how to talk about it, how to comment on it, in different formats, in different formats, about it, because this this important topic, important. thank you, we hope that the most worthy will win.
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mykhailo taran, operational director of the georgy gongadze award. let me remind you that today at 19:00 the name of this year's laureate, or laureate, as we have already learned, of the george prize will be announced. the event will take place already on the sixth and the online broadcast of the ceremony can be viewed on the facebook pages of the gongadze prize and ukrainian kyiv mogila beznes school and ukrainian pravda, as well as on the youtube channels of the gongadze prize and the first public speech we're going on a short break now and after that we'll resume our broadcast, so stay with espresso. thinking about... a mattress, but here's what stops you. have you ever thought about what you sleep on? old mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also moisture that a person releases during sleep. a new mattress pad or bed linen can only improve the mattress aesthetically. choose a kemal orthopedic mattress and
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near stenka in grozivka, they'll say that you 'll be allowed to see a student, well yes, a student, my call sign is like this, it's right here near... the station in grohivka, i'll tell you that you 'll be allowed to go to the student, look there, it's nine tavka, grohivka. here, student, student, today you do not observe information security, tomorrow iskanders will visit you, the enemy, listen, watch.
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the information day of the tv channel continues, so what there are a lot of events today, but let's start with the most important: the situation in vovchansk has been stabilized, but it remains difficult, the operational-strategic grouping of the khortytsia troops reports this, and i am quoting the khortytsy spokesman lt. col. nazar voloshyn accordingly. in kharkiv oblast, the situation is operational. the situation remains complex, but it is dynamically changing. our defense forces and all units involved managed to stabilize the situation, in particular in the city of vovchansk, but the occupiers are trying to break through the defense near lybtsiv, vovchansk and staritsy. according to the spokesman, the khortetsi rashists are combining ground assaults with airstrikes. the occupiers are using aviation precisely to launch rocket-bomb attacks on kharkiv and other populated areas of the region. at the same time, according to lieutenant colonel voloshyn, the number of combats with the enemy
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has almost halved compared to the previous day. i quote: direct speech. the enemy does not stop, of course, attempts to concentrate their efforts in the direction of strelech, lypka and on the capture of vovchansk in particular with further access to the white well and deploying the offensive right in the depths of our troops. and voloshyn added that the invaders created and significantly strengthened an operational-tactical group near the borders. troops, and also important information from the minister of foreign affairs of germany, anna lena burbok, who is visiting kyiv today, in fact, she is the initiator of the so-called air defense coalition and says that germany has already collected almost a billion euros to strengthen air defense for of ukraine, and today she could see with her own eyes the consequences of our procrastination partners, as regards the supply to us of certain countermeasures. defense and missiles to them, and today she was taken to her and shown the consequences of enemy attacks on one of
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the largest theses of ukraine, which was destroyed by the russian federation, the minister of foreign affairs, together with the minister of energy of ukraine, herman hlushchenko, visited this very thesis, which was destroyed by the russian federation during one of the massive missile attacks, after what she saw, the german politician emphasized the importance of strengthening air defense of ukraine and the minister. of energy gelushchenko said that the aggressor country hit the station when ukraine did not have enough anti-aircraft missiles, and according to him , only six of the 11 targets were destroyed, that is, five targets were hit, because ukraine did not have enough missiles to to protect, and actually being at this station, the ministry of energy said that they lost more than 8 gvv in the system, we have a limit during the hours of peak consumption during working days, we can balance. topic, however, it is not du, it is very difficult, we are preparing for next winter, this what we have to do, we hope that
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the minister of foreign affairs of germany also understands all the dangers of the situation, but the key story, let the patriots bring it, but anna lena burbok, yes, she is on the side of ukraine, so we do not doubt her activity, well, let's talk about the exotic initiative of one people's deputy, which today literally undermined the already undermined ukrainian... internet, volodymyr vakhitov, researcher of behavioral economics, is in touch with us, glory to ukraine, sir volodymyr, glory, well, so to speak, we did not live long in terms of information, there was an extraordinary amount of news, some, you know, ran after others, got ahead of others and so on, then people's deputy serhii hryvko from the servant of the people party appeared, and what proposed to introduce an additional tax, attention to what, to childlessness, well, immediately, so to speak... and without that, you know, the relaxed ukrainian citizens got very excited, this is me being so
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ironic, yes, and hryvko, i understand , read reviews on social networks, maybe his colleagues in the party hinted at something there, well , he withdrew his initiative, but, so to speak, a certain sediment remained in his soul, because today, so to speak, they could test the mood in this way, but... the day after tomorrow , someone can mold something more adequate , well, when it comes to the relevant draft law, we would like to ask you for a relevant comment on this extremely interesting initiative. firstly, a very sexist project because it only affects women, not understanding, you can't tax men for being give birth, this is of course a joke, but in general, but the situation is such that such a bill, it is very, very unequal, that is, first of all, some people cannot have children for physical
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reasons, for medical reasons, indicators, and to tax such people - this is... simply low, vile and inefficient, secondly, the tax base, as it will be, the tax base is offered for all incomes, but most likely it will be wages, that is, those who sit on fops, then they will pay less, and so again it is not clear why only those who receive wages will suffer, and not those who sit on fops, thirdly, this is not enough, here instead of stimulating the birth rate, the state... does not provide anything in return, and this is probably the biggest problem, we together with the ministry of social policy worked on a draft demographic strategy, which is now under public discussion, and there was indeed an idea to campaign for us to give birth more, but the plan of action
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involves not taxing those who do not have children, on the contrary, providing more. opportunities for women and for parents to have children, that is , it is primarily about building additional kindergartens, it is about establishing the improvement of women's rights in the labor market, it is about establishing equal rights of parents for maternity leave, and of course the improvement of social infrastructure, which aimed primarily at children, such methods will work, methods of individual stimulation will not work and they ... in principle do not work and the literature shows that they do not work in no country yes, mr. volodymyr, just to clarify the information, i want to point out that although this law was withdrawn, there were certain exceptions in it, this is exactly the tax that was proposed by the people's deputy, it was not supposed to apply to families who have three or more children, that is, it turns out that even families with two children would still
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have to pay this tax, people who have infertility or disorders of reproductive function, due to which parenthood. maybe they wouldn't pay this tax either, if only this bill was voted, and people who have the first group of disabilities, it is so, i just want us to be as correct as possible when we talk about this bill, but if we talk about the demographic situation in our state, then we know that you and your colleagues are studying this problem, how far we are in this aspect now, and what our approximate current is, we understand that now we are not conducting these or other surveys, and... we are not conducting a population census, but at least that , which our sociologists record, then what it is now situation, and now the average birth rate has fallen catastrophically, that is, in our country, if before the war, it was at the level of about one and a half children per woman, now it is less than one, less than one, because a lot
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of women of childbearing age went abroad, and of course, that this means that our population will be aging and... that this will reduce the number of children and correspondingly reduce the number in a few years will reduce the number of young people who can have children. and this is a huge catastrophic problem, but solving this, solving this problem with such administrative methods is absolutely wrong, because people went abroad in search of security, in search of a better future, and therefore the main task of the state is to create conditions for this better economic future. was here in ukraine, as i said, first of all it should be help for families with children, state and social, not private. mr. volodymyr, taking into account your experience as a researcher of behavioral economics, we would like to ask you about what is happening in our society, yes, because the queues for tetsk are crazy, we understand
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that access to the electronic one has been implemented. to electronic registration and so on and so on, well, but people are talking about it all, how is it in general in your opinion, will it have a positive effect on what is called our economy or negatively, and this period of 60 days, as his people, how quickly people adapt and take the necessary actions for registration, on the first day , as far as i remember, the numbers were about 120 or 130 00 registrations, that is, people would like update your information. but because there is a requirement of the law, and most people, they still respect the law, would like these data to be, were, then the question of how effective it will be... mobilization is carried out, this question is actually for the ministry of defense, for recruiting centers of the ministry of defense, because on the one hand we need to keep the economy in
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the plan that if the economy does not have enough producers and also enough consumers, then we will see economic economic failure, on the other hand the failure at the front is probably much more much worse, that is why i think that a policy will be implemented, well, let's say, balancing the requirements of the economy and the requirements of the front, and i hope that this update of the data will allow the tsc centers to better select for the front people who are more suitable for the tasks of the front, and not randomly pull them out all in a row mr. volodymyr, by the way, fresh information has arrived from the ministry of defense regarding the update of data, i just want to say that there are more than a million successful authorizations in the application. plus 700,000 successful online data updates, and that's in practically hundreds of times more than in tsnapakh and tcc combined. and by the way, not only in ukraine, but also abroad, for example,
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in poland, germany and canada, people also use this application and update their data in this way. but by the way, these days i have seen quite alarming posts from people who are businessmen, so middle -ranking, and actually restaurateurs are really hitting their heels right now, that... it is difficult for them to work, that they practically survive as best they can, and it refers to the fact that people come less, and it concerns the fact that it takes much longer to find personnel, and it is a more complicated process, but on the other hand, we understand that there is also the field of logistics, and it can very, very seriously affect our economy, and in fact there are many carriers that stop transport these or other goods, but there is no one to sit behind the wheel, they are talking about it. in transportation environments, and actually, how can this affect our lives? i think that we will probably not see very positive scenarios in
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the near future, because the war is really washing away people out of the economy, it's washing people out of productive sectors, and i don't think i 'd be too upset if restaurants were to close, i think i'd be more upset if drone manufacturers and gun manufacturers were to close, but... but in general yes, if logistics will decrease, if the general turnover will decrease, then sooner or later we will feel such a cooling of the economy, and each subsequent year in the next few years will be more difficult than the previous one. see, for example, the situation with the reservation, yes, we understand that there are entrepreneurs or there, no i know, some or other firms that are recognized as critically important, and there are those that did not make it, and now... they are discussing some possible additional models, how would this whole thing work, have you seen any, i don't know, analytical reports, or do you possibly have your own observations on how to make this procedure
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more acceptable and fair? i have a feeling that instead of being more fair now, it needs to be more effective in terms of filling the front, that is, it seems to me that the front for... now needs a lot more people in certain specialties and it is precisely these people who need to be called, because, but the problem is even more that there is currently not a fully implemented system of correspondence of the profession, the specialty of a person in civilian life and the specialty of a person’s specialty at the front, that is, if we have there is a manager who can manage several hundred people, then it would probably be a little more logical to give such a manager a managerial position. and than just send send it to work just in the usual around, but there are certain caveats exactly
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of the military, i think that this will not be resolved very quickly, but as far as i know, now the ministry of defense is accepting documents and generally accepting the concept of, well, let's say the professionalization of the army and the matching of skills with needs, i think that after... some time, recruiting will be much better than it is now, we agree and understand that the ministry of defense is already working in the direction of recruiting, but on the other hand, we also know that a person who can already choose a certain specialty for himself in advance, he can sign a contract, will be directed accordingly where she wants, this must also be understood, and those who receive a mobilization summons, they no longer have such a function, i still wanted to ask you, however, returning to the beginning of our conversation about the demo player. i understand the situation, because the war and the outflow of the population, and the outflow of the young population, of what reproductive age, i mean, it will also affect our future, are
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researchers doing one or the other now? simulation, let's say, of what could be at the end when the war ends, when at least hostilities cease and there will be a certain, well, i don’t know, the moment of freezing or some kind of suspension of the war, whether or not there will be an influx of those people who left, because the latest studies, if i’m not mistaken, it was done by kmis, indicate that half of the ukrainians who are now is in germany, the czech republic and poland, they don't plan to return, well, the second half of what... you know, i'm talking about whether they plan or not , we researched this issue for ukrainians in poland, and we see that even those who don't plans to return directly tomorrow they are more in the uncertain category, they do not understand how the war will end, how the borders will pass, what will be the security, and these are very often women with school-age children, and this is the category that does not feel very confident abroad , especially in germany, and in ... i
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think that this is the category that would be inclined to return as soon as some kind of security situation is established that is acceptable to them, so i would be somewhat wary of such and such for the time being similar surveys about who will return and who won't, and because it's quite difficult to settle in a country that now accepts ukrainians, and for many people, after all, the factor to... the factor that they are strangers there, here they are their own, then it is its own, it also plays a very big role, and i would not look for purely economic reasons as factors of return, that is, in our research we see that factors, such factors as comparing oneself with ukrainians, with ukraine, feeling oneself as ukrainians are also very greatly affects the likelihood of return, so i i think that more than half will still return later. thank you, volodymyr
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vahitov, behavioral economics researcher. was on our airwaves, they talked about the initiative of one of the people's deputies from the servants of the people , serhiy hryvko, regarding the so-called childlessness tax, and i will emphasize once again that this draft law has already been withdrawn, and by the way, i want to remind you who serhiy hryvko is , and this is very revealing today, because when this information appeared, very few people investigated this issue more deeply and were not interested in who he is, so he there was another very interesting initiative from... he proposed to the council to motivate 50,000 prisoners to generate electricity in exchange for a reduction in the sentence, he also submitted such a bill, and i actually want to remind you that this people's deputy at the end of the 22nd year voted for urban planning reform, which was implemented in the interests of developers and eliminated the influence of citizens on the reconstruction of ukraine. this is what we need to know about this person who actually submitted this
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bill to the parliament. this is, well, today the operational and strategic spokesman also an important message, i have already quoted khortytsy nazar voloshin's grouping of troops, but also an important signal from him: russian invaders disguised as civilians in cars are moving to luhansk region from the tula region of russia, the direct speech of khortytsy's spokesman, in one of the directions the enemy is moving in civilian cars from stulska region to the territory of luhansk. up to 600 people, the goal, according to lieutenant colonel voloshyn, is to move the occupiers and equip the reserves for further assault actions, as in donetsk region, as well as in luhansk region. military vehicles are destroyed immediately, but civilian ones are not, so the russian invaders disguise themselves. here is such news, well , our colleague irena kovalna will tell you more about everything, but we are saying goodbye to you for today, our colleagues
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will continue. informing you about everything is the most important thing, the information day smoothly flows into the information evening on the espressu tv channel, so stay with us, take care of yourself, and antin and i will see you tomorrow. for your attention, a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers let's start with the situation in kharkiv oblast. the occupiers hit zolochivska hromada with at least four kaba. only civilian infrastructure was targeted - oleg sinigubov, the head of the region, informed. the local
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market was destroyed, there was a fire. trade pavilions, damage where...


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