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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EEST

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18:00 in ukraine, news time on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i greet all viewers and just now about the most important events. the armed forces of ukraine destroyed the russian cyclone missile ship in sevastopol. the information was officially confirmed by the general staff. of the armed forces of ukraine. our defenders conducted a successful operation on the night of may 19. this is the newest ship in the black sea fleet of the occupiers. and it means that there is no longer a single vessel carrying cruise missiles in crimea. earlier , the naval forces announced the damage also the enemy minesweeper kovrovets. germany firmly stands by ukraine, the minister assured. of border affairs
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anna lena berbok, president volodymyr zelenskyi. today she is in kyiv on an unannounced visit. burbok visited ukraine for the eighth time, in the seventh, since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion. during the meeting, the ukrainian head of state told his german colleague about the situation on the front line and the primary defense needs of our army. they also discussed the joint initiative of the ministers of foreign affairs and defense of germany. search for additional air defense systems for our country. i am very grateful for your military and financial support. we are counting on you. i am very happy that we have such a connection. i also thank your people for supporting ukrainians, for accepting our people. i just got back from a coal-fired power plant, trying to show europe what it means.
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war. it is nice to see people who start rebuilding the station a month after the attack. it is incredibly. everything we do, we do for the people of ukraine. do not prohibit ukraine to use weapons to strike targets in russia. the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of lithuania, gabrielus lansbergis, made such an appeal to western countries. according to him, ukrainians must be allowed to use the equipment provided to them to achieve strategic goals. earlier, the ukrainian side also stated this. such species as stormshadow, scalp, a, ikams (atakams, yes), that is, the british, the french, the united states of america. here are the three types of rockets we received and tried to use. i believe that if we had the opportunity to use them in appropriate volumes. the russians would not be able
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to cross the borders en masse. so they pressed. deputies of european solidarity at the meeting of the conciliation council managed to have the law banning the russian church in ukraine submitted for consideration in the second reading. the parliament will also create temporary investigative commissions regarding the improper supply of drones to the front and the failed campaign to build fortifications. iryna herashchenko, member of parliament for the eu, announced this on her facebook page. earlier, due to the speaker's reluctance to bring these issues up for discussion, the opposition blocked the rostrum. european solidarity insists that these issues require immediate adoption. instead of these performances, parliament should do its own work. i want to remind you that according to the constitution of ukraine, the parliament is the only law.
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the governing body of the state, all my political interests and all my political visions, i would suggest implementing in a civilized and regulated by the regulations of the verkhovna rada ukrainian method. the parliament simply removed itself here, we have not created these tsks for six months. it is very surprising to hear that we seem to be disrupting the work of the parliament today, it seems to me that the work of the parliament should correspond to the challenges facing society. i will ask any ukrainian, any? there are key problems, this is the issue of fortifications, this is the issue of the armed forces of ukraine, and it is obvious that the parliament must regain its independence and its controlling function. more than a million ukrainians have already logged into the reserve plus application, of which 700,000 have successfully updated personal data, the ministry of defense of ukraine reported. this is ten times more than in administrative service centers and military headquarters combined, they say. department
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active conscripts are also registered abroad. in poland , the personal information of more than 1,700 men of military age was updated. in germany it has. already 1400, in canada - 443. three people used the service even in antarctica. mobilization of convicts. more than 3,000 men serving their sentences have already applied for military service. such the data were announced in the ministry of justice. olena vysotska, the deputy minister of the field, noted that not all those willing will be able to sign a contract with the armed forces. everything depends on the conclusions of military doctors. commission, while she added that the law contains caveats for those who consider mobilizing as a way to escape and not fight. for evasion of service in such a case, punishment from 5 to 10 years behind bars was provided. in our favor, the european union
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approved the use of profits from the russians frozen assets for aid to ukraine. this was announced by the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of the czech republic, jan. according to lipavsky, this year alone, the amount of income from the assets of the russian federation may amount to about 3 billion dollars. it is noted that ukraine will receive aid twice a year. at the same time, 90% of the funds will be used for military expenses. due to a significant shortage of electricity, ukraine continues to import record amounts of it from europe, but even this does not allow to cover the losses. which caused ukrainian energy occupiers, therefore ukrenergo is forced to resort to hourly power cuts for enterprises and citizens, - said prime minister denys shmehal. at the same time, he noted that it is fundamental for the government that consumer shutdown schedules are
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fair and even. the ministry of energy and ukrenergo have been instructed to develop a draft of the relevant government resolution regarding. true schedules and uniform schedules of consumer shutdowns. this document should also contain a list of objects of critical importance to the state that require priority power supply and the sequence of distribution of maximum power between other consumers who are not included in the list of critical ones. and i urge you to join the urgent collection. scouts need a reliable suv to carry out combat missions in a war zone. and... soldiers use cars to move to positions and transport ammunition, as well as launch drones from cars, the necessary transport remains to be bought in ukraine and transferred to the front. our goal is uah 300,000. with your help, we have already collected more than 160 thousand.
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every donation you make is important. you can now see all the details on the screen. such were the news for this. time, more, as always, read on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch our unique content on youtube, i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, may your evening be quiet , meet my colleague vasyl azima in just a few minutes. the bustle of passengers, the arrival of trains and the waltz. this is an improvisation by a spanish violinist and
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graduates of the irpa lyceum. letitia moreno came to kyiv with a concert, and as a friend of the un children's fund. i visited the children's point together at the station. there is a violinist. they also got to know the graduates of the irpin school and played a melody for them, to which the boys and girls danced the graduation waltz. many barriers can be overcome with the help of art and music. we have joined forces with unicef so that our music can reach children, so that it can positively influence them, inspire them and give them another way, another tool to better understand life. and pinsk lyceum number 3 were heavily damaged at the start of a full-scale invasion. the building itself was badly damaged, as was the area around it, but benefactors repaired the school and equipped it with a state-of-the-art shelter. so these 11th-graders were able to study in their native school for the last year. i missed a little for this
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society, for friends, for everyone, but in the 11th, in the 11th grade, thanks to the unicef fund, they restored our school and we went to full-time education. for me, in... important, the presence at school is important, the presence of a teacher next to me, on the remote control i completely lost discipline, i could sleep, i could skip classes, skip homework. according to unicef, during two years of kovid and two years of war, the quality of knowledge of ukrainian schoolchildren was very demanding so that children could return to full-time education. unicef has already restored 147 educational institutions, in particular, they have equipped them with shelters. ukraine is the only country to which spain allocates funds for assistance in emergency situations. these are several million euros that we allocated with the help of unicef to help ukrainian education. it was a short-term promotion, but in we also have long-term plans for reconstruction,
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on which we plan to spend more than 100 million euros to help ukraine enter a stable future. of course, children are the basis of our plan, because children are the future of ukraine. almost 229,000 children will graduate this year, only 55% of them had the opportunity to study full-time in their last year of school. unicef hopes that with... they can restore as many schools as possible and equip them with shelters so that ukrainian children have the opportunity to study without losing knowledge. problems with the joints limit movement, it is unpleasant and painful strengthen them with the help of long joints. these are collagen and vitamin sachets. it restores the articular cartilage of the joints, contributes to the normal functioning
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the help of a phone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions, ukraine's largest conversational format in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. the most important thing is that every thursday at 9:15 p.m. in the project velikiy lviv is broadcast on the tv channel. espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. congratulations, dear viewers, this is a big one broadcast on espressu tv channel. my name is vasyl zima, and for the next hour and 45 minutes
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, my colleagues and i will talk with you about what happened. we will also analyze the most important events. of course, in focus today. the focus of our broadcast today is the meeting of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. why was the tribune blocked, was it possible to agree on the law banning the moscow church in ukraine? and why are some deputies, and this is the majority of deputies, at least from the pro-government faction, did not want to listen to the prime minister and the minister of defense regarding the construction of fortifications and the preparation of certain regions for a possible offensive by the armed forces of the russian federation of the aggressor country. in addition, there is confirmation. caliber cruise missile carrier, whether the armed forces of ukraine hit a russian boat in the black sea, and iran's dissatisfaction with the position of ukraine's reaction to the death of iranian president raisi. let's deal with this, but now i will invite serhiy zgurets, director of the defense express agency and host of the column, to the conversation military results of the day. serhii, congratulations,
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i would like to speak to you. greetings to you vasit, greetings to our viewers, today in our military section we will talk about the good news from the general staff about the damage of the cyclone, about the consequences of ramstein and about our own production of ammunition and armored vehicles in addition to what our partners promise us, about this in a moment . so today. today, the general staff confirmed that on may 19 , the small missile ship zyklon was hit in the sevastopol bay, most likely by american operational-tactical atakams missiles. let me remind you what an intrigue there was. initially , the naval forces of ukraine reported that the kovrovets sea minesweeper of the black sea fleet was destroyed in the sevastopol bay.
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the minesweeper was 50 years old, he was really old, old, and then this story got its continuation. or next to that kovrovitsa there was also a new missile ship cyclone, and then there were pictures from space, where kovrovitsi and the cyclone are standing next to each other, and then new pictures where none of these ships are present, so we waited two days for confirmation, and now this one is accurate the information of the wing headquarters that such a cyclone was affected, the word affected means that it is certainly not possible to talk about complete destruction, but... understand the trend of combat-capable ships in the black sea fleet of the russians is getting smaller and smaller, this cyclone of the karakurt project is actually really the newest ship that was in the black sea fleet, it was built four years ago, two years ago it was entered into the fleet of the black sea fleet, somewhere it costs about 100 million dollars, and actually
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it was the only ship that was in sevastopol and was capable of .. to lead caliber missiles, and therefore we can now say that in two years the defense forces of ukraine managed to destroy or disable about a third of the ships of the black sea fleet, of which there were 80, about two dozen russian ships were sunk, the rest were also hit by our missiles, in particular, the neptune missiles that destroyed the cruiser moskva, then there were british missiles that destroyed the storm. which were destroyed, in particular, as an example, the rostov-on-don submarine, a certain number of ships were destroyed by our naval drones, but now for the first time the ships were hit by american atakams missiles, and we need these weapons in greater quantities, and to hit targets both in the occupied crimea and on russian territory, so in order to attack precisely on russian
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territory, there is another intrigue here, in that that the united states does not grant permission to use. anti-western weapons, more precisely, american weapons for strikes on russian territory, this topic was raised, in particular, in the aftermath of the ramstein meeting, where both the us secretary of defense and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff asked whether ukraine could to use, in particular, atakams or patriots for strikes on russian territory or to destroy air targets that are in the airspace of the russian federation. so here are the answers. and austin and brown were similar, they talked about the fact that the united states expects that ukraine will use the provided weapons for purposes in the uk. country, in my opinion, this means that the usa continues to adhere to certain restrictive conditions on the provision of its aid, although, to be honest, this contradicts the military rules, even
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the logic of the introduction of hostilities, because it a certain advantage is given to the aggressor compared to the defending country, but at the same time ramstein really demonstrated that there is significant support from the united states and european countries, the united states, as we know, passed. the package totals about $61 billion in total aid to ukraine, and more than $12 billion is provided for the use of reserves from the ministry of defense, which actually allows ukraine to allocate a package of $1 billion every month, and this one billion can be taken quite quickly weapons from the reserves of the ministry of defense, which allows us, in principle, to stabilize the situation on the front line, if we balance it with our means of mobilization and ... and so on, remstein also demonstrated that there is support from other countries in europe, in particular, germany spoke again about the air
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defense initiative, about 1 billion euros have been collected, where some of these funds have been transferred by powerful countries, and some of the countries themselves will supply certain means of air defense for ukraine. also other countries, in particular there the netherlands announced that they are transferring to ukraine there... a certain batch of upr armored vehicles, this is actually a dutch modification of the american m-113 armored personnel carrier, which has proven itself quite well on the battlefield. the netherlands previously transferred about 200 such machines, how many in the new batch is unknown, but in total there were 500 such machines in the netherlands, i think not less than what has been transferred so far. spain reported the transfer of a certain number of leopards there. actually not much, there are two batches of 10 and 10 cars, which will be transferred in june and september, and also spain has announced that
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a significant amount of assets will also be transferred, a small amount to be precise, a certain number of missiles for the patriot system, artillery ammunition, and up to 155 mm caliber, and this is also extremely important, and also , of course, we are with... that the issue of ammunition was raised by the president of ukraine when he mentioned that there was more ammunition on the range, it is true, but now there are nuances, in particular with this czech initiative, because we know that were literally there the interview of the czech president, where he said that the process is ongoing, 180 thousand munitions have been contracted, but the process, because it was announced, somehow russia is trying to influence this... process and interfere with contracting or other components , which make it difficult to fulfill these contracts. it was not by chance that i focused on
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ammunition and armored vehicles, because now we will be able to assess this situation with our next guest, the director of the ukrainian armored vehicles company, vladyslav, will join us belbas, with whom we want to talk about the expansion of the domestic production of ammunition and armored vehicles. mr. vladyslav, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. good evening, thank you for the invitation. i would like to remind you that ukrainian defense equipment is currently the largest private company that manufactures both armored vehicles and ammunition, and supplies mortars and ammunition for the armed forces. and i would like to ask you, mr. vladyslav, in the continuation of this story about czech ammunition, when the president of the czech republic says that russia actively interferes with laying. contracts, your company has considerable experience both in the purchase of foreign ammunition and in the creation of its own
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ammunition . do we want to buy? well, something peculiar is happening. a-and the competition for purchasing opportunities is primarily the expansion of production capacity, i.e. many declare the possibility of supply, but such an opportunity the supply is not confirmed in the period, and here there is, let's say, competition and the procurement efforts of ukraine itself, and... in parallel with all these international initiatives on ammunition, the situation there is not the best from the point of view of availability.
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these munitions from the point of view of the terms of their delivery, since, well, if it was not declared politically, it is not so much to deliver everything quickly, but to organize such a supply, and it is even more difficult, let's say, to find er-er these munitions in stock, that is, what a- and, how good is the czech initiative, what is it different from the help we'll get earlier in that they're looking for ammunition. and the organization promises to organize supplies from countries that do not directly support ukraine, but from availability, and from warehouses, and in a fairly short period of time, this is what we need at the front, that is, we need ammunition now, at the same time, production, european production is american , the support we receive, although it is shipped from
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warehouses. but it is replaced by the same amount of new ammunition, well, from our own manufacturers to the warehouses of the ministries that are shipped to us, that's why the amount there is limited, we know, for example, that they couldn't deliver a million rounds of ammunition for the whole of last year, and this suggests that there is probably a certain problem, not related to funds, but related to connected with the possibilities of education. industry in the deployment of production, and precisely the czech initiative in this regard is a rather effective tool and a short-term one. mr. vladyslav, regarding your company, do your specialists manage to increase the supply of ammunition for the defense forces and what are these ammunitions, after all, they have already been produced before, or are they those that are created in
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cooperation with the european union. partners, ah, we organize the supply of ammunition both by import and in production cooperation, so we separate these chains, as it were, but we are constantly trying to deepen the level of localization, deepen the level of processing of ammunition, and indeed there are the volumes that we issue now much, much more than the volumes that were at... for example, at the beginning of the 24th year, and in addition, there is also active work on the localization of production ammunition did you finally manage to switch to three-year contracts in relations with the ministry of defense, because there were already certain, somewhat optimistic notes that your company, other companies seem to have already signed three-year contracts, or is it still too optimistic? ah... and we are moving in this
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direction, such contracts have been signed, but these contracts do not yet provide for funding, so this is the kind of thing that requires three-year contracts? the first is to guarantee the manufacturer, to reserve, let's say , production capacity for the next one periods, so that we understand what volume we need to reach, that is why the first part of this task. it is already being implemented, the other is the financing of such production, it is in the process, so far it has not yet been implemented, but even if there are positive developments in this regard, they uh, i think, in the short term, they will already show their results, i have in terms of supply volumes, but does it indicate that these volumes are potentially larger and now you have free hands or.
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create new opportunities to meet these potential needs? these volumes much larger, and these volumes will be even larger, that is, what is currently being considered, contracted, is, let's say, the minimum, necessary volumes, that is, the volumes that we are now declaring are the minimum volumes that we can provide, guaranteed , and we plan to grow. above these volume. and what other limiting factors are there that, well, relatively speaking, should be removed in order to stimulate the production of products and the refinement of those samples that your company already supplies there to the defense forces? ah, i would highlight several programs here, let's say.


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