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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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monument, because his family house was located near this place, but the full-scale war took its toll and this process stopped, and despite everything, poltava continues to wait for its monument to an outstanding ukrainian figure. anna morozova, bohdan proskorov from poltava for espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. we will continue, indeed, to dismantle monuments to communists. according to communist russian leaders and figures, it is one thing, a very important thing - to erect monuments to real ukrainian heroes, so that young generations, new generations especially saw and knew petliura, and konovaly, and balbachan and bander, well bander, thank god, there are monuments, but they also understood vasyl tyutyunyk, many outstanding ukrainian heroes, generals, writers who really fought for ukraine at all times, and now about the most important news, i will tell you briefly the occupiers in... hit at least four
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kambas in the zolochiv community in the kharkiv region , only civilian infrastructure was targeted, which is actually in the tradition of the occupier and terrorist, and informed about it the head of the region, oleg synygubov , the local market was destroyed, there was a fire in the trade pavilions, a kindergarten, a school, five two-story apartment buildings, as well as private houses were damaged, previously, fortunately , there were no victims this time, because i will remind you that yesterday in kharkiv. was a day of mourning for the 12 dead as a result of an insidious terrorist attack by the enemy in the kharkiv region. well, to briefly talk about kharkiv oblast, i will add, based on the information i read today, that kharkiv oblast has been successful in recent days to evacuate 14,000 people who are actually fleeing the war, on the streets of vovchansk where there are russians, where they managed to enter, in the city of ovchansk they are taking prisoners of ukrainian citizens, at least there is such information in now to kherson oblast
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as well, which is suffering from enemy attacks. three elderly women were wounded, they suffered as a result of enemy shelling of antonivka in the kherson region. a russian drone dropped explosives on the village, the head of the region, oleksandr prokudin, told about it. all three victims were hospitalized with mine-explosive injuries and shrapnel injuries injuries i succeeded. the armed forces of ukraine destroyed the russian missile ship zyklon. in sevastopol, well, actually in the bay of sevastopol, the information was officially confirmed by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. our soldiers conducted a successful operation at night on may 19. this is the newest ship in the black sea fleet of the occupiers. this means that there is no longer a single vessel carrying cruise missiles in crimea. earlier, the naval forces announced that the enemy minesweeper kavrovits had also been destroyed. they just realized that. now
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, all citizens of ukraine are in a very difficult psycho-emotional state, and in ukraine, who is outside ukraine, let's just remember the cruiser moskva, which approached the snake island and said to lay down your arms and surrender to our border guards, to which they received an answer about a russian warship, and this was the beginning of the war, a huge fleet, cruiser moscow, many ships that are carriers of missiles, cruise ships, and now in the third year of the war in the black sea, at least in the ukrainian part, in ukrainian territorial waters occupied. the last missile carrier of the enemy in our sea was destroyed, the last, for the third year there is nothing, what could launch these missiles is very important, in fact, that is why there are also victories, thanks to the armed forces of ukraine, first of all. germany stands steadfastly on the side of ukraine, the minister of foreign affairs of the country, anna lena berbok, assured president volodymyr zelenskyi, she is in kyiv today on an unannounced visit. bervok already visited ukraine for the seventh time. since the beginning
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of the full-scale russian invasion , during the meeting, the ukrainian head of state told the german minister about the situation on the front and priority defense needs of our army, also discussed the joint initiative of the german foreign and defense ministers to find additional air defense systems for the needs of our army. i am very grateful for yours. military and financial support, we count on you, i am very happy that we have such a connection, i also thank your people for supporting ukrainians, for accepting our people. i just got back from a coal-fired power plant, trying to show europe what this war means. it's nice to see people who are already in favor a month after the attack, they start rebuilding the station, it's incredible. everything we do, we do for the people of ukraine. well, we
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will talk about promises and about real help from germany in the future on our air today, but i will not take this time away. has something to say, but now about something else, more than a million ukrainians have already successfully logged into the reserve plus application. of them, 700,000 successfully updated their personal data, the ministry of defense of ukraine reported. this is ten times more than in administrative service centers and military headquarters in territorial centers of assembly. and this, if you take one and other institutions together - say the department. active conscripts are registering. also abroad of our country in poland, in particular , personal information was updated on more than 1,700 men of military age, in germany almost 1,400, and in canada - 443 citizens of ukraine. three even used the service in antarctica. mobilization
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of convicts, more than 3,000 men serving sentences have already applied for service in the armed forces of ukraine. such data in... were heard in the ministry of justice, the deputy minister of the relevant field, olena vasotska , noted that not everyone will willingly be able to conclude a contract with the armed forces of ukraine. everything depends on the conclusions of military medical commissions. at the same time, she added that the law contains warnings for those who consider the possibility of mobilizing as an opportunity and a way to get free and not fight. for evasion of service in this case, a punishment of 5 to 10 years behind bars was provided. again , i will very briefly add from myself what the deputy minister said about the fact that those convicts who want to fight in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine and defend their country with weapons in their hands, there will definitely not be people who have diseases of the oxen, hepatitis and
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tuberculosis, well, certainly not only in open and closed forms, well, because such diseases it is necessary to treat, but it is definitely not worth it with such diseases. to infect and endanger those of our soldiers who are at the front today. therefore, there are also such caveats, the desire is good, but still there must be conclusions of the medical commission in order for these people strengthened the armed forces of ukraine, but certainly did not become a weakness or a problem. due to a significant shortage of electricity, ukraine continues to import record amounts of it from europe, but even this does not allow to cover the losses caused to ukrainian energy by the occupiers with their strikes, therefore in... grenergo is forced to resort to hourly power cuts for businesses and citizens - said the prime minister the prime minister of ukraine denys shmegaliv, at the same time he noted that it is fundamental for the government that the schedules of switching off consumers are fair and uniform. ministry of energy
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and ukrenergo was given an assignment to develop a draft of the relevant government resolution regarding fair schedules and uniform schedules of consumer shutdowns. this document should also contain a list of objects of critical importance to the state that require priority power supply and the sequence of distribution of the maximum capacity among other consumers that are not included in the list of critical importance. well, of course, follow the shutdown schedules on the sites where this information is published, depending on which ones you are in, which population point, in which group you are, and so on, this information is available. german. hines came to kropyvnytskyi after the full-scale invasion, the man decided to live here to be near his wife, who did not want to move abroad. now together with, now together they help the ukrainian military about volunteering and how they understand each other, given
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the language barrier, the couple told our journalists, let's watch and listen too. every day heins, josef, alberhad and their wife wash, cut and... dry vegetables and greens. then these blanks are transferred to volunteer center. activists turn them into dry first courses and pack them into bags. volunteers have already delivered more than a million portions of borscht and soups to the front and de-occupied territories. to move to ukraine at the height of the war, the man says: he was not afraid, he wanted to be near tatyana, with whom he married shortly before these events. i am not afraid here, why should i be afraid. i still came here, i have a... wife here, and i stayed here. hines and tatyana had known each other for a long time. when the woman fell ill, hines supported her and often wrote. finally made an offer. in ukraine, where he had never been before, the husband got used to it quite quickly - says his wife. for the victory
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of ukraine, the 74-year-old german cheers no less than the ukrainians. so when i saw the announcement about the need for volunteers, i immediately responded. apparently, tons have already passed, because everything... we have been drying greens, parsley, sorrel there lately. then the output there is exactly 1:10. the husband and wife communicate with the help of an interpreter, but they convince, understand each other without words. tatiana learned three dozen words in german language hines three times less in ukrainian. of all ukrainian words, hines likes the word rest the most, he says ukrainians work too much. in his free time from work , he and his wife like to observe nature and listen to birds singing. this moment, yes,
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these few minutes, they are full of some kind of beauty and peace. and it seems to me that the war has sharpened many people's ability to enjoy this moment, it's virginal, probably, well, it's not the right time to say such a thing, but... here i feel in a state of harmony and happiness. heinz josef to germany he does not plan to return, because he says he found happiness in ukraine. from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. a big thank you for such help to the ukrainian army, the ukrainian community from this beautiful couple. well, it's really true, ukrainians like to work a lot and love a lot. to work and provide the most important information about events outside of ukraine yuriy fizar, he is already joining me. yury, good evening,
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please. good evening to you, vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us at this time. today, in particular, i will tell about when negotiations with ukraine on joining the european union will begin. the pentagon does not want to allow the ukrainian armed forces to attack military targets on the territory of russia. and why does the west not want to shoot down russian missiles over ukraine? about this and other things in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. well, i'll start with this: no matter how much they shout and roar at russia, the united nations still considers volodymyr zelenskyi the legitimate president of ukraine. this was stated by the official representative of the secretary general during the press conference uno stephane dujarric. according to him, despite the fact that the powers of president zelensky ended the day before, that is, on may 20,
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due to the state of war , it is not possible to hold new elections in ukraine, according to the constitution. and so, here is a short quote from mr. dujarik. president zelensky remains for us the head of state of ukraine and the person with whom the general secretary communicates when he needs to contact the ukrainian leader. here, the main thing, it seems to me, vasyl, is that the general secretary of the organization of the united nations spoke more often with the president of ukraine volodyr zelenskyi, and in particular regarding the issue of ending the war in ukraine as soon as possible, helping the organization to end this war in ukraine, well , if you take the last words of president zelenskyi that he said, well, extreme words, i don't i say the latter, in an interview with reuters, he said that because putin will be taken out of the kremlin only with his feet forward, so count on that. that something will change in russia, we need to actively help so that this will somehow happen, we really hope that it will be so,
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but volodymyr zelenskyi is recognized as legitimate not only in the united nations organization, and it probably also pisses off people who sit, live out their age in the kremlin, in the european union, continue to consider our president legitimate, because they say that it is impossible, yes just as in the organization of the united nations, it was said. to hold elections during the war, and this was announced during the briefing by the official representative of the foreign, foreign policy service of the european union of peterstan, so let them shout, howl, after all, that they want, they are doing in the kremlin, by the end of this year, ukraine will receive 3 billion euros from the european union, and starting next year , it will receive 5 billion euros each year and... this is not an additional tranche, but interest from frozen russian assets. the relevant decision was made today at the eu council
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held in brussels. annual payments will be divided into two parts. 90% of this amount will go to help the armed forces of ukraine. let me remind you that after the beginning of the russian full-scale invasion of ukraine in february 22, the european union, these countries the so-called group of seven carried approximately 280 billion dollars of central bank assets. russia in the form of monetary assets and securities, most of which are in the belgian depository euroclear, would still make a decision to give them away. you can give not only the interest, but also the russian assets themselves, which are also for, well, as i said, many have been frozen around the world, and it can be done, last week an example was given by estonia, which passed a law that allows it to be done, so why not do it in general by european union, and then connect the united states of america, and voila, we get a lot of money, russian money, which will
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work for ukraine, well, we will wait for that, i hope, the european union has... the intention to start official negotiations with ukraine about our accession to the european community on june 25, with reference to five diplomats, reported the european edition of the bureau of the politician. the negotiations should start during the next eu summit, and the negotiations will also start with it on moldova's accession to the eu. such a step is very important for both countries, because it is exactly how much. it will continue, it will depend on the governments of ukraine and moldova, respectively, but unfortunately, not only. hungary has repeatedly stated that it opposes the accession of ukraine. among other reasons, budapest talked about unresolved issues related to hungarian minorities in ukraine. so, let's see how this start
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of negotiations with ukraine on joining the eu will take place. and, by the way, what, this... the beginning of negotiations will take place somewhere before the end of june, the minister of foreign affairs of belgium, adjalabipa, also confirmed today that belgium is the voice -chairman of the european union now, so we are waiting, i am waiting in order to tell you everything later, well, i started talking about hungary, we must continue with hungary . the situation showed that the conflict, here the emphasis on the word conflict, in ukraine has no solution on the ground. this was stated by the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, péter szijártó, speaking at one of the leading japanese analytical centers of the peace fund sasakawa moreover, he stated that the strategy for dealing with the conflict in ukraine, developed by europe with the united states, has completely failed. next is a quote from the head of the hungarian foreign policy department. this war
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has no battlefield solution. on the battlefield there are dead and destruction, but no solution. he cannot win this war. side, so the only solution is a ceasefire and a negotiating table. well , agree, it is somehow strange to hear from the mouth of one and the same minister that he first mentions several times what is happening in conflict to ukraine, and then still says: no, this is a war, and the war cannot be won, you can, if you give money to a country that justly fights for its independence and sovereignty, why, for example, the hungarians, who... well, we fought together with hitler, they were defeated on the battlefield at one time, yes, of course, why, and we will win on the battlefield, but for this we still need weapons, but unfortunately for hungary , we do not have these weapons for some reason wants to give, and by the way, he peter sijarto, i mean, called to do everything possible in order to to avoid a direct confrontation of nato troops with
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russia on the territory of ukraine, and for this he said not to give in to the calls of those european politicians who... talk about the fact that it is possible at some point and it will be worth considering sending their troops to ukraine. let's go further: the united states of america and its allies should provide ukraine with more aid for strikes on russian territory. the ex-deputy secretary of state of the united states of america, victoria nulan, said this on the air of the american tv channel abc news. and at the same time she says: washington must remove the fence. to hit targets on the territory of russia with their weapons. according to ms. noland, that is what would be called fair play. here is a short quote from her. i believe that if the attacks are taking place directly from behind the front lines from russia, then these bases should be the target, regardless of whether they launch missiles into the territory of ukraine or send troops to
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participate in ground combat operations. well, that's the end of her quote, and when the host asked her if... it would escalate the situation, then ms. nuland's response was: let's hear her speak directly. because it is russia that is constantly inciting this war. russia has learned to withdraw its troops from the distance at which we allowed ukraine to use our weapons. thus they gain a direct advantage in this war from our indecision. and it was the russians who escalated on the battlefield. they raze a third of kharkiv to the ground without even coming close to it. so it's time to stop it and help. ukraine to throw them back. it's just a pity that mrs. noland is not here now works in the administration of the acting president of the united states of america, joe biden. and
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maybe she would have told him directly. however, the pentagon does not agree with it. the day before, during another meeting of friends of ukraine in the ramstein format, the head of the ministry of defense of the united states of america, lloyd austin, said that washington. expects that the armed forces of ukraine will continue to use american weapons exclusively to fire at russian targets on temporarily occupied ukrainian territory. he said this during, as i have already said, of the final press conference, the head of the joint chiefs of staff of the us armed forces, charles brown, also added that it is about supporting close combat on existing fronts, as well as strikes on crimea, which washington considers. it is illogical here, i think vasyl and i were talking yesterday about the fact that if they are gathering all their forces, all the logistics, right under the border, then why not
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allow these supply chains to be interrupted so that they do not have to wait until they they will go to vovchansk, they will shoot local residents, and then to say that, well , for sure we could, well, we can beat, but to tell the truth, this is simply a violation of the logic of war, this is the logic of war. no, there is no such border now, because the russians cross it when, well, when they have the opportunity, and we should do the same, and the same, you, you don’t condemn the raids that took place by russian forces , and into russian territory, you know this, well, it was their right, that is, either we go according to the logic of war, or we go then try to put war on the table political, but she won't sit there because it's uncomfortable, oh yes, vasyl, that's right, i agree with you 100%, but by the way, to tell the truth, you have to give credit and thank the confederates... the states of america for what they are preparing the next tranche of military aid, and this was reported by politico, and it is possible that they will transfer it, they will start
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transferring it by the end of this week, and there is even information that they will return to the tactics of providing aid to ukraine every two weeks, as it was before, well, we will see , this is a very sensitive issue, so it's serious at the event don't... discuss it. so, today, during a visit to latvia, german defense minister boris pistorius answered a journalist's question about whether nato member states that are neighbors of ukraine intend to shoot down russian missiles over the territory of ukraine. according to him, at least in germany, although according to his information in other european countries, such a step would mean the direct participation of the north atlantic alliance in the war. next is a short quote from the leader. of the german ministry of defence, now is not the time, and indeed we have no opportunity take it seriously. well, what an even greater
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escalation, what an even greater confrontation, ms. nuland rightly said in her direct speech, here they continue to say no, well, i understand that they will motivate it by the fact that we are closer to russia than the united states of america, but this could be said a long time ago, but not now. well, let's move on. early presidential elections in iran have already been scheduled, they will be held on june 28, the official representative of the guardian council of the islamic revolution, hadi tahan naziv, announced today. they were appointed after, on sunday, ex-president of the country, ibrahim raisi, died in the plane crash. these will be the 14th such elections in the history of the country, and as always, they are appointed by the council of guardians of the islamic revolution. i would also like to add that today also took place here is one more point, today the ambassador of the islamic republic of iran in russia
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made the following statement, he expressed his indignation that kyiv, the official kyiv, has not yet expressed condolences for the death of the president of iran ibrahim raisi, that is, we have not yet received any apology for the downed ukrainian plane mouth as for full-scale invasion, martyrs who have been killing ukrainian citizens for a year now, for the second year now those martyrs have been flying, yes, the second year is so, so incomplete, i understand that when they shot, let's say, the maniac andriy chikatilo, surely the relatives of the victims should have expressed their condolences or like, well, even in iran, he was called bloody, who are butchers there or something, he had some name, well, that is just the height of cynicism, but what to expect from a country that helps another country. to kill peaceful citizens, vasyl, but you imagine how did this whole apparatus sit near the televisions, near the ukrainian, i don't know, monitors,
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and waited for all the statements of ukrainian politicians and high-ranking officials. when ukraine finally says it, and ukraine didn't say, oh my god, ukraine didn't say it, and the ambassador of iran to russia comes to the salavi program, because it was in this program that he said it, and expresses indignation, how so, well, in one word, in a word, yes, and in conclusion, tonight it was very hot and not because of the weather in noginsk near moscow, it would be more correct to say naginsk, er, there in the evening, the shveina building caught fire. factory until night, the fire was not a joke, according to local media reports , the flames raged on the square on an area of ​​600 km, in the end, closer to the early morning, the ceiling of the building could not withstand it and fell. according to published information, the butsim factory only continued to be called a sewing factory. in fact, its workshops were rented by various enterprises, what exactly they produced and what exactly burned there is currently
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unknown, and the cause of the fire is also unknown, but mountains, mountains, it is clear. well, that's it everything about me is in the world about ukraine column, that's all for today, there will be more in other days, and there will be more in our future broadcast, so don't switch. kremgit relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves the mobility of joints, you can walk with dolgit cream, dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint pain. fm: galicia. listen to yours. the joint is so
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functions. guide joints, move freely. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion. on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko every day from 20 to 22 at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. want
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