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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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the verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a phone survey turn on and turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. want to understand how? our today will affect our
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tomorrow see saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. we continue, and now we will have a topic that is very important: the labor market. the law on mobilization was adopted, it came into force on may 18, vbi. there are also problems here, there are also needs, everyone understands the needs of the armed forces of ukraine in specialists, in people who will be able to perform combat tasks first of all, but there are needs in business as well, and these needs become big, and often these needs turn into problems, here i am now, before we add a guest, i just read a post on facebook, ms. anna dudina from kyiv, she is, i understand, the owner of a cafe in a confectionery, but it is a small business, it is not some big metallurgical plant, but... he writes
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that small and medium-sized businesses have a big risk of not responding to a new challenge, because it is not even clear here how super creative the idea of ​​a solution should be, when you cannot influence the actual absence of employees, and i will tell it here in my own words, she says that now there will be a struggle for staff, we will obviously reach the point that, as she says, a real european service with 10 items on the menu, two waiters, cooks, construction workers tired from stress , choose on your own there on your own on your eh... likes instead of ten bad cappuccinos, an undercooked omelette, an unfinished faucet, or businesses will stop, so will taxes, even if they are small, but as we have all learned over the years, the main rule of closure fees, but relevant to the budget, there are no small taxes, then the solvency of the population will stop, and then i would like to, writes the lady, give a call to say, girls, who has gone abroad, come back, the homeland needs you here, but me. .. i can’t, because safety is above all else, and
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she writes about the fact that the business that has a little - as they say, hired a little, and saved certain amounts, certain financial opportunities, not only financial, but the opportunity to book employees, we will now talk about it with a guest that now there is an option on the wordua website, business, or work with armor, and there are even such options, here the question will be about the struggle for specialists, but then again , you can train, hire, find all specialists on the street, and yes, well, you can’t teach a person , who has never repaired faucets or worked in plumbing, you can teach a person to do this in two weeks, and now you see this screen and from the internet job page, reservation work, i don't see exactly what it's called, but the point is, and this is an opportunity to win, to win a specialist, that's why that the load may be more on people who... can give more money, actually
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bribe people, this will also happen, but here in the comments a woman, anna velemchanytsa, probably from a small settlement, writes: "and we, unfortunately, already closed, the authorities helped to close it, first, i will say it as it is written here, well, they got it, i will say it like this, with inspections, when there was a crown , it happened that they were checked five times a day, and then generators, cash registers, for the village it is very it's difficult, actually we closed, that's it. little stories, but you know, these little stories then add up to a big picture, and the point here is that business has to survive, and taxes have to be paid, and the economy has to work, a war without an economy is not won, and this is wisdom, the right decisions and a wise approach, first of all, of people who are in the executive power, people who sit on banknaya street, not on hrushevsky street, where the verkhovna rada and the cabinet of ministers are, on banknaya street, there near the writers' union, where the president's office is located. because i will repeat this phrase, which is many
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who already repeats during this war, many times, napoleon banaparte, who definitely knew about wars, fought all his own life. until he was sent to the island, and that war is money, money and more money, and we understand very well that the huge army of stalin, the huge human resource of stalin, would not have mattered at all if not for the help of the west, because they lost b earlier than, we remember stories when, say, in certain cauldrons that were created, and the weakness of the soviet command and effective decisions and maneuvers of german armored units. first of all , hundreds of thousands and millions of soldiers died or were captured or died in the big casinos, so of course the number is important in war, it is very important, and now i think this is supported primarily by those fighters who have been at the front for a long time, who need to be replaced, but a quality replacement, because we understand that people who are trained, if they are replaced by those
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people who are not well trained, or not so trained, or are not capable of doing something, but they need to be quickly thrown into position, they too they can lose somewhere, lose somewhere, there is not enough time, but on the other hand, there is not enough time now, so... these issues have not been resolved for a long time, so i will not go into those chests now, take out pieces of old mothballs and tell them why it is not so, it is not like that for many reasons, but now there is a problem, as ukraine found itself, businesses must work, people must pay, and by the way, for the same communal services, which are planned to be increased again, the solvency of the population is important, taxes are important , donat these more important things need to be reported... brothers, because when a person has money left only for food, and he will not be able to give it back, because he will die of hunger, of course, i am doing it a bit in such a big contrast now, but sometimes these contrasts need to be given in order to better understand, that is why what
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was happening, well i will say in such a simple language, raids on businesses, unnecessary inspections, such, let's introduce such a ukrainian word, terrorizing business. there is such a thing, they always say the nightmare of business, but a nightmare, it is not exactly ukrainian, the terror of business, it is very beautiful and even such a terror of business, terrorizing business, a cool idea, terrorizing business, and it happened, it’s also true, many famous businessmen and public figures wrote about it, and valeriy, pekar and many others, i read others, well it was, and instead of giving an opportunity to adapt to the war, to start working better, more efficiently, on the other hand, we also see the issue of... booking, this should be decided by people who have the authority, understanding, experience in front of them, obviously there are some graphs, numbers, they look, there are needs of the armed forces, there are needs of business, there are needs of communal services, well, they also have to work, everything that should flow must flow through the pipes, it must not be blocked somewhere, we saw a fountain recently in the hosliv district
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on demiivka in kyiv, it is true, the fountain was beautiful, and if not someone will close it, stop it, repair it, or somewhere the metro has moved, or somewhere the city. moved or something else, these should be the people who have to do it, football clubs are booked with us, let's say it's great, it's important, obviously, but we perfectly understand that many of those people, they are not strategic enterprises, and many of these are flaking in international arenas, they are not olympic champions or candidates for the olympics, and they do not participate in european competitions, and do not even get into the national teams, there are youth, national, youth teams , but it is done, plus i read today this idea that there is... and the so-called white business club, and that white business is the right thing, again i say, these are the right things, white business is the right thing, it has be, taxes should be paid fairly, but again, you need to have something to pay them with, because when they come with these incomprehensible checks, or when they simply pressure you, or simply when
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they demand a bribe or kickback from you, or whatever they demand of you, you cannot work honestly, because if you are not you will pay so, so, so and so, you will not work, and you try to work here too, and here someone comes, and people... you have to pay, and you also have to pay taxes, and you have to donate to the armed forces in order for you to work at all , her people came from the other side of the border and said, give me everything, because they just killed and go and take away what they did and will continue to do today on ukrainian territory, so i don't even know if there will be a guest or not, but this is a topic that we will discuss anyway, i think, if not now, then we will it will be discussed, a lot of posts, i think you all feel it, you all feel it, you all feel it in your pockets. you see it in the fate of your families, ukraine is in a very difficult situation, again, the needs of the armed forces are huge, the enemy is accumulating reserves, the enemy has accumulated reserves in order to move, possibly to sumy oblast, he said something today the spokesman of the state border service, the enemy can accumulate reserves in order to move again to the kyiv region, or try to move somewhere again to
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the kherson region or the zaporizhia region, he does not abandon these ideas, he is not far away, by the way, to move to the dnieper, if he wanted to, so there is a need, but all this must be done wisely. so that critical enterprises work, and those people who can contribute really and seriously and pay serious taxes, for example, those people who work for foreign business and receive foreign currency, can also pay here in for ukraine, it is also important and... of course, to create conditions for ukrainians to return from abroad, because we need, trivially, now we need working hands, not all people are mobilized, i think that there are enough people abroad, who really have a deferment or armor, or their health does not allow them to work in the armed forces of ukraine, but their health allows them, say, to repair a faucet, work in a bakery, drive a trolleybus or harvest crops in a field . for a combine harvester, these people could, but they do it today, relatively speaking, or in poland, or in germany, or in belgium,
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or somewhere else, they would be needed here, but here again there must be a guarantee that when these people arrive, someone will not take them away and scoop them up immediately, regardless on their state of health, and will not say: pay me and you will not go to serve, there must be, there must be a guarantee, justice and rules, but when these rules will work for everyone, then i think the situation can be equalized, because again after all , this ship, a big ship, which is ukraine. who got into this pretty serious a storm, which may be sometimes carried on a rock, it has to maintain this balance, we saw what happened to the titanic, which broke, there the balance did not hold, somewhere there was more water, it simply broke, we have to stand, but in order to this ship withstood these, well, in stormy conditions, there must be a balance again, and it is impossible for one group of people to be on any part of the ship more, because it can simply capsize, and we should not capsize, we will take this topic, i made such a speech today because i read a lot for this... and it's good to have an opportunity to discuss with you, of course i won't hear you,
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but i will see your comments all of a sudden, that on youtube, please comment, subscribe, like, and let's go, since we still have literally a minute of time, and i will ask you to donate, by the way, we have already collected almost 300 00, there, or maybe we have already collected 3000, oh, we have collected 300 000, but still, let me call you, i will donate if necessary, for a second, i ... everything as it should be, because this, this is important, so we 're going to no, wait, we're going to do it right, to join, we are asking you to collect for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions, the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air in any weather day and night, so for emergency restoration and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as
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hydraulic jacks for operational repairs foreign technology. our goal is uah 630,000. and we collected, you collected, we are only mediators in this story, although i also donate to these needs and to other needs. 30,144 hryvnias, i thank you very much, and i understand that money is tight for the vast majority of the population right now. there are many needs, many of you, friends, relatives, loved ones at the front, they need, and you may simply give this money in the hands of yours, your relatives, your loved ones, but also thank you for helping us and those military , who turn to the tv channel because they trust us, and we trust you, well, and now i will say what you know, but i will still say that at 8 pm the verdict program will start on the tv channel. what serhiy rudenko and his guests will talk about today, we will actually ask serhiy, good evening, serhiy, please have a word,
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good evening vasyl, at 20:00 our two-hour verdict begins, in the first part of our program there will be a politician, a diplomat and extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine valery chala, let's talk with him about the foreign policy results of this day and the last few days. today , the minister of foreign affairs of the federal republic of germany, anna lena berbock, came to kyiv and promised ukrainians air defense for 1 billion euros. what else do the western partners promise us, because over the past few days there have been many statements regarding support for the countries that are part of the conditional ramstein group, and how exactly mr. ambassador valery chaly assesses the pace of arms deliveries to ukraine and, most importantly, can the west... give us more, we'll talk about it all over the next hour, starting at 8 p.m.
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at 21:15 we will have a parliamentary studio, we will have people's deputies of ukraine rostyslav pavlenko, mykyta paturaev and mykhailo tsimbalyuk, with them we will talk about the results of the five years of zelenskyi's presidency, exactly 5 years yesterday. .. the president was sworn in, and there are reasons to talk to us about this five-year anniversary, although we see that president zelensky himself says that these 5 years are not yet... the past, they say, as long as there is a war, as long as he is president, and we will sum up after he is re-elected a new term, or will resign his powers, although, in my opinion, in this situation, president zelenskyy should still speak in the parliament and sum up
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the five years, what he managed to do, what he failed to do, after all our president is not like you... the russian federation is elected by all the people and democratically, and therefore the president must be accountable and under the control of the people who elected him, and i, for example, these days do not have enough explanations or reports from the president zelenskyi, and what of his program did he manage to implement it was not possible to fulfill, and actually, as he himself evaluates these last five years, i hope that our people's deputies of ukraine, our guests will do it, and besides, today it became known that the public issue comes from a single telethon, which does this mean, or does it mean that public news will now be spoken separately on the first button, on the first national button, and accordingly will have a
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slightly different content than the single telethon, how will this affect the information policy of the state and... and how will it be perceived , well, not the first viewers, because it is clear that there will be a public telethon, there will be a single telethon, in addition to the pool of information channels that currently broadcast it in t2, meaning espresso-5 and direct, obviously there will be competition between a single telethon and a public one, and we will also be consider, and that's what we're going to talk about tonight, so our broadcast starts in 13 minutes. stay for espresso, watch vasyl zima's great evening, we will be at 8:00 p.m. sharp. vasyl, you have a word. thank you very much, serhiy, so on the 20th the verdict program, regarding serhiy's words, that i would like to hear the president, by the way, i also thought about it today, that i would like to receive some report for 5 years. from president zelensky, as he said in an interview with
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the reuters publication, the reuters agency, that my 5 years are not over yet, such a philosophical remark. philosophical and now we will hear about what the weather will be like in ukraine tomorrow, why, after that we will hear from tetyana golonova, our correspondent, who is arriving at the awarding ceremony of the georgy gongadze award, but it will be a little later, now about the weather on the day will come from natalka didenko, let's watch and listen. hello everyone, dear ukrainians. we will start our conversation today with sneezing, well, how does it work, because the poplar fluff flies, well , we really know that with the beginning of this summer, warm, poplar snowfall, many people sneeze and itch their eyes, turn red, well, in a word, they are so classic manifestations of allergies, i inquired about this issue and
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in fact it turns out that it is an allergy not to heather fluff, but simply to these very snowflakes of heather... pollen settles, various city emissions, in a word, of all origins, these are, as it were, harmful impurities, and that is why they cause allergies, and precisely the allergy to poplar and down is huge, as it turns out to be rare, well, in order to soften the reaction of the body during this period, what is needed to do, it is good to wash the nose and the nasopharynx in general with water or... now a bunch of all kinds of sprays already with purified sea water, well, whatever you like, wet cleaning, of course the house, well, it never hurts at all, try not to go out in the middle of the day on the street or in offices or it is better to stay at home, well, really, who suffers enough from the reaction to this flying of this
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fluff, and of course it is better not to use any... allergenic products for people who are generally prone to allergies, but, well, to be honest, now they say , that strawberries are quite allergenic, so how can you not use them at all? in a word, don't sneeze, be attentive to yourself, be careful, and i remind you once again that in fact, people who sneeze from snowmelt fluff, in fact, are allergic not to snowmelt fluff, but to various impurities and the pollen that settles on it, we go further and talk about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, tomorrow... as you will see now in the forecast chart, there will be small fluctuations, no strong magnetic storms are predicted, so we return to the highlight of ours. weather, weather forecast for the next day. so, tomorrow is may 22, and i want to remind you that tomorrow is a special day for all ukrainians, it is the day of the reburial of taras
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hryhorovych shevchenko, and tomorrow, i will not start from the central regions, traditionally from the west, but i will remind you, so tomorrow in the west in ukraine, there is a possibility of short-term rains, even with a thunderstorm, but not everywhere, it is rather the extreme west, but here, for example, ternopil region and... lowlands without precipitation, and high air temperature - 22, 27, 22, 28° above zero , in the north of ukraine, rain is expected in sumy region and chernihiv region, without precipitation in zhytomyr and kyiv regions, the air temperature is 20-26° above zero. in the central part of ukraine, and here i mention cherkaschyna and kaniv, no precipitation is expected, the air temperature is 21-26°. the word was comfortable, warm weather. in the southern part of ukraine will also be very warm, 22-26, 22, 27°, and precipitation is not
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expected, it will be a lot of sun. in contrast, by the way, to the northern or western regions, where cloud cover will increase. well, in the next day, may 22, the day of the reburial of taras hryhorovych shevchenko, the maximum air temperature is expected to be +24 +26° in kyiv. there will be no precipitation, but the cloudiness of the tail of the atmospheric front will slightly cover the sky, and therefore the sun will not burn, which , frankly, we are not yet used to. here is the nearest synoptic perspective, carefully watch for our updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. thank you, natal stidenko, by the way. the active sun has increased the solar generation quite a bit, and this gives its advantages for the energy system of our country, that is why the sun, it does not burn this year,
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it saves, let's say so, so now to the news of eurodonbas culture on mykhailivska, today, just walking around the capital, it is possible to finally get rid of stereotypes about donetsk region and luhansk region, as lina chechenina will demonstrate to us right now, let's watch and listen, lina, please, have a word, good evening. good evening, vasyl, in just a second i will show you how to get rid of these stereotypes by reading literally several stands. well, gandriy and i are now on mykhailivska square, i think you... but if you don't recognize it, look, here is a famous exhibition, very popular cars and tanks, there are a lot of them every time i'm here people, but if you have already come to
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mykhailivska to see this exhibition, then you can also pay attention to the opposite side of the square and see, now stands are set up here, these are the creators of the tape eurodonbas kornia hrytsyuk, they continue us further, further... to educate, so the tape in general, let me remind you, if anyone has not seen it, it is dedicated to how global investors, wealthy people invested money in the development of donetsk region and luhansk region. many people do not like the word donbas, by the way, and here it is written on every stand, how and who invested in the cities of donetsk region and luhansk region, what was done there, for example, donetsk, it is written that it is british. of heritage definitely mentioned john hughes, after whom donetsk was named, he was called yuzivka, at first we see on in fact, his house, which is now
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destroyed, seems final to me, because at the time of the occupation of donetsk, it was already in a state of disrepair, and actually , here it is told about how caring these investors were, almost all of them, they did very comfortable languages ​​for their employees, and that is why donetsk and luhansk regions were such truly european cities, there were those in these regions. druzhkivka is a french heritage, we also see the french contribution to this city, it is written that not only money but also culture came there, theater, and architecture, and even lilacs and apricots, by the way, i didn't know that, and by the way... by the way, every stand has a ukrainian-language version and an english-language version, we know that quite a lot of foreigners still come to kyiv now , they can also
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read it, we can also see the contribution of the german and... westers, this is the city of new york, there is also, let me remind you, the new york literary festival, and here it is told how the germans were engaged in farming and gardening, how they brought them here they brought, unfortunately, the germans were repressed during the second world war, them were sent to siberia, to kazakhstan, we also know this story, this is one of such repressed peoples, well... there are two stands about mariupol at once, we see one of the most notable, not monuments, but the mariupol bridge, this the continental hotel, it was also one of the visiting cards and it was also such an investment in the city, and only later, when the soviet union began, they first built a building of trade unions there, and then a palace of culture,
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well, the foxes continue. and everything else, and well , in the end, all these stands, if you read them, again you will fall away stereotypes about donetsk region and luhansk region, if possible you have had them, so if you are just walking around the city center, be sure to stop by and find the movie eurodonbas, watch it, it is extremely interesting. thank you very much linna chechen, be sure to visit the exhibition, now further on in the capital, the awarding ceremony of the georgy gongadze award has started in the capital. our correspondent tetyana golunova, who is currently in touch with us live, knows who is claiming the prize this year. so, congratulations to tanya, is it already known about winner name please i congratulate vasylya, i also congratulate the viewers of the espresso tv channel. the name of the winner is still unknown, because the ceremony
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will continue. and i would like to remind you that every year on may 21, on the birthday of journalist georgy gonkaza , an award named after him is presented, this year three journalists are applying for it, they are the head of the investigation agency slidstvo-info, anna babinets, and also the director of the department of strategic analysis and development of socially influential content on the public tetyana troshchynska and the founder and editor-in-chief'.
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professional journalists, media managers, editors, yes, who each do in their own field, well, just huge things, there are probably still two small differences, this year we have three nominees, three ukrainian journalists who made it to the final, in our short list, and obviously it must be said that during a full-scale invasion for us, as organizers of the award named after georgy gongadze, our fallen colleague... colleagues, it is very important for us to speak and preserve the memory of our fallen colleagues and lullabies i would like to remind you that the george konkatsa award is one of the main awards for professional journalists in ukraine. it was founded in 2019 by the ukrainian pam, together with the family of heorhiy gongadze, as well as the ukrainian pravda publication, and the kyiv-mohyla business school and publication.
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school, and i will also remind everyone that this award was received last year by the founder of the yukrainiar project bohdan letvyne logvinenko, from the beginning of the full-scale invasion, his media talked about russia's aggression against ukraine for ukrainian and foreign audience, i will also note that during today's event, during today's presentation of this award, all participants also remembered all the dead ukrainian defenders and media workers. we will wait for the name of the winner of the award, so what, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow at 18:10, thank you for being with us, we support the armed forces of ukraine and stay with espresso, because literally in a few moments, serhiy rudenko and program verdict, it's worth watching.


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