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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm EEST

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the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court is requesting an arrest warrant for israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu and the group's leaders. hamas. he accused both sides of the gas war of committing crimes against humanity. but will netanyahu be on par with putin and gaddafi? jefer umerov is working on this for the next 15 minutes of the bbc broadcast from london in the studio. karim khan, chief prosecutor of the international criminal court, requests an arrest warrant for israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu, israeli defense minister yoav gallant, as well as three leaders of the group.
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hamas khan believes they are all guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity. hamas during the attack on israel, and israel during the military operation in the gaza strip. however, such a statement by the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court caused outrage both among hamas representatives and in israel. let's hear what netanyahu himself said about this. the outrageous decision of the prosecutor of the international criminal court karim khan was requested to issue arrest warrants. historical scale, it will forever remain on a stain of shame on the international court. netanyahu also added that he, i quote, was disgusted by this attempt to install democratically elected leaders from what he called the genocidal organization hamas. representatives of hamas, in turn , say that such actions equate the victim with the executioner, referring to israel. in the united states, it is the main one. israel's allies
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also reacted to the accusations of the icc and here is the statement of president joe biden. let me state clearly that we reject the icc's request to issue arrest warrants for israeli leaders. so that these warrants do not assumed, there is no equivalence between israel and hamas. by the way, great britain also did not support such an initiative of the iss, prime minister rishi sunyk said that such actions do not help. ceasefire, release of hostages or delivery of humanitarian aid in the gas sector. but what exactly are the two sides accusing, and how will this affect netanyahu's perception in his country? in the next material. israel and hamas find themselves in a situation where they attack the same target, their leaders side by side on the list of the international criminal court. international the law and laws of armed conflict apply to all. foot soldier, no
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commander, no civilian leader, no one can act with impunity, nothing in the world can justify depriving women, women with children, babies, old and young of the necessities of life, nothing, nothing on earth can justify the capture hostages or the attack and killing of civilians, prosecutors charge. israel in a state-sanctioned attack on the population of the gaza strip, including extermination and the use of starvation as a weapon. ahamas accused of crimes including extermination, hostage-taking, torture and sexual violence, including rape. hamas condemned the decision, which it said equated the victims with an executioner. and he noted that palestinians, like all those under occupation, have the right. to resist
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in israel, the statement of the icc prosecutor caused outrage among politicians. the president of israel called the decision to equate both sides scandalous, and one of the opposition leaders called it moral blindness. members of netanyahu's party said this would only strengthen theirs support in israel, when the population is under attack, they feel that it is not the prime minister, the soldiers of the idf, the population of israel that is under attack. people who are worried about their own democracy, they are under attack, so, speaking from a political point of view, this is support for the prime minister. throughout this war, israel has insisted that it is a democratic country with a moral army and the right to self-defense. and the very presence of their leaders next to the leaders of hamas here caused widespread indignation. but the chief prosecutor made it clear that enough is enough grounds and reasons for accusing both sides of war crimes, including evil'. at the
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same time, a crowd of people gathered outside the knesset building, they are against the way netanyahu is waging this war, so the prime minister, whom i criticize so much... at home, criticism from the international criminal court can actually help. it should be added that israel does not recognize the jurisdiction of the international criminal court, but the palestinians do. this court has been considering palestine as a state since 2015. the palestinians have observer status in the un and hence could sign the roman statute. but what kind of court is this? the international criminal court is located in the hague and has jurisdiction over pursue individuals and leaders for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. and, for example, in 2023, on the initiative of the same prosecutor karim khan, the court issued a warrant for the arrest of the president of russia , vladimir putin, and the russian case manager for the children, maria lviv and bilova, for
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the illegal deportation of ukrainian children from the occupied territories. but not all countries signed the rome statute, which it founded court. currently, it is only 124 countries. 124 countries recognize jurisdiction, but this list does not include the united states, russia, or china. germany, france and most countries of the western world recognize the court's jurisdiction. by the way, ukraine signed the rome statute, but did not ratify it, but recognizes its jurisdiction. but what next? karim khan is asking for an arrest warrant for the prime minister and defense minister of israel and three hamas leaders, if the panel of judges of the international court of justice supports him. arrest warrant, then all the countries that signed the roman statute, have to arrest any of the five accused at the first opportunity. more on this from the bbc's correspondent in the hague, anna halligan. kareem khan said he was sure he had enough evidence to secure a conviction on both
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sides, but he was not in a position to decide it alone. a team of investigators has been gathering information and will present it to judges during a pre-trial hearing here. in the international criminal court. judges will have to review all collected information, materials, testimony of victims and witnesses of events. in order to determine whether they have been complied with the evidentiary requirements for issuing these arrest warrants, as stated by chief prosecutor karim khan. and this process can take weeks. so now the judges of the international court will determine whether they consider the evidence provided sufficient to issue arrest warrants. and it can last both weeks and months. for example, in the case of the former leader of the court, nomar al-bashir, the judges decided in seven months, and in the case of vladimir putin, they decided in a month. so, if the judges decide to issue an arrest warrant. what effect will it have on
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accused? the bbc's jerusalem correspondent dan johnson continues. the challenge will be that if events develop in such a way that arrest warrants are issued, what will that mean? for prime minister netanyahu and his defense minister in terms of their movement. how would a country like great britain react if they came to visit it under such warrants. great britain and other signatories of the rome statute would be obliged to carry out this arrest. no one expects benjamin netanyahu, or his defense minister, or three the leaders of hamas will eventually end up on the docks in the hague. to what extent are they ready to test international relations and systems. accountability, but first you have to wait for arrest warrants. so a lot depends on the countries that signed the rome statute and recognized the court's jurisdiction, but how significant is this step by the icc? this is what the former president of the un war crimes court in
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sierra leone, geoffrey robertson, said. very significant. remember that the concept of war crimes was introduced by the nuremberg tribunal, goal who was to punish the nazis by hanging. bone and now, after so many years, unfortunately, israel and its leaders are accused of the same thing. in the chaotic bombings that kill thousands of children, in the use of hunger and the like. at the same time, three hamas leaders have been charged with mass murder and hostage-taking, against which they obviously have nothing to oppose. and this is a very serious war crime. the difference between the leaders of hamas, if they are recognized as wine. then they will go to prison for life, and the israelites if they have the courage to go to court and fight, to be able to file a complaint that they were provoked and they were acting in self-defense. it will be a difficult task for them, but quite real. they
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have to prove, show that their actions were proportionate to the provocation they suffered, and that is up to the judges to decide. in my opinion, netanyahu and the minister of defense. must be honest and i am sure it will be a matter of honor to appear in court if they are charged then they will have to answer and the world will be waiting for their answer. i... fear that if they don't, the tragic anti-semitism provoked by the actions of this very israeli government will only intensify, neither the army nor the police force will bring them to justice, but there is a force of world public opinion, and i think that this is something for which the israeli government is responsible to its own people, to protect them from the hostility that will follow israel if it does not answer the charges, if the judges of the icc approve the case for which they have to answer, but they do not have the opportunity, then this will hang over them and, unfortunately, over israel
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for a long time to come. i believe they should demonstrate a willingness to respond to demonstrate that their actions are proportionate. otherwise, it will become a black mark for israel. perhaps, as in the case of milosevic, no one thought that he would answer, his own people forced him to appear in court in the hague. maybe. the people of israel will eventually move to have netanyahu and others go to the hague and answer to all these accusations. the united states is one of the main allies israel, which steadfastly supported the military operation of israeli forces against the hamas group. but recently, washington began to talk about the conditions of this support precisely because of the actions in the gas sector. at the very end , we will listen to a bbc correspondent in washington. returned, how could the decision of the prosecutor of the international criminal court affect the support of
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the united states? president biden's statement contained harsh language. he criticized the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court karim khan, accused his in that he puts equality between israel and hamas. there is no equivalence whatsoever - said biden. us secretary of state anthony blinken made similar accusations. he named khahana shameful, said they could harm efforts to achieve a ceasefire in the gas sector. there were also many statements of outrage from republican congressmen. of course, american officials are concerned about the way israel is waging a war in the gas sector. and many of the allegations made by prosecutor khan in his statement echo those concerns. which many american officials have been talking about for months, and have been reporting to israelis and private individuals. and publicly, for example, in his statement, prosecutor khan mentions that israel
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obstructs the delivery of humanitarian aid, and attacks and murders of humanitarian workers , president biden has repeatedly expressed concern about the speed of humanitarian aid delivery and, in general, how the war is going. he previously called israeli military action excessive, and he also said the us would not support it israeli offensive in the southern city of the gaza strip. rafi without proper planning on how to protect civilians, and there was that phone call last month between president biden and prime minister netanyahu, in which the american president effectively issued an ultimatum: take clear steps to improve the humanitarian situation in the gas sector, or us policy on war can change, and it has, president biden announced this month that the us had suspended one shipment of heavy weapons to israel. and others view. certainly not the us have ratified the rome statute, are not part of
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the international criminal court, nor are icc prosecutors, but the icc prosecutors will strengthen the arguments of us officials about how israel is waging war, and it will intensify the debate among ordinary americans who are unhappy with the biden administration's war policy, who believe that the us should impose more conditions on military aid to israel. read more about... the accusations of the international criminal court against the prime minister and the minister of defense of israel, the leaders of hamas, on our website in this article bbc columnist jeremy bowen: why netanyahu risks being in the same company as putin and gaddafi. subscribe to our pages on social networks so as not to miss the most important news and analysis, we are on facebook, instagram and tiktok. and that's all we have time to tell today, look for more stories on our website, and we're back on the air. tomorrow at 21, take care!
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congratulations, friends, live on the tv channel. the second part of the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, and in this issue we will talk about the following. 5 years zele'. as the head of state, a difficult political path in the most difficult times of the state, the main achievements and failures of the first five-year period of the president. undeniable legitimacy. the kremlin is trying to fan the topic of public recognition of the ukrainian government. why has the issue of zelenskyi's legitimacy not yet been resolved in the constitutional
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court. civilized divorce. social in fact. from the telethon under the pretext of expanding its own broadcasting, why other information channels have not yet returned their digital air. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our own platforms on youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us live there. please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey, today we ask you about whether a childlessness tax is needed in ukraine. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, please write in the comments, if you watch us on tv, yes, 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the voting results, and for in order to explain why we are asking about this
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tax, whether ukraine needs a tax on unemployment, we explain that the people's deputy from the servant of the people. in order to improve the demographic situation in ukraine, hryvko proposed introducing a childlessness tax for people who have no children at all and a smaller demographic tax for those who have one or two children. after a flurry of criticism from his colleagues, hryvko withdrew his bill, but apparently the authorities will still push this idea: a tax on childlessness, once in the soviet union, by the way, had such... a tax, so we are interested in your opinion, whether you support the introduction of such a tax or not, yes, no, i want to introduce the guests of today's studio, this is rostyslav pavlenko, people's deputy of ukraine from the european of solidarity, member of the verkhovna rada committee on education, science and innovation, mr. rostyslav, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, good evening,
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greetings to everyone, and mykhailo tsymbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine from bat. vshchyny, the first deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee from issues of social policy and protection of the rights of veterans, lieutenant general of the police, mr. mykhailo, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our conversation, i wish everyone good health, and nikita poturaev should have been with us, we announced him people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, but unfortunately he cannot go on the air because his lights are off, he cannot maintain a stable connection with our studio, so i apologize to our dear... viewers, well, since gentlemen, we ask our tv viewers and viewers about this tax on childlessness, which serhii hryvko tried to push through the verkhovna rada, i will ask in the blitz format whether this tax on childlessness is necessary, especially in such a difficult situation, in which ukraine is now, and whether it will solve the demographic
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problem, let's start from mr. general, mr. mykhailo, definitely not, this... was a personal initiative of serhiy hryvka, he is a member of our committee, i had a discussion with him yesterday on this topic, he, a young man, listened to the ideas that existed during the soviet union , without reading to the end what was actually there a completely different system of subsistence minimums, tax-free, and then there was a completely different system, now it is unacceptable, any additional taxes, here... must look for other, completely, completely different incentives in order for ukrainians to have security, to have support from the state and could give birth and raise children, this is not the right way, and such an initiative has no chance of passing in the session hall. well, by the way, in order for our tv viewers to understand that this tax, by the way,
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is also being pushed in parallel in russia, that is , this idea is not even from the soviet union probably came hryvko, i don’t know how old he is, i think he didn’t exactly pay this tax, because it was 30 years ago, maybe it didn’t exist in this world, but this idea of ​​a tax on the childless, it’s actually came from the soviet union, but through russia, well, i understand, mr. rossislav, well , it really confuses me that such nonsense is being dragged into our ukrainian information... space by the authorities, either following some soviet examples, and i am right, and somehow so, even keeping them silent with a vengeance, just don't even understand... or the essence and the context, just trying to do as it was back then, and it's not just about this initiative, and you have to deal with it very, you know,
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so systematically, because it shows a much more serious problem, representatives of the authorities for some reason, they drag all sorts of abominations from the soviet past from the russian parallel reality, without thinking about how to solve the problems in essence. well, actually, the fact that serhiy hryvko has already taken up and withdrawn this draft law is already good, but it is obvious that most ukrainians will say that, well the authorities are probably testing, but the hype has risen, and there, we have already seen many times when representatives of the presidential faction make some proposals or write some bills and introduce them to the verkhovna rada, and then... then they say, no, no, no, we changed our mind, we will not do this, we can probably cite a dozen such cases, but at the same time , we see how the servants of the people are in no hurry
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to form a temporary investigative commission regarding the construction of fortifications in ukraine, we see how they are in no hurry to consider a bill that will prohibit activity in ukraine of the russian church, and affiliates of the russian orthodox church, the meeting of the supreme council closed today. prematurely , due to the fact that the european solidarity faction blocked the rostrum and the deputies demanded that the bill on the banning of the moscow church in ukraine and the creation of a temporary investigative commission on the fortification of the armed forces with drones be put to a vote, let's see how it all turned out, dear colleagues, look, i'm iryna i will pass the guard, we are blocking the tribune. i understand correctly, dear colleagues, look, do not touch me, please leave my workplace, i announce, i announce a break in our
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meeting, and in order to avoid any manipulation, what i said then and after, and i will say again for a long time , i'm like the first time. i voted for this draft law, i will vote in the same way the second time, but it will be done in accordance with the regulations, i announce a break, thank you, mr. rostyslav, can you explain what happened in the session hall, because i only heard the comments of stefanchuk, who said that that the parliament is the highest legislature body, and in general there is no place for political discussions, which, to be honest, confused me, considering the fact that i... saw more than one composition of the parliament, but even the previous heads of the verkhovna rada did not allow themselves such remarks, well, but again, this is the involvement
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of the russian narrative, because it seems that volodin spoke about the fact that the speaker of the state duma, that the parliament is a place for discussions, so it is very confusing that the speaker of the ukrainian parliament allows himself such comments, and our actions are just today. european solidarity and were dictated by the fact that for months the key problems have not been solved, regarding the verification of how funds are spent on fortification, how fortifications are being built, how the supply of drones to the troops is going, yes, we have taken billions from local governments, tens of billions, 43 billion this year alone , and it is not known whether they got there. to the army, because everyone who communicates with front-line soldiers knows how difficult the situation actually is with the supply of drones, and, of course, this is the issue of the eradication of the fifth fsb column
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in ryasy, the moscow patriarchate, in fact the prohibition of the russian church, so that there is no manipulation, the russian church itself, already ukrainian churches, religious organizations will have to either show the absence of this connection, or break it and... and unfortunately, we had to resort to this form of pressure, because it was already obvious that such ordinary means, they are neglected, they do not lead to decision-making, and i must say that these actions were given, actually indicated and brought results, the chairman of the verkhovna rada, stepanchuk, assembled a conciliation council, and it was a compromise has been reached that what... tomorrow, wednesday, a temporary commission of inquiry will be established to deal with both the fratification issue and the drone issue, and we very much
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hope that... our colleagues will not shirk their commitments there under pressure from the bank or in some other way, and secondly, today, mr. mykhailo, a witness, we started collecting signatures for our own vote to ban the moscow church, and european solidarity, i know that practically the entire homeland, other factions put their signatures, and as soon as there are enough signatures typed, i.e. more... 226, we have the assurance of the chairman of the verkhovna rada that this issue will be put on the agenda and will finally put an end to the existence of the russian church in ukraine. thank you, mr. rostyslav, mr. mykhailo, but with the beginning of the war, the parliament lost its subjectivity, in my humble opinion, because we actually only see the results of some votes,
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journalists were not allowed for a long time. to the sidelines of the verkhovna rada, the monomajority demonstrates the majority together with the former opz and other deputies who join voting, what happened today, and your insistence to include two issues, important issues, on the agenda, and the fact that stefanchuk still held a conciliation council, what, what is this? that is, it means for the political life of ukraine, this is the restoration, or the beginning of the restoration of the subjectivity of the parliament, when some of the issues, after all, and some of the laws and bills and resolutions, still need to be formed and the agenda within the walls of the session hall, and not on bank street. first of all, i want to say that since the beginning of the large-scale war, that is, the second
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the russian verkhovna rada demonstrates unity, and indeed until today there has been no such blocking or disruption of work, and we in the parliament support, in particular , the homeland, all those ideas related to military draft laws, support for the armed forces, other military formations, the allocation of additional funds, etc., everything is voted on... by the combined number of votes of the verkhovna rada, 300, more than 300 votes, what was achieved today, finally, i agree with my colleague, albeit not by the methods one would like, but it was extreme , as for me zahyd, all factions have already submitted nominations for the creation of the tsk, the homeland also recommends
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our colleague to vote tomorrow on the creation of a temporary investigative commission on the investigation of the construction of fortification structures, as well as the allocation of funds for drones and other weapons for the defense forces, which concerns the draft law according to the russian church, yes, the motherland, including me, we joined the collection of signatures, i am sure that by the next week of the session, we will succeed in having this bill came to the session hall for consideration, and this should be the position of 150 people's deputies and the leaders of factions and groups of the verkhovna rada. i think that the question has already matured, and we feel that there will be more than 250 votes for
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this bill, he gave. already overripe and it is necessary to put a hard end to the activities of this quasi-military church or not quite church organization, but i emphasize once again that this does not apply at all to parishioners of the orthodox faith, who continue to have the right to pray according to the constitution and go to church, which... officially registered according to the laws of ukraine, and this bill applies to all those religious organizations whose centers are located in the country of the aggressor, that is , i emphasize once again, parishioners have the right to choose the orthodox church, the greek-catholic church, and others.


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