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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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we feel that there will be more than 250 votes for this bill, it has long been overdue, and it is necessary to put a hard end to the activities of this paramilitary er church or not quite ecclesiastical organization, but i emphasize once again, this does not apply at all to parishioners of er orthodox er of the orthodox faith. who continue to have the right to pray according to the constitution and go to a church that is officially registered according to the laws of ukraine, and this applies to this draft law and all those religious organizations whose centers are located in the country of the aggressor, i.e. once again i emphasize that parishioners have the right to choose the orthodox church, the greek catholic church, or others. all the christian churches that
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are active today, i am sure, will provide an opportunity, will create an opportunity to pray to the lord, the main thing is that there should actually be religion, and not something else, what the representatives of the russian church are demonstrating today, you know, gentlemen, i understand , that what we are currently observing in the parliament and in ukraine in general. to the authorities, obviously, obviously, one way or another connected with the date of the fifth, fifth anniversary of zelenskyi's presidency, well, we understand that probably, in one way or another, the parliament would like to listen to the president, and the society should have listened to the president, i am not talking about the fact that the tribune was blocked, that this is a consequence of the fact that today is the first day that i... russian propaganda asserts that
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zelensky is illegitimate. no, we are talking about what is obvious, and people's deputies of ukraine and ordinary ukrainians, they would like to hear from president zelensky what he succeeded and failed to do in these 5 years, one way or another he went with the pre-election program, he would could tell why it failed what he managed to do, what he failed to do, but president zelenskyi, instead, gave an interview to rozloge reuters. and said that due to martial law, his five-year term is still running, so we probably won't be told about that, actually, and what he thinks about his 5 years as president, is it true that zelensky told foreign journalists , let's listen now, my 5 years haven't ended yet, because of martial law, they continue, i can't... evaluate my
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activities, it seems to me that it's just not very ethical, i think that the view is always fair somewhere on the side, a little, and i will not argue with this view, to be honest, and i am not going to, well, justice is always somewhere in the middle, mr. rostislav, when it comes to the results or the report on... the president for 5 years , why does president zelenskyy say that this is not entirely ethical, although, well, if you were the president and remain the president, then obviously you have something to say without excessive modesty or any verbal curtseys towards foreign journalists? well, i absolutely agree, you know, politicians are obliged to report to society, because politicians and officials. and none other than
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employees hired by society, who under certain conditions and with certain powers must perform their functions for society, and certainly society has the right to hear a report for 5 years, again, neither this nor everything that happened in the verkhovna rada, it has nothing to do with the so-called question of legitimacy, article 108 of the constitution comprehensively answers any speculations. obviously, the president exercises his powers until the election of his successor, and the law tells us, that the election is possible only after the end of the war, therefore the full stop and any russian insinuations here, they are of no use, but surely the society has the right to hear from the president how he evaluates the five years that were allocated to him to exercise the powers to implement that bright the program with which he came, remember, he had a dream there, he there... said that all the news would be
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bright and bright, well, it didn't happen as expected, but for some reason he decided that the report would close the meeting with some journalists if... i understand correctly, the espresso channel was not allowed to this meeting, so we can only see or hear something there in the reports, and indeed there was an interview with the foreign agency reuters, where we can also in some fragments to see, i think this is irresponsible, and ukrainian society, which is currently fighting, or not the president, the entire ukrainian society is currently fighting against the russian invasion, definitely has the right... to hear the president, it is best that journalists have the opportunity to ask questions about the past , and about the future, and about how the president sees the situation that has arisen, the reasons, and what he will do next. if, mr. rostislav, you had the opportunity
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to ask zelensky about the results of the five years, what would you ask him? what lessons have been learned and when do we have to wait? conclusions from these lessons, first of all, when a government of national unity will be formed, which would allow relying on all the resources of society. mr. mykhailo, how do you assess the absence of this report and what zelensky says about the fact that my five years have not yet passed? there is still a lot to come, whether you, as a people's deputy of ukraine, receive enough information from the president of ukraine, because... today, for example, i was scolded on social networks, why, why are you asking zelensky about this, if you want to know zelenskyi's report, look at his posts every day, he reports to you every day, i say, it's a little different, because what zelenskyi says
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every day, he informs me about some current events and draws some conclusions from something, and i would i would like to ask zelensky about all his plans, i... what the war started and that these plans collapsed, but really, there is nothing to tell a person about, including in the session hall of the verkhovna rada, it could have been very good and really united the entire political elite when the president said: listen, five years, i came to tell you what we did, what we didn't do, let's give the term i have left, i don't know how long my presidential term will be, but let's do this, that and that and. please, well, first of all, i want to support my colleague, who is actually the president zelensky is legitimate, article 103 of the constitution says that the president is elected for 5 years, but the same constitution, article 108
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, says that the president terminates his powers after the election of the newly elected and when he begins to perform his duties. constitution. guarantees, the constitution of ukraine guarantees the continuity of power, and this is positive, president zelenskyi is legitimate, this was recognized by the parliamentary parties and factions, and we jointly signed this during international conferences, including with an international organization, this is important, next, we see recognition. european partners and all, and the laws of ukraine also say that during martial law it is impossible to hold any democratic elections, full stop, of course, president zelenskyi will have, i am sure
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that the ukrainian people will have an opportunity when the war ends. and i, in fact, like millions of ukrainians, would like to hear a few things from the president, first of all. when the war ends, and the second thing the president and his team will do in order for millions of ukrainians to return home from abroad is also an important thing, and what the authorities will do to ensure that during the great reconstruction there are enough resources and sufficient salaries for people, in fact the president and yes, and... the verkhovna rada is also an authority, not enough has been done to ensure that, first of all to be ready for war, and this is clear, and the next thing is that, probably, all of us, together with the president, did not do enough for the war
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to end already, but there are also objective reasons that depend not only on ukraine, on ukrainian society, but also from our partners, whom we thank for their... help, but of course, if it was on time and in sufficient quantity, then probably today we would already be talking about completely different things, at a time when... he reached there, or let's say, he didn't stop talking, he said that my five-year term was over, mykhailo podolyak, adviser to the office of the president of ukraine, nevertheless announced the main changes that took place during the 5 years of zelenskyi's presidency, let's listen to what he said mykhailo poderek. first, significantly reduced impacts oligarchy as such on state institutions,
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secondly, it is clearly realized that such subjectivity of ukraine today has a completely different level of subjectivity, its word has been heard in foreign markets, and this will significantly affect where we will be tomorrow, who we will be tomorrow and so on. third, of course, today we are talking about the fact that ukraine will acquire membership in other alliances, in other unions, economic, military and so on, and finally put an end to it. in its soviet history, and by the way, this war is just about a full stop in soviet history, it will it was made thanks to these cadences of mr. zelenskyi. mr., mr. rostislav, how do you like such a short conclusion, in five years? well, at least there are dubious theses regarding the oligarchs, and because there are five or six managers who took over their influence, and it is unconstitutional and... illegal, as well as regarding european
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integration, well, we remember what else in february 19th, the constitution was amended, and the association agreement was signed and so on, but you know, i wouldn't even compete here, who did more there, i would just asked a really simple question, here they are ready to report on the facts, why ukraine did not prepare for the great war, but if you did not ask this... they gave an answer, i think that a lot would actually become clear, and those people who were directly responsible for preparation, should bear responsibility. mr. mykhailo, did you sufficiently reasonedly try to explain the far-fetched things that have happened in these 5 years, and do you agree with the thesis that oligarchs as such have ceased to exist, well, apart from the fact that... the functions of oligarchs have really been taken over by others people, and these resources, television resources, for
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which zelenskyi's team began to compete in the fall of 2021, we remember the open conflict with renat akhmetov, he was accused there of almost preparing a coup d'état, by the way, many have already forgotten this too, but that was all, as leonid danylovich kuchma said, that was all, and mr. general, are podalyak's arguments about these five years convincing, maybe some intermediate conclusions, well, zelensky's team should make and somehow share them with the ukrainians, because this it's really important for the next president, whoever he is, well, i think that we will still have the opportunity to hear president zelenskyi and definitely er... from his mouth from the first source, how he evaluates his first
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term, that's definitely if we talk about arguments, it is actually the merit of the entire ukrainian people that we have such a powerful army today, the strongest, i emphasize, the nato army in terms of military experience and training, because they are already trained here. countries, we do not have any specific problems with communication, mr. general, did you have any communication problems? yes, that is, it is to the credit of the entire ukrainian people that we have created such a powerful army, which today sets an example of training for other nato partners, this is clear, and it is also a credit to... including , of course, zelenskyi, because he is supreme according to the constitution commander in chief at what price? this is
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a completely different issue. i think that we will still have the opportunity to listen to president zelensky more than once, that he will report on what was done by him personally, as the president and his team. but i emphasize once again, here it is very important that those who present do not forget what was done, at what cost, and do not forget that all this is us, a courageous ukrainian. people. thank you, mr. general. another topic is quite important, it is one way or another a part of these five years of zelenskyi's presidency, it is what is happening in the information space during the last two years. it was not for nothing that i mentioned this story of 2021, when
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president zelenskyi and his team clearly understood that the next presidential term or the struggle for power in... even before the war, when they considered this struggle for the next term or there for the next power, one way or another will be related to television, and i think that in the fall of 21 they could not even dream that they would have to or would be able to bring all these channels, which belonged or are owned by ukrainian oligarchs, and create a single telethon, on february 24, 2022 , such a single telethon was created. after in april, the three espresso tv channels fifth and direct were thrown out of t2 digital broadcasting, that is, we were eliminated as competitors of the only telethon and were simply thrown out of t2, by the way, no one has yet explained or apologized, and why this actually happened, and no one renewed these t2, but what happened
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during the last month around the social, obviously, and you were not only journalists are witnesses of that. discussed and read and heard, including comments from the public broadcaster, and today what probably should have happened happened: the public broadcaster actually withdrew from the national telethon edinyi novyni and returns to full-fledged broadcasting on its own tv channel the first, on on the website of the public company, this is called the expansion of its own broadcasting in the single news marathon. stories, current investigations and use the opportunities of ukraine's largest network of correspondents throughout the country, said the statement of the chairman of the board
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mykola chernotytska, the head of the supervisory board of the public company svitlana ostapa , called such a decision civilized: a divorce of the public company from the telethon, adding that the company received written guarantees for such actions and that they do not violate the decision of the nsdc. mr. rostyslav, how would you assess what is currently happening with the single telethon and the exit of the public one, does this mean that gradually all the tv channels that were part of this pool will also leave it, because it is clear that the oligarchs also probably they also think about... their future and about the future political future of ukraine already after the war, and they also need to return to power again on their tv channels. well, first of all, i want to wish my colleagues social success and creative realization, i
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very respectfully read about this step, because they have been doing it for a long time, qualitatively. differed from the other participants of the marathon at the time, in particular they returned to journalistic standards, to the standards of presenting different opinions, to the balanced presentation of information, they supported and actually invited representatives of various political parties forces and supported an absolutely healthy direction in that constructive criticism can be heard in the comments... with a view to what needs to be done better, and it seems to me that if the whole marathon followed exactly this example, then the whole country would win, and we would not state that the marathon has simply outlived its usefulness. in my opinion, this is exactly the way it is, so i believe that society has taken an absolutely healthy and correct step, and as for the oligarchs and everything else, look, almost all
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channels, participants of the marathon made doubles for themselves, for... there were different people there entertaining programs and the like, which are broadcast with almost the same name so that people do not forget the brand, and thus, i understand, they are trying to stay in the marathon and not lose the audience, and probably they will play something similar for to continue to influence the audience, well , regarding literally the last comment, regarding television in general, its influence on society and the like, well, the very fact of how much the influence of social networks has spread in our country now, how much telegram is now, sorry lord with all his anonymous media, youtube, tiktok and everything else, to the extent that now in sociological surveys people say that they prefer these
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media as sources of information, then this is a reason for almost all editors to think, so i wish success here to the editors of espresso and pryamoy and the fifth, who came decently despite the performance from digital broadcasting, and... expanded their audience in fact, and now the public collective, which is also called, welcome to the freedom club, and this is a chance to show class and still win back audience in anonymous telegram channels. thank you, mr. rostislav, mr. general, tell me how you evaluate the work of the single telethon, and what does the release of this, a part, a large part, because of the public means, mean. these are major broadcasters, and what is happening there, our western partners pay attention to, because for them it is very important, in fact, public - this is a large team
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of professionals who have formed, and today demonstrate quality content and, and what they have adopted is not an easy decision, it indicates that it is not di'. looking at the special the martial law regime, after all , there are certain signs of a democratic society in the state, because let's not forget that the public is financed by the community, that is, ukrainian society, and ultimately coincides with the name, and i would like to thank them, they actually endured this period, a difficult period , and to wish them that the product gains more quality, and i am sure that this is an increase
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in competition among the journalistic community, in particular television, because they will have the opportunity to spend more time on the air, to demonstrate a quality product, as they they said, more regional broadcasting, and i am sure that from this... the whole society will only benefit, in the telethon, of course, those who are responsible for it will once again realize that it is necessary to improve the quality and, after all, to study more the demand that the viewer, but during martial law, it should be remembered that the topic of war, the topic of national security, because... that journalism itself is another front, it is an information front, which we often, unfortunately, lose to the enemy, and here
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we need a state policy, and a national policy the television and radio broadcasting council still supported those tv channels, including the respected espresso tv channel, which still have statist politics and... support for the armed forces of ukraine, and of course, all those public needs, including economic security, because without a strong economic front, it is difficult for the military to have sufficient victories on the military front. thank you, mr. mykhailo, mr. rostislav, a very short question, maybe i'm hoping for a short answer, maybe for these bills that you're talking about... after all, the verkhovna rada will consider the issue of the situation in the media sphere with mass media, including three tv channels, because in fact it is about
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such usurpation of power in the media sphere and the use of this power against journalists, against media projects. a very short answer: we will insist on this, as well as on expanding the openness of verkhovna rada meetings. thank you, gentlemen. with participation in the program, it was rostislav pavlenko and mykhailo tsimbalyuk. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on ours platforms on youtube and facebook. for those who are watching us live now on youtube and facebook, please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey, it is already ending, we will ask you during the two hours of the broadcast whether ukraine needs a tax on childlessness let's look at the results about... which we had on tv, so 17% yes, and 83% no, on youtube
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we have about the same ratio. 17% yes, 73% no, and in fact, we see that the majority of our viewers are against it tax on childlessness, which was proposed by the deputy of the servant of the people, serhiy hryvko, and he withdrew his draft law, literally these days this discussion took place, he proposed to introduce a tax on childlessness for people who do not have children at all, who have one or two children, there should have been demographic collection, that is... he wanted to simply copy what is offered in russia, what was once in the soviet union, but thank god, this did not happen. on this, friends, i put an end, i wish everyone a good night and, take care of the main thing yourself and your relatives, this is the most important thing, we will meet you tomorrow at 20:00, goodbye. tingling,
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functions. stretch the joints, move freely. congratulations, you haven't had time yet, one might say, to free yourself somehow. the ministry of defense of russia from the former minister shuigu, as they are already starting to tell about how much everything was leaked there, and you know, it is clear that there will be more and more such stories, but this one is interesting because, after all, it is not the last one a person in putin's government, a respected member of the state duma, and even such a leader, i would say, this
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state duma, he is very sharp. saw and tells


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