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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EEST

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congratulations, the ministry of defense of russia has not yet had time, one might say, to resign. from completely from the former minister shuigu, as they are already starting to tell about how much everything was leaked there, and you know, it is clear that there will be more and more such stories, but this one is interesting because, after all, it is not the last person in putin's government, a respected member of the state duma, and even such a leader, i would say, of this state duma, but he very sharply suddenly saw things and tells: how everything was literally during shoigu's time
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it was stolen there, and let's not forget that everyone repeats very diligently there that shoigu has not gone anywhere, he remains in power, he was literally very like that in a responsible position, but this does not prevent us from talking about him like that. you know that when the special military operation began, we together with you in this studio talked how many times, how come, and here is this product, and here... we demonstrated where they were, then, when it started, there seemed to be three of them the beginning of the special operation, he meant, but where are the drones, which we suddenly had when the real war began it turned out that it doesn't shoot, and it doesn't fly, well, again, i think that there will be more and more of this in the future, but there will always be a soloviev who will tell... that it's
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not his fault and in the end, it is probably the people themselves who are to blame for not reporting in the right way, talking about the wrong things and doing everything in the wrong way, well, that is, in the end, they are always to blame, most likely it will be ordinary russian soldiers who are there , well, it is not enough that they they are being disposed of in bundles there, and now they too will be guilty of stealing everything from the ministry of defense. by the way, the phrase of the minister of defense andrii rymovych bilousov, that you can make mistakes, you can't lie, should first of all apply to all those who form reports from below, first of all, you can't lie from below, because mistakes accumulate from above, when false information comes from below, therefore to all those who became joyful. well, probably he is hinting
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to the honorable head of the state duma that he should look at himself, not only what he is stealing, but you are also stealing there, but of course this is an attempt to translate everything at once to some average russians there, it is very common for russia in principle, and to tell that it was they who lied all there. and that's why the boyars didn't know, the tsar didn't know, nobody knew anything, because those who are running around the fields in ukraine lied about something, but you know not to lie, somehow you don't apply it to yourself salavyov, nor other propagandists, somehow they cannot not lie simply a priori, if they have already opened their mouths, then they always lie, that's what they have this week. the story was so new, new
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such, literally, a campaign that they tried to launch, and you could even see it somewhere separately, if you went to social networks, they tried to tell, well, in general , it is very relevant for russia now, to disrupt the mobilization measures in ukraine by any means, is applied just a huge amount of effort, everyone from shary to mosiychuk is involved, it has to be... igor masiychuk is pumped in there a lot and money in principle as well, well, they tried to arrange such, you know, some kind of flash mob, literally, uh, probably , they specially paid some people there who were supposed to tell how in ukraine, at the beginning of the introduction of the law on mobilization, people disappeared from the streets, there was no one on the streets at all, it turned out somewhat comically, because, well... you know, to someone who
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was walking on may 18 the streets of the cities, well, it was probably noticeable that somehow even a little in some places it was difficult to crowd from people. there were so many of them, well, but that, you know, did not prevent those people and those russian agents there, who received money from the russians, from trying to put something like that into themselves, well, word for word they repeated the same thing and told word for word how men disappeared from the streets of ukrainian cities. here are shots from various ukrainian cities after may 18. the streets, pay attention, have been dramatically depopulated, there are no men on the streets, all the ukrainian boys are sitting in their houses, may 18, 24th, the day of mobilization, not a single man, not a single one, and
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in general it is empty. now, just so you understand, it's 1:00 p.m., there are no men at all. 18, everything is empty, everything is empty, there are no people, there is no one, people, people, people, where are you, people, here are shots from various ukrainian cities after may 18, there are no men, empty streets, bazaars, restaurants, ukrainian boys are sitting in their houses, hiding from the military commissars, ugh, especially this, this weekend there were empty restaurants, yes, you couldn't go in at all. and to find a place in some cities, well, but again it turned out to be inconvenient, because when in other programs a little later they tried to show something like that there, it suddenly turned out that it was quite crowded on the streets
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and it was somehow difficult to explain it, well, but this it absolutely did not prevent russian propagandists from lying further and then trying to do something with this... well, in general, we can say that this company of theirs failed, because it is difficult to convince someone that there are no people on the streets, when people go out on the streets, and they see that, well, everything is happening there as usual, actually, nothing new, but if in february, march, for example, the 22nd year , the streets were really empty and there were really no people on them, well, that's how everyone remembers it, how it was who at that moment was in some ukrainian cities, they remember. it was empty streets, and if they are not empty now, well , how many people say on russian television and in some such paid-for recordings that they went somewhere and saw, and they specially picked up something empty somewhere, and told that look, here
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there are no people, well, you know, it doesn't work anyway, and in the end it turned out, i mean, it's a bit uncomfortable even on russian television. besides, the pictures seem to be fresh, nothing like that, people are walking on the streets, ask pavlovych, explain what is happening there, i did not see many videos from dnipro, from kharkiv, from kyiv, from many cities where the streets are empty, i saw empty shops, and empty shops, and this is in the afternoon, the weather is beautiful, there are no people on the streets, the dnipro market has disappeared, well of course, it is always more visible from the moscow studio than where it is on the street. there is no kyiv choke, well, this is delusional, well , no less delusional in them about the actual disaster that happened with the helicopter of the president of iran, which fell, crashed, well, and actually the president of iran himself died, well, but
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russians, they wouldn't be russians if they didn't try to invent something like that, and of course what they invent first of all is trying to somehow find some traces. well, i don't know, they haven't been able to find a ukrainian trace there yet, but of course the americans are already actively looking for it, and i will also show it now, but first of all , of course, they are trying to tell that it is probably a sabotage, a terrorist attack and something else. versions that it could not just be a tragedy are constantly circulating, if there are traces of sabotage of a terrorist... act, then the situation can get very tense. the people, and even experts in the field of aviation in the east, are very actively discussing the version of some kind of external intervention. especially since
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iranian leaders have been dying one by one recently, and in some cases the united states of america and the israelis do not hide their involvement. the americans killed qasim suleimani in iraq four years ago, and it happened during his official visit to this country and was met by iraqi officials. flew up and killed everyone who was in the delegation and who met the iranian general the same general muhammad zahidi and other iranian officers who died in the israeli strike on syria were killed. that is, there was a lot of things that make you suspect not only... well, the fact
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is that when there were these previous cases, it was somehow clear and no one particularly hid that these were certain strikes and, well, actually the liquidation of certain persons, but now, well, everyone there , israel, the united states distanced themselves and said that most likely these are some... your stories, the fact is that, well, not really you know, this is also an unambiguous situation, since, in fact, there may be a struggle within the iranian elite itself, there are prerequisites there, because ayatollah khamenei is quite an old man, and at the same time he is already quite sick, he has a son whom he wants to make his successor, and... his direct competitor was president raisi, who died just now, and well, in fact, if
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you say so, it is the liquidation of a competitor of the son, the son of the acting ayatollah, khamenei, well, well, that is, it can be this is another version, but actually for the russians it has become, you know, something like that in such a slightly hysterical moment. because for them, well, in their conspiracy world there is a lot and the fact that there are some pro-russian leaders who are being assassinated there, others are inventing assassinations for themselves, the third is something else, for them it somehow causes such a little even, i would said panic, and when they talk about it, well, i don't know, it looks more like, you know, some kind of nervousness of the russians themselves about it. that some strange stories are happening with their allies. raisi was considered the most likely
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successor to ayatollah khamenei, and belonged to conservative part of the iranian elites, focused on close cooperation with russia and china. let's record that it happened to coincide in one week. there was an attempt on the prime minister of slovakia fitso. a successful attempt on the president of serbia vučić, an attempt at a new coup d'état in turkey, and now the death of the president of iran, all these countries are friendly to russia, well, it is so bad to be a country friendly to russia, but looking at it, somehow even i would say, it is dangerous to be a leader friendly to the edge of the country towards russia, that is the only conclusion that can be drawn from this, meanwhile, russia... they don’t really grasp any version that would allow them to ska, well
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, let’s say that it is the fault of the states there, a collective measure, they would also grasp the version that it is ukraine’s fault, but somehow well, so far they can't figure out how to pull it all together, but about the united states, they found a way to somehow connect it like this, and it turned out, you know, somewhat strange, well... to talk about the fact that it is because sanctions, the helicopter of the president of iran fell. iran's ambassador in moscow, jalali, emphasized that he was not aware of the version about a terrorist attack. but the former head of the ministry of foreign affairs of iran , mohamad zahari, accused washington itself of being involved in the disaster. according to him , the usa, despite the decision of the international supply of spare parts for the presidential helicopter, as for the american bel-212 itself, and this caused the failure of the engine and
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the destruction of the aircraft, will consider all versions, even electronic influence on the helicopter, and this is where the desynchronization occurred among russian propagandists , because talking about how the sanctions affected and crashed the helicopter allegedly of the president of iran. it is possible to agree on how the sanctions affect russia itself, in russia there are always some kind of plane breakdowns, and it happens in a non-stop mode, not every week some... plane breaks down, it goes back down, something catches on fire there , something is not flying there, well, that is, they have constant problems and already, well, i would say so, even almost no one hides that the reason is that the possibility of putting spare parts on these planes is running out, all the planes there are mostly foreign, boeings, embraers, and they are not
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updated, it is impossible to buy new ones, old ones fail and all this begins to fall, somehow... to collapse, and while talking about the fact that maybe it was because of the sanctions that the helicopter fell, then it is possible to come to an agreement, or maybe because of the sanctions , planes in russia will now start falling so actively, right all right away, well, probably someone there thought before that it somehow sounds so very bad, and literally in another program a little later in the evening , the same russians started all this. propagandists, but in other studios to actively refute and say that skabeeva probably spoke delusional and all others who repeated for skabeev and kabieva , delusional people also spoke, and it turned out, i would say, quite funny to watch them argue with each other. the theses that the americans are throwing out now, they say that the equipment is old,
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unmaintained, thanks to the sanctions, we have forced flights over iran, which are just as dangerous as flying on it. yes indeed, the helicopter was a 212, this is actually quite an old model, we can still remember it from the movies predator or others. nevertheless, we understand that iran has learned to maintain aircraft under sanctions the most diverse ways to get spare parts, they will definitely be able to get spare parts for at least one bot. shabiyeva probably spread american propaganda, probably like that, that is, american theses, moreover. it’s funny, you heard, yes, from kebiyev , she sat on the former minister of foreign affairs of iran itself, the former, that is, a person, probably also someone close to the russians there, moreover, it was not the americans who said it, it was said by a russian propagandist, and now they are telling no, it's all americans throw it away, no, they would have
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found spare parts for one helicopter somehow, well, it turned out that way , that's all quite funny. well, but the main thing is that all these fabrications of russian propagandists, which are necessarily on every broadcast, i simply did not start showing it to you, because it is one and the same thing that walks from broadcast to broadcast, here are all the conversations about that it's not just that, that it's probably all mysterious, that it's impossible to say unequivocally, the investigation is still ongoing, no one knows for sure, and all this will still be sorted out, and if they even sort it out and say that it was weather conditions. this is probably what they are hiding on purpose and saying something wrong, but all this usually boils down to the fact that, after all , the iranian authorities themselves put forward exactly two versions, the main ones, and they talk about them, it is either a technical malfunction, or after all, weather conditions, and it’s interesting how the russian propagandist is trying
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to get out of this somehow and say that the government says one thing, but the people believe that it was... everything was an attempt and that that’s all, you know, refer to to the people, it is the same as referring, you you know, i was walking down the street here, and a woman said, or a taxi driver told me somewhere, that's all, he told the whole truth, this is about the same now, it is heard from literally all russian tv screens, they refer to the people of iran who do not believe , as it turned out, the official versions are inventing some of their own, which would be closer to what they are trying to invent... russian propagandists, the investigation into this incident is in full swing, two versions: as far as i understand, the most working, priority, obviously it is the most natural cataclysm, fog, nature, rains, failed to manage, another version of an assassination attempt, and society primarily considers this
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version, and i want to say that iranians in a political sense, the nation is quite a developed nation. and no one is in a hurry to make general statements and does not speak out loud about it, and in the end, you know, from the fact that, again, as they comment, they do not leave such an impression that some russian propagandists themselves created the whole story with the downing of the plane of the iranian president , somehow very strongly imposed on their own reality, in the way they are they are trying to tell that... but nothing like that happened in iran, well, yes, well , the mayor-president happens, well, no, not really, it's just that the mayor is the president, it's in a democratic country, well, it happens. the president died, there will be another president, here, you know, this is a country where leaders are not elected so easily, well , first of all, they are not elected so easily in russia,
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where they have not been elected at all for more than 20 years, because they don't have one leader and they can't find another in any way, they just don't have an alternative to the same one at all leader, and that's how they know now , i want you to... you just listen to how they try to emphasize that nothing happened, that there is no panic, and in general, riots did not start on the streets, what did they have to start riots because of this, well , it is not clear for a normal country, but for russians, it is clear, yes, but how else should riots start, i am in tehran, a few kilometers from vali aser square, where it is happening...
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so no fear, nor grief, nor panic, nor disorder, it is not that which can frighten them, to make people panic, to run headlong, wherever there is, this is not something that can make the country fall, the political system to falter, he said the word panic so often that it is clear that... russian propagandists are simply panicking and that they they literally considered the situation for themselves as, well, you know, such a small rehearsal of putin’s death, probably because how
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else is it to understand these cries that the system will not change and there is no panic and nothing has happened, but the internet is just in case , where mourning events are held, after all still turned off, why turn off the internet where mourning events are held if there is no panic? and nothing happened, so the simple and accessible question arises, why do it? well, and well, just watching this reaction, it is clear that this is, you know, such a small rehearsal, what would they say when putin dies, how would it be, what would they say, how would they react reacted, and whatever they came up with there. well, actually, if they tried to convince themselves that nothing happened, then we can only see that's all and, well, i would say, to be somewhat
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surprised by these reactions, and to actually feel, you know, that kind of confusion of russian propagandists in general, which to a certain extent probably reflects the confusion of the russian... population itself, and what, how and this will happen to us, well, after all, they are also under sanctions, and they have helicopters flying there, and they don’t always have spare parts there, so this kind of thing just makes us think, well, so thoughtful, and we will continue to watch what they will tell more about what they will invent even more, see you soon. more in the joints are so piercing, you can't get used to it, it doesn't allow you to move,
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in september saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? and now we will talk in more detail about what happened in the world. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. oleksandr, welcome to sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen postukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather the day before. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine,
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was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada. of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. events events that happening right now and affecting our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want
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understand how on... today will affect our tomorrow, see saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. see this week in the collaborators program. servants are not god's servants, they are servants of the kremlin. which of the priests promotes russian peace among children? this conversation, as i said, should not be the last. but how a clergyman from kherson stole icons and ancient books. these church holidays. find, remove and return. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program. about the traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. five years behind bars a priest from the dnipropetrovsk region received support for russia's aggression against ukraine. we are talking about oleksandr lyunagov from kryvyi rih, the abbot of the holy church.


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