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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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i greet you, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelensky, is kept in a so-called warm bath, where the generals do not give him all the information about the situation at the front. zekonmist writes about this in its large article about the offensive of russian troops in the kharkiv region. at the disposal of the journalists of the british magazine was the plan of the russian offensive in the kharkiv region. it envisages a partial encirclement of kharkiv and pressure on ukrainian troops in the area of ​​the pechenei reservoir. storage located east of cities the plan shows that russia has identified two lines of attack on both sides of the reservoir. the operation, as zaekonomist writes, was allegedly planned for may 15-16, but it was postponed for almost a week for unknown reasons. according to this plan, the russian troops planned to take kharkiv in a semi-encirclement and keep the city under artillery fire control. their plans were hindered by the rapidly redistributed 92nd brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. however, many military personnel
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are angry that russia could advance so quickly, the economist claims. the journalists, among other things, spoke with the commander of the intelligence unit of the armed forces of ukraine, denys yaroslavsky, and a number of officials whose names they did not disclose. many soldiers in kharkiv are angry that russia was able to advance so quickly, with some criticizing the delay in western aid, which they say fueled russian aggression and sent was the defense of ukraine, others suspect that incompetence or even betrayal played a more significant role. there are also theories from the language that politicians in kyiv or washington can sell kharkiv on the eve of an ugly peace agreement. official ukrainian narratives that present a rosy picture do not help calm nerves. mr. yaroslavsky complains that zelenskyi is being kept in a warm bath. we believe that the president should adjust the situation on the spot, and not ape putin. a man whose
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life revolves around the papers brought to him by his assistants. a government official, who wished to remain anonymous, suggests that mr. zelenskyi already felt that he might not get the whole truth, at least that's what he yells at his generals. how much this picture, which was just described by ze economist, and this text must be understood, will be read by a huge western audience, how similar this picture is to the truth and... what do the military who are currently in the kharkiv direction really think, we will talk about it today speaks and tries, we will try to find out, in the meantime i will remind you that the evacuation from the city of vovchansk, and not only from the city of vovchansk, has been going on, is still going on in recent days residents of kharkiv region, look at what happened there during the last few days, literally a couple of days. the city of vovchansk at 21:05 2024, we are evacuating people, people have already overstayed. they sat, look,
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they are shocked on the street, and some people say that we haven’t learned yet, we will sit for a while, and then one of your people stayed there, i want him to be taken out, too, as his animals, please, worry, please, comrade chief, do not leave the animals, they have fed us all our lives, the dog, i even told the police how many braids i have, 12, six, five kos, five kos, kazunas up to six months old, they are having fun, look, i didn't go out much, the dogs are scared, the cats are scared, i'm so sorry that they worried about us, took us under such a difficult time of minutes. they will take care of her, i
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think, the family is still alone there, they did not leave because of their household, well, the continuation of the topic of kharkiv oblast, in particular, regarding fortification, a meeting of the verkhovna rada of ukraine took place today, and in particular, deputies from opposition factions, european solidarity . in particular, they placed posters near the presidium with inscriptions of fortification is protection, fortification is the protection of kharkiv, sumy, zaporizhzhia and every soldier, and in this way the deputies demanded the creation of a temporary investigative commission on fortification issues. well, in fact, not only for fortification, but also for providing the armed forces of ukraine with drones, because of this the meeting of the verkhovna rada was blocked, and later it was declared closed altogether. we will also talk about fortifications today, and about... we will show
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you the material right now, in particular, the fighters of the achilles attack drone battalion, this is the 92nd brigade, are holding the defense in the same kharkiv region, they say that drone pilots are a priority. a target for strikes by the russian army, and therefore try to keep their location a secret as much as possible, and how fpv drones, in particular, changed the course of the war, see the following material. controlled rackets, you literally have life force and equipment everywhere, well, if it wasn't for this thing, it would be a god of ours, i think so, bipela is very important as much as possible. always innovations, that is, the enemy always adapts, guys, frequencies, more, and we too constantly, constantly in these questions, if we were looking for a solution, an alternative, constantly, well , we are working, why this, well , the war changed it enormously, the main thing is not to burn out in our
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work, so what if we fell asleep, you are a priority target for the enemy and damn you they will disassemble, they can direct a couple of savusheks and simply without installation until they disassemble, or even a couple of cabes. prepare the drone for flight, prepare the ammunition, prepare the battery and choose the right drone, of course, drones are important, here take, as an example, yesterday, the assault group stormed the building where the machine gunner was sitting, going to meet the machine gunner is death with the help of fpv we killed the machine gunner, went into the building and there took away the... but less expensive and more manageable, because artillery is not the most accurate weapon, starting from mortars for sure, the drone, if everything is normal according to the signal and rap of the enemy, will reach the target in 90% of cases, if
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the pilot is good, well, if the pilot is good, well, it is already close to the ground, the video is always like that, look for a hole so that the jet goes there. first, i want to rest very much, i want to be with my family, with my children, so what , literally, the last time i saw my children was more than four months ago or five, it’s hard, we work without rotation at all, that’s why we work, work, work, the enemy doesn’t sleep , is constantly trying somewhere, there, there, so we have to work as hard as possible. the commander of a separate assault platoon of the third assault battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade joined our broadcast. congratulations. yes, have a good day. we do not say your,
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good evening, your name for security purposes, but your callsign grandfather, that's what i'll say for our audience. look, the western, western press is writing about the fact that russia had a plan to take kharkiv. in a semi-encirclement and keep the city under fire control, well, so that the artillery can reach. please tell me how close they were to implementing such a plan? well, how close, i can't say, they managed to make a little progress, but we stopped them, did they actually have such a plan, well, maybe yes, but the fact that it did not come true is a fact. just the british magazine zaekonomist, which... i quote, they, they published this plan, it ended up in their possession, and they say that these plans were hindered by the rapidly redeployed 92nd brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, well, in fact, this is your brigade, uh, is it so, the question is, is it
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so, is it so, but our brigade was indeed redeployed to the direction, the kharkiv direction, just a short time before the assault began... ah, the tasks were indeed set to stop the enemy, we fulfilled them, and well, except for our 92nd brigade, there are also, well, other brigades that were also accepted participation in this, but to confirm, this is how we are here, this is how we work, this is how we inflict fire damage and do not let the enemy pass, in addition to us, there are other glorious brigades working, as well as journalists who talked to the military, some of whom, as i understand it, are not called their name, they write that many soldiers were enraged by the fact that russia was able to advance so quickly, did such sentiments really prevail among the troops, well , maybe someone was ro, well, anger in general from the fact that they entered our
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land, she present in every warrior, and the speed of advance, well, we see that they left quite quickly, but we quickly stopped them, they didn't go any further... are they going or are there any such moods in general among our soldiers of the 92nd? well, rather not, we are charged for victory. here, probably , it was about other people, because they are quoting journalists. military officer denys yaroslavskyi is quoted, and he says, for example, that russia very quickly conducted a preparatory operation before the offensive, combed the territory, and this territory had to be prepared, in particular with minefields, engineering fortifications, and we say watched when the russian troops would come in and blow up the mines, but they didn't blow up, they were just allowed to pass, can you confirm or deny these theses that he is voicing? or were you angry about it or was it totally expected that the russian troops would advance 8-10 km so easily? listen,
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well, i can’t comment or respond in any way to mr. yaroslav, you said, yes, but i just don’t know from him. i, yes, from yaroslavsky, what unit is he from, where does he serve, in which brigade and where was he at the time when it was an advance, and therefore i will not say any comments, i will say that i was personally on the line... in defense, i saw how it was built, and it was possible to hold, can you explain what that means it was possible keep? well, to explain that the fortifications on the first and second lines, they were built so that people could stand there and hold this defense, i will say that fighting since the 22nd year, we have not seen such lines anywhere. that we came, just stopped and didn't have to do anything, as always we... came, somewhere they were digging dugouts, somewhere they were building everything for themselves, everything was built here, but they
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were abandoned or like these lines of defense, um, were they abandoned, i think there were just not enough people to hold back the number of russian soldiers who moved, and if i understood you correctly, there were defense lines and they were of good quality, there is a defense line. and in my opinion and in our opinion of the 92nd, which has been fighting for a long time, they are of high quality, as the russian army is currently behaving in the kharkiv direction, can you now, well, affirmatively to state that the offensive is already declining or not? yes, i can state this, because this first wave that they threw, it has already choked, and we do not see any such large-scale fresh replenishment that could develop this small success of theirs. most likely, i can say that the offensive, this offensive, has already stopped, and little by little we are starting
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to advance towards the border. then tell me, from your point of view, what is the fate of vovchansk? i understand that partly, not partly, there is fighting in the city, and some part of the city, probably the outskirts, are controlled by russian troops, which is there anything known about vovchansk now? i cannot comment on vovchansk, because we are not there. does not stand, i only know that there are quite strong brigades there, with whom we fought in the direction of bakhmut, they have already reached there and are performing tasks there, and knowing that they are there, i think that in vovchansk the orcs are further than where they are, they will certainly not enter, and he will remain ours. and tell me, please, but for you, for the 92nd brigade, or for you personally, for your brothers, the offensive, he, he, he happened unexpectedly. is he for you was absolutely expected, and as they said in intelligence, everything went according to plan? well, for us
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it was unexpected that we were overrun so quickly, but the offensive itself, we talked about it when we were standing in the bakhmud direction, and well, everyone agreed that this is how they would go, there was an accumulation of troops, and well, kharkiv is such a point , which they need very much, so we, we knew and believed that they would go, you know, today... i started the broadcast by quoting the western press, and the western press, in turn, states that the president of ukraine is said to be immersed in a warm bath because the generals do not fully explain to him what is happening on the battlefield, and he may not be fully informed, these are the statements that you hear from the political leadership, very often spokesmen from the ministry of defense say that the situation is difficult, but controlled, or to what extent it reflects reality that is? on the battlefield, well , the situation on the battlefield is difficult, yes, at
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the moment, for today in our area of ​​responsibility, it is completely controlled by us, ah, we see the movement of the enemy, we hit the enemy, and we hit the territory of russia, and that's why it's so, about the president, well, he can't comment on anything, personally i think he's doing everything right, we met once at the award ceremony. i know that he is coming to the front line, i know that he recently was not directly in the 92nd meeting with our command, and this gives me the opportunity to draw conclusions that he is in control of the situation, he was we have on the brigade's okp and talked with our cambrigs. i have one last question, i have one last question, we will discuss it in the next part of the program, mobilization, tell me, please, what are your expectations from mobilization, the new draft law came into effect, people are updating the data, there are hopes of the military and political
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leadership that this law will lead to an increase in the number of mobilized and volunteers, what are your hopes? causes this law and actually how this law will work, well, we are waiting for replenishment, we need volunteers, maybe this will encourage people to go voluntarily, well, i already see such examples, because personally i have already talked with two people there recently, who understood, that will have to to fight, i think that this law is just a trigger, a trigger, that you still have to fight, so let's go, don't wait for me to come. you have a summons and it works, personally i say that i talked to two people who are now civilians and are considering a unit where to fight for themselves, so we are waiting for new people, thank you very much, thank you for joining our broadcast, the commander of a separate platoon of attack drones, the third assault battalion, the 92nd separate assault brigade, and we continue to discuss kharkiv oblast and all
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these accusations against the military leadership, dana yarova, a volunteer and adviser to the deputy minister of defense. a representative of the public anti-corruption council of the ministry of defense has already joined our broadcast. granted, good evening. good evening, good evening ukraine, good evening everyone. here's where i'll start: some military, writes the western press, are outraged, outraged, the ukrainian military. they say that kharkiv region was not ready for the offensive, that in the direction of vovchan, russian troops quickly conducted a preparatory operation before offensive, and the territory there had to be prepared and mined. did not happen and that they say that the russian troops were almost simply not allowed to pass there, this is what denys yaroslavskyi , a military officer, states in particular. who says that it was not prepared, you
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know, it is difficult to comment on it, russia has moved to such, let's say, to such a tact... and it is called the tactic of small cuts, if you can say so, yes, that is the task was not to go into the kharkiv region and gain a foothold in some territories and to stand in these positions, the task was to divert a certain number of our troops in this direction, and to be honest, i do not want to scare anyone there, but i think that these tactics... they will use again and again in other directions, we unfortunately have a very big, big border with our enemy, and we can expect all along the line of that border, these are small-cut tactics, when they will distract combat units, just been
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the speaker unit i just listened to who was talking about how they were overrun very... quickly and it will be and let's not no, you know, the worst thing is to underestimate the enemy, that's the worst thing, when we underestimate him, then things happen those events that we are observing, in relation to the fortifications, in terms of what was done, or not done, on the part of the ministry of defense was carried out... absolutely all the contracts, absolutely everything was contracted, what was brought to the ministry of defense, the lists volumes, it was contracted, with regard to fortifications, they were transferred to, let's say, transferred this function to local communities, they had to select, excuse me,
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the companies that will be engaged in the construction of these fortifications. buildings, unfortunately, unfortunately, these were non-competitive procedures, unfortunately, according to what principle these companies were involved, it is unknown, and, unfortunately, in some places we see and can state, i am a citizen of ukraine, i can state , that somewhere it was unprepared and somewhere it was not, but the head of kharkiv region, yes, well, but the head of kharkiv region says that he completed the work on... 100% and everything that he did not fulfill, he says that their task was to build the third line of defense, and the first and second - this, this is the military, on the other hand, before that... there was a military man, he he says, he says that the fortifications were, er, the front line is very large, somewhere they did it well, somewhere they did it,
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let's say, not very well, but you know, the third line of defense is already, well, it's not a very good story, the lines of defense must be all, yes, and they must be manned, and here we come to another question, which is called, i am listening to your speaker, what is called the mobilization of people, and was this mobilization properly supported, was the society properly informed and prepared for the law that was adopted? in my personal opinion, in my personal opinion, and to be honest, it seems to me that... information, information support, let's say this, of this law, it was failed, we, we will still
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talk about, we talk about it every day , and today we will talk, in particular about the work of the reserve plus application, but allow me, i will still return to kharkiv oblast and to and to the defense profile committee, and she literally called the new leader a front. general yury sodol of the united forces is a criminal, whom he appoints to command positions, who appoints all his own to command positions. he himself, i will note here, did not react to this accusation, but we are ready to give him a platform for reaction, for him to express himself, and what can you say about such quite, i would say, well, loud accusations, considering that mar she takes quite a high position, well, sodol himself has a high position, my lord, it's difficult for me. ment some attacks by maryana , a civilian, on the military, and even more so, we know that she is from kharkiv region, that's all in the context, yes, she
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returned from kharkiv region, she inspected the fortifications, communicated with the military, came back and stated what i said , i say once again, it is difficult to comment on what maryana says, because we have read a lot, seen a lot, is it true? question, and if you remember, we are with you were on the air together just the other day, and in the talk show where we discussed, i personally addressed maryana, by the way, i spoke with her today, and there is supposed to be a meeting of the committee on national security and defense, and questions are raised to this committee regarding precisely the kharkiv direction, and what was done, what was not done, let's put it this way, i will meet with... and i want to understand for myself why such attacks on her exist and why she says so. the committee has this week,
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to work, not to work, and the committee has to to have a meeting this week that will consider the issue of the kharkiv direction. but i will also remind here that the president changed the military leadership in kharkiv on the very day of the russian offensive on kharkiv region. direction, probably this was also done for a reason, someone was dissatisfied with something, or how to understand it? probably, but you know, it is better to do it before the offensive begins, and not during the process. was ukraine not ready for this offensive? i cannot say that if ukraine was not ready for this offensive, then we would have seen much worse results from this, but we have seen, we have seen quite a bit. sad results, civilians were shot in vovchansk, people, not us, just showed footage of people leaving, pets being taken there, many of them say that they were not
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warned, well listen, i will remind you that the head of the army, commander-in-chief oleksandr syrsky said that the offensive, they say, began a week earlier, although this is very contrary to the statements of intelligence, because in intelligence they say that the offensive began according to plan, there is also no clarity here, let alone ... how it was informed ukrainian society, and how was the army prepared directly on the ground? you know, it is a huge problem that in the third year of the war we cannot, let 's say, evacuate the civilian population from those places where we understand that there may be an attack, this is a huge problem, this is a really huge problem that we have not yet dealt with managed, who is responsible for this trouble, in your words, who? responds, you know, this is such and such a phrase, yes, collective irresponsibility, it is very, let's say, wrong and... i, honestly
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by the way, i don't know who is taking care of evacuation issues, but the evacuation had to take place, it had to be ensured, as i understand it, by the local communities, and the people who were being evacuated had to understand where they were being evacuated to, and what they would do there, who they will be fed there, where will the children go to school and so on, unfortunately, it didn't happen, unfortunately, it didn't happen, unfortunately, we see that... that we see that again, you know, that some kind of déjà vu of the kyiv region, yes, when people were already leaving the surrounded places, and this is for us to you, to our entire ukrainian society, this is a repeat, you know, a repeat, i don't know, a repeat, some kind of repeat situation, a repeat situation that
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we... have the impression that we haven't finished it, and we're not you, we already have the third year of the war, we should already have an absolutely clear algorithm of actions in such situations, absolutely clear whether they will attack and whether they will carry out any actions along the border, and they will, they will, as long as they can do it, they will do it, so the question is very serious, but excuse me, but where are we? algorithms like we practice in such situations, what the military does, what civilians do, what military administrations do, the ministry of defense should give such algorithms, yes, well , the ministry of defense, or who? i don't agree with you here, it is the responsibility of the general staff, no, i am , it is the responsibility of the general staff and the responsibility, i don't even know, of the ministry that headed the tender, it
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works. is not working now, it just happened, well, as far as i know, it has not been disbanded yet, it has not been disbanded, but there is no activity either, you understand, and we would like to invite iryna veryshchuk on the air, she hasn't been here for a long time, yes, you should invite her and ask her what her duties are now , and of course, you must see her more often than we do, so you can ask her as much as possible, honestly, honestly saying, yes... i talked with almost the entire committee on national security and defense today, and there are a lot of questions, and there are very few answers to them, and this tells us that we have not finalized something, we haven't finalized it, we did not do, we all, you know, all the leadership of the state, we did not do what we had to do to do, yes, but the last question, the western press, the zaekomist magazine writes about the fact,
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suggests that it is possible that volodymyr zelenskyi is being held in a warm bath by the generals, or not only the generals, his entourage, they tell him one thing, at the front, as zaekonomiz writes, maybe something else is happening, in other words, something is being hidden from him, do you believe that it is realistic to hide something from the president in the current conditions, do you believe that he is not informed about the real state of affairs at the front, or this thesis and these assumptions which voiced... for the economy, they have absolutely no, well, no basis under themselves, you know, i can only observe how often the rates of the supreme commander-in-chief take place, and here i can say that they take place there, if not every other day, then whether every two days, so to talk about him being in a warm bath, well , right now, i can't say that because... that
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i see how the deliveries are being prepared, i see that all the information, that's how it is , that's how it's served, so talking about being kept in a warm bath, well, i think that's something, well, something exaggerated, somewhat exaggerated, but of course, what happens in the fields, it does not so quickly reach, well, let's say there, to the stake, yes, to those people who accept. such serious decisions, but everyone is involved in this process, bets are made and they are made all the time, so i can’t say that he is just warming up, given, thank you very much, dana yarova, volunteer, adviser to the deputy minister of defense and representative of the public anti-corruption council under the ministry of defense, was on radio liberty, thank you very much thank you thank you


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