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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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the russians take advantage of the fact that they really do not shoot down what is flying in their direction, because the russians simply even launch the trajectories of the same drones, enter the border and then return to the lviv region, where it is more difficult for us to shoot down these drones from the western direction objects, so this issue has already matured, we have the entire bilateral base in order to ... create a joint air defense system, at least over the border, because the border is not only land, it is also what is in the air, so i am very surprised, why so careful about this the plans are working, we have, i will say, we also have an agreement with poland on defense, which states that polish specialists can be in the military on our territory, for training missions, for support missions, that is, we have all this, it is only necessary on... the political will and
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decision of these countries, and nato is not needed , brussels is not needed here, it is needed on a bilateral basis, further regarding the destruction of ukrainian territory, in normal times, of course, we would hardly allow it, because even if these were isolated cases, we would have dealt with this and that indeed a permission for certain sovereign rights, but in the conditions of a war so intense, only a solution is needed for this. i think so, i admit that a decision of the ukrainian parliament is necessary, that is, there will be nuances of beating on the territory of ukraine, but we will do it, i think quite quickly, in relation to the countries, well, this issue is really ripe, and i absolutely agree here that it would be very logical for them to be involved at least in this way, and for this you do not need for... any additional ones,
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all the systems are already ready for this, there is i mean the border, at least, the border area is better, there are rules in nato that it is up to, if i am not mistaken, 120 km deep, so at least in this version it should be done on the western borders, i say that only ukrainian permission is needed and our decision, well, their political decision as well, that is, it is absolutely correct and... the fact that this is being said publicly is already, unfortunately, evidence that there is no private agreement yet, but i think that we are in such a situation that it is necessary to talk about it publicly, that is, to protect european security simply by controlling the eastern, existing eastern border of nato, it is impossible, that is, ukraine should not defend all of europe by itself, that is, it is at least unfair, in principle...
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we can provide arguments why this is from the point of view of the development of the situation, the increase of threats to these countries, in particular, the border with us, so i think the question has already matured, and the means of joint control of air defense on and about the border, and the means deep into the territory, they all exist, for this only a correction of the strategy of nato and, here, the american strategy is needed. mr. valeriu, the main event, the expected event next month, june 15-16, the global peace summit in switzerland, about 100 participants, well, pre -announced, but the intrigue remains for now, as to whether there will be a representative of china at this summit and whether parts, countries of different parts?
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beijing-oriented world leaders will also be at this global peace summit. during the meeting of the un security council, the deputy permanent representative of china to the un, geng shuang, accused the united states of america of prolonging the war in ukraine and called for a political settlement as soon as possible. let's hear what he said. here i repeat our appeal to the parties to the conflict, to demonstrate political will, to go alone to... a meeting, how to start peace talks and stop hostilities as soon as possible. we call on the international community to create conditions for this and provide assistance. china is ready to constantly make unceasing efforts and play a constructive role in promoting the earliest possible political solution to the ukrainian issue. mr. valeriu, judging by what gen shuang says, this means that china will not be. change your position, well
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and even more so, if there will be a representative of china at the global peace summit, xijin ping's position remains unchanged, why does he not change this position and why eh... the arguments of his economic partners in european countries, in particular germany, france, where he has a sufficiently large turnover and the united states of america, why are these arguments not convincing, that he should withdraw from russia, and in this situation, well, at least not help putin in the war with ukraine, if not to say, not to convince putin that this war should be to conclude, well, i'll say what i think. an opinion based on trying back in the 22nd year to understand the chinese, and i will state my conclusion, i do not impose my opinion on anyone, but i now see that china is interested in continuing the war, not
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the united states, but china is interested in the continuation of the conflict, the way it is going on now, the weakening of russia, but without the defeat of russia, the use of... the usa's resources for as long as possible, that is, it is very convenient for beijing, their rhetoric is cynical, unfair and definitely not peace-making. if to say, from whom now more than, well, on russia, of course, the stoppage, occupation and change of aggressive position depends the most, but the second on whom the situation depends is china. china fuels the war, china does not allow the world to stop the war from the aggressor and, unfortunately, this fueling of moscow by beijing gives putin, in difficult conditions in russia, such hope that he can wait for western help, western support. well, it so happened that
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china is acting very unpeacefully, and don't be interested, don't be misled. these 12 points of peace, something else, it's not like that, that is, i don't know why china decided, and the leader of china decided that it is better for such a war to continue, why, even in terms of economic losses for his country, i don't know, but what he did on a european tour with certain messages is it is clear to us that the position will not change quickly, it can only change... that putin will be at the front receiving defeats and or not achieving his goals, and then no one wants to be together with the losers, but now it seems at this stage that they believe that everyone there are opportunities to further
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maintain a conflict of such intensity, now about the positive, after all, confirmation that china does not provide any weapons, equipment yes... there are space pictures, yes, dual-use goods, unfortunately, also, but, uh, well, the economy and the purchase of uh, this oil and gas as well, but in general there is no supply of weapons, so this position, plus the position in deterring nuclear threats from russia, this juggling, so easily with nuclear issues, here beijing's position is constructive, but to say that it is... peacekeeping, can it to be an intermediary, this is definitely not the case, and we ukrainians need to understand this, so i will tell you that if the moment comes when, god forbid, this war will end on a large scale, ukraine will win, and then china will say, and we want to restore ukraine, give us orders,
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eh, what will happen, maybe to be, then it will be double cynicism, so i believe that it is necessary to clearly understand who are our friends and who are our enemies. ukraine will not sit on a stretch between two centers of power, the usa and its partners, china, and their satellites, the future world will most likely be just like that, so we have our choice to make clear, and the fact that china is not on the side of the truth, unfortunately, it makes it difficult for us, it is true, it makes the situation very difficult, but at the same time, if we talk about the peace summit, then china will do worse for itself, india... official participation, brazil has confirmed official participation, and china, who wanted to be an attractive leader of the so-called global south, is now losing its image or reputation traits, so if they want to be supported by the pariah countries,
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north korea, russia, there syria or iran, well let they choose it, but china never does will become the first in the world, as they want, even the second, he will not delay, india is his... i think that if china goes this way, then india has huge opportunities to bypass it in the future, and well, this is a matter of perspective, but i surprising position. they won a lot from china earlier, demonstrating the use of soft power, soft power, now why they went so far to support, well, in essence , people who destroyed the international order, from whom china benefited from this international order, international norms, i do not understand , yes that i still think that this is not the last definition of china in its position, now it is not... friends, those who watch us on tv and on our resources on youtube and
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facebook, please take part in our survey, today we are asking you about whether a tax on childlessness is needed in ukraine, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your thoughts about this, this initiative of the deputy from the servant of the people, who is trying to justify his opinion now, he has already withdrawn this bill so that ukrainians... pay a tax on childlessness or a tax, when you have few children, you have to pay this tax in the state, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, whether you support or not, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote yes, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will tally up the results of this vote, i would like to remind you that... we have a diplomat, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine, valery chaly on the air today. mr. valery,
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today the president of iran was buried in iran, ibrahim raisi, who crashed two days ago in a helicopter, and in 50 days there should be early elections, presidential elections in iran on june 28, iran was and remains as well. russia's accomplice in the war against ukraine, iranian weapons, shahedis, are actively used by the russians, iran itself is aggressive not only against ukraine, but against israel, and we saw how iran shelled israel a few weeks ago, is there a chance that raisi will be replaced another person and the vector of this country may change, well, at least it
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will not be in such a tight clinch with the whole world, with israel and will not be a divider of russia, but still, under the current conditions , ayatollah khamenei has a much greater influence there, and it is actually from him that the policy that is spreading around the world, the politics of iran, is foreign policy. well, everything is very simple here, you rightly said that the system of government there is rather strange for us, but ayatollah khan, he plays a key role, and in fact the previous and future president will be determined by his decisions and his participation, it is another matter that even in unsurprisingly, iran can have enough of these conditions competitive elections, they have already appointed. uh, with a few willing to take this position, and there
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may be a certain correction, because the previous leader, the president, he was generally very well received in iran, definitely, in iran, the majority of the iranian population is negative, so sometimes i am surprised by all the sympathy to the people of iran, that is, i... i don't know who advises the president there, some express sympathy for the people of iran, the people of iran did not view these police methods and the shooting of demonstrations, the killing of young women in iran, that is why here is a strange situation, but for further development it is obvious that there can be such serious changes in connection with the change of the khmi itself, there is his son... the son of khamenei, and the previous president claimed this key position,
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now, perhaps, this inter-clan there will be a struggle, and they can concentrate more on internal issues at some point, plus it is clear that russia is very worried about the loss of previous, possibly agreements at this level, because things have started to twitch in moscow as well. look for a speedy recovery for all of them additional agreements, well, it concerns weapons, and maybe not everything was so open there, even in iran, that is, someone got something. in the pocket, that's why they are worried, but to say who will be, i can't say who will be, i know that it won't change the situation, unfortunately for us, but it can distract for a certain time. in relation to such a challenge to the supply of missiles, er, ballistic missiles, which are in iran, and
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russia would very much like it, well, i think that here it will be necessary in this regard er... also to confirm this position, which, as far as i i understand, in the us there were talks with the iranians at the level of the new president-elect, so the conclusion is that, unfortunately, there will not be any drastic changes, but what will happen in iran, no one can say, because despite such a situation, there the islamic revolutionary guard corps also want to take away more power now, but no matter what, iran is a country that... had a democratic period of development in its history, so people in iran can go into a very tough confrontation, and this the leaders of iran are afraid, so there will be no changes for now, but after all, distracting them from foreign policy for some time can be an additional plus for us. one more, the very end
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of the question, mr. valery, is the beginning of another. of ukraine with the european union, a number of european states are insisting that these negotiations begin on june 25. what is the prospect of the start of these negotiations and what can prevent them, or are the negotiations starting, and they can stretch there, relatively speaking, from the moment of the start of the negotiations to the decision, more than one decade may pass? well, i'll tell you what… let me remind you that in order for this path to be european, european and such a path to the european union has already been taken, ukrainians have already taken a lot of steps, defended this position on the maidans, they pushed governments, governments, various
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ukrainian governments to constructive actions, implementation the association agreement, then we move to a new stage, that is, in fact... tic is already such a serious stage of negotiations, this is a very serious step that opens up, well, the possibilities of using this instrument as additional reforms in ukraine, that is, it is clear that it is very a difficult period, and you say how long it will take, in fact, my position may seem strange, i have always not only supported it in all my actions , both in state power and in non-state structures, i really... tried to advance the public expert glad about european integration, talking to the europeans that it is necessary to do all this, finally we have this opportunity, it will be, well, a serious historical step, i would say the opening of negotiations, it will be difficult in the future, and i will say why my position can be strange, i i don't think it's important how long it will take,
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unlike our official statements, i think it's important under what conditions... we will join the european union by then, there are negotiations on many difficult chapters, and it seems like 34 chapters now, eh and where there is security and defense, maybe it will be easier, but where there is agrarian policy, where there is competition law, where there is intellectual property, there will be many, many such nuances, where, for example, our neighbors will become our first. to competitors, because funds that poland received the same from the european union, i remember that once france did not want it or germany, and then the poles got a great result, help in reforms, so we are at this stage now, we are a large country with a large agricultural sector, so after this political decision
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, we will have to wait for the next important political one for quite a long time, how long it will take depends on the two sides, but i emphasize now from the point of view of flying... the signal, thank you very much to the europeans, that it will be the right signal, and i i really hope that after this signal there will be a signal in washington, after all, although there are not so many chances of an invitation to nato, because i believe that the success of european integration is possible only if we guarantee the security of ukraine. mr. valery, in what format, you mentioned the washington summit, in what format can it be an invitation, that is... an invitation of an invitation, or should it be another powerful signal that can be directed to the countries of the world, well, no . the first is for russia, that ukraine will be a member in some perspective nato, because a year ago there was a summit in vilnius, we heard assurances that ukraine will be
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a member of the north atlantic alliance, what should happen now? well, look, this topic is discussed a lot, i think that the probability of an invitation, it is not zero now, although it seems to be. everyone has already agreed that there will be no such invitation, i think there is still a chance, a signal is needed, it is very needed, it is not unambiguous membership in nato, i believe that these are all inventions of some special way through some new invented negotiation the process, no, there should be a political invitation and then there should be a process that can stretch for more than one year, that is clear, that is, i hope that by then this large-scale... war will stop and therefore it will be possible to talk about ratification by the countries alliance of this decision, so all this depends now most likely
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on the position of the usa and the political technologists of joseph biden, because in this way he could demonstrate a strong position as the next presidential candidate, if they don't do it, i don't know, i think here to me personally, it seems to me, then together with our partners, we can miss another historical opportunity, because in fact, no matter how much we are convinced that the war is standing in the way, it is not quite so, that is, i think that there is just one more mistake that is standing in the way, which was allowed after georgia, when in ukraine in 2008 they gave an action plan regarding membership, if this mistake is repeated, well, my personal opinion... well, then in general , ukraine's membership in nato will be in question in the future from the point of view of ukraine's desire , because if ukraine persists in this war, and when
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ukraine will stand up, i am sure that it will stand up, it will provide security, it remains to be seen, really, who will need it more, and now, when it is necessary to give a signal against the russian ultimatum, which came, let me remind you, it came not to ukrainians. to moscow in the 21st year in december, december 15, in letters, it was an ultimatum to nato and the usa, as a result, well, the ultimatum is about new members. sweden and finland became members, it would be logical to send the right signal to moscow. but we can't do it now, you know, so we can do some kind of miracle or something unexpected, but it is necessary to continue working in this direction, so it happens. cases when a last minute decision is made, who knows what will happen before that, in this regard, i still hope for these 10 percent of the chances that
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remain, and we also hope, mr. valery, that after all we are in in july we will receive an invitation to the north atlantic alliance, on this optimistic note we will end our conversation, thank you for participating in the program, it was valery chaly, a politician, diplomat, extraordinary... ambassador plenipotentiary of ukraine in of the united states of america in 2015-19. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are now watching us live there. you can vote in our poll on whether a childlessness tax is needed in ukraine. now you see the results of the tv poll on the screen, 17% yes, 83% no. these are the results of a television poll. we also have a vote on youtube, it will continue in the second part of our program, here is the ratio 16% yes, 84% - no. join our
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survey, it will continue during the second part, in which there will be people's deputies of ukraine, mykhailo tsimbalyuk, mykyta paturaev and rostyslav pavlenko. let's talk with our guests about the 5 years of the president, about the events surrounding the social, the social comes out. from a single telethon, and about other events that are important for our country. there are discounts in the form of coco discounts in may on edem, 20% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oskad. big ether of vasyl zima, this is big ether, my name is vasyl, it is winter, and we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many
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important topics, today we are with you. let's talk for two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please , you have a word, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchenko is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, be laska, and sports news, a review of sports events by yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, thank you very much to lina chechenia for information about cultural news, presenters who have become many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of advent, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. exclusively on our air channel greetings, friends, on the air. politclub on
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the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine. war in the middle east. crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv. and other cities of ukraine. drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country has get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's go come up with, help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be disgusting. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and
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affect our. life, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky on espresso. greetings, friends, the second part of the verdict program is live on the tv channel, my name is serhii rudenko, and in this issue we will talk about the following. zelenskyi's 5 years as head of state, a difficult political path in the most difficult times of the state, the main achievements and failures of the president's first five-year term are undeniably legitimate. the kremlin
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is trying to fan the topic of public recognition of the ukrainian government, why has the issue of zelenskyi's legitimacy not been closed in the constitutional court yet? civilized divorce: social actually comes out of telethon under the pretext of expanding its own broadcasting. why haven't other news channels been given their digital airwaves back yet? friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there, please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey, today we ask you the following, is a tax on childlessness necessary in ukraine, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, please write in the comments, if you watch us on tv, yes 0800 211381, no 0800 211 380. all calls to these numbers are
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free, vote, at the end of the program we will summarize the results of the vote, and to explain why we are asking about this tax, or ukraine needs a tax on childlessness, we explain that people's deputy serhii hryvko from the servant of the people proposed to improve the demographic situation in ukraine to introduce a tax on childlessness for people who have no children at all and a smaller demographic fee for those who have one. eyes of two children, after a squall criticism from his colleagues, hryvko withdrew his bill, but apparently the authorities will still push this idea: a tax on childlessness, once upon a time in the soviet union, by the way, there was such a tax, so we are interested in your opinion, whether you support the introduction of such a tax, or do not support, yes, no, i want to introduce today's guests.


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