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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the voting results, and in order to explain why we are asking about this tax, whether ukraine needs a tax on unemployment, we explain that the people's deputy from the servant of the people, serhii hryvko proposed to improve the demographic situation in ukraine, to introduce a childlessness tax for people who have no children at all and... a smaller demographic tax for those who have one or two children. after a flurry of criticism from his colleagues, hryvko withdrew his bill, but obviously the government will still push this idea: a tax on childlessness, once upon a time in the soviet union, by the way, there was such a tax, so we are interested in your opinion, do you support the introduction of such a tax or not, yes, no . i want to introduce the guests today. of our
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studio is rostislav pavlenko, member of parliament of ukraine from european solidarity, member of the verkhovna rada committee on education, science and innovation, mr. rostislav, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, good evening, greetings to all, and mykhailo tsimbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine from batkivshchyna, first deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on social policy and protection of veterans' rights, lieutenant general of the police, mr. mykhailo, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our conversation. i wish everyone good health. well , mykyta poturaev was also supposed to be with us, we announced him as a people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, but unfortunately he cannot go on the air, because his light is off, he cannot provide a stable connection from our studio, yes that i apologize to our hon tv viewers, since gentlemen, we are asking our tv viewers and viewers about this tax on childlessness, which
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serhiy hryvko tried to push through the verkhovna rada, i will ask in the blitz format whether this tax on childlessness is necessary, especially in such the difficult situation in which ukraine is now and will it solve the demographic problem? let's start with mr. general, mr. mykhailo, definitely not, it was serhiy hryvka's personal initiative, he is a member of our committee, i had a discussion with him on this topic yesterday, he is a young man and... listened to the ideas that existed during the soviet union, without reading to the end, that in fact there was a completely different system of living wages, tax-free, and then there was a completely different system, now it is unacceptable, any additional taxes, here the authorities should look for others, completely, completely different incentives for ukrainians to have security, to have support from the state and... to be able to give birth
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and raise children, this is not the right way, and such an initiative has no chance of passing in the session hall. well, by the way, in order to our tv viewers understood that this tax, by the way, is being pushed in parallel in russia, that is, this idea, it did not even come from the soviet union, probably hryvko, i do not know how old he is, i think that he did not exactly pay this tax , because it was still 30 years ago, maybe it didn’t exist in this world, but... this idea of ​​a tax on the childless actually came from the soviet union, but through russia, well, as i understand it, mr. rostislav, well, it just really confuses me that the authorities drag such nonsense into our ukrainian information space, or imitating some soviet examples, and if i say correctly, then somehow even mocking them with a simple twist. without even understanding
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the essence and context, just trying to do as it was then, and this applies not only to this initiative, and we have to deal with it very, you know, so systematically, because it shows a much more serious problem, the authorities for some reason pull all kinds of nonsense from of the soviet past from the russian parallel reality, without thinking how to solve it. problems in essence, well, actually, that serhii hryvko has already taken up and withdrawn this bill is already good, but it is obvious that most ukrainians will say that the authorities are probably testing, so the hype has risen, and we have already seen many times when representatives of the presidential faction make some proposals or write some draft laws and... are introduced to the verkhovna rada, and then
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they say, no, no, no, we changed our minds, we will not do this, we can probably cite a dozen such cases, but at the same time, we see how the servants of the people take their time ... to form temporary investigative commission regarding the construction of fortifications in ukraine, we see how they are in no hurry to consider a bill that will ban the activities of the russian church and branches of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, today the meeting of the supreme council closed prematurely due to the fact that the european solidarity faction blocked the rostrum and the deputies demanded namely to put the bill on the fence to the vote. of the moscow church in ukraine and to create a temporary investigative commission on fortification and provision of the armed forces with drones. let's see how it all turned out. dear colleagues, look. i, iryna, may i? we block
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the tribune. and in order to avoid any manipulations, what i said then, and after that, and will say for a long time to come, i voted for this bill the first time, and i will vote the second time as well, but it will done in accordance with the rules, i will adjourn, thank you. mr. rostislav, can you explain what happened in the session hall, because i only heard the comments of stefanchuk, who said that the parliament is the highest legislative body, and in general there is no place for political discussions, which, to be honest, confused me, considering the fact that i saw more than
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one composition of the parliament, but the new and previous heads of the verkhovna rada did not allow such remarks, well, again well , this is... pulling in the russian narrative, because it seems so. volodin spoke about the fact that the speaker of the state duma, that the parliament is not a place for discussions, so it is very confusing that the speaker of the ukrainian parliament allows himself such comments, and just today our actions, actions european solidarity and were dictated that key inspection issues remain unresolved for months. how funds are spent on fortification, how fortifications are built, how the supply of drones to the army is going, and we took billions from local governments, tens of billions, 43 billion this year alone, and it is not known whether
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they got to the army, because everyone who communicates with front-line soldiers, they know how difficult the situation actually is with the supply of drones, and of course this is a matter of eradication. of the fifth fsb column in the regalia of the moscow patriarchate, actually the prohibition of the russian church, so that there is no manipulation of the russian church itself, already ukrainian churches, religious organizations will have to either show the absence of this connection, or break it, and unfortunately, we had to resort to this form of pressure, because it was already obvious , that such ordinary means, they are neglected. they do not lead to decision-making, and i must say that these actions were given as signs and brought results, the chairman of the verkhovna rada, stepanchuk, convened a conciliation council, and it was actually a compromise decision was made that
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tomorrow, wednesday, a temporary commission of inquiry will be established to deal with both the fratification issue and the issue of drones, and we very much hope that our colleagues will not abandon their obligations there under pressure from the banking or in some other way, and secondly , today, mr. mykhailo, a witness, we started collecting signatures for our own vote to ban the moscow church, and european solidarity, that practically the entire homeland, other factions put their signatures, and as soon as there are enough... signatures dialed i.e. more than 226, we have the assurance of the chairman of the verkhovna rada that this issue will be put on the agenda, and the existence of the russian church in ukraine will finally be put to an end. thank you, mr. rostyslav, mr. mykhailo, but with the beginning of the war, the parliament
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lost its subjectivity, in my humble opinion, because we actually only see the results of some voting by journalists. were not allowed to the sidelines of the verkhovna rada for a long time, the monomajority demonstrates the majority together with the former opz and other deputies who... participate in the voting, what happened today and your insistence to include two issues, important issues, on the agenda, and the fact that stefanchuk , after all, held a conciliation council, that what this means for the political life of ukraine, this is recovery, or the beginning of recovery the subjectivity of the parliament, when some of the issues , after all... and some of the laws, drafts, and resolutions still need
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to be formed and the agenda precisely within the walls of the session hall, and not on the bank street. first of all, i want to say that since the beginning of the large-scale war, that is, the second of the russian federation, the verkhovna rada shows unity, and indeed until today there has been no such blocking or draining of work. uh, and we parliamentarians support in the parliament, in particular, the motherland , all those ideas related to military bills, support of the armed forces, other military formations, allocation of additional funds, etc., everything is voted by the combined number of votes of the verkhovna rada, 300, more than 300 votes, what today... finally succeeded, i agree with my colleague, albeit not by the methods one would like, but it was
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extreme, as far as i am concerned, all the factions have already submitted nominations for the creation of the tsk, the motherland also recommends our colleague, in order to vote on the creation of a temporary investigative commission on construction investigation issues as early as tomorrow. constructions, as well as the allocation of funds for drones and other weapons for the defense forces. as for the draft law on the russian church, yes, motherland, including me, we joined the collection of signatures, i am sure that by the next session week we will succeed in getting this draft bill to be considered in session hall, and this should be... the position of 150 people's deputies, and leaders of factions and groups
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of the verkhovna rada. i think the issue is overdue and we feel there will be more than 250 votes for this bill. he has already matured a long time ago, and it is necessary to put a hard end to his activities, this semi-military, er, church, or not at all. church organizations, but i emphasize once again, this does not apply at all to parishioners, er, orthodox, er, orthodox faith, who continue to have the right to pray according to the constitution and go to church, which is officially registered according to the laws of ukraine, and this bill applies to all those religious organizations. the center of which is in the country of the aggressor, that is, i emphasize once again, the parishioners
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have the right to choose the orthodox church, the greek catholic church, all other christian churches that are active today, i am sure that they will provide an opportunity, create an opportunity to pray to the lord, the main thing is that there really was a religion, and not something else, what the representatives of the russian church demonstrate today. you know, gentlemen, here i am i understand that what we are currently observing in the parliament and in general in the ukrainian government is obviously, obviously, one way or another connected with the date of the fifth, five-year presidency of zelenskyi, well, we understand that probably in that or another way, the parliament would like to hear about... the president, and the society should have listened to the president, i am not saying
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that what blocked the tribune, that this is a consequence of the fact that today is the first day when, as russian propaganda claims, zelenskyi illegitimate, no, we are talking about what is obvious, and people's deputies of ukraine, and ordinary ukrainians, they would like to hear from president zelensky what he succeeded and failed to do in these 5 years, one way or another he went with... the election program, he could talk about why he failed to do what he succeeded, he failed, but president zelensky, instead, gave an interview to rozloge reuters and said that due to martial law, his five-year term is still running, so probably we will not be told about that, actually, and what he thinks about his five years of presidency, it's true that zelensky told foreign journalists, let's listen now, my 5 years are not over yet, because of the martial law, they
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continue, i can't evaluate... my activity, it seems to me that it's just not very ethical, i think that the view is always fair somewhere on the side, a little, and i will not argue with this view, to be honest, and i am not going to, well, justice is always somewhere in the middle, mr. rostislav, when it comes to the results or the report of the president for 5 years, why the president zelensky says that this is not entirely mythical, although, well if you were the president and remain the president, then obviously you have something to say without excessive modesty or any verbal curtsy towards foreign journalists? well, i absolutely agree, you know,
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politicians are obliged to report to society, because politicians and officials, who else, are employees hired by society, who, under certain conditions, with certain powers, must perform their functions for society, and certainly society has the right to hear a report for 5 years, again, neither this nor everything that happens in verkhovna council, it has nothing to do with the so -called question of legitimacy, article 108 of the constitution fully answers any speculations, it is clear that the president ... exercises his powers until the election of his successor, and the law tells us that the election is possible only after the war, that's why the full stop and any russian insinuations here, they are of no use, but surely the society has the right to hear from the president how he evaluates the five years that were allocated to him for the implementation of his powers, for the implementation
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of the bright program from which he came remember, he had a dream there, he said there that... these news will be bright and bright, well, it didn't happen as expected, but for some reason he decided that the report would close a meeting with some journalists, if i understand correctly , the espresso channel was not allowed to this meeting, so we can only see or hear something there in the reports, and indeed there was an interview with the foreign agency reuters, where we can also see it in some fragments. i believe that this is irresponsible, and ukrainian society, which is currently fighting, or not the president, the entire ukrainian society is currently fighting the russian invasion, definitely has the right to hear the president, it is best that journalists have the opportunity to ask questions about the past and the future, and about how the president sees the situation that arose, the reasons and what he
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will do next, if, mr. rostislav, you had the opportunity to ask zelensky about the results of the five years, what would you ask him, what lessons were learned, and when should we expect the actual conclusions from these lessons, first of all, when a government of national unity will be formed, which would allow relying on all the resources of society. mr. mykhailo, how do you assess the lack of this report and what zelenskyi says... about the fact that my five years have not yet passed, there is still much to come, or whether you, as a people's deputy of ukraine, are receiving enough information from the president of ukraine, because today, for example, i was scolded in social networks, what, why are you asking zelenskyi about this, if you want to know zelenskyi's report, look every day his posts, he
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reports to you every day, i say, it’s a little different, because what zelensky says every day is... he shapes me about some current events and draws some conclusions from something, and i would like to ask zelenskyi about all his plans, it is clear that the war started and that these plans were destroyed, but really, a person has nothing to tell about, including in the session hall of the verkhovna rada, it could be very nice and very unifying actually the entire political elite when the president said: listen, five years... i came to you to tell you what we did, what we didn't do, let's give the time i have left, i don't know how long my presidential term will be, but let's do this, this and this and that please. first of all, i want to support my colleague that in fact president zelenskyi is legitimate, article 103 of the constitution says that the president
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is elected for 5 years, but the same constitution, article 18, says that the president terminates his powers after the election of the newly elected and when he begins to carry out his duties responsibilities the constitution guarantees. the constitution of ukraine guarantees the integrity of the government, and this is a positive thing. president zelenskyi is legitimate, this is recognized by the parliamentary parties and factions, and we jointly signed this during international conferences, including an international organization, this is important. next, we see the recognition of european. partners and all, and the laws of ukraine also say that during martial law it is impossible to hold any democratic elections, period. of course,
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i am sure that president zelensky will have the opportunity to the ukrainian people when the war ends. and i, in fact, like millions of ukrainians, would like to hear a few things from the president. first of all, when the war will end in... and secondly, what will the president and his team do to ensure that millions of ukrainians return home from abroad, this is also an important thing, and what the authorities will do to ensure that during the great reconstruction there will be there are enough resources and enough salaries for people, in fact the president and the verkhovna rada are... there is also power, not enough has been done in order to first of all be ready for war, and this is clear, and the next thing is that
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, probably, all of us, together with the president, did not do enough for the war to end already, but there are also objective reasons that depend not only on ukraine, from ukrainian society, as well as from our partners, whom we thank for their help. but of course, if it was on time and in sufficient quantity, then probably today we would already be talking about completely different things. at the time when zelenskyi, well enough, let's talk about what he achieved there, or let's put it this way, he didn't stop talking, he said that my five-year term was over, mykhailo podolyak, adviser to the office of the president of ukraine, nevertheless announced the main changes that took place during the 5 years of zelenskyi's presidency. let's listen to what mykhailo podaryak said.
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first, the influence of the oligarchy, as such, on state institutions has been significantly reduced. secondly, it is clearly understood what subjectivity is. ukraine today has a completely different level of subjectivity, its word has been heard in foreign markets, and this will significantly affect where we will be tomorrow, who we will be tomorrow. so further, thirdly, of course, today we are talking about the fact that ukraine will acquire membership in other alliances, in other unions, economic, military and so on, and finally put an end to its soviet history, and by the way, this war is just about a point in soviet history, and this will be done precisely thanks to the tenure of mr. zelenskyi. mr., mr. rostislav, how do you like such a short conclusion for five years? there are at least dubious theses regarding the oligarchs, and because there are five or six managers who took over influence, but unconstitutional and not legal, the
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same with regard to european integration, well, we remember that back in february 19 , amendments were made to the constitution, and the association agreement was signed and so on, but you know, i would even did not compete, who did more there. i would just ask one really simple question, here they are ready to report in essence why ukraine was not preparing for a big war, but if you had not given an answer to this question, i think that a lot would have become clear, and those people who directly were responsible for the preparation, they should be held responsible, mr. mykhailo, is it sufficiently reasoned to... tried to explain what happened during these five years and do you agree with the thesis that the oligarchs as such have ceased to exist, well, besides that, what
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really the functions of the oligarchs were taken over by other people, and these resources, television resources, for which zelensky's team began to compete in the fall of 2021, we remember, the conflict is open with renat akhmetov, he was accused there of almost preparing, by the way, a coup d'état, this too many already i forgot, but that was all, as leonid danylovich kuchma said, that was all, and mr. general, are the arguments of the poles convincing about these five years, perhaps, after all, there are some intermediate conclusions, well zelenskyi's team to do and somehow share with them, with the ukrainians, because it is really important for the next president, whoever he is, well, i think that after all we will have the opportunity to hear president zelenskyi and definitely from... his mouth , from
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the first source, how he evaluates his first cadence, it is clear if we talk about arguments, it is actually the merit of the entire ukrainian people that we have such a powerful army today, the strongest, i emphasize, the nato army, in terms of military experience and training, because countries are already studying here. we are having some communication problems, sir general, have you had any communication problems? yes, that is, it is the merit of the entire ukrainian people that we have created such a powerful army, which today sets an example of training for other nato partners, this is clear, and it is a merit, including from...
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of course, zelenskyi, because he is under the constitution is the supreme commander-in-chief, at what price, that is a completely different question, i think that we will still have the opportunity to listen to president zelenskyy more than once, so that he will report what was done by him personally, as the president and his team, but i emphasize once again , it is very important not to forget. those who present what was done, at what cost, and did not forget that all of this is us courageous ukrainian people. thank you, mr. general, one more topic is quite important, it is one way or another a part of these five years of zelensky's presidency, it is that has been happening in the information space for the past two years. i have not...
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for nothing mentioned this story of 2021, when president zelenskyi and his team clearly understood that the next presidential term or the struggle for power was even before the war, when they considered this struggle for the next term or for the next power , one way or another will be connected to tv, and i think that in the fall of 21 they could not even dream that they would have to, or would be able to bring together all these... channels that belonged or are owned by oligarchs , in ukrainian, and create a single telethon. on february 24 , 2022, such a single telethon was created, after that, in april, the three espresso fifth and direct tv channels were thrown out of t2 of digital broadcasting, that is, we were eliminated as competitors of a single telethon and simply thrown out of t2, by the way, no one until now did not explain and
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did not apologize, but why... actually this happened, and no one renewed these t2, but what happened during the last month around the public, obviously you were also witnesses, not only journalists discussed and read and heard it including comments from the public broadcaster, and today what probably should have happened happened: the public broadcaster actually withdrew from the national telethon "edyni news" and is returning to full-fledged broadcasting on its own. on the tv channel the first, on the website of suspilnoy it is called an extension of its own broadcasting in the marathon only news, i will quote the public one. the public team is expanding the production of its own content on the first channel, within the limits of an integral part of the telethon edyni news ua together, we are ready for our part to strengthen as much as possible broadcast, share quality documentaries, regional stories, topical investigations.


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