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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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kams or patriots for strikes on russian territory or for destroying air targets that are in the airspace of the russian federation, so the answer from austin and brown was similar, they said that the united states expects ukraine to use the provided weapons for the purposes in ukraine. in my opinion, this means that the us continues to adhere to certain restrictive conditions. with the provision of his assistance, although, to be honest, this is contrary to the military rules, even the logic of the introduction of hostilities, because it is given a certain advantage to the aggressor compared to the defending country, but at the same time, ramstein really demonstrated that there is significant support from the united states and european countries. the united states, as we know, approved a package of general aid to ukraine of about 61 billion dollars, and actually for reprimands. stockpiles from
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the ministry of defense, more than 12 billion dollars are provided for there, which actually allows ukraine to allocate a package of 1 billion each month, and for this 1 billion, you can take weapons, stocks of the ministry quite quickly defense, which allows us, in principle , to stabilize the situation on the front line, if we balance it with our means of mobilization and fratrification, etc., ramshtein also demonstrated that there is support from other european countries, in particular... there is germany again talked about the initiative with air defense, about 1 billion euros have been collected, where a part of these funds has been transferred precisely by powerful countries, and some countries themselves will supply certain means of air defense for ukraine. also other countries, in particular the netherlands there announced that they are transferring a certain batch of upr armored vehicles to ukraine there, it is actually such a dutch modification of the american bt.
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m113, which has proven itself quite well on the battlefield. the netherlands previously transferred about 200 such machines, how many in the new batch is unknown, but in total there were 500 such machines in the netherlands, i think not less than what has been transferred so far. spain has announced the transfer of a certain number of leopards, there are actually not many of them, there are two batches of 10 and 10 cars, which will be transferred in june. in september and also spain announced that a significant amount of assets will also be transferred, or rather not a significant amount, a certain amount of missiles for the patriot system, artillery ammunition and up to 155 mm caliber, and this is also extremely important, and also of course, we know that the issue of ammunition was raised by the president of ukraine when he mentioned that...
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there was more ammunition on the battlefield, it is true, but now there are nuances, in particular with this czech initiative, because we know that there were literally interviews of the czech president , where he spoke that the process is ongoing, 180,000 munitions have been contracted, but the process, because it was announced, one way or another, russia is trying to influence the process and interfere with the contracting or other components that make it difficult to fulfill these... contracts, i it was not by chance that he focused on ammunition and armored vehicles, because now we will be able to assess this situation with our next guest, the director of the ukrainian armored vehicles company, vladyslav belbas, joins us, with whom we want to talk on the expansion of the domestic production of ammunition and armored vehicles. mr. vladyslav, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. good evening, thank you for the invitation. i will remind that
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ukrainian armored vehicles is now the largest private company that manufactures both armored vehicles and ammunition and provides the supply of mortars and ammunition for the armed forces, and i would like to ask you, mr. vladyslav, to continue this story about czech ammunition, when the president of the czech republic says that russia is actively interfering with the conclusion of contracts, in yours the company has considerable experience in purchasing foreign ammunition. and the creation of our own ammunition, so that you could add to the words of the czech president, in particular, in comparison there with the 22nd year, with the 23rd year, what is happening in the market of ammunition that we want to purchase? well, there is a kind of competition for purchasing opportunities, first of all.
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there is an expansion of production capacity, that is, many declare the possibility of supply, but such a possibility of supply is not confirmed in the period. and uh, there is such, let's say, and also competition uh, and the procurement efforts of ukraine itself , in parallel with all these international initiatives on ammunition, uh, the situation there is not the best from the point of view of the availability of these munitions from the point of view of their delivery terms, because well, if it was not declared by... no so it's all about delivering quickly, organizing such a supply, and it's even more difficult, let's say, to find these ammunitions in stock, that is, what, how is the czech initiative good, how is it different from the help
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we receive before, that they are looking for ammunition and promising organization to organize supply from countries that ukraine does not... receive, ah, from availability, and from warehouses, and in a fairly short time, this is what we need at the front, that is, we need ammunition now. at the same time , production, european production, american production, the support we receive, although it is shipped from warehouses, it is replaced in the same amount of new ammunition, uh, well, from our own manufacturers to the warehouses of the ministries that are shipped to us, so there is a quantity is limited, we know, for example, that it is a million ammunition for the whole last year they were also unable to deliver, and this indicates that there is probably
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a certain problem not related to funds, but related to the possibilities, capabilities of industries in the deployment of production. and precisely the czech initiative in this regard is such an effective and short-term tool. mr. vladyslav, regarding your company, do your specialists manage to increase the supply of ammunition for the defense forces, and what kind of ammunition are they, after all, are they already produced before, or are they those that are created in cooperation with european partners. we will organize a fast. munitions both by import and in production cooperation, that is why we separate these chains, as it were, but we are constantly trying to deepen the level of localization, to deepen the level of ammunition processing, and indeed the volumes that we
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issue now are much, much larger than the volumes that were, for example, at the beginning of the 24th year, and in addition to this, there is also active... work on the localization of ammunition production is underway, has it finally been possible to move in relations with the ministry of defense to a three-year contracts, because there were already certain, apparently optimistic notes that your company, other companies seem to have already signed a three-year contract, or is this still too optimistic? and we are moving in this direction, such contracts have been signed, but... the contracts do not yet provide for financing, so this is the kind of thing for which three-year contracts are needed, the first is to guarantee the manufacturer, to reserve, let's say , production capacities for the following
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periods , so that we understand what volume we need to reach, so the first part of this task, it is already being carried out, the other is the financing of such production, it is in the process, it has not yet been implemented, but even if there are positive developments in this regard, i think they will already show their results in the short term, i have attention in terms of supply, but is it noted that these volumes are potentially larger, and now you have a free hand to create new opportunities in order to meet these potential needs. these volumes are much larger and these volumes will be even larger, that is, what is currently being considered, contracted, these are, let's say, the minimum necessary volumes, that is, the volumes that we are declaring now are the minimum volumes that we
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can provide guaranteed, and we plan to develop beyond these volumes, and what are the limiting factors that, well linguistically... should it be cleaned in order to stimulate the production of products and the refinement of those samples that your company already supplies there to the defense forces, i would highlight several programs here, let's say this, the first is funding, these are financial opportunities, these are development opportunities production, unfortunately, lending, the involvement of financial instruments in our country is not developed at all, i am not only talking about military equipment, it is in general, in my opinion, business lending does not function normally in ukraine, the second is the second, we have already gotten used to it a little , from power outages, yes,
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but now we're seeing large-scale power outages, including by manufacturers, i think over time we have to somehow stabilize this system in terms of excluding manufacturers of weapons of military equipment and unmanned systems and other systems necessary for the front are allocated to priority. because the lights are now going out, including in our production sites, due to their expansion and scaling, not all of them are now equipped with systems, autonomous electrification systems, generators and so on, but we are working on it, and the third question, i would here now focused on speed. acceptance of the speed of introduction of new types of weapons,
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speed, implementation, adoption of new types of weapons, testing, etc. the rest, as of now, well, not really, to be honest, we notice, we see changes taking place in traditional models of equipment, not in drones. because there is an opinion that drones are developing very quickly, drones are developing very quickly, because it seems to me that they do not understand the technologies that are used there in conventional, yes in conventional weapons, well, for example, we have been for several months we pass tests, we pass this bureaucratic process, which in my opinion... we should not have an opinion to do now in wartime there the volume
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of tests that we receive on mortar shots, they are in some places more than the volume of state tests that we passed before the war before the beginning of full-scale rejection, that is why it is such a bureaucratic burden, we understand the responsibility and importance and a necessity because explosives. approach with maximum caution, but still do it a little faster, do it a little bit, because this is what is needed for the front, and the fourth issue is the reservation, of course, and the new law on mobilization, we see a little bit now and changes in the regulations and changes in the reservation procedure, unfortunately, this reservation procedure is still normal. these criteria do not work, well
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, the mechanisms and all this have not been brought to the ccc, and this leads to the involvement of employees who should be banned, to their mobilization, and there is no way back, that is, if you have already been mobilized, it is now impossible to demobilize, this these are the four main criteria that currently create barriers to scale. literally one minute, i will go a little beyond my time there, explain your attitude to when foreign companies enter our market with similar products, in particular the canadian company rechel, which offers senator cars there, what is your opinion on this? i am positive when they supplement the volumes, the necessary volumes of production, supply, or rather... arming of military equipment, namely, for example, in this case , cars, and i am negative from the point
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of view when such purchases are made in the presence of free production capacities domestic producers, that is, in this regard, we should be a little open on one side let's talk about competition, this is our strong point here, and competition leads to... a decrease in cost, it leads to an improvement in quality, and of course, if you yourself understand what is wrong with such and such, in such a large-scale war , costs there armored cars. the cost of ammunition is greater than the capacity of our own production, and while we are deploying the capacity of our own production, by the way, for which we do not receive funding, they are carried out at the expense of our own working capital, as long as we receive such orders, of course you can place orders for imported equipment, but in excess of volumes, that is, first of all, the domestic
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manufacturer must be contracted in full and financed in the future , volumes of more expensive equipment are also purchased, so this should be the philosophy, and it will be, then it will lead to results, that the domestic economy will work and the troops will be provided with more equipment than they could by purely importing. mr. vladyslav, thank you for these explanations, thank you for what your company does for the security and defense forces, i would like to remind our viewers that it was vladyslav belbas, the director of the ukrainian armored vehicle company, that's how it was... these were the main military results of that day, and more news, details of current news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. i am very grateful to serhii zgorets, i thank his guest, these were the military results of the day, and i will immediately introduce the guest with whom
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we will talk about today's events in the verkhovna rada of ukraine. andriy osedchuk, people's deputy of ukraine. mr. andrii, i congratulate you. good day. glad to see and hear. i mean literally i will take a moment of time from you and me, but i will give it to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. because we will announce the fee. i'm going to ask our viewers to get involved. therefore, we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the war zone. we are talking about the soledar and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone in the open air in all weathers, day and night. so for emergency recovery. and the return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, is required a minibus that will deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumatic hydraulic jacks for the prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000, and as of now we have uah 296,749. so, let's report further, support the armed forces and, of course
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, discuss what is happening in the main political body of the state. according to the constitution in the verkhovna rada of ukraine. mr. andriy, today there were issues that should be considered, what was insisted on, in particular by representatives of european solidarity, but it was blocked tribune with the demand to return to consideration of these questions. the key points that were made, and those issues that have been postponed, or postponed, or they are still unknown, when the issues will be considered, first of all , the report of shmeigel and umerv on fortifications and the bill on the ban of the uoc-mp in ukraine. well, the main political body of the country, you are joking, thank you, but this trolling, i think, is very appropriate, because unfortunately, the verkhovna rada in the fifth, the beginning of the sixth year of zelenskyi's presidency is not the main political body of the country, although the constitution, of course, there should be, but nevertheless
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today was a very politicized session, it was very short from the point of view of voting. we passed two draft laws there, well, quite serviceable, but so routine, ah, and the parliamentary debate reached a very high temperature, and i actually support the protests expressed by european solidarity, part of the voice, the other opposition, because you know, i am somewhere else since the end of the spring of the 22nd year, i spread a very simple thesis among the servants of the people, i he said, boys and girls, let us be to vote urgently for those draft laws that really help us in the war, that help to really strengthen the defense capabilities of the state, that really bring our victory closer, everything is routine, well , let's not rush it, because if it has been waiting for some time, then maybe wait a little, plus any new bills that the verkhovna rada passes, you understand, this is a burden first of all on the government, because they have to be implemented, it’s not just that the council adopted it, published it on
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the website and that’s all, it’s a complication processes and so on further, i'm going to the fact that somewhere here we already have probably the third one. plenary week, when a huge pile of bills is put on the agenda, well, a large part of which they are, well, as if unconscious, maybe they have some meaning, but they are definitely not critical, from the word at all, at the same time, we understand that on there are absolutely critical questions on the agenda of the country, politicians, to which we, as the verkhovna rada , want to have answers, and which must definitely be adopted, and now all this has actually crystallized into two blocks of questions. the first question is this the russian church, the so-called church, as i call it, because i definitely believe that it was never a church, we understand that this issue has been going on for already, well, for the third year in fact, because... and the voice and the eu were among those , who submitted draft laws back in the spring of 2022, i was among those who said at that time that it was definitely not worth rushing, because it was necessary to work out
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a lot of points with the sbu, with the courts, so that it did not really look like some kind of persecution of the so -called religious organizations, but a lot of time has passed since then, since those days more precisely, a lot of time, and it is already obvious that this issue is overripe, politically overripe, the so-called russian church, which is a branch of f. sb has no right to exist in ukraine, it is obvious, if a year ago it was already supposed that we agreed to vote, but then the servants of the people did not hide the fact that they were actively thinking about the elections and obviously the delay in this issue was dictated by some kind of election rhetoric, now well well, there is no argument why we should continue to be tolerant towards those who ideologically and organizationally contributed to the great war in ukraine, supported the great war in ukraine and in fact... supported the killing of thousands of ukrainians and the destruction of our territory , i will tell you that i contributed, and in some places continues to contribute, i mean, the servants of this body, which is called the uocmp. i will now
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give our viewers the opportunity to first of all listen to the statements of the speaker of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine ruslan stefanchuk and people's deputy from european solidarity iryna gerashchenko regarding the blocking of the tribune, and then i will briefly talk about that incident. herachenko and why this is called sexism and rudeness, but now let's listen to the comments, the parliament should do instead of these performances, including its work, i want to remind you that according to the constitution of ukraine, the parliament is the only legislative body of the state, all its political interests and all its political i would suggest implementing the vision in a civilized and... mented by the regulations of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. parliament simply removed itself here. we have not created these tsks for six months. it is very surprising to hear that we
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as if today we are disrupting the work of the parliament. it seems to me that the work of the parliament should correspond to the challenges facing society. i will ask any ukrainian what the key problems are today, this is the issue of fortifications, this is the issue of the armed forces of ukraine. and it is obvious that the parliament must regain its independence and... its controlling function, let me just add that iryna herashchenko later wrote on facebook that stefanchuk, who, by the way, is 5 years younger than her, called her a girl, and she said that i was i will do everything to make the sexist and rude stefanchuk bear responsibility for the evil, everything he does, because in any european parliament such a statement about a people's deputy, vice speaker, it would cost at least the position of the head of the verkhovna rada in this in this. in this case, we are talking about stefanchuk, but this is just to add color to the behavior and the statements that the servant of the people makes today, well, at least
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most of these people, i am not talking about all of them, and what about stefanchuk, regarding these very correct words that let's do it in a legal and regulated way, but during the war, obviously, we still have to fight with what is, you are right , what is the most urgent, then in fact we have hopes that this law will be considered as such, it will not be . compromising, as stefanchuk said about the uoc and whether tezkaky will be created and will work to investigate why the fortifications actually were, were they ready or not, here we need to investigate whether this tsk will work, please, vasyl, you probably not to the end, but they felt an important detail in what he said stepanchuk, in the episode you showed, he says that the parliament, supposedly the parliament should just pass laws and political processes and visions, please somewhere outside the parliament, sorry, dear friends, the parliament is a political body, first of all, that it is legislative, yes, but it is the only body where there can be a political struggle, because there should not be one in the cabinet of ministers, there should not be a president at all, in the parliament politicians
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present their vision, that is why we are fighting on the platform of the parliament, because we see many things differently, and very often we turn out to be right, and very often the servants have to agree with us, so to speak , but until now, you see, stepanchuk lives in the paradigm that they came... pressed the buttons, left, and for some reason he thinks that this is the essence of parliamentarism , but less so only, returning to the critical bills, well, as far as i understood from the information i received in the last couple of hours, there is supposedly some agreement that we will put the bill on the ban of the roc to the second reading, again everyone should understand that voting is not will mean the automatic ban of the russian orthodox church, this is not the case, it is not in the draft law, but it will give... the opportunity to the ministry of justice to state bodies in an absolutely legal way in a court of law to seek the cancellation of registration and, accordingly, to obtain the illegality of this religious organization, so-
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called by anal. with political parties that are recognized as outlaws of the opzh type, that is, i really expect that this will happen in the coming days, and the second important question, let's go, if we still have a little time, and this is also what the opposition has been talking about for the last two years there, the key is ours the function in war is to control money, because we started our broadcast with the fact that you announced another collection, we collect money, it is extremely important, but the issue with public money is not even that sometimes some populists there also like to shout about ... the sleeve and about something else, but about where the money is allocated, which goes to specific articles. in this case, we are talking about fortifications and drones. the verkhovna rada approves its budget for this year and changes to the budget, and many opposition members voted for this budget, because it is a war budget, it is not a budget politicians, but we want to understand where all this money is, how well the work on fortifications and drones is done, because the situation with drones is when it is not clear who is
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the final point of answers. for this entire program, or the special drone troops that they supposedly created, or the ministry of defense, or ukroboronpron, or the ministry of digital, that is, there are a lot of, so to speak, nannies of the entire history, and it is not entirely clear what world we are in, because we are witnessing that every day people collect money for drones for units, it is good, it must be done and done, but in the third year of the great war, when in principle we still have, thank god, sufficient budgets, we want to understand how effectively they are used, so there was also a struggle for the creation of special temporary investigative commissions, and again, i cannot guarantee this, but as of now, there is allegedly such information that they agreed on the creation of the tsk on fortifications and on drones, well, at least they started collecting there a few hours ago candidates from different factions of the groups, so i really expect that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow the work of the verkhovna rada will return to normal,
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we will vote on these critical issues. further, as i wish, stefanchuk, we will deal with the parliamentary routine, we deal with it perfectly, but it cannot be done when there are obvious critical issues that have not been resolved. now, actually, regarding this draft law on the banning of the uocp, well, in fact, the russian church in ukraine, let's speak frankly. let's listen to what the leader of european solidarity said about this people's deputy petro poroshenko and people's deputy of inesovsu. 5 years in them, 5 years was the entire tenure of zelenskyi in order to implement the law that was adopted by the verkhovna rada of the previous convocation and signed by me, the law that forbids calling itself a ukrainian church, a church that has governing bodies in the aggressor country. the defenders in power are blocking the implementation of this law, which is a criminal offense, and now the leadership of the parliament has already ...
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blocked the consideration of this bill for another month, and now we are hearing explanations about what they say it will be negatively perceived in the west, especially in the united states, but in fact, as a person who communicates with foreigners, with american congressmen, with american journalists, i understand that even if there is some segment of society and american politics that will be against it, this far from the overwhelming majority, and we should not try because of these excuses, it is not our fault... to the bill banning the uocp in the parliament hall. we literally have two and a half minutes, so there is already some kind of global third question i won't post, you can do more, let's end it here, i have a couple more comments on this matter. yes please. well, look, actually, my colleagues are right, this has been discussed for too long, but we have to understand one thing, that any flirting with any structures of the enemy will lead to defeat. any tolerance
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for any. political and military, organizational structures of the russian federation, it will lead to our defeat, the so-called russian church is not a church, it is a structure of the fsb, which was created by the nkvd in 1944, and all these years, she pursued not just an anti-ukrainian policy, but a policy aimed at the destruction of the ukrainian state, this is a fact, the fact that someone is still telling us about the american position, so sorry, it was necessary not to get out of america and work for the last two years, they are smart people there , they hear when i explain to them. the fact that we did not finalize work with the united states for two years is also a fact, but this cannot in any way be an argument for us to tolerate the presence of the legal branch of the fsb in ukraine for the third year of the war. this must be stopped immediately. i i will thank you very much for these important and actually true words and believe that the verkhovna rada of ukraine will still manage to pass this law. andriy osachuk was with us, people.


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