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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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any tolerance towards any political and military, organizational structures of the russian federation, it will lead to our defeat. the so-called russian church is not a church, it is a structure of the fsb, which was created by the nkvd in 1944, and all these years pursued not just an anti-ukrainian policy, but a policy aimed at the destruction of the ukrainian state. this is a fact. the fact that someone is still telling us about the american position, i 'm sorry, i had to stay away from america and work for the last two years. they are smart people there, they listen when it is explained to them, the fact that we did not finalize work with the united states for two years is also a fact, but this cannot in any way be an argument for us to tolerate the presence of the legal branch of the fsb in ukraine for the third year of the war. this must be stopped immediately. i will thank you very much for these important and actually true words and believe that the verkhovna rada of ukraine will still succeed in passing this law. andriy osachuk was with us on...
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ukrainian mp, mr. andriy, i wish you a good evening, and i also wish you and your colleagues in the verkhovna rada of ukraine fruitful work, well but in relation to this, what i said very briefly based on iryna gerashchenko's post, do you remember how many there were, well, there were not that many, but there were moments when, for example, petro poroshenko once said to one of the journalists, if i don't remember, dear, they went everywhere, especially those who are now near... and there leshchenko and all the others walked with these t-shirts, i'm not cheap to you, although it was perceived as a miscommunication with the journalist on the part of the president, okay, and there yanukovych said something similar, but here the chairman of the verkhovna rada says vice-speaker iryna gerashchenko, says the girl, despite the fact that she is 5 years older than him, and well, there should be a reaction, and i am very interested, now those people who were very much in favor of...
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tolerance, for europeanness, for the rights of women, who are currently surrounded by president zelenskyi, they will react, maybe they will wear t-shirts, i am not your girl, and they will go around the president's office there, they will show the head of state how he is a member of his team, the head of the verkhovna rada behaves in general, how he communicates with by their colleagues in the main, i say once again, to the political body of the state, for the constitution in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, such things should simply be stopped once and for all, if we go to europe, of course, tomorrow, may 23, is the day of heroes in ukraine, this... the honor of all defenders of ukraine who fought for its independence and territorial integrity for many centuries and continue to do so on the battlefield. the decision on such a celebration was made during the second large gathering of ukrainian organizations nationalists in 1941, the date was chosen in honor of an outstanding public figure, the commander of the armed forces and the ideologue of ukrainian nationalism yevhen konovalts. on may 23, 1938, moscow agents treacherously killed him in rotterdam. at first. heroes' day
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was celebrated underground, but with the achievement of ukraine's independence, it began to gain more and more publicity. it became especially important after the start of the russian-ukrainian war, on a full scale, when new heroes defend their homeland and die for it. now i suggest you watch a plot about one of our heroes, a fighter for the independence of ukraine and from the cossack family, who was in love with ukrainian art and culture. 145 years ago , simon petliura, chief ataman of the army of the ukrainian people's republic, was born. let's look at the plot. poltava - simon petlyura street in 1879, in the house that has not been preserved to our time, the future chief otaman of the ukrainian people's republic was born, the family estate, where the large petlyura family lived, is now remembered only by an information board. he lived here since time born before 1902, until leaving for the kuban. here stood not only the house where simon petlyura was born, but also herds. his dad,
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since vasyl's dad had a small carriage business, we can say that, well, let's put it this way, he was the private owner of a small taxi company. the petlyor family was deeply religious. it was important for parents to provide their children with a good education that would pave the way to the higher world, nataliya kuzmenko says. they first received an education in a church-parochial school, where they actually gave elementary school. education to read, write, to count, and later they went through theological, theological school and theological seminary. why was it so important? because it was in this way that a child from the middle class could get the opportunity to enter higher educational institutions. and simon successfully entered the poltava theological seminary. according to the recollections of his henchman ivan rodychev, petliura had a penchant for art, theater and writing. had a good one. and loved to sing,
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he fell in love with spiritual singing even in his youth, it was here in the spiritual seminary that he became one of the organizers of the choir, he was... a conductor, he played the violin, he grew up here under the influence of the works of taras shevchenko, ivan kotlyarevskyi, and this phrase belongs to him: only idiots don't read books. the house of the rusovys, now standing empty, at the beginning of the 20th century was a place of attraction for ukrainians who proposed the idea of ​​an independent state. at one of these parties, politician mykola mikhnovsky first formulated the idea of ​​an independent ukraine. many researchers believe that his worldview as a statesman, as an independent person , was formed under the influence of the brochure independent ukraine and the ideas of mykola mikhnovsky, and actually it all started with this house. until 1901
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, petliura did not finish his studies. then his favorite composer mykola lysenko, who was called a separatist in russian circles, arrived in poltava. simon, as the conductor of the seminary choir. decided to secretly invite the musician to the theological seminary, which greatly upset the management. this visit was not agreed with the management. the choristers of the seminary prepared several pieces of music, including beating the thresholds, one of the most revolutionary pieces of music. it is the turn of the question, who is to blame? and simon petliura, together with prokop understandably, by their like-minded people, they are forced. were to leave poltava, otherwise they would not have escaped arrest. thus, his spiritual education was not completed. escaping, petlyura left for the kuban, began journalistic activities, worked as a teacher, and later organized the archives of the kuban cossack army under the guidance of fyodor shcherbyna.
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when such an employee as simon vasyliovych petlyura came to him, he was very fascinated, because this person did not need to explain what to do. his level of knowledge made it possible to work with archives documents, understand difficult handwriting, difficult wording, foreign documents, because he could translate them, so this training gave him the opportunity, who did not have an official certificate of graduation, and so on and so forth, to do scientific work. years in a row, chairing the unr directorate, for petliura, music and culture remain important components, he breaks through the russian information blockade and sends the ukrainian... choir with a song that should prove to everyone that ukraine is rich in traditions, a self-identical state. it the famous philanthropist, and this is the tour of the ukrainian band with which he, with this song of leontovich, went to the countries of europe, at a time when ukraine was languishing in a ring of fronts,
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at a time when the very preservation of ukraine as such was under great question. through the pro-ukrainian revolutionary path, the wife. olga and daughter lesya were often forced to live far from simon, but they tried to capture their moments together in photographs. my favorite photo is definitely the one of him next to his daughter. 25th year. at this time, he had already experienced several attempts on his life. therefore, the family rarely appeared with him , they lived sometimes in the czech republic, then in poland, then they came to him again, and this is probably the short period when lesya could be there. next to his father, look how happy this child is when he is next to his father. olha panasivna was a faithful wife of simon vasylevich, they supported him as much as possible, followed his household, because many say that he sometimes did not
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pay attention to whether he was dressed or whether he was having lunch, especially when he was writing something, doing some kind of work, the soviet government hung the label of traitor on the name of petlyor and all his relatives and already... under independent ukraine, his status was revised. honoring his memory, streets are renamed in his honor, musical and cinematographic works are dedicated, morals are created and monuments are erected. according to the decision of the competition commission, a monument to simen petlyura should appear in this city already this year, because his family house was located near this place. but the full-scale war took its toll and this process stopped. but despite that's all, poltava continues to wait for its monument. one ukrainian figure. anna morozova, bohdan proskorov, from poltava for espresso tv channel. good evenings with ukraine. we will continue, indeed, dismantling monuments to communist or pre-communist russian leaders and figures
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is one thing. it is very important to erect monuments to real ukrainian heroes so that young generations, especially new generations , can see and know petliura, her konovalians, and bolbachan. and bandera, well bandera, thank god there are monuments, but they also understood vasyl tyutyunyk many outstanding ukrainian heroes, generals, writers who really fought for ukraine at all times, well... now i will tell you briefly about the most important news. the occupiers hit at least four villages in the zolochiv community in the kharkiv region , only civilian infrastructure was targeted, which is actually in the tradition of the occupier and the terrorist. the head of the region, oleg senigubov, informed about this , the local market was destroyed, there was a fire in the trading pavilions, a kindergarten, a school, five two-story buildings were damaged. apartment buildings, as well as private households. previously, fortunately this. without victims, because i will remind you that yesterday in kharkiv region was a day of mourning for 12 people who died
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as a result of an insidious terrorist attack by the enemy in kharkiv region. well, to speak briefly about kharkiv oblast, i would like to add, from the information i read today, that over the past few days, 14,000 people who are actually fleeing from the frost have been evacuated from kharkiv oblast, on the streets of ovchansk, where there are the russians, where they managed to enter, in the city ovchansk... they captured ukrainian citizens, at least this information is also available on the network, now in kherson oblast, which is also suffering from enemy attacks, three elderly women were injured, they were injured due to enemy shelling of antonivka in kherson oblast. a russian drone dropped explosives on the village, the head of the region oleksandr prokudin told about it. all three victims were hospitalized with mine-explosive injuries and shrapnel injuries. i succeeded. the armed forces of ukraine destroyed the russian missile ship zyklon in sevastopol, or rather in the bay
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sevastopol, the information was officially confirmed by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. our soldiers conducted a successful operation on the night of may 19. this is the newest ship in the black sea fleet of the occupiers. this means that there is no longer a single vessel carrying cruise missiles in crimea. earlier, the naval forces announced that the enemy minesweeper kavrovits had also been destroyed. they just understood that now all citizens of ukraine, both in ukraine and outside of ukraine, are in a very difficult psycho-emotional state. let's just remember the coachman moskva, who approached the snake island and said to lay down your arms and surrender to our border guards, to which the answer was received about a russian warship, and this was the beginning of the war, a huge fleet, the cruiser moscow, many ships that are carriers of missiles, winged, and now in the third year of the war in the black sea . at least in ukrainian, in ukrainian territorial waters occupied by the enemy, the last missile carrier of the enemy
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in our sea has been destroyed, the last, for the third year, there is nothing that can launch these missiles, this is very important, in fact, so the victory is also is, thanks to the armed forces of ukraine, first of all. germany stands unwaveringly on the side of ukraine, the minister of foreign affairs of the country, anna olena berbok, assured president volodymyr zelenskyi of this, she is in kyiv today with... an announced visit. bervok visited ukraine already for the seventh time and since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion during the meeting, the ukrainian head of state told the german minister about the situation at the front and the priority defense needs of our army, they also discussed joint the initiative of the ministers of foreign affairs and defense of germany to find additional air defense systems for the needs of our army. "i am very grateful for your military and financial support, we count on you,
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i am very happy that we have such a connection, i also thank your people for supporting ukrainians, for accepting our people. i just returned from a coal-fired power plant , trying to show europe what this war means. it's nice to see people who start rebuilding a month after the attack stations it's incredible, everything we do, we do for the people of ukraine. well, we will talk about promises and about real help from germany in the future on our air today, i will not take this time now, because yuriy fizar has something to say, but now about something else, more than a million ukrainians have already successfully logged into the reserve plus application. of them, 700,000 successfully updated their personal data, the ministry of of ukraine, this is ten times more than in administrative service centers and
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military headquarters, in territorial centers staffing, and this, if you take one and other institutions together, the department says. active military servicemen are also registered abroad in poland, in particular, personal information has been updated, more than 1,700 men of conscription age, almost 1,400 in germany, and 443 citizens in canada. of ukraine. three even used the service in antarctica. mobilization of convicts, more than 3,000 men who are serving time have applied for service in the armed forces of ukraine. such data were announced in ministry of justice. olena vasotska, the deputy minister of the field, noted that not everyone will willingly be able to conclude a contract with the armed forces of ukraine. everything depends on the conclusions of military medical commissions. at the same time, she added that the law contains warnings for those who consider the possibility of mobilizing as
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an opportunity and a way to get free and not fight. for evasion of service, in this case punishment was provided. from 5 to 10 years behind bars. and again, i will add very briefly from what the patroness said minister, that those convicts who want to fight in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine and defend their country with weapons in their hands, there will definitely not be people who have diseases of the oxen, hepatitis and tuberculosis, well, probably not only in the open, but and in closed form, well, because... such diseases must be treated, but it is definitely not worth infecting and putting in danger those of our soldiers who are at the front today with such diseases, that is why there are also such warnings, desire is good , but still should be the conclusions of the medical commission so that these people strengthened the armed forces of ukraine, but definitely did not become a weakness or a problem. due to a significant shortage of electricity, ukraine
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continues to import record volumes from europe, but even this does not allow to cover the losses caused by ukrainians. the occupiers of the energy sector with their strikes, that is why ukrenergo is forced to resort to hourly power cuts for entrepreneurs and citizens - said prime minister of ukraine denys shmehal. at the same time, he noted that it is essential for the government to schedule consumer shutdowns were fair and even. the ministry of energy and ukrenergo have been instructed to develop a draft of the relevant government resolution on justice. schedules and uniform schedules of consumer shutdowns. this document should also contain a list of objects of critical importance to the state that require priority power supply and the sequence of distribution of the maximum capacity among other consumers that are not included in the list of critical importance. well, of course, keep an eye on the shutdown schedules
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on the sites where this information is published, depending on which locality you are in. which group you are in and so on, this information is available. the german heins traveled to kropyvnytskyi after a full-scale invasion. the husband decided to live here to be close to his wife, who did not want to move abroad. now together with, now together they help the ukrainian military. the couple told our journalist about volunteering and how they understand each other, given the language barrier. let's take a look and listen too. daily. heins josef alberhad and his wife wash, cut and vegetables and greens are dried, then these preparations are transferred to the volunteer center. activists turn them into dry first courses and pack them into bags. volunteers have already delivered more than a million portions of borscht and soups to the front and de-occupied territories. the man says he was not afraid to move to ukraine in the midst of the war, he wanted to be
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near tatiana, with whom he married shortly before these events. i'm not afraid here. when the woman fell ill, hines supported her and wrote often, eventually made a proposal: in ukraine, where he had not been before, the man had settled in quite quickly, - says the wife. for the victory of ukraine, the 74-year-old german cheers no less than the ukrainians, so when he saw the announcement about the need for volunteers, he immediately... responded, probably tons have already passed, because on average 10-15 kg of dried, then it is possible, well, for 8-10 multiplies, but we recently dried greens, parsley, sorrel there, so the output there is exactly 1:10. the husband and wife communicate with the help of an interpreter, but they convince,
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understand each other without words. tatiana learned three dozen words in german, less in ukrainian. of all ukrainian words, most of all, hines likes the word rest, says ukrainians work too much. in his free time from work, he and his wife like to observe nature and listen to birds singing. this moment, yes, these few minutes, they are full of some kind of beauty and peace. and it seems to me that... the war, it sharpened many people's ability to enjoy this moment, it's amazing, probably... well, it's not the right time to say that, but i feel myself in a state of harmony and happiness. heins
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josef does not plan to return to germany, because he says found happiness in ukraine. from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. a big thank you for such help to the ukrainian army, the ukrainian community, from this beautiful couple. it's really true, ukrainians like to work a lot, and he likes to work a lot and provide the most important information about events outside ukraine to yulia fizar, he is already joining me. yury, good evening, please . good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us at this time. today, in particular, i will talk about when will negotiations with ukraine on joining the european union begin? the pentagon does not want to allow the ukrainian armed forces to attack military targets on the territory of russia, and why... the west does not want to shoot down russian missiles over ukraine, about this and other things in a moment in the world about ukraine section. well,
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i'll start with something like that, no matter how much they screamed and roared in russia? the united nations still considers volodymyr zelenskyi to be the legitimate president of ukraine. this was said by the official... representative of the un secretary general stefan during the press conference dujarric according to him, despite the fact that president zelenskyi's mandate ended the day before, that is, on may 20, due to martial law, new elections cannot be held in ukraine according to the constitution. and so, here is a short quote from mr. dujarik. president zelensky remains for us the head of state of ukraine and the person with whom the general secretary communicates when he needs to contact the ukrainian leader. the only important thing here, it seems to me, vasyl, is for the secretary general of the united nations to communicate more often with
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by the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, and in particular regarding the issue of ending the war in ukraine as soon as possible, helping the organization to end this war in ukraine, well, if you take the last words of president zelenskyi, which he said, well, extreme words, i do not say the last ones, in the interview reuters, he said because... putin will be removed from the kremlin only with his feet forward, so we can count on the fact that something in russia will change there, we must actively help so that it will somehow move forward , we really hope that it will be so, but volodymyr zelenskyi will be recognized as legitimate not only in the organization of the united nations, and it also pisses off, probably, the people who sit, live out their age in the kremlin, in the european union, continue to consider our president as legitimate, because ... they say that it is impossible, as well as in the organization of the united nations, it was said to hold elections during the war, and this was reported during the briefing by the official representative of the foreign, foreign policy
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service of the european union in peterstan, so let them shout and howl there, after all, they do what they want in the kremlin . until the end of the current one ukraine will receive 3 billion euros from the european union starting next year. will receive eur 5 billion each year, and this is not an additional tranche, but interest from frozen russian assets. the relevant decision was made today at the eu council held in brussels. annual payments will be divided into two parts: 90% of this amount will go to help the armed forces of ukraine. let me remind you that after the start of the russian full-scale invasion of ukraine in february 22nd, the european union and the countries of the so -called group of seven imported. approximately 280 billion dollars of assets of the central bank of russia in the form of monetary assets and securities. most of them are in the belgian euroclear depository. they would still make a decision
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to give, you can give not only the interest, but also the russian assets themselves, which are also for, well, as i said, many were frozen around the world, and it can be done, estonia gave an example last week, which has passed a law that allows it... so why not do it across the european union and then plug in the united states of america and voila, we get a very a lot of money, russian money, which will work for ukraine, well, let's wait for that, i hope. the european union intends to start official negotiations with ukraine on our accession to the european community on june 25. this was reported by the european publication with reference to five diplomats. politician publication bureau. negotiations should start during the next eu summit. together with it, negotiations on moldova's accession to the eu will also begin. such a step is
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very. important for both countries, precisely because how long it will last will depend on the governments of ukraine and moldova, respectively, but unfortunately, not only that, hungary has repeatedly stated that it opposes the accession of ukraine, among other reasons, in budapest they said that issues related to hungarian minorities had not been resolved in ukraine. so, let's see how this start of negotiations with ukraine will take place. about joining the eu, and by the way, the fact that this start of negotiations will take place before the end of june was also confirmed today by the minister of foreign affairs of belgium, mrs. adjalabib, and belgium voice presides over the european union now, so we are waiting, i am waiting so that i can tell you about everything later, well, i started talking about hungary, we need to continue with hungary. the situation has shown that the conflict, here on...
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the unspoken conflict in ukraine has no solution on the battlefield, stated the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, petr szijártó, speaking at one of the leading japanese think tanks, the sasakawa peace foundation. moreover, he stated that the strategy of the event regarding the conflict in ukraine, developed by europe and the usa, has completely failed. next is a quote from the hungarian leader foreign policy department. this war has no battlefield solution. peace on the battlefield. and destruction, but not a solution, this war cannot be won by either side, so the only solution is a ceasefire and a negotiating table. well, agree, it is somehow strange to hear from the mouth of the same minister that he first several times calls what is happening in ukraine a conflict, and then still says: no, it is a war, and the war cannot be won, it is possible if to give money to a country that justly fights for its
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independence. for its sovereignty, why? for example, the hungarians, who fought together with hitler, were defeated on the battlefield of their time, of course, why, and we will win on the battlefield, but for this we still need weapons, but hungary, to the great regret of this for some reason, he does not want to give us weapons, and by the way, he, peter sijarto, i mean, called to do everything possible in order to avoid a direct confrontation of nato troops with russia on the territory of ukraine, and for this he said not to... give in to calls those european politicians who talk about that it is possible, at some point it will be worth considering sending your troops to ukraine. let's go further. the united states of america and its allies should provide ukraine with more aid for strikes on russian territory. the ex-deputy secretary of state of the united states of america, victoria nulen, said this on the air of the american
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tv channel abc news. and at the same time, she says, washington should lift the ban on hitting targets on russian territory with its weapons. according to ms. nulan, that is what would be called fair play. here is a short quote from her. i i believe that if the attacks take place directly behind the front lines from russia, then these bases should be the target, regardless of whether they launch missiles on the territory of ukraine or send troops to participate in ground combat operations. on those quotes, and when the host asked her if it would escalate the situation, ms. nuland's response was, let's hear her straight. because it is russia that is constantly inciting this war. russia has learned to withdraw its troops from the distance we allowed ukraine to use our weapons this is how they get. it's
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time to stop it and help ukraine level a third of kharkiv to the ground without even coming close to it. so it was time to throw them back. it's just a pity that now ms. nuland does not work in the administration of the current president of the united states of america , joe biden. and so she would, perhaps, tell him directly... but the pentagon does not agree with her, the day before during another meeting of friends of ukraine in the ramstein format, the head of the ministry of defense of the united states of america, lloyd austin, said, that washington expects that the armed forces of ukraine will continue to use american weapons exclusively to fire at russian targets in the temporarily occupied ukrainian territory. he said this during, as i
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have already said.


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