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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EEST

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and it was the russians who escalated on the battlefield. they raze a third of kharkiv to the ground without even coming close to it. so it's time to stop it and help ukraine push them back. it's just a pity that ms. noland is not currently working in the administration of the current president of the united states of america, joe biden. and maybe she would have told him directly. however, in the pentagon... they do not agree with her, the day before during another meeting of friends of ukraine in the ramshtein format, the head of the ministry of defense of the united states of america, lloyd austin, said that washington expects that the armed forces of ukraine will continue to use american weapons exclusively to fire at russian targets in the temporarily occupied ukrainian territory. he said this during, as i have already said, the final press conference, but the head of of the committee of the chiefs of staff
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of the us armed forces, charles brown also added that it is about supporting close combat on already existing fronts, as well as strikes on crimea, which washington considers part of ukraine. here illogical, i think vasyl and i were talking yesterday about the fact that if they are gathering all their forces, all this logistics, right under the border, then why not allow these supply chains to be interrupted so that they do not have... we have to wait, until they enter vovchansk, they will shoot local residents, and then they will say that, well, for sure we could, well, we can beat, but to tell the truth, this is simple, this is just a violation, well , the logic of war, this is the logic of war, there is no war even now this border, because the russians own it they move whenever they have the opportunity, and we should do the same, and so should you, you don’t condemn the raids that were carried out by russian forces, and into russian territory, you do that, well, it was their right , that is, well, or we are leaving. according to the logic
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of war, or we go, then we try to put the war at the political table, but it will not sit there, because it is inconvenient. oh yes, vasyl, that's right, i agree with you 100%, but by the way, to tell the truth, you have to give credit and thanks to the united states of america for that they are preparing another tranche of military aid, and this was reported by politico, and maybe they will deliver it, they will start delivering it by the end of this week, and there is even information that they will return. to the tactics of providing aid to ukraine every two weeks, as it was before. we'll see. this is a very sensitive issue, so it is not seriously discussed at the event. so, today, during a visit to latvia, german defense minister boris pistorius answered a journalist's question about whether the nato member states that are neighbors of ukraine intend to shoot down russian missiles over the territory.
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ukraine, according to him, at least in germany, although according to his information in other european countries, such a step would mean the direct participation of the north atlantic alliance in the war. next is a short quote from the head of the german ministry of defense. now is not the time, and indeed we have no opportunity , to take it seriously. well, what is an even greater escalation, what is an even greater confrontation, ms. nuland in her direct language pra... correctly said, here they continue to say no, well, i understand that they will motivate it by we are closer to russia than the united states of america, but this could have been said a long time ago, but not now, let's move on, early presidential elections in iran have already been scheduled, they will take place on june 28, the official representative of the guardian council of the islamic revolution, hadi, said today and khan naziv, they were appointed after the plane crash on sunday. ex-president of the country
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ibrahim raisi has already died. these will be the 14th such elections in the country's history, and they are, as always , appointed by the council of guardians of the islamic revolution. i will also add what happened today as well as the funeral of ibrahim raisi himself. well, here is one more point, today the ambassador of the islamic republic of iran in russia made the following statement. he expressed his indignation at the fact that kyiv officiated... kyiv still did not express sympathy for the death of the president of iran ibrahim raisi, that is , we did not wait for the payment of any apology for the downed ukrainian mau plane, and for the full-fledged invasion, the martyrs who kill ukrainian citizens, it's been a year, it's been my second year, those shaheds are flying, well, the second one is so, so incomplete, i understand that when they shot, let's say, the maniac andriy chikatilo, probably the relatives of the victims had...
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sympathy or something, well, even in iran they called him bloody, who is a butcher or something, he had some name there, well, it's just the height of cynicism, but what to expect from the country. which helps another country to kill peaceful citizens, vasyl, but can you imagine how this entire apparatus sat around the televisions, when the ukrainians, i don’t know, monitored all the statements of ukrainian politicians and high-ranking officials and waited when ukraine will finally say it, and ukraine didn't say it, oh my god, ukraine didn't say it, and the ambassador of iran to russia comes to the salavi program, because it was in this program that he said it, and expresses his indignation, how so, well, in one word, one in a word yes well, to conclude, it was very hot tonight and not because of the weather in noginsk near moscow, or rather, naginsk. the building of the sewing factory caught fire there in the evening, and the fire was not a joke until nightfall. according to
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the report of local media , the flames were raging on the square on the square 6 thousand square meters. finally, closer to the morning, the ceiling of the building could not stand and fell. according to'. published information, the factory continued to be called a sewing factory, in fact its workshops were rented by various enterprises, what exactly they produced and what exactly burned there is currently unknown, and the cause of the fire is also unknown, but mountains, mountains are clear. well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine section, that's all for today, there will be more in other days, and there will be more in our future broadcast, so don't switch. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war
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borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday. at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. we continue, and now we will have a topic that is very important: the labor market. the law on mobilization was adopted, it became operational on may 18, business also has its own problems, there are their needs, everyone understands the needs of the armed forces of ukraine in specialists, in people who will be able to perform. combat tasks, first of all, but there are needs in business as well, and these needs become big, and often these needs turn into problems, i am now before we add a guest, i just read a post on facebook, ms. anna dudina from kyiv, she is, as i understand it, the owner is a pastry shop, and
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it is a small business, it is not some big metallurgical plant, but she writes that small and medium-sized businesses are at great risk not to respond to a new challenge, because it is not even clear here how super creative the idea of ​​a whirlwind should be... when you cannot influence the real lack of employees, and i will convey it here in my own words, she says that there will now be a struggle for personnel , we will obviously come to what, as she says, are real european. axis with 10 items on the menu, tired from the tension of two waiters, cooks, construction workers, choose at your own discretion there, instead of 10, a bad cappuccino, an undercooked omelette, an unfinished faucet, or businesses will stop, taxes will also stop, even if small, but as we have all learned over the years, the main rule is to close the meetings, but there are no small taxes relevant to the budget, then the solvency will stop for... more to give, and here i would like, it is written, ladies, to give a call, to say, girls, who have gone
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abroad, come back, the motherland needs you here, but i can’t, because safety is above all else, and there she writes that the business that has a little, as they say, hired a little and saved certain amounts, certain opportunities are financial, not only financial, but the opportunity to book employees, we will now talk about it with the guest, that now there is an option on the wordua website, which business, or work with armor, yes, there are even such options, here the question will be about the struggle for specialists, but again, you will not be able to train all specialists, hire them, find them on the street, and yes, well, you will not train a person who has never repaired faucets or engaged in plumbing, you will not train a person in two weeks to do, and now you see this screen from the job website, booking work, i don't see exactly what it's called there. but the bottom line is, and this, and this is an opportunity to win, to win a specialist,
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because the burden will probably be more on people who can give more money, in fact bribe people, this will also happen, but in the comments the woman anna velemchanytsa writes, he probably writes from a small settlement: unfortunately, we have already closed, the government helped us to close, first of all, i will say it as it is written, well, we got it. i will say this, during the inspections, when there was a crown , it happened that they were inspected five times a day, and then generators, cash registers, it 's very difficult for the village, actually we closed, these are such small stories, but you know, these small stories then add up to a big picture, and here the question is that the business has to survive, and the taxes have to be paid, the economy must work, the war without the economy cannot be won, and this is wisdom, correct decisions and a wise approach, first of all, of the people who are in charge. to the power of the people who are sitting on bankova street, not on hrushevsky street, where
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the verkhovna rada and the cabinet of ministers are located, on the street bankova, there by the writers' union, where the president's office is, because i will repeat this phrase, which many have already repeated during this war, many times, half of bonaparte, who certainly knew about wars, fought all his own life until he was sent to the island, and that war is money, money and more money, and we understand very well that a huge army... stalin's huge human resource would not have had any significance if it had not been for the help of the west, because they would have lost earlier than, we remember we tell stories when, let's say, in certain cauldrons that were created, both by the indolence of the soviet command, and by effective decisions and maneuvers of german armored units, first of all, in large cauldrons, hundreds of thousands and millions of soldiers died, or were captured, or died, so even... of course, the number is important, it is very important, and now, i think, it is supported primarily by those fighters who
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have been at the front for a long time, who need to be replaced, but a quality replacement, because we understand that people who are trained, if they are replaced by those by people who are not qualitatively trained, or not so trained, or not capable of doing something, but they must be quickly thrown into position, they too can lose somewhere, lose somewhere, time is short, but on the other hand, time is short now, because these issues have not been resolved for a long time , i'm not going to go into those chests now to get a piece of old mothballs. why it is not so, it is not so for many reasons, but now there is a problem that ukraine is facing, business has to work, people have to pay, and by the way, for the same communal services that are planned, increase again, the solvency of the population is important, taxes are important, these donations are important, they must be taken from somewhere, because when a person has money left only for food, and he cannot give, because he will die of hunger. of course, i 'm doing it a bit in such a big contrast now, but sometimes these
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contrasts need to be given in order to better understand, that's why what happened, well, i'll say it in such a simple language, raids on businesses, unnecessary inspections, mm, such, let's go we will introduce such a ukrainian word, the horror of business, because there is such a thing, they always say, the nightmare of business, but a nightmare, it's not exactly ukrainian, the horror of business, it's very beautiful and even so terrible. business, terrorizing business, cool idea, terrorizing business, but it happened, it's also true, many famous businessmen and public figures wrote about it, and valery, pekar and many others, i read others, well, it was. and instead of giving an opportunity to adapt to the war, to start working more qualitatively, more efficiently, on the other hand, we also see the issue that the reservation issue should be decided by people who have the authority, understanding, experience before them, obviously there are some graphs and figures, they are looking, there are needs of the armed forces, there are needs of business, there are needs of communal services, well, they also have to work, everything that
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should flow must flow through the pipes, somewhere must not be blocked, we saw a fountain recently in the hosoliv district in dymivtsi. the fountain was really beautiful, but if there is no one to close it, stop it, repair it, or somewhere the subway has moved, or somewhere the bridge has moved, or something else, there must be people who have to do it, football clubs are booked in us, for example , this great, it's important, obviously, but we understand very well that many of those people, they are not strategic enterprises, and many of these will perform in international arenas, they are not olympic champions and not candidates for the olympics. and they don't participate in european competitions and don't even get into the national teams, there are youth, national, youth teams, but it is done, plus today i read such an idea that there is a so-called white business club, and that white business is correct, i say again, these are the right things, white business is the right thing thing, it should be, taxes should be paid honestly, but again, it is necessary that there is
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something to pay them from, because when they come with these checks that are incomprehensible, or when they simply pressurize you, or simply when they demand a bribe or a refusal from you... or , so that you are not demanded, you cannot work honestly, because if you do not pay so, so, so and so, you will not work, and you try to work here, and here someone comes, and people have to be paid, and you still have to pay taxes, and you have to donate to the armed forces, so that you at all was working, her people came from the other side of the border and said, give me everything, because they just killed and left and took away what they did and will continue to do today on ukrainian territory, so i don’t even know if there will be a guest or not , but it's a topic that we'll all... discuss, i think if not now, then we 'll discuss it, a lot of posts, i think you all feel it, you all feel it, you all feel it, on your pockets, you see it in the fate of your families, ukraine is in a very difficult situation, again, the needs of the armed forces huge, the enemy is accumulating reserves, the enemy is accumulating reserves in order to move, possibly to sumy oblast, the spokesman of the state border service said something about this today, the enemy
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may accumulate reserves or move again to kyiv oblast, or move somewhere and try again to... kherson oblast or in zaporizhia region, he does not abandon these ideas, by the way, he is not far from moving to the dnipro, if he wanted to, so there is a need, but all this must be done wisely, so that both critical enterprises work and those people who can contribute really and seriously and pay seriously taxes, let's say, those people who work for foreign business and receive foreign currency, can also pay here in ukraine, this is also important, and of course create conditions for ukrainians to return from abroad, because we need, banally now we need workers hands not all people are mobilized, i think that there are enough people abroad who really have a deferment or reservation, or their state of health does not allow them to work in the armed forces of ukraine, but their health allows them, say, to repair crane, work in a bakery, and drive a trolleybus or to collect crops in the field, sit behind a combine harvester, these
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people could, but today they do it, relatively speaking, or in poland, or in germany, or in belgium, or somewhere else, they would be needed here, but here... there must again be a guarantee that when these people arrive, someone will not take them away and scoop them up immediately, regardless of their state of health, and will not say: pay me and you will not go to serve, it must be, it must be guarantee, justice and rules, but when these rules will work for everyone, then i think the situation can align, because once again this ship, a big ship, which is ukraine today, which got into this rather serious storm, which may sometimes be carried on a rock, it has to maintain this balance, we see. what happened to the titanic, which broke, there the balance did not hold, there was more water somewhere, it just broke, we have to stand, but in order for this ship to stand in these, well, in stormy conditions, there must be a balance again, and it is not possible for one group of people to be more than one on any part of the ship, because he can just fall over, and we should not fall over, we will take this topic, i gave such a speech today, because i read a lot on this topic and it is good that there is an opportunity
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to discuss with you, it is clear that i will not hear you, but i will see your comments all of a sudden what... on youtube please comment subscribe like 00, there, maybe they even collected 3000, oh, they collected 3000, but still, let's go, i'll call you, i'll ask you if necessary, one second, i'll tell you everything as it should be, because this, this is important, so we're gathering for eh, for no, wait. we will do it right. we are asking you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or. in the gray area of ​​the open sky in any weather day and night, so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, armored personnel carriers, armored personnel carriers,
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a minibus is needed to deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as hydraulic jacks for the prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000, and we have collected, you have collected, we are only intermediaries in this story, although i also want to donate uah 30,144 for these needs and other needs, i thank you very much, and i understand, that the vast majority of the population of ukraine is struggling with money now, there are many needs, many of you, friends, relatives, loved ones at the front, they need it, and you may simply give this money to yours, your relatives, your loved ones, but also thank you for helping us and those soldiers who turn to the tv channel because they trust us . and we trust you, synoptic greetings to all, dear ukrainians, we
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will start our conversation today with a sneeze. who sneezes and their eyes itch, turn red, well, in a word, they are... classic manifestations of allergies, i inquired about this issue, and in fact it turns out that it is an allergy not to poplar fluff, but simply to these very snowflakes of poplars, settled pollen, various urban emissions, in a word , of all origins, these are, as it were, harmful impurities, and precisely that's why they cause allergies, and it is the allergy to poplar and down that is huge, as it turns out. a rarity, well, in order to soften the reaction of the body during this period, what should be done: rinse the nose and nasopharynx well with water, or there is now a lot
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all kinds of sprays already with purified sea water, well, whatever you like, wet cleaning, of course, homes, well, it never hurts at all, try not to go out in the middle of the day , it is better to be in the street or in offices or at home, well, really, who has suffered enough . from the reaction to this flight of this fluff, and of course, it is better not to use any allergenic products for people who are prone to allergies in general, but, well, to be honest, now they say that strawberries are quite allergenic, well, how can it be do not use it at all, in a word, don't sneeze, be attentive to yourself, be careful, and i remind you once again that in fact, in people who sneeze from thermal fluff, in fact, it is not an allergy to ... fluff, to various impurities and pollen that is on it settles we go further and talk about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field.
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tomorrow, as you will see, there will be little fluctuation from the forecast chart right now, no strong magnetic storms are predicted, so we are back to the highlight of our weather column forecasting the weather for the next day. so, tomorrow, may 22, a i... want to remind you that tomorrow is a special day for all ukrainians, it is the day of the reburial of taras hryhorovych shevchenko, and tomorrow, i do not start from the central regions, traditionally from the west, but i will remind you that tomorrow in the west of ukraine there is a possibility of short-term rains, even with a thunderstorm, but not everywhere, it is rather the extreme west, but, for example, ternopil region and khmelnytskyi region without precipitation, and the air temperature is high - 22, 27, 22, 28° above zero. in the north of ukraine, rain is likely in sumy oblast and chernihiv oblast, in zhytomyr and kyiv oblasts without precipitation, air temperature 2026° above zero.
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in the central part of ukraine, and here i just casually mention cherkasy and kaniv. precipitation is not expected, the air temperature is 21-26°c, in other words, comfortable, warm weather. it will also be very warm in the southern part of ukraine. 22, 26, 22, 27° and no precipitation is predicted, it will be a lot of sun. in contrast , by the way, to the northern or western regions, where cloudiness will increase, and in kyiv in the coming days, may 22, the day of the reburial of taras hryhorovych shevchenko, the maximum air temperature is expected +24-26°, there will be no precipitation, but the cloudiness of the tail of the atmospheric front will cover it a little. the sky, and therefore the sun will not burn, which, frankly, we are not yet used to. here's the nearest synoptic outlook, keep an eye out for
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our updated weather forecasts. on the espresso channel. thank you natal snidenko. by the way, the active sun has increased solar generation enough, and this gives its advantages for the energy system of our country, so the sun does not burn this year, it saves, let's say. so, now to the news of eurodonbas culture on mykhailivska, now, just walking around the capital, you can finally get rid of it. stereotypes about donetsk region and luhansk region. as lina chechenina will demonstrate to us. let's watch and listen. please, you have the word. good evening. good evening, vasyl. literally in a second, i will show you how to get rid of these stereotypes by reading literally a few stands. well
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, gandriy and i are now on mykhailivska square, i think you have recognized it, if you haven’t, look, this is a famous exhibition, very popular cars and tanks, there are a lot of them here every time i come here people, but if you have already come to mykhailivska to see this exhibition, you can also pay attention to the opposite side. square and look here now stands have been set up, these are the creators of the eurodonbas tape korniy hrytsiuk, they continue us further, continue to do enlightenment, so the tape in general, let me remind you, if anyone has not seen it, it is dedicated to how global investors, wealthy people invested money in development donetsk region and luhansk region, many people do not like the word donbas, by the way, and here it is painted
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on... every stand, how and who invested in the cities of donetsk region and luhansk region, what was done there, for example, donetsk, it is written that this is a british heritage, definitely the mentioned john hughes, after whom donetsk was named, he was called yuzivka, at first we see his house, which is now already destroyed, it seems to me finally, because at the time of the beginning of the occupation of donetsk, it was already in the emergency room. and well, actually here it is told about how caring these investors were, almost all of them, they made very comfortable conditions for their employees, and therefore and donetsk region and luhansk region, these were such truly european cities, there were those in these regions. druzhkivka is a french heritage, we also see about the french contribution to this
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city, it is written that... not only money came here, but also culture, theater, architecture, and even lilacs and apricots, by the way, i didn't know that , and by the way, each stand has a ukrainian-language version and an english-language version, we know that quite a lot of foreigners still come to kyiv now, they can read it too, the contribution of german investors too we can see, this is the city of new york, there is also, let me remind you, the new york... literary festival, and here it is told how the germans were engaged in farming and gardening, how they brought them here, well, unfortunately, the germans during the second world war world they were repressed, they were sent to siberia, to kazakhstan, we also know this story, this is one of such repressed peoples, and also two stands about mariupol at once, we see one of the most notable... sights
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of mariupol, this hotel kontinental, it was also one of the business cards, and it was also like that an investment in the city, and only later, when the soviet union began, they first built a building of trade unions there, and then a palace of culture, and then there is lysychansk and everything else, and well , in the end, these are all the stands, if you read them, again stereotypes about donetsk region and luhansk region will fall away from you, if perhaps you had them, so if you're just walking around the city center, be sure to go and find the movie eurodonbas, watch it, it's extremely interesting.


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