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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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also, there are two stands about mariupol at once, we see one of the most notable, not sights, but places of mariupol, this is the continental hotel, it was also one of the business cards, and it was also such an investment in the city, and only later, when the soviet union, then first they built a house of trade unions there, and then a palace of culture, well, and it goes on... sechansk and everything else, and well, after all, these are all the stands, if you read them, once again you will get rid of the stereotypes about donetsk region and luhansk region, if possible you had them, so if you will just walking around the city center, be sure to go and find the movie eurodonbas, watch it, it's extremely interesting. "dear chechens, be sure
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to visit the exhibition, and now further on in the capital, the awarding ceremony of the georgy gongaz award has begun in the capital . our correspondent tetyana golunova, who is currently in touch with us live, therefore tanya, knows who is applying for the award this year. congratulations, is it already known about the name of the winner, please, congratulations to vasylya, i also congratulate the viewers of the tv channel, the name of the winner is still unknown, because the ceremony". so, it is not yet known who the winner is, and i would like to remind you that every year on may 21, on the birthday of journalist georgy kongaz , the award is presented in his name. this year , three journalists are applying for it, anna babinets, the head of the investigative agency slidstvo-info, as well as the director of the department of strategic analysis and development of socially influential content in the public sphere, tetyana troshchynska, and the founder and chief.
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editor of the edition for kyiv and independent olga rudenko. what do the contestants themselves say about this prize, about this award, as far as it is for they are important, let's hear them right now. a person with the largest in the country, and to be nominated for the second time is a great honor, probably means that during these two years i also did something else that seemed to be noticeable to the chapter. i am very happy with the company i am in. anna and olga are indisputable... professional journalists, media managers, editors, yes, who each do in their own field, well, just huge things, there are probably still two small differences, this year we have three nominees at once, three of ukrainian journalists who made it to the finals, to our short list, and obviously it must be said that at the time of a full-scale invasion for us, as the organizers of the heorhiy gongadze award, our deceased.
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his colleagues, it is very important for us to speak and preserve the memory of our fallen colleagues and co-workers. however, in november 2020. i would like to remind you that the award named after george konka is one of the main awards for professional journalists in ukraine. it was founded in 2019 by ukrainian pam, together with the family of george gongadze, as well as with the ukrainian pravda publication and the kyiv-mohyla business school and publication. business school, and i will also remind everyone that last year the founder of the ukraine project bohdan logvinenko received this award, from the beginning of the full-scale invasion, his media talked about russia's aggression against ukraine for ukrainian and foreign audiences, i will also note that during today's event, under during today's presentation of this award, all participants also remembered all the dead ukrainian defenders and workers of the facility mass
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silyamoriykom, we welcome you, our dear viewers, to the joint broadcast of the first crimean tatar tv channel atr and the espresso tv channel. i, guls khalilova, work for you in the studio, i am alone today, but my colleague andriy yanitskyi is in direct contact with me from lviv, from the lviv studio, and i hope that he already hears me, andriy, hello, i hear , congratulations, i'm in... lviv
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because of a big media event, lviv mediaform, i have to be here, i have to represent espresso, because there are many contacts here, but i also see a lot. crimean journalists who are currently working in the free ukrainian territory, and i see in lviv many signs of crimea, the presence of crimea and the crimean agenda here, well, for example, until may 18, it is clear that mourning events will take place over the lviv city hall, the crimean flag will be raised, the crimean the flag is stamga, and there are events related to the cult'. of crimea, which resonate, they are not so non-tragic, because not everyone actually wants to remember crimea only in a tragic way, there are events that simply remind ukrainians and lvivians, that
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the same people as them live in crimea, that despite the occupation, these people seek freedom, and this is done in various ways, well, in particular, for example, through the spread of the crimean tatar coffee culture, here is liranea khaibulaeva, who is the owner of the krymsky dvorik restaurant in lviv, conducts such a cultural project in a competing event, and teaches lviv residents how to make crimean coffee correctly. well, it is very important indeed, especially on the eve of the anniversary of the deportation, and it is right to say so. crimean tatar genocide people on may 18, i am talking about genocide, because many countries, the ukrainian state, the baltic states, and canada have already recognized the deportation of the crimean tatar people as genocide, and now
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the inter-league of the crimean tatar people is working to ensure that other countries of the european union also recognize the deportation as genocide, and we we will talk about it today with the historian. but traditionally, andriy, we always start the broadcast with the military component and summarize what was happening in the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, this week there was a double blow to the enemy airports in the occupied crimea. there, ballistic missile attacks echoed in belbek and sarabuz. the russian military and the occupation authorities claim that several missiles were destroyed on approach in the military area. belbek airfield over the black sea, but local residents reported that they saw and heard the sounds of the landing and the airbase and even recorded it on video, and then the russian occupation authorities detained several
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young guys there and simply forced them to apologize for the video , which they published, and... we are talking about these events today we are planning to talk with mr. volodymyr zablotskyi, a naval expert of defense express, a retired captain of the first rank, he is now in direct contact with us, mr. volodymyr, we welcome you, silyam aliyka, alaikum vash salaam, thank you for the invitation, glory to ukraine, ladies, players, heroes, glory, thank you for joining our broadcast, what did you remember this week on the territory? crimea, what do these attacks by the armed forces of ukraine mean for you and what consequences of the russian occupiers can we already talk about? well, to me, that means if understand, the continuation of the purposeful
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work of the armed forces of ukraine in preparation for the pre-occupation of the crimean peninsula, this is a logical continuation, quite logical, even the scale. the occurrence of what we saw last year, when the air defense system on tarkhankut was attacked, when several radio technical posts, radars, etc., which ensured the operation of air defense were destroyed, and all this happened after the so-called boyka towers were deoccupied, and even earlier, the island of snakes, this is such a retrospective, and for... now there is a logical continuation of everything of this, the next steps are already large-scale strikes, that is, we have the potential to destroy targets no longer with point strikes, as before, not with small series, but on a large scale, so that if something
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is shot down, the rest will reach the target, and we see how this was in dzhankoya, where the objects were attacked first of all. there are also planes at the airfield, but now at belbek, belbek is also that and, well, let's say this, such a node in the south. this is a different, different unit of the russians, but it does not matter to us, because the fewer of them, the better, here we are talking about an attack on our own planes, and data is already coming in about the destruction, about damage, here we see now on the screen, about the destruction of air defense systems, at least the radar stations for the s-300 and s... 400 are the main complexes used by the russians to cover their objects in
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the occupied crimea, and in general, these are the most massive systems, especially for them the destruction of the elements of the s-400 triumf complex, which they present as invulnerable, which can shoot down everything, but we see that not everything cannot. what is this done for, these are, let's say, logical steps to ensure the supremacy of the armed forces, the air force of ukraine, in the air, and usually according to the classics of the genre, this happens when a military operation is being prepared, when aviation will be involved, when cruise missiles, drones will be used for... the impression of other purposes, and to it is necessary to multiply by zero, as
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they say, the air defense system and fighter aircraft of the enemy, to neutralize it so that it, well , at least changes its location, or even better, so that it does not change anything at all and is destroyed. and you know what i wonder, mr. volodymyr, where is this vaunted russian air defense system? well, here we are... now we are saying that on the crimean peninsula, at least here , air defense has already been neutralized by 3/4, of course, that they will replace something there, where they will take it from, but it is not so easy, and where they will take it , well, we will see, and er, we will be able to launch strikes, of course, where this air defense will be weakened, and where can i take it, from the crimean bridge, or from novorossiysk, yes, and tonight we see that novorossiysk. it was so fun, i.e. you can't take it from there, the crimean bridge, well, let's take it off, let's see,
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objectively, they only have such a belt nearby, well, there in the east of crimea, there is kerch, here in that area, because here dzhankoy, tarkhankut, belbek, it no longer works, no functional, at least, or it can't see, or it has nothing to shoot at, or... the ammunition is depleted, and so on, that is, to say that there is a full-fledged russian air defense in crimea would be an exaggeration, although what is left there cannot be understated , they can do something else, they will try to shoot, shoot down, well, but that’s the way it is, so there there will be more propaganda than a real war, mr. volodymyr, and what we see is how quickly it appears on the internet... video footage of explosions appears, despite all the efforts of the fsb, it simply speaks of some such
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natural curiosity of the crimeans for such unexpected explosions, are these crimeans who are pro-ukrainian, record the losses of russians and send this information to various anonymous telegram channels or to the ukrainian special services, is this just curiosity? nevertheless, it is possible to measure pro-ukrainian sentiment crimean? here you can say that both are present, it is natural when a person sees something that he has never seen before, he films it and wants to share it, because it is authority in the environment, friends, acquaintances and so on, and on the other hand side, well, we see that this process, well, it scales, always when something is banned. on the contrary, it is done, it happens in the opposite way, and we can hope
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that there is an element and a patriotic element as well, i don’t think that what they transmit there are separate, let’s say, sources of our intelligence, here in the center, it comes out on the screens, first, it's like this, it's different channels, but nevertheless intelligence usually uses it, it's called: osint, that is , open sources of information, open, intelligence of open sources of information, that is , including video channels, there is a photo. videos that are posted in open access, but nevertheless, patriotism is also present here, and to a lesser extent there are already such desires, let's say so, to show yourself to someone there, especially among young people, well, but nevertheless it is useful, let it be both continue, because one passes in another, and let's hope ms. gulsum, i
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wanted to point out, we just saw on the qr screen. code, our dear viewers, if you see a qr code on the screen, quickly raise your smartphones, take a picture of that qr code, and drop money on rep for the 48th osh named after noman chelbychhan, these are direct fighters who set themselves the goal of liberation crimea, and we all cheer for it. yes, khrym, bezimozhakhi, mr. volodymyr, here you know, i have a question, you talked about the fact that the russian occupiers now have very serious... problems with air defense in the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula, does this mean that for us, for the armed forces of ukraine, this increases the probability of strikes on the kerch bridge, which we can expect in the shortest possible time, including that such a
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scenario cannot be excluded, but the destruction of the kerch bridge will be done, let's say, in time when... it will be needed by the armed forces of ukraine, that is, when other factors will be present, when we will be ready to strike at, say, to storm the enemy's fortifications and break through the peninsula, this is the first thing, because if it is attacked and even destroyed now, well, they will start to restore and repair it, as has already happened twice, and then they will have neither time nor opportunity, and they will remain in crimea no longer on a peninsula, but on an island, so to speak, blocked from all sides, without weapons, without ammunition, without fuel, without everything else, they will then only have a sea channel of delivery, here we have means of blockade, unmanned boats, to also, the new developments
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offered to us are promised by our defenders, defense speakers including submarines, including armored boats, well, a lot of such interesting things, which we will hear more about, and a blockade from the sea, then this will already force the enemy to either leave or surrender, let's see when the next guest will be, you will present it before the advertisement, and that, andriy, you had a question, there was a question that our partisans, in particular, partisan units, see... the strengthening of the enemy's manpower in the crimea, well, they are accumulating this manpower directly in dzhankoya, there are photos that record it, and in including pulling up armored vehicles, is the eastern front all overturned, or does it stay in crimea to meet ukrainian troops in case of a breakthrough, why
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exactly in dzhankoya. this accumulation is taking place, the fact is that in crimea there is a process of restoration of combat units that were damaged in battles, in other areas, enemy units are assigned there on a rotating basis, on the other hand, a line of fortifications is already being built there, then from the same dzhanko and even further north, near chongar, near other isthmuses, so that... just in case, an attempt attack, and such an attack is predicted by the armed forces, by the enemy, in order to, well, mine there, so that there are some troops, because the troops in crimea, after the open invasion, there were no such line troops left, here is the enemy, and well, make something in advance trying to do, he just doesn't do anything,
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you have to, you don't have to, take it lightly, that's why, that's how it looks somehow. thank you, well, indeed, the russian occupiers, we now see how they are accumulating their troops in dzhankoya, well, at least the russian occupation authorities are reporting on this, but at the same time, we see how they continue to build fortifications in the northern region of crimea, this is how you evaluate these actions of the russian occupiers, can they really be effective, or is it just... well , you know, this is money laundering from the russian occupation authorities, aksyonov's government in crimea, you know, everything possible is planned here . and laundering and so on, but given the processes that are currently taking place in moscow, related to the purges in the ministry of defense, there may be efforts to really
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build something here, because they understand there, because if the war started in crimea, it may end there, eh, that is, the loss in crimea will be very painful for the kremlin dictator personally, and that is why they are still trying to build something so that... well, it will be called to stop the offensive of the armed forces, we we already saw this last year, when they stopped, well, or suspended, if we say so, our offensive, well, for various reasons, we did not succeed, but next time we will take into account the mistakes and miscalculations of the past and do everything possible, besides crimea , well, he is not so impregnable, such a fortress that can not. to take, no matter who built what there, historical experience shows that everyone who attacked crimea later captured it, one way or another, it was done in different ways,
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by different means, but nevertheless, all this ultimately led to the capture of crimea and the resolution of the issues of the side that attacked will be the same this time, because in the stupa... therefore , it is impossible to build something that will be impregnable, and what they will build, well, everything that is built by man can be destroyed by man , as you know, here this is roughly how it looks, mr. volodymyr, and the question regarding the naval forces, well, in this case, the russian naval forces on the crimean peninsula, whether they still have warships there, or whether all the warships have already been withdrawn to the novorossian and to other ports, and... what are they left, how do they hide them from ukrainian naval drones, are they building any additional obstacles, are they hiding them between non-civilian ships, are there
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any other tricks that we do not know about, we have two minutes, mr. volodymyr, the opponent leaves a certain number of ships, mainly in sevastopol, they are there for repairs, they receive ammunition there, carry out some transportation, this is what the vdc does, they really do, they mask them, first of all, from above with nets near the berths, so that it is not visible what is there standing and why , they are constantly being rearranged, damaged ships are placed where the undamaged ones were standing, between civilian ships, between auxiliary ones, a rocket moved, here was the last example when the rescue ship of the commune was attacked, a rocket accidentally hit, it went... a different goal, well, it’s such a thing, it ’s war, well, but the enemy hides against ships in ports only because they are afraid to go to sea, they carry out transportation at night,
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check the route in advance, they control everything in front of them, that is, this instead of ordinary transportation, novorossian sevastopol turns for them into a whole operation with the involvement of surface aviation, underwater forces there and so on, i am not talking about the withdrawal of missile carriers into the sea. this very rarely happens, and it also turns into an operation that is fixed immediately with our reconnaissance means, but for now we are waiting for the appearance of means of destroying underwater carriers, so we will continue to wait. thank you very much, mr. volodymyr, chuhsagly, for taking the time to join our broadcast. defense express naval expert volodymyr zablotskyi, retired captain of the first morning, was in direct contact with us. thank you, but we are not saying goodbye, we have a short break, later in this studio will be historian, tv presenter and
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journalist gulnara abdulaeva, we will talk about the anniversary of the deportation of the genocide crimean tatar people, do not switch, see you soon! vasyl zima's big broadcast, it's a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, and we're starting two hours of air time. two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and what the world is like, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar, yuriy dobrovecher will speak in more detail , please give me the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, thank you very much, lilina chechen. for information about the news of the presenters' culture, which has become familiar to many. natalka dyadenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the new year, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's
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deputy of ukraine, as well. was the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who care. espresso in the evening. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is a shipping district. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. weekdays at 9:00. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events.
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if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club, every saturday at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback , you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with... with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their robots are our security with you. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, the strong in spirit appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men until the holy victory. everyone
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who...lots unmanned aerial vehicles, understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return our native land meter by meter. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. maleikum, welcome to the community. ether of the first of the crimean tatar tv channel atp and the espresso tv channel, i work for you in the studio, i am guls khalilova, and my colleague andriy yanitskyi is in direct contact with us. in this block of our program, we will talk about the anniversary of the deportation and the anniversary of the genocide of the crimean tatar people. yes, but before we move on to the topic, i would like to remind you that this broadcast is also broadcast on
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youtube channels atp and spr. and if you watch it on youtube, be sure to like, subscribe, set the bell, comment on this episode on youtube, it's very it is important for other people to see this broadcast as well, this is how internet technologies work, well, may 17, probably, it was the last day in 1944, when the crimean tatars went to bed, i don't suspect. or what awaits them on may 18 already in the morning, all these horrors that then befell the crimean tatar people by order of the dictator stalin, and for the next, at least 50 years, crimean tatars lived in the hope of returning home, returning to crimea, and today has already passed 80... years,
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but this pain, it will never be forgotten, and especially after the occupation of crimea in 2014, we see how the russian occupation authorities de facto continue the hybrid deportation of the crimean tatar people. we will talk about this today with historian, journalist and tv presenter gulnara abdulaeva, she is now. with us in the studio, we welcome you, silyam aliyk, alek silyam, congratulations, andriy, i will start then, and then you will continue and ask your questions, okay, you do not mind, yes, of course, of course, yes, gulnara khan, well, i would like to start with such a general question, how the ussr was preparing to the deportation of the crimean tatars, and why exactly in 1944...


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