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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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operates in the northern commercial court of appeal. in this way , you can get a promotion and reset some facts of your personal and professional biography. gorbasenko also spams the prosecutor general and the supreme council of justice with grievances and complaints about alleged interference in his work. in reality, he is trying to justify himself in a banal way, because appeals about his unprofessionalism and mistakes made during the consideration of cases have been received by the highest level of the commission. it is about one of the enterprises of critical infrastructure in the kyiv region, bilotserki. thermal power plant. the shareholders insist that in the pad case the judge made many unjust decisions and took measures to secure the lawsuit by suspending the effect of the decisions of the general meeting of shareholders. in another case, gorbasenko did the same based on a statement signed by the defendant's representative and undertook to consider another lawsuit, again , signed not by the plaintiffs, but by the defendant's representative. the northern commercial court of appeal, where gorbasenko wants to go, overturned his decisions. so the shareholders believe that the actions of the judge have signs of raiding and illegal
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interference in economic activity and reported it to the higher qualification commission, which must determine whether the judge will continue his career. instead, gorbasenko decided that the appeal of the shareholders to the vkk is nothing more than interference in its activities. from pavlo gorbasenko's report on interference in the judge's activities. i consider it necessary to report the interference in my activity as a judge, regarding the administration of justice, as well as the manifestation of contempt of court. spam above instances. prosecutor's office and courts with complaints and lawsuits for gorbasenko a common case in an odious oase, he challenged the negative conclusion of the public integrity council, then tried to challenge the decision of the vkk itself in the supreme court. experts considered these actions as an attempt to evade the qualification assessment. the judge provided known true or false information in the assessment procedures and attempted to evade the examination. pavlo gorbasenko was appointed a commercial judge. to kyiv region by
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presidential decree in 2010, i used family, friendship and other informal connections career since 2007, gorbasenko was married to was married at the house of a person who at that time was a judge of the supreme court of ukraine and the head of the trial chamber in the main case, as well as a member of the supreme council. at the end of the zero years, gorbasenko, who was working... as a legal consultant in a private firm, suddenly decided to change his activities and got a job at the commercial court of the kyiv region. just during the time when his then father-in-law valentyn barbara was a member of the supreme council of justice. an interesting coincidence. during his work as a judge , gorbasenko managed to get into several scandals and live off a considerable amount of real estate. a housewife helped her mother earn property. the judge assures that it was his mother who gave him two apartments of 116 and 136 m2 in the summer district of kyiv. my mother gave
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me two apartments and a car. here are some of the most expensive residential complexes in obolon with picturesque views of the dnipro. prices for apartments start at $100,000 for a simple one-room apartment. and the gorbasynk family actually has an entire floor. according to data from the yuntrol service , these elites own four apartments and three parking spaces houses were also issued for gorbasenko's brother oleksiy. i wonder how much such pleasure cost. pavel gorbasenko's mother built a house for herself over 800 meters in the village of labydivka near kyiv. next to the picturesque green forest, on a huge private territory of more than half a hectare, there is a two-story building - the altanka pool. where did the housewife's mother get the money for such a big house and luxurious apartments in obolon? pavlo gorbasenko assures that all the money is the wealth of the businessman's father. father is a builder with many years of experience. seniority, and besides
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construction industry, he is engaged in various indirect activities, the father of judge volodymyr gorbasenko runs his business in occupied crimea, so he obviously pays taxes to the terrorist state. we are not even surprised that the name of the father of the head of the economic court of the kyiv region appeared in the peacemaker database. analysts , together with special services, discovered that in february -march 2022, volodymyr gorbasenko had a russian mobile phone number. fixed in roaming in the temporarily occupied territory of the kyiv region. most likely gorbasenko participated in the military aggression of the russian federation against ukraine, the peacekeeper notes. and when the kyiv region was liberated, he fled back to the crimea. and this is hanna svyredenko, a member of the kyiv city council and the owner of a large amount of real estate, in particular in kyiv and the occupied crimea. according to the documents, she divorced pavlo gorbasenko for the second time. the first time they allegedly broke up at the end of 2004, 13th
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year, however, they remained in such a wonderful relationship that already five days after the divorce, they went to europe together. in 2017 they had a child together, then traveled abroad dozens of times. even in times of war, it all seems too much like manipulating the rules of the law, presumably to avoid declaring assets. we broke up with her in the 14th year, and therefore in the future i did not specify her, but we continued our communication, just two circumstances under which i have to declare her disappeared. in january 22, gorbasenko and svorodenko got married again, and in the fall of last year, they once again hastily decided to divorce. everything was organized literally in a day. by me and his ex-wife was tried to file a claim in a separate action in order to speed up the proceedings. the divorce took place just before the qualification assessment of gorbasenko and the opening of the register of declarations, from which we learned that in
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2023 he and hanna sveridenko had another daughter, and this also indicates close family relations, which the couple once again decided to hide. presumably to manipulate the rules of the law when declaring property. the higher qualification commission of judges allowed gorbasenko to participate in the competition employment in the northern commercial court of appeal. and while he is preparing for the next interview, the members of the supreme court of appeals have already obviously prepared questions for him about unjust decisions with signs of raiding, and about sky-high real estate and probably fictitious divorces, as well as relations with his father, who pays taxes in occupied crimea and according to the peacekeeper . could be involved in the military aggression of the russian federation against ukraine, so in order to justify himself, gorbasenko filed several complaints to the high council of justice and the prosecutor general's office about alleged interference in his judicial activity. vrp conducted an inspection and announced the decision last week. according to the results of checking the reports of the judge
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of the economic court of the kyiv region gorbasenko, no facts of interference in their activities as judges, as well as actions that carry a threat independently, have been established. judges and the authority of justice, about which the corresponding conclusions were made, all 14 members of the vrp present at the meeting voted for this decision and actually recognized that gorbasenko submitted a known false report about interference in his activities. meanwhile, in the near future , the higher qualification commission of judges should also announce its decision regarding the judge. it depends on her whether gorbasenko will continue to sit in the judge's chair and whether he will be able to transfer to another court. we hope members. the missions will carefully investigate his biography, professional competence, legality of decisions and conformity of lifestyle with official incomes and make a fair decision regarding gorbasenko. today i have everything, it was judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. tell us about the ones you know
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facts of corruption in the judicial system. message me on facebook or at the email address you see on your screens. see you in exactly a week, all the best. 16-year-old ksenia zelena, 17-year-old dmytro gurbunov and 16-year-old anastasia pokhylyuk. all these children disappeared in the temporarily occupied territories. daughters have been unable to find out where they are for a long time. that is why i really hope for your help, and of course, i am mostly addressing the residents of the donetsk territories not controlled by ukraine region i know that you may have difficulty watching ukrainian
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tv channels right now, but you may be watching this program on social networks. therefore, i am asking you to look carefully into the faces of the children. ksenia zelena looks about 16 years old, she has dark hair, and the girl was last seen in donetsk. dmytro gurbunov, he turned 17 six months ago, but the guy looks, maybe a little older than his age. he has light blond hair and gray-blue eyes. dmytro was last seen in donetsk region in the volnova district, the village of krasna polyana. and this is anastasia pokhylyuk. the girl turned 16 on september 23. she is thin, has fair, blond hair and... looks her age, official information about nastya's disappearance came last summer, but it is quite possible that contact with her was lost much earlier, and this is not surprising, because the child disappeared in the bakhmut district, where the situation has been too tense for a long time. if suddenly someone
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has information about the possible whereabouts of ksenia, dmytro or nastya, or maybe just saw these children somewhere, immediately let us know, even a small piece of news can become very... important. you can call the magnolia child tracing service at any time of the day by dialing the short number 1163. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. if you suddenly find yourself in the temporarily occupied territory and cannot make a call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram, or look for us on facebook. i have told you the stories of just three children who disappeared due to a full-scale russian invasion. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have already received several thousand appeals for assistance in searching. of course, the vast majority of children were found and now they are fine, but unfortunately... the fate of many still remains unknown, and everyone can help find them. believe me, just a minute
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of your time can be decisive. go to the website of the magnolia children's search service in the missing children of ukraine section. here you can view all the photos of the missing. perhaps you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. at the same time, unfortunately, children are also disappearing in the territories controlled by ukraine. and, as it shows. service card search for children, the vast majority of them are teenagers who often resort to running away because of their experiences and some unresolved problems. we talked about this topic with a psychologist and collected a lot of tips for parents that can prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. tell the child who he can turn to in case of need. of course, ideally, it could be you, the one she should turn to when she feels the need. in this, but sometimes you may not be available, you may be at work, busy with some other things, and what
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do then? agree on this in advance, think together with the child to whom he can also turn, maybe it will be another adult from the family, maybe it will be one of the teachers, or the school psychologist. in addition, agree on an anti-crisis plan with the child, how he should act when he gets into a situation that may carry a threat, and if it happened on the street. where to run, how to call for help, how to take a taxi and get home, and the child must have money for this taxi, that is, work out an anti-crisis plan to the smallest detail, and the more detailed it is, the more the chance that it will work, and the better chance that you will save the child from some great danger. we have created a resource thanks to which you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all
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possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. there are discounts representing coco discounts in may on valeriana bulgarian tablets. 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics, today we will discuss with you, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and what the world is like, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar, yuriy dobrovech will speak in more detail, please give you the word of the hour. to keep up with the economic news, time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchyvka is with us, oleksandr,
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welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenii, for the information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on prideshnaya day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. when will the war end? in the imagination of europeans until the middle of 2025. it is until that time that most eu countries plan to complete support programs for ukraine. there are no predictions about how the future fate of ukrainians will unfold, and no proposals. in 2025, the european union will end temporary protection for ukrainians and they will no longer have
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a special status. i constantly ask myself this question, what will happen next. if last year we talked about i want to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home, this year i don't know. and what do the refugees themselves think about their future and how are they preparing for 2025. are we ready in ukraine? power should have a demographic strategy. documentary streak. driven out by war, the price of no return on saturday, may 25 at 10:00 p.m. on tv channel uso. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, live broadcast, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut,
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we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00.
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congratulations, it has not yet been time, one might say, to somehow free the ministry of defense of russia, completely from former minister shuigu, as they are already beginning to tell about how there everything was leaked a lot, and you know, from such stories it is clear what will happen next. even more and more, but this one is interesting because, after all, it is not the last person in putin's government who is telling this, a respected member of the state duma, well, even such a leader, i would say, of this state duma, but he suddenly suddenly saw things and says, how literally everything was stolen there during shoigu's time, and let's not forget that everyone
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repeats very diligently there that shoigu has not gone anywhere, he remains in power, he was literally so even... responsible position, but this does not prevent us from talking about him. you know that when the special military operation began, we together with you in this studio said how many times , how come, and here is this product, and here is this product, which was shown to us at the victory parade on red square. actually, that's what he had in mind, but where are the drones that showed us where they are, then, when it started, there seemed to be three of them before the start of the special operation. when the real war started, it suddenly became clear that it doesn't shoot, and it doesn't fly. well, again, i think that there is more there will be more and more, but there will always be a solovyov who will tell that it is not his fault, and in the end, it is probably the people themselves who are to blame for the fact that he does not report in the right way, that he
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does not talk about the right things and does everything in general, well, that is, in the end always... the culprits will most likely be the ordinary russian soldiers who, well, not only are they being disposed of there in bundles, but they will also now be guilty of stealing everything from the ministry of defense. by the way, the phrase of the minister of defense andrii yarimovych bilousov, that you can make mistakes, you can't lie, first of all. should apply to all those who form reports from below, first of all, you cannot lie from below, because error accumulates from above, when false information comes from below, so to all those who joyfully began to portray themselves as examples of holiness, look in the mirror, always start from himself, well, he is probably
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hinting this to the honorable head of the state duma that... let him look at himself, not only that he is stealing, but you are also stealing there, but of course this is an attempt to translate everything at once to some ordinary people there russians, it is very common for russia in principle , and to tell that they lied all over there, and that is why the boyars did not know, the tsar did not know, nobody knew anything, because those who are running around the fields in ukraine, they lied about something, but don't lie, it's... you know, somehow neither salavyov nor other propagandists blame themselves, somehow they simply can't not lie a priori, if they've already opened their mouths. they always lie, but this week they had such a new story, such a new and literally company, which they tried to launch, and you could
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even see it somewhere separately, if you went on social networks, they tried to tell, well, in general, it is very important for russia right now, to disrupt the mobilization measures in ukraine in any way, it is simply applied a huge amount of effort, er... everyone from shary to mosiychuk, i mean igor mosiychuk, is involved, a lot of money is pumped in there, and in principle, too, well, they tried to organize such, you know, some kind of flash mob, literally, uh- eh, probably they specially paid some people there who were supposed to tell how in ukraine, at the beginning of the introduction of the law on mobilization, people disappeared from the streets, there is no one on the streets at all, it turned out. somewhat comical, because, well, you know, to those who walked the streets of the cities on may 18, well, it was probably
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noticeable that somehow even a little bit in some places it was difficult to crowd from people, there were so many of them, well, but that’s, you know, not prevented those people and those russian agents who received money from the russians from trying to put something like that into their own hands, well, actually. word for word they repeated the same thing and told word for word how men disappeared from the streets of ukrainian cities. here are shots from various ukrainian cities after may 18. the streets, please note, were suddenly deserted. there are no men on the streets. all ukrainian boys are sitting at home. may 18, the 24th.
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here are shots from various ukrainian cities after may 18. ugh, especially this weekend, there were empty restaurants, yeah, you couldn't even go in and find a seat in some cities, well, but again, it was inconvenient, because when, in other programs , they tried to show something... like that a little later, it suddenly turned out that it was quite crowded on the streets and it was somehow difficult to explain it, well, but this
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absolutely did not prevent the russian propagandists from continuing to lie and continue to try to arrange something with it, well, in general , it can be said that this company of theirs failed, because it is difficult to convince someone that there are no people on the streets, when people go out on the streets, and they see that, well, everything is happening there as usual, actually. nothing new, if in february, march, for example, on the 22nd of the year , the streets were really emptied and there were really no people on them, well, everyone remembers how it was, who was in some ukrainian cities at that time, remembers that there were empty streets, and if they are not empty now, well , how many people say on russian television and in some such paid recordings that they went somewhere and saw and... they specially took a picture of something empty somewhere and told them what to look at , there are no people here, you know, it doesn’t work anyway, and in the end it worked out, i mean, something
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it's uncomfortable, even on russian tv, besides, the pictures seem fresh, nothing like that, people are walking on the streets, please pavlovich, explain what's happening there, i haven't seen many videos from the dnieper, from kharkiv, from kyiv, from many cities where... well, of course, it is always more visible from the moscow studio, where there is nothing on the streets of kyiv, well , such a delusion, well, no less delusion flared up in them regarding the actual disaster that happened with the helicopter of the president of iran, which fell , crashed. well, actually the president himself iran died, well, but the russians wouldn't be russians if they didn't try to invent something like that out of it, and of course what
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they invent in the first place. they are trying to somehow find some traces, well, i don’t know, they haven’t been able to find a ukrainian trace there yet, but of course the american ones are already actively looking for it, and i will also show it now, but first of all, of course, they are trying to tell that this is probably sabotage, a terrorist attack and something else like that. versions that it could not just be a tragedy are constantly circulating. if they will traces of sabotage of a terrorist act, the situation can become very tense. the people, and even specialists in the field of aviation in the east, are very actively discussing the version of some kind of external intervention. especially since iranian leaders have been dying one after another recently, and in some cases the united states of america and israel. moreover
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, this happened during his official visit to this country and he was met by iraqi officials, took a drone on the way out of the airport, flew up and killed everyone who was in the delegation and who met the iranian general the whip of the same general muhammad zahidi and other iranian officers who died as a result of the israeli strike on syria. that is, there was a lot of everything that makes us suspect not only weather conditions and technical malfunction. well, the fact is that when there were these previous cases, it was somehow
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so. it was clear and no one particularly hid that these were certain strikes and, well , the liquidation of certain persons, and now, well, everyone there , israel, the united states, distanced themselves and said that most likely these are some of your stories, the fact is that here it is not completely there is also such, you know, an unambiguous situation, since there may actually be a struggle within... the iranian elite itself, there are certain preconditions there, because ayatollah khamenei is quite an old man, and at the same time he is quite sick, he has a son who he wants to make him his successor, and his direct competitor was president raisi, who died just now, and well, in fact, if you say so, it is the liquidation of a competitor, the son, the son of the incumbent, and
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i... the khamenian mob, well, and well, that is , there may be another version, but actually for now for the russians, it became, you know, such a kind of hysterical moment, because for them, well, in their conspiratorial world , the fact that there are some pro-russian leaders there are making attempts on them. others invent assassination attempts on their own, others there is something else, for them it all somehow causes such a little even, i would say, panic when they talk about it, well, i don't know, it looks more like, you know, some kind of nervousness themselves russians about the fact that some strange stories are happening with their allies, it was considered the most likely successor of ayatollah
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khamenei. to the conservative part of the iranian elites, oriented to close cooperation, both with russia and china, we will record that in one week it happened to coincide, there was an attempt on the prime minister of slovakia fitso. the failed attempt on the president of serbia vučić, the attempt of a new coup d'état in turkey, and now the death of the president of iran, all these countries are friendly to russia. well, it is so bad to be a country friendly to russia, but looking at it, and somehow even, i would say, it is dangerous to be the leader of a country that is friendly to russia, that is the only conclusion that can be drawn from this, and meanwhile, the russians are very much grasping for any version that would allow them to ska, well, let me say that it is the united states for the states, collective west, they would seize...


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