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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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russia and china, let's record that in one week it happened coincidentally, there was an attempt on the prime minister of slovakia fitso, an unsuccessful attempt on the president of serbia vučić, an attempt at a new coup d'état in turkey, and now the death of the president of iran, all these countries are friendly to russia . well, it is so bad to be a country friendly to russia, but looking at it and somehow even i would say it is dangerous to be the leader of a country friendly to russia, that is the only conclusion that can be drawn from this, and meanwhile the russians are very clinging to any a version that would allow them to say that it is the fault of the united states for the united states, a collective action, they would seize. for the version
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that it is ukraine's fault, but somehow, well, so far you can't think of how to pull it all together, but about the united states, they found a way to somehow connect it like that, and it turned out, you know, somewhat strange, well they started talking about the fact that it was because of the sanctions that the helicopter of the president of iran, the ambassador of iran, fell. in moscow, jalali emphasized that he was not aware of the version about the terrorist attack. but the former the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of iran, mohamad zahari, accused washington itself of being involved in the disaster. according to him, the usa, despite the decision of the international court, banned the supply of spare parts for the presidential helicopter, as for the american bel-212 itself. and this caused the wear of the engine and the destruction of the aircraft. all versions will be considered,
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even the electronic influence on the helicopter, and this is where russian propagandists got out of sync, because when talking about how the sanctions affected and the helicopter allegedly belonging to the president of iran fell, it is possible to agree to how the sanctions affect russia itself, in russia there are always some kind of plane breakdowns, and it happens non-stop, a little bit not every... a week some plane breaks down, it goes back down, something catches on fire, something doesn't does not fly, well , that is, they have constant problems and already, well, i would say so, even almost no one hides that the reason is that the possibility of putting spare parts on these planes, all the planes, mostly foreign ones, boeings, embraers, and they are not updated, it is impossible to buy new ones, the old ones fail and it all starts...
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to fall and somehow fall apart, and talking about the fact that maybe it was because of the sanctions that the helicopter fell, then we can come to an agreement, or maybe because of the sanctions , planes in russia will start falling so actively now, right all at once, well, probably someone there thought of it before that somehow it sounds so very bad, and literally in another program a little later in the evening all this was started by the same russian propagandists, but in other studios they actively refuted and said, that kabeeva must have uttered delusions and all the others who repeated for skabieva, skabieva was also called delusional, and it turned out, i would say, quite amusing to watch how they argue with each other, theses that the americans are throwing in now, they say that the equipment is old, not maintained, thanks to the sanctions, we managed to squeeze in flights above iran, the same dangers'. how cool is the flight on this helicopter,
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yes indeed, the helicopter was a 212, this is actually quite an old model, we can still remember it from the movies predator or others, however, we understand that iran has learned to serve aviation under sanctions to get spare parts for a variety of equipment, they will definitely be able to get spare parts for at least one bot, it must be that shabieva was spreading american propaganda, probably like that, that is, american ones. and it’s funny, you’ve heard, yes, from kibiev, she sat on the former minister of foreign affairs of iran itself, the former, that is, a person, probably also someone close to the russians there, moreover, it was not the americans who said it, it was said by a russian propagandist, and now they are telling , no, the americans throw it all away, no, they i would have found for one thing that you can somehow find spare parts for a helicopter, well , it turned out like this until... that's all pretty cool, well,
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but the main thing is that all these fabrications of russian propagandists, which are necessarily on every broadcast, i just don't i have already started to show it to you, because it is one and the same thing that walks. from air to air, here are all the conversations about the fact that it 's not all just like that, that it's probably all mysterious, that it's impossible to say unequivocally, the investigation is still ongoing, no one knows for sure, and all this will still be sorted out, and even if they are sorted out and they will say that it was the weather conditions, they are probably hiding something on purpose and saying something wrong, but all this is usually broken down to what the iranian authorities themselves are putting forward. there are exactly two main versions, and they talk about them, it is either a technical malfunction, or, after all, weather conditions, well, it is interesting, how does it mean that the russian propagandist is trying to get out of this somehow and tell that there is only one government, he says : the people believe that
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it was all an attempt and that this is all, well, you know, referring to the people is the same as referring, you know, i was walking here on the street, and one woman said, or the taxi driver told me, somewhere he told the whole truth, this is about now the same is heard from literally all russian tv screens, they refer to the people of iran who do not believe, as it turned out in the official versions, here he invents some of his own, which would be closer to what russian propagandists are trying to convey. the investigation into this incident is in full swing, in full swing, two versions: as far as i understand, the most... the eyes are the priority. obviously, this is the most natural cataclysm, fog, nature, rains, did not manage with control, another version of the assassination attempt, and society primarily considers this version, but i want to say that iranians in a political sense, the nation is a fairly developed
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nation, and no one is in a hurry to make general statements and does not speak out loud about it. well , in the end, you know, because again. as they comment, it does not leave the impression that some russian propagandists themselves somehow superimpose this whole story with the downing of the iranian president's plane on their own reality, because they try to tell that there is nothing of the sort in it didn't happen to iran, well yes, well, the mayor-president happens, well no, the president didn't just die, it's in a democratic country, well... well, it happens, the president died, there will be another president, here, you know, it's such a country, where leaders are not elected so easily, well , first of all, they are not elected so easily in russia, where they have not been elected at all for well over
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20 years, because they are without one leader and there is no way they can find another, there is simply no alternative at all they have one and the same leader, and that's how they know for... that's it i want you to just listen to how they try to emphasize that nothing happened, that there is no panic, and in general, riots did not start on the streets, why should they start riots because of this, well , it is incomprehensible for a normal country, but it is clear for russians , well, how else, riots were about to start, i am in tehran, a few kilometers from vali aser square. where there is a mass mourning, i am not there, because there is no internet there, i assume it was specially turned off there now, there is no panic, there is no commotion, the person is gone, whom many perceived as a father, as
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a relative, as a very close person, but apart from that , there is no panic, fear for the future in the political sense of the word and there cannot be. everyone is convinced of the inviolability of the supreme leader, everyone is convinced of the stability of the islamic republic, of political stability, of economic stability, so that neither fear, nor grief, nor panic, nor disorder, this is not something that can scare them, make them panic, run headlong , no matter where it is, it is not something that can make the country fall, the political system shake, he said the word so often madam... it is clear that the russian propagandists are simply panicking and that they literally considered this whole situation for themselves as, well , you know, such a small rehearsal for the death of putin, probably because how else to understand it, these cries that no , the system will not
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change, and there is no panic, and nothing happened, and, but the internet just in case, where mourning events are held, they still turned it off, why turn off the internet, where mourning events are held. if there is no panic and nothing has happened, the question that arises is simple and accessible, why do it, well, and well watching just this reaction, it is clear that this, you know, is such a small rehearsal, how would they start talking when putin dies, what would it be like for them to talk, how would they react to it, and for them to invent, well and actually, if they tried to convince themselves that nothing happened, well, that's why we can only look at it all and well, i would say. to be somewhat surprised by these reactions and to actually feel, you know,
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that kind of confusion of russian propagandists in general, which to some extent reflects probably the confusion of the russian population itself, and what if this will happen to us, well, after all, they are under sanctions, and they have helicopters flying there, and they don't always have a lot of space there either. so, well, this makes you just think, well, so thoughtful, and we will continue to watch what they will continue to tell, what they will continue to invent, see you.
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guests of the project, we are bored, because there is nothing to quarrel about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the second world trump's presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think, political club, every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the verdict from from now on, in the new two-hour format , even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. join the ranks by the hundred. of a separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys
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from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. the strong in spirit appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav, understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter to... see this week in the collaborators program. servants are not god's kremlin which of the priests promotes russian peace among children? this conversation, as i said, should not be the last. but how a clergyman from kherson stole icons and ancient books. find, remove and... return these church shrines. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program. about
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the traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. a priest from the dnipropetrovsk region received five years behind bars for supporting russia's aggression against ukraine. we are talking about oleksandr lyunagov from kryvyi rih, rector of the church of st. john the merciful parish of the dnipropetrovsk diocese of the uoc. according to the sbu, he justified the full-scale invasion of the rs during his sermons. and the seizure of part of the territory of ukraine, called during personal conversations with people to go to russia or to the temporarily occupied regions of our country to help the russian troops, he himself was waiting for... the seizure of dnipropetrovsk region. in september 2022, he was detained. during the searches , mobile phones were seized, which the priest used to impose on kremlin propaganda and so on february 13, he received his sentence for worshiping the kremlin star. and today's program is about those who are serving russia in russia, but, unfortunately, are not yet sitting in a ukrainian prison.
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the kremlin's propaganda machine is very active in the temporarily occupied territories. television, newspapers, telegram channels, campaign leaflets, all of this is now set to turn as many people as possible away from ukraine, so that pro-ukrainian sentiments disappear in the occupied territories and thoughts appear that russia is there for a long time, that there is a future with russia. the kremlin spends millions of dollars on this, but in addition to the media, there is also the church and priests, which the rashists actively use to impose the necessary narratives. the nanny's servants, sold by... the neoführer, perform the assigned tasks. during the service or personal communication with believers, using authority, they glorify the so-called army of liberators, call on the locals to go over to the side of the occupiers and help them. they emphasize that ukraine has abandoned its people, and russia has abandoned humanitarianism some wooden rubles are also given out for help.
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meet maksym tarasenko, the rapper of the kremlin. before the full-scale invasion, he was the secretary of the kherson diocese. of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, often acted as the official position of the church in various conflict situations. in such grief, the church should be with the people, and we try to do so in our ukrainian orthodox diocese of kherson. but when russia came to our land and began to shed ukrainian blood, this priest decided to be close to the invaders. with occupation of the kherson region, maksym stayed in kherson, quietly spent a few months, and then... began to appear frequently in the stories and headlines of washed-up russian media. today, the russian orthodox church honors the memory of the holy equal-to-the-apostles grand duke volodymyr. with the occupation , maxim developed a new hobby: collecting items of church use, including icons and old church books. russians steal them from other
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churches or even from private collections of residents of the kherson region, and then take them to tarasenko to the temple. a little under-priest rubs his hands, smiles at the camera and thanks the occupying power. we once again thank the law enforcement officers. for the fact that they hand over everything they get in the course of their investigative operations to the diocese. they have to go back to church, and that's a huge thank you. let's call a spade a spade . for example, not search operations, robbery and return not to the church, but to father maxim's private collection. in the next video, he modestly talked about material value. law enforcement the authorities were able to find, seize and
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return these church shrines, which may have been stolen earlier. all this, and icons, and books, they constitute historical, spiritual, and certain... after the de-occupation of harson, tarasenko disappeared and later appeared in crimea. instead of atoning for his sins of treason, viryan miska continues to wash away. i hope we will be able to see him again, but not on the screens of zombies, on the dock. mykola kanyuka from the temporarily occupied skadovsk territory openly promotes peace and insists. holiday of st. sergius church. in peaceful life, he baptized ukrainian children, married young couples, prayed for peace. now his prayer is for another peace, russian. when russian tanks entered skadovsk and occupied the city, he decided to leave it to the beasts to later impose kremlin ideas on them. may
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peace, love and harmony flourish in their prayers, in our families, in our family and in our society. pip started more often with. bloc, and for us churchmen, this is first of all not some kind of political entity, some kind of holy russia. next, kanyuka advances the crimean ones ideas for children. here is a video he conducted for the seventh grade of school number 1 in skadovsk. in which he talked about human honor and loyalty. i wonder how he knows about all these qualities? this conversation, as i said, it is desirable that it not... be the last, for once. and so that this conversation comes not only from church officials, so that this topic is also discussed in society, by parents. better
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give this pop a lecture on treason and a corrupt soul. according to the media, together with the priest mykolaiv, he decided to betray ukraine and his son, who also serves in saint sergius church in skadovsk taras kanyuka. here he is talking about the united people of ukraine on camera. and russia. we say again, we are a single nation, a triune nation, i would even say united by this kyiv baptismal font. father and son made their choice. now they will have to answer not only before the court of god, but also the earthly one, and years in prison for treason are guaranteed to them. he called for shelling of ukrainian cities, assured that kherson is russia forever. meet gennadiy shkil, 1966. year of birth. to full-scale invasion, he was an anti-priest, abbot of the st. seraphim church in the city of gola, a port in the kherson region. as a priest,
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he led his tik-tok, where he answered questions about what is a sin and what is not. when the great war began, he posted a video where he said he prayed for peace in our country. giving peaceful times to our country, let's pray for peaceful times to come soon. soon there will be school. to pray for another country, one that kills, tortures and destroys. when the city occupied the bare pier, it remained at first urged to help each other and keep good in the heart, also emphasized that it was not ukrainians who started the war. russian troops passed through us on the first day, we are now, as it were, in the rear, we did not start this war with you and we will not be able to finish it. but over time, the topic of the video priest changed, as did his position. in may 2022. the school celebrated victory day together with the occupiers. on this holiday, pip visited with his sons, who wore the george ribbons and tricolors. subsequently , we, together with russia, were at the forum, which was held in
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kherson, shkil said that in 30 years, ukraine was turned into a failed project, and the layman called the occupation a positive phenomenon. allegedly, russian troops liberated the city of kherson from the west. before that, he urged the faithful to go to the church of the moscow patriarch. you can always find a uoc church and go there, if in a village or in western ukraine, it is of course more difficult, because there many churches have been taken over, if not by the uniates, then by the peceushniks, but it is better to come to a church where christ is present once a month than every week to visit the den of the wicked. in summer in the same year, the collaborator submitted documents to obtain a russian passport, and in october 2022, he fled the parish in the bare harbor of the kherson region until... posted a video confirmation of his departure on his social networks, explaining that he was leaving in connection with the evacuation to the territory of the russian federation. in addition, shkil assured that he did not betray anyone, because leaving the kherson
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region to the stavropol region is allegedly a legal movement on the territory of the russian federation. so that our haters don't say that i ran away because an evacuation was announced. like this, said that the ukrainian army will never enter kherson, that he is not always russian, he himself gave... a kick from our armed forces, because he understood that he had talked and made himself suspicious, and her school would definitely be handed over. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. missing twins were found in volyn
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three-year-old alisa and artemchyk. half a thousand people joined the search, which lasted all night, and it is very important to note right away that it was the quick reaction and the timely appeal of the parents regarding the disappearance of their children that played a decisive role, and in many ways thanks to it. this managed to save the brother and sister. so, little alisa and artem disappeared in one of the villages of the kovel district of the volyn region. around 9:00 p.m., the parents of the twins contacted the police and reported that their children had disappeared while they were playing in the yard. find the kid it didn't work right away, and there is a road and a pond next to the house, so the parents immediately sounded the alarm. i immediately got involved in the search. all services, more than 130 law enforcement officers, rescuers, national guardsmen, dog handlers, used quadcopters, in addition, simply caring local residents joined in,
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half a thousand people rushed to search for the children. the surrounding area is swampy, the risks were high, already after midnight with the help of a drone in chagarnyky, they managed to find the girl, she was very scared, but thank god, she is alive and unharmed. meanwhile the search for her brother was still ongoing, in the early hours, unfortunately, they did not find him, they searched for the boy all night, and fortunately, in the morning, the police using a quadcopter with a thermal imager spotted the child near the railway track. a few kilometers from his house, he was very cold, just like his sister was scared, but of course, the most important thing is that artemchyk was found alive, and he and his sister alisa did not become victims of a crime. i, in turn, want to thank everyone who participated in the search for the child and, without exaggeration, saved his life brother and sister. and once again, if
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god forbid it happens that... if you have a child who goes missing, don't waste a second and immediately report it to the police and magnolia children's tracing service. unfortunately, there is still a myth in society that after the disappearance of a child, you need to wait three days to report the missing child. this is completely wrong, as it is very important to contact the police as soon as possible to report the child missing. even from our experience of the children's search service, we have been asked... like this more than once cases where the speed of the application for the search for the child played a key role, so i urge you, if the child is missing, please do not wait, immediately report to the police and to our hotline. at the same time, the story of little alisa and artem proves once again that a child can get lost at any time and anywhere, and for completely different reasons, so here are some important tips:
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if the child is... very small, invest in a pocket note with your phone number or other contact information. if older than three years, be sure to learn your mobile number together, explaining where, when and to whom it can be reported. also learn the home address with the child, this is very important. explain to your child that if he gets lost where there are many people, he should stand still and wait for his parents to return. if this did not happen, the child should be found. among adults, it is desirable to have a child or an elderly woman and say that she is lost, the most important thing for parents themselves is not to panic: if your child has a phone, call, ask someone from friends or relatives to stay on place in case the child returns, if possible, make an announcement through loudspeakers, if it was not possible to find the child immediately, immediately contact the police and
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the children's search service at the number 100... 1630. our consultants will promptly and in detail step by step tell you how to act and what, first of all, to do in such a situation. of course, god forbid that you never need our number, but just in case, remember or write it down. 116-30. magnolia child tracing service hotline. calls from all mobile operators free in ukraine. we have created a resource thanks to to whom you can report any crime against a child, in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stop
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greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, we start the information day with news, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. at night, the russians attacked energy facilities with drones at six o'clock. and konotopi in sumy oblast - reported the regional military administration. sumy remained without light. energy engineers are working on recovery of critical facilities in order to restore water supply to citizens. electric transport has partially stopped in the city, trolleybuses with autonomous driving have left the routes, the city council informed. they attacked the evacuation vehicle. the occupiers hit a police car with a drone.


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